Tonari no Kyuuketsuki

Don't tell me you already forgot about these cute yuri vampires.

Attached: y.jpg (1684x2381, 638K)

I remember Hinata.

I only remember how much of a slut the blonde one was.

*how much of a kyuuti lady

I could never forget my mistress.

Attached: 1546909760625.jpg (1123x1202, 574K)

Attached: akari grope.webm (1280x720, 645K)

God I wish that was me.

How can I forget my comfy Sofa?

Attached: 1554633164289.jpg (2267x3024, 1.04M)

I remember my wife Sophie and her friends.

This season ain't looking so good. Maybe I'll give this show a watch.


Attached: Sophie_02.jpg (1920x1985, 939K)

What would sex with Sophie be like?

I'll never forget them.

Is it true that the MC was actually supposed to be a male?

What happened to Chapter 17? Why it was deleted from mangadex.

Empty and cold.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.54_[2019.01.14_04.06.15].jpg (1280x720, 75K)

Post the Sophie fig

Is it lewd?


Attached: umu.webm (336x450, 216K)

Why is she such a potato?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.21_[2019.02.03_05.23.16].jpg (1280x720, 230K)

She'll live forever, so she doesn't feel the need to rush anything.

Where can I pre-order this kyuutie?

Attached: 1549761028510.jpg (800x1197, 415K)

More like kyuuri vampires

Attached: _amano_akari_and_sophie_twilight_tonari_no_kyuuketsuki_san_drawn_by_hikari_niji_d6b07ebebcdbf183e675 (1065x1300, 1.23M)

Attached: 1545757527962.jpg (1600x960, 202K)

Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu

Attached: __sophie_twilight_tonari_no_kyuuketsuki_san_drawn_by_hotaruru__sample-9492607d03dbfbfc5577788f615abe (800x637, 193K)

My wife is so cute

Attached: 1545410958069.jpg (1920x1483, 927K)

I wish Akari was male

That's a lesbian vampire, not your wife.


How many nip slips would you see per day if you lived with Ellie?

Attached: 1548354112139.jpg (779x1098, 299K)

Attached: 73090118_p0.png (1054x1500, 1.06M)

None because that slip she’s wearing would be off 24/7. Wait why is the FBI knocking on my door?

Attached: 6B4ACBF8-DBBB-40DD-9A28-D543935117AD.jpg (640x480, 46K)

It’s okay she’s being turned into a vampire right? right???

I don't like this image.

Don't do that.

>Living with Eri to get nip slips
>Not living AS Eri and giving anons nip slips

Attached: 1546322911513.jpg (960x1240, 159K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 11 [720p]-0013.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Fuck vampires.

Would you rather have a comfy life with Sophie or high-impact sexual life with Ellie?

Attached: IMG_20190124_174444.jpg (744x915, 211K)

That's the idea.

It was nice.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 12 [720p].mkv - 0004.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

Attached: 65732588_p0.jpg (1500x1052, 1.6M)

Comphie life

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Ippen shinde miru?

Attached: Sophie frightened .jpg (720x720, 195K)

I can't believe Sofi chan is fucking undead!

Attached: HorribleSubs_Tonari_no_Kyuuketsukisan_10_720p.mkv_0021.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

God, the surprise lewds from this show was great

Attached: 1552130035284.jpg (1358x1162, 463K)

Very sexual vampire.

I still keep saving the ocassional new Sophie picture, but I haven't forgotten the show though, especially how much I laughed in the last airing thread.

Why is Sofi sad?

Attached: 71581415_p0.jpg (878x1167, 468K)

Because her show will never get a second season which also makes me sad

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I do not like this.

Attached: x2.png (320x620, 50K)

Me on the right.

It's impossible to forget this semen demon.

Attached: 1540911725721.png (816x948, 1.18M)

Maybe her feelings hurt.

Does the manga sell better than Gabriel’s manga?

Attached: 1851D675-A0EE-4FED-B4C5-27AB35DCE261.jpg (552x708, 71K)

I feel sorry for plebeians who can't appreciate clothed sex.

