JoJo part 5

What went so horribly wrong?
Is it because of the shitty Italian Mafia theme?
Or is it because of the garbage-tier MC and arguably the worst JoJo?

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Other urls found in this thread:

King Crimson is the only thing carrying part 5 for me, I don't give a shit about any of these characters.

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don't worry part 6 is worse

Really? Fuck

Trash Ocean is terrible


Part 5 is pleb filter. Looking foward to not having you idiots shit the comments.

I didn't like VA when I read it, but the adaptation has been strong enough to keep me hooked so far. Also OP, don't let anons influence your opinion of parts you haven't read yet

Nothing, has some of the best fights and some of the best stands in the series.
Pucci is much better villain than any of the previous parts.

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Faggot priest resets the universe so he can be with his faggot boyfriend again, trash ocean was a fucking mess.

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Stone Ocean is the best paced JoJo part.

How? First half is too slow and second half is too fast.

I'm only at episode 11 but I feel I don't know most of the characters enough yet I'm supposed to care about their selfish goals like money and power.

>female protagonist
>daddy issues
>fails to kill main villain
>gets killed herself
>ends the original universe
Women are fucking useless.

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>he didn't get the ending
How do you miss the point when it was literally spelled out for you by pucci. There was a point to his backstory.

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>speedreading this hard

I get the rest but
>ends the original universe
Speedreaders please go.

>posts DBZ

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That's not why he was resetting the universe, are you retarded? The characters announced why he reset it a dozen times

Diavolo is a shit villain, the "drugs bad" objective is too unmotivated, no reason to care about any of the characters, Trish exists, and the fights are a messy slog outside of King Crimson vs Metallica. It's only truly redeeming qualities are Requiem and King Crimson.

Karamatsu vs Sasuke vs Suzaku

Wrong, Jolyne actually has character development and Pucci is based

>I feel I don't know most of the characters enough yet I'm supposed to care about their selfish goals like money and power.

Did you watch the same thing as everyone else? Buccirati and Giorno are anything but selfish.

The outcome of the manga not being to your liking has nothing to do with pacing.
Fact is, it's the first jojo since part 2 that doesn't rely solely on stand user of the week bullshit, and actually tries to give you a compelling reason to keep reading.

>stand user of the week bullshit
This is the exact reason why I dropped jojo as a series.

yeah this part is trash honestly

This is your brain on Reddit

yeah you should kill yourself honestly secondary

Manga is too good, anime can barely capture the magic. I have never felt so apathetic when watching jojo

Where do you think Yea Forums's jojo community comes from?

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>vafags don't jump on you for this opinion
What happened? Did those fags finally accept the fact that their part is trash?

Kek, jojofags getting triggered.
I've already read part 5 and 6 and both are hot garbage

>Manga is too good
>Reddit calling others Reddit


This has been my favorite part since Battle Tendency to be honest


>part 5 bad
R*ddit is over there

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Every day I thank Allah for not cursing me with shit like he did with this user

>part 5 climax is so boring that even the characters fall asleep
can't make this shit up

you need to go back

Final fight is literally "hot potato with a stand arrow"

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Take that back, faggot. Part 6 is great definitely a lot better than p5 and even 4

Both of those and more. Part 5 is so riddled with issues even Araki couldn't defend it afterwards.

JoJo is the definition of Reddit mate

I agree part 5 is the weakest, but where did he say this stuff?

Dude, trust me

Gay Priest was legit the only good thing about SO.

Hamon was a dead end
Stands allow for much more interesting fights

Giorno is a fine character. Golden Wind is not about Giorno developing as a flawed person or whatever you wanted it to be. If you think he doesn't get enough and that hurts the plot then I don't know where you were for Jonathan Joseph or Jotaro. The first has his background and characterization front-loaded like Giorno, while the latter two fail to change at all throughout their arc, both beating their villain through the major trait they showcased since their introduction: luck and flash for Joseph, and angst for Jotaro. Giving Giorno shit for being a static character just doesnt hold up when these people have preceeded him. Arguing that you think he's too bland to carry the show alone misses the fact that the part 5 cast gets some of the most evenly-spread attention in the series' history, and that the Jojo hasn't "made the part" since Joseph.

Giorno is a person who nearly fell into the same life as his father and may have gone into untold depravity with his inherited power and charisma, but he was saved by an unlikely source. And through that redemption he got to save Bruno, a man who seemed capable of saving everyone he saw but himself.
Giorno is the embodiment of a Golden Wind, a naturally talented and charismatic boy who, through his virtue and good nature, is enabled to positively impact the lives of countless others around him, knowingly or not. By simply holding and acting upon his core values he is able to function as a light and a sail wind to others. He makes momentous and potentially life-ending decisions at the drop of a hat and does so purely by following what seems right. And by doing so, he subverts and defeats the embodiment of evil and ascends to the very political position that most enables him to shine. He's a DIO that follows a path for others instead of for himself.

Should I rewatch part 3 or 4?

>JoJo is the definition of Reddit mate

>Manga that came from Japan
>Yea Forums is a website based on shit from Japan

If anything JoJo is more Yea Forums then anything. Reddiors don't know anything outside of black cock and old jokes.

>over 70% spent in the jail
No, it's not.

Can we just skip part 6 and go to 7?

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Non-meme answer: Part 5 is a part with a cast that is fine and villains who are better. The biggest issue is that there's very little down time between battles to develop the cast, particularly The Boss, so it feels like the part is over too fast.

I genuinely forgot about the drug thing. You'd think you'd see a narcotics team or something in Part 5 considering that.

I see this opinion posted a lot, but I can't agree with it. However, I do think I understand what these posters are getting at: back when Hamon was a thing, you didn't need to have extended fights for minor villains that didn't accomplish anything.

For instance, Doobie in Part 1 is killed instantly by Jonathan, whereas a joke villain in Part 3 fills a full episode/three chapters.

Oh, wait, I see this isn't an actual discussion. This is just Part wars and buzzwords.

nothing can beat yoshikage kira

And a circle jerk of people not liking part 5.

>yoshikage kira

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>He's supposed to be perfect
At least people acknowledge Jotaro is autistic and don't leap praise on him.

whos that mouthbreathing retard in a sailors uniform

spoken like a true newfag

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Time for autism

Listen to this
You hear the faint "fading crystal" noise from 0:01 to 0:05? Now listen at 1:55 - you can hear it there then immediately followed by timeskip to the King Crimson organ choir, then AGAIN at 2:20 but this time with a weird high-pitched static before organ choir kicks in again.
Then there is a mechanical whirring and clacking noise at 2:56 to 3:02.
Now listen intently from 1:04 to 1:19. There is a barely-audible sound that I can only describe as a "metal baby screech" only found in this part of the song.

