What is this face trying to convey, Yea Forums?
Tan girl when?
What is this face trying to convey, Yea Forums?
Tan girl when?
Other urls found in this thread:
I love Rizu
The face of determination.
Watchable subs when
Animeonlies, please: first read the manga and then post.
she wants to save the demons
Next week
JB chapter when?
Baseless confidence on her womanliness.
Next week
Can't wait hope VA delivers
Crying happy face. It takes a genius in literature and drama to pull such a high level acting skill.
why are they never as brown as the manga
>Tan girl when?
You didn't watch the entire episode did you kid?
She'd be legit beautiful if she didn't have tan lines or be a single fucking color. Like get naked or use sunscreen whore.
Shh, Moeyuki is asleep.
Can anyone explain why Yea Forums keeps watching romcoms? I can understand watching one or two for fun but there is no way there are new generations of newfags forcing every romcom ever
Here's your answer
>Can anyone explain why Yea Forums keeps watching shounen? I can understand watching one or two for fun but there is no way there are new generations of newfags forcing every shounen ever
to fuck with your head
For the glory of Fumino.
That is currently the dumbest post on the board. How embarrasing for you
This is an actually amazing reaction pic
must suck to live unable to appreciate tanlines
Where’s the fucking chapter JB
best girl
Next week, bros.
WRONG! This man is deceased.
lazy cunts said they were too busy watching this to do it earlier
I want to hug Uruka's soft chilly wet body when she comes out of the pool.
that is not a flattering color combination
The fuck? That’d delay it by 30minutes at most
Reminder, my brothers.
Why is fumino so cute?
She stole the whole episode!!
Such bullshit. You can never see a starry sky like that unless you're in the countryside.
Rizu was better in every single way.
> Can anyone explain why Yea Forums does things they enjoy, and then discuses them, which also brings joy?
Is it worth getting into this series if my sole reason is that I find the blue haired girl cute?
Sure as long as you don't start shitposting the other girls
I mean, look at this tiny creature. It's like when she got animated her charm went over 100!
Yeah, if you just want to see cute girls then it's worth it.
Shit posting isn't my forte. I just wanna see cute girls being cute, but some romance mixed in.
Wish she was even more of a lanklet
>cute girls being cute, but some romance mixed in
That fits Bokuben perfectly except the guys are cute too.
I think she is the tallest among her peers.
I hope Director will do it justice. That said, I don't think the season will end on that chapter. It'll most likely be the second to last scene, which then is followed by an anime original cliffhanger of sorts to open a possibility of another season.
Kek. This is what I'm talking about, good OC to make our threads better.
>Thought this adaption would be a dumpster fire
>Am actually pleasently surprised
>Also hated Rizu in the manga for being bland as fuck
>Her VA makes me fall in love with her
What is happening
Its weird. Additionally, the first episode made me realize that
1. Sensei is still best
2. Fumino and Rizu have gotten their personalities switched
3. Nariyuki has become a lot more moe.
I remember not liking any of the 3 at the beginning, but Rizu was really cute in the first episode.
Yup. Didn't take more than five minutes to make. Hopefully more people with better ideas make more OC soon.
I'm sorry for doubting you Arvo-sama
Yea Forums is LIT!
She's my personal favorite, but I don't like her hair color. Wish it was just black or at least brown.
>A no name anime studio that nobody heard of makes a decent debut anime
It was alright I guess
Amazing tanlines
This is only the first epi you know.
Anything can happen to ruin it later on.
It's already ruined because next week is worst girl's debut
When will Maruarai bless us again with another Bokuben Doujin?
Nice bait.
Sucks to be you faggot
> Apologize
Why, because they're doing their job?
It's decent as long as no movement is involved.
Nothing to brag about.
To all the animeonlys who just arrived, welcome!
Here's the official /bokuben/ approved tierlist for the main girls and the minor characters.
Ignore the shitposters and remember to have fun!
Ah, good. I forgot I needed to filter you.
Someone post that fixed chart
> marked for deletion (old)
Oof that's some damage control.
Fuminofags can't be this pathetic. You must be a falseflagger.
sensei > Yea Forums > senpai >>>>>>>>>>>> /sci/ Yea Forums
well, we all know he's right
>god tier arc
Nah it was just okay.
>Fuminofags can't be this pathetic.
If you've seen the previous threads, you wouldnt be surprised.
I'll apologize if later episode is on par if not better than episode 1 throughout this season
Do I really have to deconstruct that bullshit chart again? It would be the 3rd time and some fags should finally realize how their expectations at the time of chapter 50 have been demolished but I guess some fags never learn.
Any new fanart?
No need to downplay it.
Easily the peak of Bokuben.
Terrible taste.
No way, I'll ask you this. What did she do during her arc to solve her problem? She didn't go to the rink by her own will.
What a good fucking chapter. Her arc as a whole pretty much sold most people onto the Mafuyu route.
