Airs in just under 5 hours. It's an original and the PVs look pretty good but that's all I can say. Any excitement for this?
Fairy Gone
I hope the CG doesn't suck too much
I'm not expecting much from a PA Works original but I'll probably end up giving it a watch.
Some of the monster designs look a bit weird
reminds me of that sirius the jeager show which wasn't that goog
That's exactly what I expect. Good presentation but generic as shit content that might even be unintentionally funny due to those beast ghosts.
There is might be trainwreck potential, so yes.
There is only one single first episode from this season I liked so far so I will watch this one too and hope it's good, doubt it though.
Can't wait for the next week when the actually interesting shows will start.
Original animes are always shit or turn to shit. Zero fucking hope but I'll watch because like you people I'm disgusting.
Stopped reading right there, fuck off to wherever you came from.
If you were any more predictable you'd be a shonen protagonist. Imagine being this easy to trigger.
Is this the anime about Freikorps?
>Original animes are always shit
t. watched < 200 series
>'twas merely an act
>Fairy Gone
So, it's like Mahou Shoujo Site of this season?
>P.A Works.
Someone post the pic.
I will always watch every original, they're just more fun, even if they nearly always go to shit.
I'm still mad about it, but I can't denied that I enjoyed the ride.
Grimgar writer isn't it? Don't have much hope of it being any good.
There are good original anime, but it really feels like there's been a dearth of good anime originals this past decade. It's sad. I can think only think of Madoka and Penguindrum right now. First season of Psycho Pass was not bad I guess.
Just checked it's 2 cour and all episode will written by Grimgar's author.
>written by Grimgar's author
might as well drop it right now
Madoka aka AOTD is original anime.
Sirius anons unite
This. Though I'll watch with Yea Forums if it's a wild ride and not just dull and predictable.
I guess if you're following the season and threads they can be fun in ways adaptions can't.
>>written by Grimgar's author
>might as well drop it right now
Any part of the guy's writing style that bothers you?
Your lot is a fucking disgrace, anime originals are the soul of the industry.
is that a pistol grip on a bolt action? looks gross
Some Jojo staff peeps are working on his so at the very least the action scenes should look stylish
This one?
This one you just posted was an utter QUALITY ridden trash though
I'm sorry for your terminal shit taste.
It feels like we aren't getting as many anime originals these days as we used to , hopefully this one isn't shit
I really want to believe in PA, am I a fool?
>soap opera deaths for DRAMA
>>written by Grimgar's author
>might as well drop it right now
How was Grimgar bad?
Was it too slow?
Same. I've never really even liked their shows, other than Shirobako, but I still like them as a studio for some reason.
Will Ranta be there
yes. in the cgi trash, where he belongs.
A precious boy like Ranta does not belong in the trash
>but I still like them as a studio for some reason.
For me it's definitely because of their originals. Even though they've had several bad to mediocre ones, the fact they continue to try again and again makes me want to continue watching their shows. Plus they've done some pretty good adaptations.
When will first episode air?
Yep, that one.
Me too, user. Hopefully this one doesn't suck.
23 minutes, I think?
22 minutes
W H E R E ?
16 minutes
in japan
I am asking for IT.
If they can make Sakura Quest, I'll give them a chance.
Irozuku was pretty mediocre
NOOOOO you can't talk about IT on 4channel. it's disgusting.
Which TV station, please!
I liked Irozuku. Cast felt pretty pointless outside the main three and I wish they had met at the end, but still.
Stream where
I kind of felt that Sakura Quest was barely riding the line though; a few bad directorial calls and it would have been excruciatingly boring. Somehow they managed to get through it all quite smoothly.
They have Uma Musume in 2018 that's already a win.
Who's watching this for Ichinose Kana? She was amazing as newcomer, really liked Ichigo's voice and I thought she would be the next big thing. Also she has just made a twitter account few hours ago
Tokyo MX?
>Irozuku was pretty mediocre
It was an okay-ish story told in the most boring way possible.
>few bad directorial calls
that probably applies to every anime.
for me Sakura was fun as fuck, shame it didn't look at least like Shirobako thou, not to mention HanaIro.
yes it's toyko mx.
though it's really not hard to look it up yourself.
>on air
and done.
>tfw lag
It is unwatchably laggy for me
Niceu op
I like the desisns so far.
Try the Levius manga if you like the designs. The mangaka is the original character designer.
Looks like Jeanne from Bahamut.
Thanks for that recommendation, had never heard of this. Synopsis sounds like Megalobox but that isn't a bad thing for me and 3 volumes sounds like something that actually has a planned plot.
