This is out today? Funimation subs should be shitty. Hopefully HS doesn't rip the dub script like retards again.
Fairy Gone
Looks edgy, could be fun. But
>cgi werewolf
Please no.
The monsters are weird CGI things. The anime has 24 episodes so it should have more effort than shit like Sirius.
>The anime has 24 episodes so it should have more effort than shit like Sirius
Why did you have to mention this?
At least sirius had some nice animation.
The PV and the CG spirits/monsters look retarded byeond belief.
I hope the show excels in everything though. I really like pa works.
>sirius had some nice animation
Not really
Some fight scenes were pretty nice.
3 hours and 17 minutes before it airs
If there was one thing people were praising before the anime went to shit, it was the animation.
Sirius anons unite
I can't wait for PA to disappoint again.
>24 episodes
NOOOOO, I wanted another SOL anime by them for Fall
Original anime always tends to be less disappointing, good studio behind it too.
>Grimdar writer
Never saw it.
Was it any good?
>24 episodes
PA sure love to burn money.
those semi realistic designs are ugly
Who will stream this? Funimation like OP said or Netflix?
Just by the aesthetic I already don't have much interest.
>The anime has 24 episodes so it should have more effort than shit like Sirius.
What the hell kind of thinking is this? If anything having more episodes gives them a bigger chance to fuck it up, unless the production schedule is good, which most of the time is not the case.
>24 episodes
>anime original
still curious, but i'm prepared for it being the biggest disappointment this season along with OPM 2
did you actually expected OPM2 to be good when it went to J.C. Staff?
no, but it still a huge disappointment when compared to s1
>Ludwig and Friends: The Animated Series
I'm glad they made the decision to turn Lawrence into a cute girl.
Sparkly 80s workout vampires or no buy.
It could very well turn into a trainwreck and with 24 episodes, there's twice as many chances to get sparkling vampire dick and ass.
well, PAW's 2 cour originals are much better than their 1 cour originals
This. They put in more creative effort into their longer anime.
Should start in around 10 minutes.
Just here because it's an original I don't think it's going to be good.
Any original is more entertaining than 99% of those that aren't. Even if it's shit, at least half the thread doesn't already know how it ends.
5 is fucking best girl already.
>Liking 40 year old women
Is this Bloodborne: the anime ?
>not the pitslut with a knife
>not liking older women
>liking Endro
Main girl ticks all my boxes personally.
>Not being 50 and liking younger girls
Who is the main girl?
Redhead, right?
I always find it funny how studios put large eyed characters in a serious show as it clashes hard with the theme. 3,4,5 & 6 are fine but 1 & 2 definitely look out of place.
Were are my PA Works bros? Do we have a Fairy Aoi yet?
I Want To BREED Her.
What was so bad about Sirius? You people all call it shit but I've never seen you elaborate on why.
AGAIN? why's there so many anime subbed by funi? I fucking hate this shit.
Have you watched it yourself? You'd understand then.
REVITALIZE your town user
Subs out
I have watched it, and I enjoyed it.
Even if I hadn't, you're still just insisting it's bad without explaining why you feel that way.
First 7 episodes are good
>I want to save all vampires
Watch more anime newfriend.
Alright, that's something. I disagree with you, but at least you have something you can point to as to why you feel it's bad.
I've been watching anime since before the Soviet Union collapsed. Sirius wasn't anything really special, but it wasn't awful and you're just trying to appeal to authority instead of give any reasons.
So... opinions so far?
This is literally To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts.
LOUD. Like seriously they tried shoving everything into making a good first impression.
Not very good
I would have rather Sirius have 24 episodes instead of this desu
Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking with that shit?
Mediocre first episode but with how little interest I have in the rest of the season I'm willing to give it a few more episodes.
I can't even be bothered to DL this just to shitpost.
I still have PTSD from Egao no Daika for being so fucking boring.
this was pure utter cringe, what bothered me was the blonde bitch killing random guards for no reason, i mean they literally are just some simple cheap guards, to protect the venue, its like they want the viewer to not hate veronica, but why kill random people???
Im pretty sure they were part of mafia
so far it seems pretty average
op is trash, ed is better
will keep watching
isekai done right - memory loss, no special abilities, you either fight for your life or starve to death.
fun enough, not like there is much else to watch this season anyway
Premise had a lot of potential but it wasted it by focusing on character melodrama instead of survival. The QUALITY was pretty bad too.
So so, i will give it 3 episode rule.
A cute with a rifle.
Does the Erai Raws release use the Crunchyroll/Horriblesubs translation?
Whatever this is, it looks like a painful way to die.
Is the dark blood lolcensor or do fairy wounds just fuck your shit up more than usual?
