Neon Genesis Evangelion

What the FUCK did I just watch? I really don't get it, why is this show so praised when it's just a bunch of pseudo intellectual shit being thrown at you over and over? Can one of you faggots explain?

The animation wasn't even good either...

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh look it's this thread again haha.

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>What the FUCK did I just watch?
A Madoka ripoff.

It begins again,reminder
>20 years fighting

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God I think we might actually be seeing these threads for another 20 years. Frightening thought.

Wow. The brainlets came early. I was expecting this to happen after it showed on Netflix.

This is now a one panel thread

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"You'll understand when you're older, kid."

The only good thing about Eva is the atmosphere.

And the characters, themes, pacing, VA, etc.

Oh hell no

Go on

The reception of episodes 25 and 26.

it's shit with a shit ending
now you can wince at anyone praising this shitfest

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>What the FUCK did I just watch?
Basically the greatest work of televised fiction EVER

Utena exists.

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You mean Ergo Proxy.

Stop baiting, Utena has more than its aesthetic.

I used to be an asukafag now I think I'm a reifag
I haven't rewatched EVA or anything but I dunno...I think rei is actually best girl

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So does Ergo Proxy and as far as aesthetics go it is one of the very few shows that blatantly and purposefully break the established visual of the story more than once in order to add depth to the story itself.
Never forget the Game Quiz and Disney parody episodes that initially got everyone questioning what the fuck was going on.

man i really hate kyoani animation, it always looks like the characters are underwater especially with those retarded camera movements

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digibro pls

I just wish we could go one single 24 hour day without a thread about eva.

digibro prefers Eva

>What the FUCK did I just watch?
A big fuck you from Hideaki Anno; it always amazes me how people fawn over NGE when its entire purpose from conception to execution was the opposite, pic fucking related

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2 dEEp 4 u.

>A big fuck you from Hideaki Anno; it always amazes me how people fawn over NGE when its entire purpose from conception to execution was the opposite, pic fucking related
This is why I can never respect Evafags.

>What the FUCK did I just watch?
How is this not bannable yet?
Every week we get newfrogs posting this same fucking shit.

It's not a newfag, it's a fan trying to force another meme thread.

Only newfags think Eva is worth discussing on an online forum in 2019.

You got dumber, user.

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having only recently watched the series and EoE, this was very informative. thanks.

It shouldn't be since it is just some user's ramblings.

is he wrong about Eva being a deconstruction of anime tropes? I've certainly heard that before now

He's pretty accurate, that detractor user is just a mad Asukafag methinks.

There's plenty to debate about in Eva precisely because we aren't given clear definitive answers

I still want to know if Misato was actually going to fuck Shinji in pic related, it really seems like it but christ is it messed up, many people argue for and against it, along with dozens of other things from the show

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>There's plenty to debate about in Eva precisely because we aren't given clear definitive answers
What work of fiction DOES have clear definitive answers for every aspect? This is such a ridiculous statement.

"Eva is a fuck you from Anno" has to be the most brainlet hot take in all of weebdom

>every aspect
Sorry but you're retarded, there's a difference between ambiguity that's relevant to the story or characters and whatever dumb shit you're talking about

Saying Eva is pseudo intellectual shit is the most pseudo intellectual shit

You're literally making shit up because I pointed out that your statement was stupid.
Fuck off, brat.

We have another one.
Is there a pasta to every new person who watched eva on Yea Forums?

whatever here are the points
1) make sure you watched the end of evangelion
2) if you don't understand shinji's conclusion that led to congratulations, go back and watch through the last 2 episodes, try to really follow his logic and his thinking to get there.

>the animation wasn't even good either
Sure, buddy, keep telling yourself that, faggot. Must suck to be both stupid and not understand quality.

This, unironically.

she probably was considering she does try to seduce him again in EoE. There's nothing wrong with this, Misato is trying to do something to help Shinji and she has never gotten through to him through talking. What 14 year old wouldn't want to fuck Misato lmao

>Every week
Try every hour. I love Eva but god it is hard not to get sick of it when I can't come to Yea Forums a single time day or night without seeing at least 5 threads about it. Let it rest for a bit, give people a chance to miss it for God's sake.

Misato fucks instead of thinking when she's sad, she was fucking Kaiji before but he just died, so now she wants to fuck Shinji, who rejects her, and instead we see her suddenly start a relationship with that other faggot from the control room team. Misato is pathetic, who would want to fuck her and catch the aids she undoubtedly has.

>who would want to fuck her and catch the aids she undoubtedly has
Well, according to Misato, she never slept with anyone other than Kaji, from their college break-up all the way to age 29.

I call total bullshit on that though.

She didn't want to fuck Shinji, she just didn't know any other way to reach him. She tried everything she could think of it and nothing was working so at the very end she tried motivating him with the one thing she had left.

I watched it a long time ago, but from what I remember and with most media like this, it just gives you thinking material. There's some psychology stuff in there sort of, and some interesting topics, but they may not string together into a cogent, deep plot or idea. It just gives you stuff to think about on your own

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>site is complete shit
Checks out actually.

Why is the image meant to be derisive to Rei just her having deep pleasure

I'm an Asukafag, but as long as we can agree that the two are #1 and #2 best girls, I'm fine regardless of the order people think.

>Rei is not human being
Not really much of a dis to be an immortal alien goddess and mother of all life instead of a human.

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It's more about how our animalistic base desires influence our actions more than we'd like to think than anything regarding escapism

Eva is the one true plotfag filter

The Madoka of the late 90s

Asuka would be an absolute nightmare to be around but the penis wants what the penis wants?

Its depression with robots.

Get the fuck out newfag.

Seems she was trying to comfort him by holding his hand. You could imply that she was going to have sex with him from the way it way framed too. In the end it kinda depends on your own perspective. I always viewed her as a maternal character so I'd see it as hand holding but that's just me.

Its a joke man.

Japan is autistic when it comes to human contact, there's no way it didn't imply sex. Holding hands and breaking into a motherly hugging session is just not something Misato could/would do
Besides, how more obvious can Misato's questioning of "is he afraid of women?" be? What would there be to be afraid of if not womanhood itself

Reminder that nobody in this thread just watched Eva.

