Dragon Ball Super

Is this canon?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Not even close. Bardock was never a Super Saiyan.

it's in the game so it is.

Goku's dad would beat up vegeta's dad in a fight
Goku's son would beat up vegeta's son in a fight
Goku's wife would beat up vegeta's wife in a fight
CHADku had structured his family to mog Keketa in all aspects

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>No naked Bulma butt or actual not E rated female fanservice.
>No naked shota dick like the original and GT.
>No blood and actual violence like Frieza torturing Krillin,even GT had blood.
>Shitty bright Telletubie-esque colors.
>Le Pilaf gang and nu Broly reformed.
How can any sane human enjoy Super is beyond me.

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Why do you give a shit?

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The fact of the matter is that Cuteifla is the best thing to happen to Dragon Ball in decades. She's strong, beautiful and perfect in every conceivable way. I honestly believe that her becoming the new protagonist of the series would be infinitely superior to Tardku.

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Chadren Assemble !!

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Goku Grande Padré will become canon soon

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C(uck)ell : 0 Z fighters killed. (F-Trunks isnt a Z fighter)

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Yes, 2 - 0.

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It took Vegeta around a year to go super saiyan after learning that it existed. Caulifla took about a minute and 5 minutes later she figured out how to go 2 with no help. Vegeta couldn't figure out super saiyan 2 until years later in the buu saga.

Based on these rates Caulifla will have achieved blue 2 days after the tournament. Since the first day will be spent on ssj3 and god.

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but would Goku's wife's son beat up Vegeta's wife's son in a fight?

Attached: Caulifla 329.jpg (843x1200, 143K)

Still less potential then a fetus

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>Is this canon
I don’t see why not.

Not for another 6-8 years considering Toriyama possibly allowed this (They wouldn't just do this without his permission as it would be sacrificing possible important story plot points)

Let me guess, Gokek isnt a "Z-fighter" aswell?


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pick one

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>Dragon Ball Bimboification

I approve of this.


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No and neither is the original Bardock Special.

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> Your country
> Your favorite character

Argentina (pic related, I'm white)
Gohan niño

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Reminder that Kale took zero damage while fighting SSG Goku and going Kefla was purely to try save Caulifla.

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DB Goku, kid Goten, kid Trunks, Bulla and Pan hmmmmmmm

What do you expect? Their love is the purest and strongest in all the universes

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Kid Trunks mmmh... yes... Kid Trunks...

But what about Cabba?

>that new kefla doujin


Hunterchads.... t-tatsukete

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cabba is for helles

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Is this canon?

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and doesn't recognize them as his own family


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What happened to all the spic posting? I really enjoyed el hermano, grande padre, gohan blanco, etc.

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We have jobren and gtpedos instead now

Attached: Caulifla 724.jpg (1280x1509, 256K)

Fuck Jobren
Fuck Shithan
Fuck Jobifla
Fuck Gokek
Fuck Keketa
Fuck Dogly
Fuck Yamcuck
Fuck TenShitJob


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Fuck your shit.

>watch the original frieza fight for the first time
>finally see why everyone hates super so much

Why did they retcon vegetas dying words? Also fuck frieza he isn't allowed to join the gang

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>>watch the original frieza fight for the first time
Jesus Christ, why can't you people just watch things from the beginning to the end.

Based user destroying cuckzafag

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shota Goku is TINY!

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Reminder THIS was the best arc and Villain in Z. And was the perfectending.

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The characters introduced in DBZ are not even 1/1000th as soulful as the characters introduced in the original Dragon Ball. Don't (you) me.

idk i started watching with super and they all look the same to me

And cute.

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I grew up with the series playing all the games, the buu saga was just beginning though when I was watching on toonami and mostly reruns of dragonball so that's what I got. There's too many fucking episodes so I admittedly haven't seen the frieza arc or cell arc. Seen most of the movies though. I've actually never seen the cell fight in the anime though and its supposed to be the best, Ive just watched gohan contemplate using his powers like a puss and get annoyed.

Bullma and Pan sucked and stroked that tiny thing?

Toriyama even retconed the Bardock father of goku special..
Fuck you Minus and Gine. You ruined one great character and story.

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Nah, old Bardock was shit and Gine is good.
Stay mad.

Anyone got one of those pieces of fan art where Broly is part of the team? (or well, the saiyan show I guess)

Shit? Seems that you never saw the special to say this.. The old Bardock was one cool anti-hero.

But seems that you are one romantic and without Gine bardock is nothing for you.

The rest of Dragon ball females are more beautiful than Gine..even goku wife in her young age.

Gine is cute, though. Maybe a bit too cute.
And I like Bardock caring about his progeny at least somewhat more than him acting like a bad boy tsundere who don't need nobody.
Remember that he's still part of a race of essentially space pirates that terrorize inhabitants of other planets- Bardock having something to care about doesn't suddenly make him a goody two shoes. It just makes him more of a person.

Enter CHADren

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Unbased, cringe and bluepilled
Whoever will reply to this stupid fucking disgusting and filthy post with "based" will die horribly in 2 days.

What's with anons getting mad over Bardock, F.Trunks and Broly having waifus now? No need to proyect your bitterness.

Holy esl

No, but GT is.

>vidya shit

Bardock is canonically weaker than King Vegeta, cope

>animeshit Toeifiction

>idiot spic hasn't seen the series
>idiot spic offers his opinions and views on the series as if they're worth shit
>idiot spic is mistaken

Shut the fuck you worthless ESL taco.

Was there no new dub episode this week?

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The chadnime is canon

Silence, dog.

>Pacotarospic starts crying and dogposting
Like clockwork.


Kneel and cope.

it is
considering the literal piece of trash u6 saiyans got it by back tingles

Holy SHIT the fucking state of Toyocuckospics, thinking the fucking fan-made dub-centric wiki is an argument

>posts a link to a literal ESL discussion page on the fucking Dragon Ball Spicki
Yeah, you're not too good at this "debating" thing

I accept your concessions.

>tfw smarter than everyone on that disgusting talk page
this is why i gave up on trying to help that wiki, too many spics

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Goten (Buu saga)

>tries to argue with the fucking wiki
Chadnimegods win as usual.

>Cuckofucko dogs have to resort to using the DB wiki as an "argument"
It's over chadnimebros. They're already dead. We need to stop raping their corpse.

I did not allow you to speak, my pet.

>resorts to dogposting after getting BTFO by his superior
The chadnime wins again, baby!

The Strongest of the Strong.

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>loses the argument spectacularly
Kek. Chadnimefriends are so fucking smart

the manga is canon though
some retard linking a wiki doesn't change that

Attached: today i will remind them.png (274x82, 16K)

Cope and concede, dog.


Bad dog.

>promotional manga

Keep crying Toyotacospic.

>another link of irrelevant ESLs who have nothing to do with DB talking about canon as if their opinions matter or prove anything
literally effortless, nobody can debate me

The manga is a piece of baby diarrhea shit. Who the fuck likes such flaming garbage?