Public clothed sex*


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 08 [720p].mkv - 0020.jpg (1280x720, 162K)

Best and funniest anime prank ever?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 07 [720p].mkv - 0008.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

>It's just a prank bro

Attached: dollmaker.jpg (1920x2496, 1.31M)

Could you make a doll from ashes though? A small girl like Sophie wouldn't even leave that much behind.

Attached: 1546143747309.jpg (1920x1080, 149K)

Chapter translations fucking when?

How does this franchise continue? Will there be an OVA or a S2? Or is it over?

The manga is still going.


Good morning happi sutorenji furenzu.


Shino is a creepy girl.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 07 [720p].mkv - 0023.jpg (1280x720, 161K)

It's already April yet Sophie is still the prettiest anime girl in existence.

But the translations have been stalled for months.

She’s great but not that great.

Attached: AFBF5E9F-C170-4605-9594-19520240DA0D.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

My wife Shino is so kyuute

Attached: Sophie_smiling_like_the_little_cutie_she_is.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

Sohui is the 吸test Lady.


Attached: 1552086219116.jpg (1920x3197, 1.79M)

Perfectly clean vampire anuses.

Sofi's anus is dusty and musty.

Ellie's is definitely sticky with cum, though.

Attached: 1554156843358.jpg (1280x720, 304K)

so close for a nipslip

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 11 [720p]-0007.jpg (1280x720, 181K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 10 [720p]-0009.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

That's one hairy boy

Attached: waggle_waggle.webm (638x720, 862K)

I will turn him into a woman.

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Attached: P0082.jpg (1439x2048, 1.13M)

Poor boy. Will Shino ever recognize her feelings?

Why is she such a slut?

A least they got one original character.

>A challenger appears!

Attached: akari_2.jpg (1536x2048, 733K)

Sophie is such a kyuutie pie

Attached: 1554038207287.png (860x1214, 596K)

Would be funny if the author introduced him later in the manga.

>forced to get rid of self insert character
>fuck what do I do now?
>see Kiniro Mosaic on TV
And the rest, they say, is history.


Goodnight 吸tie anons

Attached: 1551650729469.jpg (490x1500, 156K)

I could never forget the kyuutie ladies
Unfortunately, I'm feeling too sad and tired to post pics of my kyuutie friend Sophie

Attached: 1549912959225.png (1600x1142, 1.52M)

Come home, see this.

>wat to do?
Bully Kaos
nice digits, checked

Attached: 1553688244104.jpg (460x463, 42K)

Run around the table and masturbate furiously with a donut while singing Canadian national anthem

Fuck all of them, including the soup and cat.

If you try to take away Chougigayume's donut, she'll bring you down.

Thoroughly pet Nyaos-sensei.

Attached: nyaos-sesei.png (1920x1080, 937K)

Kick out everyone because that's my goddamn house.

I would be worried about some clumsy, unsupervised girls starting a fire with the kotatsu in my house.

I haven's seen any other kyuutie thread lately, what will we discuss today?


Attached: List of Acceptable Gabus.jpg (900x900, 586K)

Please don't turn Sohui to ash.

Wow, i kinda forgot that potato abyss is a gabu too

It just went up for preorder.

Attached: IMG_20190408_045007.jpg (874x1200, 162K)

Would Sophie purchase a figure of herself?

Attached: cutefeet_wait.jpg (830x527, 143K)

unholy fuck this looks great.I wish angel gabu and satania hadn't been shafted though in the figures dept.

Attached: 1544987503941.png (658x645, 494K)

Be aware that the manufacturer is mediocre at best so the real thing isn't going to look nearly as good as this promotional picture.

How much can she squat? Absolutely mirin those thighs

Like 1000pl8.

At least one road roller.

She can one-hand a road roller, so easily double that.

Excuse me but this thumbnail looks like she's grabbing on a horse cock.

How are they vampires when they're fine being outside with direct sunlight?

and a tree

Attached: 1553661919104.jpg (860x1214, 501K)

They're not. The photo was taken at Sophie's house.

