Beastars Chapter 123

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Other urls found in this thread:板垣巴留

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why is legosi hovering his hands, hug them you fuck

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What is the animal with the sunglasses?

>this cover
is beastars /fa/?

oh shit, what is B-strike

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Pure undistilled autism

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When is pure boy Jack going to come out?

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paru improved so much, look at those expresions kek

That and he could rip them in half after he got that strength boost

How would they react if Legosi told them he ripped his teeth off in order to punch the Beastars?

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>putting his face that near the ball spitting machine
It's like someone wants to get his dentures knocked out

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This chapter will be 100% wholesome and comfy and nothing shocking will happen right?

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>it's so much fun being in B-strike with my friends
is this what they call the calm before the storm?

yes! absolutely nothing bad will happen!

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I hope so, we've had 5 chapters straight of insanity a nice chill one would be appreciated


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>It feels so good to be a canine
this. Can other species even compete?
>big but not too big
>strong but not too strong
>everyone is a bro by default

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IT WAS a wholesome and comfy chapter, with a bit of melancholy, very nice.

Thank you for translating

bless user

>get high off pufferfish
>kill things just because
>rape things just because

>an entire chapter of wholesome content
Paru is playing with us, the next ten chapters are going to be fire punch levels of insanity

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wait, so it's like fetch?

Thanks TL team, the bests as always.

Of course ape is the one who is playing fetch with canines. Who else. Fuckin speciism

Thank you translator-san~

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It's literally fetch

Except they already do it all the time since they live in the sea and nothing stops animals form commiting atrocities down there.
They are even more evil in the Beastars universe since they have consciousness.

frill-necked lizard with its frill down, i believe

maybe theey will rise up against the earth animals

ty TL-kun!
can't wait for next chapter...this one was way too wholesome...something bad is gonna happen i can feel it.
please Paru, let Sebun be ok, kill haru, no one cares about haru

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Wait...there aren't any humans in the setting so how the fuck did fetch start out? Just dogs taking turns throwing shit to each other?

#Squadgoals the chapter. Love these worldbuilding moments.

I wonder what sheeps do in B-strike?...what do sheeps do for fun?...
>mandatory sebun pic

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What animal is that rat down there?

thank you for the wholesome chapter, translator

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they probably like to be in overcrowded spaces

idk, they get fucked by wolfs?

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Lmao last thread people saying that Paru had forgotten Jack

>started reading beastars
>first thing Louis does in-panel is to play with Legosi's tail

this guy is gay

Hyenas are not canids.

she's here in 4channel, she reads what we say

jump over fences

Poor Paru didn't finnish middle guy.

Holy fuck I feel bad for that kangaroo

ha, clever

they jump over fences while someone counts them

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>The boys are back in town


Fucking aussies

I though wolves thing was sliding down a hill, and Hyenas being manhandled by females.

It's hard for him to resist the exotic allure of carnivores.

>A group of young carniggers acting out at night in front of a woman

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there was a one-year timeskip?

>Wholesome chapter where nobody gets seriously injured, crazy horse doesn't demonstrate how crazy he actually is, and Legosi doesn't multilate himself to prove a point
I can only assume next chapter begins with Yafya blowing up a carnivore orphanage

thanks as usual, translator-kun, always looking forward to these

Legosi must lose his virginity soon enough. Sebun-chan or even the lioness at his work.


I doubt he will lose his virginity during the story. Maybe in the epilogue we will see his half-sheep children.

>Jump fences
they make walls

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No? Why do you think that?

>needs practice with herbibores before fucking haru
>Sebun being the responsible adult, offers her help and pops legosi's cherry
>legosi no longer wants the stretched out rabbit pussy
>haru dies
>Good Ending Unlocked

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While Legosi was chilling with friends Yafya kidnapped Haru and raped her with his giant horse cock.

Basado drawfag.

kek i love this edits, anyone got the one with the Cum stained windows?

The school year that had been going on for the previous ~110 chapters ended with Haru & Louis, them being 3rd year/seniors, graduating. Legosi & the Room 701 crew were 2nd years. Now they, minus Legosi, are now 3rd years/seniors.

>Raccoon washing her hands for 10 minutes
Fucking raccoons I swear

He's gay for Louis.
What kind of heterosexual horny teen would reject a woman literally begging him to kiss her and as a result fuck her? Being poor is a very shitty excuse.