>Mafuyu route
No such thing. Maybe they set her as their favourite. But no one believes she has a ghost of a chance.
Cool principal.
Aside from tsutsui-sensei
reminder for what? how bad and generic the chapter was and had a awful ranking?
Lost all its relevance too
Now now, there's no need to bring up facts that don't fit in their narrative
Meme magic is real.
Don't Forget it's Tsutsui's favorite too.
Nothing worth noting other than what's already been posted.
Alas, we never learn.
So I don't get how school in Japan works. If they're in different classes, how come they are sometimes in the same class?
Spoiler that shit what the fuck
They move around for different classes, but have different home rooms
The only thing she is passionate about is the names, stories, and locations of the stars and constellations. She clearly doesn't give a shit about the actual physics and science of astronomy, so I really don't think she should be trying to be an astronomer. Her father was right.
>who have a strange fetish toward swimsuit and meido
I really don't get these fetishes either. Like, why? Why are school swimsuits and maid outfits considered sexy by so many Japanese readers?
>school swimsuits
One piece swimsuits are already sexy, with the added bonus of nostalgia.
>Why are school swimsuits and maid outfits considered sexy by so many Japanese readers
You're not per any chance gay, are you?
Nope. I just think that bikinis are way sexier than one-piece swimsuits, and don't see the appeal of a maid outfit.
I won't be truly ruined until she lies and tells the MC she doesn't like him
Yeah, I can't find anything new on twitter.
> id card photo
> that pose and angle
It's like 5 toubun but shit.
Those are just merch of course. Asumi's real id card looks like this.
>You should speak to me with more respect
Oh those crazy Japanese with their entitled attitude that being slightly older automatically means that those younger than you that go the same school you went must be submissive.
Yep. Tried with the tags in JP and English, nothing. Same for Pixiv.
Well, he used to be a Yakuza goon, but was smart enough to leave the life behind and become a succesful Mangaka.
Depends on the characters he's writing
Idk I used to view people who watch romcoms as weebs but now I almost exclusively watch them. I guess cause they’re not serious and are pretty easy to watch
>tfw neither of these girls appeal to my taste but I'm going to keep watching anyway
Not that smart. But hey, he admits it.
Is the best girl (Sawako) going to be in the anime?
Maybe you should consider getting better taste.
Who is the dominant one in Nariyuki and Mafuyu's relationship?
Chad who Mafuyu is fucking on the side
He is drawing cute girls for a living so, pretty smart.
Someone make a reaction face cut out of this please
So no chapter today?
Couple of hours, most likely.
Holy shit Inomori is ugly
You're one of those niggers who also say
>I don't respect people that I don't know because they have to earn it
aren't you?
>tfw I keep falling for the girl with the lowest likelihood of winning
15 minutes from now
Can't wait for the anime to give me all those cute Urukas
Technically senpai haven't fully fallen in love with Moeyuki right? I wonder if the mangaka would steer it away from that direction (oh who the fuck I'm kidding, she'll probably fall in love with him and get blown the fuck out, become depressed despite succeeding in entering her university of choice)
Hey, at least it's a fun run.
Except the piss chapter. I wonder what the fuck was he thinking.
>become depressed
She'd be the only one out of the girls to take it well.
she's too good for the Moeman anyway
That one really came out of nowhere
>Implying it's not gonna be those act-confident-in-front-of-her-loved-one-and-then-run-away-to-cry-in-the-dark-corner types of rejection
Those are the ones that'll probably make me rage and despair like no other
There's a difference between respect and subservience. Yuiga was being perfectly respectful.
Otter syndrome.
I kind of miss stern, no-nonsense tsukkomi Yuiga
She deserves it
That's what's going to happen with Uruka while she's on the plane.
>literally any girl but Fumino winning would be okay
>Fumino will win anyway
It hurts
Let's believe in Rizu.
>Fumino will win anyway
Not if Rizu keeps the pace.
I pretty much only watch romcoms as a substitute for actual relationships with women at this point.
Rizu can still save the manga. Tsutsui just needs to deliver.
Not him, but while I agree that he was being respectful, I think she might have joking (for the most part). Either that or it's a complex from being so petite, instead of having a stick up her ass (which she doesn't really demonstrates with the other girls, so I'm going with the former).
>Do exact same test several days in a row
>Start off getting a 3/100 and end up getting a 0
Are we really supposed to believe that these girls are working hard? What exactly have they been studying and doing all this time?
I think she is self-aware enough to know that after teasing him so much, there isn't really anything to gain anymore other then his embarrassed face
inb4 they both win but Tsutsui leave it open-ended on which one of them actually wins
Not to mention, if they're failing that hard at their not-good subjects, there's no way they would be able to even graduate high school to begin with. Hell, they shouldn't have even been able to make it to high school.
senpai's father's face when he finds out his daughter's boyfriend broke up with her to date someone else
It hurts
Imagine Fuminofags ever conceiving Fumino didn't win in this scenario. Given the difference in popularity between the girls, such ending would just be Tsutsui chickening out of a Rizu end because of Foom's sheer popularity.
with whom?
