OPM thread
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One Punch Man
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Almost here
It has been nine months since we started the MA arc.
How many fucking times is Murata gonna do a group reaction shot of all the dragon class monsters?
Maybe we’ll get a little bit of Psykos next time. Her name might get revealed, since there should be the line of Tatsumaki recognizing her as Fubuki’s old friend.
We got like three, it’s not that much. Next time is their turn.
MA arc started 4 years ago.
Treating it as if it started immediately after Boros is silly.
You're the type to call all of Namek the "Freeza Saga", huh.
Fuck this was a glorious chapter
For the sake of convenience, I split it into
1) tournament arc
2) raid arc
I don't count Garou's pre-tournament appearances or his long fight in chapters 80-84 part of either arc.
The Monster Association is such a massive group that it makes sense for it to be long. They’re not intended to be a team of fodders to be offscreen’d by Saitama, but the equivalent of the HA.
Hell, in other series, such an organization is sometimes the only enemy group for the whole series (like Dai with the demon army).
At least it's better than Hiatus x Hiatus
The tournament and the raid arc aren’t separate. They happened at the same time
what happens when murata catches up to the webcomic?
ONE said that he was going to start drawing again the webcomic so never
>original MA is small group of strong monsters
>manga MA is massive army of jobbers
No. Why are you obsessed with HxH?
You got that mixed up.
Raid = heroes raid the MA base.
Then why arc you calling the monsters raid on the cities the tournament arc. The tournament is a small part of it.
The tournament is the narrative focus. You may not care about any of the martial artist characters but they are the main characters of that particular arc. The S class fights are side acts.
The tournament doesn’t become the narrative focus until the climax, what’s happening outside is the focus
Webcomic MA are way bigger jobbers.
At this point losing = jobbing, so everybody is a jobber except Saitama.
Why do people hate on the tournament? Suiryu had a great arc for a secondary character.
I honestly hope he'll join the class S heroes in the future.
People either said it was filler and/or wanted to hurry up to the Monster association arc.
Where the fuck is manga stream's translation?
Nobody hates it except the 'muh filler' fags
Because it's irrelevant shit.
By your logic all arcs are irrelevant, Saitama hasn't gained anything since the beginning
He said back in December. It's April.
Because of MA arc Saitama gained new pets, exciting fight with strong opponent and lost his home, user. Tournament/Invasion arc didn't have any impact whatsoever.
That will never happen
Rent free
2 days left, lads.
>Saitama gained [...] exciting fight with strong opponent
Hold the fuck up.
>exciting fight with strong opponent
How to recognize Garoufag. He was a bit excited at the very start when he saw Garou tanking the two first attacks but it died down really quickly.
He was never really excited with Garou. He was a little intrigued when garou was still alive but otherwise he was disappointed. Hell he even said he couldn't tell if Garou was really strong and knew the man held back.
How to recognize a butthurt speedreader. Garou was Saitama's most exciting fight by far with the best emotional payoff to boot.
Will look even greater in the manga obviously, so get buttpaste. It's the best fight in the series.
>How to recognize
How to spot the garoufag. They can only copy other people's insults and spam the same images. By the end of the fight Saitama wasn't happy with Garou and was visibly annoyed.
All that hype for your opponent to wind up being some sneaker wearing monster larper.
This. It's kino already but the manga will make the fight a pure masterpiece. Anti Garou fags seething is like popcorn.
I really want to reread Garou's fight now, thanks user
I don't care if it take Murata 4 more years, but I hope we get a high quality Garou hype up and fight
By the end of the fight Saitama was connecting with Garou personally and it had an utmost heartfelt resolution.
It's super funny how butthurt you are because Saitama was the most proactive and excited in that fight and how scared you are of the fact that the manga will make it even more apparent as well as improve the fight's visuals drastically, making it inarguably THE greatest fight in the series so far.
Apply buttpaste to your perpetually flaming asshole, faggot. Hah.
aww did Rover dieded? it really seemed like Saitama was trying not to kill him.
Saitama's neighbourhood has been abandoned since the start of the series, the arc has been going on for 7 years
He fine
Now I know that the animation is not great but how popular will garou be?