Why would anyone LARP as a newfag, though?

>I don't like Yea Forums yet I'm here, being miseralbe
consider offing yourself?

Its a show about depression. There is no pseudo intellectualism, the message isnt any deeper than "learn to love yourself". Its pretty fucking basic and only a retard cant understand it.

>only a retard cant understand it
guess what the main audience of anime consists of

That's one of the messages yeah but if you do a couple rewatches and pay attention you'll likely find quite a few things Anno is saying with this series
It's not just one message

Oh look, an actual brainlet.

the most retarded share just watches seasonal shit.
i expect anyone willing to dig up a 23 year old series to have at least 3 working brain cells.

In all fairness its not exactly a niche work. If this were the 90s and someone was talking about Eva then maybe but every Tom, Dick and Harry knows about it these days.

Evangelion is one of the most popular anime productions of all time, not some obscure 80s short.

I mean you say that breaking into a hugging session isn't something he'd do and your right. They don't do that. They don't do anything. What her intention was isn't really as important as Shinjis reaction. He recoils from any intimate contact whether it be platonic or erotic.

I mean you could argue he's trying to say some stuff alright but for me the series has been so captivating because it manages to capture the feeling of being depressed almost perfectly.

Because they want people to discuss the series so they can remember the good old days. If they done make false threads like this it’s just waifs wars because this shit isn’t deep. I recommend Madoka to everyone who thinks Eva is deep even though I know most won’t watch it because of how it appears to look at first. Take it or leave it but I guarantee you watch that twelve episode series and you’ll have a new favorite anime.

>inb4 I’ve watched Madoka
You haven’t

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Hahaha, leave.

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NGE is art. Anno portrayed his depression and despair in a sincere way and that's uncommon on an over marketed medium like anime.

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You deleted your post once and still reposted it full of typos
Guess this is the average Madokafag's IQ

I watched Madoka and I enjoyed it. Good stuff. Bit of a weird segment but I found Haruhi to kinda have a similar feeling for anyone who's looking for that.

Eva was not made for the stimuli addicted generation with the attention span of a squirrel and the profane anthropological understanding of a well indoctrinated slave, angrily criticizing that which hey couldn't comprehend.

We’re all Madokafags though. It’s the greatest story ever told.

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another brainlet that want to understand the whole plot in a single watch

You won't find a better way to discredit the so called anime critics than this picture.

You’ll never understand until you watch it. I used to be like you once but not anymore. Just think about it.

>inb4 I have
You’re not fooling anybody.

Epic trolling my guy, where is the upvote button?

Take your trash someplace where it's not off-topic and stop trying to leech attention off of good shows.

Madoka is the evangelion of anime

Have a good day old timer.

Evangelion is the old Madoka.

you have entered the loop the only way out is to understand the end of evangelion

Watch it again.

A masterpiss

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After much red pilling, here is my updated opinion on the subject. I used to think Asuka was best girl. However considering her psyche she would probably be a nightmare to be with long term. She is for short relationship or sex friends or anything but long term. Rei is objectively better for marrying and making offspring.

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Do you understand just how unoriginal your post it, OP? Do you know how many times the exact same thing with the exact same words have been said?

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That is one of the dumbest things I have ever read

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I still don't understand how people don't realize that Evangelion is just a character study of all the main cast framed through the setting of a mech anime with a shit ton of biblical references.

It always amazes me how Anno seems convinced the superficial bullshit to Eva is what impressed people (things like half-baked Christianity allusions and biology references)
I've been a fan for over a decade and it's very rare to find a fan that likes the show because of the setting or what amounts to basically the window dressing of a sci-fi plot. People who like Eva long-term seem to be exclusively composed of fans of character-driven stories and/or fans of Eva's strong characters, which Anno couldn't imply are pretentious, weak or "fake" even if he tried to

He's talking to 6th graders in that image. Of course he's not going to start telling them about the complicated reasoning for his choices.

These threads never get old.
Rei a shit.

Eva's greatness was the product of many people working on it and writing for it
With Rebuild, Anno has proved he's a pleb who lucked into something great a la George Lucas. He's had three attempts at making something even approaching the quality of TV/EoE and has failed miserably each time. I don't know why people value his views on Eva so much, he obviously cannot grasp it or understands what made it good

We all know Shinji is best girl and Kaworu is best boy.

Do you think that Asukafag and Reifag will still fight in 2030? 2040? 2080?
I have a feeling that this shit will never end.

Could you fuck off? Accept the fact that there are people who, still to this day, haven't seen the series and at some point will because it's one of the most widely recognized anime to date. It's entirely fair to have this thread multiple times.

>naming every author except the ones Anno actually did allude to

I have written this a hundred times since 2005 .
You either like Eva or you hate it. To some people, it's relatable but to some other, it's just utter nonsensical bullshit because you will never understand why Shinji, Misato, Asuko, etc behave the way they do.
If you don't feel relate to them then there's no way you would like it.

It's legit the worst anime I've watched in my life

Then go through the archive, or any of the autism write ups about the show. It's literally been a score ago. Kys newfag.

It's sort of true and sort of not. A lot of the claims the post makes are flat-out not true, but the show undoubtedly has a critique of otaku escapism as its core theme, one that it links to Freudian concepts like returning to the womb.

the manga is better

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It's retarded.

Why would I search for the archive while anons can answer my question live?

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You clearly haven't watched much anime then making your opinion worse than useless.

>people are still upset about it

Is 4.0 going to get delayed again?
Or will it finally fucking end in 2020?

Reminder that you can think 2.0 and 3.0 are shit movies but if you think they're shit just because they're different than the show then you're completely missing the point and the movies were extremely effective

I've gone into Rebuild with a completely open mind and to me it has fallen below even my worst expectations
>but if you think they're shit just because they're different than the show then you're completely missing the point
I expect it to feel like Evangelion in some respect. I expect it to have things I liked from Eva. More than just the fucking characters, and bastardized, simpler versions of them to boot

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The guy you replied to is correct. There are plenty of worthwhile secondary sources available to better understand Evangelion.
If you use this website but can't into search engines to find them you're too young/dumb/lazy to understand the show in any capacity anyway.