I can't help but think that Sophie is the only pure character in the show.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.46_[2019.01.13_21.32.30].jpg (1280x720, 341K)

user, she keeps dakimakura and has questionable content on her hard drive.

>wake up
>thread is still here

Attached: 1554049936042.webm (1280x720, 203K)

One of these is not like the others.

Undead thread for undead girls.

Sophie's hair smells like shit. I know it.

Sophie gave me a newfound appreciation for these types of girls

Attached: umu.jpg (509x738, 56K)

Sophie and Akari 69 with each other daily.

Would you still watch this show if Akari was a generic male character like this?

How many girls virginities has sophie personally taken?

Absolutely yes. As long as Sophie is still Sophie.

Attached: Sophie kyuute outfit.jpg (369x516, 59K)

Fuck no.

Absolutely no chance in hell.

>sophie blushing to a guy
i don't think a lot of user would allow this

Attached: 1544138833175.jpg (1920x1080, 594K)

I don't draw at all nor am I good at it, but I drew a 吸tie 2 or 3 months ago and never finished because I started drawing something else. This was without a tablet, just using mouse and lines.

Attached: file.png (623x905, 194K)

I need more of this show

My wife Chino is so cute

Do you think Sophie is interested in procreating?

Attached: Soft Kitty.jpg (882x1254, 202K)

Shisume > Ippen shinde miru

Attached: 65436582_p6.png (2479x2000, 2.67M)

if two kyuuketsuki make a baby, does that mean the baby is a kyuuketsuki too?




That was a cute opening

Attached: embrace kyuuketsuki.jpg (2250x1159, 1.13M)

Sophie is interested in yuri.

Confess, which one of you did this?

Attached: by__.jpg (1280x720, 319K)

Not me. I only do Ellie.

Attached: 1544869961272.png (1044x986, 1.06M)

Attached: chinos.png (1200x502, 746K)

completely different seiyuu

what a semen demon

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I don't whether they intentionally or unintentionally made this frame so erotic.

Mine, my the way.

Is she a semen demon or a vampire?

Attached: demon_ellie.jpg (3139x2227, 1.67M)

She's demon's semen

Attached: 72405511_p0.jpg (707x1000, 387K)

I love Ellie so much. So fucking much.

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Imagine tickling those pits

Kyuute meido

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Would she let me do things to her as her master?

Absolutely intentional.

This thread needs more these two.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.53_[2018.11.03_11.51.37].jpg (1280x720, 274K)

She enjoys drinking blood from girls (sexually), so yes.


What does she mean by that?

She will suck the life force out of you

Attached: 1543837239432.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Stop oversexualizing this child. She is not that sexual.

She's an extremely sexual vampire.

She's the most sexual vampire I've ever seen.


Attached: vampire_brat_attacks_orange_anon.jpg (1280x720, 365K)

What kind of movies would Sophie like?
I am in pain because I can't post pictures of my kyuutie friends

Wouldn't she be an anime-only purist?

Of course, although I'm still glad the author plagiarized Shino.

Attached: [Doki]_Kiniro_Mosaic_-_08_(1920x1080_Hi10P_BD_FLAC)_[FC10284E].mkv - 0001.jpg (1920x1080, 129K)

Given that she has a fuckhuge collections of books.
I would say almost anything unless it's scary.

Attached: weaponize kani kani.jpg (636x745, 73K)

Guehuehuehue Zofi chawn

Attached: _alice_cartelet_amano_akari_oomiya_shinobu_and_sophie_twilight_tonari_no_kyuuketsuki_san_and_etc_dra (2894x4093, 2.2M)

Why does Sophie look so uncomfortable?

Probably has to deal with 2 Shinos

Attached: 1550714308316.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

No one feels comfortable when getting molested by weird girls like Shino and Akari.

Imagine being molested by Elxpie

Attached: 1544805834253.jpg (1920x1483, 944K)

This but my dick

One of the greatest moments in anime history


Attached: 1544286243032.jpg (857x1200, 101K)

Best CGDCTs show in a while.

