Does GS secretly have high charisma?
He pulls in so much pussy and bros.
Goblin Slayer
He isn't chaotic, but neutral good.
He thinks outside of conventional solutions, because the means don't matter, only the result.
Here's a pointbuy version.
Is there a pointbuy version for the other characters too?
You could make them if you own Kingmaker, except perhaps lizard priest.
New one. I have no idea what's going on.
Is that the uncle?
His INT should be higher than that.
he just crits a lot
lmao no. should be 10 points lower
The Bard, I believe.
Where are these sheets at?
I want to fuck Orcbolg
He's considered a ranger?
What does "advantage" mean on these?
When you roll a skill check or an attack, you roll a 20-sided die, your D20 and add any modifiers to see if you succeed versus the Difficulty Check(DC) value. If you have Advantage, you would roll 2 d20s and choose the higher result. Conversely, you can find yourself with Disadvantage, where you would roll 2 d20s and pick the lowest.
Probably means that if she wins the initiative check at first or catches people flat footed.
Being good at what you do, hobby, job, whatever, makes you approachable and kinda admirable, even if it's just killing goblins. That's on the bro side.
The gurls? Harem bs, cuz self bla bla.
In D&D, your stats are the starting point of your character, not the end.
DS is good at what he does, but he doesn't care to try to make friends or be approachable. That would be why he has such a low Cha score.
He did start out as just a recurring NPC in the LN author's D&D games. When he became the star of a series of LNs on his own, he kinda became generic anime protagonist dude. Totally clueless in social situation, yet a strangely insistent harem.
If you want goblin related bonuses, and the TWF tree, he should be.
You could make him anything you want, though.
Priestess is from Sorcery game. Her Protection is FOF+WAL & she learn Sorcery version of Counter Spell, which is different than D&D version.
She plays as her original self in 3rd drama CD.
Talk /tg/ more to me
Goblino pheromones
Why is he called priest, when he's clearly a shaman?
Women have always been wet for warriors.
And not only for the MC.
I can't even imagine.
Don't you need high charisma for intimidation rolls?
>those stats
he's a cleric he also talks about his clergy a lot. priest seems like a forced title brought by verbatim translation.
Some editions let you use strength in "talk or I beat the shit out of you" situations.
Witch is CUTE, CUTE!
Makes sense
Varied weapon use, favored enemy, use magic device, high skill capacity despite lowish int, animal companion (cow girl)
>animal companion (cow girl)
His animal companion is that blonde puppy that follows him everywhere.
>animal companion with class levels
You'd have to suck a lot of dick for that
>You'd have to suck a lot of dick for that
Hey, these goblins ain't kill themselves
they don't like him for his talking, they like him for his dick
I am bored so I'll dump the korean scans from YO.
Ending with Best girl.
>means don't matter, only the result.
Isn't that a perfect description of chaotic good though?
Real talk, you may give up your animal companion in pathfinder for a favored enemy buff on companions. So goblin slayer can make everyone else hit goblins harder.
That's a hard yes from me, dawg.
He has the passive skill "Harem Manga MC". It gives him +10 and advantage to charm every attractive female he meets and make them fall in love with him. It activates automatically every time he meets a woman even if he doesn't want it or isn't even aware of it.
It's the flip side of neutral evil. If you'll do anything for good, you're NG.
If you selfishly do what's right, because the law won't, you're CG.
Are you feeling it now, Mr. Trips?
Why doesn't that work on Witch or Female Knight or literally any girl after Sword Maiden?
I like this Priestess
Even +10 and advantage doesn't guarantee success. It's still worked on the other 5 important attractive women he's met, 2 failures doesn't disprove it.
Zero charisma is described as a complete lack of the concept of self and personality ("you cannot distinguish between yourself and the coffee table in front of you").
If ten charisma is the presence and force of personality of the average person, then eight would be an introvert, six would be withdrawn, and four would be someone almost physically incapable of forming an opinion or expressing it.
>this pouty bitch
>16 CHA
My pale white ass.
>2 failures doesn't disprove it.
3 with Inspector, 4 Noble Fencer, 5 cute rhea warrior, 6 Erufu sister, 7 Princess, 8 Grape nun and I am not counting the rookie girls.
Noble Fencer, Princess & Grape Nun give no fuck about him.
Almost everyone she meets instantly likes her.
It should be 20
At most she get's a 'it's cute how you're trying to hard' from people.
Man if a player told me the way they were going to pass a CHA check was "pout like an expired anime cliche, really puff my round cheeks like a squirrel" I add 6 to the DC
Love checks are a high DC.
I never played any D&D, but I thought people always mentioned GS to have some kind of mastery in throwing skill?
Agree, it's too low.
Yes but that was made by funi not the author so is mostly wrong.
>It should be 20
Being related to rats hurts her Charisma.
>You will never be as chad as GS
Based Lizardbro
Hey, still more beautiful & attractive than princesses.