The reason the characters are bastardized and simple are because of retarded Jap neets who want perfect waifus
That's kind of the point of the Rebuilds, giving the "fans" what they want while also slapping them in the face for being dumb nerds

>not basing your understanding of Evangelion off Girlfriend of Steel
pleb as fuck

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Mana is a qt

No, we will definitely see these threads until it comes tumbling down.

>>but if you think they're shit just because they're different than the show then you're completely missing the point
This argument doesn't even work because 3.33 is complete garbage as a movie in general not just as an entry to the Evangelion series. 1 and 2 are at least a good watch if you distance them from the original as much as you can.

3rd rebuild is unironically the best rebuild none of the others did anything new or interesting or even took any chances, as if anyone wants to watch the digital remake that is 1.0 or 2.0

>It's different so it's better
Contrarians are on some retardation inducing shit.

I'd have to agree with that user. Seeing a poor update with barely any changes is much worse than seeing a product thats new and took chances. Even if it turns out shit in the end at least its new shit.

>what is novelty

this is my take too
and truly fascinating seeing an mc being opposite in many ways of what an mc stereotypically is in mecha/"teenager has to save world and maybe kill people" tropes
though it's a funny meme, I was hooked simply from his fight/fear to not want to be a pilot in the first episode instead of the usual eagerness in mcs
anything about the lure was backseat for me

I'm 19 and only watched it a couple months ago for the first time, I loved it too

that's depressing.
I had wanted to be able to enjoy the new films after the first one came out. I haven't seen the others since it felt like it went downhill.

Eva isn't a deconstruction of anything. At most it subverts somethings but even that have been greatly exaggerated.

The real, secret definitions of deconstruction or subversion are they are noises an outsider makes when he sees one example of a genre and it's different from what he presumed they all were. Everything they'll say is supposed to be different about Eva was in a Sunrise show at least a decade before it.

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This statement can only be true if it is also be the only anime you ever watched.

You need to read and watch more Anno interviews really. And rewatch ME!ME!ME! a few dozen times.

original rei
cope rebuild asuka made because original rei > original > asuka

Rei is best girl. Always was. Good on you growing up.

Rei is a fucking brick of a character for autists who can't relate to other people's feelings and just want unconditional love from a submissive doll.

You're delusional as fuck if you think Amuro compares to Shinji in terms of realness or suffering.

>Asuka is a fucking brick of a character for autists who can't relate to other people's feelings and just want unconditional love from a submissive doll.


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You're retarded and everything you said was wrong.


imagine thinking the original POWERGIRL Rei who absolutely btfod asuka, gendo and the angels is a "brick", while thinking the literal doll "waah pity me while I am in coma" loser Asuka isn't.

"Asuka is best girl" is uniroincally a psyop that's easy to deconstruct. Thousands of young people get trapped into the "Asuka fan escapism loop" where they continuously criticize escapism while being full on escapism themselves.

If they ever get out of it and improve their lives, they'll have to face the fact that Rei is best girl.

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I'm not going to read all that gay shit
You're simply an onahole crazed fag just like every other delusional reishipper

>Rei is a fucking brick of a character for autists who can't relate to other people's feelings and just want unconditional love from a submissive doll.
imagine being this desperate/retarded

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>refuses to accept or consider the real world

yikes, asukafags are lost causes

I love Anno so much

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Evangelion is great. The only problem with it is Asukafags.

Rei is not a character. She's a fucking plot tool. She's not strong - she's concinient. She did not achieve anything on her own merit (unlike Asuka) - she did stuff because the plot needed that stuff to happen.

>Rei is a fucking brick of a character for autists who can't relate to other people's feelings and just want unconditional love from their mother.

I'm correct about you if you think I only mean the first Gundam series and only the protagonists.

The Rei has no emotions critique really is stupid, huh. She probably has more actual variety of expression than Asuka, who is always just angry.

It's literally the other way around. Asuka achieved nothing and was a doll plot tool who had no affect on anything.

Unlike Rei, who is a god incarnate. It's like you just read Asuka fanfics or something lmao

Rei is for normal people who appreciate a suffering heroine who can aspire to something greater, even self-sacrice.

Asuka is a loser who lives at the mercy of others and thus only similar losers identify with her and like her.

You're just proving your autism by not understanding what Asuka's feelings which are probably the most nuanced than that of any other character in the anime.

You got it backwards. Not sure if you noticed :)

Do you actually believe that, or are you so buttflustered that you're throwing insults out everywhere as "revenge"?
In the real world, Rei was the achiever and Asuka was the nobody. You like Asuka just imagined being the greatest one, and that's what destroyed Asuka in the end and that's the same that will destroy you.

Rei > Asuka and that's an immutable part of Evangelion.

Asuka fans hate Evangelion and just use it for masturbation.

the ironing

Here's a rei-shitter in his natural habitat, churning a ridiculous post after ridiculous post, trying in vain to manifest his delusions of Rei being anything other than a plot convenience. Look at him and laugh.

These cancer threads literally need to be nuked

Rei fans miss most of the symbolism of Evangelion so they can continue missing the point.

Saves Asuka
Saves Shinji
Sacrifices herself to make it happen
Would actually take a bullet for any of the other two
Tries to help Asuka when she's down
Looks out for Shinji
Always dependable

Only cares about herself
Beats and verbally abuses her pilot comrades
Is the worst eva pilot statistically
Can't even pilot her EVA
Gets saved by Rei and isn't thankful at all
Goes into a literal coma because she doesn't have a personality of her own besides being an eva pilot

Yeah, I wonder what the fuck is wrong with Asukafags for liking the latter.

>coping Asukafag
Just face it dude. Nothing is gonna change for you. Rei is always going to be better than Asuka.

>no argument

I find Rei even more disgusting when you put it like that

At best it's a case of pot calling the kettle black. Evangelion went all out in criticizing escapism and made Asuka the poster child of escapism, showing her life ruined because of it.

Then Asuka pretend "nothing was wrong" and jerk off to escapist shipping doujins. It's no wonder the most dedicated, escapist eva fans are always Asuka fans, and in Japan and elsewhere, normies by and large prefer Rei.