You see normal red blood as well, it seems to be fairy magic.
This show isn't even streaming on Crunchyroll.
This show would be 100x better with a better Soundtrack. The Soundtrack ruins the pacing. Almost as bad the rap music they put in every Hollywood trailer.
They worked Sato to the bone so he pushed for something easy to animate on the final fight.
I took pictures of Marlya. Which means that I have to watch this now.
her fairy can invade the body of the people she cuts and fuck them up from the inside
that's a cute Bahamut
Yeah I saw it was on Funimation's service. HS is still ripping it though. I just don't know if Erai and HS are using different translations or of they're both just ripping Funimation's translations. I imagine they are doing that.
Both are ripping from Funimation.
Eh its an original so I'll give it a shot
OST sucks though
Going to watch it because of seasonal drought. But it's not very good.
>OST sucks though
>not liking early 00s buttrock in your edgefest
Please, this was barely edgy
Well, I've seen 11 first episodes so far this season and this was probably the worst one so far.
I want to sniff 4's armpits
There were new OVAs. With how slow the manga releases are, don't ever expect another season.
is this the Active Raid of our generation?
A proper edgefest needs some rape in the first episode
>English OP
>Male singer
Fucking dropped.
you should go away. active raid was masterpiece.
I feel like next episode is going to be more representative of what the show will be like so I'm giving it the three episode rule. So I guess it surpassed my expectations since I went in thinking I'd watch the first episode and say it's enough
Also I liked the OST
>So... opinions so far?
Not too bad
Not bad
I hope this gets good porn
It's interesting enough to at least continue watching for now.
Once can only hope
Feels pretty fucking shit so far.
hahah imagine the smell of Veronica's armpits and feet after running around and fighting all night long like that hahah must be quite the musk right lmao jk
It's only first episode so I don't want to judge to hard. But it's not looking to promosing.
Most of the episode was just explaining shit.
>Are those fairies
>Ah yes, those are fairies, we live in a world where we live side by side with fairies And some of us bond with them and use them to fight blablabla
Just fucking tell the story, we can pick up on the lore without you explaining everyting.
The girls are cute though, and the litle pet as well.
Honestly the show would be a lot better without fairies.
The names are pretty shite. Free Underbar is just terrible, even if you are a japanese.
He has a winning smile, though.
>Just fucking tell the story, we can pick up on the lore without you explaining everyting.
I don't mind the exposition if it comes in small doses. It's not like half the episode was exposition.
I really like the adult-looking character designs.
Not the worst Japanese take on gaijin names though
Aren't Fairies basically just Stands?
>Bobson Dugnutt
Is that supposed to be ironic? those names are pretty normal.
Kind of, but they're less defined than stands usually are. They're more like the IBMs from Ajin. Though both these fairies and IBMs were more than likely at least partially inspired from stands.
They're Personas.
Post-WW1 JoJo with creepy ass stands, that's all I can say about it so far. The first episode has pretty much given me nothing.
I miss it so much
>Willie Dustice
>Mike Truk
Absoloute chads.
They're as much Stands as Servants are Stands
>Kind of, but they're less defined than stands usually are.
How so? Maria's fairy seems to be based on what defined her childhood, with the whole village burning down and everything. So might be even more fitting.
No idea about Ajin, never read/watched it.
Also, as countless others have mentioned, do some of the same people who worked on Bahamut work on this too, or do the characters seem so similar because no one tends to give an animu character lips?
So that's how tower 7 fell!
>hunting rifle has pistol grip
Excuse me?
The CG doesn't really look good so far, so fuck no.
The fairies have mostly just been used for melee combat rather than having specific powers, though the one at the end did heat up where its hands touched. Ajin's IBMs are also mostly used for melee combat. But both are "beings sent out by the user to fight for them" so in that regard both are similar to stands even though they still feel different to me.
You forgot Wolf using Howl and the mist thing killing people internally. So they do have specific powers.
Alternative modern setting with magic
Aint gotta explain shit
It's okay I guess. I hope Marlya has more personality other than muh ver but other than that it's watchable.
>no PoC
This is kinda problematic?
What the fuck? Whose idea was this?
FREE UNDERBAR. His first name is fucking Free.
Could be worse.
A true american
>is pronounced maria
pretty garbage
whats with the names?
Mariya is pretty cute, so I'll keep watching it for a while
Wasn't the werewolf from Soul Eater name Free?
I'm probably going to do a second rewatch one of these day. This series was just criminally good.
>buddy cop kamen rider crime mystery/drama
Marlya and Marlya. avarice and greed. We took advantage of the poor, just ignored the needy.
