>look outside
>see this
What do?
Look outside
Other urls found in this thread:
Do a 360° and walk away.
Write down “Society”
Let's see how many newfags you catch with this
Wonder which faggot threw his chuuni notebook from the roof.
torrent my life in a higher resolution
get arrested immediately
Wish that I ended up in a real life version of one of Ohba's/Obata's better manga
>walk away
Found the retard
Let's see how many newfags you catch with this
>go to a nearby high school
>climb on the roof
>drop your notebook with a cover that you colored with black marker to look like Death Note down to the ground
>count how many mouthbreathing weebs run out to look at it
Fucking retard you'd be right back where you started, it's 180! Jeez user.
Write George soros immediately.
And the rest of his family.
Everyone in Senate must withdrawal and have new passionate younger people who will be held by elections in each state and have term limits or I'll kill the whole Senate together.
no, if he does a 360º before walking, he'll walk away anyway.
that's not how it works, dipshit...but i understand your point
Draw a giant dick on one of pages
Write down that Bill Gates dies of a heart attack after writing his will saying all his assets go to me
>look outside
>see this
Do you stab yourself?
What if I just shave my beard with it?
Find my old class photo
On the one hand, i lack willpower to even get up and eat, so i will probably just die, but on the other hand there were tons of retards with stands.
I would kill many people.
The moment you announce you have the/a deathbook, the government will forcefully confiscate it. The only way is to stay hidden, in the shadows.
>then jump off
Type my name in it
I'd use it to kill every producer who makes the shittiest anime(decided by Yea Forums)each season.
This is no question. I would stab myself immediately in the heart. What would your stand be Yea Forums?
It's like a fucking skit. Made my day.
Well yours would be You give love a bad name
Write my name in it.
then you'd kill yourself
>writes a qt girl's name and for the next 23 days she falls in love with him gives him all the affection in the world
>Girl dies from a heart attack instead because it's impossible
I'd fuck around some international politics. Kill some world leaders and CEOs. Just the really bad ones.