/fa/ boys

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Said woman is AIDS ridden.

autism is real

to play fetch

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god thats cute

>I though wolves thing was sliding down a hill


haru got the aids tho
i bet she even has a haunted pussy

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Louis only gets gayer as the story goes on

There was this one time when my phone fell to a pool, it didn't turn on at first but i put it in rice for one day and it worked perfectly.

Look at these cute, dumb boys.
Such good boys.
thank you, TL.

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Wouldn't it be funny if yafya's dick was actually small.

/fa/ hates Hawaiian shirt though

Is he dead?

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I thought his autism was more on recent chapters, didn't know it was a thing even at a start.

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LEGOSI NO!!!!!!!

People think he started out as "weird drama club guy" and went to "undiagnosed autism", but truth is that autism was there from the start


Underrated post.

Holy fuck that Jack being almost pigeon toed on the bottom left panel is adorable.

Best 701 dog

You know, this makes me wonder.
What would happen if some degenerate introduced headpats to the canine population

The very first chapter perfectly showcases that he is fucking weird.

He had to check google to be sure that Haru wanted to suck his dick and he was completely serious about marrying her. That's some pretty high tier autism.

Pretty much guaranteed.

Legosi already pet Jack a couple of times

if he has I've completely forgotten it.

>Social retard with no friends
>Read whole chapter of MC just hanging out and having fun with his friends and being happy together
W-why am i getting emocional all of the sudden?

youre upset he has what you do not

>Tfw you will never experience such friendship

Jack a cute

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only a couple years passed since I left high school and I already have stopped keeping in touch with many good friends.
Maybe it's me but I find this chapter rather sad, I used to say the same things: "of course we'll still hang out after HS guys", it's not going to happen, legosi already know.
So is life

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He's got big ol claws but there's also the 'tism

b-but this is beastars where the world is small and they can hang out and social media and shit right

i made 1 friend in school when i was 9 years old, we went to the same highschool and i still see him often and im 22 now

quality > quantity

raccoons are cute

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The serie will probably end before they enter the phase when you start making new friends, don't worry.

Yeah, that was pretty what the chapter was about. Even in filler comfy chapters Paru brings some feels and melancholic themes.
The coming-of-age aspects of the story are rarely discussed about in these threads.

In the end Legosi will always have whats most important: Louis

WTF I love this canines + Hyena now .

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Now that's just degenerate beyond words

Literally the only friend i ever made was when i was 4.
We've become distant despite living in the same city and never fighting.
I really don't know what i did wrong, maybe it's just growing up? Maybe leaving some old friends behind is a part of it?
Anyway i feel like i lost my only truly intimate and personal friendship i will ever have. I feel i will never have a best friend again, i think you don't make those in adulthood. I hope to be proven wrong soon.

>Yafya discovers Legosi's relationship with Haru
>This chapter was wholesome
Guys what if the gay horse starts finding more about Legosi and eventually finds about the Cherry boys.
What if this is the last time we see them.

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no hump zone for canine bros?

Nah, they're all canines (except the hyena technically since they're closer to cats) and that's the kind of homogeny that Yafya wants.

Thank TL-kun! Nice to see a chapter with the cherry boys.

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Oh shit i wonder what happened to her after Legosi dropped out. I hope Paru makes another chapter about her.

did you turn jack into jill

Get a load of this loser

I dont think this is animal instinct
he just has a mommy complex

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Is a dog fucking a wolf as Haram as a lizard fucking a wolf?

im sorry to hear thats happened to you
im literally autistic and he promised hed never abandon me ho homo, as gay as that sounds
there doesnt have to be any reason to drift apart
its something that can just happen

just go there like everybody does even if there is no actual facility for them

This is too great

Considering they're still of the same family, I don't think so.

Not at all, dogs are a subspecies of gray wolf

Thats called a brothel

>lioness at work
surprised she hasn’t tried to rape him yet

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I want to feel the fluff

How can be a pack of males be so cute, this isn't CGDCT goddamn it.

That's a "Jill", right?

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I kinda want one for a pet if they weren't such vicious little bastards

Dogs are pretty much wolves.