>first 5 minutes of the show are an infodump
it's a mari okada show alright
needs some /u/
Based P.A. Works.
I want to rail Haruka
Pretty meh first ep. Lore looks interesting but the plot is pretty empty so far. Not a good sign.
Fairies design are so so. The main character is rather boring, and so is her objective. Also there is something rather autistic about the character interactions. Can't quite put my finger on it but it's there and rather annoying.
>more effort than shit like Sirius
I hope for your sake you posted that before watching the first episode. Sirius is a masterpiece compared to this. Be it in animation, or writing.
Did you really want them to say Maruraya for 25 episodes? You know how these things go.
The plot wasn't introduced yet so you can't say it's "empty." For instance, why was Veronica trying to steal that fairy shit? We don't know yet.
>what bothered me was the blonde bitch killing random guards for no reason
They were shooting at her, genius.
Im sure shit will be explained as we go, but there's very little to hook so far is the point. We don't have to know all the reasons just yet but we do need a reason to be invested.
I'd rather they just sub the name as Maria
It's actually Mariya.
This is a 24 episodes show if I remember correctly so it's not gonna rush to play its cards. If lore and characterization isn't enough at this point, then you might as well drop it.
>everyone gets filtered out by trivial petty shit so we get comfy threads
Every time.
I'm interested where the childhood friend connection will develop to. Having Ver die as a redemption arc and then have Free console Marlia would be a very traditional route, but I want to believe there won't be a romance line between male and female leads.
You ever heard of a mac guffin?
It's pretty obvious we'll be mostly focusing on the side of Marlya anyways, so it hardly matters. The plot will probably be about following Veronica everywhere, with fairy SoL and battle sequences thrown in between the childhood flashbacks. But every single character is so bland frankly I'm not interested. I will only pick this back up if I hear good things.
Free is too old for her anyways
If anything I'm paranoid they'll go the yuribaiting route and have Mariya be obsessed with Ver.
The personas look like Bloodborne rejects
>Ver die as a redemption arc
Redemption for what
Do the other two characters not have stands? Were they even in the opening?
So it's basically Justice from JoJo Part 3
Hated that Stand.
>It's pretty obvious we'll be mostly focusing on the side of Marlya anyways, so it hardly matters.
I think you're like totally wrong about this. She seems to still be seeking revenge and the guy who raided their town shows up in the OP so I think we'll see a lot from her side of the story too. There is also the blond dude which is the other antagonist. I think Veronica will end up working with him somehow.
1 and 2 are the cutest.
This strongly depends on the writer's particular tastes. Somehow, "boy+girl=romance" is a preferred shortcut in writing for many, with "one-sided" variation for easy drama that doesn't have to be followed up.
I'd actually like that. IF they went through fully with it, and not just used it as a plot hook.
Whatever bad shit she did to get back at Ray (of) Dawn. Like, she didn't get a fairy in a perfectly legal manner, and that's obviously the lesser of her crimes.
>Do the other two characters not have stands?
I think they do but are non-combatant.
Fairy Gone > VEG
>the whole story and character motivations of 4 people wasn't explained in 20 mins
I'll give you the lore, but what characterization?
>"hur durr, wandering the premises on the job"
>"tehee I'm airheaded, cute, and curious about stuff! yet for some reason I don't know the most basic things about my world, thanks mr exposition for being there, you're a great help"
>"hur durr my name is Uchiha Veronica, I steal things on stage during the bidding because it's cooler than waiting for the bid to end, moreover I get to fight and show off"
>"shit, the peasants are blocking my only escape route, didn't see that coming"
>"oh no, my emo caracterization will crumble if I meet my childhood friend, I need to get the fuck out"
Honestly what they've shown so far is nothing to call home about. As that other user said, it really lacks a hook.
From what I know of one and four are childhood friends and possible lovers.
Two has a boyfriend
Three don't know of her status
Five and Six are a couple.
All of these girls have /u/ potential written all over it.
>Whatever bad shit she did to get back at Ray (of) Dawn.
We don't know anything about what happened to him, and judging by the OP, he is still alive.
>Like, she didn't get a fairy in a perfectly legal manner, and that's obviously the lesser of her crimes.
How do you know that? Marlya got her fairy by accident.
Maria didn't come across as an airhead to me. A little naive, sure, but that's about it. She actually seemed pretty quick-witted.
Also, I see nothing wrong with the premise of trying to reconnect with her childhood friend. We still don't know their situation anyway. How close they were and why does Veronica seek revenge? I mean the dude destroyed their town an all, but I think there might be something more to it. In any case, there's lot we don't know yet. That's the hook for me.
