no u.
I don't watch that dogshit so what did he have to apologize for?
Maybe more like he's being a decent human being? I also assume that their fsnd got pissed at him, too.
I almost forgot that anime fans were all fucking neckbeards for a second there. Thanks for reminding me, asshole.
Incredible thread, faggot.
Fuck off with your Twitter screenshots
What was the apology for?
>he said that
wait really? he actually fucking said that? fuck that guy
I hope they ruin every single normalfag pandering piece of shit you love, OP.
Since it's Sword art online a girl was probably going to be raped by the cackling evil antagonist or something. That's about the only way the author knows how to write drama and danger for female characters.
I don't even watch this shit but I'm pretty sure the author apologised himself to the actress last year for making her do a rape scene last December
Fuck off literal incel
SAO rape episode
I fucking hate SAO
picked up
Turn off caps and fuck off.
Some of these VAs voice fucking eroge.
Since when did eroge makers ever aplogize?
SAO's author needs to grow a pair of balls.
Oh sure everyone, it starts with "just SAO", and you tell yourself it doesn't because that's just some shit series you don't care about. Then it'll "just be some other series" you also don't care about, and again you'll do nothing. And it'll happen over and over until eventually it gets to something YOU care about, and it'll be too late to stop.
>we're okay with airing the show
>but we feel the need to apologize for its content
This was from like 2 months ago.
>You're ok? It must've been so traumatic to make some screechy shitty mouth noises in a fictional anime :
>you’re okay? i was worried about you voicing a scene
Fucking infantilized morons.
Wait, so Toonami are apologising but they're going to pay them to do the rape scene anyway?
I don't think that makes it better, it makes the women look like whores and the company look like they're trying to get social points.
>I was worried about you
OVER WHAT? It's a fucking fictional scene.
Twitter isn't anime. Fuck off faggot.
Jesus christ, you need to go back. In the meantime, check em.
>nobody is going to post the scene in question
because you're all fucking faggots
>We had to apologize to the VAs after recording because even entirely fictional rape with made up people who don't exist is almost real rape.
>You're okay? I was worried about you doing that scene.
Why do I hate this person so much, why are these people like this?
>apologising to your actors for filming a difficult scene
You might have had a hint of a point if they had cut the scene out but you're just retarded, is all
The original scene was dumb as fuck but holy shit this is some next level cuckery.
What a fucking beta male, I'm so disgusted right now.
Sensible individual; Laughing at that scene
Screaming retard; THIS IS OFFENSIVE
Seriously, that scene was too fucking goofy to take seriously. It was like a ten minute long Lupin jumping out of his pants and just floating in midair.
Eh his original tweet says "American VA1 and American VA2 also played a very hard scene with great care. Thank you very much! And I'm really sorry".
He said the same thing to the japanese VAs and he feels sorry for professionals because they had to perform an abuse scene. The toonami tweet is worded stupidly.
>it makes the women look like whores and the company look like they're trying to get social points.
Because that's exactly what it is.
nice try, but check these
>implying any of this isn't literally satire
it's a honklers world afterall
Oh no Le Lefties are commin for muh Berserk
>isekai shit
>representative of japan media
Apparently the Toonami version is even more censored
There has been a rape episode in every season thus far. It's almost like a tradition.
>"Difficult scene"
>It's just a bunch of basic crying and screeching noises.
Nice 0, but check this 3.
That'll be one series, yes.
You're the kind of person who would have said "SJWs are just an Internet boogeyman, they'll never have any actual affect on TV or movies or the internet at large" 10 years ago.
>You're okay? I was worried about you doing that scene.
Why is the world like this, again?
Hasn't there been like 4 rape scenes in SAO ith the author adding in one almost every arc? What makes this one so different or difficult?
>shitty localization yet again
Let me guess, the rape never actually happens.
Imagine this people voice acting End of Evangelion. Imagine their tweets.
You're a fucking retard
That's it? He didn't even put the penis. Holy shit.
>What makes this one so different or difficult?
The year 2019.
OP is a retard and a faggot
because humans are the scum of the earth.
