Am I retarded for disliking Ergo Proxy?

It's just so incredible boring and plain to me, I don't get the hype it got back then and even now. Is it even worth finishing? I'm at episode 17 and absolutely hate it, but I feel like I might have thought it's okay if I haven't seen Lain and Texhnolyze before starting to watch it (it's like they spoiled me or something)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ergo Proxy rightfully deserves the hate it gets. It's one of the few anime that is actually pretentious in the non-buzzword sense.

I watched it all. If you skip it, nothing of value would be lost.

No, it's legit terrible. But since you suffered through 17 episodes of that crap, might as well finish it.

thanks anons

I thought I was missing out on something

You shouldn't conform your taste to what online people say is good. That being said, it's not good.

Watch first 5 eps or however many there are before they leave the city and skip the rest

I don't, I just don't want to be ignorant since I thought something had to be there that I'm not seeing in terms of meaning behind the plot (given the high status it has)

it just feels like it was written by a 14 year old.

Room temperature iq.

Don't listen to other anons. The last 3 episodes are so perfect that they overshadow the second coming of Christ in terms of anticipation and excitement.

>smart anime for a smart boy like me

well lain was alright and you will never find anything like texchnolyze again so you should probably stop comparing them to other anime newfriend

I had the exact same feelings first time I watched it, had to force myself to sit down and watch it until the last 4-5 episodes when shit actually gets explained to you and by the end I thought it was brilliant. Then rewatched it knowing what the fuck is really going on and I thought yep, it's fucking brilliant.
About the people saying that it's terrible, they kinda have a point since the show is slow and has a confusing structure, the muted tones and simplistic style isn't for everyone.
The thing about these kinds of shows you named such as Lain, Texhnolyze and Ergo Proxy is that their themes will not be very interesting to people who have never undergone or are undergoing any sort of an identity crisis, or collapse of their established system of values and priorities in life don't feel existential dread very often. They'll just have nothing to relate to and think it's meaningless setpieces.
Don't bother trying to explain colours to the blind.

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Lain got nice to me after the 7th episode but you're right about Texhnolyze. The buildup really paid off and I've not seen anything like it no matter how much I search for something similar.

That's what I don't get. I love Texhnolyze and appreciate Lain, but I really, really dislike Ergo Proxy. It feels pretentious and trying too hard. But I'm sure if I watched it before Texhnolyze I would have at least some kind of interest in it.

Nah, it sucks OP. It's kinda worth watching since it's in a genre/style (psychological or whatever) that's not done very often in anime, but other than that it's not good.

saying Ergo Proxy counts as psychological is like saying Naruto is better than Monster

Naruto had superior pacing.

What genre does it count as then?


"I went to community college"-core.


>shounenbabbies don't like ergo proxy

Attached: imagine my shock.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

I was lured in by the aesthetic and left thoroughly unimpressed.

ergo proxy probably has the worst action sequence, it is not they are trying something new but failed. It is just bland and boring.

No, guess you could speed watch and see the last couple of eps if you want to know what happens, but you're not wrong for finding it an interesting idea and aesthetic that got stretched out way too fucking long and was executed in a really boring badly paced way. Which is too bad, but doesn't excuse the show either.
That was fucking garbage also though.

Like/hate whatever the hell you want. Just be ready to get flack for it if you let it be known. But if you're only letting it be known so you can feel accepted or validated, then you're doing it wrong.

I liked the part where she did squats

>That was fucking garbage also
Now that's what I call a brainlet

yeah, it's shit. I agree with this:

>cringe inducingPaul Joseph Watson reaction image
>shounenbabbies whilst acting as if Ergo Proxy is even remotely deep or meaningful

Yep, can't tell if high school dropout or redpilled 16 year old.

I watch this because of Amy Lee alone (big tiddied goth waifu in anime is extremely rare).
And some Kino cinematography i guess.
I dont even understand the story (something something Last Utopia) especially the quiz scene.

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he probably enjoys capeshit and whatever is playing the murican cinanima every weekend

It's not usually referenced here. I haven't seen it and don't plan to. You are missing nothing except maybe the right to complain.