Well there's nothing wrong with it, I just think it was not that well executed. On a scale of Naruto's Naruto and Sasuke to Sirius's Yuri and AIDSbro, I'd place it very close to the tip, on the Naruto side.
If you're gonna write something cliché, at least do it right.
>That's the hook for me
That's cool, we can't all get hooked by the same things.
its shit but still somehow better than 80% of the shows airing this season
E L E L F O!
These monsters designs deserve better.
pretty good, best girl was doing rock climbing - instant boner for my hobby animated
6 is ugly af, what the hell?
the production values in general feel wasted on a show this shitty
I think thats a guy
Basing it on ep2 preview, fairies possessing people doesn't happen very often, so it's more probable that Ver got hers the usual (implantation) way. And that usual way seems to be illegal now.
As for other crimes, she's already doing armed robbery instead of, like, stealing the thing before or after it's in the middle of the stage, so she obviously doesn't shy away from using violence. And she most likely will do more of that, seeing as the person she works for wants those rare and expensive things that happen to be in possession of other people.
>tfw no grimdark Aoi
Oh my, another yuri shouw
How hetlol can even compete?
It's shit, right?
I didn't think it was spectacular but people here have unreasonably high standards, especially for first episodes.
Especially for original anime. People will eat shit up off the floor if it's an adaptation.
Mediocre but fun enough, much like Kuromukuro and Sirius.
Hopefully fight choreography will end up being as good as it was in them as well, but first episodes' wasn't great.
>MC has held hands with a man by the end of the first episode
They'll be making kissy faces and copulating by episode 3, mark my words. I'll enjoy seeing you dumb yurishitters dancing a merry jig on the end of a rope when it eventually happens.
Bullshit. You are too mentally deficient to actually enjoy anything.
I'm going to enjoy watching this anime at the expense of seething yurifags and there's nothing you can do about it.
How the fuck is this ban evading fuck still alive?
That's Mugino, a notorious yuri falseflagger. Report him. Even /u/ can't stand him.
Based funimation
Jesus Christ. Does any interaction between two or more girls mean yuri to you automatically? Fuck off already you autistic fuck. You're a disgrace to yuri. Not even /u/ wants you.
I had high hopes for this series. But it just reminds me too much of Witch Hunter Robin right now, which is a series I didn't care for. I'm hoping that we actually see fairy soldiers outside of being cops and criminals, and an actual exploration of their society where a handful of people can use magic, but were relegated to human weapons due to war.
You know, instead of there probably just being a conspiracy that gets revealed part way through, and has the heroes teaming up with the villains, to take down the corrupt shadow government or something.
I really hate the art style
Oh boy, is this the autism we have to suffer through in these threads? Why can't I just have comfy threads that die after 100 posts max with five other guys?
You guys should report this jackass He's gonna ruin Fairy Gone like he did with Egao no Daika. All because of some "yuri".
it's the start of the season, just wait another episode or two and you'll have just that
Egao no Daika ruined itself.
I like the character designs though. They look somewhat adult-like. I really dig that.
Egao no Daika ruined itself to be quite honest
She's a qt. That's all I need to watch this.
Give us about three episodes and that's what it'll be like.
After all, SnK and OPM are still to start up. It's not as though people will be lacking for popular threads to shitpost in either.
Dropped like a plague. There is a limit at how much you can bully goblins.
Something about this anime feels chinese.
>bully goblins
Those were some of the most competent goblins I've seen. Shooting for centre of mass, immediately moving once your sniping position was known, insane level of acrobatics and using their mobility to their advantage.
The Grimgar goblins deserve respect.
1 is hot.
P.A. Works meeting
"Guys we need new edgy fantasy shounen anime, Sirius the jaeger failed"
"Why did it fail?"
"People complained about 12 episodes , no werewolves and Netflix 3 month later subs"
P.A Works owner
"I got it"
"Lets do the same thing BUT this time with 24 episodes, one werewolf and Funimation 1 hour later subs"
Now we just need brother/sister character that joined bad guy side and it will be Sirius the jaeger 2: now with fairy magic RIP vampires
>Now we just need brother/sister character that joined bad guy side and it will be Sirius the jaeger 2: now with fairy magic RIP vampires
I would bet my left ass cheek that Veronica will betray the bad guys.
Sirius was bad due to a lack of narrative vision and shallow presentation. It was seemingly trying to be a story about the personal growth Yuily, but for some reason that ended up turning him into some kind of doggo Jesus without ever resolving the conflicts set up by other entities. The professor and Mikhail were compelling characters, but the rest of the cast were empty bloat that didn't contribute to the narrative beyond setting up sideplots that went nowhere. There were so many of them dividing up so little screentime that they ended up being cardboard cutouts. The ark is the plot device to apparently make peace with the vampires by turning Yuily into doggo Jesus, yet its entire nature is alleged and the only thing the series shows about it is that it gives vampires sparky butts.