Joke's on you, Berserk is never getting another adaptation. Basedboys only read American comics, so my series is fine. You're all fucked though
Social media has really done one over on companies.
>he thinks SJWs only target media they themselves consume
If anything, they care even more about ruining media they DON'T consume.
>tfw it's true
>but not one rape it's TWO
The creator is a mad lad and the scene was so goofy I couldn't take it seriously.
Oy vey goy let us push our insane bullshit into yet another of your hobbies.
This is actually taken out of context/misunderstood/bad translation. Kawahara is just thanking the VA's in his tweet and toonami misunderstood it to be some kind of feminist trash. aka it's fucking nothing.
Wow, I was right. I haven't even watched SAO since the original series.
Yea Forums is full of libtards and cucks. don't bother
Thank you for reminding me to despise western fake morality even more.
Oh shit I almost forgot people on Yea Forums can't make an argument without using stupid buzzwords
are there good doujins of this?
If only we still had mods to keep the tards away.
Honestly I don't see what the big deal is about rape. It's just a dick in your hole for a few minutes. It's nowhere near as bad as murder, cancer, or getting flirty eyes from a fat chick. And really, women can't be raped since the vagina is designed to accommodate cock. Only men can be raped. If a woman is penetrated anally against her will, she's just experiencing male rape, which is an excellent learning experience for her, to discover the struggles that men go through.
For women, rape isn't a big deal. It's just typical female exaggeration to get attention. They all fantasize about rape so they actually enjoy it. They just want to trade in their "victim" status for clothing and jewelry and don't want to give sex away for free. Really, the only punishment for rape should be to pay the equivalent of the going rate for whatever sex act was performed with a local prostitute of equivalent attractiveness. Since it's the same punishment, why would anyone rape a Feminist instead of a beautiful woman?
Those fat ugly feminists that scream the loudest that "no means NO," are actually hoping to limit the amount of sex the genetically gifted attractive women get. And, in so doing, hoping that some hapless male starving for sex will find himself scraping the very, very bottom of the barrel where the fat and ugly feminist will finally have the chance to scream, "YES, FUCK ME HARD."
Hey fat ugly feminists, it isn't going to work. You only really have one option. Lose the weight, learn how to use make up, and get an overhaul of your personality. In some cases you may need extensive plastic surgery to have any hope of getting my cock rammed into your ass. In some extreme cases, it is entirely hopeless and you should just give up. If you are this last case, try having sex with animals if you find you can approach them without scaring them away.
Yes because LITERALLY EVERY LIBERAL IN EXISTENCE seeks to destroy this ONE HOBBY none of the American public cares about.
I'd tell you "have sex" but you'd crush every women you'd try to have sex with, huh fatass?
>Sorry you have to do this. I don't feel obligated to say this I just think it must be awkward to have to act out a rape.
What I find funny is that the author literally used the term political correctness, as to why he decided tone down his work. So, yeah, despite what feminist say they really do want Japan to conform to western values.
do 3rd world shitehole-ers even know what SJW is? it's cringe-y. we have white cucks whining about it as is. don't need anymore of muslims and hindus.
>caring about dubs
>caring about making some 50 year old chainsmoking hags grunt like a porn actress-which, ironically, is probably MORE RESPECTABLE than being a voice-over dubber for chinese cartoons
>we can't expect someone to do their fucking job
Remember when people were trying to keep Toonami on Yea Forums well where are you post here so I can laugh at you
It's even sicker when faceless corporations do it.
Kill yourself.
And America thinks they're the land of the free. Heh.
This is just an attempt to get attention and bring back a fake controversy most people forgot about back into the limelight. Social media was a mistake.
>It's just a dick in your hole for a few minutes.
but there wasn't??
It was localized for western audiences.
The Global Gender Gap Report 2018
America - 50
Japan - 110
of course incels cry about how oppressed they are in america
western values in this case - superiour women's rights.
japan, despite being a first world country, they lack way behind on gender equality.
>Twitter screencap
>muh SJW
Can't you just stay on your own board?
Or at least attempt to fit in a little
>through the dark lord amen
>nothing happens on the right
>let's put even less on the left
Well user since you're truly the oracle of oracles, what do you propose I do huh?