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>TFW you will never go to B-strike with your bros, play fetch and take a bath together.

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they should squeeze each others tiddies

How did Jack stop himself from getting a boner?

>tfw you will never have bros who would go to B-strike with you

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It's the same for everyone, you're gonna lose some friend, others will stay and new ones will come, such is life.

He didn't. The others just don't mind it.

I think it isn't like that for everyone. For example, my 60 years old mom has hanged out with the exact same 4 women since she was a teen.
Maybe these kind of cases are more common with women tho.

Fuck, I love beastars so much and the threads are always great. Hope we get the drama club the following chapters, I want more Bill, Aoba and Pina.

>Cherry boy chapter
Oh boy guys who is gonna die next desu?

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Bitches gotta stick together
Get yourselves a loyal and trusting bitch for life

Well, older generation tend to stay connected for longer since they didn't really leave the city to look for work, nowadays most of your friends will move out of the city looking for work.

Is it because they understand or is it a dog thing? Were they all rocking boners there or was it just Jack?

How do I get my own Legosi?

You know those facilities for people with autism? Go to one, find the most autistic fucker you can, and make him dress up like a wolf.

The closest I could find. Try to see were it is

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You mean a furry convention?

i lold

Close. Those places are a breeding ground of degeneracy. Legosi is too pure for the shit that goes on in there.

That wolf isn't nearly autistic enough.

Absolute unit

>Implying they wouldn't all be minding it at once

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Wouldn't meat be used at hospitals to treat carnivore patients?
Riz broke at least a few of Legosi's bones, but he healed them instantly just by eating a bit of meat, he didn't even need to go to the hospital afterwards.
If the meat is from an already deceased animal, it wouldn't be seen as that inmoral for a hospital to use it to save a life, right?

How pleasant. Expect death next chapter.

Come on, beastars might love drama but it doesn't do cheap deaths. At worst someone will get maimed.

I didn't say "death of a major character"

>At worst someone will get maimed
Probably Legosi again

I love these guys

>Scratch one of your herbivore coworkers by accident
>Chop your fingers off

>dead haru

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Good ending

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All these people talking about haru dying and I am just imagining the state of these threads if sebun is the one who dies

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The lamb chop posts will be obnoxious.

Legosi x Riz is the only true ship.

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Every single Beastars thread forever after will have at least 1/4th the posts be about how Legosi will never get his true ending with the actual love of his life assuming he doesn't go gay with dear deer

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Found Paru's wikipedia page板垣巴留
>Born is September 9, 1993. She's 25.
>She is left handed
>Born in Tokyo
>Graduated from Musashino Arts University
>Wanted to be a filmmaker, but as she studied she realized it was too difficult so she became a mangaka instead
Also there is an untranslated Beast Complex chapter and another one that's coming this month.

I found the anime's staff in the Beastars page too. Google translates Paru's name weirdly so some other names may be inacurate.
Original- Itagaki Shiodome
Director-Shinichi Matsumi
Screenplay-Higuchi Nanami
Character Design-Tadashi Otsu
CG Chief Director- Motoji Ino
Art Director-Kasuga Minami
Color Design-Ken Hashimoto
Cinematographer-Shiori Antiquity
Edit-Uematsu Yuichi
Music- Kamimae Rin
Animation production- orange

We are ok

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Calling it, Yafya is going to try to kill/scare Haru and Legosi will try to save her again, but this time he fails and grandpa gotta sacrifice himself to save them both. After that Legosi starts ''hating'' hervibores and tries to be the opposite of the Beastar (Yafya), supported by the supported by the back alley market makes himself as the face of the carnivores. Creates a war between herbivores and carnivores, Yafya dies and louis takes the place as the new Beastars. Legosi and Louis have a fight and Louis somehow wins!... But it was all Legosi's plan! as planned, the world's hatred will be focused on Legosi, all that remained was to get rid of him and break the chain of hatred, and that is the Beastar Requiem.

Why aren't there cute bros doing cute bro things anime. I can only think of Nichibros. But even that had entire segments dedicated to the girls.

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Raine Dog the manga?

Too many male otakus would get depressed for not having friends myself included

>not Legosi x Riz

Well we all know Yafya is going to something to Legosi (still seething after his grandpa), Haru will be involved somehow but I doubt he will harm her noticing that he only goes after carnivore punks. Gosha will be involved somehow

fuck, Legosi x Louis

Riz is for Tem, but he fucked up

I don't know why, but this image has a strong furry fetish porn energy and i hate it.