>Now we just need brother/sister character that joined bad guy side
That's pretty much the Maryla/Veronica dynamic, even if it lacks the exact familial relationship.At least watch it first.
Actually this show is main done by Toho producer and Grimgar author, then they find PA Works to do it, so this time PA is just doing some contract work.
One of the first anime to be dropped. This season.
I LOVE the design, but I hated the fucking CGI. I've started watching this anime out of curiosity. The first episode hasn't been spectacular, but I think it's an usual thing in anime. I will continue watching it to see how it goes
Man if it really is this I would be hype as fuck. Better have an absent minded loli as the Rom stand-in
Picked up.
I rabu Veronica
>220 posts
For some reason Yea Forums is too retarded to watch originals.
I liked the setting but I'm kind of worried that this is going to be the MC shouting "VERONICAAAA! lets talk!" for 12 episodes while veronica goes on a killing spree.
I had forgotten how horrible the design of Golden Kamuy is
And that's a good thing.
Yea Forums doesn't have the patient to just let the story unfold. They want to know everything about it after the first 20 minutes.
They should just make another 12 episodes focusing on the two loli vampires.
it's ok
Hopefully, there will be several cases unrelated to Veronica before she shows up again.
I love this Pokemon sword and shield anime
God I wish she stabbed me
>for 12 episodes
24 episodes
There was already a 525 post thread. This is the second thread
Truly the sakura quest of edgy shit
oh no
>yukina pointing at a cute girl
Listen here mate, did I give you permission to change that filename? Change it back to baka right now.
So the male mc will be gay for the blonde guy and the female mc for the blonde girl? Interesting.
>the 40010 1-go doujin with her
I liked it, should be fun to watch with Yea Forums.
>disliking Endro
This was shittier than I expected. Janky animation already in the first episode, mediocre CGI, poor fight choreography, awful music. I can't imagine watching 25 episodes of this.
Blonde always the best you know that.
>having any opinion on Endro
>and Netflix 3 month later subs
Yeah, that was the issue. Lurk more.
Sorry P.A.Friends but this doesn't catch my interest in any way so I guess I'll be skipping it.
male and female mc? better be some god damn romance
Tune in later and see how it's going.
This doesn't make sense unless Mori thinks RDG and Glasslip are hits.
>you just ruined our sting operation to catch that bandit, but it's okay because you now have superpowers, wanna join the police?
It's not that farfetched. It's kinda how hackers and such are recruited by security agencies sometimes.
I think it was implied that either fairies don't usually just go naturally to a human host or that a human can't just get a fairy like that so atleast they have a reason to be interested in her
Well if we go by the description
>A world where fairies possess and reside within animals, granting them special powers. By surgically removing and transplanting the organs of a possessed animal into a human, humans can partially summon the fairy and use it as a weapon.
A fairy possessing a human directly is something that shouldn't happen.
>A fairy possessing a human directly is something that shouldn't happen
Maybe female MC is half animal
Eh, it was alright. Probably watchable since there's nothing else on sundays.
Watching this reminds me once again of how blessed we are to have a Jojo adaptation where the stands aren't CGI
I thought the fairy designs were pretty cool besides the werewolf
especially marlyas
what is this anime about? This looks like Nazis fighting warewolves I am down, looks /fa/ as fuck
More like some unspecified NotEuropean government tracking down illegal Stand users.
I was expecting them to turn into the fairies not be another shitty Jojo clone
Well you gotta read between the lines dude. So the village they were from was a "fairy village". Obviously it was targeted for its fairies, probably part of the fairy soldier project or something right? Veronica wants revenge against that guy who lead the attack. The black fairy tome is probably somehow related to the fairy soldier shit too, which is why she stole it.
Now then there's the issue with Marlya being able to see the fairies, or rather fairy primordials. Free hestiates before explaining what true fairies really are, but is it possible that Marlya and Veronica are fairies of some kind? Like evolved fairies? Or a special clan that has bonds to them at least. That explains how Marlya could see the fairy primordial when it was released from the bottle (something Free said was impossible) and how she so easily absorbed it.
They even get hurt when their stands get hurt
I noted that, but- it doesn't do as severe damage as the Jojo stands. More like stigmata than actually getting damaged, unless they just voluntarily dispersed their stands to avoid further damage.
Is this show just a ripoff of fate?
No its a ripoff of Jojo
Decent first episode. Nothing mind-blowing, and it'll probably lose me fast if it devolves into repetitive fairy of the week filler for half the season like I suspect it might, but I'll definitely stick with it for a while.