NOW, listen to this
At 0:23 to 0:26 you will hear a weird synthy sound like some magic sound effect. Immediately after you'll hear metal on wood scratching intensifying as song continues, a small bell chiming (two at 0:33 to 0:37 then one at 0:46 to 0:47), a wind whooshing sound starting after the third bell.
If you keep your ears open and listen intently, you will hear the same "fading crystal" noise pitched differently and mixed with the wind whooshing at 0:55 to 0:58, after which the song immediately timeskips to loud. After this, the King Crimson organs begin with muted choir, and alongside a television white noise. Throughout this, the "fading crystal" noises continue with wind whooshing.
At 1:23, an abrupt static followed by a strange record-rewinding sound at 1:24 to 1:28. There, it is shut out by a dramatic piano chord, then several with blank emptiness between them, definitely timeskips.
At 1:36 is the same "metal baby screech" from Fierce Fight, much more clearer now. From here on, there is a hard bass heartbeat noise in the song. The "fading crystal" noises are also here, except in the form of a nails-on-chalkboard knife-scraping violin thing. The same noise appears to rewind as well at points. The song progressively becomes more chaotic, overtaken by amplifier feedback.

Basically, get hype for King Crimson vs. Metallica.

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If his stand only activates when he is dead, how the fuck he knew it would chase them, or do anything at all.
How he learned his stand would activate by dying? And how did he know what would it do?

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maybe it told him, kind of like how spice girl told trish how she worked

Read the manga.

i made this when part 5 started airing, I think is still relevant

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are you retarded, part 5 and 6 are THE worst JoJo's, fucking part 7 is when the renaissance begins

He summons his stand before dying, so clearly it doesn't ONLY activate when he's dead.
It probably had some cool ability that he wanted to use on them (that's why he just walked towards them with no fear) but it wasn't that good against bullets so he died but the stand persisted.
That's my theory.
Maybe his ability was to absorb attacks like his stand eats things and reacts to speed, and that's why he was so fearless.

Him reacting to pain doesn't seem like he was actually suicidal.

The better Yoshikage Kira.

There are way too many Stands that are either automatic or have an area-of-effect ability, meaning that there just aren't enough good straight-up fights. For every Beach Boys and White Album, you get three or four Babyfaces and Green Days. And it's not like all of them are bad or anything- Metallica is great. But Jojo's best strength is in how unique each fight can be, and the fights in part 5 just don't have that much variety.

Stone Ocean has the weirdest and most unique fucking stands

Also an actual goal for protagonist and a story
Fuck VA

I think this is bait.

Six bullets is kino tho

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>stand works when you're unconscious
>stand is unhurt when you're almost dead, but then Mista starts bleeding when BIG eats them
>stand that eats food
>stand that talks in an annoying voice all the time
>stand fights with a gun user who can't shoot other stands
>basically worse emperor

Just fuck rules and fuck me and fuck you and kill me

>Giorno and Bruno's goal: assassinate the boss and stop the drug trade, using Passione for good
>"WTF VA is so aimless!"
How retarded can you possibly be? I guess you hate DiU most of all. You must need a to-do list to function in your daily life.

His stand is a better version of sheer heart attack, but he needs to be dead for it to be active lol

it also has the shittiest fights, the most asspully villain, wasted characters and the worst pacing.

That's Bruno's goal. Giorno tags along for literally no reason.
He just read Bruno's mind and decided "lol I'll go help him do the thing he wants to do"

The idea of "damage to stand affects you, but damage to you does not necessarily affect stand" has been a concept in Jojo since part 3. I don't know how you can fuck that up.
Sex Pistols function well by virtue of most stands not being fast enough to intercept a speeding, ricocheting bullet that can speed up and change direction. It's also designed to work with the group like the rest of the VA stands, hence its reconnaissance capability and real bullets that Gold Experience can affect. I guess Holly's stand in part 3 should've just gone away when she slept.

Yeah but that's like your opinion man.

Giorno literally says with his fucking mouth that he wants to become boss of the gang so that he can enact good on the world, with ending the trade of drugs being included in that. I can't say I'm really surprised that the people shitting on VA have no conscious brain function.

It's a stand that you summon and control, Holly's was autonomous.
Summoning and not unsummoning a stand was a big deal in Prosciutto and Pesci's fight, btw.

why is the ladies stand talking to her? is this something that always happens that we just dont see? they got mouths but why now? is she schizo? and why was the stand smarter than her? so many questions and we may never know why . maybe a doujin might have answers but all i find is pron when i go looking for answers... and not even jojo pron... then i get tired and have to sleep after drinking something so im not dehydrated

Why is he the one saying that? He didn't suffer from the gang's evil, Bruno did. Giorno is a thief himself, he has no right to speak there.
Araki should've just merged Giorno with Bruno. A fatherless son of Dio whose life is shit due to gang.
Instead we have this confusing pile of bile: Giorno's life actually improved because of gangster, but now he says fuck them I need to fix this because this random guy's veins are blue.
What the fuck.

Sex Pistols is like an automatic stand. It’s unique, but plays with ideas that have been already presented. Some stands show personalities like Anubis or Echos part 3. Still Mista should’ve stabbed number 5 with the arrow to turn him into number 4.

it happened before

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Except you literally do not summon and control Sex Pistols. They live in Mista's hat and feel hunger and emotions and fight with each other. They simply respond to Mista's orders because they like him, and they're at times not actually too good at doing that, instead acting on their own volition. There is no difference between them and what gripped Holly.

>ha ha, fellow four channelers, i'm obviously one of you, for i am using lingo that has been used here 80 years ago.

>is she schizo?
Science says that she likely is.

why is everything sameface
why does everything look so gay
the colors look so fucking awful

when echoes and spice girl talk it's usually the more aggressive/confident side to their personality popping out-- when trish gets more confident with her abilities, spice girl talks less.

More like King Inconsistent ahahaha

araki is pretty same face for everything desu.
I do agree with you that the outfits look mega gay, but araki transitioned from musclemen to gaymen during part 4, so that's just him trying a new artstyle. I like it (i like both really) but that's just my opinion.

parts 5 and 6 keep the same artstyle

part 7 and 8 have another new artstyle that is supposed to be super pretty which kinda bugs me because the sameface is the worst in some parts of steel ball run and a little bit of jojolion. I don't think it's a huge deal because the story is pretty good, but it does irk me.

but that's literally what happened. The original universe was sped up and met it's and, with a whole slew of others behind.

what. stone ocean was stand of the week, just like parts 3 and 5. don't bullshit me.

part 4 style had neither gaymen or overly musclemen
should have stuck with it


part 5 and 6 and equally bad imo, part 5 suffers from no character development tho lmfao. The fights and art are really the only reason why I stay for any of this.

pucci and diavolo are also not amazing villains. I mean none of the jojo main antagonists are-- I'd say funny valentine and kira are slightly better, but desudesdesu not by much.

In the end, everything goes back to normal.

>it's and
Thank you for being so honest about your level of intelligence, Speedreader-kun.

I mean in terms of the physiology, josuke gets pretty lean and loses a lot of creases on his face .

sry for bad quality, i'll post a full parts1-8 comparison img in a bit

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Yeah the final fight is one of the few problems I had with this part. It felt like it was leading up to something great and then it just immediately ends by making requiem a win button. Shit felt rushed.

>everything goes back to normal
>the entire crew except for emporio is fucking dead, but replaced by the new universe who has slightly different versions of them

I wouldn't say normal, but probably better? except for foo fighters being absent.

Nothing before Part 6 is affected.

The last episode was topnotch.

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Right, but the crew experienced events and made bonds to each other during part 6. They met foo fighters, weather found out how fucked his life was and became a basically suicidal and somewhat sadistic person in the end, etc-- I'd say they're much different people at the end.