Write up a blog?
Go protest in the streets?
You guys keep bitching and moaning about how "THEY'RE COMING FOR US" and never say what should be done.
What are YOU doing exactly?
Hi /pol/, fuck off
How does that even relate to the post you are quoting?
Also fucking sage your posts people, holy shit.
My favorite pasta.
Armed rebellion.
Jesus christ the actual thread is a lot worse like who gives a fuck it's not like the voice actress is a survivor and if she was why would she even take the fucking job in the first place.
Everybody go home now.
>meanwhile Irreversible gets all the prices over at cannes festival
Just think about it.. There's millions of women willing to fuck any guy if he pays them. Now imagine one of the prostitutes going to a client and on her way to his house someone grabs her and rapes her. According to law he'd have to go to prison for years but at the same time she was willing to fuck some other guy she never knew for just 50$. It's amazing how something of little value (50$) could cost you years in prison.
She was just trying to voice scenes in a children's cartoon, and now she's scarred for life.
That was an old tweet from fucking December, you fucking retard. Kawahara doesn't give a fuck about the US airing.
funny jojo gif
what's irreversible
>CR edited out him slapping her
fucking really
one is art and the other is a cartoon with no artistic merit whatsoever
Please don't make the comparison, user-kun
>posting twitter shit
Fuck off back to Yea Forums and stay there, filthy and worthless imbecile.
monica bellucci kino. it's breddy gud. maybe you should watch it
Now, I'm wondering if the rumors of Shield Warrior joining the Toonami block are true, or not. That's a show that's gonna cause quite a great amount of hate, and I can already see people speed reading the
web novel and calling Naofumi the villain of the story despite not knowing the whole context, and also not canon.
Is anime truly over, Yea Forums?
Hey man this isn't funny, maybe they were doing method acting, how would you know?
Dude stay on your own board you fuck. Stop spamming your shitty screenshots on here and Yea Forums.
It's stupid the way we have to call everyone who gets raped a "survivor" as if they usually die from the act. I'm not saying rape isn't bad, but "victim" should suffice to describe someone it happens to. If you get shot in the head but live, you're a survivor. Calling rape victims survivors is clearly just an attempt to stroke their egos by implying it was worse than it actually was.
not if we animegate
Shit, that scene got edited? Someone needs to mux the english audio with the uncensored Japanese footage.
Crunchyroll aired what they were given by the publisher.
Where is everyone up in arms about scenes of torture? Scenes of violence and death?
An actor's job is to fucking act.
>taking things out of context to create fake outrage
as expected of a /pol/tard crossboarder
Never support western companies that want to influence the production of anime.
>he actually believes this
I hate western influence so much
Hentai seiyuu do shit 100 times worse than that on a daily basis and they seem fine.
take this as a lesson to never support the western anime industry
I'm okay with "survivor" because I'm sure I'd say I "survived" a mugging or some shit.
I think it's the opposite from what you say actually. People avoid "victim" because it just feels like shit to be called a "rape victim".
Ahahahahaahahhahahaahahhaahahaha. Niggers it’s a fucking cartoon, not real life.
So cancerous generals, "migrating" to another imageboard, coming back because it's shit all while throwing money at some retards that "fight" for the cause?
Fuck off back to
>You okay? I was worried about you doing that scene.
What the actual heck?
>I was worried about you
I want to sympathize (I was raped and molested as a child) but unless this woman was raped, that comment makes me want to smack both of them.
We're called survivors because it's supposed to be a positive word association, like you're not a hapless victim but a strong survivor. I don't really care either way.
Don't watch dubbed anime, don't stream anime and convince your friends to do the same thing. If the west doesn't profit from it they'll leave anime industry.
why are you here again? reddit seems more your speed
All of the US streaming services had the same censored version, so in this case they're probably telling the truth as far as it goes.
Why can't you creatures ever keep /pol/ in /pol/?
3rd world shitholers hating western influence because they try to respect women. back to being a degenerate incel
>this thread is still here
Nice going jannies.