That Christian rock op was Kino

>Am I retarded for disliking Ergo Proxy?
No, it's not very good.

The first two episodes were good.

pino is cute

I wanted to forcefully shove my smegma ridden cock down Pino's throat the entire time. So yes for Pino it's kinda worth watching

> ED by Radiohead

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If you don't like it, stop watching it, brainlet.

Lain is good, but not great. Texhnolyze is actual garbage and one of the worst anime I've watched. I haven't watched Ergo Proxy but from what I've seen people talking about in regards to it it's closer to Texhnolyze than Lain.

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>likes lain but thinks texhnolyze is shit
hey teenage newfriend with 60 anime series completed

>Lain is good

i don't get how anyone doesnt like all 3: lain, texhnolyze, ergo proxy.

maybe the order u watched them?

I went from ergo to lain to texhnolyze


Texhnolyze has pacing issues and is extremely bleak.

>Earth is falling apart
>Humans fuck off to space leaving a skeleton crew of clones who think they're the real deal
>Make androids and give every human who's not living in a slum one
>Androids start gaining sentience and go insane
>Proxies are supposed to kill off all the clones so the OG humans can reclaim Earth once they get back from space
At least that's what I got from the story

>Paranoid Android
They probably chose it for the name alone but it's a good song

The stranded episode was the best filler episode I've ever seen in an anime

>Yea Forums once again exposes itself as the den of imbeciles

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>this thread again

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>anyone who dislikes what I like just hasn't watched enough anime

Certainly better than Texh at the very least.

>this poster again

t.completed 60 anime series

>another brainlet gets filtered
All is right in this world.

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It is not a filler episode you cretin. It's when the sheer hopelessness of their situation finally forces Re-l to stop being so damn distant from her peers.
For fucks sake all of her notes aka the truth of others were sent flying and she didn't give a shit about them in the end.

You understood almost nothing.

Fucking hell Ergo Proxy is actually and unironically too deep for some people.

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How does Ergo Proxy stack up compared to Wolf's Rain? I tried watching WR but dropped it after a couple of episodes because the main characters left the city and started wandering a desolate, shit coloured land à la EP, and I'm not willing to watch another show with ~15 episodes of shit screen.

I meant filler in that it doesn't advance the plot calm your tits

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I respect your right of disliking Texhnolyze but I also have the right to tell you that you fucking suck, user.

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He asked for the story not the allegory and metaphors underneath

I liked WR's 10x better, but it's been almost a decade now.

>changes how the protagonist views the world around her
>doesn't advance the plot on a show where androids going through the exact same process is what sets the entire story into motion
Room temperature IQ if I'm honest.

The stuff posted there is almost entirely wrong.

That’s literally the story though, unless you want to say what it supposedly is. Everyone there exists to make the earth ready for the descendants of those who fled to space ages ago.

No, it's just edgy emo shit filled with pointless filler and tacked on god shit, at the very end.

you proved his point pretentious retard

That's literally not the story. The original humans did not create the new humans nor did they leave clones behind, they created the proxies instead.

The story is convoluted so I won't bother trying to explain it to a monkey, tough luck pal.

Stop looking for validation for your subjective tastes.

Lain and Proxy threads are always filled with retards incapable of following stories that happen to be deeper than the usual puddle of piss anime has.

>actually knowing who he is

This is surely a reasonable and unbiased claim.

I remember really liking it. Considering I watched it once ten years ago it's quite something that I remember so many scenes from it. I remember feeling bad when her robot-cop partner was killed.
Also absolutely kino in terms of visuals. The ending scene whene Monad or whatever she was called takes Vincent up in the sky was beautiful.

Speaking of something unrelated I'm glad some user here name-dropped wolf's rain, I absolutely loved it, I have to download it and watch it again.

It's only pretentious if you think you're smarter than you really are. The anime is pretty straight forward and isn't trying to be intellectual at all. It's just a regular old post apocalyptic adventure.

The anime is so straightforward people on this very thread understood nothing.

only sane user here, the story was straight forward as fuck. sure they tried sprinkled some "really makes you think" undertones here or there but for the most part it was more existential crisis from the characters. a pretty straight forward reaction to being thrust into the "real world" from their safe haven.