Had they succeeded in stopping pucci without having to destroy the original universe, things would've been different compared to the new universe.

So I wouldn't describe the new universe as 'normal,' but rather just not as shit? lol jolyne prob has a better relationship with anasui and jotaro, but she also just doesn't know hermes, weather, and emporio anymore.

Because Giorno is from the streets. He views taking a rich tourist's luggage or ten dollars from a purse far differently than destroying a young person's life-- to mention nothing of the economic conditions Giorno's in that can make conning essentially necessary and a proper job.
The difference is exemplified in the fight against Black Sabbath and his cooperation with Koichi. Especially for a not-so-well-off kid like himself, objects and possessions are transitory, but innocent life is precious.
Giorno never says "fuck the gangsters," he literally wants to be on top of it all. He idolizes a man who exacted lethal vigilante justice in the streets. Considering the good done for him by one prominent mafia member, how much could be done for the community if the boss were replaced by someone with a vision? That's what Giorno sees.

There is no problem

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I was responding to the claim that the original universe was destroyed, which some people think happened.

This. It literally has nothing going for it when every other part does what part 6 does but way better.

Spice Girl's tits are HUMONGOUS!

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Is Trish best girl? I haven't read 6 or 8 yet, but I'm pretty sure she's best girl.

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Who the fuck shot Johnny?

I did, bastard cripple deserved it


>skipping parts

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Retarded idea: If Giorno can create functioning human body parts, could he in theory, if given enough objects to turn into body parts assemble a person?

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I finally caught up to the jojolion manga, i got to the part where he shuts the taxi door to save himself from the motorcycle stand.
But i lost interest and havent read in like a week or two, does it get better?


>skipping parts
Only Stone Ocean and it doesn't matter for SBR.


>What went so horribly wrong?
You tell me, user. What events in your life led you to post this obvious bait on our beloved Chinese comics forum?

Based. SO was made to be skipped.

Part 5 was the best and Giorno is best MC

Go back

>160 chapters to find out how Tranny Joestar fucked up the timeline
>VS Araki's Magnum Opus
Yea, no regrets skipping Stone Ocean

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You just outed yourself so fucking hard. holy shit you sound like a raging faggot

>Tranny Joestar

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literally the best part

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Wasnt funny the first time you posted it


"italians commits the most mobster violence in all europe"

Can giorno clone human stand users the way he did with mr. president?

Part 5's anime adaptation literally makes it the best part to this DATE. Part 1 was rushed (Jonathan was hype of course). Part 2 was great but filler. Part 3 was boring but had an awesome and fulfilling ending because fuck DIO (love him as an antagonist). Part 4 was fun filler. Part 5 is filler but badass filler. DP-kun is doing a great job.

I only finished part 6 recently because I'd tried to read it before, it's by far the weakest part in the series in my opinion, pucci sucks. Foo fighters was neat, bohemian rhapsody was neat too.

I'm probably starting sbr soon, I hope it doesn't become hard to get through like part 6 did, but I hear it's the best part.

Was the ending cool. Sadly, I've gotten it spoiled through posts on this board, but the concept seems pretty interesting.

there is in purple haze one shot

Part 5 just isn't as good as people think. It has cool stands and that's it. Anyone who thinks part 5 isn't in the bottom 2 parts (part 6 is worse) is either an unironic homosexual or too dense to realize that good character design doesn't necessarily mean good character writing.

>thinking any character in VA has good writing
le sigh

>Bruno's squad murders almost the entirety of La Squadra
>Both squads' main goals were to find a way to overthrow Diavolo
>If they teamed up with the squad they would've destroyed Diavolo easily
Why didn't they join forces?

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Because fuck La Squadra.

They both wanted to betray Diavolo for different reasons, La Squadra wanted money and Bruno and Giorno wanted to stop the drug pedaling

because drugs bad

Because Bruno and Giorno wanted to end the drug trade and La Squadra wanted to muscle in on it. Also they wanted to use Trish as a hostage, which considering Diavalo attempting to kill her is what causes Bruno to openly rebel against him probably makes them not see eye to eye on tactics.

Bruno's squad was still working for Diavolo while La Squadra were in open rebellion. After Bruno's encounter with King Crimson, Risotto is the only man left standing in La Squadra. Also conflict of interests see and

>Is Trish best girl?

she's the only girl (female) in part 5 so it's not really a competition

Watch when the part 6 anime comes out and then suddenly everyone loves it.

List of Part 5 Stands that could beat King Crimson:

>La Squadra Brunnoni
Gold Experience Requiem (canon win)
Sticky Fingers (why didn't he just unzip the floor? Diavolo can't dodge if there's nowhere to dodge)
>La Squadra Esecuzioni
Man in the Mirror (100% win or stalemate, Diavolo's identity is irrelevant)
Metallica (highly likely to win if he knew Diavolo's identity, unlikely otherwise)
White Album (depends entirely on whether Gently Weeps can stop King Crimson's arms, if yes then it's a win or stalemate, unless KC can impale his boy hole somewhere)
Grateful Dead (depends entirely on the environment - if KC couldn't escape, i.e. if they fought on the train, Diavolo would probably die of aging)
Little Feet (only if Diavolo's identity is revealed, but if it's known to him, Little Feet has a guaranteed win)
>La Unita Speciale
Notorious B.I.G. (win or stalemate, Diavolo's identity is irrelevant)
Green Day (more likely to win than to lose, doesn't really need to know Diavolo's identity)

Why? People still hate Part 5

>What went so horribly wrong
I'd like to ask your parents the same thing

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Literally any stand that got a requiem ability could beat KC

Silver Chariot literally couldn't.

Yes retard because when he used the arrow his intent wasn't to beat KC but was to protect the arrow

>Literally any stand that got a requiem ability could beat KC

>Charismatic boy
But the problem is, he isn't. We are told he's charismatic and inspiration but all we see is him fixing every conflict and then the side characters sucking his golden cock off. Giorno is just there to solve everything. That is not a compelling character.

Yet you didn't give examples on your bloated faggot opinion. Part 5 is good, Phantom Blood retarded leeches can't see otherwise

>But the problem is, he isn't. We are told he's charismatic and inspiration but all we see is him fixing every conflict and then the side characters sucking his golden cock off. Giorno is just there to solve everything. That is not a compelling character.

Part 5 is a collection of loosely connected stand battles, none of the characters have a personality or motive to do what they're doing.

>Calling a gary sue just a "naturally talented character"

Oof, that guy just can't catch a break.

>Stick Fingers

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Maybe he got killed the first time and unconsciously managed to possess the body of the man who murdered him with the help of his stand. Carne might even had died multiple times before meeting Mista

I love part 5 and I'm not even big on all the stupid shit Purple Haze Feedback does, but Giorno has more character in that fanfiction than he did in the entirety of the actual part. He actually comes off insightful, confident and spoken in a way that Buccellati was in the actual JoJo Part 5, rather than simply only being there to act confident after he saves everyone with his hyperflexible Stand ability.