RIP bitrate
Apparently it's also getting an anime
>it's 3DCG
that looks bahamutish
This cgi doesn't look too bad either.
She looks like she gives good blowjobs.
The Levius manga has a sequel as well. It's getting an anime this year. Levius was picked up by Viz so there will be rips for more of the translations later.
T-thanks Netflix.
the ost is nice
Are the protagonists going to fuck? If not then what's the point?
I'm watching her because she voiced my girlfriend asagi
Why does her voice sound so familiar?
how long until somebody uploads a raw you guys think?
Why does she only voice losers?
she's cute CUTE
Yeah, that's it
Who is the target audience for this?
>muh childhood friends
Several minutes after broadcast ends.
Ah fuck I couldn't think of it either. Right.
very good start.
They're totally going to fuck right? Platonic male and female relationships don't exist in anime.
What's Jesus doing here?
She's pretty cute.
oh cool jesus is in this
Reminds me a little of Castlevania Netflix designs.
>we couldn't get the rights to Sacred Beasts the anime
hope it will be fun
I don't understand a lick of japanese so I couldn't tell what was going on, but I thought this episode looked alright
>Platonic male and female relationships don't exist in anime
Granted it's rare but when it does happen it's usually good.
Any impressions other than the main girl being cute?
Will this be /u/ because it felt that way in the ED and last seconds.
I love it when it happens. I also like actual couples that are also best friends and on the same level, something that happens far too rarely in fiction.
>two girls interacting = /u/
Fuck off
it's a christian anime
Ignore the /u/ shitposter. He's been trying to start this shit in every thread for some reason.
Don't make mistakes. I am not that kind of poster. I couldn't watch the entire stream. The girl is cute and somehow the art looks pretty consistent.
The mangaka is also the character designer for a VN from the Steins;Gate creator, but sadly it gets infinitely delayed
How shit was it? It's by the grimgar dude and it seems to have /u/bait.
Akanesasu Shoujo has a special place in my heart.
Great artist
Fuck off already. And then you wonder why this board hates you annoying faggots.
I always like shows where two or more characters with the same VA have to talk to each other. They should do it more often.
I understand very little but I watch it to shitpost and overreact in these threads. Then I watch the subs to decide if I actually like it.
sexyYuu saved the show
>not the different worlds setting
Justice saved the show
Western pandering shit, now wonder it's boring and has bland ass designs.
>story takes place in a western setting with non japanese characters
>waaaaah it's western pandering
I don't think you even know what western pandering means. Carole and Tuesday is western pandering, this isn't.
Didn't you know One Piece is western pandering because it's about pirates?
It's not for Netflix so what are you talking about?
Yes it will be /u/ and /y/ pairings friendship type of show.
Zero chance for that.
This show doesn't need shitty romance to ruin the plot.
>Zero chance
Says who? I love when dumb fucks like you come into an anime original and act like you'll know exactly what is and isn't going to happen only to be proven utterly wrong.
>short red hair
Picked up
>friends separated at childhood meeting again as enemies
>dramatic romance happens
Honestly, love this kind of stuff, wouldn't mind this going yuri at all.
Will this have a HS release?
>wouldn't mind this going yuri at all
But it's not going to "go yuri" you stupid fuck. Go back to your containment board.
Yes. But it is Funi subs so expect shit everywhere. Now if only they wouldn't rip the fucking dub script on accident like with Mix.
>two girls interact
And here I thought fujos were delusional. Now I see why Yea Forums despises yurifags so much. One episode in for a anime original show that has nothing to do with yuri or romance in general and you already have a bunch of annoying fags crying for yuri to happen.
it was literally one guy
this will be shit, like sirius
You are overreacting at people that are not even yurifags, honestly this kind of behaviour is the main thing that attracts shitposting seeing how easy it is to get a reaction out of you
please stop the falseflagging I beg you
>i'm only pretending to be retarded just to trigger you XD
Fuck off.
I just came here you retard
The first episode haven't even been subbed yet and we're already doing this, really?
Every japanese fiction goes to shit.Mangas and LNs just take longer to end.
It's painful to think that there might exist special breed of retards that are so oxygen starved others take their posts as falseflagging.
You shouldn't consume Japanese fiction if you believe that.
I feel like it used to just be that the popular threads were shit. Now it's like people seek out every thread to shit it up.
>a guy and a girl interact
Oh wow when they gonna fuck?
And people say only yurifags are retarded shippers.
>subs still aren't up
For fucks sake HS
Subs when?
Tell that to Yea Forums.
