Yuru Camp general

Yuru Camp is an anime and manga about camping. It is not against the rules to post about Yuru Camp. The janitor who deleted the threads will be fired.

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>watching Yuru Camp
>Cute girls are doing cute things
>Dad walks in
>He sighs: "What did i do wrong?"

Fuck him, it's a good anime, nothing like his cringey old shit

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post cute Nadeshiko faces

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And Shimarin is so beautiful anyway

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go back already, newfriend.

Epic fail, goodnight thread.

since this thread is already dead,i'll say this:
dubs checkem

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it's just a subject title. all anime threads are generals anyway

Itou was the best DJ in anime

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>Watching Yuri Camp
I'm proud of you even if you're father isn't, he raised you well

Is this the discord falseflag general?

>>He sighs: "What did i do wrong?"
Probably not spending time with you like he should.

Stay golden, young camper, stay golden.

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kill yourself newfag


imagine waking up to this

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I can even like Yurucamp but I'm gonna make sure this thread gets deleted.


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it gets better

Dumb yurufaggot, kek
LWA will kill your anime lol

Oops forgot image to trigger you

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m8 you are posting on a Yuru Camp website

janitors cant delete threads

Yes, and?

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>watching Yuru Camp
>Cute girls are doing cute things
>Son walks in
>He sighs: "I wanted to watch a some Marvel show..."
What did I do wrong?

Raised a faggot who likes capeshit.

Having kids in the first place, dumbass

Its time to get that pack of cigarettes user

I wanted to reproduce myself. But I thint, we need a serious talks with my wife, and DNA test

You're literally asking for this thread to be deleted. Retard.

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Why are you all pretending there aren't already generals for 20 other shows on the Yea Forums catalog at all times?

because they're not including the word 'general' in their op, stupid newfriend.

Someone please teach this retard how to screenshot.

Shit by any other name smells just as bad.

7 fucking billion population user
what we need is another God level disaster.
Earth is fucking overpopulated anyway

doesn't apply here,newtard,generals are stealth generals,if you call them generals then be prepared to get shitposted

What did the space bar ever do to you?

The mods doesn't agree.