Holy shit this anime is boring as fuck
I can't even remember what funny or fanservicey .webm convinced me to try and watch this but fuck you.
Kono Bijutsubu Niwa Mondai ga aru
Chuuni was best girl
Sensei was okay too
The others were shit
Good enough to keep watching? Cause I'm on EP5 and I already am thinking of dropping it like it's hot.
If you can't watch the anime for cute girls, it's not for you.
You are weak and have shit taste.
I prefer the manga, it has more best girl moments.
And this series has a shit sense of humor. I don't need another high school romance/slice of life that has no funny jokes in it.
I dropped it after 1 episode
don't let Yea Forums fool you
I bet it was this one
>Usami wants to break up this perfect couple
Holy shit what a slut
I'm betting it was the Colette shoe one.
Someone shade in the outline of her vulva and clit
Based. Too bad she won't win
did they already kiss in the manga or what
And she uses and physically abuses this poor guy to stalk them in the cinema. Just worst girl.
Thanks user. I'm somehow glad there's people who fondly remember this show though.
No I'm sure it was a fanservice one, but I can't even recall.
Post it user I'm not on that EP yet.
>Manga still ongoing
Why are these school aged girls deep in breeding mode?
Why are you deluding yourself like this
It was a cute show.
Usami is an ugly 3DPD tho
Usami bobcut is god tier.
I like Colette but there's not enough lewd art of her so now I'm sad.
Or enough lewd art of this show in general I guess...
Too bad the world doesn't revolve around you, faggot. Make your own universe next time and don't forget to leave this one.
Of course it revolves around me user I am my universe, I am the main character. You're just an incidental character in the story of my life.
The anime is literally a 10. Kill yourself
Plain girls are adorable.
Usami is in heat
that's how danbooru spells it user
A M I G O.
OP = fag
Fucking. Based.