Thanks Translator.

Don't forget Riz and Legoshi taking a shower next to each other.

And this.

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Me too because I want more.

I bet Jack is the type who has sex with a woman just to fulfill the act of procreation.

I think it's either the feet or the teeth.

Try say that again.

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Legosi is too much of an autist to pull a code-geass tier keikaku like that.
He's too earnest and genuine for something like that.

It is only immoral because the herbivore overlords want to keep the carnies in-line. A system like the one used in the rabbit meatery should be the norm.

He's the only reason I whatched that capeshit

Marry me.

>sebun is the one who dies
I would seriously consider dropping the manga if that happens. It would be too painful to keep reading.

Keep yourself hidden, Yea Forumsmrade.

It's right to call it capeshit, if there was no cape?

Carnivore Revolution when?

Friendly reminder

>the only things Legosi inherited from his grampa is his immunity to komodo toxin and his autistic face

his height and stamina have nothing to do with it

But Gosha said Legosi is a big guy, like him.

the seething anger would be amazing

Could all this chocolate be the cause of the autism?

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This but Jack dies trying to save his friend
We can cry together

I get that any significant animalistic traits are considered shameful, but I figure a bunch of dogs could just throw a ball together in the park without it seeming that weird.

boys will be boys

wait, that's Paru's self-insert chicken right?


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So is she the Baki author's daughter?

I think herbivores would rather it not be used at all, even if meat was only taken from the naturally deceased, since as it is, it sets a bad precedent, we saw with Legosi, he's pretty amazing at restraining his urges now, but even then, he was losing it with meat lust until he talked to Sebun. Imagine that happening to a less controlled carnivore, fresh out of hospital with a super strong meat craving, it would just lead to heaps of accidents.

>not that user

i saw this stupid conversation last thread and i can see his point(based on my own logic)

>At one point someone said Legosi was bigger than usual
but had no way to back it up

>Someone pointing out a page with Gosha and Yafya talking

Gosha saying that Legosi is big isnt exactly concrete evidence as we dont have another grey wolf to compare Legosis size (Juno is female therefore smaller)

I love the series ,but im not passionate enough for this stupid talk about autist wolfs height

nothing confirmed but, their name shares the same Kanji.

Why are you inciting it, then?

i just pointed my thoughts

Probably they get brushed and trimmed and shaved.

Eat shit

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Looks like a chubby shibe, are you sure its a wolf?

He's literally got a label pointing at him, user.

I really like the wildride pacing of this, a chapter ago we had legosi and haru in a place selling rabbit corpses, today we got a feel good chill chapter, next one willl be probably be chill again for 2-5 chapters and then the clusterfuck nuke dropping writing will resume

i think he is just fat

Please don't bring this bullshit up again

The thing is, adult carnivores that don't reguraly eat meat are the exception, not the rule. You've seen Legosi's coworkers, they all see it as completely normal, they just don't talk about it with hervibores because it makes them very uncomfortable and the belief that its a rite of passage to adulthood is probably very common among teens like Bill.
Point is, a less controled carnivore (pretty much everyone but Legosi) with a super strong meat craving wouldn't kill another animal, he would just vist the back alley market like everyone does.

>if you get turned on by tits then it's all right


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Is that the angriest we've seen Legosi? He usually doesn't get worked up like that

It's a legit medical treatment. He swears.

Thanks buds, great work as always

He got way madder at Pina, but couldn't punch his because he is a privilaged herbivore.

also shame we don't see the drama club lately, I am gonna miss aoba

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Shiira is best though

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>grey wolf friend, accept it
Accept the power of the komodo gene

okay now THIS is the best chapter.
Very wholesome, 10/10 Paru
11/10 Translator

thank you

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but then one of them would have to throw instead of chase the ball

i thought the reason his ribs got fixed instantly was because his grandfather is a lizard

>furfags hate this comic for its political message
thank god, we can still enjoy these threads

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This is amazing, is there somewhere I can read more or do I need to start looking for physical copies?


no he's just a faggot, I know a bunch of furfags who love beastars

>a focus on the struggle of being a queer person
these people need to be crucified

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he is also very popular so his opinion matters for them, if he doesn't like it then his followers won't like it

I mean, they're already not worth mentioning because they follow this retard. Besides, better artists love Beastars.

