Zoku owari

Araragi is a cute girl!

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Araragi is CUTE!!! CUTE!!!

Now he can molest himself.

You know it

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He does look like a girl in this

Why are Ougi episodes always the best episodes?
I love the banter laid on top of the sinister subtext.

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Is there any monogatari books left to animate?



Because Ougi is the best, simple as.

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It's still continuing into his university life.

well they better animate that shit because i dont want it to be over

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Best pair right here.

can LNfags tell me what crabslut thinks of her bf being eternally bound to the batslut

After Zoku there are 2 more full seasons. The Off Season and Monster Season

Yes, including Mazemonogatari and the upcoming Amarimonogatari which will be release next week, there are total 8 novels released after Zoku.

She still hasn't said anything about that particular matter.

please tell me there is development beetween Araragi and shinobu.

A little, in Shinobumonogatari.
Don't expect the story to focus on Shinobu though. The title literally means to conceal and being secretive, it has a lot to do with Deathopia and a girl in Kanbaru's circle.

Want to watch the new season but barely remember anything from the previous ones. How do you guys remember?

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Currently in the process of re-watching everything. I do this about once every other year or so

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Is there any chance of these later books being adapted, let alone in a good manner?

That shit about shaft losing staff a while back and the director leaving made me kinda worried desu.

That's a lot of rewatching

Try just watching a bit of Owari 2 to remember, it continues with rrg's stuff. Also Owari 1's first arc.

Just set aside a few weekends and binge. I actually kind of look forward to it. It's like an event for me

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yes, for such a "stand around and talk"-ey show, it has great re-watch value


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That ending Hitagi sequence was KINO

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