5 is the worst by far

also fuck everyone who said the bad translations gave Giorno no personality, the anime itself is proving that he has no personality traits other than "determined"

he is boring as fuck to watch

7 > 6 > 4 > the rest

>bucciaratti should be the MC
>giorno is so fucking bad as being MC that the characters have to talk about how good he is when he's not around kek
yeah, part 6 is kinda like part 5...
But part 7 is kino as fuck imho

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This is how it should've gone:

>Abbacchio cuts off his own hand to deliver they key when fighting Man In The Mirror
>he's proud of his resolve and whatever the fuck, mission is the most important thing
>Giorno does the thing he does anyway and they beat Illuso
>Buccellati does NOT zip his hand back.
>Abbacchio doesn't fight anyone or do anything until after Melone anyway so he just stays one-handed and pissed
>Giorno learns his new human part-creating thing during Babyface fight
>he then comes to Abbacchio and heals his hand as sort of apology for disobedience
>Abbacchio finally warms up to Giorno and they bond better together as a team
>character development

Instead we got:
>Abbacchio hates Giorno
>Giorno drinks Abbacchio's piss
>Abbacchio still hates Giorno
>Giorno disobeys his orders and saves Fugo
>Abbacchio still hates Giorno
>No interactions happen anymore
>Abbacchio still hates Giorno
>Giorno and Bruno betray the boss, revealing that it was Giorno's intention from the start, thus confirming all of Abbacchio's suspicions and distrust
>Abbacchio hates Giorno more than ever
>Abbacchio grumpily helps Bruno but still hates Giorno
>Abbacchio still hates Giorno
>Abbacchio dies

What a load of wasted garbage.
>uuauhrgh but part 5 has cool stand fights though

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didn't expect that one kek

okay i agree but why would buccellati ever not zip his hand back


Because it shouldn't work.
Do you picture Abbacchio making that 6 hour drive back home in hot summer weather holding his rotting hand? And then Bruno just essentially glues it back and it works just fine with no infections? To a hospital would've been faster.

2012 - 1+2
2014 - 3
2016 - 4
2018 - 5
2020 - 6
2022 - 7
2024 - the best part

It's not that far away lad, stay strong.

other than gio being such a trash MC this part has super enjoyable and once they hit green day its going to get even better

I'm kinda just watching cause Trish is fucking super hot, and Mista/Narancia. They're absolutely /myguys/ of P5.

I can't wait to see more King Crimson though, and hear about how CR are fucking BUTCHERING the names. I mean "Spicy Lady"? Come the fuck on

None of that compares to part 6's Limp Bizkit translation

How new?

Very high IQ thread. Part 7 is the greatest work of art in the entire universe, reddit and youtube told me so.


Very low IQ post. You need to read SBR at least 15 more times before trying to converse with me.


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>caught up with the recent episodes
>that gay dude who got himself killed to let his lover use Crush
It's those times where you wonder who was the villain

Valentine, Diego and Wekapipo.
All at the same time somehow.

Cute and funny

I hate to admit it but this is sort of cool and would've been good.

Maybe the hand got too fucked up or something? You could say that a stray bit of Purple Haze's virus melted it.

Then again, judging by Buccellati's Coming, Buccellati can and does zip OTHER PEOPLES hands on, so it's possible that he'd have just stolen one from a civilian (and apologized profusely for the inconvenience, he's a good guy.)

I don't want to sound fujo, but there was basically no way that this wasn't intentional homo implications, right? And I don't mean fujobait like some of the Buccellati and Abbacchio or Giorno and Mista scenes, but genuine, intentional, implied homosexuality.

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>there was basically no way that this wasn't intentional homo implications, right?
He didn't touch Squalo's tits in the manga if that's what you're asking.

I read the manga, although there wasn't a panel dedicated to tit-touching, they were just as cuddly, and there was one panel with some belly-rubbing, and another one where Squalo had three arms one of which was cradling Tiziano.

Attached: 832defa76a16436d3e99d3a331e133e83e7c39far1-1456-1099v2_hq[1].jpg (1024x772, 214K)

>three arms
he had two arms in that panel, the "third arm" was his ankle

For my money Yasuho best girl.

>Part skipper
>Part skipper who skips the only parts that have female characters worth shit in them
She's absolutely perfect for you

>Part skipper
Not an argument

Good thing I wasn't arguing, I was just calling a faggot a faggot.

Anasui could be best girl, dammit Araki

Attached: 14536667.png (500x369, 385K)

You know literally nothing about her


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2/10 got me to reply

part 5 is best part adapted so far

When you're reading a book do you decide to skip a bunch of chapters in the middle, and then try to talk about the book to other people who read the book?

Meant for

> Implying DP could create a part 7 anime in only two years

You're delusional user, it's most likely never going to be made at all due to the upgrade in detail + length + difficulty to animate, it would take long enough/cost enough for the whole production to be unprofitable, and if they somehow did it in two years it would most likely be at 'the cheapest episodes of part 4' levels of quality throughout the entire thing.

Her design is alright and a lot better than male Anasui's but not THAT great imo

Eh, girl Annasui just looked like any other side bitch in part 6, nothing to write home about.

Her hair is cute and pretty striking, no other Jojo character has theirs like that. Wish male Anasui had kept it.

Honestly IMO that's the worst part of girl Annasui's design, it's too janky/uneven for my taste.

This is unironically the most entertaining anime part since Part 2.

Don't worry user, once they get to this chapter it'll get much better

Attached: 1538770478240.jpg (400x638, 99K)

>JoJo part 5
to be fair part 3 and part 4 was boring af imo so that isnt really saying much

That's what I'm saying.

Why is it that 2/5fags always seem to hate the rest of the series? It's weird.

Why do you think that if I like something more, I hate everything else?

What the fuck? Spoiler that shit!

Given that you said 3 and 4 were boring, yes. If you're another 2/5fag who jumped in to to the conversation, toughen up.

>missing out on the best villain of the series
your loss

Attached: 1538693666725.png (144x332, 85K)

>Replying to 7 hour old bait
I agree that he's a faggot but that doesn't mean you have to be.

Just because they are boring, doesn't mean I hate them. I feel indifferent towards 90% of Part 3 and Part 4, while having a ton of boring stuff, was great in thebeggining and when Kira, Koichi or Rohan were involved.

The boring is coming from inside the house, user.

Why do you even feel the need to respond to these illiterate apes?

Is that some sort of a metaphor?

Why do you like 2 and 5?

I'm saying that it's you.
You are boring.

pucci would be the best if his stand didnt asspull new abilities every time he appears on screen.

They are less focused on fights an powers and more on characters and weird shit. I might not care about Joseph fighting some traitorous vampire, but that tommy gun scene was fucking hilarious. Or I might not care about the whole Squadra Esecuzioni buisness and the deal with Trish, but damn Ghiaccio is just so fucking entertaining to watch. And parts 2 and 5 are just filled with stuff like that. I also enjoy some of part 5 character moments (that's the same reason why I love everything that involves Kira, Rohan and Koichi in Part 4).

I might have boring sides to me like everyone else. You're got 'em to, yet you find those parts entertaining. What I'm saying is you didn't write here anything meaningful and just looking for some excuses here to make it look that finding 3 and 4 boring is somehow wrong.

Better than Gold Experience

Whitesnake is the worst written stand in the entire series, just an excuse to literally do anything

>What I'm saying is you didn't write here anything meaningful and just looking for some excuses here to make it look that finding
What did he mean by this

Good thing, "I hate you but now I respect you" is cliche af


Part 7 is literally overrated by NPCs just because it became a seinen.