One of the most popular characters. He's got a good seiyuu and gets to show some of his best development moments in the season.
>It's super funny how butthurt you are
A complete lack of self awareness I see. Nothing you said changes that Saitama was frustrated that Garou didn't live up to the hype and tired of his bullshit. But let's forget that because Saitama had the sense to mentor the deluded faggot.
They will hate him until he meets Tareo.
holy shit, the MA arc started 9 months ago?
Is this including the attacks all over the world, or is this just the heroes raiding the MA base?
Either way this shit is going on so damn long.
>Garou was Saitama's most exciting fight by far
Actually it was against Crabante. Or one of the monsters that he fought offscreen on his training. For bald Saitama it was his "most" exciting fight in a way, but still a shitty one compared to what he want. The emotional payoff is hardly related.
Normies will dislike him or think "meh" about him
>Saitama was the most proactive and excited in that fight
He was exited over the potential Garou had, he could keep going after being punched a couple times. That excitement quickly dropped once he saw Garou was only getting weaker and not stronger.
> 9 month
> long
Sounds like you're a total newfag when it comes to manga. Read more, faggot, this is nothing special.
Holy shit this page is gold. Garou literally having a manchild tantrum and Saitama realizing that Garou is just some retard acting as a monster. How can Garoufags recover?
>, making it inarguably THE greatest fight in the series so far.
The quality of the fight has nothing to do with Saitama considering it a satisfying one. Stop being stupid.
They will love him almost immediately then.
I cant believe someone still reads this filler crap.
Don't forget they'll think he's a parody on Stain.
You're insanely butthurt. Don't even try to cover that up, lel. The fact that you cling to comedic scenes (which only make the fight even better) and ignore the rest, which show Saitama being the most proactive and excited he's ever been in a fight and even helping Garou when the latter reveals his intentions, speaks for itself.
It's by far the best fight Saitama's had with the best buildup too. The manga will elevate it even higher, and you're utterly fucked. Keep seething, butthurt mouthbreather. That's not helping your lifespan. Kek.
>read more manga because 9 months is short
no thanks, I'm not a kissless virgin.
> lel
> kek
> seething
Stop responding to this obviously shitposting retard.
His excitement didn't "quickly drop" speedreader. He was not only excited for most of the fight but also attentive to Garou himself as a person for the rest of it.
Garou is by far the most intriguing opponent Saitama's had and gave him the most exciting fight he's ever had.
It's just OPM is slowest piece of shit, oldfag-san.
>animated back muscle
I'm already wet
>The fact that you cling to comedic scenes
Look at this damage control. Does it bother you that Garou was literally sperging out because his manchild delusions were crumbling like his costume? Garoufags are cancer
The only one shitposting is you though. To cope. Damn, you're frustrated as fuck because Saitama shows way more on panel excitement and personal involvement in the fight with Garou than he's ever shown in any other fight.
And the manga will rub it into your face even harder. Poor you. Acquire buttpaste.
Very popular. Normalfags will love Garou because he's cool and tsundere.
Word of mouth is already making more people read the manga, the trend will continue and that'll increase Garou's popularity as well.
>Garou is by far the most intriguing opponent Saitama's had and gave him the most exciting fight he's ever had.
This is true, it still wasn't an exciting 'fight' for Saitama
Kek, apply buttpaste boku no pico fag.
Your ass is literally tearing apart because Garou's fight has everything: the best buildup, the most excited Saitama, the best action choreo, the best character development and great comedy as well. The manga will fucking murder you and I shall laugh as hard as I'm laughing at your pathetic self right now.
Nobody here truly dislikes Garou, and the monster Garou is obviously gonna be the best fight of the series so far. You on the other hand are just self inserting as the perfect Garou in your little head and it's quite pathetic since Garou is nowhere near perfect and that's fine.
> Saitama shows way more on panel excitement
He was infinitely more excited in the Underground people dream sequence, which was basically a representation of his ideal fight.
>The manga will fucking murder you
Surprising nobody, Garoufags are also larping retards thinking that a good fight with good art is a bad thing to anyone.
What the hell are you even talking about?
