ITT pure friendship misconstrued by pervert degenerates as homosexuality

ITT pure friendship misconstrued by pervert degenerates as homosexuality

Attached: [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 18 gay.jpg (1280x720, 173K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>18 gay
Your filename is not helping your thread, user.

You can't tell me she isn't shooting the short one a look that says "I wanna sail my friendship straight up her harbor and drop anchor all the way to the bottom."

"Ps: Anchor means fist."


Attached: 1521130484201.png (1280x720, 1.17M)

homura and madoka

Attached: l8evcedakm621.jpg (723x419, 51K)

> on Yea Forums
> not a pervert
Back to resetera for you

No one thinks they're a couple.

Homura was gay at first, they had no friendship.

More like
>pure love misconstrued by directives as friendship

Attached: 20.jpg (2518x3000, 642K)

can't be gay if one is a robot

By the end of the anime, their love was the farthest thing from pure.

At the end of the season, it's the other way around. Sad ending for poor Emiru man.

Says who?

Attached: [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 20 gay robot.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

I'm just saying it's not gay, because one is a robot.

Thread is saved by the mention of Precure in the fucking filename

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It wasn't supposed to be and I still think this is just another ITT thread. Feel free to post though.

Oneeloli is fine too.

Is this the precure thread or just a yuri bait thread?

I misread and didn't see the "homosexuality" part, I was planning to post actual deep friendships regardless of sex that are misconstrued as sexual.

Why not both?

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OverTime up

You should make a new one, this one can get off-rails easily. But if we stay here we're prone to shitposting.


>breaks your pasta into two

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Fuck this! the Cka mannanger deserved win!

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Your teeth will break the pasta anyway,

How many mistakes this time around?

Attached: heterosexual women.jpg (798x392, 95K)

All yuri anime. Western pigs are just literally incapable of understanding yuri.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.13_[2019.04.07_17.27.26].jpg (1280x720, 421K)

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>All yuri anime. Western pigs are just literally incapable of understanding yuri.
My favorite episode is western yurifags screeching about "getting baited"

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This isn't my /pc/ thread

Attached: kissu.jpg (500x500, 90K)

t. yurifag.

Attached: Rise's Wisdom.png (1024x600, 1.06M)

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 10 [A59BB4CF].mkv-00002.jpg (1280x720, 188K)

I raise you hair down eyewan

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The Japanese are at least as pathetic as they are gay, so this stuff is really hard to tell.

I have the most confused boner right now.

What the FUCK even is that thing?

From the thumbnail, it looks like a baby with big eyebrows dressed up as Aang from Avatar.

This plus Hibiki and Miki

Two sisters can't even play on a see saw without fags calling them lesbians.

Attached: Kantoku - 023 (5 Nenme no Houkago).jpg (3500x2165, 1.35M)

I bet those sluts smell each other's seats after they're done playing.

Can confirm.

Why would they settle for that? They use the same toilet at home.

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God damn how can you make two Russian lolis so sexy.

Attached: Kissu.webm (1280x720, 1.49M)

These two are also frequently misunderstood.

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Yurifags will jump on anything. Even if it's just friends playing pranks on each other.

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>mc assumes her friend is gay just because she's grabby and kisses her girl friend
She's been reading too much manga

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Stop shipping them you degenerates, these are FRIENDS

Attached: more like this.png (1436x2326, 3.5M)

A beautiful story about an everlasting, unwavering friendship

Attached: miko embrace.jpg (600x422, 114K)

Some of us are better.

That's not how children should spend their precious innocent time!

Boku no Pico

Attached: yuri-and-viktor-episode-6-pic-2.png (1280x643, 599K)

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This but unironically

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They are fucking intense.

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>marries the mangaka

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Attached: 1548298935253.webm (920x480, 2.98M)

Intense yet pure girl-on-girl friendship is all I need in my anime.

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The friendship between a straight girl and a dyke is so weird.

Attached: True homies.png (1366x768, 1.69M)

>had a piano scene where they played together
>not gay
Come on, pianos and girls in anime equates finger play, user. Hell, there's that hentai where the girl is fucked with a strap-on during a lesson to make her play better.

>the girl is fucked with a strap-on during a lesson
I'm not sure I need to know, but anyway I want to. Sauce, please.

Shusaku. Dunno what episode.

Hmm. I kinda clicked through it but didn't find anything aside from rapey ugly bastard stuff.

Attached: 1535341003189.jpg (600x450, 50K)

It has a lot of yuri in it. Not just that scene.

There's what you should be seeing.

I think you mean "yuri"

Hey it's girls fucking girls with no dudes involved. That's yuri to me. The hetero scenes are to be expected. Shoujo Sect is only thing you can get with no dudes in it unless you're OK with futanari and then Star Jewel covers that.

>ITT pure friendship misconstrued by pervert degenerates as homosexuality

So every fujos watching popular Shounen Jump titles

Yeah, something like that.

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