Rel didn't have big tits though

>there's retards here who can't even follow the main plot yet act smug and tell everybody the show isn't worth watching

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I've come to figure you can measure the quality of a show by how many threads are made expressing confusion at it.

so basically it's literally nothing
no wonder it was boring beyond belief

Who is it that you think you're fooling?

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>another isekai zoomer didn't pass the filter
who would've thought

>muh boogeymen

DADOES and The Matrrix should swap places

>The anime is pretty straight forward and isn't trying to be intellectual at all.
Is that why they needed the "explanation episode" where they had to spell out for the viewer what was going on with the main character's transformation? There's a fine line between pretentiousness and intellectual, and it's usually drawn with the question: can the intended audience be expected to figure out what you're trying to do with the story.

They're bred inside artificial wombs but they don't live in a simulation.

I say Matrix stays on expected.

The quiz episode was brilliant though.

It's only brilliant if you like things being different for the sake of being different. It's extremely lazy otherwise.

Can any one of you tards get the reference?

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Yes, you're a certified brianlet, Re-L's show is one of my holy trinity, alongside Samurai Champloo and Evangelion

Attached: Re-L15.png (1920x1078, 1.19M)

user this board is full of people who don't understand shit unless they have a narrator explaining everything to them.

>extremely lazy
Lazy for being a unique way to catch the viewer up on the events of the past without making the characters go completely out of character to explain it?

wow an homage to an ophelia painting such a smart and deep show for smart and deep watchers

If the show intentionally tries to obfuscate the main plot to look more intelligent than it really is, it's shit.

Okay so you just like things being different for the sake of being different. Bland infodumps are still bland infodumps no matter how much you try to dress it up.

God I fucking hate this little shit.

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Each proxy underwent different types of mental breakdown and thus each dome is a unique world, brainlet-kun.
The quiz proxy just happened to have a raison d'etre about questioning others in a lighthearted but deadly fashion. He was also the first proxy to exhibit suicidal behavior in response to the electromagnetic signals the original humans were transmitting.

And the show achieved this while completely breaking the thematic consistency established by previous episodes and making the audience extremely confused to literal explanations of the story, thus the quiz episode was brilliant.

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You know how people were shitting on Pop Team Epic for reference humor? This is no different than that.

>unique world is a by-the-numbers infodump dressed up as a quiz because the writers forgot how to show instead of tell

you know you failed in life when you get your ego from understanding a show meant for teenagers

You know you failed in life when you get your ego from not understanding a show meant for teenagers

>they showed nothing new or relevant they only told
I bet you think the Hanna-Barbera/Disney World dome was pointless.

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fuck I forgot about that theme

The OP was so fucking good.

>if it has glacial pacing and literally nothing happening it's for smart people
My favorite meme

Can we get a series based solely on the OP?

>what are mysteries
stupid teen

It was never meant to be "Deep". Like the directors other work, Witch Hunter Robin, its a character drama. Not a deep delve into philosophical naval gazing.

>Okay so you just like things being different for the sake of being different.
Yeah why the fuck is this anime not taking place in highschool with a mysterious transfer student who infodumps everything? Shit anime.

Then why is it trying its hardest at pretending it is?

Because many japanese are brainless autists. Have you ever wondered why there's always a small closeup of someone's face on the screen during talkshows. Nipps literally can't think for themselves and need visual representations of what they should be thinking and feeling.

His point is being different doesn't mean something is good. And that's true. Just because something isn't a highschool moe series doesn't mean it's good but plenty of people subscribe to that way of thinking and use the same argument that you're using right now.

And just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad.

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Just because you like it doesn't mean it's good.

Ergo Proxy is pretentious and existential for very poor and shallow reasons that leave you bored almost the entire time and unimpressed at the conclusion. Especially the philosophies and symbolism it tries especially hard to convey is weak and or has been done better by other anime. People only like it for the cyberpunk setting, the cool concepts, the first few episodes and a couple in the middle.


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More brainlets for the pile.