Fumino? She left her in the dust long time ago, She is somewhere around the place Uruka was at the beginning of the story now, which means she'll only waste every opportunity now.
Uruka? Here she only needs to pray for her plan to go study down under to succeed, because Uruka would have the biggest chances if she didn't go.
>Yea Forums
>as autistic as you can expect
>will eventually have to sit through a whole episode of Nariyuki and Uruka speaking nip engrish to each other
Oh god
Not just nip Engrish, Uruka will be speaking in intentionally bad Engrish, so it'll be even worse than usual.
>wouldn't be able to graduate
>shouldn't have even been in high school
It depends on how does the Japanese academic system works, doesn't it? In my country you can fail up to two of the main subjects (as long as you have very good grades in the other ones) and still make it.
I can't fucking wait.
Animeonly here, what's wrong with Fumino?
>Animeonly here
Fix your status and read the manga.
Nothing. She's seemed the likely winner for a while now so she gets a lot of hate for no reason
She was the most popular character unitl one year ago. Now she was replaced by Mafuyu in polls.
>for no reason
Has been explained many times.
It's bullshit every time.
You know, the usual stuff
Worst girl win, best girl lose, etc.
Especially not in Tokyo.
She herself is fine. Her fags are generally known for littering the threads with circlejerk and shitpost which is why the fanbase retaliates on her. It's a meta thing mostly.
I don't see you proving their complaints being bullshit ever.
Her arc was absolute garbage and her character gets worse and worse.
Seing this again, the difference in appreciation between Fumino and Uruka isn't even that huge.
Her arc was fine, it was a little too long.
Read the manga you secondary.
hello friend, i want to be civil this time to correct my behavior as my doctor prescribed
No, not at all.
Oh, god now we're gonna get o my laptop shitflinging. Time to leave the thread.
For me it's the smug attitude of her fags of counting out Rizu for motives that have their roots in 50 chapters ago that have been disproved by this point. They're stuck in the pastband refusento admit it's a coin flip to be honest. So I hope she loses so they get BTFO. Chitogefags weren't nearly this smug and they actually were firstgirlfags. Not even Itsukifags are like this.
She was never the most popular character
Also, what's up with the school uniform? How come some students wear blue and others red?
Nothing really, it's mostly a few nutjobs from her fanbase that happen to be shitposting champions.
This. That's what the main problem was. Tsutsui forgot that Fumino only has like 20% of the fanbase and the remaining 80% got 0 screentime for more than a month. Of course people are gonna be pissed at that.
As an adaptation, they skipped way too much stuff. Like, we weren't actually shown Fumino being asleep right before class and then waking up and writing a moving essay in like 5 minutes, we're just shown the aftermath and told that it happened.
Viz poll
Come on it's a classic, main characters wear something different to distingish them from tge others.
Nah, those little quirks could just be brought up later anyway
>the scenes in the OP which looked like CG but wasn't
so good
Ah yes, the poll where a Fuminofag in here admitted he voted for her every single day.
Dump it
Both writer and calculator came out at the same time, right? Who gets first girl rights in this?
The gimmick is almost forgotten.
New, mangaonly thread?
They were CG though?
You might as well vote a strawpoll for all that matters
None, that's what makes it fairer than most actually Fumino.
None but according to Fuminofags Fumino is main for reasons that don't exist anymore.
Best girl is already in
Are you blind?
She was hotter before they made her chubby.
Are you unironically using that spamfest as reference?
>Kou Yoshinari so good that people call his work CG
Chubby how, nigga
No I was just baiting
> it was a little too long.
Yes, but that's the least of it's problems
everything happening outside of the main story and You can skip it not loosing anything of value
it unshrouded the veil of mystery surrounding Fumino's relationship with her father making everything about it stupid in retrospect
Her relationship with Reiji somehow didn't affect her socially at all and she is still pretty well-adjusted
the resolution to the whole issue being a video on a laptop that they found by accident is just a hack
and her mother admitting to being one of the incapables, just stop
and the third message perfectly hitting her when she is conflicted about her felling for Nariyuki and supporting her friends
the chapter with her playing a wifey just for shit and giggles could be cut entirely
You faggots are such hypocrites.
No, because this was the character introduction and by shoehorning the quirk at later point in time the effect is not the same anymore.
Classic Fuminofag.
Wow we actually got a little gem
>the chapter with her playing a wifey just for shit and giggles could be cut entirely
I could give you the others but not this one, Fumino was losing it and only when Nariyuki talked with her she got the strength to confront her father.