>only "source" to ever call it promotional is an american fansite run by a bitter boomer
>no argument

Attached: db timeline.png (800x807, 689K)

Cuckofucko sheep will lap up whatever garbage their master Pacotracer tells them to

>posts a Paint edit
>"s-s-see this is proof"
holy shit i can't fucking lose. STILL, even now. pacotarospics have NOTHING


Concession accepted, once more.

Reminder that the dub is canon

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no one said it's good. you retards don't actually think the anime is good do you?

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DBZ isnt canon.
Battle of Gods / ROF movies arent canon.

>linking to REDDIT as an argument
Holy fucking shit.
Toyotacos are over.

I seriously hope you're trolling

This right here, this disgrace, is why no one should ever even acknowledge the OVAs existence. How could anyone take Bardock's transformation seriously when he's fighting an even shorter frieza in a banana hammock, absolutely abhorrent.

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>entire thread is people saying that neither is more canon than the other and that Super doesn't have a definitive canon
do you even read your own shit you ESL fuck

>literally disappeared for months after getting repeatedly btfo
>makes his "grand return" by arguing with himself posting google links
whatever helps you sleep at night miguel

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Cope harder, my rebellious pets.

>the movies written by Toriyama aren't canon
>instead the bastardized retellings by Toei are canon


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>ZERO arguments after all this time
i'm so fucking smart. holy shit. i can't believe i STILL cant lose

Since you seem to be so fond of plebbit, you should return there immediately.

> DBZ is canon
> Pikkon is canon

Attached: fatkek.png (136x102, 17K)

Looks like you're about done, see you next month. Remember, the manga is canon.

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Guess who made GT, the epitome of Spiccing?


Concede and be silent.

The manga will still be canon, no matter how hard you seethe.

I don't think I offered any I just stated a fact you autistic faggot, go cry to your whore mother who clearly failed in raising a kid.

BoG manga retelling is canon
RF manga is canon. There's no canon version of the second half of the movie, just the little snippets in the manga.

Nobody is talking about DBZ, you fucking retard. Pikkon was Toei-only filler that Toriyama had nothing to do with. Cope and kneel.

Silence, dog. Do not speak unless your master commands it.

>sperging toeispic's mom paid for the internet again
god damnit

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>Tacotarospics have ZERO arguments as to why the manga is canon
>just "i-i-it's canon because me and a bunch of spics on Plebbit and the wiki said so"
>meanwhile Toeigods have provided an endless WEALTH of logical deductions, unassailable and verifiable evidence, sound reasoning, and intelligent, thought-provoking hypotheses on why the anime is the true canon and the true source closest to Toriyama's vision
Hmm... Quite interesting...

Only GT and the Z movies are canon.

>>meanwhile Toeigods have provided an endless WEALTH of logical deductions, unassailable and verifiable evidence, sound reasoning, and intelligent, thought-provoking hypotheses on why the anime is the true canon and the true source closest to Toriyama's vision
I sometimes also dream that Toeipablos actually provide any evidence of their claims at all.

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>STILL no arguments
That's gonna be a yikes from me, Tacospic.

There needs to be an intervention.

Give us an argument if you have so many of them, Toeipedro

>p-please BTFO us mangaspics some more, Toeimaster
Kek. Kneel.

I will accept that as your concession and tacit admission that you have not a shred of evidence.

>ignoring the masses of evidence that we've posted countless times before makes it stop existing
Kek. Whatever helps you sleep at night, Toyotaco. The manga is promotional fanfiction that exists to generate hype for the chadnime. Nothing you say will change this irrefutable fact.

The masses of evidence that you somehow refuse to even post a fraction of.
Basically, you have nothing and you're trying to bullshit people into swallowing your nonsense by being a loudmouth.
As your ilk would say: cope and concede.

Reminder that Gine was a mistake and she ruined /ourguy/, Bardock.

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>starts crying and runs away after his superior Toeimaster soundly trounces him once again

>toriyama spends time writing a manga just to promote an anime whose last episode aired over a year ago
>the state of your argument

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>b-b-but muh special snowflake future-sight Cuckdock

Quiet, mutt.

Old Bardock was dogshit and anyone who prefers him is objectively wrong.

>spends time writing
KEK nice headcanon, he literally just approves whatever Pacotaro shoves under his nose because he doesn't give a fuck, the only time he puts in any effort is when Tacotracer fucks up so badly he actually notices it (which is often).
>chadnime confirmed to return in July and will skip the Moro Toyofiction filler arc
Chadnime always wins, baby!

Reminder that Gine is cute and Super Bardock is far superior to futurevision tryhard bad boy Bardock.

old bardock was objectively more fleshed out and interesting but if you're actually mad his dogshit story got retconned you have issues

GT is the superior and canon sequel to Z. Super is a what-if side-story fanfiction.

Outside of the future-sight bullshit, he's still better than the nu-bardock.

Why would Toriyama spend time working on a movie, to only then have the manga he's supposedly writing NOT feature that same story?
This has happened twice, and another time where the story in the manga was less than half of what was in the fucking movie he wrote.

>old bardock was objectively more fleshed out and interesting
Nope. Cope, concede, and kneel.

I accept your concession. Continue to give me (You)s if you so desire.

>front page of every single issue and volume clearly states "written by Akira Toriyama"
>b-but my headcanon states


Attached: Risu is a Ginefag.jpg (473x560, 26K)

>muh edgy bloody headband
>muh super secret special task force
>muh generic cold, bland, cardboard cutout Saiyan

Not really.
Old Bardock is basically just another archetypal nothin personnel kid tsundere saiyan who is too cool to show that he cares

Keep crying, Tacospic.

>b-b-but it SAYS WRITTEN BY
>"add a gag there, it'll be hilarious *raffs*"
>gets writing credit
HAHAHAHAHAHA too fucking easy as usual

stop posting this fucking eceleb cunt

Is that the one who makes the MSPaint things?
Whatever, I think she's cute and more than one person can like her. That said, I wish she had been a little more tough.

>tfw no alternate timeline where Trunks was never born and 18 and Vegeta form a relationship based on mutual hatesex and HOT MONKEY RAPE

Cope, dog.

>toriyama has sole writing credit
>toyo is only credited for art
>b-but my headcanon states


Uhm but he's too cool to show that he cares for people he has personal ties to. That's like so awesome, so much better than that s o y Bardock who actually shows that he cares about his family somewhat. What kind of faggot cares about his family?

>two posters
>ZERO arguments
holy fucking shit i can't lose.


imagine wearing a crusty ass bloody rag on your head
how much would it stink after a bit?

Pssh. Nothin personnel, user.

Toriyama gives Toyo and Toei napkin-note drafts you idiot. This has been confirmed since Super's inception.

Based chadnimefriend pointing out the massive holes in the Toyospics' logic

Being a guy with the emotional depth of a rock is so awesome. It's like one of my 80s manime oh wait characters actually cried there, that's fucking gay.