Im dying
Wonder how much butter he got out of this.
PA Works should just give up and stick to slice of life and drama.
Their only decent action show was Canaan 10 years ago. Everything they tried after that was trash.
>PA Works should just give up and stick to slice of life and drama.
None of their shows with good sales and/or reviews in recent years are SoL drama shits.
Besides, if we only talk about action, Sirius is pretty good.
Ray Dawn, he's the man. If he can't do it, no one can.
So this bitch ruins an undercover government operation several times, and then she’s offered a job. Even though she demonstrated multiple times she will not follow her superior’s orders.
What the fuck is this bullshit?
Well, I think the premise is neat but wow, that awful awful CGI is just painful every time it reared it's ugly head which was far too often. Plus I thought it was a transformation type deal not a summon my persona kinda thing. I'll probably give it another episode but I don't think I'll be watching the whole thing unless something amazing happens next ep.
>that song at the middle of the episode
anyone got a name?
pretty please
my subs said Lay so thats either really his name or the subber was really that fucking stupid
Rinkin Park - In Za Endo
Why do people meme Linkin Park as if it's edgy? There's way more edgier music to listen too.
Honesty it has that soulless knockoff feeling. I can't help but think they were trying to go for the SnK audience with the aesthetic and character designs. There are interesting things here and yet none of it really gave me motivation to keep watching. Unless I hear good things down the road this one's dropped for me.
This, a ripoff of Jojo with a not-European setting.
The old days of AMVs. Every anime had an edgy In The End AMV made by a 13 year old.
>give the protagonist superpower in the first episode
Why, Japan? Don't you get that a normal protagonist struggling amidst the crazy is way more appealing? Power up is not character development.
please go away
thankfully now we got it prepackaged in the anime itself
The CGI is really fucking bad to look at but the show looks like it'll be alright enough to follow.
I like my characters to be competent. I'm kinda sick of the "bumbling everyman who just observes while side-characters do all the cool shit."
I liked it more when it were Hentai OAVs
Honestly, I was kinda bored with the first episode.
I think I'm just going to wait until the whole thing is done and marathon it. Maybe that will make it more interesting.
That's well and good but there's a fine middle ground between bumbling useless asshole and omnipotent jack ass who just power levels through shit.
And she could very well be in that middle ground so hold your horses bub.
This one is the coolest
Does this show have fujo funding or fujo backing?
Delete this now
No MC is a girl with back story with another girl.
Don't think so.
>Kenichi Suzuki is directing
>Also directed Hellsing Ultimate, Drifters, Jojo, Cells at Work (and was a writer)
But the writer is rather unknown and if your writing is shit then nothing can save a series.
I thought the writer did Grimgar?
>Veronica shows up with a BDSM wraith for a fairy that erupts black blood from wounds and suffocates people with said blood
>Free summons a four-eyed zombie werewolf that is pure melee with a really fucking strong yell
>Marlya gets a burning priestess that makes the bad things go away by burning them so hard their owners feel it
>Token cutesy mascot animal is an icy blue fox with a gerboa tail that just so happens to like Marlya for unknown reasons
If Free has the wolf, what's the faggot named Wolf gonna have? A homoerotic diver/swimmer?
That's not really a good sign.
And was Grimgar a smash hit?
This is Wolfran's fairy
Holy shit, that transcends edgy. That's either going to look really fucking cool in motion, or it's going to be choppier than a back alley korean restaurant.
How many episodes?
Try reading the thread.
Everywhere I read says 12 but this thread is saying 24.
Not him but after looking around I don't know where the 2 cour idea came from.
From people that read moonrunes.
I'm calling your bluff. There is no japanese source saying it's 2 cour.
>I'm calling your bluff
Uhm. I.. I don't know what you're talking about.
Why does it remind me of something I can't quite place
24 episodes was some tweet a while ago by some guy
might have been bullshit
Protagonist is super cute
>it's another rushed 12 episode original
>we will never get a comfy Kuromukuro again
isn't it just drifters but boring?
>faggot named Wolf gonna have?
Blond dude has demon bird
Free has demon wolf
Fuck, he's so fucking hot. Why japan hates so much manly and handsome characters? Everywhere is the same long haired twink.
I didn't even watch the first episode, but I will give it a chance sorely for this hunk.
Hey don't be too hard on us. People just got collectively shit on by Egao no Daika.
Best fairy
Please don't mention that abomination again, I'm trying to erase it from my memory.
I feel like they used some algorithm to combine 2 different words from a dictionary to name their characters.
For me, it's 2 and 4.
Its the daika you need to pay.Egao arent enough.