It's a plain fact that Saitama is at his most excited and proactive we've ever seen him in a real fight when he fights Garou and Garou is the most curious opponent he's had. It's also a fact the manga will take the fantastic fight and character interactions to the next level.
Your denial, this retarded form of contrarianism you're trying to practice is just making you lose your last brain cells, nothing more.
>What the hell are you even talking about?
Truth. The Garou fight was nowhere near the kind of exciting one Saitama wants (unlike against Crabante or the dream sequence). Instead it ended up being a kid spanking session. Which has absolutely nothing to do with how WE find the fight exciting as readers.
All the excited Saitama faces and the sheer VOLUMES of interaction he'll have with Garou as they engage in the most well crafted fight in the manga will give you an aneurysm though.
You're already completely buttravaged because Garou getting so much attention annoys you. The state of you, kek.
>Saitama is at his most excited and proactive we've ever seen him in a real fight
But it's NOT a real fight, why don't you get this
The truth is it's the most exciting fight he's had in reality since he went bald.
Saitama will never get "the fight he wants" because he's in a gag jail. That has no bearing on the fact that Garou was his most interesting and exciting opponent irl so far.
Stop answering to this retard who seriously think that people have a vendetta against a fictional character.
I'm entertained watching him go
>The truth is it's the most exciting fight he's had in reality since he went bald.
Which isn't saying much you total retard. A 2/10 fight is better than 0/10 and 1/10 ones, doesn't means it's giving him the same fun as before he broke his limiter and had 10/10 fights like the dream sequence.
His fight with Garou is obviously better from a reader's standpoint, but not from his, dumbass.
You're deranged.
It's a fight that happened in Saitama's real life and had the most excited and intrigued Saitama we've seen in his real life after going bald. I get it that makes you severely butthurt, so sorry.
it's funny it's as if people who aren't in the head of Saitama can judge how he feels about a fight better than what the webcomic tell us ?
I love Garou and his story arc and I'm looking forward to his beatdown. Still ain't a fight.
It is saying much. It's the best fight we'll see in the years of OPM's existence and the most exciting for Saitama so far after he's gone bald. It packs great character development for Garou and Saitama bonding with him too. It's a huge event all around.
Your imaginary Saitama rating scale is irrelevant.
What was the point of Suiryu again?
I'm sorry but you're deluded. It is a fight and the greatest one at that.
But nothing here is saying it's nothing else than an amazing part of the series you goddamn dumbass.
What kind of insane person INSISTS that other people definitely dislike something he seemingly love? Is that some form of elistism or what? The hell is wrong with your goddamn head?
present what peak martial art is at this point of the story, only to compare to Garou's godslayer(lol) technique
This guy is operating on a level of Autism that's downright tragic. Imagine what it must take to shitpost about imaginary enemies to a fictional character for literal years of someone's life. What it must say that apparently Garou is this posters sole reason for engaging with others and perceiving anything "negative" as a sign that you're a hater.
How many times have you been dropped on your head as a child for you to start making up imaginary rating scales in Saitama's stead just because the sheer amount of excitement and involvement - biggest so far - he displays in the fight with Garou upsets you?
Do you realize that you're basically going "don't get excited for the overall best fucking fight you'll see in OPM in years because I'm a jaded contrarian who writes Saitama self-insert fics and wants to downplay Garou's effect on Saitama in the story we actually have in the most desperate manner"? Lel, fuck off fag.
>¨Do you realize that you're basically going "don't get excited for the overall best fucking fight you'll see in OPM in years
it's almostl like a witch hunt, you're inventing yourself "bad guys" whose life goal is to shit on Garou that doesn't exist, it's kinda sad.
It's incredibly fitting for the fanboy of a delusional (and no, it's not an insult but a fact) guy like Garou in a way.
>He's naked, he's definitely no angel, nor is he human, nor do I want to watch, I'm out
I accept your concession. I will be having a great time laughing at your pitiful damage control when the fight is redrawn.
It's almost like you're self-inserting onto Saitama and being a retarded contrarian. Otherwise the fact that Garou made Saitama most excited and intrigued we've seen him in a fight - which only makes the fight cooler overall - wouldn't upset you that much, you wouldn't make up fanfic rating scales for Saitama and screech "Oh no, garoufags are coming to get me!" like the miserable baby you are.