No, he gives Toei napkins. He writes the manga as confirmed by the front page of every chapter and volume and never disproved by anyone on here.

Canonicity is no longer important to the DBverse, just enjoy what you get and turn off your brain.

Which is completely in line with the tone and setting of the Freeza empire.
"Dude John Connor is just a generic nuthin personnel dudebro shooter with edgy backstory, why can't he be happy and quirky living in a dystopian hellhole?"

I CAN'T STOP WINNING CHAD job jobber OHNONONONO Toeipoodle Toyotaco superior master

>all these toeipedros on suicide watch

>literally stated in multiple interviews that Toyo makes each chapter based on the napkins Toriyama sends him, which he then sends to Toriyama for approval

Cope, my precious pets.

The movies are Toei's versions of the story. We know Toei takes liberties even when toriyama writes the entire script (LSS Broly), so they most definitely changed things in BoG and RF too.

What the fuck is wrong with this thread

Was new Bardock happy and quirky?
No, he was the same saiyan, but like an actual person would, he actually showed that he cared about his family.
Wow, that makes him such a faggot bitch, doesn't it? Caring about your partner and progeny. Doesn't matter that he's still part of the same race of space pirates that fuck over entire civilizations, he showed like a whole emotion to Gine, that makes him a pussy.

>not liking a guy who want to avenge his team's death from a betrayal
Shit taste.
Shit taste.

Do you guys like the new broly movie?

Tracerspics sperging out, as usual.

People enjoy their "cope," "concede," and "Pedro," posting too much.


>muh generic edgy avenger
Kill yourself.

Greatest animated film of all time

Silence, my dog.

>not liking a guy because he wants to save his son and keep his wife/partner/mate/whatever safe in a last-ditch effort instead of standing in a corner, arms crossed and scoffing apathetically at everything because he's too cool to care

No, that's the anime. Stop getting confused, Paco.

>Speaking of the manga, I want to ask you two about how you put the manga together. I hear Toriyama-sensei checks the storyboards for each chapter.
>Toriyama: That's right.
>Toyotarō: Since Chapter 1 I’ve used Toriyama-sensei‘s plot as a basis, but have been allowed to expand on it.


Tasteless spics, all of you

>cucks jobgeta out of #1 most popular character
ogCHADock will always be regarded as the definitive bardock everywhere else on the world/internet, except on contrarian /dbs/

Attached: best_boy.jpg (1440x1598, 640K)

Toei/Tori could've just let Bardock do that and then let him confront Freeza.

>OG Bardock
>posts the non-canon shitter from Episode of Bardock

People can prefer any Bardock they want. I, personally like Broly movie Bardock more than Z Bardock, but if others like Z Bardock more, that's fine.
Preferring one over the other is different from saying "BARDOCK IS RUINED," though.

>It sounds like you have a pretty close working relationship with Akira Toriyama. He gives you the outline and you make changes. What is the most interesting thing about working with him?
>Every month, I'll create a storyboard for him to review, and then he'll give me input and suggest changes.

Cope, my pet.

Cope, spic.


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I think when most people say they like Bardock, they count every iteration of Bardock into that, generally.

Pathetic neutralfag.

>OG Bardock
Nothing more Chadly than being afraid of your own emotions.

>I'll create a storyboard for him to review
>I'll create
Manga confirmed Toyo's fanfiction and therefore not canon. Chadnime wins. Case closed.

Gine turn him into a soiboy.

>ESL thinks its opinion matters

Love you too.

I accept your concession.


When will we see her and Tarble's kid?

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Do Saiyans need water or can they drink whatever and be fine (or not drink at all)

Excuse me, it appears you have made a well-mannered post in a DBS(hit) thread. I suggest you get out of this thread as the posters here, the lowest common denominator in society, does not deserve any of your time.

Yeah, Toyotaro draws the storyboards and then hands it off to Toriyama, who writes all the dialogue and makes any necessary art changes. Exactly as I've stated - WRITTEN by Toriyama, DRAWN by Toyotaro.

Attached: recoome.png (640x480, 1.18M)

Shut the fuck up you lonely, pathetic, worthless spic.

>literally written by Toyo
>Toriyama corrects anything he doesn't like
>b-b-but he writes everything
Kneel, my backpedaling dog.

You stated that Toriyama only sends napkin drafts to Toei. You were proved wrong. Concede.

>plot outline is written by Toriyama
>dialogue is written by Toriyama
>Toriyama fixes any art he doesn't like
what exactly does he not control?

>dialogue is written by Toriyama
Nice unconfirmed headcanon. Kneel.

yeah fair enough i wanted to see how far i could stretch that one
no one could prove me wrong on it the other day


pathetic pacotaro tracing apologist spic

>Bardock is canonically weaker than King Vegeta, cope
>King Vegeta knocked out with just 1 punch
>Bardock survives Frieza's nuke


>Bardock survives Freeza's nuke
Don't try to argue with non-canon sources, dog.

like you're one to talk

Attached: it literally says tv guide you stupid fucking mutt.jpg (285x93, 16K)

No, YOU must all cope and concede, organisms of the canine variety!

Episode of Bardock isn't canon, retard.

>title of these threads say dragon ball SUPER

Why don't you fucking pedophile spics just make a seperate thread if you like GT so much?

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>Don't try to argue with non-canon sources, dog.
>Canon special episode

>Superspics are this intimidated by the true canon sequel to Z

Bardock didn't survive Freeza's Supernova in either the original Bardock special or the canon Broly movie. Episode of Bardock is a one-off fanfiction not written by Toriyama. It isn't canon. Cope and concede.

Where does it say it isn't? Oh you don't know? You made that up? That's what I thought


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>argumentum ad ignorantum
I win again.


kneel, pet.

Dude until Toriyama says it's not canon it's canon, just give up already and cope harder

>copus concedus

>WEAKren the Jobbed

>this level of damage control
I accept your concession.

Its because even they hate GT, the only reason why they still discuss it is because of their pedophilia. If Pan wasn't in GT thes would also say that GT is absolute garbage, and deep down they know it

Man this thread is like a bunch of favela monkeys throwing their shit at each other.


>fuck, he's actually smart, he called me out on my fallacy
>I know, I'll just shitpost harder, that'll show him h-hehe

nobody in this thread is actually smart.

Concede, my precious pet.

>he showed like a whole emotion to Gine, that makes him a pussy.
No it's just kind of tonally inconsistent. Saiyans live to fight and kill, they're a Valhalla warrior race by every account given in DBZ and DBS right up until the movie came out. Any race that sends their babies off to wholesale slaughter the population of planets (or die) isn't emotionally empathetic.
It would be off-tone to show the king of the Spartans having a tender moment with his wife before nailing his fucking son to a mountainside to die of exposure, for example.

>no arguments
>muh damage control
yeah try again

Attached: wrong.gif (480x272, 1.95M)

Watching the original dragon ball in 2x speed is pretty fun. I wonder how fast you could go without it being too incomprehensible...