You know this is Yea Forums right? Which you're on? And a part of?
Yea Forums is you right now.
I'm not even into yuri, all I said was that I wouldn't mind if this went for a yuri route because I like how the setting works with the two girls and dude starte attacking me. This fag needs to chill the fuck out.
Who are you quoting retard? Did you miss the part where I said "or romance in general" you stupid fuck?
2 > 4 > 1 > 5 >6 > 3
1) qt but needs longer hair
2) needs to lose the glasses
3) hag
4) qt
5) hag
6) is a dude
>I'm Yea Forums
WTF, I am Yea Forums and Yea Forums is me??? I was the bad guy all along?
I figured as much, but some fags are fucking desperate to screech at people and derrail threads.
The rest are trash.
Yet you came into a thread about a show that has absolutely nothing to do with yuri and started going "wow I sure hope this is yuri!!!" like the annoying retarded child that you are.
I'm glad chigo is doing fine and getting a shit ton of new roles
Maybe she'll finally win this time, third time's a charm.
>derrail threads
Yes I'M the one derailing the thread for trying to get you retarded yuriniggers to fuck off. Jesus you're fucking dumb.
He didn't do that and even if he did it does not excuse your autistic behaviour, I'll stop replying to your retarded ass now.
Welcome to Yea Forums newfriend
Why are you so angry?
Where's my overpowered female twin tail character?
You mean new Yea Forums, I swear this generation has no respect for anything whatsoever.
The next "Angry Uniformed Germans" Anime?
>come back to thread
>episode not even subbed yet and yurifags already crying
lol, where did they even come from? what does yuri have to do with this show? what are you people even arguing about?
I miss when PAwork was good and comfy. This on the other hand looks like shit.
Fuck /u/. Wall between Yea Forums and 4Channel when?
Fuck off
>Female MC
>Shit cgi
>Shit threads
Yea that's going to be a drop from me
How many episodes?
Who will be molested by hag in the suit?
I would let all those girls dominate the fuck out of me.
Shirobako movie in Summer.
Fuck off falsefagger.
>Fuck off
why? just stop ruining the thread with your retarded arguing. not even sure how this show attracted any kind yurifag in the first place.
I like PA Works
Stop replying to that nigger, this anime is not even yuri
Oh, dear God, no.
Oh wow this is great. Yurifags seething in a thread about a show with zero yuri in it. How utterly cucked can one group of retards get?
Haven't watched the episode yet. How's the main duo? Is it anything like Kuromukuro?
>22 minutes
>still no subs
>2 threads up
Where do I post with my PAW bros?
Subs are out:
Too early to tell.
You're arguing with them and I'm arguing with you arguing with them and someone else is going to argue with me and the episode hasn't even been subbed yet, someone needs to break this cycle.
it's out
check again
Top tier.
You’re the one ruining the threads, fuck off
You seem to have the wrong impression about who started the retarded arguing
Man I miss Kuromakuro
>>[HorribleSubs] Fairy Gone - 01 [1080p].mkv
Should it not be Ray?
2 is the only viable option
She absolutely redeemed herself by being ready to fight in a fucking galactic war to get her man back though.
What's the difference?
Who reminded of Flame of Recca here?
>From the director of Drifters, and the creator behind Grimgar, Ashes and Illusions
Oh baby I have high hopes for this.
720 or 1080?
>2) needs to lose the glasses
>implying anyone read or watched that shit
PA must really like them.
All of'em are fucking dykes. I wouldn't take'em anyway.
Bitchin OP
After getting disappointed by Sirius the Jaeger I'm going to keep my expectations low.
>Not watching or reading the best manga / anime in late 90s early 00s
more like toho
The best? I don't know about that one.
Where did the fairy go though?
I hope this isn't Sirius the Jaeger 2.0.
>clearly says "Maria"
people seriously pay real for CR?
The OST is pretty fucking jammin' so far.
Maybe it went gone
I've noticed that subs don't appear to get any QC. I think they just rush it all out in one go.
It's Funimation. CR is also terrible but not on this level. People are dumb and they pay for garbage, yes.
Thanks funi
She's young
>I also like actual couples that are also best friends and on the same level, something that happens far too rarely in fiction.
Great taste user.
Dunno. Are we in the 18th century? Handgun, idiot.
So easily manipulated it's quite funny, actually.
The fuck? Why did they have fairies just randomly hanging from lanterns like decoration pieces?
Irene 'Larry' Vincent. Or translated to Rally because herp de derp no difference between the two in Japan. It doesn't matter. Though in this context Ray is probably better. Rally was called Larry because she acted like a dude. Like cars, guns and girls.
