Every day until you like it
Every day until you like it
I like it.
The fishe and Sakura are EVIL!
Anything you've heard about my character or disposition are lies and innuendo. I am a character beyond reproach and will seek legal action on all those that disparage my good name!
I had nothing to do with those. It is merely a simply coincidence that I was present in proximity to those events. Contact my lawyers if you think otherwise.
I don't want to lose Yea Forums
I don't want to see all of this gone...
I don't want to see our niche hobby transformed into the latest virtue-signaling western moralist prude-fest...
I don't want all of Yea Forums to succumb to Russian bots and Neo-Nazi dogma...
Please God, if you exist, save this thread forever.
Just hold on tight. Gonna be a bumpy ride.
perpetual energy
if you don't want any of that happening you should screech at the mods until they start banning people for making general threads
the constant circlejerking is a breeding ground for cancerous behavior and goes against everything this website stands for
I hate it. Keep posting it.
i mean people here have mostly being borderline /pol/ in their political beliefs since forever, the difference is that they didn't used to shit up the board with it, i blame the elections for all the reddit refugees.
The only way to save this board is to ban shounen threads again and range ban SEA niggers and maybe all of latin america.
>i mean people here have mostly being borderline /pol/ in their political beliefs since forever
Yea Forums has always been a breeding ground for both sides. Remember Project Chanology? Imagine Yea Forums uniting to protest against angloreligions now lmao.
Posting in a fish thread.
Yikes! That's a lotta fish!
>i mean people here have mostly being borderline /pol/ in their political beliefs since forever
/pol/ wasnt always stormfront
i miss our militant atheists, anarchists and libertarians, but most of all i miss ironic racism
Mutio a cute.
>old man depression
>Strange messages
You saw nothing. Not a thing!
Nice never seen this one.
Tat's what happens if she eats the fish. Don't eat it! Just put your mouth on it!
I'm indifferent to it.
Sub minimal art
i miss it
Kyon-kun, sakana.
this is fun
Fuck off fag