Unappealing show. It really came off to me as pretentious because of all the philosophical references half-assedly thrown in. It reminds me of the people wrongly complaining about Makishima in Psycho-Pass spouting reference out of nowhere, except this time it's really exactly that and doesn't really do anything with all the shit it introduces.

It's stupid and pretentious and Ghost in the Shell does it better on every level.

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>Ergo Proxy rightfully deserves the hate it gets. It's one of the few anime that is actually pretentious in the non-buzzword sense.
Fucking plebs.
Too bad you won't understand Russian but the guy did a great job explaining pretty much everything in Ergo Proxy and everything makes sense there, it's not out of place and it's only """pretentious""" if you are a hill billy with 50 IQ.

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Stop linking your blog Ivan.

Kill yourself imbecile.

Take it easy on the vodka Dmitri.

Kill yourself imbecile.

>I'm at episode 17 and absolutely hate it
why do people force themselves to sit through anime they hate? it's such a waste of time. don't like it then drop it. who cares what anyone thinks. good grief.

nope, the anime is just pretentious and boring. go watch great cyberpunk stuff like GiTS, or try reading Origin by Boichi or Eden it´s an Endless world.

Because he wants to fit in with the adults that enjoy smarter anime.

The scope of this show is so far beyond the grasp of your average Yea Forumstard that the best they can do is to grab onto one little part of the show that they've just about managed to wrap their little brains around like the references, symbols or certain episodes and pitifully attempt to devalue the entire anime by criticizing tiny parts of it relentlessly as well as throwing pathetic personal insults towards people who enjoy the show in a vain attempt to cope with the fact that they will never ever comprehend the full gestalt of this timeless classic.

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This is the first time I have ever seen somebody say good grief. You are not impressing anyone pretending your time is valuable Jotaro.

Not necessary. The lyrics are already a perfect fit for the religious undertones this show has.

Using your meme buzzwords will not save the show from being a dull, uninspired and generally mediocre piece of media.

I have nothing against you if you enjoyed it, but thinking that you need to somehow be smart to "get it" or to fully appreciate it without seeing its flaws it's delusional and borderline retarded.

If we are to judge by this thread all you need to have in order to understand the basics of the main plot is a non-african IQ, but then again the average anime consumer has african IQ and people can't grasp the fucking basics of the main plot and this thread shows.

You think the automatons calling it pretentious have bothered trying to understand the philosophical inspirations the show has when they can't even follow event A to event B?
Do us a favor and stick to your shallow animu threads.

Most relatable character in the show.

If Yea Forums is full of retards and this thread has so many posts defending Ergo Proxy, it just means it's an anime for retards.

Digits confirm.

>understand the philosophical inspirations the show has
I mean sure if your only exposure of philosophy is with high school and youtube videos I can see why this show can be compelling to some people.

You have yet to provide examples of the nuances that you claim this anime has and you only keep providing proof that this show and the people that defend it are the very definition of pretentious.

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread, Hero Academia general is two pages down.

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>let me insult the philosophy present on the show by kneejerking le high school level
>now please waste your time with me
No. Fuck off to your cuteshit anime or whatever garbage it is that you enjoy masturbating to.

Nice job completely missing my point retard, I'm giving you a chance to show me the value of this show because frankly aside from the art style and setting it has nothing else going on for it.

Making vague allusions to Kierkegaard's work and surface level existentialism is not philosophy. Any monkey can throw an idea found on Wikipedia and never bother to develop or delve into it. Thats why it's PRETENTIOUS

does Yea Forums like death metal?

What makes you think you're in the position to give others chances when you started the conversation by bitching at buzzwords only to use even more of them?
Wake up sonny.

how do I manage to get triggered by these kind of threats everytime

Lain's problem is that its too long for the little content it has. It doesn't even bother resolving plot lines either, what the fuck happened to Lain's sister? Why does Lain not give a flying fuck that her "sister" is a vegetable now? If you sit down and dissect the show you'll find it's a 7.5/10 for sure. It fucking towers over seasonal moe shit but it has deep flaws in its story that just get ignored for some reason.

Ergo Proxy has just not much story. The first few episodes and the last few together would be a nice start of a story. It could be told in 5 episodes or so. After these 5 episodes the anime should be about the war between the guys on earth and humanity in space.