Your "argument" is a non-canon side-story that Toriyama had nothing to do with and is directly contradicted by the new canon film. Kneel.

You just happen to have a really two-dimensional view of a race of monkey people.
You are basically arguing for them to be a shallow trope and remain just that.
You can be a bunch of warriors who live to fight and wipe out entire civilizations while also caring for your own. In this case, your own offspring (which makes sense from a biological perspective anyway) and your partner. (likewise)
You're just mad he isn't some 1860s stoic macho.

Did Toriyama confirm it wasn't canon? Until he does it will be canon kek, how is that hard to understand?

God, Dragon Ball threads should be pruned on sight.

>Old Bardock is supposed to be a low classed warrior but he's stronger than Nappa

That's not how this works, Pedro. And as I've stated, the canon film contradicts the fanfiction. Cope.

by that logic literally everything is canon you fucking idiot

can you dipshits stop arguing about episode of cuckdock and talk about something interesting

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Okay let's talk about Kefla's butt.

>That's not how this works, Pedro.
By your standards? Toriyama decides what is canon and what is not he didn't say it wasn't canon and he did participate in the creation of the episode, therefore it's canon.

Why is Caulifla such a whore?

i heard something about a new kefla doujin
someone post the cover

See .
You also have no argument for the canon Broly film contradicting your fanfiction. I'll take your concession now.

by the standards of how arguments work you fucking idiot
"i-it hasn't been disproved so it's true" isn't an argument. kill yourself.

>You are basically arguing for them to be a shallow trope and remain just that.
Warrior races are a real thing. The Saiyans can totally have an expanded culture and not break the tone and logic of the story.
Changing Bardock from one trope to another slightly less obvious trope (muh dad who just wants to save his family) doesn't increase the depth of the Saiyans or Bardock. Changing the Saiyan society from a militaristic callous warrior caste to... whatever it is in Broly, doesn't increase the depth of the Saiyans or Bardock Subverting an expected trope doesn't make the story smarter, especially when it doesn't add up logically.

Why is Caulifla the worst character Toriyama created?

Is it that one where she trains with Goku and Vegeta but the training is actually double anal?

I didn't say the Broly movie wasn't canon kek

Until he says otherwise yes. Remember the multiverse theory in dragon ball? There are multiple universes in Dragon Ball what if the Bardock Episode is from another universe?
Check M8 and bow down fags

idk ask

Old Bardock probably got a lot of Zenkai boosts from near-deaths whereas Saiyan elites just roflstomp everything with their natural high power levels or turn into Oozarus for everything that might even pose a slight threat.
The incredible growth potential of even low-class Saiyans is why Freeza wiped the species out, after all.

>w-w-well it's canon to itself
what a pathetic cope

It lines up just fine. Bardock isn't any less of a cunt to anyone who isn't his own people or his family.
Why is this so hard for you to grasp? The saiyans are still saiyans. They can just express a semblance of affection towards each other instead of crossing their arms, brooding and grunting at each other in tsundere ways.
Bardock wasn't ruined in any way, and this is an objective fact.

You clearly can't read. The canon Broly movie contradicts Episode of Bardock. They can't be both be canon.
>b-b-but muh multiverse theory
Not an argument, and your concession is accepted.

>No arguments again
Yeah, I think it's over

>a-argue with my headcanon and lack of arguments
nah. kneel.

>What if x
Not an argument.

>he didn't say it wasn't canon
autism. The onus is on you to provide evidence for your argument, lack of evidence against it is NOT evidence for it, so claims without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, fuck off you tremendous faggot.

I just gave you proof that both are canon and you just try to dodge my argument and you say I am coping? kek

I never said Bardock was "ruined" (how the fuck do you "ruin" a fictional concept) , but his portrayal in the Broly movie is both less logical and generally less expressive and interesting than in the original special. At least the special gives Broly something to fucking do.
Toriyama very evidently didn't care about the backstory of the Saiyans when he wrote Minus and the Broly movie prologue, but that's Toriyama for you.

You provided nothing of the sort. All you said was "What if my headcanon was actually right and supported my argument". You even called it a theory. That is not proof nor an argument. You lose.

>dodge my argument
There's nothing to dodge, you have no arguments

t. "she is a cutie3.314159 anime gurl and makes my pee pee hard" waifufag that thinks with his dick because his IQ is room temperature

Not a theory when it's literally confirmed in the Androids saga. Bardock episode is canon, what was the point of doing it if it wasn't canon? Toriyama didn't say it wasn't canon and like I said he participated in the creation of the episode. Therefore, it is canon.

You guys say I didn't give any argument but all you say is

Are you aware of how hypocrite you are? top kek

>what's the point of doing something if it's not canon
Are you fucking retarded? Why do you think a million video games exist?

>confirmed in the Androids saga
Literally never happened. Post evidence or your next post will be an automatic concession. You have provided ZERO proof or evidence for anything you've stated thus far.

>retard who has no idea how canon works tries to talk about canon

I really do not see how this holds any truth whatsoever, but you do you.

>what was the point of doing it if it wasn't canon?
you have to be shitposting, nobody can be this stupid

Gine is the worst thing to come out of nuDB you fucking retard

>Post evidence or your next post will be an automatic concession
actual cringe that you thought this was a good idea/damning argument desu senpai

Attached: 136.png (367x480, 24K)

Man, it really gets to you that some people actually like Gine, huh?

Concession accepted.

Fuck off Kaizer

No she isn't. Deal with it.

Worst threads on Yea Forums lol

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TFS is so funny oh my god hahahahahaha

It doesn't matter if Toriyama was involved or not, it stopped being canon the moment he took his pen and drew Minus.

>"waah girls make me insecure"
I hope Caulifla learns blue in a day just to spite you.

But everything is canon because muh multiverse
Cope and kneel HAHAHAHAH

See you did it again you don't have any arguments

The multiverse theory was explained by Trunks when they asked him if by saving the present it would change the future and he said it wouldn't because it's a different universe. Same thing happened in Goku Black saga.

You guys are just calling me names etc and you don't give anything to counter argue me. You are just all delusional and think you are right without any facts. KYS yall

Did he say it wasn't canon tho? No right? You said it not him. cope

Seething waifufags

I accept your concession.

Why would I be seething?
I like Gine and she's canon and she made Bardock better and there's nothing you can do about it.

why did this man hate yamcha and gohan so hard?

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>Did he say it wasn't canon tho
see you illiterate fuck holy shit, i bet youre an edgy 14yo who lives out his repressed sexual fantasies through old bardock.

Z Bardock > BR Bardock
Canon anime > Incomplete promotional manga

The most illustrious MASTER hath declared.

>no arguments once again
so it is finally over. Glad to know you agree with me

Kill yourself.

Why would he hate Gohan?
He's just under the impression that everyone still hates Gohan because everyone hated Gohan when he planned to let Gohan take over for Goku and everybody screeched at him to get Goku back.

user, I already accepted your concession regarding your embarrassing attempts to argue using only headcanon and logical fallacies. Henceforth you will be known as the loser in this "debate". I am correct, you are wrong. I am the victor, you were defeated. Cope.