I need more time to think about Mafuyu's arc, but her being his father's student strikes me more then the incident with Hina-chan
They also skipped the detail that Nariyuki viewed the 2 geniuses as rivals for the VIP recommendation.
>Fumino was losing it and only when Nariyuki talked with her she got the strength to confront her father.
which happens next chapter, under the stars not in this one
>On that day Fuminofags received a grim reminder. They lived in fear of logic and reasoning and were disgraced to live in these cages we called bokuben threads.
C'mon now, what's the use in denying the fact that blue haired slut will win?
>comparing her to the important video that was locked for no reason
There's also the fact 22i bothered to mention that, while it was annoying to find her, it was done in a realistic way.
I'm saying it could go both ways.
Fake news.
We saw her confronting Oomori during the detective chapter and also desling wirh the moeman, she learned to face men.
>she learned to face men
You mean she was rewritten.
sure, You can say it was foreshadowed, but we as an audience know about this connection just now , but We need to now assume she knew from the very beginning and look at their entire relationship with this piece of information in mind and think if any of it changes it sense now.
You people never learn
I like Romcoms a lot. Last year some of my favorite anime were Rom Coms:
Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet
>no one's dumping the chapter yet
What the fuck are you faggots doing
You can't compare the volume of deus ex the laptop holds as a plot device next to piano chan.
Is Fuminofag's argument against people that criticize Fumino's arc that Sensei's arc is just as bad or do they also imply their arc is any good?
there is no way asanagi isnt making fanart of her
This thread is a little old and abused for a chapter dump, it's probably gonna be in the next one.
Both, paradoxically.
I don't see it on their site and the link is a 404
Teach me why Fumino wins 100% in your book then faggot
>implying any arc in a romom isn't always trash tier
It's not actually out.
Delete this
he have huge hard on for short girls with huge breast
She's a woman
Mostly because it wasn't restrained to happening within a single day or close to it unlike other arcs I could mention
Well, most arcs in 5toubun have been good
Which makes both the set up and the writing for the arc better by default.
But 5toubun is a Romdram not a Romcom
>annoying cunts flipflopping or playing switcheroo for the sake of MYSTERY
It's literally the same shit we had in Nisekoi. Main chick is boring other sluts are garbage tier too, some bland bitch is the fan favorite, editor baits waifufags for the entire ride with her only too have her get BFTO'D at the end. For some reason people are still falling for this shit
Yeah because dealing with Manyuki and becoming friends with him is a rewrite.
>dark skin
>tan lines
>What is this face trying to convey, Yea Forums?
It's not because there's a co-main in this. People tried to argue Fumino is the actual main because she got the sleepover and the romantic interactions but Rizu got those too. That she got the deeper plot but that revealed to be not so deep and thus that fell off too. Next chapter is probably going to be Rizu's and we'll see more of her. Simply Fumino is not any more main than Rizu is and this is still a coinflip.
This season is pretty slim pickings in general to be fair.
whatever, what i'm saying is that i'm pretty sure asanagi will make fanart for her as it hits all his/her favorite points [short girls with huge breast]
>Lived without a parental figure for 10+ years, had "traumatic experiences" with dad, yet is perfectly normal and only flaws are that she's slightly rude, eats a lot, and gets sleepy, as well as having a flat complex
You could tell that Tsutsui just picked up a bunch of random tropes and tried hard to make them stick.
Something something we never learn
It's not a coinflip. I still think that a no girl end is possible.
Every fucking time
Fumino and Riz are both shit, Sensei or Senpai winning would be best
So Rizu best girl? Are we all in agreeance?
Or something like this
Yep, while she is behind by 600 or so votes, it's completly different from the thousand vote difference of 1st and 2nd and 3rd and 4th.
But that will probably change for the new poll. (Even If I expect the same order really.)
Look if you wanna think like that and you have this inner feeling that Fumino wins you're free to say that but don't shill it as something objective because it really isn't.
Out with that shit
You can't spell clit without Yea Forums. No Yea Forums in boobs though.
>So Rizu best girl? Are we all in agreeance?
No. Rizu is probably one of the worst
>Birthday's in 2 days
What present is Nariyuki gonna give her?
Rizu is barely a character desu
Hiw would you end it?
You can't spell spermeater without Yea Forums, and guess what Uruka is?
Not talking about her relationship with Nariyuki.
I meant her whole personality in general.
I get explaining the meaning of Ronin Student, but do they really need to explain what an alumnus is?
His virginity.
Some people are stupid user.
I'd like Rizu end preferably now you're gonna argue that I'm biased right?
because we have a shitty high school life
fuck you
For some reason, I'd like to see the manga end with no clear romantic conclusion and get a continuation during their university years.
What a good sister!
You can say the change is due to that, she got confidence.
Doesn't excuse a change in her entire personality with no buildup whatsoever.
I hate her and everything she stands for.
No. What I tried to say is how do you solve this dual heroine bullshit? How can Tsutsui choose one when he hasn't show preference?