That only makes it clear that Asukafags are subhumans who are on the evil part of the morality spectrum.

Being an Asukafag "makes the most sense", it's just a far more sensical ship than Rei
Rei is so autistic she lacks even the concept of shame at being naked around a male her age, whereas Asuka
>is an overtly sexual person and interested in sex
>acts in a sexually teasing way with Shinji
>fucking kisses him
>during instrumentality, possibly reveals greater hopes for Shinji than just a professional acquaintance or someone she's sexually attracted to ("If I can't have you all to myself I don't want you/You won't even hold me")
Just face it, being an Asukafag is basically the basic state of Eva fandom. You don't have to go far to make her be best girl and win the bowl

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>reeee I'm a brainlet

Concepts like family, friendship, love, community, beauty and comraderie is alien to the Asukafag.

When they see something wholesome and beautiful, someone who strives to better themselves and those around them, they are filled with hatred and the most bitter of galls. They are themselves as ugly and depraved of Asuka, and so they are broken and abrasive like Asuka.

Never suffer the evil of Asukafags. Root them out wherever they are.

That's why you lose out. You think liking one or the other is tied to being a shipper.
It's not. Rei is just better than Asuka, plain and simple. Not just as a mate, but as a person, a being, and and important milestone in anime industry.
The reason you don't see this like a normal person is because - well - you aren't. You're an escapist otaku who is dependent on a shipping fantasy to feel a small rush of what you can't have for yourself becuase you're an incel.

Asuka could have get fucked and dated by Shinji for all it matters - your only method of placing value onto these characters is as a potential orifice for the reception of semen in a ship you self-insert to.

It's all escapism and fantasy. Get over yourself and accept the reality that Rei > Asuka.

Spear of Longitude my dudes

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>When they see something wholesome and beautiful
yeah how about no


based gookmoot

literally every 4chin admin has been an asukafag

If you argue about best girl you're missing the point

Since 2012 i only come here for Eva threads

Yes, because they're both best girls

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No it isn’t.

I love the irony when acykafags talk shit about Rei being an emotionless fuckdoll while praising Asuka for her predictibly emotional and overtly slutty behavior that THEY KNOW serves to hide her non-existent self-esteem and severe fear of abandonment which makes her do anything for approval of literally whos.
Allow me to remind you that in the end it was Asuka who ended up a literal motionless fuckdoll and got used by Shinji for his own pleasure while Rei rose the fuck up against all authority told Gendo to go and fuck himself of all she cares about his retarded plans.

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They're both cuter when they're next to each other, it's magic.

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This quote sums up EVA: (Part 1)

““Evangelion is garbage written by committee with no consistent story or sanity. And now, thanks to all the BS of the original series, 3.33 has successfully destroyed the film franchise. But I’m sure delusion says otherwise.

All “symbolism” in Eva is accidental. The show was dictated by committee and constantly shifting to match fan expectations. It was created in the worst way possible. It is a boring, pretentious, insane mess. The movies were faring MUCH better, with 2.22 being one of the best anime movies I’ve ever seen… but the 3rd movie had ZERO “character development” and was 99% empty mythos babble that was not explained, established, foreshadowed, or explored in the slightest. It’s as though the movie remake expects the audience to have watched the entire series and understand all the nonsense being spat onto the screen. Well, if that’s the case, THEN WHY BOTHER WATCHING THE MOVIE?! If they’re going to devolve into the exact same crap that made the series so convoluted and incomprehensible, why bother? But yes, I must be too “retarded.” Clearly. Thank you for demonstrating what I hate about Eva fans and the series in general. Everybody makes empty, unsubstantiated claims that there’s all this meaning and symbolism, but when I challenge them on it, they scream obscenities and call names. Because that makes you right.”

(Part 2)

“To conclusively prove my point, I only need three words: End of Evangelion. The writers, director, and everybody behind the project had so little concept of any significance behind what they were doing that they had no inkling whatsoever of how to resolve it. Even after trying TWICE. That tells me that they were making it up as they went along and had no grand intentions, plans, or message. None. The creators themselves have no idea what either of the endings mean, both of which contradict each other and make everything A MORONIC MESS OF COLOSSAL PROPORTIONS. I have sat through lectures by UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS on the relevance, symbolism, and profundity of Evangelion, but by simply checking those sentiments, no matter how well-studied, against the simple facts of how Evangelion was created, it is all exposed as made up one-sided interpretation made possible by the still-prevalent mindset of postmodern criticism (i.e., the original creators’ intentions are not of higher importance because there is inherent equal significance and importance in the unrelated personal interpretations of everyone else). Ultimately, if people want to watch it, get meaning out of it, and think it’s more than it is, that’s up to them. But I’m not “retarded” for calling it what it is. Because, objectively, I’m right. And nothing can change that.”

(Part 3)

“The problem I have with your objection is that you are still talking about events that occurred in the movie that were placed in sequence to create a plot. Evangelion 3.33 had no plot. A bunch of people blathered in made-up nonsense dialog for 70 minutes while random shots of things happened and then there was a confusing mess of a climax that also made no sense. Then, finally, the movie ended. Shinji is the most apt audience surrogate in the history of film as he walks around begging EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER to explain the plot of the film and every single one of them refuses. Thanks everyone, I’M SO ENGAGED RIGHT NOW, I CAN BARELY HANDLE IT.

3.33 is one of these films that thoroughly fails on every level of storytelling. I could spend PAGES of text ranting about it.“

(Part 4, Final Part)

“Another weird quirk of Hideaki Anno: His abject, staunch refusal to write an ending for any story he tells until he gets to the ending. That is the sole reason for why the ending of Evangelion is an unmitigated disaster mess. The most criminally perpetrated myth in all of anime culture is that Evangelion ran out of budget at the end, so the final episodes became what they are. That is patently untrue. In the midst of writing the final six episodes–and not before–Anno became arbitrarily interested and then, subsequently, obsessed with psychology. His intent was to then, regardless of what came before, cram that into the final episodes of the show as much as possible. The final episodes of Evangelion are EXACTLY what he wanted to be. It’s a fact. So, love him or hate him, he is a fool when it comes to storytelling by his own design.”