After it ended in the webcomic web.archive.org
>Garou made Saitama most excited and intrigued we've seen him in a fight - which only makes the fight cooler overall -
According to you, pic related is one of the greates games of all time, only surpassed by Duke Nukem Forever.
>Otherwise the fact that Garou made Saitama most excited and intrigued we've seen him in a fight
Did you forget that Saitama already had his dream fight? In a literal dream. Garou was all hype but ultimately a disappointment for Saitama. He shows as much himself
>The truth is it's the most exciting fight he's had in reality since he went bald.
Stop feeding Garoufag pls
He does this in every single thread
According to you, an absolutely fantastic fight that has the most excited Saitama among many other things "isn't worth the praise" because in your utterly delusional fanfic it's not well received and we might get something better in 1453253445 years in this series.
No one gives a crap about your imaginary contrarian timeline.
Did you forget that we're discussing fights Saitama actually had in reality after he's gone bald? Meaning, in the canon timeline. The fight with Garou is his most exciting, intriguing and best crafted by far, resulting in a fruitful exchange between Saitama and Garou, and it will be perfected even further in the manga.
Boy, you're choking. Saitama was the most excited we saw him in a fight. And Garou's personal dilemma only made him more intrigued in the end. Too bad for you.
If only their was only one
cute cute cute!
Why do you keep ignoring that Saitama verbally states that he wasn't having fun fighting Garou? You can admit Saitama lost interest, it's OK. What he desires is a fight where he can go all out and not win instantly, hence why the only fulfillment he got was in his dreams. One of the main dilemmas this arc is Saitama trying to find excitement through martial arts. Garou, and for that matter Suiryu both provide this and you'll notice Saitama wound up advising and inspiring both of them.
The fucked up part is that no matter how damaged Zombie man gets, he heals back. Would make for a really fucked up existence if he became PPP's boyfriend. He wouldn't break no matter how passionate the prisoner got.
>tfw Garoufag shitposting was Garou all along after he understood he was autistic.
>yfw Murata gonna draw Saitama groping Tatsumaki's ass
Pri said Zombie was stronger than him.
How in the fuck did so many people not realise that PPP was talking about Darkshine?
ZM isn’t stronger, but his immortality kind of makes up for it.
See Child Emperor, he’s 100% physically weaker than PPP by a wide margin, PPP isn’t simply the weakest in a physical way.
The only fight Saitama was excited to fight was against King when King gave him a possibility to rematch even putting a handicap on himself.
Garoufag BTFO once again.
I honestly doubt Zombie man is undoubtedly superhuman in strength, but PPP demonstrates far more raw power.
Undying hero?
Why do you keep forgetting that Saitama verbally states and thinks on panel that he's excited to fight Garou when they're fighting? His fight with Garou is the most excited, proactive and interested we saw Saitama in any fight. And he was actually impressed by Garou's martial arts. These are the facts.
Coming back to the original comparison, Suiryu's fight doesn't even go there. As Saitama spent the entire thing caring for his wig and was completely unperturbed by Suiryu's martial arts capabilities or potential. The encounter with Suiryu had a good payoff for the latter after Saitama saved him. Garou's fight had essentially everything, it's a completely different scale from buildup to execution.
dat shine tho
Not physically but, if they were to fight, zombie man would win.
Tatsumaki, dor example, is very weak physically, if we compare her to other S class, but we don't say she is weaker than ppp.
That panel is strange, his head is way back than it should be. Seems someone attached his head+neck to someone else's body.
there are some off bits I assume came from trying to make it look like an upward shot
I think that its because of his "power" or some shit, his muscles grow
>Why do you keep forgetting that Saitama verbally states and thinks on panel that he's excited to fight Garou when they're fighting? H
Your pretending his thoughts didn't change but they did. He went from excitement to frustration because he had been hyping up the hero hunter in his head and Garou took a few punched without folding.