>onee-chan dynamic
Glad that's cleared up, now please stop the yuri nonsense.
Oh so it's Sirius but with genderswapped Yuliy/Mikhail
Won't stop retarded shippers
>Sirius but with genderswapped Yuliy/Mikhail
That's actually a pretty good comparison. I just hope this series uoestn' fall off near the end like Sirius did. Also yeah, seems like we already have shipping drama in this thread. Best to just ignore them unlike the one autist who is sperging out against them in here. I'm sure most of them won't even be here in the coming threads.
Second season fucking when
So far so good, I just hope it doesn't crash and burn.
>local lesbian ruins government sting operation
First episode in and some of the animation is already wonky especially during the fight scenes.
>wanting to save what is essentially your older sister from being an edgelord makes you lesbian
I'll honestly never understand you people. But whatever.
They just need to show both girl have some blushing interaction with guys and problem solved.
But honestly I don't want to have any kind of romance in such type of show, it's just not needed, the partnership and friendship between leads is all I need.
It's always funimation
1 is straight as fuck, the rest are lesbians. 5 and 6 must have a relationship with each other .
Jesus fucking christ this was really bad. Feels like a 13 year old wrote it.
>Glad that's cleared up, now please stop the yuri nonsense.
You know that current yuri fetish is agegap, right?
No idea what you're talking about
2 will be 1 best friend and 3 will be gay for 2 and will betray her cause 2 will show attention to someone else.
4 and 1 are onee-chan level, so I don't expect much.
5 and 6 are enemies over a guy, or they just had bad break-up.
Local retard falls for falseflagging 101 in Yea Forums. More news to follow.
I thought her name was Marlia.
That was not so good.
So you admit to being a falseflagging retard? Thanks I guess? Doesn't mean people aren't going to call you out for it. Pulling the "haha I was merely pretending to be retarded" defense just makes you seem more pathetic.
>I'll honestly never understand you people. But whatever.
A guy is a mentor to a girl and in some anons mind it means they will fuck next episode.
I too will never understand such type of people.
It's like saying a woman with short hair must be a lesbian idiocy.
>this insert music
Holy shit, this was terrible.
It's shit. Main girl already comes off as a retard.
I'm not feeling it so far.
The CG monsters look wonky and the characters really failed to interest or endear whatsoever.
It was kinda bad, but I guess I'll give medieval Persona some more episodes.
Is it just me or did the whole thing just kinda fall flat? The action seemed tame, the red haired slut was just kind of annoying and got in the way, none of the characters seemed to have much going in terms of personality. What was the main hook to draw people in?
>expecting something good from a PA Works original.
Everything they've made in the last 5 years is bland shit. And why do they make an original anime that has to relay heavily on CGI? So fucking dumb.
basically this. I don't like the CG
Just to have some convoluted bullshit happening. Why the fuck would she jump at it?
>muh VERU
Pretty disappointing so far desu.
It's bad but I'll take it, I'm not watching much this season anyways.
Im just gonna keep watching and hope something retarded happens
Other than Sirus, all PA Works shows in 2018 are decent to good.
the action and soundtrack. The thing is that if they want to hook people with those things they need to synergize well, and they really didn't this episode.
>main guy is bland
>main girl the typical annoying "muh childhood friend" character
>fight scenes are shit
>buttrock insert music
And to think the PV had me somewhat excited.
Charlotte, Haruchika, Sakura Quest and Irozuko were all AOTYs. The rest was shit though.
>buttrock insert music
Literally nothing wrong with that
Top notch sound design, desu.
Kuromukuro is one of the best mecha titles of the last decade.
With one of the most entertaining male leads in it to boot.
Usually, but goddamn they tried so hard to make it seems more important than what it is
Not Maria?
based, I enjoyed that show
gave me faith in modern male MCs
I'm waiting for someone to post a screenshot that makes this look interesting.
What the fuck is wrong with PAW names lately
I liked it. CG wasn't too bad and the MC was cute.
you'll be waiting a while
Koyasu as Jesus, what better casting is there?
Young Ver is very cute.
This is her stand.
Maybe it's the official romanization and they are forced to use it in the subs.
So basically fairies are like stands.
I'm pumped.
Decent 1st episode.
>Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara
>Sakura Quest
These where AOTYs? Your telling me PA Works made all the AOTYs in the 4 last years? Thats what I call a blind fanboy.
>All those stills and speed lines for the 1 episode
>2 cour original
Are you guys ready for the absolute slideshow of the last 4th of this anime.
Stop reminding me, S2 never.
is this Shuumatsu S2?