I have no idea who that semen shark is but I hope the MC gets to fuck the shit out of her
For moeyuki? Without a doubt.
She's best girl in general.
Wait, hang on, manga-only-droppedfag here. This dump, uninspired, insipid shit got an anime? What the fuck for?
If I were Tsutsui I'd have had a plan for a winner from the beginning. I'd just deliver it. I don't know what his plan is. You're saying that that's why an open end is out of the question.
It has built up, but it wasn't a smooth change, the same happened to Nariyuki and Rizu.
I love you, I love Rizu-kun!
I say an open end is possible because there's not a clear winner.
>it has built up
Don't lie. Nariyuki is also another bad case of rewriting, I'll give you that.
Rizu on the other hand is the only character out of the 3 who's development makes sense.
>anime screenshot in OP's pic
>only surprised that this got an anime by now
Because you read poorly leveled scans.
Absolutely delusional.
I use the "scroll through Yea Forums catalog and look for interesting screenshots" technique to get my anime reqs.
Literally the best chapter in the manga. Too bad we won't get it this season.
She is, if Sensei didn't exist.
I cannot for the life of me disassociate Rizu's seiyuu with Gabriel
It happens all the time
I think so, but Bokuben has no bad girls. Only bad fans.
But it has, when Oomori started saying that Nariyuki kissed someone, Fumino felt that they left her out and started to be more active, while Nariyuki started to trying to understand the girls more, Rizu was mostly a tsundere and now she is a moeblob. The 3 changed hard.
Chapter's out, don't be an anime only fag jaiminisbox.com
>Fumino felt that they left her out and started to be more active
That has nothing to do with her changing her personality though.
Rizu's development makes sense because of her hanging out with them and understanding emotions and feelings overtime. That never happened with Fumino's or Nariyuki's development.
>jamal's books
Yeah, nah.
Dump it.
Hey I already made that j--
Oh the chapter really is out
I ain't clicking that bitcoin mining site.
>Seriously though, why are you guys here?
>I could ask you the same thing, Senpai!
The absolute irony of these two statements
They were such a needless addition to the chapter but I guess Tsutsui was forced to make it a "group" chapter
Wait Uruka is going to be in the second episode?
It was a Nariyuki chapter anyway.
it was a Yuiga Mafuyu chapter
poorman nisekoi desu
>last mafuyu panel is her talking about moeyuki's clothes
>the user from gookscan thread lied
>but it turns out still hot panel anyway
Based 22i
Alright my dear anons, who do you pick for yourself? For Yuiga?
Who has the best reaction? The best dress?
look at these newlyweds at the center
Rizu bride
Did I stutter? I said Nariyuki chapter.
Reminder that the people with the flowers after the weddings are the bridesmaids
It seems to be a coincidence that the only one without flowers in their hands is in the middle, as well
Rizu or Mafuyu.
I'll let Nariyuki pick first because he's a good man.
Fumino is going to win, but I like Rizu best.
I don't think I'd want any of them for myself though.
me in the bottom left hand corner
I know you mean Nariyuki and Mafuyu, but Rizu and Fumino take the focus here...
The botttom left psnel girl.
All chapters are Nariyuki chapters.
We call who's chapter it is based on the main girl who has the biggest focus in the chapter.
Nariyuki chapters are about his career.
I like Fumino's :>
We got bamboozled hard
What cute lesbians... /Chem/ will be sad to have lost her chance.
You're too lazy for this, huh?
What was the leak/spoiler?
>tfw I like senpai and /fit/
Should I even keep reading this?
Stop speedreading.
I marry Fumino and have a good job in university by father-in-law's help. Together, we move out to smaller apartment to save more. My wife begins her career as novelist while helps a lot at home, not that i didnt help. We agree and raise two kids, a girl and then a boy. We lead a happy life
>It's not out of the realm of possibility...
>The Anime is broadcasting with rave reviews
Bullshit, there is no way that any reviews could have been out by the time this chapter was sent to print.
If you don't mind them losing, sure.
Of course, you can't drop until you convert to Team Mafuyu.
If you like to get hurt, sure.
Uruka chan has all the qualities of a top tier wife and has top athletic genes to pass on therefore she's the best for Nariyuki
>father-in-law's help
Are you good at maths? I won't believe you shit otherwise.
Uruka looks worst, normally tanlines look hot but they look ridiculous in a wedding dress.
Open a new thread, this one is infected.
Silly user, Tsutsui is a prophet
Too lazy.
sensei a shit
>Smug smug
Based Senpai
nope, but you don't need to be a prophet when you have enough yakuza influence
Welcome to the world of lie that is the entertainment industry.