I have yet to see you provide counter arguments to valid criticism found in this thread that doesn't revolve around "they are just brainlets/moeshitters so they don't get it"

I agree with this but I still found what was there enjoyable.

That's actually higher than what I consider it.

>implying I watch garbage

I stopped trying to argue after some genius said the first humans were the creators of the robots and artificially bred humans. There is no meaning in trying to talk with jungle monkeys of that level - zero.
Linking them some english wiki page with simple yet reasonably accurate explanations is the right thing to do but then again if they can't google shit they don't understand then it's also pointless linking them stuff.

this was intentional satire of the viewer's tendency to give a shit about made up anime nonsense rather than paying attention to the actual artwork that's being done and the narrative development of the characters and their interactions.

A somewhat mediocre beginning (but I could understand how it might appeal to some peoples sense of wonder and interest in this dystopian social set-up), a pretty good middle where the show really is most memorable and shines best, a rather let down of an end.

Traveling the wastelands really was the best part of the whole show.

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>is that their themes will not be very interesting to people who have never undergone or are undergoing any sort of an identity crisis, or collapse of their established system of values and priorities in life

What a pretentious way of trying to say 'You just don't get it! You have to be a 'special' person to really understand!'

I have to be honest and admit that I didn't get it at first, either. But I decided to re-watch it and pay more attention and everything in this anime is great and well written. Its really worth to pay close attention and analyize the little details. Also, you can find a lot of analysis online that can help you understand it better.
Ergo Proxy is one of those anime that will never be made again.

>tfw a companion-type achived immunity to the calling
Why is Pino such a chadbot?

I want to shove my smegma ridden cock down Pino's throat

Ergo Proxy isn't deep and I don't think I've ever seen anyone on Yea Forums claim it is outside of trolling purposes. They set up some nice themes that other post-apocalyptic/dystopian anime (or literature as well) handle much better.

ergo proxy is one of -the- 2deep4u shows out there

more like you just enjoyed the aestheticse and the eerie atmosphere and the atmosphere is all it had going for it anyway. Dont even bring up texhnolyze when you talk about your shitty 'ive seen 30 anime and lain is the best' show

>ive seen 30 anime and lain is the best
I never said this and even said I consider Lain below the 7.5/10 that that other user said. Also it's funny how the amount of anime I've supposedly seen keeps getting lower with each post.

Wait, the only anime you've watched is Lain?

because you randomly brought of lain originally and even used a picture from lane for the post. You are clearly lying at this point. Im sure your 3x3 has lain in it

Are Texhnolyze, Lain and Ergo Proxy the most effective pleb filters known to anime?

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OP mentioned Lain and Texhnolyze

>Im sure your 3x3 has lain in it
It does not. It would be strange to have a series I consider below a 7.5/10 on my 3x3 don't you think?

I love Texhnolyze to bits but for whatever reason I just got bored after the third episode for Ergo Proxy and I'm not really sure why. Texhnolyze's first few episodes are a huge slog to get through but I felt more captivated to stick with it and to it's benefit, it did have a great payoff towards the end. I'll probably go back to ergo proxy and try to watch the rest of it though.

Why does this show makes you all so assblasted like this?

Because of the memes user,mainly spread by Digibro and Yea Forums. Ergo Proxy is gaining the love and respect it deserves now more than any time ever before, thanks to people who gave it the attention it needs and let it absorb them and got rewarded in the end. it's a living masterpiece and each viewing lightens more and differs from the previous one in a certain way

Imagine spending ~550 minutes of your life watching something you can't understand.

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Then why keep watching? do you hate yourself or something?

That's what you ought to ask the OP, not me.

So where are people supposed to draw the line between deep and not deep?
How many anime out there incorporate philosophy and psychology not only into its characters but also the world these characters live in, which ones are deep, why are they deep and why aren't others?
Take EP for instance, the small robot that got infected by a so called virus called Cogito, which roughly translates to "I think" in Latin, that gifts robots with self-awareness retains a lot of the preprogrammed pseudo-human personality it had before the infection and in doing so becomes a direct manifestation of Determinism x Free Will, which are strands of thoughts the anime relies heavily upon in its story alongside the religious connotations the plot brings. How and why is such a character meaningless when it has far more depth than the vast majority of anime characters out there?

nobody likes ergo proxy. it's just a product of it's time

this better be bait

Even though I'm not the posted you're replying to I can guarantee you that it's not bait.