Best girl.
Lets hope she will be molested by someone.
Shuumatsu was million times better.
She's going to die isn't she
A boy and older guy pairing.
Not really, people praise Bunny Girl as the AOTY, yet Irozuku was a million times better in every aspect and without the cringe factor, Sakura Quest is way better than Shirobako, which is considered the best anime of all time, I guess I can give you Haruchika and Charlotte but both are highly underrated.
It's more like JoJo part 9
This is literally just Persona 3, there is even Jesus
I don't know what's so bad about this.
Though it's just alright first episode, will keep watch without high expectation, but at least if it end up bad, i won't be too disappointed.
nah it's re: creators side story
>this episode
yeah, more like Interest Gone
I just want to see Jesus's Stand/Persona.
I wish it was.
God I wish
all promo stuff list has as Maria and Lay as Ray
western name -> japanese pronunciation -> subs of the way it's pronounced is an utterly retarded thing to do
I don't feel like this is going to be the kind of anime where (named) characters die.
Man the soundtrack is garbage
Great tastes anons.
Why did the bad guys torch their village?
>2 cour
Any soure on that?
Burn the fairys looks like.
Why does she have no butt or tits?
She's the man in the relationship.
I can clearly tell anons, this is Sirius 2
Maybe all PAW good resources are going for the Shirobako movie
>this production
>this out of place music
>this out of place 2005-tier CGI
>this episode
Instantly dropped, wew. The plot looked interesting but this anime is shit tier.
The clothes are big on her, but either way she isn't the busty femme fatale. Ver gets that role.
Please, Sirius had decent fights for the first few episodes.
>That insert song.
The Season of JoJo part 5 looks weird. Why did they change the cast so suddenly and why is one a furry with a werewolf stand? Also they changed the name of their mafia from Passione?
What the hell is going on, Araki?
So what tale is Veronica's Fairy drawing from? Free is obviously the big bad wolf and they made sure you woudn't miss that Maryla got Cinderella.
Why is she so soft?
Because she never did a lick of physical labor in her life.
Straight out of Bloody Roar 2 for the PS.
This episode wasn't particularly good nor inspiring but not offensively bad either. I'll stick around and see if the story will hook me
I liked it better when it was a hentai OAV>
>she will eternally stay this way because of nanomachines in her body, same with Kennosuke
>we probably have to put up with this shit for 6 months before PA make something good again
This might have been better without the whole fairy thing.
>Any impressions other than the main girl being cute?
She's really cute.
How the heck are PA able to keep making originals anyway?
Wasn't that good? Wash your eyes with bleach
If only that where true
Why does Jesus want the fairy book pages?
They get enough cash from Gatchashit adaptations like Pretty Derby to finance their originals
Isn't their next project some mobage shit?
>Female MC
Shows with feMCs are objectively better than shitty male self-insert crap.
This show looks so washed out. Makes me miss Violet Evergarden so much, can't stand the uncrisp picture. Is it so hard to make HD anime?
He looks like Okabe's landlord from Steins;Gate with a wig on.
His waifu is a fairy
he's a fairy himself
Only if they are accompanied by a strong male lead since the girl takes all the heat and tropes expected from the protagonist.
That was aggressively mediocre. Characters and action were bland.
Why the hell are they using fucking fairies as lighting fixtures instead of just fucking lamps? To be classy? There seems to be a large taboo on fairies though so why the fuck are they just being hung up like they're the most normal thing in the world?
Some otome game adaptation, it's a collab with 3Hz of all studios
Watch more anime
I mean it's a black fairy book, maybe it tells you how to revive Ed's mom or something using fairies.
We want the PS2 audience
>This show looks so washed out.
get an IPS monitor
>Why the hell are they using fucking fairies as lighting fixtures instead of just fucking lamps?
So people can get Personas by accident and get arrested for it.
Hey, at least it was better than Fairy Tail.
Please, if I wanted that I'd just play PS2 games instead.
Hard to watch more anime when you already watch pretty much anything that is broadcast every season.
I think they get funding from the government actually because they use real Japanese places for a lot of their shows. Promoting tourism money I guess. But I can't imagine that's enough to keep doing what they do.
For a show written by cross genre writer, this first episode seems very conservative compare to say Re:Creators.
Anime is minimum viable product and it shows.
1080p is already going out of the door as far as panel technology is in question.
And yet majority of anime production can still only afford to work with 800-900p.
Why don't any of these guys wear their hats high enough so they can shoot straight?