If anything that's a good thing, the less furfags the better

There are also furry artists who love Beastars

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which doesn't make it better because furfags only care for using the fanarts to gain attention rather than enjoying the series

the followers tend to be those who aren't artists and are most likely faggots who bother shit with pm'ing requests for free, so I guess you are right in that regard

these are the types of false flaggers that will kill this series

first of all you should stop pretending any form of media has no degeneracy, the faster you accept it, the better. second that faggot isn't even a big guy, he's actually hated by many.

god i hope it does so they can stay away from this series
accepting there is degeneracy is something i already am aware but i don't have to be reminded. we used to have good discussions before these fanarts were made, now the threads are ruined

No i think they just really like Beastars

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oh so you're just projecting, nvm

also if you actually read the tweet, most if not all of the replies are slapping him shit

i know some do others just jump the trending series because "hurr durr give me likes, im shipping these two"

You are gifted with the "seek out furshit" gene use it wisely friend

user relax, people can enjoy things, just because you're preconditioned to see otherwise because of the internet doesn't mean things don't happen naturally

yeah, i just prefer if we can keep the gay furry shit outside these threads, i already have enough with twitter

As long as good artist join, I don't care

then you should have not brought that twitter screencap here

i didn't bring it plus the gay furshit was already posted before the screencap


so bambi exists in this universe? how?

come on now user, the manga isnt /always/ gay

>it's only furry if it's gay

i know we joked about the manga being gay but some people took this way too serious now they post gay furry fanart to the thread, i really wish we could just go back to joke about it instead of ironically posting gay furry fanart

>not gay
Okay now you're losing me

Beastars is ironically gay not literally

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Ironic gay is still gay

>"he's just a wolf who likes to be alone"
>exhibits strange behavior, complete with shit like rubbing paint to his mouth, or having awkward social conversation

yeah he is autistic, there's no ifs, buts or jokes.

I was looking for the Beast Complex chapter 6 raws when, i came across this old tweet from 2014 showing a page from that manga Paru drew in college about adult Legosi and Haru that was basically prototype Beastars.
I decided to look into more of her old tweets and found a lot of proto-Beastars (called Beast Complex at the time) drawings. They aren't very visually different to the final manga but i figured you guys would be interested
Jack and Legosi were best bros from the very beggining

Gonna post the ones from 2015 later

we are not the only ones that realized the gayness of this manga

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BEHOLD, i also found 100% IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Paru is a degenerate furry that desperetely wants to get fucked by anthropomorphic animals and no one can deny this fact anymore

look like a fun read user.


yeah and? this iw too old the nips were doing this shit for years. mamoru hosoda made a wolfman and a woman have strong hints of intimate relations on screen. go back to your twitter hugbox with your stupid callout culture

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wait so is Beast Complex actually released or just bonus pages?

This thing just got lincesed in my country. How gay is it and how much am I going to regret buying it?

>How gay is it
It isn't
>am I going to regret buying it?
Well shit son that depends on you. For what it's worth Beastars is my favorite manga

in all honestly beatmen and human female are the best type of pairing

>How gay is it
>am I going to regret buying it?

hmmmm... well fuck it, going in.

Yea Forums told me it's the other way around

>mentions Yea Forums
>comes to Yea Forums

both are hot, user.

If you're a cuck.

yeah just mentioning it, I personally prefer beastman and human woman if given a choice


Here are the ones from 2015
Rare Legosi wearing merchandise of himself
Sebun was actually YAFYA ALL ALONG

Apparently there are some physical versions of the prototype manga

Shockingly there was a small animation too

I also found a picture of Paru in good resolution. She doesn't want her face to be publically known so i don't feel okay posting it. You can go look for yourself. She's ugly.

Unless you identify with those beasts, you are literally getting off to the thought of something else taking our women.

>Sebun was actually YAFYA ALL ALONG

how did he make himself short

like duh? wouldn't you like to turned into a beast as you fuck a cute girl?

Jack looks pretty cute here.

More drawings about getting romantic with your dog

That suit has horns, it's not Sebun.