>you illiterate fuck holy shit, i bet youre an edgy 14yo who lives out his repressed sexual fantasies through old bardock.

Attached: projecting.jpg (700x467, 22K)

Nah, Broly Bardock is superior.
Just like Super Broly is superior to Z Broly.

Why it seen like a lot of DB spics use Dragon Ball as a replacement for the male figure they lacked growing up? Sorry but having a wife and a offspring is more masculine than taking gay pics in the gym bathroom.

You don't have to preach your nonsense bro, throughout this conversation all you did was insult me and provide no evidence for why the Bardock Episode wasn't canon. You can keep in your mind that you were correct but you know deep down that you lost this argument. Have a nice day :)

>provided no evidence or arguments
>pretends that he won
I love so easily trouncing sub-intellectual cretins like you.

Some of them were raised to think emotions are icky and you should be a stoic rock who can only show his love for his son by beating him into being just as much of a stoic rock.

>speedreading my post
>proceeds to call me sub-intellectual
Bruh are you even trying at this point? Kek

Attached: smug.png (1497x774, 44K)

You lost. Die mad about it, my pet.

>special snowflake who's literally the ONLY person in this entire race of battle-hardened soldiers to realize they might get killed and turns the whole thing into a Superman ripoff

>no arguments AGAIN
Jesus Christ.

>trunks says multiverses is a thing so this bardock could be a alternate universe one and therefore canon
No. That is a logical leap and does NOT prove it as canon, it's like someone saying that Goku and Bulma fucked before Vegeta got to earth, nothing disproves its technically but despite the many doujins its not proof of it happening, this is a retarded argument.

You're calling the Bardock from the Broly movie a special snowflake?
Ha ha ha.

>a-a-argue against my lack of arguments!
>he's still going
You're bound and determined to keep offering me your concession, aren't you, my little pup?

My headcanon>your "facts" and "logic", retard. Cope.


Attached: b8.png (625x626, 65K)

>this is a retarded argument.
Might be in your perspective but you do admit that it is a valid argument which is something most of these fags fail to realise. Also how retard can you be? Did Toriyama said the Goku x Bulma doujins aren't canon? Why are you making shit up? Fucking kill yourself

don't you have anything else? kek

Either all Saiyans are retarded except for him, which makes him a special snowflake, or there were more Saiyans which realized it and did fuck all about it because they weren't as SUPERMAN'S DAD as he was, which makes him a special snowflake.

Cry about I CAN SEE THE FUTURE all you want but it gives him and the other Saiyans a reason to behave the way they do.

Yeah, I guess him being able to see the future and having a totally unique design complete with bloody edge bandana despite being a low-class saiyan warrior is so much better.

You've been exposed as a shitposter being retarded for the sake of being retarded. Never darken this most hallowed doorstep with your disgusting presence again.

read the manga, he was fucking with him way before buu

>Did Toriyama said the Goku x Bulma doujins aren't canon? Why are you making shit up?
now i know you're just shitposting. dumb retard

Yes. If you wanted Bardock to be Superman's dad then you should be watching Superman.

fuck it im done with your failure to process how arguments and the Socratic method works, either this is high-effort bait or not worth responding to, time to fuck off from Yea Forums for a bit again, ill see you on the 22nd after i read the newest chapter.

Well, you sure proved me wrong.
I'll change my erroneous ways and cheer for the down-to-earth Bardock that could see Goku fighting Frieza and avenging his race years later over the totally special snowflake that had intuition.

>Super Saiyans:
A diverse race and and actually realistically functioning society in which various individuals take on different jobs to help their society. Don't actually need support from Freeza but they were forcefully taken over.

>Z Saiyans:
Race of unga bungas who realistically would not be able to function without Freeza having to station scientist on their planet who support their society while they chimp out on other planets. Get's wiped out despite Bardock telling a bunch of them that Freeza betrayed them while being badly wounded.

>Super Bardock:
Still remains a warrior, but not a complete asshole. Managed to figure out Freeza's plan on his own through information he gained from friends and his own understanding of the Sayian Freeza relationship. He is concerned about his son and chooses to save him while sacrificing himself because he values his potential as a warrior despite being deemed a lower class warrior. Faces Freeza's death ball pouring all his energy into one final beam. Bardock Falls is Kino

>Z Bardock:
Edgy asshole who has no time for his lower class son despite being lower class himself. figures out Freeza's plan though magical fish visions he got after being jumped by a some random fish. Confronts Freeza but all he could muster was some shitty piss ball of energy that immidiatly gets swallowed by Freeza's death ball. Only starts to care about his son after his visions tell him that Goku won't job like him. Solid State Scouter is good but not as good as Bardock Falls.

>Super Gine:
Gentle hearted Saiyan that shows Saiyans can be more than violent baboons, but not pure hearted as she has no issue with Bardock committing genocide and even used to do it herself in the past. Cares about her son enough to cry when they send him off. Final line to Goku adds tragedy to the fact that he ultimately ends up loosing his memory and forgetting about their sacrifice.

>Z Gine:

Super made everything about the Saiyans better.

Attached: Gine_Bardock_Goku.png (950x1248, 568K)

nothing past 96 is canon

This. I do wish Gine herself was a bit more battle-hardened. I like the idea of snu snu saiyans, and while I don't mind Gine being a bit on the soft-hearted side, I still would've liked her to have some warrior traits.

I'd like to see him without the banana hammock.

It's time.

Attached: 1510192609729.png (1024x888, 381K)

This design is such a mistake lmao.

I'm sorry you're not canon.

Looks like the design and you have something in common, user.

Hey, if they recycle the idea and some of the design elements for an eventual wrath form for Goku and Vegeta, I'd be fine with that.

Why are you like this, do you think this is normal, do you think this is healthy?


Attached: trace.jpg (798x585, 190K)


My mommy loves me and thinks I'm a good boy.

You're not even trying.


The other picture you used before was far more convincing.
This isn't even halfway convincing.

Yeah leave faggot. And make sure you learn what arguments are

If you dont have arguments then leave



So how does dog ki work anyway? The dbs timeline is inserted between Boo and EoZ and Oob, and GT happens after EoZ. And yet SSJ4 as a multiplier is not that far ahead of SSJ OOzaru (x500) but it will somehow be stronger than SSJG and SSJB and each is treated as something way beyond SSJ3 (x400)

>Race of unga bungas who realistically would not be able to function without Freeza having to station scientist on their planet who support their society while they chimp out on other planets.
Literally nothing wrong with a that and makes them a unique civilization instead of a copy of Namek.
>Get's wiped out despite Bardock telling a bunch of them that Freeza betrayed them while being badly wounded.
Why the fuck were they supposed to believe him? He could have easily gotten hurt from something else and talking out of his ass.
The Saiyans weren't smart. Bardock himself wouldn't have believed it if it wasn't because he could see the future. This is all internally-consistent and well-written.