Whats with the PA Works trying to make edgy action stuff? All of its is uninteresting. PA exists solely to make Mari Okada original anime. Everything non Okada by them is shit.
Meanwhile, Okada makes AOTY with different studio
How many "Anothers" will it take PA to get back on track and make another Okada original?
I'm kinda disappointed the fairies just integrate with you no effort. I thought they'd have to open you up and graft fairy parts to your body or something. Or it's just MC that's a special snowflake.
is this Asuka of the season?
Is he not the dude from the flashback?
That's FUNimation, retard.
t. speedwatcher
Not even close
The already made an Okada original show in last year user.
Then watch better shit. FeMCs can even self insert too retard. And moeblob generic female characters are as bad as self inserts too. There are much more great male MCs then there are female ones
The girl had plot armor anyway so they might as well look cool while shooting at her.
Only War Criminal can save this show now.
I honestly cannot fathom the reasoning behind it, we were already know that they keep fairies in the back storeroom, so why not move the fight there for the whole fairy breaking thing? It makes me think they were actually trying to show something with that. And why wasn't the pet that escaped at all relevant except to be the MC's mascot? It's complete amateur hour in terms of presentation here.
I'm halfway through episode one and I don't think I care.
>Maybe it's the official romanization and they are forced to use it in the subs.
This is far more likely
I do have 32inch IPS monitor, and this is why washed out shows like this are plain painful to watch. I`d rather simplier animated but CRISP tv shorts than washed out shows that went through hundred filters to hide the low quality of picture.
Fruit Basket this season for example looks amazing.
Kurumi is so beautiful
CGI is bad, the 2d animation quality is bad too
Jokes aside, Irozuku felt like an attempt to imitate Okada and it failed.
>Then watch better shit. FeMCs can even self insert too retard. And moeblob generic female characters are as bad as self inserts too.
I'm obvious not taking about feMCs in CGDCT kind of shows, retard, but the occasional feMC in the kind of show you would generally expect a guy as MC. Like this one.
>There are much more great male MCs then there are female ones
Shit taste.
no matter how shitty and bland it is, western normalfags are still gonna watch it en masse and praise it as the best thing ever. maybe it will even get a movie adaptation in the future.
This season seems pretty shit
It's not really shitty though, just average.
nah, it's not on netflix
I-It's ok anons, PAW is just making money for Sakura Quest 2. I-I know, in my heart
[laughs in russian]
Dude that's KnY
>Jokes aside, Irozuku felt like an attempt to imitate Okada and it failed.
Irozuku was by Just Because author and was totally fine. Tari Tari was attempt to "imitate" which not failed, but did not reach her level. Glasslip plain had no writing (though was good for some thing). RDG i loved and its well written, but it basically adapted the the introduction of novels not starting on actual story at all (which starts after they come together)
Looks boring, is it boring?
well, that was packed with action and went really fast. we'll see what it'll become.
I liked it, but the girls character design reminds me of Bahamut and that's some serious PTSD for me.
It was actually a pretty good first episode. Maria is a bit on the naive side but not enough to be annoying. It's nice that she already has a goal she's aiming for. The lore/world-building also seems interesting.
>Fruit Basket this season for example looks amazing.
watch the original, it's infinitely better
Does it? I thought most of the shows yesterday were alright, with some gems like Senryuu girl and the thighs mute kino show
If you're going to say that then I can also exclude typical harem self inserts. Male MCs in general are better and there are more of then too. You have shit taste
>please make a Okada show
>they made one in 2018, and that show was even directed by Okada
>why you didn't make Okada show?
I mean what?
>Male MCs in general are better and there are more of then too. You have shit taste
I think you're just a fag.
Kurumi is my nurse wife.
I think you just have shit taste
So, what's the verdict? Should I cancel my download?
I wish but probably no.
Honestly I was already bored of Sakura Quest by the second cour. It was good for what it was but I felt it just retread the same ground twice.
You mean the movie? I liked Maquia, although it is definitely flawed
5/10. You're better off watching something else
Watch it for yourself and find out, fag.
If that helps you sleep at night, faggot.
dropped at ep 1, impressive
>people with taste bad enough to like Okada actually exist
Don't you feel ashamed because you overlap with Mexican housewives in terns if tastes?
Ok tranny
goddamnit this season is SO BAD.
I miss them bruh.
you say this every season
I think I'm just not gonna bother with what else is airing and just finish off my 2nd cour stuff.
no, that's actually me. I like shitpost.
As original shit goes, it looks pretty good. We'll see where it goes from here.
It helps MC is cute and proactive.
Rush B Cyka Blyat!