Jack always looks cute.

Except in that one porn image everyone hated.

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so he's Pina!

Not him but I love that because I’m female (female) so cuck doesn’t apply to me

That's just a wholesome hug between best friends, nothing gay about it.

So how come Yafyah didn't stop the lion mafia?

Why do you think the lion mafia was even formed?

to stop yafyah?

>hanging out with your best friends, having an incredible time and believing those moments and your friendship would last forever
can we go back to the torture porn? this makes me feel way more uncomfortable

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this desu

i would prefer to be the human female though, imagine having to feel the strong hands of a beastman holding you as you feel his cock throbbing to be inside, your body is getting warm from all that hot steaming air he is exhaling from his mouth ready to impregnate you

stop your thot thoughts

Attached: DLdRhTaVAAAGhs4.jpg (680x487, 86K)

He would have if fucking retard Gosha hadn't left him fighting for society by myself for a fucking thot to have anti natural disgusting impure offspring.
God i hate him so much i hope his grandson who is also a degenerate fucking dies.

>our women

Someone stop Paru before he disappears

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>our women
why aren't you repopulating your kind instead of telling people online how to live their lives?

What if everyone else is just getting bigger

would Yakuza but featuring Legosi work?

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they are teens so it makes sense they are getting bigger

Disregard women, acquire /BroZone/.

agreed, look at this poor pure autistic wolf suffering from thots

shame there's not much discussion on the older chapters here, unlike say, reactions back in the 70's mark

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>you will never hang out naked in a bath with a bunch of canines

why live

Wait, so who made the dog breeds? Are there secretly humans?

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Legosi's cock is still the biggest

I’m guessing dogs were slaves made through breeding

>even snake ladies are attracted to him

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I want more snekurity guard. Probably won't happen though :(

Thank you!

considering that it is now well known he carries reptile genes in his blood, i wonder if the snek lady felt attracted to that

These lads are too cute and good for me to bear. Thanks TL.

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even if Legosi doesn't do anything, he releases such alpha aura.

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Yes. He is very very alpha.

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too bad the way she draws feet is still shit

I still can't believe we actually got a gay kiss in this manga.

I still can't believe that gay kiss didn't involve Louis

Louis is a heterosexual Chad

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Legosi is a footfag and Louis is a vorefag. Prove me wrong.

Is that an escalator? That doesnt make any sense.

Louis is being forced into marriage by his dad and I wonder if that's ever gonna come up again


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>Snek lady

The security guard was a she!?

seemed to me like security snek was a she

Thanks TL kun, after so many heavy chapters in a row it's great seeing something lighthearted like this

>thats even worse
is she implying he is supposed to be responsible to her feeling?

>there's a deer thread in /wsg/
>imagine all the deers featured in the clips as Louis
Thread became way better from it.

>the one of the deer getting attacked by the bear

you know you can do that in real life right

>jack is being handmogged
we are one of soul

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>Beast reich
>animal kingdom

big steppy

legosi is a musky wuffsky

this confirms it
humans would dominate these animals

Fucking saved.

>battle with Riz
>has a lot of handholding

These creep me out

Thank you

Has Legosi gotten bigger?

Gotta ask now, is this series Gucci?

Beastars honestly has such an interesting world. Despite being humanoid its people really aren't human at all.

Wait until he becomes Legosi's Stand.

>tfw you remember back in high school when you still had close friends and potential
Painful chapter.

more than half a day has passed and no one is posting any new Sebun fanart

disgusting thread

>very badly written version of it
Get to fuck.

At least you had friends then.

adult grey wolves are pretty big

>Yafya looks like a wolf
Why can’t furry artists be bothered to learn how to draw other animals


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legosi in legosi shirt

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It is literally said in the chapter that they are GMOs made by herbivore science. Considering that the only other artificial species we've seen are the rabbits and sheep, I bet they had something to do with it.

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What's Louis' dad want there?

Best buds.

Attached: buddy.png (313x242, 24K)

that was random - there was no scene indicating Legosi was being held up by carnivores selling blood juice to him

They both are in shonen champions too

They stopped making them after executives realized CGDCT sold better.

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I went and read that thread after the first time it was posted and he unironically followed up in one of the replies saying that all the carnivores in that universe should be genocided because it was the only way to protect herbivores.