>Edgy asshole who has no time for his lower class son despite being lower class himself.
I'm sorry your dad didn't give you enough attention as a kid that you have to have this cartoon character do it instead, but being too busy for his family doesn't make him a bad character.
>figures out Freeza's plan though magical fish visions he got after being jumped by a some random fish.
As opposed to being SUPAH SMART and figuring it out on his own while literally nobody else could, like some special snowflake.

Celipa is better anyway.

Z Saiyans were best.

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why so many people here dislikes caulifla kefla and broly girl?
They are huge edgelords that would kill you over a shitty rage and just because. They are unironically just like the original depiction of saiyans and would totally fit around Nappa and Raditz.

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Try again, but not in ESL language this time.

>wrath form

Attached: vegeta lssj namek.jpg (589x382, 61K)

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I dislike what they had to do in order for them to be relevant.
Which was to make them so powerful, despite not even knowing what super saiyan was a day ago.
Also, Kale's personality sucks and she's nothing but a Broly reference.
Kefla was actually the most okay out of them all, especially her SS forms, because her base form is still a stick.

Vegeta constipado

Nah, didn't convince me.
Saiyans from Super are superior.

I'm not trying to convince you. I'm trouncing you.
Cope. Concede. Kneel.


Attached: 0268f83b2a5cd00cb8b5501c3049178b.jpg (480x600, 60K)

You didn't do anything like that.
You basically went: "yeah what you are saying about old saiyans may be true but I like them being like that so I'm right."
Also, I'm not that poster, just somebody who agrees with him.

Whatever you like it or not, portraying an entire race as blood thirsty monkeys doesn't sit well today.


>i don't know how to read
Fuck off, retard.

Oldsaiyan/ZBardockfags belong in the same group as GTfags now.
Enjoy each other's company.

Zamasu didn't have any problem throwing the N word around for an entire arc though.

>unique civilization instead of a copy of Namek.
Namek is an extremely unique civilization on their own.

>He could have easily gotten hurt from something else and talking out of his ass.
Why would he lie about his whole squad getting killed by Freeza's men if they just got killed by some random aliens? That would only get him in trouble with Freeza is that got out.

>but being too busy for his family doesn't make him a bad character.
This has nothing to do with me, it makes him unlikable. And its' not a matter of being busy, he actively looks down on Goku for being weak despite he himself likely having been in a similar situation.

>As opposed to being SUPAH SMART and figuring it out on his own while literally nobody else could, like some special snowflake.
Yeah, figuring it out on his own is much better than magic visions.

>Celipa is better anyway.
I mean, if you like bull dikes.


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I know how to read and that's why I can tell you you're wrong. Cope.

Yes, and? He was a villain who was always portrayed to be in the wrong. You are agreeing with me with that.


>I mean, if you like bull dikes.
I mean, I do like snu snu saiyans.
Otherwise, I agree with you. Super Bardock is just superior in every way.

that was the whole point, saiyans were meant to be evil.


Attached: 1498173389509.png (1200x1200, 3.52M)

And they still are.
Being evil doesn't mean you can't care for your own, though.

You retard.

caulifla reaching SS2 just because was retarded but i didnt mind kale since she was meant to be a weird natural exception.
I agree though, it could've been handled better, saiyan pandering shouldnt be about form spamming.

It's hardly unique when there's two of them.

>Why would he lie about his whole squad getting killed by Freeza's men if they just got killed by some random aliens?
He could have been fucking drunk and IIRC they mention this. There's also the fact that, again, they're meant to be a civilization of murderhobos. There's beer to drink.

>it makes him unlikable
No fucking shit, he was being established as the asshole that he was before trying to become his race's saviour but tragically failing. Not everyone needs to be a bubbly Disney MC to be a good character.

>Yeah, I like special snowflakes who are smarter than literally the entire rest of their whole races.

>bull dikes
Nice headcanon.

You stay out of it until you're done learning how to read, spic.

>it's okay when broly goes from weaker than base vegeta to GoD level in half an hour


that has nothing to do with enjoying battles and murdering entire civilizations.

In the case of Kale, I don't mind her being a Broly reference.
I just didn't like Kale's personality.
Kefla kind of seemed to balance out the worst parts of both characters. She was still cocky and powerful, but in a fun way. Plus, fusions can get away much more easily with being overpowered compared to, say, Kale just casually walking through a SSB Goku's kamehameha.

>this movie makes no sense! btw i watched it at 10x speed

SSJ4 should only be a female Saiyan form.

Attached: Ssj4_Gine_Caulifla.jpg (900x1200, 149K)

What about that makes me like Plague? Liking snu snu saiyans?
I don't cry about power levels and how much better Dragon Ball was every second.

>It's time.

As a DBS bro, I whole hardheartedly and genuinely apologize for denying DBGT the prestige of being canon.

Attached: It'sclearlyPan.jpg (681x505, 78K)

who are you quoting

And Bardock and the saiyans still pretty much did that.
Why are you so insistent on proving my point to me?

No, you're naughty boy.

I accept.

>Liking snu snu saiyans?
This. They're shit.

>Gets outsmarted by a dumb pile of bubblegum.

Attached: 546645465.gif (320x180, 1.9M)

Why? Don't like a bit of soft femdom, user?

Forget about gt ssjj4

You seem mad that you're objectively wrong.

key word "enjoying", they were just doing their work.
>proving my point to me
grow up fag.

could buu turn helles into candy

Not an argument.
I accept your concession.

Based CHADly.

Attached: 1551643418043.jpg (1077x587, 156K)

Why doesn't Bejita have irises?

Attached: Bejitaeyes.jpg (589x382, 61K)

Know your place and go to your non-canon corner with the GTfags.

Chadly as part of the main cast when?

Well the question is if his magic works on deities with god ki. If yes, then Helles definitely will be pile of candy, if not, then no.

>There's beer to drink.
Considering he wondered into the bar covered in blood it's very unlikely he had anything to drink. The excuse makes no sense.

>Not everyone needs to be a bubbly Disney MC to be a good character.
No, they don't. But it would be better for them to have some reason for it beyond just being "just cause" especially since you would think being a low class warrior himself he would at the least be less dismissive of him.

>He thinks being bestowed magical future vision is somehow not a special snowflake ability
>He thinks that's better than Bardock actually displaying a level of intelligence.

>Nice headcanon.
Seripa looks like a bull dike, this is a fact.

Good Bejita, you look kind of cool!

i think it would if she's unaware

>"non-canon" chadnime is always the one to get discussion
>meanwhile the "canon" cliffnotes manga only gets talked about when new leaks are popping up

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what would he turn her into

ITT: Characters who will NEVER get Super Saiyan

Attached: New_Turles_Death.jpg (512x316, 27K)

>Seripa looks like a bull dike, this is a fact
Based. Tomboys aren't people.

He is clearly about to turn into the ss berserker form goku showcased in DBH

>canon manga friends avoid all the retarded shit arguments and have decent conversations
>anime fags will keep arguing with themselves

Attached: smugza.png (1920x1080, 1.36M)


The patrons had beer to drink, you incredible, complete failure of an ESL.