I love Haruhi.
Just as Nero is more beautiful than Saber, Princess is also more beautiful than Priestess.
It just shows that only NPCs care about charisma, if you roleplay is good you dont use it as much.
It’s wish fulfilment
I want to impregnate the Witch
75% sure she'll finally fail during a crucial moment and get gobbed.
I want to see her get gobbed
That's a thief user. Also handful size is the best size, not too small, not too big.
>Treating Goblin Slayer as monster with unique skills instead of NPC with class levels
Lancer doesn't
He's missing out on something truly wonderful
>+10 attack per turn for 3 hours with his main weapon
Fucking bullshit.
>short sword attack is based on strength while shield bash is based on dex
>bravery having anything to do with con saves
>plate AC on a stealth character in mostly leather over chain
It's probably to do with how he doesn't have any proficiency on attacks and just uses his raw STR/DEX modifiers. +3 to attack on a CR3 is pathetic
The modifier only works on victims of previous gobbing experience, and even then it's a high DC check.
>those impossible to get through point buy stats
Neutral good balances the results to choose a good outcome. The difference between this and the typical interpretation of "ends justify the means" is indirect implications of the means are also considered to be part of the results. For example, if a plan violates other people's personal codes, that weighs against the plan (like the elf's list of things not to do).
With chaotic good the results would be counted from a personal perspective, and the elf's rules would be seen as misguided obstacles to accomplishing good. Therefore, pissing her off could be a good deed.
He isn't interested in less than perfection.
The author then, Young SM is better SM & she is just a gobbed version of Priestess.
What if it only has around a 10% chance of happening every time he meets a woman and only works on that specific woman?
It hasn't happened since vol 2, we are on vol 10 now. He ran out of CHA.
Then make it a 5% and it when it does work, it stacks with the previous bonuses, making him even more attractive to the women it previously worked on.
The DCs got too high.
>making him even more attractive to the women it previously worked on.
He doesn't need that.
It happens regardless.
What is this expression trying to convey?
Breast envy
>I want his child (GS's) so bad!
A best
Next chapter when?
>elf is still not raped
why even read
>Main manga and BND
Usually the 25
>Year One
The korean scans are in this thread, english version maybe later.
Who knows
What a cutie.
kek didn't read this one
That actually looks pretty reasonable.
user! Take responsibility!
i can't understand ching chong
can you translate please?
Priestess influence, have you noticed all this of getting loads of attention started the moment Priestess arrived?
>says no before he even finishes
He's not that socially inept to have picked up on that so quick.
I would, Priestess is my wife.
But the baby is not yours.
To be fair, he probably got asked that a lot.
>5 years living with Cowgirl without fucking her
No wonder people think he is gay.
haha holy shit this guy gets this series on a whole other level
Requesting translation.
If it will help me kill goblins
Get your hands off that babu!
Goblins are the real victims, we're the ones being oppressed.
I take this month year one chapter is extremely boring?
Year one is biweekly, tho.
What is this expression trying to convey?
Is it odd that the first thing that comes to my mind looking at these character sheets is that the Elf is surprisingly well armored?
Doesn't that mean two times a week?
Guild girl will win.
It also means once every two weeks.
That's not confusing at all.
Dexterity gives AC bonus
Pure anger.
Seething, of course.
>Are cultural boys popular?
>Today we'll be having poet-sensei from the drama club.
>I'm planning on making a musical of the poem of the goblin slayer.
>Hey you, you look just like the protagonist~
>By all means, help me out~
>Why a musical?
>Kill all the goblins. (Narration)
>Show no mercy. (super low tone)
>No, No, No!! ~
>That's not acting!! ~
>He's too natural.
>You don't understand the role at all!! ~
>Get into the role!! ~
>He's the real deal tough.
Thanks, user. It was the bard after all.
>completely naked
>still wearing her hat
Her fetish or his?
I'm going to rape the Priestess while Goblin Slayer is forced to watch!
GS'. Next step, hard hat.
The first thing I noticed is that she is perfect.
Perfect for smithing weapons and armor on.
Perfect for everything, she is an elf after all.
If you're really good at something others will naturally flock to you, but they won't necessarily stick around.
Is she pleasing that old man for money?
There is 12 year age difference!
four sevens got
Try 1980 years of difference
>Deleted it already
Why is elf such a shotacon?
She's forever a young girl.
>When you realizes you have too much luck & it's the reason you keep encountering devils on your goblin campaign.
She is not even interested.
That's what you think.
what? is just a 5 years difference.
Well, I have nothing against this couple.
Charisma is for patricians who understand the subtle pleasures and virtues of rape.