The reason why Saitama is interested in martial arts in the first place is Garou, you brainlet
Only Garou's martial arts display managed to excite him even while he noticed that Garou was holding back
Whoa guys, this is really tense. I wonder if the S class hero is going to shrug off the arrogant monsters attack and then casually destroy them after a sassy 1-liner.
She jobs later until based King saves the day
yes, then no, Tats gets kinda over her head and leaves an opening, im assuming this scene is from the future because iirc by this point the other s class heroes have already fought(and some lost) to the cadres.
You're shitposting though, dumb reaction fag
Saitama got interested in martial arts because of Garou and his hunt
Saitama only ever said he was impressed by Garou's martial arts
No fucking wonder because Garou is batshit strong at that point
All of this is canon
>The reason why Saitama is interested in martial arts in the first place is Garou
This has what to do with him getting bored with Garou? Nothing? Then stop moving goalposts.
It it not that. Don't know why you can't see but seems his head is too distant. Zoom out a little so you can see his whole body.
Goalposts-kun, that doesn't fucking change the fact that Saitama there was the most excited and proactive we've ever seen him in any fight. It's right there, on panel. AND he continued to push Garou basically the entire fight because of Garou's potential despite noticing the latter's softness.
Apply buttpaste.
That's what ONE wants you to think and then Atomic gets raped.
That had to do with you ignoring that Saitama's 'martial arts dilemma' is caused entirely by Garou
Not Suiryu, not your mom
It's Garou, this hero hunter martial artist just wouldn't hunt Saitama
As for Saitama's excitement, it's perfectly visible in the fight: he really did emote there the most and he was impressed by Garou's skills
He's got a thick chest.
I can't believe next chapter will be a redraw of Bug God vs Darkshine properly faught...
absolute chad
>yfw after Murata catches up to ONE but ONE still hasn't started writing again, Murata will go back and redraw the entire manga all over again
Tsumaki is looking pretty jacked
nearly every chapter from this point will be amazing, feels so good man
Suiryuu's arc was a really refreshing and introduced some pretty memorable side characters. I didn't mind it at all.
Damn she looks juicy here
>this is the face of a guy having the most exciting and proactive fight of his life
I guess characters aren't allowed to change their minds when things don't live up to their expectations.
this amazing chapter suddenly feels so close
You do realize that you're arguing against your own retarded point? Sure, Garou's peculiar resolve ultimately "interfered" with their fight and led to a peaceful conclusion. Doesn't change the fact that Saitama kept pushing him all the way.
As it stands Garou made Saitama more impressed/excited/engaged than anyone all while holding back on him. Saitama even said "With that attack I can tell you're strong... maybe even VERY strong... it's not clear. This is the first time a monster has gone easy on me." which is a huge compliment in itself. Garou is the first opponent ever that Saitama insinuated to be Very Strong, and off the bat for that matter, the same moment he pinpointed Garou's human disposition.
Get buttpaste, fag. Garou is Saitama's most exciting, intriguing and proactive fight so far, and the manga will only make it even more incredible.
What the fuck is up with G5 and Drive Knight? Things are rolling now and they are yet to do anything. G5 fighting CE was completely pointless.
>Saitama there was the most excited and proactive we've ever seen him in any fight.
His dream sequence.
Already clarified a ton of times: out of REAL FIGHTS he's had.
Who knows, maybe he will kill Gale Wind and Hell Fire, or the cat before he escapes
Drive didnt had a role in ONE version
His excitement came from what he expected from the fight, you can't say the fight itself was exciting. His expectations were wrong and Saitama himself said fighting Garou wasn't fun.
I thought he was the Metal Samurai (I think that was the name of the guy) but I was wrong since he fights alongside the monsters and jobs to Child Emperor.
>You do realize that you're arguing against your own
No I'm not, my point is that Saitama lost interest in fighting Garou. He literally
states this. All the hype he had set up for fighting the Hero Hunter proved worthless as Garou didn't match his expectations and even held back which is something only Saitama does.
