2 more days until this monstrosity airs.

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I'm hyped as fuck
Still, from the trailer you can expect a bad animation

Hey idiots who said that the trailer might be bait and the whole season will get a gr8t animation, I have news for you faggots,
Stop being delusional and face reality, this shit will have horrendous animation.

Madhouse set the bar pretty high with the first season, that being said I'm still gonna watch the show to see how it turns out.

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This is going to be absolute fucking shit, but honestly I don't expect the usual viewerbase for this shit to even notice

Mob psycho is 100 times better than 1 joke man and ONE knows it.

Mob manga is better too

Overlord 3 CGI

Yet a lot of people are defending this shit like it’s AOTY

Nah OPM S2 will have way better production value

I've got a bottle of cheap liquor ready. I will watch it and start drinking if it's bad. I'm sure it'll work out.

What the fuck is the it even going to be? Half of the Garou arc? 25%?

Can’t wait!

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Someone post long king.

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>Genos' facial expression is a commentary on his opinion of the animation

Do you guys think they'll do the super fight arc or will they end before?

It's confirmed to end at Centipede.
Only retards believe that there is enough material for an entire season if you go just to the super fight.

at least all the really cool stuff will be animated by BONES right?......right?

Maybe if they spent a few actual eps on some of the extras stuff like the blizzard gang outings. Though last time around those were just BD extras and it'd mess with the pacing to put them in the main sequence.

Not defending the anime's animation, but how can peoples tell the animation is a bit bad? It looks mostly the same as first season.

Season 1 covered 36 chapters, but chapter 72 is still that small tournament arc. Elder Centipede isn't even defeated until chapter 84. There are only 12 episodes again, so unless they rush everything and cut parts of the manga out, we won't get Elder Centipede this season. Then we might have to wait a few more years again until season 3. So season 2 will end once that tournament arc ends.

You're retarded.
Genos has his Elder Centipede outfit in the promo.
You faggots have been saying this exact shit since 2017 and you've been wrong the entire time.

Well I did say that we won't get him unless the pacing is faster or JC cuts stuff from the manga

>so season 2 will end once that tournament arc ends

>so unless they rush everything and cut parts of the manga out, we won't get Elder Centipede this season

Why contradict yourself in your own post then?

Why not post the apparent evidence of Elder Centipede being adapted this season?

I can't wait for 60% of y'all to turn the fuck around and start calling this AOTY

I'm going through the trailer now. He's not wearing that shirt.

Attached: 0084-019.jpg (800x1150, 213K)

The hoddie that Genos is wearing is from his Garou/Elder Centipede fight.

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Well I stand corrected then

hoodie* fuck, I'm retarded.

S2 is supposed to cover volumes 8 to 16, which is a lot of volumes, but there's slightly over one volume's worth of bonus chapters in there that won't be included in the anime. So it's technically just 8 volumes, which is neither mindblowing nor a significant increase from S1.

They better not fuck this scene up

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No fag

I got some bad news for you, user.
there's no way they won't

We definitely will

They definitely will

Just wait and see

When did Mob lose all his hair?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mob Psycho 100 S2 - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.22_[2019.02.04_23.51.01].jpg (1280x720, 292K)

Has Bones ever picked up an anime in between seasons that they haven't originally produced?

It's not that hard to animate and I trust them to provide good soundtrack to make the scene even better.

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No. They are independent

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Anyone else hate this arc in the manga? It just dragged on so much.

I mean, it's a given that they weren't gonna be as detailed as they were in the manga but damn this is such a downgrade

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Why don't you post shots drawn by ONE as well, faggot?

Yea, no one expected them to do Murata’s art 100% justice, but this is just pathetic. Damn.

Because the anime is adapting the manga, not the webcomic, smart ass.

here you go faggot

Attached: Capture d’écran 2019-04-07 à 14.22.30.png (495x699, 387K)

Now that's some stellar fucking artwork

mostly shitposting on here

ONE version is the non filler

entire deep sea king arc is filler, doesn nothing for the story

it's the seafolk fights that make Saitama jump from C to B class, it also introduces for the first time a S-class fight.

this won't be good enough to get hyped for, nor will it be bad enough to enjoy as a trainwreck

literal brainlet

Actually it's a bait and switch. It was supposed to lead into the Sky King arc, but then aliens attacked.