Regardless, I miss Studio Manglobe. I don't think we'll ever get a studio specifically geared toward seinen audiences since its bankruptcy.

>manlet doing whatever it takes to have a waifu

>dedicate your life to raising your own waifu
>get cucked by vincent
>clone and raise a new waifu
>get cucked by proxy one
>kill yourself

Attached: JustFuckMyShitUp.gif (300x100, 85K)

>This is the first time I have ever seen somebody say good grief
you've been blessed by me then

Room temperature is 293 Kelvin.

Still a better fate than Raul's.

And they created the proxy to shepherd the not-humans you cocksucker.
That user's tl;dr was good, why are you trying so hard to feel superior on an anonymous message board?

Attached: ergo_proxy_13_03.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

The tl;dr is full of mistakes you cum guzzler.

/r9k/ BTFO. No wonder you faggots hate this. TOP KUCK

No, you just dislike it.

I don't like Haruki, Higurashi and many other "cult" titles. But that's it.

Retardation is a measure of inproductive brain and lack of social skills. If you can't solve basic calculus or can't behave yourself in public, then sure, retardation is your diagnosis.

Otherwise it's just some sort of taste deviation, but that's fine.

no he's pretty much retarded for forcing himself to sit through 17 episodes of something he hates
he's also retarded for trying to like something DEEPfags like

How the fuck are the 2 even remotely similar?
I love both, but they are miles apart.

>couldn't even see his daughteru in the end.
That shit hit hard.

>full of mistakes
Such as? Sure there never was any contact between OG humans and new ones (except of you count these things in the cavern as human)
But apart from that?

Also this thread needs more Re_l

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One, humans only left embryos and the proxies behind.
Two, the proxies made the domes, the first androids and new humans.
Three, the proxies were never meant to kill off the new humans or the androids. It's actually the other way around.

1. Actually if you want to nitpick, humans only left a DNA bank and an artificial womb per Proxy, no embryos. Which is why a human clone of Monad (Re_l) was possible in the first place: the regent and Proxy One messing around with the DNA bank

3. What? It's not the other way around, Proxies are meant to die by sunlight, not by anyone's hands.
And a Proxy dying turns off its dome power, thus turning off the womb, thus leaving the local population no mean of reproduction, and the androids without battery.
The androids are a plan B in case the neo-humans project doesnt succeed. OG humans just need something to mend the planet, be it flesh or silicon, it doesn't matter, because it's engineered to disappear over a few generations once the OG come back.

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The cogito virus and parts of the proxy genetic code were specifically made to turn the androids against the proxies but this was a fail-safe measure. Pino and Raul's android were the only ones capable of resisting their programmed raison d'etre.

The proxies weren't meant to go insane or get depressed, they were meant to fix the planet and quietly die by sunlight when the planet was ready and this is why Proxy 1 was so pissed. By the time this was set to happen naturally the first humans would be returning to the planet in order to keep the domes from imploding. They only went insane because they were imperfect creations made at the image of humans.

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Ergo Proxy is a perfect example of a good setting ruined by pretentious garbage.

This. Never seen a character as pretentious as Pino.

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agreed, they should've made it action packed instead

It does drag on a little bit, needed fewer episodes.

Alright fuck everything else, lets talk about our favorite waifus. Mine is still Shirley. Even after all these years, that orange haired babestill pulls my heart strings.

Attached: shirley1.jpg (1920x1080, 129K)

They could've made it a drama about teenage girls and it would've been better.

cute girls :^)

I am sure everyone else besides me on the thread has read the entire western humanities canon, but if not, watching an episode and then consulting a blog about what the fuck you just saw can help. glegoo: grey spectrum ergo proxy

Liked Lain. Saw Lain and Eva when going through a horrendous breakup in 2002.
>Duvet Cyberia
>Come Sweet Death
What a beautiful trainwreck that was

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