That statline makes 0 sense. I've seen it posted on /tg/ & the replies were about how the creator must have absolutely no idea about DnD nor the show itself. Beyond Chaotic Good being an unfitting alignment, him doing nothing considered anti-Lawful or illegal, that statline makes no sense & real DnD players have said it would actually get him killed against his preferred foes. The Armor Class is nonsensical. Overall, it's a travesty rightfully bashed.
this sheet is shit. He's lawful good (member of an official guild; has a code). Why is shield bash a separate skill? Why is having more than one attack a separate skill?
He's just a high level fighter maybe with a ranger's favored enemy ability and lots of con.
>16 str
>5(-3) cha
What a load of bull shit.
>14 Int
>15 Wis
Hahaha, sure man.
Just goes to show that the author is fucking clueless.
>being this much of a grognard
I don't know much about D&D, how would you change it?
He goes full rogue & seeks help from illegal rogue guild to solve Priestess' problem and he described them as "neither good or bad, just doing their job".
He's a rogue himself & can use thieves' cant.
Priestess almost memorizes entire monster manual, with 50.000+ different species.
GS is illiterate when it comes to speaking.
Agree about the rest though.
I miss her.
English, amirite?
Erufu makes a good couple with everyone.
>Priestess almost memorizes entire monster manual, with 50.000+ different species.
Nice thighs
You’d think that they’d get literally anyone who’s played 5e to check this. It’s so wrong and inaccurate to GS it’s not even funny.
>all these shit fucking rules and incorrect text
These stat blocks hurt me internally and externally.
These were made by people who don't play 5e, right?
I'd make a better one, but I've been up for 35 hours working on something
oh boy here we go again
>AC only 18 despite clearly having a shield+plate
>HP calculation that makes literally 0 sense
>-3 to charisma but +4 intimidation
>+3 str but only +2 athletics
>what the fuck is passive Goblin perception
>advantage only against goblins, nothing vs hobgoblins and bugbears
>immune to disadvantages bullshit
>+7 to attacks for 3 fucking hours
>damage and attack bonuses for weapons are based on ???
>cloth armor
>no chainmail
>religion +8
>experience points
>in a fucking monster statblock
>cr 1/4
>wall of force
>can cast miracle spells in combat???
>no spellcasting npc
Just watched this after putting it off for months.
I must say that the first episode is an absolute hook. Someone knew what they were doing for the first one. So imagine my disappointment when all the seriousness and dark tones of what could have been a gritty, well-written fantasy anime became another low-budget "let's talk for 10-15 minutes each episode so we don't animate more than we have to" harem MC anime.
I was bothered by the fact that you've got an unnecessary cast of characters that are jammed in there for the explicit purpose of exposition/comedy relief, rather than letting someone competent write good exposition and have it seem more natural in occurrence.
Goblin Slayer is the most interesting thing about the show - easy to write, naturally alluring, and easy to fit into many different social scenarios because he doesn't have much to say.
Every episode after the first 1 left me feeling like there was an abundance of opportunity to make it better, but instead production decided to opt out. This very easily could've been its own thing, had its own style, and been memorable for what it was, but it rode the coattails of other JRPG-influenced anime and incorporated unnecessary tropes instead. Went from 60 - 30 real fast.
To be honest, I don't even know what genre they were going for here, because it shifts from one genre to another almost every episode. It's like someone pitched it as a slice-of-life horror action fantasy RPG harem anime to a producer and he said, "sounds great, let's do it", then realized after the first episode was made that it probably wasn't a feasible design choice, trying to stuff all of those qualities into 20ish minutes.
It's frustrating - this show should have been good, but it isn't, yet there's still some good things in it. They should have picked a genre and stuck to it.
It’s not so much them being grogs as it is them complaining that an official published image of a tennis player having them use a golf club on a basketball. Anyone with a passing knowledge would know they didn’t even try.
>neither good or bad, just doing their job
Sounds lawful. Chaotic good is like robin hood stealing from the rich to help the poor.
i agree. the pacing is shit, the characters are shit, but the plot is cool and the mc is not bad. it's weird, man
it's like a chef prepared & started a 5-star meal, then left the kitchen and some kid came in and just started mixing shit together. i was hyped for this shit too BECAUSE of episode 1
That means they don't picky about the intention of their job as long it pays and they aren't registered at adventurer guild for a reason. GS puts some extra efforts to convinces Priestess he isn't like them.
Their leader actually calls Priestess ojou-chan.
All the chest padding she uses counts as armor.
As a D&D DM myself, this templates don't add up, like at all, the basic math are all wrong.
His hit points should be 78 (12d8+24).
12 hit dice tell us he's lv12, with 15(+2) CON, he will get additional 2 HP per lv (make it +24)
His challenge rating is 3, which mean his proficiency bonus is +2.
For his skill, athletics should be +5 (STR + proficiency), intimidation should be -1 (yes, it's negative, CHA + proficiency).
For his weapon attack, both shortsword and shield bash should be +5 to hit (STR + proficiency).
Shortsword damage is piercing, not slashing.
Shield bash damage should be 1d4+3 not +2 (use STR not DEX), and should has knocked prone effect.