This episode sucked. There is no clear antagonist, and because of that, every faction at play is vague. I don't know anything about the setting, so it's just vagueness fighting vagueness. I don't care.
The women knew each other as kids, but I don't know either of them, so what am I going to do with a tearful reunion and turn to evil? Was that village being burned also massacred? The people looked fine, so that's not the impression I got.
This show sucks, dropped.
thank god.
He wants to get back at the jews
Good, now leave.
It's just the first episode, user. It can only introduce the main characters and gives some basic introduction of the lore. Not sure why you're expecting more for a first episode.
Waste of time. Just watch
Even the Sirius with its WASTED second half had a fantastic first episode with godly fight choreography.
>Even the Sirius with its WASTED second half had a fantastic first episode with godly fight choreography.
Maybe the reverse will happen in Fairy gone
>Linking Park ost
Why does PA Works try in genre they can't do properly? Its boring, badly directed and badly written. At least Kimetsu no Yaiba as generic as it was, was decently directed. This tries to look fancy, but just looks like Rage of Bahamut without its charm.
why are PA works action shows so consistently boring? they have good production, why can't they make an action show that puts that to good use?
A first episode's primary job above all else is to hook the viewer. There wasn't much of a hook here. If a show can't do something so simple then it's not a good sign.
This is already better than that simple shit
Stop the forced comparison anyways
None of the important people doing this worked on Sirius
Gonna keep watching it for a couple more episodes since the MC is cute.
PAW can absolutely work in different genres as it was shown by Kuromukuro.
They just need competent directors since that one was directed by a Darker than Black and Wolf's Rain dude.
There was enough hook for me though. Mind you, I'm kind of a sucker for the "trying to save the childhood friend" premise, but the lore was interesting too and the production values aren't half bad.
>It's just the first episode, user.
What kind of fucking excuse is that? The first episode should hook you up, and the studio should bring their A game. The fact that it has quality in the first episode is already a turnoff. And then there are characters rambling about shit no one could possibly care about.
People here mentioned Recreators, well take a look at its first episode. As an introduction it's almost flawless, you understand the concept without that much of verbal exposition, the animation is amazing and there's plenty of action as well as just simple giid cinematography. You immediately get hooked up.
I can't believe it's as bad as you people are making it out to be.
no, you don't. stop projecting, faggot.
It was an okay first episode, Nothing flashy or extreme happened just a standard episode, Might be decent.
it's not, it's just whatever. people on the internet (Yea Forums especially) love to play doug walker and make things to be worse than they are
This has potential to become something interesting eventually. The only question will one be able to endure through it until (if at all) it becomes that.
I agree, 100%. It felt like everything that happened here was ultimately pointless. The chick stole the page, but it was fake, so who cares?
The one girl was working for the mafia, but she spent 100% of her screentime not doing her job, so who cares?
The dude was supposedly working for the mafia, but apparently isn't, so who cares?
And is the mafia a bad thing? They didn't actually do any bad stuff, so why even have it be a mafia?
This episode was totally uncommitted to making waves within its universe. I don't know these people.
shikata ga nai ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They just kinda rushed trough it for some reason.
More power to you then, but I personally didn't feel anything for the childhood friend premise because the characters themselves were bland, half bad isn't enough for a first episode that should want to wow the audience, and the CG stands were gross.
I might watch one or two more episodes because originals are usually fun even when they're bad, but I do not have high hopes.
>mfw it can't be helped
Normalfags don't even watch subbed stuff in the first place.
Make yourself and everyone else a favor and drop it.
It is bad at trying to be interesting show. It has animation above average, decent character design, nice backgrounds and obvious effort to make it look good - but its just not interesting. The writing is unappealing and absolutely generic and unorganic, the direction fails to show events from interesting point, the fights are flashy, but without sense of suspence of amazement.
It feels like kind of show people would give 3 episodes just because its above average in production values, but in the end will still drop.
Comparison with Rage of Bahamut first ep (because of designs and look), and Izetta (because of setting) or Yoko Senki (because of war) or motherfucking Violet Evergarden (because of backgrounds and time period) all do not look favorable.
Best comparison probably would be Izetta - unlike this, it kind of captured viewer already at first ep (though fell flat later). Syrius was very similar in a way it felt it lacked real hook and identity and was just a sum of parts, but not interesting show.
Sure they do.
more over a sense of "i already watched this"
It takes a typical setting execution to faithfully to a point nothing feels original or interesting. Color scheme, backgrounds, character clothes, everything is generic how director withotu imagination would make a show of that setting
In opposite, example of how similar setting was visually made much better in TV anime:
Why are nips continue to do this? Why is every westbait show(and don't you fucking even try to argue that it's not westbait show) is such a dull soulless trash?