These two are my sleeping mates

Attached: 1547779652681.jpg (600x849, 101K)

And as her blood is sucked, Akari can feel the heat being drained from her body through her neck. The tips of her toes turn ice cold as the
sensation runs up her legs, through her thighs, and through the reaches of her nethers as it continues through her spine while her fingers lose their
heat one by one. Following the numbness is a tingling; faint at first, but slowly getting stronger in waves. Whenever she feels like her brain cannot
take it any longer, she is overcome with pleasure screaming in every nerve in her body, more and more, over and over again. The most sensitive
parts of her body harden and twitch, her limbs spasming from the inescapable cascade of sexual energy. And with each pulse, her muscles grow
stronger, her bones tough enough to lift a road roller, and yet her skin almost feels like it's thinning, becoming sensitive to even the slightest light—
which, in turn, amplifies the prick of Sophie's fangs, the feel of her wet tongue on her neck, the slight dribble of saliva and blood mixed together
dripping down, sending a shiver to her deepest parts. Yet her transformation does not end there; suddenly two pangs of pain explode in her back,
her body instinctively trying to reject the wings growing from her shoulder blades. It feels like torture, like it goes on forever, until finally, with a
dizzying burst, they shoot from her back in the greatest orgasm of Akari's life. Breathing heavily, her entire body trembling with each flap of her new
wings, she slumps down into Sophie's welcoming lap, sliding through the puddle of love juice exuded from her quivering pussy, but basking in the
sensation of being reborn as Sophie's eternal lover.

Attached: 1544191730165.png (1000x1000, 1.43M)

The only thing the anime lacks.

Attached: 1545559154135.webm (1280x720, 450K)

I meant nibbling humans, but that scene was cute too.

Tonari no Kyyuketsuki
Or: I can’t believe a Tzimisce can be so cute.

My daughterwife Chino is having a sleepover with her new friend Ellisxarpbeth, I hope they will get along well and nothing bad happens to her!
goodnight 吸tie anons

Attached: 1554504296224.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

Imagine a threesome with Sofi and Chino

I like how Ellie is just the Scarlet sisters combined into one.

Attached: 1545042283391.gif (510x378, 107K)

When I wanted to masturbate to Ellie I just masturbated to Flandre.

How strong is Sophie?
Also, I require ALL the question mark pics: post them

Solid 5 dots in strength

Keep at it, user, you can do it. I should start to improve my drawing soon as well.

That's kinda hot desu.

Don't have lewd thoughts about Sophie

Quite probable considering how old she is. Hell, as far as we know she's the fucking baron of the city.

Happy Strange Friends

Attached: 1544198324182.jpg (1920x2156, 1.35M)

She could be a baron if she wanted to, but I think that deliberately disconnecting from kindred politics was a reason for her moving to Japan.
It's hard to be a comfy NEETzimisce when you're playing the Jyhad game.

Is that Sharo?

No and thanks for making the thread

Attached: kyuutie.jpg (4299x3035, 2.32M)

I want to nibnib.

Who are those sexy girls ?

I think the one on the left is Sharo, the one on the right is a new character for the next season.

Attached: S4Ank1q.png (1920x1080, 1.34M)

I think Sharo was bitten by a vampire as a child.

by me

picked up
jk I can't be fucked to watch anything anymore

Attached: 1501062770061.jpg (496x375, 40K)

I've said it already, buy I'll say it again: since they don't process food, I want to feed Sophie a choco keki and then eat it whole from her ass.


Your dick won't regret it.

Attached: 1540564621381.jpg (2403x2138, 1.1M)

I'll watch this after I finish the anime I waited 5 years for

Thanks, good luck to you too.

Attached: 1551558473442.jpg (720x720, 52K)

How slutty is this girl?

She's pure.

Pure sex.

She sleeps wearing only Chanel.

Is she very rich?

She’s Hungarian nobility embraced as a vamp.
She’s so rich that she pays with gold bars.

And how does she play with said bars?

I want to pound a stake into these vampires.

You've just made her angry. Run, user, run.