>But it would be better for them to have some reason for it
They are a warrior race. They value one's capacity for war above all else. That's what their caste system exists for. Are you a retard?

>he thinks being smarter than their entire race is somehow not special snowflake
>he thinks that's better than simple circumstance, and one that didn't even matter

>Seripa looks like a bull dike, this is a fact.
And she's still better than stick-chan.


Attached: 1487454124312.png (520x667, 637K)

>promotional manga has a circlejerk
>canon anime provokes discussion which deepens our understanding of the DB universe

Attached: 1554478200755.jpg (278x327, 32K)

Post country, favorite character, and which version of Super you think is canon



Yup, they're superior to ordinary people.

>canon anime provokes discussion which deepens our understanding of the DB universe
Thank god you don't actually believe this.

>not wanting to get bullied by a tomboy, only to breed her when she shows a hint of weakness
wow how gay

Attached: Hitto.jpg (1280x5756, 429K)


Liking tomboys is gay along with traps.

Why would a DBS fan do such a thing?

Attached: 1486970329618.jpg (170x192, 7K)

Who is that dude cosplaying as Shin?

>Goku’s dad would beat up Vegeta’s dad
in non canon fanfiction?
>Goku’s son beating up Vegeta’s son
Asspull sword Trunks beaten by Jobhan?
>Goku’s wife would beat up Vegeta’s wife
How many times did Goku’s wife make an appearance in super again?

Also, 2-0

Attached: 2382A341-22C2-4626-9BA4-97EAE2423AB3.jpg (504x378, 37K)

Why are you all arguing over the anime and manga being canon when we all know this is the only true Dragon Ball canon material?

Attached: 1446147859209.png (730x919, 1.34M)

>anime fags are so stupid they think discussing how canon is the anime makes them smart
you poor little thing.

Attached: tumblr_inline_onw8xvXlp01t7jsuw_540.png (540x304, 142K)

you're talking about series where the MC is a remorseless genocider

Silence, mine pet.

>Soulless Piano song is better than Solid State Scouter

Keep crying, pet.

I love Gohan.
I also love Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Trunks, Caulifla, Kale, Tien, Yamcha, Jiren, Gogeta, Vegito, and all of their fans. You're okay in my book.

Except Shitly and Cuckza spics. They can go die.

Attached: based.gif (496x278, 300K)

something like this is currently sitting in my parents' storage

Attached: 1446147921107.png (846x576, 531K)

>"hi im a huge faggot please give me (You)s because they are even better than dick."
We heard you.


Attached: raw.png (500x300, 321K)

Attached: 1446147986482.png (829x1199, 1.35M)


post vados

Attached: 1446148048208.png (719x1063, 601K)

Enough, DOG. Your master hath commanded thee.

Super's Videl exist. Thank Tori for changing her into a better waifu.

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Attached: jobhan in his rightful place.png (666x1024, 738K)

Attached: Zel-sama-583049-Vados_SFW_and_NSFW_PATREON.jpg (849x1200, 355K)

Attached: 1446148174312.png (790x1224, 722K)

Silence, pet.

Yeah and when people mention Videl, they always mention how much better she became after becoming an obedient, soulless housewife.

Do you all understand the power of true canon now?

Attached: 1446148236808.png (857x1184, 752K)


>holding off what i presume to be goku's kamehameha with a beam from one finger while charging up a supernova in the other
what a fucking chad

Attached: oh my.jpg (522x249, 21K)

>The patrons had beer to drink
Most of them aren't even drunk, just dumb, look at the seen again.

>They are a warrior race. They value one's capacity for war above all else. That's what their caste system exists for
And that is fine for the society as a whole, but you don't expect the same view from a parent. Which is why Super Bardock is better. He recognizes that Goku is lower class but also recognizes his potential and chooses to save him.

>he thinks that's better than simple circumstance, and one that didn't even matter
Yeah, again, displaying the ability to figure something out on your own is much better than fish visions. Bardock was the first person to get the assumption, no one else felt the need to question it, not to mention the order had only gone out recently.

>And she's still better than stick-chan.
Yeah... no. Much rather have a cute Saiyan than dike.

Attached: Gine_4.png (1280x716, 735K)


Attached: 231423.jpg (360x199, 21K)

Literally nobody said anything about intelligence.
You insecure about something, boy?

Thanks for fighting the good fight.
I still like both Gine and Celipa/Seripa, though.

>Soulless Piano song
I think you need another listen friend. Here ya go.

so much better than the fucking video game beep boop song from the og bardock movie

Who should I commission to redraw this whole comic in Toriyama's style?


Attached: Cuckza btfo.png (571x324, 197K)


Not cute.

Do you only listen to Anime and Video Game soundtracks or something? This is soulless generic tripe.

>filler scene
concession accepted

Attached: jobhan learns his place.jpg (474x266, 25K)

>Why would a DBS fan do such a thing?
Because it takes guts to apologize user.We DBS bros get the added benefit of standing tall and it shows how great and mature we are.
Also telling the DBGT anons, that DBGT is canon, will show off our prowess.

Attached: Panmustache.png (592x434, 386K)

Bardock Falls radiates with soul. The soul of the proud Saiyan warrior who gave his life in an attempt to stop the Freeza's death ball. The proud Saiyan father who gave his life for his lower class son's future. The proud Saiyan legend... Bardock.

Attached: Gine_Bardock2.png (824x824, 1.07M)

>this deep in contrarian territory

user, we don't all have your fondness for techno beboop sounds.


>Liking females is gay
Retarded spic.

Your face seems familiar....

Attached: hmmmm.gif (436x284, 1.04M)

>og bardock

It's a beautiful track that I'd never paid much attention to until now. Thanks for posting it.

>no arguments
As expected from shit-taste canid cucks.

would be better if the mustache was blue

>dodging the point this hard by arguing semantics
This isn't impressive.

>And that is fine for the society as a whole, but you don't expect the same view from a parent.
Why not? Because your favorite Disney movies told you so? The Chinese literally dump their own babies into the trash if they're not male. Saiyans are not good people. Stop consuming nothing but Disney movies.
>Which is why Super Bardock is better. He was dumbed down for tard kids like me.

>Yeah, again, being a SUPA GENIUS LEVEL special snowflake is better than a whim of fate that didn't change anything in the long run.

>Much rather have a le kawaii waifu than an actual character.

>if i ignore how trounced i got then it never happened
What a child.

Attached: f7a68ac41422b80941ebaa9bdcbada39.png (708x1000, 515K)

based Super Character poster.
The final step in understanding this horseshit series is realising there is no canon and never will, therefore everything IS canon.
vidya shit doesnt count.

Attached: maxresdefault (8).jpg (1280x720, 62K)

>Your face seems familiar....
W-what do you mean?

Attached: DefinitelynotPanwithamustache.png (638x480, 213K)

>everything is canon
Oh look, a moronic idiot dog.