Quote from Animerica:

Or maybe they just made BS up.

>rebuildfag thinking anyone care for his shit opinion

Kind of ironic how people think that Anno supposedly hates the over-sexualization when HE IS THE ONE WHO DREW THEM IN THOSE SKINTIGHT PLUGSUITS IN THE FIRST PLACE.

The quote literally just stated that it hated 3.33, did you miss that part?

If you have a problem, you can go take it up with the guy I quoted this from, Animerica.

>The movies were faring MUCH better, with 2.22 being one of the best anime movies I’ve ever seen
Yet he loved the worst one.

>If you have a problem, you can go take it up with the guy I quoted this from, Animerica.
You said that the quote sums up EVA which means you agree with it.

Literally no one asked for an essay on why 3.0 was terrible. Everyone with a brain knows it already.

Its Anno's master strategy.
Fanservice to generate interest in the franchise and plenty of merchandise sales.
Then he gets to say its the audience's fault, leaving him both the sophisticated intellectual and filthy rich.

I thought it was fine.

That's an insane asukafag fantasy.
Their relationship is in NGE the sole thing that dispels all escapism.

Asukafags can't handle it and start attacking Rei for things she never did or was. In reality Asukafags hate Asuka.

Finally someone who understands.

Rei still went along with the plans though, just with Shinji in in place of Gendo.

She didn't.

In fact she stopped the whole thing.

This does not look like her stopping it.

Instrumentality proceeded to completion, and only after everyone was in it did Rei give Shinji the option to get out.

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The choice to start it was Shinji's, e.g he always had the choice.

SEELE bet on Shinji being a broken boy being enough to start it, and they were right. Hadn't Rei interfered, and been able to talk him down, instrumentality would have been permanent.

Rei is interfering by assimilating the MP EVA's, becoming part of them and eventually taking them over, but she can't stop it herself because Shinji is in control.

but rei is the entire concept of unrealistic expectations, unconditional love for no reason, the fact she's not human, and that she's unattainable and only achievable in fantasy

Why are you talking about an anime you clearly didn't watch?

After 20 years we came up with a solution so we could finally end this war

this post had potential but failed in execution, I hope to see it improved by the next thread

That's all lies.

Rei never unconditionally loved anyone. Ever.

Actually kek'd.

Did we watch the same anime? Here's how it went down:

SEELE starts instrumentality without Rei, using just Shinji/EVA01, MP-EVA's and the Lance.
Gendo plans to use Rei to get him to the place where Yui is. Rei clearly tells Gendo to fuck off, and goes to help Shinji.
Instrumentality is already ongoing, so Rei starts by assimilating the MP-EVA's into herself, eventually "taking over" the MP-EVA's part - that's why she is seen in that pic and not terrifying MP-EVA's or something worse. Eventually when it's all done and Rei takes over, she goes to see Shinji and tells him to snap out of it essentially.

He does, and so Rei and Shinji save the day together, but it's a pyrrhic victory because they weren't able to stop it from starting in the first place.

Rei was already in control before the tanging started

The Evangelion series doesn't portray Rei at all in that way. Rei rejects everyone she sees and greets Shinji with a slap for not sharing her asinine opinion on Gendo.
Shinji had to earn Rei's trust by sticking his neck out for her. If Rei really loved Shinji, then he clearly earned it.


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>Instrumentality is already ongoing
end of the discrepancy

Like how? Magic?

Explain to me how SEELE starts the whole thing under their control, and Rei just magically is in control of it even though SEELE had no idea Rei even existed.

The weak should fear the strong.

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How would they not know rei exists? They're the supra elite of humanity and the dummy plug system is based off rei

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NERV had that system.

SEELE themselves did not know. Their system was based on Kaworu. That's why there was a subplot in NGE where Gendo kept knowledge of Rei away from SEELE.

That is, they knew Rei existed, but not her true identity, that of a God, Lilith.

So fags like eva because they can debate wether a character fucked little gay ass shinji or not. Stupid.

>The animation wasn't even good either...

Now this is how you can spot a true pleb as opposed to your run off the mill brainlet

SEELE's line of questioning to Ritsuko shows that they basically already knew or highly suspected everything about Rei imo.

So they have like, the ability to transfer souls through technology, right? That's how they got Lillith and Adams souls into human bodies.

They didn't, they were suspicious at that moment because according to the reports they got, Rei was killed but somehow still there.

They didn't find anything out because Ritsuko never tattled. Later they never speak of it again either and their FINAL PLAN never includes Rei either, or mentions her.


FFS Misato is a 29-year old teenager girl who herself is in need of some parenting. She's learned somehow to be very professional at work but everywhere else she behaves like a college sophomore. When she suddenly decides to try on the big girl pants and become mommy/onee-san for an effectively orphaned boy it quickly turns out that she isn't capable of anything other barking orders at subordinates and sucking dicks of superiors. Both of which she tries on Shinji and only ends up giving him an emotional roller coaster ride that completely dismantles his already fragile psyche.

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Shinji should have fucked her. Don't give me that "he's depressed" shit, he WOULD have felt better having tapped one of the most attractive women in Tokyo-3

No he wouldn't have, gross. He wanted a mother-type figure out of Misato, not a lover.

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When the situation was much more mentally harsh he still was lewd enough to jerk it off to comatose Asuka. That he managed to hold back his horniness with Misato is unbelievable considering she's easily a rival for Asuka in looks

Shinji doesn't seem to like Misato's "party girl side" with the sloppiness and drinking habits. Toji and Kensuke need to convince him its a good thing that she is relaxed at home around him.

Seele not knowing what Rei was is probably important to Gendo being given UN ships and allowed to collect Longinus, too. Seele don't know Lilith was emptied and believed the spear was necessary to keep her controlled, Gendo got hold of something necessary to Seele's plan but an obstacle to his own and sent it to space when he thought he could get away with it. Seele don't seem to know in the broadcast version of 24, either, where they don't have the dialogue lying to Kaworu about what he's doing or behind his back about expecting him to fail, him reanimating Lilith appeared to be their actual plan and they didn't have more play than that.


He wants both out of her.