Attached: 1547781574522.jpg (849x1200, 379K)

Good night, Kyuutie friends

Attached: 72137378.webm (800x636, 324K)

Good night, cute corpse.

What did Sophie do between anime airring seasons before she met Akari?

Read manga, obviously.

Prostituting herself.

Raping and killing young girls.

She's gonna get picked up!

Angry Sofi is even kyuuter

Attached: 1549317299902.jpg (529x671, 82K)

How angry would she be if she got staked in her pooper?

Only one way to find out.

Don't, it's toxic for you

Attached: puffy_sofa.jpg (800x600, 257K)

You don't want to see her angry. Deep down, she's a psychopath.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_23.15_[2019.02.03_05.22.06].jpg (1280x720, 317K)

She wouldn't harm anyone even if she tried

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Attached: 1545518937511.jpg (1280x720, 86K)


Attached: Roda_Rora_da.png (639x759, 433K)

I wish my dad would bring home a cute vampire like Sophie.

Attached: 1554038166664.png (860x1214, 799K)

Attached: sophie_sicp.jpg (401x500, 32K)

Which one of them is the slutty one?

Attached: 1537131617333.jpg (1280x1070, 195K)

I don't know whatchu guys are talking about but I think Ellie is very pure.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.56_[2019.01.14_04.05.29].jpg (1280x720, 358K)

Come on, user. Ellie is a good girl but you shouldn't delude yourself.
She a dirty mind, at least a little


Attached: akari9.jpg (823x720, 104K)

She is dead, she will not wake up

Attached: 1544804614879.webm (1280x720, 951K)

There's a special way to wake her up, but I won't tell you.

High impact cuddling

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.19_[2018.10.07_20.44.53].jpg (1280x720, 281K)

yay threads still up

You are all very sweet and cute!



Thank you, user!
You're sweet and kyuute too!

Mine is a slut, help

Attached: sexuellie.jpg (1920x1080, 215K)

>What are we gonna do on the bed?

Attached: 1544808818812.jpg (1920x1080, 264K)

>snuggling between two room-temperature dolls
I'll warm them up for sure.

These vampires look very predatory.

I wish they'd predate on my penis.

>Eri will never prostate massage you with her fingers while your penis is in her throat, licking your glands with her tongue with her fangs sunk into your shaft so that you keep the erection, pumping continuously blood to the penis while she drinks a mix of blood and semen.
Why live ;_;

Attached: 1545859725067.png (1280x720, 764K)

That's too extreme. I bet she wouldn't even want that.

I forgot Spxie was the one into that kind of stuff, sorry

Attached: 1544366759248.png (508x690, 426K)

This is the most accurate representation of Finland I've ever seen.

What a clingy bitch

Attached: 1544230614330.jpg (1280x720, 367K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 11 [720p]-0010.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 12 [720p]-0017.jpg (1280x720, 158K)

Sofi is for anal only.

She's not a degenerate.

Go back.

There is nothing degenerate about using kyutie-poopers as masturbation aides. That's what they were made for.

Anal is degenerate

What an uncultured opinion.

You're just a closeted faggot. It's 2019 user, there's nothing wrong with being gay. Time to stop lying to yourself.

It's not gay when the butthole is cute.

Let me guess; you also think traps are not gay? It's okay user, I'm not judging.

Attached: 1544679977946.jpg (250x238, 17K)

Yes, a part of a girl is the same as a boy in a skirt. Kill yourself you shitposting retard.

Good, anger is just a stage. You're getting there.

Attached: 1517047917791.gif (286x344, 681K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 04 [720p].mkv - 0003.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

kyuuties are sex toys, so the concept of gay or straight does not apply.

My clingy wife

Attached: clingy_sophie.png (963x1006, 709K)

What about these two?

Attached: 1545448656989.jpg (1280x720, 345K)

Gay sex toys.


They are the members of Secret Sealing Club.

Would you a vampire hunter?

Attached: Vampire_Hunter_01.jpg (1920x2115, 1.21M)

I'd eat her ass.

Yui is so fucking sexy, of course I would.

in the butt, befitting her boyish looks

>I wish they'd predate on my penis.
They are, in fact, much older than your penis.

