Are they gonna go on bankrupt if OPM2 flops?
Are they gonna go on bankrupt if OPM2 flops?
They'll have enough money saved from not having to pay rent
No, because it wont flop. Normies can take anything that show shits without thinking about it.
Normies will just look at the first episode, see that it isnt like the first season and drop it
Why would they? Do you think they're putting all of their money into OPM2? Do you know how anime production works?
Can you newfags please stay on reddit? Thanks.
t. Yea Forums
>accusing of newfagging
>not knowing how t. works
oh boy this is gold
Just fuck off already, you're free to frogpost and everything there.
Your friends there post and think just like you isn't that just great?
Didn't you see the trailers? How can they go bankrupt when they steal all the money supposed to be used on animation
I don't think you understand that the publisher didn't pick J.C. Staff to make a quality anime. J.C. Staff exists to make advertisements for the manga and the merch.
If it's a rushed and low budget production like most people seem to think, that's not bankrupting anyone.
awww, cant think of a good argument? you are such a faggot.
>dammachi movie
>Index was one of the highest selling of the season
I think they’re fine financially
Are you upset you're not accepted? Then fuck off cancer.
No. Because they make other anime
Madhouse went bankrupt
Real question
Why the fuck would madhouse drop this goldmine
I think it was because they signed a contract for two overlord seasons and didnt have time for OPM
It won't flop. It will have god-tier fight animation, just like Index. JC Staff have made some of the biggest masterpieces of the 90s, 00s, and 10s.
>azumanga daioh
>milky holmes
>excel saga
>kyomu senki miroku
Compare this to Madhouse, which has made absolute turds such as:
>monster (overrated shit)
>hxh 2011
Suffice to say, OPM S2 will blow the first out of the water.
>this copypasta again
Kek fuck off
Care to explain what about this, uh, "copypasta" is incorrect?
Fucking samefag moron.
not him but you sound like a massive cocksucker
guys like him are literally the cancer of this board
Are you retarded? Anime studios are paid up front
>waahh please let us come in and infect your epic site in peace
>haha those normies right guise
Fuck off niggers.
>Thread about the manga gets made
>Discussion is had about how it will turn out and how the story will progress differently from the webcomic, a few shitposters but it's mostly calmed down recently
>Thread about the anime gets made
>No discussion at all
>Full of shitposters
>Only arguing and name-calling
What went wrong?
For starters, they need to lower the amount of projects done per year. Looking at their production history, it listed ten shows for 2018, and seven (so far) for this year. Ten fucking shows under 12 months. You may say they're obviously working on it the year before, which is obvious in it and of itself. But look at 2017 - eleven shows listed.
I thought they were pushing it in the early days with 4+ shows per year, but now it's just ridiculous. Whomever making the decisions are definitely upholding the 'quantity over quality' attitude, and it shows. It's an absolute miracle that everything hasn't looked like Overlord S3 yet.
did accelerator end with punch drunk syndrome after that?
Why are you under the assumption that it will flop in any way? It will sell as much if not more than S1, the quality of the product have nothing to do with it, see Dragon Ball Super.
They didn't dropped anything and JC Staff didn't picked anything, some retarded executives said they wanted a new season NOW and Madhouse told them to wait 1 more year for the same staff to work in the project, guess what happened? Executives ditched Madhouse and searched for a cheap studio to make the new season, so they just thrown the porject in JC Staff, imagine just minding your business and someone throwing a huge rock in your head, JC Staff is doing the best they can and that will be enough for the show to sell like the retarded executives wanted.
>implying there was animation in 1st season
They'll always make money with Index even if S3 was terrible
Oh shit. This is beyond sad
Anime Was a Mistake: The Thread
I sure hope so.
because only the publishers make money off of anime, not the stuidos
After what they did to DaL III, I sure hope so.