Eromanga sensei

Is it just me or did the animation take a turn for the better from episode 8? More in-between frames and a change in character design in general

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I don't think the people who watched this show were paying attention to that

but Sagiri actually became cuter from this point on
what else are you supposed to pay attention to, random sluts on the train?

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It was a very pretty episode for sure, bet they upgraded their gook sweatshop outsource

Animation was the only thing I paid attention to.

Attached: getting ready for onii-chan.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)

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Quick put it in onichan

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I don't think you know what you're talking about, fag.

>12 yo spreading buttcheeks in a publicly airing main stream Japanese cartoon show
>it's even portrayed as "sexy"
Literally this is the reason why people look down on people who watch anime. This is borderline paedophilia.

>people look down on people who watch anime
let's keep it that way

you can get the fuck out if you care so much

Maybe. Now, don't forget the OVA.

Attached: [HAS] Eromanga Sensei - OVA02 [BD 1080p AAC][16BC7391].mkv_snapshot_03.00_[2019.01.21_15.26.31].jpg (1920x1080, 674K)

Sakugafag here, actually they managed to pull out the worst situation ( they started the production quite late) with the helo of young animators. Takeshita asked his pals on twitter to help them, and it worked. His core team was basically only Keisuke Kobayashi, who was credited as "Sagiri Animator". Then a lot of other people joined, Shuu Sugita, Nakaya Onsen, China, and other cool young animators. But the production getting real good on episode 8 thanks to this man, Shouta Umehara. He was a fresh recruit from Dogakobo at the time. Previously, he worked as Production Advancement (Seisaku Shinkou) for five years or so, and that was the reason why Dogakobi really shined during this era. His scouting skills is top notch. Read this article,

He bailed from dogakobo and was recruited by A-1 (specifically Koenji studio which later would become CloverWorks), to work on Boku wa Robot Goshi pv, with Shin Wakabayashi, Maiko Kobayashi, and Keisuke Kobayashi. He actually knew Keisuke Kobayashi from his pal at Dogakobo, Hirofumi Okita, and always wanted to work with him, so there we go, he got the best team to work on Eromanga #08. Later Umehara would also work with Shin Wakabayashi, Maiko Kobayashi, and Keisuke Kobayashi on 22/7 short anime, few episodes of Darling in the Franxx (#05, #07, #22) and Neverland OP.

RIP Golden Age of Dogakobo

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Cool stuff

>but Sagiri actually became cuter from this point on

Must be a metaphor for onii-chan vision.
Or maybe love really does make a maiden more beautiful.

Attached: Sagiri wedding dress.jpg (849x1200, 182K)

>Thinking pedophilia is bad
Yikes desu

Are all those Kobayashis related and why are there no Tanakas in there?

As far as I know, they aren't.


Sounds like you just don't want to admit you unironically liked the show to your normie friends

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>12 yo spreading buttcheeks in a publicly airing main stream Japanese cartoon show
>it's even portrayed as "sexy"
picked up

use the spoiler tag and put a +18 signal you degenerate


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What else has the saigiri animator been up to? Has he been doing more JCs?

Didn't his family want to disown him over Oreimo?

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He's been doing A-1/CloverWorks projects (Occultic Nine, Saekano, Darlifra, 22/7, BokuRobo) also occasionally movies like I want to Eat Your Pancreas.
Before that he also had been helping comfy show like Working.
He doesn't show up on Eromanga OVA though, so he must've been busy with something else. I heard they (Umehara, Shin Wakabayashi, Maiko Kobayashi) have one or two secret projects, probably he's been helping them again.

>publicly airing main stream Japanese cartoon show
Eh what? We aren't talking about precure or naruto.

>one man made a light novel about a guy having problems for his little sister getting more and more cute and he now gets a lifetime pass of great anime adaptations complete with an animator whose only job is to make the sister sexier
How can Japan can get any LOWER than this?

Based if I do say so myself.