Some iteration on a fairy tale, I assume. Instead of a hunter, his mum's killed by a carnivore.

I want to fuck this sheep.

>Soon my turn.

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>She's younger than me
At least I get to fix jets though still kinda hurts

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Maybe in the Beastar universe, the fascists won WWII (or some parallel conflict), so eugenics is widely practiced.

The Yafa arc will most likely end in a two on one fight with Legosi and Gosha teaming up again

>You're making this weird, Bill
Bill always makes it weird
That's why I love him

Attached: beastars bill.jpg (835x1200, 289K)

The dots are starting to connect

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It's like he doesn't understand that they're not humans who look like animals but animals that look like humans, Paru goes out of her way to show this time and time again, they're animals with animal instincts but a "human" super-ego that tries to keep them in check. Not to mention it's shown that Herbivores can be just a shitty as carnivores but without the excuses

I had playing through that entire arc and is perfect for the showdown with Yafa

Alpha is just assmad because Legosi and Louis didn't frot
Beast Complex is a bunch of short manga chapters from the same universe.

Wait, who are the human characters in that image? Did Beast Complex originally contain humans in it?

where do you live, user?

i need that sweater

Smug sunglasses Legosi laughing at your misfortune

Is this from Paru's twitter? Because the nips use Legoshi in merchandise so I am confused

The syllable 'si' doesn't exist in Japanese, so his name is written as レゴシ.

Advertisers may not be aware of his name's origin

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I just hope that the subs call him Legosi or that at least someone edits the TL

Paru is a zookeeper for a day.

Attached: paru the zookeeper.jpg (640x427, 90K)


"When ItaParu went to see a caged white tiger and her eyes met with his she got spooked and turned into a genuine chicken."

Attached: chicken.png (589x266, 35K)

Just read everything yesterday and today.
This page hit me hard.

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What came next hit even harder, if you ask me.

I knew it'd end this way, but still yeah.
Even Riz was such a great character. His dillusions, obsessions, and corrupted feelings were really emotional.

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I'd like to interject in this serious discussion to remind you all that Riz and Legosi have tasted each other's tongue at one point.

can't wait to see what the fuck studio orange gonna do to animate that

itaku paru zookeeper style

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They probably won't get that far unless it's more than two cour, I would think they'd stop at this chapter since it's one of the better points to leave it on

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Why do I get the feeling that Beastars is going to have gay-bait but no ACTUAL gays all the way to the very end?

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Are you talking about when Legosi kissed Riz?

It's kind of played off as if gay feelings and thoughts exist in their universe, but as if nobody in their universe has actually ever heard of homosexuality.

>nobody in their universe has actually ever heard of homosexuality
How dare manga authors create universes I want to live in and just taunt me with the fact that I can't.

its like he doesnt understand his own argument
are furfaggs retarded?

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That's ok, I wish you lived in a universe that doesn't exist too.

I don't have that fear. That sounds like your problem. You can leave to another universe.

>I don't have that fear
because you're already a faggot
>That sounds like your problem
It's a well documented societal change that happened after homosexuality was decriminalized and subsequently advertised.

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did Paru make Haru just so she could make funny expressions?

Attached: wat.png (231x210, 57K)

why the fuck do so many people project their own faggotry onto guy friends?

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Don't know, but I enjoy them immensely

Attached: Beastars haru elaine.png (973x358, 274K)

how FUCKING cute

Beastars is /fa/ confirmed

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i don't know but it's my favorite thing about her, the funny faces.
How is Orange gonna animate that shit in cgi?

I bet yafya wears mink

I doubt we will get actual gays even at the end. Just homoerotic stuff off and on for the rest of the story, even though all the characters are totally straight.

Well the people making all the merchandise need to be sat down for a primer on everyone's names.
Everyone's names have been butchered.

I still crack up every time I see Haru listed as "Hal" on merchandise.

The merchandise have messed up everyone's names.
Legosi rendered as Legoshi, Louis as Rouis, and most infamously Haru as Hal.

Has the latest Beast Complex chapter been translated yet?

Nope. For now, I'm only translating up to Chapter 6 (the last chapter of the tank).