>Part 5
>less focused on fights an powers
I'm so confused.

>They are less focused on fights an powers and more on characters and weird shit
Literally part 4? How do you like 5 more when it's the opposite.

Meant to say
>What I'm saying is you didn't write here anything meaningful here and are just looking for some excuses to make it look like finding 3 and 4 boring is somehow wrong.

I would say its the same since he always gets what he needs to win

What about KENNY G??????

Is this a bait thread?

Incorrect, its list of things is:
1. Stand discs, this is its established power. Not an asspull.
2. The hallucination-mist, which is a secondary ability which was only used semi-once to disguise Vercace as Pucci. Asspull.
3. Taking away vision and presumably other senses, semi asspull.
4. Writing commands on these like Heaven's Door, asspull

Gold Experience and Silver Chariot Requiem are both worse, especially given that they belong to protagonists and not antagonists whose JOB it is to be overpowered.

>skipped one of the most interesting twists in manga with one of the best JoJos (especially when she gets animated) to read 24 volumes of a complete mess in Overrated Ball Run
hope you enjoyed that final arc against Valentine that went on for 7 volumes and ruined all the characters ahahahahahahahhaah truly a magnum opus

his real magnum opus is jojolion by FAR

Attached: 1524729161264.png (130x135, 41K)

>one of the most interesting twists in manga
I'm curious as to what this refers to

He's a villain and Giorno is a protagonist. He's supposed to be a big issue for the protagonists to strive against. And he also came closer to defeat than Giorno ever did, every time things got bad for Giorno it turned out that he had a plan up his sleeve to turn it around. Pucci got backed into a corner on several occasions and was panicking only to be saved by good/bad luck/fate, this was a big theme of the part.

Part 4 got terrible pacing and its weird shit is a bit too random to be fun. And there's also the issue with DP direction making things look way less tense than they were in the original. Cheap Trick original user in the manga looked really creepy, but in the anime he's just meh.

>skipped one of the most interesting twists in manga
I like SO (and all parts) but what's this about? Jotaro being fucked early on and needing to be rescued? The universal reset?

I wonder if they're just going to keep Anasui's design entirely male right from the start or just fuck with people by showing the female version into male version. I would really love to see that.

Obviously male

>villains job is to be overpowered
OP from a strong defined stand is different from being strong via asspulls

>male Annasui has longer hair than girl

What the fuck

dont count on it- i went in expecting something great and was disappointed. SBR imo has a few strong volumes down the middle, but volumes 1-8 and 18-24 are fairly weak, but on the bright side you do have jojolion to look forward to. i still think part 5 is weaker than 6 desu.

Attached: 1551619670942.png (382x438, 389K)

Why do people like the D4C arc so much?
>First third is the most convoluted stand introduction ever
>Second third turns Lucy into wood and makes it seem like Diego and Hot Pants' character arcs are going somewhere, only for them to get killed off in shitty ways
>Final third has Gyro die like a faggot and FINALLY gives Valentine much needed development, but it's too late for him to be anything other than a subpar character
>Only Johnny gets any justice as a character

I assumed it was a sentient stand like Anubis, the user was just possessed by it

Being posessed by an automatic stand sounds like a big problem

Killer Queen is almost as asspully as Whitesnake, King Crimson is way stronger and just as inconsistent, The World is the only one which didn't have any new abilities. D4C is pretty bad too with how it was introduced with that barely-legible powerset that it never used again.

The fact that they all got killed at the end and it wasn't even a close fight.

Calling it right now
Head doctor is only pretending to be old
His actual face looks like picrelated

Otherwise if this guy never shows up again it's official that Araki has dementia

Why does Josuke see him? Well Kira was hanging out with mom in the hospital a lot so maybe he had an interaction with head doctor at one point and that's a leftover memory

Attached: the guy.jpg (770x637, 116K)

Don't forget
>Went on for over two years in real time
The faggots who screech about how Valentine was the best villain who made Amerigga grade again :-D are obvious secondaries and it shows.
SBR's my favorite part but the Valentine fight and Valentine himself is the most overrated in the series.

Is that even considered a twist? Part 4 did the same thing.

Oh boy you're right
How can a villain win a fight? That's ridiculous
I wish Jotaro would just ora ora ora him and win like he did in 2 other parts already

Valentine barely having a character until he was dying was fucking awful. Not even Kars was this poorly handled.

Jotaro nearly killed Pucci multiple times, Jolyne half-blinded him, it was pretty close.

no idea, I like parts 2 and 5 the most but I don't hate any parts

The threads where people found the interviews where Araki shit all over Valentine were hilarious, the fags who were claiming he was in the right were absolutely devastated.

>it wasn't a close fight
>Jotaro had him on the ropes during timestop when Annasui signaled, but he decided to save Jolyne instead, thus showing that he cares for her and completing his arc of the part
>waaa why cant protag just bullshit and win the fight like Giorno waaaaaa

I completely even forgot about this scene.

The fact that people are reacting like this is hilarious to me

I agree that the fight was close and Pucci nearly got fucked multiple times and said as much, but I don't think he was COMPLAINING about the result of it like some faggot from a couple of threads ago who was utterly outraged that Jolyne 'lost' when she 'should have' killed Pucci with her own hands.

You literally said the opposite of what I think lol
>Intriguing in-your-face intro to D4C
>Lucy sacrifice is based
>Diego and Hot Pants tag team is based
>After that literally everyone's character development is just canceled and Valentine gets some autistic Pulp Fiction (Tarantino movie) rip-off backstory (even though we already knew some of Valentine's backstory which was enough to make him compelling and grounded in his motivations)

The beginning of D4C was fucking GENIUS but Araki couldn't finish it strongly. It all came apart when he started reversing everything that was being set up, and it all starts with the literal reversal of Lucy's state back to human.

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Go to bed Araki

That's our resident SOtist for ya.

The guy who made the reply-chain you're responding to was jeering at someone for skipping Stone Ocean you fucking idiot.

>Head doctor is only pretending to be old
They clearly stated his age didn't matter anyway

Attached: 1529231504925.png (1085x979, 599K)

Do you actually not see what we're talking about?

Exactly and now the SOtist (you) is assmad.

Yes but his face looks wrinkly

this. are people retarded? i was literally pointing out what made SO unique and cool, which was the ending


I think they are just very, very sensitive.

>your argumentative reply is hilarious to me

Tsugi ni omae wa "I was just baiting epic trolled" to iu.

Attached: josefu.jpg (1104x582, 124K)

>Partshitters make a thread
>it's shit
woah who'd have foreseen this turn of events?

Tsurugi >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Be grateful we have a thread like this to bait all the shitposters, the other thread's cozy as a result.

I'm not either of those people.

I know man, and yes he is retarded, couldn't even keep track of a reply-chain.

Hold on there buster


How will fags ever recover?

Part 5 is still better than 6, 3 and 1

Stop enjoying

5fags, 7fags
Extremely bad:
2fags, 6fags
4fags, 8fags
1fags, 3fags

I'm actually prefering part 5 after watching all the parts in short amount of time. But my preference could be unbiased because I'm italian and hearing them say italian words and names in those ways makes my day

>my favorite part > your favorite part
>my favorite jojo > your favorite jojo
>my favorite villain > your favorite villain
Checkmate, shitters

Attached: xgu7a53kmkj21.png (2381x2232, 3.3M)

I like jojo

It's not, but the anime is one of the best parts so far.