Nah, she looks like a dude and probably fucks like one

Why is her shoulder blade so sexy?

But that's a boy

Attached: dumb_boys.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

That's a good thing, I know from gay porn that dudes are better at fucking.

"boys" are the best girls.

bloodborne cosplay

No, it's not.

Some dudes in gay porn are actually straight

You sound pretty gay

Attached: 1550413856207.jpg (267x589, 26K)

Attached: IMG_20190325_135109.png (712x610, 349K)

Change blood to cum

They spent Christmas Eve together fucking.

My blood is faintly sweet and very tasty.
I know because I tasted it multiple times
You just have questionable tastes, Ellie



Attached: cum.png (712x610, 106K)

Can say the same about my cum.

Fuck, beat me to it

Attached: Sophie_looking_at_this_thread.jpg (1280x720, 250K)

This is kinda hot

Attached: 1548544239977.png (2560x1440, 1.71M)


Attached: x4.png (140x250, 15K)

>Akari browses /g/ for the first time and installs Gentoo

Attached: 1500379360438.png (1677x942, 976K)

Attached: IMG_20190325_135151.png (860x672, 589K)

>implying that she doesn't like it gross

Attached: 1544809514974.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Sxarp lost life

Attached: dead_sxarp.webm (1920x1080, 2.15M)

What happens if a vampire sucks his own blood?

Attached: 1550458439495.png (862x493, 441K)

What if a dude sucks his own dick?

Attached: 1532184411964.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

Sophie's smelly butt.

Infinite sustenance

Attached: 1548655863198.png (235x399, 77K)

I'd suck Akari's dick.

>Akari's cockie

Attached: 1544980537393.jpg (633x673, 112K)

Are you buying Kyuutie merch?

Mangas, artbook, Cunes and Spxie fig
Also BDs

Attached: 1542987249372.jpg (1280x720, 197K)

>Also BDs
This is the first anime since Nanoha that's gotten me interested in buying the BDs.

Don't know what to buy desu.

You could always buy the kyuutiest figure

Attached: kyuutiest.jpg (600x600, 89K)

That was a good run, goodnight 吸tie anons I need more sleeping 吸tie pics

Attached: 1552132716116.jpg (1420x739, 351K)

Fuck, this looks expensive.

I got 4 keyrings last week.

Got a calendar

I kind of want it, but I don't usually buy scales of small girls and I hate buying figures of a girl without having one of her partner.

It’s okay. Sophie is used to being alone

Akari's fin dick.

Gotta go to coffin, kyuutie friends. Have a kyuutie dream.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.37_[2019.01.05_21.35.49].jpg (1280x720, 433K)

What if Sophie started dressing like a gyaru instead of an old timey doll? What would Akari think?

That'd be terrible, but Akari would love her anyway.

Don't know about Akari, but my dick would love that.

Akari would find a way to rationalize loving her with the gap moe.

Wait, so vampires can see their own reflections, it's just that to everyone else they're invisible? Big if true.

Then why cant Ellie put on her own makeup?

$158.99 here


please don't ruin my porcelain doll wife sophie. she's a perfect albino, doesn't need any darker color, not trying to be racist.

It's either Sophie was lying or the author changed her mind on the nature of vampires in kyuutie universe.

Attached: 69.png (638x482, 126K)

Kaos has longer fangs than Ellie, should I give her the stake?

Attached: bce1041269d2f3bd7dc0444e20b69884ac33897er1866720v2_hq.jpg (866x720, 55K)

Stakes don't work on extradimensional eldritch creatures.

Meat stake right into the pink vibrating onahole.

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I wish she wasn't that useless. Like imagine, she is your wife. She couldn't do shits. You'd probably be the who breastfeed your babies.

I want human onahole.



Attached: Comic Girls 12 - 00.13.40.jpg (1920x1080, 280K)

>Kaos trying to breastfeed her babies, but not only she's too flat for the baby to bite on anything but also there's no milk at all
And now I'm erect again for thinking about the Kaos DFC

Up! Up!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 11 [720p]-0006.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

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The perfect amount of kyuuties

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Remember to warm your kyuutie before use

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This but Sophie

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I'd be fine with that.