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Rei is literally a clone of Shinji's mom. You don't have to be a genius to see that she is an escapist fantasy. Anno agrees, which is why Shinji ultimately ends up with Asuka and Rei dies.

Oedipal != escapist

and yes you're still in Asukafag escapist land.

t. confused and intellectually intimidated brainlet

No, but oedipal = unhealthy by definition.

To be fair, you need a pretty high IQ to understand Asuka.

Rei represents reality.
Asuka represents escapism.

This is communicated through how they both live their lives, and through what effect they have on the main character. Shinji uses Asuka for escapism, and Asuka herself lives an escapist life, foregoing confronting her problems by using a fantasy.
Shinji is compelled to accept reality on Rei's demand, and Rei herself lives by accepting reality, analyzing it and eventually confronting it.
Rei being put in a genetically engineered body that's partly based on Yui does make for similarities with the story of Oedipus, but what matters when considering escapist vs non-escapist is action and mindset, not genetic heritage.

Anno knew this and therefore made Rei the guiding light Shinji had to follow to mature, and made Asuka a siren that only dragged Shinji down into depravity, as witnessed in EoE where he uses Asuka for sexual pleasure when she is out cold, and by showing how Rei essentially grabs Shinji and pulls him out of his funk, showing him the way.

>only ends up giving him an emotional roller coaster ride that completely dismantles his already fragile psyche.
>he WOULD have felt better having tapped one of the most attractive women in Tokyo-3
Fuck I just want to be a mess together with Misato.

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Not really. In Oedipus it's merely a tragedy of fate, quite literally as his fate was foretold by an oracle, and nothing they did could prevent it.

For Freud's theory, it's merely a stage in a child's development, in a very young age. It's not negative per se but according to Freud, normal.

Human trash.

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I think you've misunderstood. Rebuilds are the big fuck you from Anno, not original Eva or EoE.

>Asuka a siren that only dragged Shinji down into depravity
That is never how it was,
Both Shinji and Asuka were broken children who hurt each other trying to connect. They both had very similar pain, but coped with it in different ways. The tragedy is that they could have understood each other if both were willing to put in more effort and see through the other's coping mechanism, but they were too afraid of others to do so.

And Rei-II has one escapist tendency in that all she really looked forward to was dying and putting an end to her loneliness, though Gendo wouldn't let her until the plan was complete.

Rebuild 2 is the best one 3 is garbage

They're both garbage.

>Both Shinji and Asuka were broken children who hurt each other trying to connect. They both had very similar pain, but coped with it in different ways. The tragedy is that they could have understood each other if both were willing to put in more effort and see through the other's coping mechanism, but they were too afraid of others to do so.

Is a lie and a romanticism of what actually happened. Asuka did drag Shinji into depravity and that's why both the TV ending makes a point of Asuka being an escapist fake, and EoE has to say it out straight from the Asuka in Shinji's mind. "You're only using me an escape". Which is what Shinji did. Asuka gave him attention for nothing and that was safe.

They weren't at all that similar, besides from parental abandonment, something almost the entire cast had in common.

In relation to the original statement though, it's true. Asuka is escapism incarnate, while Rei represents freedom of will as well as the power to develop yourself. This is why Rei is the bewinged angel that frees herself and Shinji, while Asuka is destroyed and picked apart by a reality she can't face, and choked in the end.

I like manga ending more

Me too. It makes the Reifags seethe

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No, timeline-reset endings are fucking stupid.
It invalidates the existence of all the characters and their struggles, they may as well all be dead.

I prefer my psychologically damaged women to be a bit older, thank you

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>Sees a work of art
>doesn't understand it's meaning because the message wasn't immediately clear to them
>"bunch of pseudo intellectual shit"

Go back to watching shonen-jump adaptions. The darker, more esoteric side of anime just isn't for you, brainlet.

Go to bed, Maya

It was literally the only other ending available other than the vague TV ending or the downright cripplingly depressing EoE ending. The manga ending was hopeful because Shinji was more or less a totally different kid in the manga.

EoE had hope in it's ending, though. If people wanted to come out of the Kool Aid they could, like Asuka and Shinji. It's just a matter of having the will and desire to regain your individuality

>the vague TV ending
it's just the EoE ending but more artsy and without the choking scene.

Could have just written an ending where they stop instrumentality, or a variant of EoE's ending where it isn't depressing.

Manga ending really isn't hopeful to me, its more of "well, this world is fucked beyond repair, lets just make it a normal world where you've always just been a normal kid, remove the Evas and Angels, the end"

EoE is a lot more hopeful than simply resetting the timeline, since the point is that there is always hope for happiness. By simply resetting the world you say that the previous one was devoid of hope.

>holding Misato's hair while she vomits and cries after drinking too much
>she was trying to find courage to apologize for tricking you into believing in her

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This. The Shinji at the end of the manga is a completely different Shinji from the one who died at Instrumentality. Yes, he's supported by the feelings of hope and sacrifice that his predecessor left for him, ie. Misato's cross and Rei's everlasting snow, but he's still a completely different human. That's fucked-up.

It kind of was. The world before was a shithole that was slowly dying.
The world was fucked beyond repair in the other timeline, the climate was trashed, and there was nothing left of it. Just a blasted wasteland with disembodied giant Rei heads everywhere.

Shinji in the manga was already different from Anime Shinji, he was a little braver, a little less depressed, and far less selfish and self-pitying. Endgame Shinji was the same, just without the Eva battles.

I'd argue the manga ending is sadder in a way than the EoE ending.

Manga end hints that anyone who died before instrumentality is still permanently dead - Shinji still has Misato's cross, Rei is gone, and Toji (who died here) is not present as Shinji only meets Kensuke.
Supporting this, the manga makes a point to change Asuka to still be alive when instrumentality happens.

While in EoE, Asuka and any of the other souls of dead people that Rei/Lilith collected could return alive.

I don't know who's SEELE'ing who anymore

SEELE had guns
NERV had nerds and three gigantic robot suits.
How the fuck did SEELE win so handily?

Yeah, exactly.