Part 5 is still worse than 6, 3, 4, 7 and 8

Now this I can get behind

It's better than all but 7 and 8.

But 8 is objectively better
Because Araki is no longer rushed and takes his sweet time to write plot and build world
Same for 7, but with 8 he has even more time

True. It feels like we just barely scratched the surface of what Jojolion has to offer.

Fucking fag posting Shit Crimson


Insufferable: Partshitters
Tolerable: literally everyone but partshitter

Part 8 sucks and can't replace the Duwang gang

I'm talking about how tolerable the posters are for each part dumbass, 4 and 8 fags are the better ones.


digits of truth

This, even the 'best' partshitter is worse than the most obnoxious allpartschad.

Who the fuck told you that it's supposed to replace anything, you massive brain-hemorrhage retard?

That's because of Made in Heaven, user.

Dio Brando/DIO


Learnt o fucking read dumb mother fucker.

And sure they don't speed reading/can't read subtitles having dumbass.

They were all nobodies taken in by bucciarati, they follow him. Not the mob.

Trips confirm, partshitters worse than fujos and waifufags combined. The state of this thread is pure proof of that.

Weird mix but I like it

He can give mista a womb and impregnate him

I like Part 3 due to the artstyle and simple but entertaining plot.

Attached: mariah_showing.gif (400x225, 1.2M)

I agree. People complain about the plot being too simple but I would rather read something that succeeds at being straightforward than something that tries to be complex and ends up riddled with problems.

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In my opinion partshittery is still better than fujo vs antifujo shitflinging, at least there is an attempt at an argument and it's still about JoJo.

Despite the names and the references, JJL is more similar to SBR than DiU. The darker tone, morally neutral main character, morally ambiguous villains, prioritization of storytelling over combat, etc. make it honestly nothing like DiU.

Even slice of life and adventuring arcs like Milagro Man and Blue Hawaii are dedicated to character studies or plot progression, whereas in DiU it was all about fleshing out the town and strengthening friendship.

I see a thread full of partshitters and I want it painted black.

Attached: B441333A-E232-42C5-B5E4-35CCC8183694.png (403x449, 470K)

I'm sure everyone LIKES part three, but it's very few peoples favorite. I adored Polnareff and Hol Horse, and like you enjoyed the art-style and plot, particularly after they reached Egypt (Shit like the D'arby fights and N'doul was top tier) but I wouldn't call it my favorite.

Completely disagree. Even fujofags no when to stop and take their shit away, thank god we have the /trash/ general for that. Partshitting always devolves solely into "PART I LIKE = GOOD PART YOU LIKE = BAD YOU'RE AUTISTIC I WIN!"
It's like watching children fight in a playground, it's embarrassing how often it ruins threads too.

>fujo vs antifujo

What's that mean?

Part 3 is my favorite desu

>Kakyoin looking taller than Jotaro
This art is weird

Look at their feet, he's just standing further away from camera

Yeah, the last thread was terrible because someone was liveblogging reading SO and doing nothing but complaining about it (he recently started doing nothing but complaining about SBR, too) and it unsurprisingly led to bullshit tantrums from all sides.

Fujo vs antifujo fights are pretty bad though because of the one faggot who always starts spamming bad tumblr art.

when shit up a whole thread with ad hominems like "landwhale" or "incel"

Ironically, Part 3 is the only one that could make me shed tears. Iggy's death was just too much.

Attached: I+aint+crying+_d4de26afbfcc6e2a6ce6fcf98bdac742.jpg (720x405, 75K)

But it has the dance!

>anime cuts out funny characterization parts to extend battles

Kill me

I do appreacite their take on hitman team though, but they forgot to do the same with bucci team

>empty, baseless post about part 5
Is this fire crotch?

Don't start

Why does Kaato look so young?
She is GILF that somehow looks about young as her first daughter.

Attached: 822543EF-8B63-4649-8848-E31AA841FAF4.png (476x688, 531K)

What's even the point of reading the series if the mentality that you have to hate things just because people like it is so ingrained into your head? People on Yea Forums of all fucking places have better and more fun discussions about the series than the shithole threads on Yea Forums, it's ridiculous

>JoJo character does not look their age

Are you new? Why did you skip 7 parts?

I like part 5 :^)

>there is an attempt at an argument
Pinpoint for me an attempt at an argument please

What the fuck dude you can't say you like a part in this series! It's shit! It's ALL shit!
What, saying "part x = bad" isn't an argument to you? I bet you actually like this series, fucking PB/BT/SDC/DiU/VA/SO/SBR/JJLautistfag

No matter how many times I see people make this joke, it is never funny.

>Implying it's a joke

Maybe because it's not a joke?

Boring people try to compensate for their lack of individuality and personality by being negative and 'critical'. You'll notice that these people never have anything interesting to say even about the parts they do like.

"Part X is bad because it's boring, the everything was terrible and JoJo is a shit protagonist " is not much, but it's still more of an argument than "shut up you stinky disgusting landwhale/incel"

I personally think Part 8 is the worst part when it comes characters not looking like their age.

been awhile since i read p5 jojo but how long until the greenday fight and the autistic screech

I know I sound like a broken record, but 89 years old? Really? This guy, 89 years old?

>You'll notice that these people never have anything interesting to say even about the parts they do like.
I'm convinced they genuinely don't even like the series. We're the only fanbase that has this much nonsensical vitriol towards the series we "like" on this board it's unreal, even youtube comments with braindead children have better discussions about the series than these threads.
Like 4 weeks


Attached: Jonathan Joestar aged 12.png (318x639, 88K)

Next episode Doppio

So do you guys ever actually talk about Jojo or do you just complain about "partfags" all day?

>Not knowing Part 6 is one of Reddit’s favorite parts
Part 6 and 7 are trash, JoJo died after part 3

It was a different time man
They hadn't started putting hormones in the food that turn the friggin frogs gay

Not a single JoJo part is bad. Only part one can be mildly boring but every other part is really interesting.

Attached: ir8r8rt8w6i21.jpg (750x742, 43K)

Clearly the best way to spot someone with utlra shit taste.

I didn't care about vento aureo until anime came out and I got pierced by an arrow of contrarianism and my stand [THIS SHIT OVERRATED] was awakened.

Make a thread and talk about something positive.
Like gay-ass Jojolion theories.

Leave out of here now.

Well her dad is literally an autistic schizo

People were talking about Jojo itself before the part wars started and brought everything to shit, user. People are upset about this.

This desu, though I'd hesitate to call PB boring. It's simple, but it's so short it doesn't have the chance to outstay its welcome.

I believe that FF is the best girl

There's a thread for discussion already up, this is the bait thread to keep shitposters at bay.
This. PB still has plenty of charm though, it's a really fun part on the re-read.
Asukafag's origin story needs more work.

No, I will never be happy.
Currently I'm shitting on 5 because I don't like it.
When the parts that I like - 6,7,8 are animated, I will shit on them for being unfaithful to the mango.
Then I will be disappointed at Jojolion's ending and kill myself.
I forgot how to enjoy things.