This dude is Jesus, right?
But it had Stella in it.
>No cute fairy girl warriors
It seems I was expecting too much.
MC is named free
I wanted to believe.
This anime has 24 episodes. I bet you 12 episodes will be SOL fairy of the week cute girls doing cute things beach episodes
If only they hired Nyanko poster as the lead writer.
>This anime has 24 episodes.
That seems to be bullshit. Funi says 12, and we can't find another official source.
Kinda cute.
It is 2 cour
I'm still upset at his death more than anyone else in the show
Where are the proofs?
literally all recent original have been pretty meh tier no wonder people prefer manga and LN adaptions.
Damn, crazy shit with the fairy getting into the bodies. It alright I guess though the convenient fairy and motherfucking animal mascot made me laugh.
I heard PA had another project and they're using majority of their budget to that, I hope it's true
Another action werewolf project or another slice of life drama project
Another mobage adaptation.
I figured out as much, didn't spark my interest though.
>muh natural ressources
>how dare they destroy my hometown out of greed / for the sake of winning the war
>muh revenge
>muh stand tsukai system
I'm sorry but this is too straightforward and by the book for me. Nothing wrong with all those things objectively, but there's just no hook for me.
Forgive the food metaphor but it's like the entire show is flavourless yogurt and I'm waiting for the sugar and fruits. Not inherently bad, but it lacks things for me to enjoy it.
is this original or LN adaptation
TV shows have the same budget, retard.
Used goods.
>she was at an auction
Best girl
She reminds me of Millia Rage
There's not enough stupid nippon pandering for this to be a success in Japan.
Honestly it would probably be more suited to the netflix audience.
It's 2 cour.
I saw it on MAL
What's so hard about opening up an encyclopedia and just looking up historic figures?
>The anime has 24 episodes so it should have more effort than shit like Sirius.
What a retarded assumption, it's more likely the money will be dumped on the first few episodes then on the last few, with everything inbetween being nothing but trash.
Canaan was worse than you remember, and Kuromukuro was great.
Premise is great but it will certainly be full of QUALITY
>Shadow the Hedgehog
So basically it's a cute /u/ rendition of Shadow the Hedgehog
I felt that the first episode was pretty badly directed. They just mashed together the exposition, the back stories of the two main characters, the MC getting fairy powers for the first time, and her joining up with that government organisation. There wasn't any kind of order or suspense to it, they just wrapped it all up and threw it into the first episode. A lot of time could have been saved if they'd just cut down on revealing backstory (at least three separate flashbacks to the village being burnt), and the history lesson in the beginning was kind of unnecessary as well, since we don't see the immediate aftereffects of the war (refugees, bombed-out cities, etc.).
Anime title translates as
>Hope and Optimism about PA Works future - gone.
Unless Okada comes and saves them again.
PA Works never needed Okada, but really, Okada already did a PA Works show last year and even as a Director not just writer, is your memory really that bad?
That was a movie.
Also it wasn't great.
That means higher budget than TV show.
Me of Annie Leonhart from Attack on Titan
First episode was nice.
Animation was quite good though the CG seemed quite janky at times.
Hopefully this doesn't go full Sirius.
So what's opinion about it? I thought there will be more threads but this is only second so far.
Felt underwhelming for me
I see it.
Opinion is mixed; on the one hand it's PA Works so there's a minimum level of quality, on the other hand it's kind of a mess. Maybe the plot will sort itself out within the next episode.
>PA Works never needed Okada
PA Works pretty much established itself thanks to Okada. True Tears was her work. Unlike the blind Okada haters, PA Works actually knows to value her and how heavy they relied on her and benefit from the fact they get preffered threatment from the most wanted and busy anime script writer nowadays.
Hanasaku Iroha is still their magnum opus.
You should give originals a few episodes before judging them completely.
It didn't have any hook.
I'd say the hook was her getting an offer to join that government organisation, but it was so clumsily thrown in at the end of an absolute mess of an episode that it lost all of its impact.
Is this 2cour or 1?
Funi says 1, but some random fags are saying 2.
Random fags are usually correct.
I think some EOP was looking at these tweets and thought it meant 24 episodes.
Not really, the 2 cour replies was earlier than this tweet, not that i have source though, i'm also waiting where it said 2 cour too.
I'm going to shill this show all over Yea Forums and you can't stop me.
Could be worse really
Is there really anything else to watch this season anyways?
and I'm gonna shit on it in every thread. god speed.
The new Ikuhara show.
PA works used to be pretty decent but they've made lots of duds recently.
