Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san

Here is Chapter 33rd of Kitsune Loli Wife Mother. I hope you are all having a very good day.
As always, this one hasn't been proofread yet, so please check for grammatical mistakes and weird phrasings.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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The best time of the week is here!

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What's going on?

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This weeks chapter seems less depressing than normal

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You're scaring me, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

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And that's it. Everyone can thank for the chapter.

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Fuck you too, Stalker.

Is this late Prima Aprilis, cause this ain't funny just like those goddamn gifs

Thank you?

Stalker pls, it's too late for an April's Fool...

inb4 someone posts this on mangadex and causes butthurt in the comments


Only a few days till the anime and I haven't gotten up to date with the manga. This is not helping.


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This was supposed to be fluff day.
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

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Is this NTR?

get job with better people in it

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Fucking hell, dude.

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It was funny for 5 seconds, now post the real deal

Do it fag.

P-put back the loli kitsune mother wife, please, Stalker-san !

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Just an uplifting story about a man and his Waifu helping him get through the day.

Stalker what the fuck?
What is this existential dread you're giving me?
This is like Garfield without Garfield
This is depressing as fuck

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Now then, I hope all the anons that asked for a Garfield without Garfield version of Senko-san is satisfied.
Here's the actual chapter.

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You are a week late.

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I've a schedule to follow, cannot edit out Senko-san if there were no chapter to edit.

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I can breath again thanks.

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She's too cute

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Megane senko

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I wanna molest her

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>Then shall I use all of my skill
Should be
>Then I shall use all of my skill

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The guy fucking has to worl until 1AM? What the hell, Japan.

Too real

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A wife like this would make the wagecuck life worth living.

shes a bajillion years old. Theres no laws against it

Hear hear. AI waifu who'll greet you when you're home and tell you that you did a good job when.

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tell it to the judge, buddy

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Not soon enough I am afraid.

And that's it. Praise the Loli Gods, love your dog, and have a lovely Sunday/Monday.

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And don't forget to support the prophet by ordering the manga.

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Whoops, mistyped, it's supposed to be April.

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Thanks as always Stalker-san

compyuta is a nice touch, this is so goddamn cute

I'm ready to die now.

>didn't use my 1990's cell phone redraw

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fadeaway-san, where are you?!

You also typed the day wrong, it's supposed to be 10th of April (I know because I've preordered it)

As always, thank you.
Can't wait till Wednesday for anime

Aye, I read the month and day in the wrong order. It's 1AM, have mercy,

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1AM? Are you in Japan?

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>that pasta

cute in motion!


bless your heart for finding beauty in all aspects of life

What does that even mean? Why a cell phone?

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shouldn't this be "detail on documents" or something?

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I think it's referring to documents meant to specifically cover details. As in detail-type documents or something

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No, Senko-san! We dont use that word anymore!

>Boss making him create graphs and charts basically no one is going to actually look at during the meeting.

I emphasize with him.

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Thank you for this.

Delet this now!

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Ohh, is this referencing the recently passed overtime limit law? Nice to see the author keeping up to date on current issues.

>Working at home
I can't exactly say my job is one where I have the chance to take work home with me, but if someone wants me to work more than my contracted hours they're gonna have to pay me very nicely or take another look at the contract. But if I get more money, it means I can spoil my Kitsune motherwife more!

>still no Towako 6 raws
>LO upload probably still 2-3 weeks away
>can't fap to the fuyuno mikan tank because thr fucking barrel stomach on the cover is such a major turnoff

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STALKER, NEVER play with my heart again

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Once this thread is down, where can I see the senko minus senko manga again?

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This chapter hit hard for some reason
I'm suddenly reminded of this

Happy late April fools to you too!

I thought it was April Fools' again for a second.

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God i wish that was me

This is all a man truely needs

Bless you STALKER i pray the anime threads remain as comfy as these.



>employers give homework to workers
why is this allowed
doesn't that defeat the purpose of the law

this is amazing, thank you