>Get buttpaste
> Garou is Saitama's most exciting, intriguing and proactive fight so far
>and the manga will only make it even more incredible
Why do you keep repeating yourself like some autistic parrot? If we're talking about intriguing, his fight with Boros was more-so because he actually showed respect to Boros' situation of being "the strongest in the galaxy" by deliberately holding back and giving Boros a good fight. With Garou he treated him like a kid most of the time and constantly chided him for being soft. By the end of the fight he couldn't even look Garou in the eyes he was so embarrased and uninterested.
>As it stands Garou made Saitama more impressed/excited/engaged than anyone all while holding back on him.
Because he actually got somewhere. He was even capable of componsating for the difference in power.
And he teems with excitement as he unleashes his special move, the table flip.
And then it turns into a complete disappointment because Garo isn't capable of going any further.
That's wrong, faggot. His excitement and assessment of Garou's disposition came from witnessing Garou in action. He reacts directly to Garou's showings, excited and impressed even when Garou is holding back and Saitama realizes that. That's what actually happens in canon.
His expectations were completely right. Garou is a very strong opponent, but misguided.
Saitama started "losing interest" because Garou's lack of resolve was interfering with their fight. Doesn't change the fact that he kept pushing him all the way because he recognized Garou's potential and that Garou in action managed to make him the most excited and impressed he's ever been while Garou himself was holding back. So yes, congrats on being retarded lel. Saitama didn't jump from joy when he heard Garou's name. He did when he saw what Garou can do and Garou wasn't even trying his best.
>With that attack I can tell you're strong... maybe even VERY strong... it's not clear. This is the first time a monster has gone easy on me.
When did he say this?
Because Garou is Very Strong, yes, that's why Saitama is the most excited we've ever seen him in a real fight.
Garou's motivation ultimately preventing him from showing his full potential doesn't change the fact that Saitama was the most excited and proactive in the fight with him. He still kept pushing Garou even when he saw the guy is confused.
Right after Garou landed his first attack on Saitama. You know, the gif.
Oh saw that.
>This is the first time a monster has gone easy on me.
This part is clearly irony given what he says after this.
What? That part indicated that he immediately figured out Garou is a human playing monster because he was holding back against him.
That’s a little after, when he took the posture
Nigga, Saitama figures out that Garou is very strong, that he's holding back and that he's a sweet human guy who wants to be a monster on the same page. Before Garou jumps on him again.
>Saitama started losing interest because Garou's lack of resolve was interfering with their fight.
Yes faggot, that is what the story shows. So glad you could join us now
It is not as you say though.
Saitama had already figured that out ans even told Garou that he was just wearing a cheap costume and that his acting was so bad that he couldn't be credible as a monster.
In this scene, he was mocking Garou with ironry because Garou was a screeching "I am Garou, the monster." and Saitama ironically said "Never saw a monster going easy on a hero/human being"
Doesn't change the fact that Garou in action managed to make him the most excited ever while holding back himself and that Saitama was the most proactive in that fight, pushing Garou forward throughout basically the entire thing, even when he saw that Garou's lack of resolve was interfering.
Get buttpaste, faggot. People with eyes can easily see the difference between Saitama's mostly autopilot fisticuffs he'd experienced before and the sheer amount of excitement and engagement he expresses upon fighting Garou, which makes the fight all the more memorable.
You're either braindead or mixing up shit completely. Garou was not screeching there at all and Saitama evenly concluded that he's strong or very strong and also a sweet guy who is holding back after witnessing Garou's attack.
>the sheer amount of excitement and engagement he expresses
That shit happens exactly in 2 panels and that's it. When Saitama says 'Oh you can keep going' and when he says 'ha! I'm impressed'.
That's it.
For a fight that lasted 7 chapter, that's nothing.
He was screeching before.
He was just mocking Garou for not giving all he had, like you Garoufag were arguing to the other user. If you understood this much, you should understand when Saitama mocks him but, apparently, that's not the case.
Three actually. He also said he looks forward to fighting him.
That's more excitement than Saitama's ever shown in any fight, faggot. He's also the most engaged and active there. You know what else is a fact? The manga will add up.
Do get over yourself or simply apply buttpaste to your asshole, for your own sake.
