I found my new waifu

I found my new waifu.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.28_[2019.04.06_20.09.22]. (1280x720, 74K)

Fumino a shit.

>new waifu

Fuck off.

>new waifu

Attached: 1538600992517.png (970x752, 570K)


Good taste.

>new waifu
At least you picked best girl.

>new waifu
Seasonalfags really aren’t people.

>new waifu
>implying you're discarding an "old waifu"
I hope this is bait, but either way, "people" like you should get the chair.

Too bad she'll die again.

Attached: natsuki laughing.gif (480x270, 1.58M)

>new waifu

Attached: 1531794791825.jpg (352x340, 29K)

Congratulations for finding your new FOTM trash.

>New waifu
>FoTM nu-sekoi shit
par of the course.

>new waifu
She'll kill you if you try to throw her away

Attached: yuno.png (1334x781, 768K)


what anime is she from?

>Anime Fumino

[HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01

Don't bother. It's shit.
Read the manga instead. At leas the art is good there.

>manga got it
Wait a minute!
I've seen this redhead girl in a hentai before!

Anyway since you spoonfed me if you want I can draw your waifu to return the favor

Attached: x1.png (764x1200, 1.25M)

Yay! We did it R-

Just FYI, keeping someone ignorant by spoonfeeding them doesn't actually help them in the long run. At least tell them how to find out by themselves, so they don't have to keep asking.

on one hand that's fair and it's annoying when people constantly ask, especially if it's really obvious, but occasionally it doesn't hurt especially if you want more people to see your favorite stuff.

>Hurr durr no spoonfeeding
You guys are the worst.

on one hand I do agree with you that it seems silly not to tell people about your favorite thing but I assume it also gets pretty annoying to say the same thing over and over again.

There is a middle ground here and that's for more OPs to put the damn anime in the title or the post.

Who is your old waifu?

>javing a seasonal waifu
A degenerate among degenerates

Spotted the animeonlyfag.

What fucking happened to this place?

>Seasonal Waifu
Kill yourself

Normal fags got in

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This should be obvious for everyone who has been here more than one week.
Kill yourself.

Look at the catalog, it's all a big pile of shit, along with jannies deleting threads that hurt their feelings.

Seriously, why are the translations of the latest chapter taking so fucking long?

shit taste also her whole character changes later

She cute.

Cute waifu. I love Bokuben and I hope you will too.

Attached: Understanding Uruka.png (405x209, 68K)

>new waifu
Chapter will be out tomorrow

Attached: 1539572606703.png (691x483, 273K)

She looks like Orie, but ugly.

Attached: Profile-orie.png (1715x1935, 1.61M)

Mods stopped caring after Narutopocalypse and even more so after moot left. Half the board if not more are refugees from plebbit and Facebook.

Good job exposing yourself newfag. Fuck off back to wherever you came from.

Study cakey

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honestly the Anime community is utter shit these days, and Yea Forums is competitively good compared to the rest of the community, problem is it's been contaminated with normal fags since anime is so easy to get into these days

how close is the manga to ending?

>this thread

Attached: 1534940662726.png (1280x720, 864K)

>new waifu.

We don't know yet

durr durr lets be mean bcsue its fun durr durr sekrt club durr durr

>Doesn't like people being mean
That's literally the whole point of Yea Forums, go back to where you came from

No that's the point of early 10s Yea Forums and Yea Forums Yea Forums /pol/. We had a lot of comfy threads in the 00s and a good community.

No it's not, you are just being mean for the sake of being mean that's not what moot wanted this site to be, you are a fucking nigger.

so is its going to be one of those 200 chapters + harem manga like nisekoi that drag everything out ?


>cant cook
>muh maths

Are you Autistic? Like unironically?

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Spoonfeeding is a bad practice because it breeds laziness and entitlement. Don't expect everything to be given to you on a silver plate if you can't put a little effort in getting it yourself.

Doubtful. Tsutsui has finished his manga at reasonable numbers and even then, we're already at the last couple of months. There's nothing much to resolve other than studying even more for the exams (and taking them, eventually).
Shouldn't be more than ~150.


Not anymore!

Attached: Fumino Ultimate.png (963x1536, 436K)

Excuse me for being blunt, but literally every single of Bokuben girls is better then your waifu, sorry

Attached: lil penguin wants to slide on flat surface.jpg (800x898, 88K)

But she is a Bokuben girl.


Antarctica is the best place for star seeing.