I play one card face down and end my turn

I play one card face down and end my turn.

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I slam my BBC on the table and make it get harder.

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I play Jinzo


I play this bad boy in attack position and end my turn.

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Only one card and pass? That's it? You done fucked up son. I activate Night Beam, and after that I will perform my FTK combo uninterrupted.

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I spilled my last beer I was so angry at you!
I know you're just baiting but some bait solicits a response.

No! stop doing that and don't do it again!

How is this even allowed? WTF. If the trap card is of counter type, then according to the manual I should be able to play it because it has a GREATER SPEED SPELL. FUCK THIS

You dan goofed kid, because my trap card was actually Trap Hole! Phew that was close.

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I summon Blue Eyes White Dragon!

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I summon Exodia and end my turn! Your move, Shinji Ikari!

la cosa grande

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But you had no monster for tribute?

Why the hell in anime, Shinji always be a douchbag/coward?
Is it japanese equal of Chad?

I put it in my graveyard and summoned it through Monster Reborn.

And now I tribute Man eater bug to summon Nobleman eater bug, in attack mode!

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I summon Dark Magician, declare direct attack.

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I tap 4 forests, and then sacrifice another 3 untapped forests to play Wood Elemental as a 3/3.

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Powerful magic right there.

This isn't even my final form.

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>only 3 atk and def

>I play one card face down and end my turn.
In 2019?
Are you crazy? You gonna get OTKd

Sorry user, but card effects take priorities over rules.

Nigga can't you read? It needs to have 1000+ atk points

I use Eeeeeeek

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Cleffa is THICC

>My one face-down was Metaverse, and I choose to activate Spell-Mining Cave from my deck
>Oh you don’t have Ash or Twin Twisters? Okay gg

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I suck my dick and blow your mind.


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What the fuck is going on in fucking Vrains?

Go is such an ugly motherfucker.

I begin this game by playing this little bad boi

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>changes you to defense position

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You an I, are about to tango fucko.

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>steals your fucking Exodia combo

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This card can't be legal can it?

>i cast a field spell
>hold on a sec...
>yeah, you're fucked bro

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this is CaC

Sorry user, but BES' effect targets. It's just such an old and bad card that they haven't bothered reprinting and errataing yet.

Its gotten two erratas neither of which changed it to a targeting effect. Also I've had a judge rule it non targeting back when I first got the card just to make sure.

The archetype as a whole got a ton of weird rulings from upper deck back in the day. Now from what I understand its generally whatever the judge rules/what Konami officially states. I've tried to contact Konami judges via their ruling email on their site but I've never gotten a response.

So it does the selection randomly?

Otherwise it is plain targeting.

I use Change of Heart.

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Not a real turn if you don't special summon 5 monsters from your side deck in your first turn.


this is propably the worst MTG card ive ever seen powerwise.

>hey bro how dragon are you?

the same way select work

I play Wall of Revealing light and sacrifice 4000 life points

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I play Skydiving Field
>While this card is face-up on the field, all players must Duel while skydiving.

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>blows your card off the table and leaves



You can only choose one

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>3 of these bad boys on filed
>none can be attacked
>1500 LP each turn
>no restrictions

Its not fair, and yet no-one talks about these seal clubbing bastards.

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Me on the left all day every day while finishing inside and taking responsibility

If you can't get around Solar Flare Dragon, you deserve to lose.

again, seal clubbers
and, bar the occasional sneaky DH, they are pretty tough nuts to crack in a group

>No critical thinking, the post

Tamagoro Akiza doujin when

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That’s actually not even a bad power

Flame Winguman! Fugo Shokan!

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>the third leg of the forbidden one

check 'em

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I was about to post it. Based!


Who's your cardfu, Yea Forums?

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Traps are gay

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its the solemn judgment guy

Don't forget it can be cheated out using ufo turtle. ABSOLUTELY BUSTED

The YGO doujin scene being dominated by fujos is a fucking shame.


>"Single Purchase", "Temple of the Kings", "Transmodify", "Soul Rope", "Resonator Engine", "Vampire Dragon", "Summoner Monk", "Dragunity Corsesca", "The Thing in the Crater", "Sangan", "Rescue Ferret" and "UFO Turtle".
I am the cheese master