What would vampire milk taste like?



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I want to make baby vampires with Hinata.

>Ellie gets to feed on this every night

Attached: 1549466286639.jpg (2000x2640, 422K)

Dusty cream

Attached: 87939874398498.png (899x612, 492K)

Fermented milk.

Or Ellie took the No Reflection flaw during character creation so she could get an extra dot in resources.

Imagine taking this risque pic of Soapy. How would she react when she found out that you're taking pics of her?

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Gentle Slope™
Is this the end?

Attached: 1542379367344.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Kyuutie Slope

Attached: 1547770206685.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

Would normal cameras work on kyuuties?

Attached: 1544846963207(1).jpg (711x1027, 193K)

As long as it didn't have any mirrors, like the kind that the vampire family used to post on facebook.

I have more questionable stuff.

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>season 2 never
>threads livelier than the kyuuties never

Attached: sophie_brella.png (736x867, 408K)

Why are they so eager to kill themselves?

Next chapter when?

5 months

Attached: D26B5v9UgAImr3g.jpg (2048x1536, 464K)

I still remember a post that said "no more kyuuties".

Buy merch and maybe there'll be a 2nd season.

Goodnight happi sutorenji kyuutie furenzu

Attached: gabu_hugging_gabu.jpg (501x334, 65K)

apparently cold

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 09 [1080p]-0012.jpg (1920x1080, 262K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 06 [1080p]-0017.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

>tfw you will never spend your days playing games, watching anime and lazing around cuddling with your immortal loli wife

Attached: s3.jpg (300x168, 6K)

You know in the Tonari universe, assuming the vampires live forever and always look this tight and cute if bitten at the correct age, wouldnt it be logical to assume somewhere some vampire bit a cute loli and locked her in his basement keeping her barely alive on blood and having a cute campire slave for all eternity? Why dont they make a spin off about that

Attached: 1541374569370.jpg (2400x2400, 746K)

Someone like Sophie is too powerful to be caged.

w-what would one use them for?

Angel Sophie>>>>>>>>vampire Sophie

Attached: 148226.png (600x720, 636K)

why not both?

What does Sophie do when Japanese society collapses and can't produce anime and video games anymore?

Work on her backlog.

Marry me and come to my country.

Maybe she'll go drink some girls like a vampire should.

The best thing about being a vampire is that despite being immortal, you have an easy "I'm done" button.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.54_[2018.12.07_12.55.23].jpg (1280x720, 154K)

Sohy noooooooo

Sxphie lost life

This is why I can't to only Sophie. Ellie is so goddamn hot.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.32_[2019.01.14_04.08.13].jpg (1280x720, 208K)

What other things would Ellie do with her thrall Hinata?

I won't let Sofy do this


Do you honestly think Sofi will let that happen?

How else do you think they made the show?

>this thread is still up
Holy shit, talk about a slow burner. I haven't tried this series but have a bump, frens. I remember the threads for this series being really comfy

We have the power of vampires on our side.

>Theres a vampire posting in this thread RIGHT NOW and no one will believe it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.50_[2018.11.09_15.06.38].jpg (887x690, 82K)

Supposedly, people who are on the internet during the night are actually vampires.

Attached: 1539354856437.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

Don't be a dumbo, Sofa.

Undead thread for undead monsters

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Gabu is for stress relief only while Sophie is for creating a large family with.

This desu

Attached: 1542603288882.jpg (1920x2077, 1.27M)

We're all kyuuties down here

Attached: 1552132156346.jpg (1170x2405, 829K)

Shhh, everyone is sleeping

Attached: 1552137680399.jpg (1533x1673, 1.17M)

No. Everyone is dead.

Attached: 1548466887766.jpg (644x497, 59K)

Heaven-Field Lamp is not a murderer.

>Akari dies.