Ignorant kiddies don't know that acting is probably the most strict, severe, and discriminatory job in the world. A white man can't play a black guy, a fat man can't play an attractive man, if the director wants you to do a typical gayman voice you have to or get fired, and there are sex scenes and rape scenes. They knew what they were fucking getting into. You don't see that actor from GoT who got fucked by the Dothraki bitching about rape scenes and she had to actually do it and not just voice it.
this sounds like they had the actors record their lines walking on a rope above a pool full of sharks.
Jumping to conclusions with zero evidence is never justified. There's not really any reason to disbelieve that CR is telling the truth.
Yea Forums is a bastion of free speech. fuck off if your feefees are hurt.
You know what I don't give a flying fuck anymore.
I want animegate to happen because fuck it I can't stand this cancer.
He's mainly embarrassed at his own past edginess.
You don't understand. Rape is much worse because it's so REAL. Why would I feel empathy towards some soldier being blown to bits by a land mine and crying for his mom as he bleeds out on the ground in some WW2 movie? That's never going to happen to anyone ever, that's just fiction. Whereas LITERALLY every woman that has ever lived has experienced and suffered due to rape.
>not recognizing a honk when you see one
you guys are all fucking retarded and need a new sarcasm detector, or a canary bird or something
>You don't see that actor from GoT who got fucked by the Dothraki bitching about rape scenes
As soon as the show got popular they did.
When it comes to idealogy that is political in nature it's like Cancer. It must spread everywhere and anywhere it can. I mean for the love of fuck even Yea Forums is being spammed this Constantly and daily worse than here. Despite the complaining.
Kawahara apologized because of the "pure is good" mentality in Japan and how a rape scene basically ruins that for both of the actresses.
Toonami apologized because of some self-righteous gender equality bullshit ideal, and it wasn't even genuine.
>Yea Forums is a bastion of free speech
as he should
Western SJWs have so little actual problems that the slightest inconvenience is seen as an attack.
. unironically making the point
ummmmmmm sweetie... this is 4channel honey
citation needed
No it doesn't plenty of seiyuu voice rape or sex scenes or at least moan for ecchi scenes.
Fuck off, /pol/tard. Don't act like you're not a newfag leddit refugee who started infesting this place with the elections.
I will suicide bomb [as] Atlanta's office.
And never consume anything by Production I.G. ever again, of course.
It's 4channel not Yea Forums.
It's pretty old.
Damn too true.... Women need our support now more than ever. We can't let incels hold them down any longer. I wish women would realise that we animes watchers are on their side...
She stopped doing rape and nude scenes as soon as she realized the show can't go on without her. Most of the other actresses too.
>Yea Forums is a bastion of free speech
Good lucking shitting on the blacks casted for live action adaptations.
Live action adaptations are allowed by the way, you're just not allowed to bitch at a black actor doing a white or asian character.
>not caring about the VA who had to play as a character that lost both his arms and is bleeding out
>twitter screencap thread
C'mon Yea Forums, you're better than this.
Yeah, no. Not going down the elitist path.
The first episode of Goblin Slayer got dubbed and it was completely uncensored, so it's only a matter of time the uncensored version of the SAO:A dub episode comes out.
I know this post is a joke but it's crazy that women genuinely do think this way.
another fucktard that thinks rape and losing an arm is the same thing.
you don't ignore the first signs of cancer
Don't they have contracts for this kind of shit? Fucking amateurs.
Not him but I remember an user doing detective work when the episode aired. The scenes were legitimately black screened on CR's end. They received the same episode as the nip stations did and then elected to remove scenes they didn't agree with as can be observed by the seemingly random missing frames. Also this isn't the first time CR has censored something either. In that same thread anons mentioned numerous other series that had episodes edited/cut by CR. Petty shit you wouldn't even believe either.
Please keep Americans out of anime. I don't want anime to turn into comics and video games.
all you're doing is supporting the people who want to censor your shit
Absolute kek.
literally incapable of differentiating fantasy and reality
toonami was a mistake.
Hey the slut was asking for it if he didn't want to have both his arms cut off he should have worn armor.