I just hope Nariyuki here knows about sex ed.
his connection to university, i can become a hacked lecturer for other STEM field
Hane during this entire encounter is just to much
>second person to tell them to wait until graduation
slowly and steadily
I knew that she knew her and probably visited some time ago
I can also accept how she never comes and how hanae never really brings it up, it's been quite some time anyway and Mafuyu would be too ashamed to bring it up
>It's common in Japan
Then adapt it.
did he even hear this?
They all have some serious hearing problems in this chapter.
Mothers being supportive on their children's romance just gives me the best feelings.
>we never learn
I don't get it
You should with time.
Of course you don't.
>Mom is fine with cakes
Tsutsui, STOP.
of course you don't, otherwise you would have learnt by now and wouldn't be here
>Blessing of a mutual friend
>Blessing of Narimom
Now all they need is Sensei's parents' blessings and the infinity ending will be complete. One snap of Tsutsui's fingers and all other heroines will be left in the dust.
It's 12:30 here and I'm posting this here. You should already know this.
Fumino a shit
They even prayed for papa's blessing not really, but it fits
I can agree with this.
Mafuyu is my favorite girl, but I just don't see her winning as a romantic love interest.
I still like black-haired Fumino, lads.
bringing a half-naked older woman for unknown reason OK
but marrying her is just to much
sensei just can't stop winning,huh?
Based seabro
It's fucking marriage dude. You're literally pledging to be with someone till death. I don't know about you but THAT is much.
Oh shoo. I'm going to sleep after this.
Why can't you otters stop reading this?
Hello I'm pretty much an anime only right now but I'm interested.
I like Fumino, is the manga good and still on going? (Is it gonna end soon?)
I wish I could go to sleep that easily, really. I'll probably be able to sleep in a couple hours if I'm lucky.
It's good thing they have money and all, but isn't it using this for family insurance is better?
>Mafuyu-chan came by today
I just love these two
Fuck if I know
It's good and ongoing, but the most popular character is sensei.
It's ongoing and ending should be in 50 chapters according to most. Manga is cute and mostly episodic but lately the plot has been advancing, for better or worse.
She's Uruka 2.0 now in the manga.
Fumino is the girlfriend material, the one you wants to show off to your friends
what outsider is there?
Now this is forced.
Nariyuki was correct in allowing it to be used by his family instead of funding his poorly thought-out dream
Don't listen to this, . Fumino needs support more than ever before she gets killed by cancer.
Show off what exactly?
I'm a dense fucker who could've a chance with a few decent girls in highschool but my autismal density couldn't pick it up.
But fuck 3DPD to be honest, these kind of shows are entertaining really. Japanese animation is the best medicine.
showing off how over-reaching you are for Fumino
no tits, no cooking skills, being intimidated by boys, randomly falling asleep, ...
>ending should be in 50 chapters according to most
You make it sound as if sensei being the most popular character is a bad thing
Blob Fumino is cute
After this is .
I like how Hazuki immediately called her Mafuyu when she saw her the first time and it was never explained why she knew her name, or was it?
What the fuck is wrong with Hazuki here?
Yea Forums girl is cute!!!
Are you new here?
Or you forgot the Festival's ending, massage parlor chapter or any appearance of senpai excluding summer vacation?
Fucking speedreaders and chapter skippers I swear...
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm happy with it.
She gets tired of her onii-chan's bullshit
strangely the parents are based on this series
Read what happens after and you'd understand.
she's a trained assasin
>Mafuyu in the middle.
It's over, bokubros.
Those weren't forced compared to this
That's it.
I'm really getting excited for the anime. It may actually deliver, but I'm still not getting my hopes up.
Hey, at least it was more fun than the first ep of 5toubun.
Except Rizudad.
better re-dump chapter in the new thread
You didn't protect his smile, Yea Forums.
except fumidad
WAit I thought strawpolls are scam
The face of a girl trying too hard, which means she's the designated loser.
Poor Mizuki can't have a rest.
Also, senpai.
They are. The guy making the got mad at some point.
actually in retrospect he bitchslapped child fumino which makes him really based in retrospect
>fumino a shit
>AOfags picking fumino straight off the bat
Will this change?
Moeman is best man.
From all those, I would say the massage mascot is the only one even more implausible than this situation.
"animeonlyfags" when it's really just fuminofags trying to push their narrative
how does she have senpai's number?
Fumino! :33
Curious. What was skipped?
tsutsui has young kids and probably writes the parents as ideals to aspire toward
People changes preferences every time
I bet your ass Uruka will fill the catalog next week
Yea Forums loves their tanned tomboy after all
Maybe Tomboyfags and Tanfags will pick Uruka next episode and we'll enjoy some of that until 26 gets adapted and they abandon ship like they did back then
>slaps fumishit for being retarded
He's fucking based.
he even did a sick dab afterwards
this is one question you should have been asking waaaay before
I need a crop of this Rizu
>Pls, marry all of them and gib grandchild
>Pls gib grandchild before I die
>I-it's not like I want you to give me a grandchild
What's Tsutsui's endgame?