>fugging the sheep?
>I can't let you do that, Legosi

Attached: beastars haru ntr.png (794x1204, 965K)

this page reminds me of that picture with the grim reaper knocking on the bloody doors (usually with labels like syria, iraq, etc)

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>Am I kawai uguu

>haru getting cucked

Attached: 123iou.jpg (228x200, 8K)

You can use 3d models but draw expressions in 2D on the models



Attached: WHICHONEISWORSE.png (794x393, 131K)

Just imagine!

Orange did 2D scenes with Houseki no Kuni so I don't see why they would make the scenes with expressions 2D

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NO DUDE...look at the horns and face...that's Tem

>Tem would've totally been down to fuck Riz if he was literally any other species
Their relationship just gets more and more tragic

>no drama
>no bullshit
>just six friends goofing off and having the time of their lives
This chapter was so good

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Just bring your dogs to the bath

>almost ten years since I've left high school
>all my friends went separate career paths
>every time we can meet, it's like nothing changed after all these years and we still goof off liker a bunch of teenagers without a care in the world
I mean yeah, it can happen, but regardless you should still cherish those moments

tfw no gay shit or shock shit

How are monkeys viewd in Beastar world since they are omnivorous.

we'll be ok user

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I want to rub Jack's tummy BUT ONLY HIS TUMMY

really? not also his head? your loss user

>Bi sutoraiku
>Bisuto Raiku
>Beast(s) Like


Great chapter thanks for the TL.

Paru if you're reading this,do not kill the bunny kill the lamb.

So basically like getting addicted to painkillers after a hospital visit.

I want furfags to leave

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holy shit

>ever hating porn that isn't scat or guro

Seth-iova just drew some Legosi butt and I don't mind at all.

>Herbivores can be just a shitty as carnivores but without the excuses
Like the horse.

I want this but Riz instead.

so when are they going to tell legosi that his hyena friend isnt a canid?


They're his friend and he will love them anyway

When is he going to appear again?

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Damn is he just the best.

I like how chill this chapter was.

fgurfags are literally telling him if he actually read the manga

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kill the bunny, she's a thot, we need more pure lamb!

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This amount of wholesome was just what I needed


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Jack is so fucking cute.

I need a YAMEROOO edit of that first panel.

I had an autistic moment a lot like this.

I somehow managed to keep my 3rd grade friends and my highschool friends after I left the state I was raised in. It may be a smaller group but I still see them every year when I visit and nothing has really changed.

Those wolves look like they are having fun and enjoying life.

I've had none so it bottles up every time I want to tell some asshole to fuck off and I'm afraid that someday I'll do something horrible.

Check yourself my dude.

Attached: Doc bear.jpg (759x594, 227K)

Anime is going to be amazing HYPE
Love this manga

Not on Yea Forums, it's just going to be autistic shrieking the whole time, probably attracting the really obnoxious and persistent autists that plague this site

When's the anime?


LOL like thats not the case already!

"Furry faggots kill yourself"

not really threads so far have been pretty comfy , some anons even draw request from time to time which is nice.
if you want real autistic shrieking wait till october, the threads are gonna make autism wolf look like a functioning member of society

Attached: aweiou.gif (300x240, 2.16M)

>tfw you see haru kissing legosi instead of sebun

It will never be as bad as MiA threads though.

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That is a real big dog.

Bring back the snake


A fucking direwolf

They are actually larger than that I think.

is Legosi now allowed to be a beastar because he stopped a drug cartel


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no, Louis is tho

Probably, but the police is lying

>Alpha is just assmad because Legosi and Louis didn't frot
>furfag hates a series because it goes against his headcanon
it makes sense, furfags can't appreciate good series and only care what makes their dicks hard

because they have never experiences real life friendship, these people have become so anti social they twist their mind into believing any sort of contact equals to sexual interest, this is why the moment a show features two guys being friends they instantly filled the internet with gay porn, they have no sense of self awareness nor realize what friendship is all about


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so much this, we barely have any series with people having any sort of friendship and what the "fans" do? they turn into into shipping

Legosi realizes that he will never be happy living alongside hervibores for the fear of hurting them and the self-hatred for his species, thus choosing to live in the wild, outside of society like an animal as he always was meant. He decides it's

you're talking about Riz, they didn't lie about the drug cartel

>not both

Wholesome chapter, thanks OP