>His retarded son becomes friends with the guy he tried to stop from destroying everything he had
He's currently rolling in his cosmic grave

why am i getting the uncontrollable urge to filter this harmless image of a mustachioed gentleman?

Attached: freezer10.jpg (329x255, 48K)

Nice non-canon answer, non-canon dog


Don't speak to me unless you're spoken to. I have no interest in communicating with those who display clear shit taste.
I am merely complimenting him for even taking the time to elucidate it for you.


You dare speak to your superior MASTER in such a cantankerous manner? Return to your kennel at ONCE.



>no u
Silence, mine pet.

>These guys are drunk
>No they aren't

>Saiyans are not good people.
Again, this is the problem, literally every Z Saiyan was the same, having a race of predominately warriors is fine, but having a race where literally everyone is the same makes no sense. I can bet you that of the chinese that dump their none male babies there are those who choose not to because they are about their kids. Having Saiyans that break the norm is why Super Bardock and Gine are better. And hell, it's not even like they are good people, they just treat their son well.

>Which is why Super Bardock is better. He was dumbed down for tard kids like me
I think you are confused on who it the more simple character here.

>Having the ability to think and question things somehow makes you a super genius.
I guess King Vegeta is also a Super Genius because he figured out the Broly could be a threat to him and the planet. Or that Freeza is a super genius because he was able to figure out that the Saiyans would at some point be able to over throw him.

>Actual character
>Speaks like 2 lines of dialogue, tops

Attached: DGFy-jVU0AAP3Mk.jpg (1200x885, 331K)



ENOUGH, my precious pet. Your master has called for SILENCE.



Silence, mine precious pet, mine most obedient and subservient dog. AT ONCE.

gokufags are OBSESSED

what the fuck is wrong with you dumb cancerous autists


Your incessant babbling will CEASE, or so shalt you know your divine master's wrath. OBEY, DOG.


Attached: 1554348178290.jpg (1111x835, 358K)



SILENCE you disgusting fucking dog, COPE COPE COPE


Attached: Oh_the_pain.gif (400x304, 2.68M)

Enough, mine precious pets. ENOUGH, so spaketh your superior master.

Silence and cope

HEED the illustrious words of your MASTER and be silent at ONCE

These threads need to be banned and you all need to be killed


Cope and kneel

>Yea Forums reaction pic
So these are the people that defend SUPERMAN'S DAD.

>These guys are drunk
Literally nowhere you ESL retard. And you're STILL missing the point. When you see your English teacher tell them your reading comprehension is for shit.

>this is the problem, literally every Z Saiyan was the same
You don't know that. Besides that, Bardock was supposed to be the average Saiyan. That was the whole point, dumbass. He's not special, he's just some guy who thought he could make a difference.
>being special snowflakes is why Super Special Snowflake and Special Snowflake-ina are better

Objectively more complex, not to mention more apropo for his character and role in the story, than "YOU'RE THE CHILD OF DESTINY KAL-EL I MEAN KAKAROTTO"

>Having the ability to think and question things somehow makes you a super genius
No, being literally the only person on a planet of warriors to realize they're being herded into a trap makes you a special snowflake.

>Speaks like 2 lines of dialogue, tops
With infinite more character than all the SUPERMAN'S MOM shit from Shitne.

Attached: 1553902451845.jpg (1174x999, 509K)

Huntermumblers were talking about us again?
Ah, no surprise I couldn't hear them.

Enough, pets. Your MASTER is no longer amused. KNEEL.

No argument detected. Post will be discarded in 5 seconds.

The autism is off the charts.

why do you dumb spics literally make up words trying to sound smart


You are my property ™

Everyone knows DBfags are subhuman at this point.

Silence, my precious pet. POST-HASTE.


Attached: 01-6.jpg (1300x975, 268K)


Return to your kennel FORTHWITH, my pet.

cope, concede, kneel

Pft, fucking pleb.

AT ONCE, my pet. Your master commands you.

>1. very appropriate to a particular situation. "the composer's reference to child's play is apropos"
Imagine not knowing English.

Not an argument.

Attached: 1553798148622.jpg (419x430, 36K)

Sounds shit.

>posting fake shit with no source
whatever you say pablo

>a-argue with my headcanon and lack of arguments!
Nah. Kneel.

But gt isn't canon, acknowledging as canon would only inflate gtfags ego.

Attached: 1500072334819.gif (500x374, 788K)

Yes, it's apropos, not apropo.

>i can't use a dictionary to look up a word
>i can't use google to look up a definition
The absolute COUNTRY of ESLs.

I accept your concession.

>why am i getting the uncontrollable urge to filter this harmless image of a mustachioed gentleman?
Suppress that urge user.

Attached: 100%notPan.jpg (477x360, 36K)


>retard used the word incorrectly and misspelled it
>tries to damage control
Kek. Spic.


Attached: 1499496036531.gif (500x262, 302K)

>has to use a typo to make an argument
Yeah I think we're done here.

Attached: 1554353636971.gif (375x375, 698K)


I was just telling you that you're so dumb that you used a word that you don't know how to spell because you're unaware that the s is silent.

>i-i-it was a typo
>I didn't just incorrectly try to use a word I don't know and can't spell I s-s-swear

Feels good to have a superior character be canon while edgy blood bandana futurevisionfag is left in the non-canon cardboard box alongside all the other mistakes, like old Broly and GT.

Based CANONdockchad.

I am objectively right.


I'm so fucking smart at this, holy shit

I'm so fucking stupid at this, holy shit

>edgy blood bandana futurevisionfag
Funny how he got a whole page in the original manga.

I'm so fucking coping at this, holy shit


Funny how he's now non-canon and will be non-canon forever.

imagine still checking what garbage senile toriyama produces

Imagine being this assmad that your two-diomensional garbage edgelord no longer canonically exists.

Literally cope.

But gt isn't canon, acknowledging as canon would only inflate gtfags ego.

Exactly user. This is what we want them to think.
If we let the DBGT anons think that they have won, then we win.

Attached: Pan moustache.jpg (1920x1080, 217K)

>Literally nowhere you ESL retard
Then what were you attempting to say by saying they had beer? Were you not implying they would be drunk? Because if not then you have no point.

>He's not special
And that is still the case with Super Bardock, he just doesn't treat his kid like shit. Which is clearly not too uncommon given Paragus also cared about Broly.

>Objectively more complex
Do you also think that OG Broly was also a complex character?

Yeah, but Bardock wasn't already Jor-El in the original

>No, being literally the only person on a planet of warriors to realize they're being herded into a trap makes you a special snowflake
Much less so than future visions. And funny you talk about children of destiny when Bardock's last vision is of how Goku is destined to defeat Freeza.

>With infinite more character than all the SUPERMAN'S MOM shit from Shitne.
Yeah, showing up to speak two lines and then become a corpse is surely more character than being an aberrant in a race of a warriors who's is said to have caused a change in Bardock and who's final line adds a tragedy to Goku's amnesia

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