I welcome fumino newfriends
I don't
Repopulate Japan.
He's writing this manga as an autobiography for his son and daughter, for his son to be a chad mangaka with a harem, and for his daughter to have brocon tendencies
Reiji is based.
Shitzuru isn't.
I love engrish episodes in any series, this will be so based.
Wait, is his second son a boy?
Isn't the new baby a girl too or I imagined that?
>guys it's not strange at all that she calls her that, seriously everything is perfectly normal
maybe Asumi had some minor sports club role? Uruka has surprisingly good taste in friends
I don't actually know
>every girl I pick seems to be the one Yea Forums hates
>and every last one won
. . . .
>he didn't watch the engrish episode of Charlotte.
She was part of the Light Music Club in her heyday, apparently. Check the festival and see how she was forced to appear again
didn't they all run into each other at the family restaurant?
coulda traded numbers then
Don't be a flatminofag then. There are much better girls to fawn over here.
I know she was in the light music club but that might not have stopped her dropping by the pool to swim?
Tie between senpai and sensei
Literally NPC-tier.
sounds like you and jap editors just have consistently shit taste then
go for Sawako
the uncontested best girl of the entire series and fortunately outside the bowl.
They know each other from cram school, it's not that surprising they have exchanged numbers.
Based Yuigamom.
How can other moms even compete?
Why is mommy suppose to choose anyway?
Hanae choosing a dress that shows Uruka's tan lines
There could have been a million reasons why she got her number but I guess apparently they're close enough to be like that when they never really met up alone outside of summer
The reason that kind of girls get hate in the first place it's for that reason then.
I can't believe Mizuki is fucking dead
check out the mom of the first student from Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!?
>Mom is fine with cakes
> Tsutsui, STOP.
Not always. There are some girls who win, are the most popular, and barely get any hate.
I don't like hags
I don't like fags
If Uruka doesn't win i'm gonna lose it.
Shut up, Mizuki
Who did you pick for Masamune?
>don't do that in front of an outsider
I don't get it
Sensei is dreamy.
>forced group chapter
You know what, among all the insults anons used to throw among themselves, I honestly think calling someone an NPC is the most harmless.
just etiquette about not showing people outside the family how much money you have
I don't think you're supposed to flaunt your wealth around when people are about
Uruka best girl
If she doesn't win Nariyukibowl, this entire story is retroactively garbage
fight me
She showed where she hides their valuables, though I don't know who is an outsider there
Post real lewds
Based taste
It can't be Mizuki, she died
I won't need to fight you, the entire manga does.
And it was partially about Mafuyu, the others were shoehorned in.
All of them are sluts
Shut the fuck up, Mizuki.
Even Hanae?
Fumino looks so soft
>doesn't care if her son wants to marry his teacher, or (what appears to be) a middle schooler
>protecting his daughter from a dangerous manwhore
He's extremely based.
I get you
She has a soft and cute tummy.
Only when fixed though.
I hear it's terrific
The guy was making them because he was requested to by a Fuminofag claiming the result would change after a few months.
If she doesn't move on with her life, achieve Olympic tier success and remember the moeboy fondly then it would. Her not winning doesn't change much. If she decided to stay and Nariyuki chose another girl then it would be bad.
Ruined, delete this
This. I'm honestly jealous in this scene, especially when he described how good she smells.
It's pretty obvious and pathetic desu.
Mafuyu is really comfertable around Nariyuki
What does fumino smell like?
>sees naked teacher
>he's the one to kyaaaa
this manwhore...
And he got butthurt when the poll didn't go his way.
I'm glad he stopped that bullshit.
Raku wish to be half the MC Moeyuki is.
Also, no girl is as pathetic as Onodera, already a big change.
Bliss, pure bliss
Soft? She might suffer from Osteoporosis then since she's a mass of bones and bone isn't supposed to be soft. Now, did you know that osteoporosis can result from metastatic cancer? Ain't that interesting...
a shit
Bones and Milk
Junk food
She looks bony as shit though
well ain't that just fooming crazy
She's pretty shit, but still best girl in that series.
Goes to show the quality of that shit manga.
what does rizu smell like?
Fumino a cute
More like when Fuminofags proxied that shit to death
It was polluted by Proxies. I meant to make a poll this week again but I'm really busy studying so I couldn't do that.
No, you lost me. She's a what?
God I wish that were me
Best girl material
and soon,
Why not make a google poll...
Mafuyu won't be an outsider for very long.
Neko was better
Fumino is for making her see stars after prone boning and mating press
No, in fact she is cute
They were all pretty bad.
Whatever spice there's in Udon, I'm more interested in her softness
Neko was actually the worst.
Because it wouldn't fit with the desperate fuminofag's narrative
a shit, even worse than Uruka
With me tho.