SEELE didn't know and Gendo's plan rides on that.

controlled the world or something

>merely a stage in a child's development, in a very young age
>Anno: I'm often asked if Shinji-kun [represents] an old version of myself, but that's not the case. Shinji-kun is my current self (laughing). I act like a fourteen-year-old boy; I'm still childish. No matter how you look at it, in psychological terms, I'm [still] in the Oral Stage. A melancholic oral-dependent type.
>Shinji uses Asuka for escapism

It's no contest really.

It is Rei that convinces Shinji to leave instrumentality. And Asuka that forced him into it.

>And Asuka that forced him into it.
lol what

Asuka is the one that made Shinji want to end the world.

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Not even a good gun like a Sig Sauer.
Also, top kek.

None of that is really true user. I'm sorry but you seem quite unhealthy yourself.

>What the FUCK did I just watch?

Incoherent gibberish written by a guy having a breakdown. The reason the series is "hard to understand" is because there's nothing to understand. People like to mistake terrible writing as some sort of deeper meaning that they don't get though, so they go looking for it, and speculate endlessly about what this scene or that scene meant.

The truth is, it meant the writer had no god damn idea what he was doing.

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Here's a full explanation. Was posted on reddit a while ago and is probably the most in depth you can find without having to dig super deep.

Obviously this entire thing has spoilers for Neon Genesis Evangelion and The End of Evangelion.

that's a long way to say "I didn't understand it"

That's not Asuka's fault.
Shinji never helped her, and he comes begging for her help right after she died in agony (which was partially his fault). Can't blame Asuka for denying his pleas when he's proven that he'll abandon her.

Bullshit, Shinji did tons to help her.

You're just an Asuka cunt who hates EVA.

I have no idea what this, often times faulty, recap of Eva is supposed to explain.

Rei is top girl. One of my favorite characters from anything ever.

You're exclusively comparing endgame Shinjis and fighting the MPs or not, though. Manga Shinji has the wallowing flashbacks, nightmares about EVA-01, and Rei and Yui have to make him leave during the salvage operation. Even at endgame he starts being convinced by Gendo's vengeance on god speech and Third Impact happens without him being mad at anyone, he's earnestly not sure if life is overall worth having.

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Postmodernists man, I tell you.

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Those things are definitely there though.

Asuka is escapist, Rei is realist.

I don't think you know what postmodernism is.

Yeah, the Rick and Morty and Eva fanbases are the same.

South Park is postmodern as fuck, Yea Forums is peak postmodern, Peterson and PJW (who I assume you got your understanding of postmodernism from) are very very postmodern. Also reminder that you can't be a postmodern Marxist

No, Anno just never writes a ending for any work that he does and just makes stuff up as he goes along.

“Another weird quirk of Hideaki Anno: His abject, staunch refusal to write an ending for any story he tells until he gets to the ending. That is the sole reason for why the ending of Evangelion is an unmitigated disaster mess. The most criminally perpetrated myth in all of anime culture is that Evangelion ran out of budget at the end, so the final episodes became what they are. That is patently untrue. In the midst of writing the final six episodes–and not before–Anno became arbitrarily interested and then, subsequently, obsessed with psychology. His intent was to then, regardless of what came before, cram that into the final episodes of the show as much as possible. The final episodes of Evangelion are EXACTLY what he wanted to be. It’s a fact. So, love him or hate him, he is a fool when it comes to storytelling by his own design.”

No you are just making up postmodernist nonsense.

Nice buzzword


That's not an argument. By god you asukafag lefties are so dishonorable.

Yeah well “the original timeline” aka the TV series was a train wreck.

How about we all just acknowledge that Anno and the staff had no idea what they were doing.

Even the (better) spin-offs like the self-aware “Shinji Ikari Raising Project” mock the original series.

For what?
See and learn what postmodernism is. If you like any anime beyond just entertainment that's postmodern
It's retarded /pol/niggers who use postmodern as a buzzword

You are one of those “to be fair you have to have a high IQ to understand Evangelion” kind of people, aren’t you?

I don't agree that these spinoffs are better, they're garbage in my opinion.

However, yes, it's obvious Anno didn't have a clear plan or even any idea what he was doing. He accidentally created a masterpiece.

The garbage spinoffs bear witness to that.

It’s the SAME WORLD.

Today is Sunday
And just like any other day
I love Rei!

Attached: Rei Ayanami.jpg (1440x1080, 95K)

The same world but no one has any memories of the action and consequences of how it was before. Making all those actions meaningless.

No it isn’t, you don’t understand Anno.

welp I guess this is it then

Rei confirmed best girl.

Thanks Yea Forums.

Quote: “To conclusively prove my point, I only need three words: End of Evangelion. The writers, director, and everybody behind the project had so little concept of any significance behind what they were doing that they had no inkling whatsoever of how to resolve it. Even after trying TWICE. That tells me that they were making it up as they went along and had no grand intentions, plans, or message. None. The creators themselves have no idea what either of the endings mean, both of which contradict each other and make everything A MORONIC MESS OF COLOSSAL PROPORTIONS. I have sat through lectures by UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS on the relevance, symbolism, and profundity of Evangelion, but by simply checking those sentiments, no matter how well-studied, against the simple facts of how Evangelion was created, it is all exposed as made up one-sided interpretation made possible by the still-prevalent mindset of postmodern criticism (i.e., the original creators’ intentions are not of higher importance because there is inherent equal significance and importance in the unrelated personal interpretations of everyone else). Ultimately, if people want to watch it, get meaning out of it, and think it’s more than it is, that’s up to them. But I’m not “retarded” for calling it what it is. Because, objectively, I’m right. And nothing can change that.“

Not an argument kid. Sorry but just insisting on yourself doesn't work well. Either put down something factual or get out.

Did you just assume my stance?

Do you know what a masterpiece is?

Do you know what is factual?

Why don’t you try doing some research on Anno for once?

Yea Forums needs an Eva sticky post, because the amount of shitposting and contrarianism needs to be contained.

>this guy

It’s not that deep, bro.

Nope, Mana is the best girl of the series, and best for Shinji.

She has Rei's VA and similar short hairstyle, but red like Asuka with her more outgoing nature and a sad backstory minus the bitchiness.
You can't beat that combo.

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She's not a God, and thus an inferior breeding mate.

Godhood or not, Rei literally is unable to breed.