I'm glad we kicked it off Yea Forums
True, but communication is also important. Who do you think manga and light novel authors are talking to when they go to coventions? They are the type of people who watch toonami or stream their anime only on crunchyroll, people who are okay with anime being toned down and censor. We need to fight back, and make our voices heard in any place that the authors can appear in.
am i seeing a bunch of retards in this thread admitting that they pay for CR? wow
Especially after watching literally everyone around you get, and start dying of cancer for the last 10 years.
It doesn't actually but there's still that idea of purity. Kawahara was just being polite by apologizing, there's no SJW undertones.
You know, a lot of young males depend on anime to escape from their frustrating reality.
When they start censoring everything and shoving identity politics in anime, and they will sooner or later, you just know somebody will fucking snap and go full Brenton on some CR or CN office.
And on that day I will be laughing my fucking ass off.
fuck off!
>Yea Forums is a bastion of free speech
>She stopped doing rape and nude scenes as soon as she realized the show can't go on without her.
citation still needed. She stopped doing the rape scenes because the guy's character fucking DIED. And also she did do nude scenes afterwards so you're a fucking liar.
Yeah I didn't see any SJW undertones I just thought he apologized for being a talentless hack overusing the rape trope.
Are you high?
This, losing an arm is WAY worse.
How long does it take to microwave a hot pocket? Where are you fat fucks?
What kind of cancer are you even talking about. I say this because I browse Yea Forums and this kind of threads only help as free publicity for the game, or in this case the shitty dub.
The best course of action is DON'T BUY AND IGNORE, Kawahara is a fucking hack and his comments don't reflect the state of the entire industry.
>Yea Forums is a bastion of free speech
>gets banned
young males need to be emasculated more so they don't have this entitled thoughts on rape scenes.
How is this evil allowed to exist?
Who else high here?
Then stop watching toonami. They are ones who censored the episode.
>/pol/fags are so new they haven't even read the rules
Why am I not surprised?
That's not really consistent with what posted.
Can't wait to make meme edits of the stream and post them on /gif/.
Where was the apology during the Asuna lick-rape and tentacle rape scenes in ALO? Where was the apology during Shion's rape scene in GGO? Fuck off toonami
Mods are asleep at this hour. Only dumb aussies continue here.
can't let their supposed standards get in the way of profit
>just ignore the cancer dude, it won't grow and spread or anything, trust me
Toonami needs to be cancelled again.
Threads started with Twitter screencaps
People care don't care when soldiers get blown up in movies not because they inherently don't feel empathy towards that person, but rather because they're desensitized to it. Show Saving Private Ryan to someone from the early 20th century and they'll be a fucking wreck at the end and probably scarred for life.
Clearly the solution is to desensitize people to rape by portraying it in media more often.
Don't forget Silica and the tentacles.
Everything this series touches turns into cancer
SAO is literally the herpes of anime
>I browse Yea Forums
then you should know that the western video games is fucking neutered and they're trying to do the same to the Japanese senran kagura is because of that shit
No, as I recall, Hulu was said to have the same censored version, and I'm pretty sure they get their copy straight from Aniplex, not from CR.
This is the same block that gave us those soulless FLCL sequels. Toonami has become a blight upon anime.
Yea Forums is Yea Forums
Makes you wonder why threads with twitter screenshot OPs aren't just instantly deleted.
you can include Toonami and America Anime fans as cancer also.
>fictional failed rape scene
Who the hell cares? Rape happens, its not a sin to portray it.
Bad janny.
>current year
>cartoons not being illegal
i can't even
>i am worry about u
>pls open bobs and vagane
Get fucking real. This is a publicity stint on Kawahara's part.
Don't worry, Japan will bow to SJWs for the Olympics, foreigners will act like white piggu and trash everything, maybe rape some girls, and opinion in Japan will be galvanized against foreigners. Why we change our ways for these animals?
That's what happens when your block runner is perpetually stuck in 2005.
This really puts the loli crackdown in perspective.
>Meanwhile top officials getting away with literal pedophilia.
>Berserk icon
Seriously, bear with it. Once the olympics are over and the tourists are gone, we're gonna go back.
SAO was so softcore compared to what other anime got away with.
>'''''''''''difficult scene''''''''''''''
Screeching into a mic is not difficult.