It's not a good time to do the polls now, pretty sure anime onlys will vote for fumino since she's a secondary magnet
Wait until they get to read the manga
I'm going to be Fumino's new mom!
he's pals with Abe-sama
polls are for reddit
here you just pretend to be a dozen people sharing the same opinion X until some retard believes it and says "I heard X" as if it's true just because it gets said a lot and then it becomes entered into canon and continues to pollute the threads for months
That's not saying much because Uruka is a best
The chapter was pretty good actually. LRR's spoilers were misleading as usual.
Sensei really is the best.
More like they only know 2 of the 5. Let's wait some more then make a poll that is slightly less pollutable.
Are you math
Hello, I just marathoned the first episode. This series looks interesting.
Fumino is the best girl BTW
Based mom.
I can't belive that zookey is dead
the seething made it sound differently than what the chapter really was
Hey, Reiji.
Fumino fuwa fuwa
did she just congratulate her son on eating pussy
Please leave.
This is the updatedGet out with your delusional shit
Fucking savage.
Yeah, at this point I'm convinced that Nariyuki should just marry Mafuyu and forget the other brats.
>Mafuyu is my favorite girl, but I just don't see her winning as a romantic love interest.
That chart isn't even saying that she's likely to win. It's just a updates version od the old delusional one.
Anime was a mistake
In the end he didn't refuse the check to pay for his studies. Spoilers were wrong.
Yeah, fumino is pretty yucky
Everyone thought it would be mostly group shenanigans.
they're struggling to afford food so it's good if he can just eat out occasionally
>people calling fumino flat
>when I actually like her because of that
Well I'm not complaining
Wow first 600 post thread in ages.
Have you praised Rizu today?
Well, even the author realized that making her flat was a mistake.
Breast envy is cute!!
I love fumino!!
I call her flat and I like her.
Does anyone have teh screencap of that fumino thread that reached +800 replies?
G cup
Well, it being an anime+manga thread helps
I'd goosh goosh all that.
Can somebody post some fumino? I need to build up my folder. I just came here a while ago, the thread is on autosage now anyways.
It's funny how the quality of the chapter immediately dropped when the four other heroines had to be shoehorned into the chapter.
Gbest girl.
And that's fucking hot
you mean the circlejerk?
No leg lock?
Really? Even from the synopsis it's apparent that group shenanigans only happen at the second half
Thanks for your opinion
I know about that but really that was a shitpost fiesta. 50% of the posts were Sensei a best Fuminona shit
This is way worse, it's downright retarded
He's objectively right.
Yep. Pretty much the most jarring thing I've read in ages.
>50% of the posts were Sensei a best and Fuminona shit
>50% Fumino the bestest and cutest
it felt more like the final couple of pages rather than the "2nd half"
>100% of those fumino posts were a handful fuminofags samefagging
>post anything about fumino
>chimpout ensues
You're welcome.
Filler pages are always a good sign, right?
Yes, this is a romcom. This isn't your first, right?
in accordance to his and your taste
It's pretty hilarious.
That's how usually goes with worst girls.
>LRR's spoilers were misleading
No, they were not.
sensei running to a better series
he fixed something later on iirc
>implying he isn't right about fuminofags being outnumbered every single time
May I remind you about that thread where one of you pretended to be "allies" with Asumifags and got blasted the fuck out?
Basically true
>polls suddenly changed drastically
>obvious proxy's are obvious proxy's
No reason to continue if Foomfags can't handle the asspain
It almost felt like 22i remembered midway through drawing the chapter that he has keep it ambiguous in order to keep the tension (sort of).
Can't just blatantly reveal the winner without a big bang.
Gentlemen, I love sensei.
We know, Nariyuki
We know, tsutsui
I thought he wanted to include everyone to coincide with the anime
They really felt shoehorn into this narrative but it's all cute side stuff.
You were really mad that day.
I don't really get why people still hate Uruka
>kills off mizuki when anime starts
What did 22i mean by that?
We know, anyone with good taste.
is she taking Nariyuki with her?
I've seen better padding already, that's all.
>not posting a better scan of that cover
Don't be a fag user
>and thanks to that short indisposition Mizuki missed out on her beloved senpai being there and still declared her her ally in defending her brother from nasty bugs
>"fuminofags outnumbered"
Only because other girl-fags team up against her
His revenge on the autistic faggot spamming his twitter.
reddit taste, filler character with useless chapters
You didn't seriously expect you guys were anything but a vocal minority right?
I don't. Mafuyu and Uruka best girls
It is well-known that reddit is Fuminocentral.
You mean the entire thread living in fuminofag head rent-free
Fumino's arc was pretty useless, though
what if 22i releases endings for all of the gir
Can someone reshape this crop to have the same proportion as the original at least? It looks like her head was squashed.
Seki end, too?
You're not replying to a fuminofag though?
>already have a lot of people against fuminofags
>still haven't got rid of them
Wow! good work, you had the numbers but didn't have the power