Garou wasn't screeching though. Saitama is stating literal facts when he says he's very strong, holding back on him and that he's a soft guy who wants to be a monster. The one time he paraphrased Garou's actual words was right before that - he reacted to Garou's line about praising justice, which Garou made after attacking Saitama - and Saitama still made sure to say Garou is powerful. "Even with power, those that praise evil..."
You're desperately retarded lel.
>animated never
>He also said he looks forward to fighting him.
And then immediately after that, Saitamq says to stop tripping loser flags because he kept spewing nonesense.
>That's more excitement than Saitama's ever shown in any fight
No retard, against Crablante, Personification of a lighting cord, that ova gay fish boss and octopus claw man he was excited. Against Garou he was annoyed that he kept babbling nonsense during the match, while he had hoped for a while, that Garou was different.
It was a nice comedy moment. Makes the fight richer.
You do realize that after that Saitama says he's impressed? You do realize I've clarified a dozen of times that we're talking about fights Saitama's had in real life since he went bald, which made getting excited in fights an extremely rare occurence for obvious reasons. Garou was his most exciting, engaging and intriguing fight so far. Period.
Are you deliberately trying to come off as a braindead and desperate contrarian or what? Jesus, you're worryingly stupid.
What went wrong bros?
>is stating literal facts when he says he's very strong, holding back on him and that he's a soft guy who wants to be a monster.
How can someone be a Garoufag while not understanding a bit Garou? Saitama already knew Garou was a human before that. Saitama is mocking Garou that pretends to be a monster when, in reality, he is half assing his hits, even after screeching 'you gonna die' to Saitama, because he is autistic, like you.
>Even with power, those that praise evil...
that's a general statement fag. He isn't saying 'Garou' but 'just because someone is powerful, it isn't sufficient to beat my serious hero hobby.' and he will explicitly say it later because , as we can see from you, some readers are retarded enough to not understand.
Nothing. Actually this image reminds me how fucking dumb the faggots who complained about his eye pupil size in the anime pv are. Like what the fuck.
This is canonically the most happy Saitama has ever been when fighting a criminal post-baldness. And let's be honest, Sonic has already demonstrated he's more durable than Garou, he's gotten more interactions with Saitama than Garou, and is a character Saitama didn't hype up in his own mind without seeing what he could do first.
Saying Garou is the most excited and engaged Saitama has been in a fight is laughable.
My wife.
>It was a nice comedy moment.
Hope you understand it was due to the contrast of those exact 2 panel, but i could be hoping too much.
>after that Saitama
Which doesn't matter as the moment we are discussing was played for a joke
>bla bla clarified dozen
Where did you clarify that you are talking about after Saitama went bald?
I'm sorry but you're retarded and your reading comprehension is literally in negatives. Saitama is contemplative when he talks to Garou after experiencing his attack and says he's very strong, holding back and a soft guy. All of those are pure facts. Even in the line he actually mocked, directly addressing Garou's line about "a powerless hero praising justice", Saitama still made sure to accentuate Garou has power. Which he followed up by literally assessing his level: you're strong, maybe even very strong.
Saitama both recognized Garou's potential very quickly and he has been interested in his hero hunting motivation for ages now, faggot. You're so butthurt, it's hilarious.
>Garoufag is at it again.
he's no longer a blond
I jerked off to this single picture
Sonic survived a serious move without needing bullshit plot armor that gave him regeneration, so, obviously he is more durable.
Also Sonic actually trains to improve himself, instead of just asking for 'power', 'speed', 'techniques', like a retarded kid, to santa claus.
Who gives a shit about Saitama or what he feels he's the worst character in the story.
It was actually due to the contrast between Saitama's actual excitement and Garou trying to act intimidating. And Saitama continued to be excited after that.
I clarified that in the thread, fag. More than once. Honestly I don't see why that should be clarified at all, because OBVIOUSLY Saitama didn't have as much trouble finding excitement in fights when he was still hairy. Now his excitement and engagement are a rarety and the sheer amounts of those displayed in the fight with Garou made it all the more memorable among other things the fight contained - it was fantastic all around.
Are any sub groups taking on season 2, or is Hulu going to be the only option?
