Why did so many people approached her?

Why did so many people approached her?

Attached: Fuka.jpg (1920x1080, 179K)

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They were trying to pickpocket her candy.

Attached: test.png (534x534, 365K)

It's a mystery.

Who wouldn't approach such a cute and innocent girl?

The allure of cunny.

free sex

It's Fuka, so it was paid sex.

one SAO universe MMO does not allow you to switch gender

two Girls playing GGO is really rare

Attached: Untitleddcvdfsvadfvadsva.png (372x378, 261K)

i never got this part. why won't people just reroll accounts until they got the char they wanted? seems like a stupid system to not allow people to switch core aspects of their chars, it would probably lead to massive amounts of abandoned reroll accounts

>it would probably lead to massive amounts of abandoned reroll accounts

>two Girls playing GGO is really rare
Except it isn't?
Now, two girls being good at GGO is rare, though

The system checks your gender so you can't back out of it by re-rolling. I could actually imagine a "real gender" policy being a thing just like a "real name" policy is on some places now, due to concerns over sexual predators and whatnot. Of course, expect controversy over the various gender identities and such.

She had a rare avatar so merchants wanted to buy it off her and flip it for cash money.

Wouldn't you?

Attached: 1523520974411.jpg (2397x3488, 970K)

No. Only LLENN.

>no breasts
>flat butt
Explain to me why any man would want that. This is as unappealing as it gets.

kirito was a female

Making a v-hand gesture behind somebody's head like that signals that this other person is a cuckold. Whether you personally have sexual relations with their significant other is however not conveyed.

True, adult bodies are much sexier.

Attached: 1528894472552.png (609x868, 348K)

No, he was a trap.

That's the horns gesture, not the v-hand

all men are paeodophiles

This is true.
How do I know? I've read it on the internet.


Sexy hags.

That's how a sexual predator looks like.

Most people would think of index finger and pinky if I spoke of horns.

Cute face,petite body,litlle femenine features.

That's what it is, yes.


Attached: 1522662699911.jpg (707x1000, 149K)

It is not though. The cuckold's horns are index- and middlefinger.

Kuroboshi is god at drawing flat sexy skeletons.

I see no butt in this pic. Only a child with a stick for a body posing in a weird way. Where are her parents?

He was also using a nervegear instead of the new thing iirc

It isn't.

>Cuckold's horns are traditionally placed behind an unwitting man (the cuckold) to insult him and represent that his wife is unfaithful. It is made with the index and middle fingers spread by a person standing behind the one being insulted. In modern culture as bunny ears "the actual symbolism has been forgotten and only the offence remains."[15]
The [15] then links to strangehistory.net/2014/05/16/cuckolds-horns/

Literally show me any instance of people being offended by having the v-hand symbol being done behind their head thinking they were being called cuckolds.

Click the second link if you do not like wikipedia. It delivers imagery.