Attached: grin.jpg (225x225, 13K)

The good parts:
>parts 1&2
>parts 3&4
>parts 5,6,7,8
The bad parts:
>none of them
>they're all great
>JoJo is great
>best manga
>best anime

PB: 5/10
BT: 7/10
SC: 6/10
DU: 8/10
VA: 6/10
SO: 5/10
SBR: 9/10
JJL: 8/10

Attached: 761.png (256x193, 103K)


Doc... What happened to you...
Based dubs
Wasted digits

sure we can talk.
what's your favourite part? I bet it's garbage.

I'm split between 3 and 4, possibly 8 depending on how it ends.

Part 3 is shit because Jotaro and the Stands are shit (Hamon was better)
Part 4 is shit because there's no stakes or tension and it became a shitty SoL
Part 8 is shit because Araki's art is ugly and there's no main villain.

Kys Redditcuck. Part 8 is trash. Slightly better than 5.



this but funironically XD

This but take one point from Stardust Crusaders and give it to Vento Aureo. The awful ending doesn't damage the solid first half of the story.

This guy gets it

You don’t even know what kind of music she listens to either

While I think partskippers are stupid, this is such a false equivalence


So good to see more and more people becoming fed up with partshitters recently

It's more of a minority circlejerk than anything

The end obviously you stupid fuck. What other series has reset the entire universe and started over with different characters?

That's great, I hope the minority continues to grow then because fuck these trash threads.

Part skippers need to be publicly executed

Give one legitimate argument for why partskipping is bad.

>6 or 8
Literally the worst kind of poster, have some self control you fuck

The "good" translations are just the fan translators embellishing the dialogue

Did it really though?

Bad guy kills everyone
Kid saves the day
Everyone comes back alive

There are plenty of young looking 50 year old women
Besides which it's hard to draw age on characters without going overboard


Fight me

Legitimate question : why do people complain about "villain of the week"? The strong points of Jojo are fun character writing and creative fight design, whereas the actual stories are very run of the mill. Why complain about the format when it showcases the best things the manga has to offer?


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Yeah, it's kind of annoying to see people blab about translations being good or bad when they don't even know what they are talking about. Half the time people are actually referring to the scan quality.

He worst thing about him is that everyone sucks his dick. He's literally Jesus.

Fujos are retards (usually girls) who think anyone cares about their stupid gay ships

Look up the meaning of words before you use them

This applies to shippers in general, not just for fujos.

>"usually" girls

Only part 2 fags complain about villain of the week

I wanna be in Doppio's body and get my boyhole ravaged by Risotto's massive dick.

It’s not Araki’s fault for making the most popular anime/manga series of all time

At least you’re trying. Ratings are way better than just listing the parts in order

Most excellent taste.

Attached: 14998818017670.jpg (740x879, 123K)

I don't know if it can be considered worse, but Araki arguably reached top bottom with absolutely retarded stand powers in stone ocean.

You can already see he went downhill in part 5 on that regard.

Mistakes were made, thankfully Part 7 fixed things

I would rather suck his dick,taking it up the ass is gay.

>>Muh super hero isn't saving za world !

That's having some shit taste, yeah.

Part 7 Stands are too utility based, even the punchghost types never do any punchghosting

Part 6 wasn't bizarre enough
That's why it sucked

Every part is unique and brings something new to the table. Also they reference each other.

>implying the finale isn't literally saving the world from SCR turning everyone into aliens
Okay dude

Literally the opposite. Part 6 was too disgustingly bizarre that it sucked.

>I would rather suck his dick
>taking it up the ass is gay

Attached: 15546705910.jpg (404x270, 32K)


>Nothing before Part 6 is affected.

Jotaro doesn't drive the plot of his part so he's inconsequential

He drives the plot of Part 4 though

Araki stopped making good characters somewhere in mid Part 4

More like he started making good characters in part 6

Part 4 has no plot until Kira turns up

Maybe you should read the post? I said he should've unzipped the door.

Trish is the best aesthetic IMO.
I also liked Plankton girl.
And the little one from part 3 with the nice ass who had a crush on jotaro

>I also liked Plankton girl.

Oh i thought you meant good characters as in a writing point of view. I think every part has atleast one good girl really.

We gotta find the arrow, and make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands!
We gotta find the mysterious killer, who apparently ALSO has an arrow that is turning civilians into dangerous enemies!

Rude. FF is great

Attached: 1541817758172.gif (325x479, 2.55M)

I'm not him. I'm just a shitposter paying by and wanted to praise Trish aesthetic.

That's a real girl, not a cold dead corpse invaded by thousands of microorganisms.

It's kinda odd how the one part with some of the best fights and most appealing villains has the absolutely worst cast with the few good ones being underutilized and the shitter ones always filling the screen. Giorno absolutely fucking sucks and what they did to Polnareff was ridiculous.


I'm not seeing the difference

No, but she stands out because she is the only person in the crew that’s not a full retarded

ranked stand fights in the parts

5 > 8 > 6 > 7 > 4 > 3

2's were the best because you couldn't see the Stands

Mista and buccellati get a lot of fights

Yeah that's about right

PB: 7/10
BT: 8/10
SC: 6/10
DiU: 9/10
VA: 9/10
SO: 8/10
SBR: 10/10

>There are people
>In this fucking thread
>That unironically believe that part 6 is anywhere near as 7
The only part which is worse than 6 is maybe part 1 and that is still debatable. Fags need to gas themselves.


>4 more days until friday

Attached: 1550856640068.jpg (484x476, 90K)

On the contrary, my good sir. It is you who need to gas yourself. You poluting this thread with your presence. You don't deserve to read these fine series. Kindly fuck off back to the my hero academia thread.

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Jolyne, FF, Hot Pants, Lucy, Yasuho, and Mitsuba are better

>triggered SOfag
Poor thing. You are like a blind person trying to see.


The absolute state of F.F.ags.

Its close DiU is my second favorite part and I like both josuke and kira more than johnny and valentine/diego but Id still give it slightly to SBR.

This was beautiful, thank you user. Warmed my heart as a Brunofag reading that

DiU is less of a shonen than SBR is.


6 and 7 should be friends!

Attached: large.png (500x656, 332K)

PB: 5/10
BT: 7/10
SDC: 6/10
DiU: 8/10
VA: 9/10
SO: 8/10
SBR: 9/10

nothing went wrong, expect maybe bucciarati could've been a girl

Attached: hehe.jpg (750x1590, 240K)

6 and 7 are separated by the walls of continuity and can never be friends

Maybe if 6 learned to keep their mouth shut and know their place on the pecking order.

8 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1

Attached: 15538005735.jpg (960x536, 82K)

>6 and 7 should be friends!

Attached: 15538886940.png (626x348, 76K)


Maybe you should go back to the fight? King Crimson would've predicted that action.

Lmao he thinks that a spoiler

If he unzipped the entire floor under him, then it doesn't matter if he predicts it or not.

King Crimson is actually really predictable once you know it can predict you.

Remind me why was Valentine the bad guy? Because Johnny is objectively as bad if not worse than him. The only virtuous and good human is Gyro.