>shitposting to cope
Hahaha. Poor Sonic is busy on the toilet while Saitama was emoting the most excitement ever in the grand fight with Garou, the super powerful crazy training junkie who is eerily similar to Saitama himself.
Just a reminder that this Garoufag has been arguing with the entire thread for over 6 hours now. Let that sink in for a minute.
i hope based nyan survive and goes to live with saitama along rover and black sperm
I'm frustrating the same couple of contrarians who unironically self-insert onto Saitama and multitasking just fine in the meantime. Thanks user.
They aren't facts for the sake of praising Garou, retard, because it wouldn't make sense for Saitama to praise him already when he is half assing, something Saitama noticed. He is mocking Garou so maybe he is gonna show off something interesting.
Literally you can visually see that the whole scene was ironic due to us seeing zombie man's corpse, reduced like that by Garou, when Saitama says 'You are fairly a soft guy'.
>Saitama still made sure to accentuate Garou has power.
No he didn't, he literally said a general statement. He said that evil will end up beaten even with power, as you correctly wrote, replying to Garou's sentence 'a powerless hero that praise justice', but that is gonna happen only because there is someone like Saitama, and there could be others too, that has a serious hero hobby.
>You're so butthurt, it's hilarious.
kek, well, the important thing is you thinking you are the one having fun here, I guess.
>was actually due to the contrast between Saitama's actual excitement and Garou trying to act intimidating.
which are represented in the 2 panels I already cited.
>continued to be exited
No, he literally said 1 time after that 'I'm impressed' and his blank expression returned until the end of the fight.
>I clarified that in the thread, fag.
Yeah, where?
>Honestly I don't see why that should be clarified at all, because
Ohhhh, keeek
What shitposting? That is literally what happened.
It is popular enough to be taken.
They're facts that show Saitama is evaluating Garou spot on. That's the image of Garou for the reader. Saitama notes he's very strong, which is actually a huge compliment, but he's holding back and says he's a soft human. So that even braindead idiots like you get the memo.
Saitama is pushing Garou BECAUSE he can recognize his very high potential, you flailing faggot.
Yes he did accentuate Garou has power, as he literally mirrored Garou addressing HIM in that one line about praising justice. You can't even follow your own retarded argument about mockery lel. That was the one line Saitama actually paraphrased in the scene.
He started using serious moves after he got excited there again actually.
Oh yes, let me spoonfeed your retarded ass. Clarified here: >The truth is it's the most exciting fight he's had in reality since he went bald.
The fact that you need it clarified at all for the topic at hand goes to show you're a brainless mongoloid by the way, you're seething, desperately reaching for straws because a harmless reminder that Garou made Saitama more excited than anyone in a fight triggers you, unhealthily. I'm afraid your brain cells are as nonexistent as the hair on Saitama's head now lel.
>the same couple of contrarians who unironically self-insert onto Saitama
What does this even mean in relation to this thread?
Use your mouse scroll. They invent imaginary fight rating scales in Saitama’s stead and try their damnedest to undermine his emotional interaction with a character that annoys them personally, even mildly (Garou). It’s pretty much projecting their own autism onto Saitama for the sake of launching contrarian “debates”. Any normal person would enjoy that Saitama is actually that excited to fight, which along with many other aspects only makes the whole event more memorable, and move on.
>it was the garoufag responding
Don't bother responding back to me.
cute age gap
Why? You frustrated, pal? Garou and Saitama’s excited faces are right there in the story. Their fight will be even more detailed in the manga, which has connected the two characters further. Naturally. Expectedly.
If such innocent stuff actually upsets you, I simply suggest you use buttpaste.
Rick Sanchez Garou is not as good as super saiyan Garou
Saiyans have rainbow hair colors anyway, who cares about that shit
Garou’s white wolf palette is objectively the superior patrician choice
Seeing as you've been on this one man crusade for 7 hours. I can only conclude that your anus is so ravaged no amount of cream will sooth it. So you share your pain with everyone else.
I’ve been multitasking and greatly enjoying myself, thank you. I only witness contrarian clowns like this here, since Yea Forums is a literal magnet for the lot, and it’s honestly, poetically freaking hilarious that they’re butthurt when their self-insert Saitama is excited. Lel.