I think he's realizing the Japanese fans are only going to dwindle and he needs the western audience.
It's straya hours
Then we are using that free speech to tell you that your garbage is unneeded and unwanted. Now chock on black cock and die /pol/shitter.
>muh rape
>has a fucking berserk icon
Jungle monkey IQ.
but it's the robots who get defensive all the itme when it's pointed out they are just mad about being virgin neckbeards
/pol/ and its progenitors are the most feels-driven spaces on the entire internet
Why is the Olympics even making them care?
Viper will eat viper and it would serve them both right.
literally who
and why do i care
get the fuck out of our community you cock sucker.
I don't get this thread, Kawahara been trying to sell his novels to the west for a time already and since he's out of ideas all he have to do is throw a "yeah, i'm sorry" and get those sales and of course the dub "community" will just rejoice on it, what does it have to do with Japan or SJW or anything you people are talking about? I didn't bother to proofread this post by the way.
I think it's much more likely CR got the episode first and it was then distributed/ripped from there. I don't believe the tokyo MX version was censored in any way. Also there was like a 20 second long trigger warning on their episode written in english which I highly doubt was done by nips. Also isn't hulu usually slow by a day or two for new shit?
And that will he his biggest mistake.
the solution to what? its not like people being desensitized about war has solved war or anything.
2nd wave of anti left politics will coming soon. I can feel it and I can't wait for it to happen.
Sssssssssh quiet, they're not aware of that fact and it hurts their feelings if you say that.
Trump needs to make anime great again.
You care because while you're busy watching anime and shitposting here the literal who is bitching on twitter directly to companies while pretending to speak for you and others.
Why the hell would he need to apologize? Those screams of terror, from the seiyuus, were some grade A acting.
Jokes on you, SJWs only go after things that are popular and that people around them enjoy, so the moeshit shows about cute grade schoolers drinking tea I exclusively watch will never be affected.
>unofficial toonami fan twitter account
why should we fucking give a shit?
>wow people get defensive when i insult them and accuse them of stuff, why dont they act like real men and just let me abuse them all day and never challenge my bullshit?
Go fuck yourself, you delusional retard.
It sends a bad precedent for this industry in the future.
Not feeling that motivated today.
SJWs are more successful at censoring content then right wing evangelicals ever have been.
Don't know about you guys but this post looks extremely low quality to me.
Kawahara is trying to pander to the west so he have to look like he cares about the topics he got talked about in his visit to this damned land in order to increase profit, and is working.
>Toonami has become a blight upon anime.
This makes me sad.
2020 will be the year Japan has defeated. Meanwhile, prepare your goodbyes to all the weeb industry.
What about all the rape in Western shows like Game of Thrones? That had real actors laying on top of each other too, not voices behind a microphone in a comfy studio. Ironically SJWs seem to love Game of Shits for some reason
nice gif dude i laughed pretty hard
You know that guy is joking right?
Difference is Berserk has more than rape going for it. That guy is still retarded, but edgefags need to get the memo that people like Berserk for more than its sexual content.
It's ironic since the Left was the ones to oppose Right-Wing censorship back in the day. Freedom of fucking expression they used to preach to us. Now look where we are now.
>nobody cares about anime
>multibillion dollar global industry
are you like some 40 year old cat woman or something thats completely out of touch with reality and only came to this site because your niece left it up on your computer after she came to visit you to make sure you havent killed yourself or turned your house into a cat-shit filled hoarder den?
Everyone knows what anime is. It's big money and has been for almost a decade.
i thought the main point was about not getting triggered by people speaking freely though
>Mfw moeshit has better written female characters than battle harems.
I can't believe we only have a year of anime left...
It'll only be a matter of time until we get progressive and politically correct animes.
Have you even seen the articles? There's been tone of shitstorms over GOT's rapeshit.
good numbers
wish me luck user i will murder this son of a bitch this tuesday
Go left enough and you still hate censorship.
They're about nothing but identity politics like their sworn enemy, the dreadful rainbow haired libtard, what do you expect?
Just reactionaries that try to rile up people in their desperate search for some purpose in their pathetic lives.
Subculture industries are easier to bully. Just like video games.