Go back to the fight, retard. Bruno tricked him into the turtle AND unzipped the floor yet King Crimson still showed up all smug on the stairs.

Lemme just use this little girl and her husband. And that train conductor.

I wonder if Spice Girl's design would change if Trish didn't wear all that maths shit

For the good of the country, not to mention it was the only way of acquiring the corpse with minimal loses and without all out war. How about Johnny using and murdering everyone so that he can have the corpse for himself to be able to walk again?

That's a much more sympathetic motive than MUH PATCH OF LAND

t. Underage narcissistic megalomaniac egocentric sociopath

Lemme kill as many as innocents as I want because it benefits my country. Alright then.

t. burger

>6 hour drive back home
They were at Pompeii. It was like an hour drive to Naples at most.

As opposed to killing people in cold blood to fulfill you own selfish desires? Against the good of the population of a whole country?

Nothing much, it's been a ton of fun so far each week since it's debut late last year.

I look forward to JoJo fridays now each week with renewed contentment knowing silly absurd shit awaits me.

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>Six bullets

Who gives a shit about a single imperialist shithole country if the rest of the world gets fucked over

>implying I am a filthy mutt
You on the other hand are a snownigger or a huemonkey no doubt.

I forgot to add both Johnny and Valentine aren't good guys. Neither are heroic. Valentine is the ends justify the means kind of man. Johnny fought people who were targeting him. He didn't seek out anyone just to kill them.

How did the rest of the world get fucked? Valentine literally fulfilled his goal and no country was destroyed. Either a speedreader or dumber than rocks.

His entire motive was to redirect all of America's misfortune to the rest of the world you dumb cunt

Johnny was actively looking for the corpse parts while he knew other people would be trying to stop him. It's not like he was strolling through the park and a bunch o niggers tried to rob him.

Yeah they in turn also hunted after him. they both were.

So how long is it going to take to animate SBR?

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luv me sum part 5 tbqh

D4C only redirects things in the area of light. At best it would protect a couple of important people. The true power of the corpse was the seer respect it would command worldwide, HENCE THE WHOLE NAPKIN SHIT YOU FUCKING SPEEDREADER.

I don't get where we disagree. I am not arguing that Valentine is a saint but his cause was way more righteous than Johnny's at least.

>skipping parts

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He was going to expand it to cover the entire country you subhuman

based hairposter

And I'm arguing he's not. Both are scummy

Show me the panel. I would love to be corrected if that is indeed th case. And no, him saying that he would keep misery away from the US is not spreading the light worldwide.

this negro knows

>show me the panel but not this one that says exactly that

You failed to bring up a valid point for that other than "the end justify the means" which in itself is up to serious debate.

Except the last part. No one who was killed came back. Just had an alternative universe version completely different from the original.


Alright, you are either a retard of supreme magnitude or just fishing for (You)s. America becoming the absolute leader with Valentine taking the napkin first is all that is needed to achieve this. No need for gay rays of light. Again show me the panel where Valentine explicitly says he is gonna spread the light countrywide.

I read the first chapter of stone ocean and then read the wikipedia summary and skipped to SBR

I said Valentine willing harmed innocents such as Lucy and Steven Steel or some random train conductor. As he sees them as tool to get what he wants. Plus the other user brought up the whole redirecting the world's fortune in favor of America. Even Johnny thought it was fucked for Gyro to order Lucy to spy on Valentine.

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Abbacchio never hated giorno. He doesn't trust him at first and he just doesn't care about him. Abbachio doesn't care about anyone but Bruno and he only cares about him because he's shown he's a good leader and Abbacchio needs his orders because he's insecure about his own actions.
Guess you're a speedreader.

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I bet you're one of those cunts who denies the existence of the requiem arrow because there's no panel of literally just saying THIS ARROW IS UNIQUE AND GRANTS REQUIEM POWERS

wow must suck having shit taste man


Every country tries to redirect misfortune away from them. That is the literal job of a leader, to ensure the civilians are protected from misfortune. Unless you also read the secret page where Valentine wants to spread the corpse light to the while country. You simply cannot make a strong case here, dunno why you waste your time


I bet you are one of those fags who literally pull shit out of their ass and present it as canon. I actually know that you are such a fag because that is what you are doing.

Are you a fucking child who needs every plot detail spoonfed? He has a magic barrier that he can control the size of that misfortune can't enter, read between the fucking lines

And guess what? IRL politicians are corrupt. Especially ones who are nationalistic. Valentine is a villain no matter how flowery and selfless he tries to paint himself.

>He has a magic barrier that he can control the size of
Fuck why is this series filled with cow tier intelligence?

>irrelevant bullshit
Again, if he unzipped the entire floor, there is nowhere to dodge. He could always dodge out of the turtle.

Lol, Valentine is literally a Saint compared to most IRL politicians. Wouldn't call him a villain. A villain would be someone like Za Warudo Diego. He is an antagonist.

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someone posts the interview where araki shits on valentinefags

>hurr durr why didn't bruno just unzip the floor against all his enemies?????
Obviously he would if he could. And in your post your mentioned GER being a canon win while ignoring the fact that Sticky Fingers is a canon loss.

I mean, can you blame them? I know I'd want to be on the good side of the only person in the team that can save me from death.

Why is P1 considered the worst when it started the franchise and made it rise to stardom? I don't understand the hate for it. It's the home base for Jojos

Move=\=Control the width and length.

Joeseph (part 2)

You mean that interview where every bad thing he said for Valentine can be also applied to Johnny?

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Diego deserved better.

Too short compared to anything else.

It's not an interview, it's from his book

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How is this page supporting any of your claims? It just explains how the light works. Nothing here implies he can control its size.

Based Valentine killing off powerless people. The weak should fear the strong.

Dio Brando

Why the fuck else would he be talking about it while trying to justify his motives to Johnny you dunce

>readers won't empathize with a coward
>everyone loves Joseph

>Writes a paragraph trying to make the main antagonist look bad
>Makes him seem even fucking greater
Also, how is he a coward?

He's not a coward, he just knows when he needs to retreat to gain an advantage
He was literally going to kamikaze Kars into that volcano

Because the pont of this while exchange is trying to make Johnny to sympathise with him and trust him. Connecting this to the control he has over the light is a mental and logical stretch of the highest caliber.

>I just think I should have the corpse, I'm totally not going to use it or anything
Imagine being this stupid

I've actually been recently thinking about how a manga where both the protagonist and the antagonist are the bad guys/criminals.
Would something like this be considered a masterpiece for imposing philosophical problems or just trash because it has no character to root for? I guess it would depend on how well it was made tho.

>strawmaning this hard
No one said he wasn't use the corpse retard. It's just that he is not gonna use it to spread the light to the whole nation. He actually very fucking clearly explains to Lucy how he is gonna use the corpse. This is the last reply you get from me, since you clearly haven't even read this part

Thanks, I win

You should probably find a different hobby instead of pretending to be a retard on a Taiwanese imageboard to get the attention that you crave IRL.

Based and Abbapilled. He's underrated.

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Part 5 is the best so far, funny how it was hated before the anime premiered.

But I win tho

Valentine is a great villain because he can convince people he's not one.

Name one time Joseph acted cowardly.
Hint: running away doesn't count, since all of those times he was trying to lure the villain away from innocent bystanders.