I mean I'm going to check it out but not looking forward to it
PA works should do Kuromukuro s2 instead
>utena is rebranded with 100% homo
whats the point
Irozuku was great so its enougth credit for them to make 2-3 flops until they make good show again
It's actually Maarja
Steaming pile of shit.
>Irozuku was great
It looked nice but overall the plot and writing were terrible (which seems to be the case for Fair Gone as well).
h-hot ass
>that scene where Ver leans at the door after the ed
Wait for it...
What's with retarded MarIya? or is it MarLia
Cinderella Nine
Senryuu Shoujo
Of the ones that has aired, they are worth watching at least. But yeah. Pretty shitty season.
There will be 20 people max after episode three discussing this show, but go ahead.
Fuck 3 episode rule, dropped.
> kurumukuro
> season 2 NEVER
im so fucking mad you would not believe , just when things were starting to get really good and we were getting somethere , THATS IT THE END NO MORE FOR YOU
Only if you're secondary scum
Now I remember why I wanted to avoid the threads.
Currently watching but not sure how to feel. Like the optics, but that's it.
The intro scene of tell-don't-show was retarded, the whole magic plot is retarded, the "forced sudden killing scene or die audience might get bored"-scene was retarded and now I am at the generic "village gut burned down" scene.
Seriously when will people ever stop doing this fucking village shit? Why does every damn fantasy have to have this? It's as terrible and overused as the truck meme and the bullshit trope of the evil secret organisation that experimented on orphans.
Good thing I am then.
>Watching a censored fanservice show
I honestly don't understand this.
It's like watching a comedy with all the jokes bleeped out.
Wrong reply, bud?
Kuromukuro's second season should be a full blown space opera potentially spanning for inane amount of time since main characters are eternally young thanks to nanomachines, it's certainly not PA Works style. Be happy with first season closing most of the plot points.
Are you confused? While YU-NO is based on litteral porn game, fanservice is the least appealing part of it - its hyped for the story, being pretty much what started VNs like FSN and Steins Gate (which YuNo is basically a prototype for).
Plus, amazing OST - it was already great in game, but now remade by fucking Violet Evergarden composer.
I hate it when a show's narrative ends by foreshadowing a massive war that would make for a very interesting second season. They did something similar in To aru Hikuushi e no Koiuta.
I want her to sit on my face
>To aru Hikuushi e no Koiuta.
What a shitshow
Amazing Stranger was cute.
I liked it.
Does Maryla actually ever work?
Also the CGI stands look horrible.
I was hoping this would be a long awaited trainwreck but its pretty meh.
Which one is that
google it.
But you guys are my search engine!
Just the par of anime writing.
Those military? outfits.
My fucking dick.
i saw this show getting memed in the kotobuki threads , should i watch it
It's not good and I don't think it would be very entertaining to watch without Yea Forums.
another case of sam flam then , where a shitshow is only tolerable because of anons ?
guess ill avoid it then
SamFlam is fucking great by itself, fuck you.
So far, it's average. Will have have to wait a few more episodes to judge it more.
>another case of sam flam then
Die faggot
im sorry i dropped that shit at episode 12 i just couldnt handle it anymore
I feel ya
>That OP
Had to double check to make sure I didn't somehow go back in time.
All of are fucking dykes, none of them look cute.
Watch Hachigatsu
Maybe if you're into fucking tr*nnies
Dropped, anything else?
It was a really good first episode. Your loss for not forming your own opinion about a show.
i like moe , cgdct and sol
im ambivalent towards sports
for some reason i didnt decide to pick it up , but maybe i should
>wanting hetshit
All the /u/ related shows have awful threads.
This was probably the most awkwardly directed first episode I've seen in a while.
It's like PA gets worse and worse with each action series they produce lately.
>Bermuda Triangle
>awful threads
I was a bit worried that people will confuse it with To the Abandonded Sacred Beast, but I see that I don't have to worry.
No one will watch this show.
Meh at best. Will keep watching due to seasonal drought.
Boring af.
Those shows had awful threads user.
Fruits Basket
Me too, user
I want her to stop running and just talk things over
I want her to stab me
She'll probably stab you if you keep streaming her anime.
>that music
What were they thinking?
Certifiably wrong.
This first episode was pretty bad anons...
>are those fairies?? :oo
>trying to make me care about this bitch whose first action on screen was to murder two people in cold blood
I have simultaneous flashbacks of Naruto running after Sasuke for 20 seasons and Jojo stands that make me wish I was watching another show.
>the oldest of the hags
user, I....
But the character melodrama is part of the survival, you cumstain.
Seriously though why were there just fairies randomly hung up on lanterns? Why!?
>why do humans put up aesthetically pleasing things
it's a fucking mystery user
>2 cour
fuck me
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