Marlya and Megane are the cutest.
how is it a westbait? is it because he's name was Free as in US and A?
Trigger and other stuff like old Manglobes, Space Dandy and Watanabe series aren't soulless, not even Tiger and Bunny. What you mean are series that try emulate that shitty dark capeshit feel because yes they're almost always soulless trash.
It takes place in the west and is generally scrubbed of all japanese stuff.
Some retards think anything that doesn't look like a generic harem LN adaptation or girls doing cute shit is westbait.
This is not westbait.
It isn't westbait, it is westaboo bait. Literally not aimed at us but at the nips who want to be us
Oh nice, a P.A. Works show.
This is either gonna be a hit or miss, right?
This shit has 0 attributes that could made this shoe to sell more than 100 copies in japan, but it heavily tries to emulate every gritty shit show netflix purchased.
Top cute.
More like aimed at nips that want to see western-fueled tailspin on their animu shit.
>every gritty shit show netflix purchased
This does feel like the kind of stuff Netflix would be all over, yeah. P.A. Works just wants that sweet Netflix money for SHIROBAKO SEASON 2, C'MON!
Is it just me or this is one of those cases that would be better off in medias res?
They want to get out of their comfort zone which is actually good. The thing is failing. Hopefully some day they find another writer for these kind of series.
What's with all the CGI crap?
After Irozuku this looks like such huge disappointment in every aspect
Shirobako has a movie. We want SQ 2
>set in non-west
>6 minutes in already honorific play
why can't jap into setting immersion?
it's liek fucking VEG all over again
isn't this just adult pokemon?
Why is the acting so stiff and lifeless? It's like none of these characters have emotion even though their actions can only be motivated by emotional reasons.
The writing is really weak. None of the characters actually get any moments to establish themselves.
I thought the acting was fine. The animation was kind of stiff.
>score higher than Bocchi
Wew, must be instant AOTS.
>score fagging
Please kill yourself
>score higher than Bocchi
Not really an accomplishment.
Kimetsu no Yaiba was unironically worse than those two.
MALfags are normalfags as it gets
No, having short hair and dressing in men's clothes makes you a lesbian. She's clearly supposed to be a stupid dyke who Free-san has to fix.
>muh black haired high school boy
>There are much more great male MCs then there are female ones
not true
Where the fuck is Favaro?
what the fuck is this show
no, Bocchi is just that bad
This is for japanese netflix crowd.
All ages adaptation of Angel Core OAVs
I feel like the whole point of the episode was to have the girl accidentally get a fairy (even though she's apparently from a fairy village) and join the fairy police (even though all she did was shoot at the guy and help a fugitive escape). This has to have been the most roundabout, least logical path to that destination.
That score is not updated. The score will probably drop in a few days after this first episode.
"Oh look, here's a girl who disobeyed orders, chain of command, fired a warning shot AT someone, and abandoned common sense and survival instincts on a battlefield. What a perfect recruit."
Karlya reminds me of her.
Oh god that was awful, i liked a bit Sirius The Jeager, maybe the ending was pure garbage but at least managed to get me engaged with the story and the character. Here? MUH FUCKING VERONICA and awful jojo stands.
I will watch ONLY BECAUSE Kana Ichinose.
But, hey, she has known criminal connections, so why the hell not?
Hopefully the anime won't be the same flaming trainwreck.
Only good thing about that game was the artwork.
I like Asuka
>dr pavel
You don't get to bring fairies.
I liked the character designs and the Victorian aesthetic but that's about it
Is there really not a single good anime this season?
>Maria: muh veronica
>Free: muh fairies
>Veronica: muh revenge
So, Yea Forums
Any first impressions?
For me, Fairy Gone has been enjoyable so far.
isekai quartet
I want to grope your thighs as I'm deep inside you Asuka.
You know you want it.
re:creators was amazing you plebs
sometimes I have the feeling that you people would call most of anime airing during the 00's westaboo shit
I haven't watched the episode yet, but if you think this is boring or a trainwrek just say so, just don't pretend this kind of anime is something that came after Netflix, beacuse they were actually more common 15-20 years ago
Men in Black
She is not pathetic like your disgusting masculinity want to feel, pathetic too.
It's fine I guess, could be better but I like the antagonist fairy stand
>Not really, people praise Bunny Girl as the AOTY,
And they're retarded too. Doesn't make your picks any better
Stop being so tsun and open your legs already-
It's like Jojo but with fewer references.