Attached: [ReinForce] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san 11 (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_20.27_[2019.04.11_ (1920x1080, 395K)

>Akari flies.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.26_[2018.10.07_20.22.11].jpg (1280x720, 202K)

>Akari 吸ties

Sophie > Gabriel
Gabriel Dropout > Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san

Sophie Dropout = Tonari no Tenshi-san

Did Gabriel Dropout ever get non-meme rewrite subs?

how is she so erotic

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 04 [1080p]-0023.jpg (1920x1080, 178K)

Attached: Sophie baby.jpg (369x516, 108K)

yes but only episodes 6 onwards

Is this erotic enough for you?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.47_[2019.01.14_04.06.33].jpg (1280x720, 227K)

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I teach her by showing her how its done, experiencing it first had is a great way to learn new things

Attached: lewdsmuggo.png (1280x720, 1.11M)

>Ara ara~

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How many different dicks have been inside Ellie?

enough that if you lined them up you could circle the earth twice

Attached: 1518441742516.png (800x1322, 347K)

>literally a jojo reference


How is Akari going to get a marriage license in the future when Sophie still looks like a child?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.49_[2018.10.07_20.45.24].jpg (1280x720, 402K)

I can't choose between two of them.

Sophie will buy a fake id on vampire Amazon

Don't bullie the Ellie

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If Sofi was you're submissive house maid, what would you order to her?

Attached: 68812983_p0.jpg (460x650, 109K)

I'm a sucker for this slightly gay cutesy shit, I loved Wataten, Kyuuties and Mosiac. Where do I go from here?


But that's very gay.

Bochi is quite promising I think.

I hope you've watched Gochiusa, the most intelligent anime of the decade.

holy shit hot

I want Sohy to suck my blood completely dry and make me into dried fish

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I've never watched my cute's wife show should I?

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Cute ED. But I preferred Yuru Yuris S5 for the yuris.

Attached: endro yuru.png (960x1080, 567K)

You'd better not be talking about Maya.

Maya is total anal fuck material.

To cuddle with me in her coffin and suck my blood

>Comfy romance with Sofi

Attached: 1544220986549.png (1920x1080, 1.92M)

Have her whisper umu to my ears as I fall asleep so even in my dreams I can be with her

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shiawase rizumu


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I love you too
this is nice post and dubs

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Don't leave this dork on her own on this thread, keep her company

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kukkingu shimashou

I think Sophie needs more good porn.

Attached: nom.jpg (827x1169, 321K)


Sofi sucks

More vampire lolis lewds and cutesy please.

Attached: 1549816596609.jpg (2000x2640, 480K)

Goodnight anons, I'm out of sleeping kyuuties

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is it still possible to impregnate a vampire?

No, they've depleted all their ova and their uteri can't provide nourishment.

But that is....

Read only if you want to lose all hope

No. Even if it were possible undead cannot breed with humans, or anything. Vampires don't reproduce sexually, they're created by the vampire virus which spreads from vampire bites. So they're like an infected cell carrying a virus, or an ant infected by the zombie fungus.
They're just walking corpses animated by a type of magic. You can't impregnate a corpse. Sophie is just for kisses and hugs, not lewds.

No matter the answer, as long as you truly love them it shouldn't stop you from trying.

Incorrect because half-vampires are a thing.

This will upset Abe.

Forgot about that. You're right.
>In rare circumstances, a vampire that has recently consumed a significant quantity of blood gains the ability to breed successfully with living humanoids or monstrous humanoids, creating half-vampire offspring.
Let's hope TnK follows dnd rules.

imagine if Sophie literally drained your blood supply dry while Elly pumped just enough blood to force an erection. Sophie then forcing you to impregnate her while you slowly faint from both the pleasure and the blood loss. You awakening the next day with Sophie holding a positive pregnancy test.

There is no vampire virus.
Vampirism is the mark of Caine. Vamps are usually infertile, but the obscene blood magic of the kolduns (among others) can work around this to create half-vampires. AKA dhampyres

I don't think you could feel pleasure when your blood is drained

Don't fall for Akari's trap, Ellie!

Cuz it was forgettable in every sense.

Alzheimer-kun please