Says who? No one in the series.
With Rei's godhood status, what limits are there?

She was literally designed to be an amalgam of Asuka/rei.

Based and Time-travelpilled

>It is Rei that convinces Shinji to leave instrumentality
Yes. Because she's a mother kicking her child out of the house.

Like trying to cheer her up when she's sad, going along with her whims, and to be honest, even putting up with her whims.

No, in the end Shinji left voluntarily.

And examples of those are...?

Yes, but that's the sort of role Rei's playing there.

Did you even watch it? Take ep 22 for instance. She's been BTFO and Shinji is right there to cheer her up.

Like in episode 9 when she gets outshone by Rei.

Not really, it's more of a friend and interested lover trying her best to save someone she cares about.
If Shinji hadn't cared for Rei, chances are she'd juts leave him alone to be stuck along with the rest of mankind.

Their dynamic is one of mutual development.

Not really, the mother parallels of Rei are greatly exaggerated.
No one would see her as such if the show didn't say she was Yui's clone.

He had an ending going in, they published the original outline for the episodes in Newtype, it sounded like a confrontation with Gendo. Tsurumaki says in Schizo they had a version of that scripted, he described it like Gendo being convinced to abandon his plan and telling Shinji to "live!" like a one-man combo of Nadia's father and Gargoyle. Anno is worse than indicated for changing his mind at the last minute to end the series like that.

>make anime about dealing with depression and refusing escapism
>everyone misses the point and uses it for the opposite reason
Is Anno the most pissed off old man on the planet ? Will he ever recover from the buttdevastating realization he's utterly failed as a director and NGE became one of the more famous anime for all the wrong reasons ?

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All Shinji can offer is a "I'm glad you're ok" when she clearly is not ok.

Rei represents progress and the initiative to define yourself by yourself, that's why Rei is the one dropping redpills in the show. She looks at reality for what it is, and shares the truths she knows. That's also why Rei is the one that saves mankind in EoE, by reaching out to Shinji and ending the mass-suicide planned by SEELE and giving them a new chance at life.

And he fucks up and makes things worse. There's also the matter of things like the incident in the hospital, so it really isn't surprising that Asuka takes it badly when he comes running to her after being rejected by everyone else.

Perhaps not entirely on Rei's end, but it is definitely her rejecting Shinji's conception of her as a mother figure he can be dependent on.

The show didn't say she was Yui's clone. Asukafags desperately claim she is to divert your attention from how much better than Asuka Rei is.

And she has the soul of the mother of all life. And the bit where Shinji has says she would make a good housewife. And the bit where he confuses his mother with Misato and Rei.

>b-but Asuka didn't want his help!
Well you clearly can't pin the blame on Shinji can you then? What should he have done, bent over and let Asuka fuck him in the ass?

The problem is Asuka, it's her fault. Not Shinji's. You can't say the others didn't try, because they did.

Maybe clone is the wrong word but she is based on her.
My point is that the show never plays on the motherly aspects of Rei except for a really weird comment from Shinji were he says she wrings a cloth in a motherly way.

Are you seriously going to argue Rei isn't Yui's clone? Shinji himself even sees the similarity on a subconscious level.
Rebuild 3 plainly states with no room for interpretation that Rei is a clone of Yui, and it clearly is not something exclusive to the Rebuild universe.

Yeah, I agree there. The show is more about Rei being Rei than anything else.

Yeah, it's not even an argument. She plainly wasn't, and logically using real-world definitions or the inuniverse definition, couldn't be.

You're applying fandom """lore""" and spinoff retcons onto the original.

In 2080 the holy asuka empire will rule over 2/3 of the planet and will enter in a perpetual war against the alliance of the rei free republic and the madoka order

It actually is exclusive to the Rebuild universe, or rather the neo-Eva universe led by Khara.
No real surprise here, seeing as Rebuild 3 in particular is trying to shit on Rei. Taking it as any form of evidence is just disproving your own argument.

Rei looks like Yui and has the same voice actor, the similarites are fairly blatant.

This is some ludicrous denial right here.

Just because the base series didn't plainly state it doesn't make it untrue, you just missed it. And it was always known she was a clone before Rebuild came out.

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It's not even possible. Rei is both Angel and Human(Lilin), so she's a genetically engineered hybrid. None of the original works or even the highly details background information books ever detail Rei as a clone of Yui.

You can't have a clone of a human suddenly being not human.

Yes, they're similar looking and sound similar. None of these is what defines a clone.
Rei was never a clone of Yui.

Genetically altered clone, happy now?

As far as I see it, he's got some good arguments and you've got "nuh uh". If the original didn't say Rei was a clone of Yui, and painted Rei as an individual Angel instead who was based on Yui's genetic template along with angel DNA, then that's not a clone at all.
You might want to look up the definition of a clone.

That's better, and also true. But she's not a clone of Yui, which is an important distinction.

>based on Yui's genetic template
so effectively a clone in media logic.

No. Stop being so stupid.

>But she's not a clone of Yui, which is an important distinction.
Yes she is.
She had to have gotten human DNA from somewhere as a base before modifications, and that somewhere was Yui.
Making Rei a genetically altered Yui clone.

This is literal cope. Why the fuck do you want to insist so much that Rei is something she never was?
Learn to separate doujins and retcons from the actual thing. This is seriously some 1984 tier shit.

The answer is no. There's no argument you can make that doesn't void the entirety of the original canon. Keep your fanwank to yourself.

It is what Rei is, I'm only stating facts.
What does it matter to you so badly that Rei is Yui's clone or not?

>genetically altered
See, at that point it's no longer a clone. Gene spicing or gene editing results in a GMO, a hybrid, or a new person.
If you just combine the DNA of two people you get offspring, plain and simple.

Didn't you learn this in school?

Because Reifags can't handle all the Freudian themes.

It's not me this is about. Rei in the original never was such a thing.
Why are you knowingly spreading lies?

see This is highschool tier knowledge. You have no excuse not to know this.
Rei being a clone of Yui actually ruins the entire story.

>media logic

get a load of this desperate asukashipper

>Rei being a clone of Yui actually ruins the entire story.

It seems to only ruin the story for you.
Rest of us in reality seem to be doing fine.

>Rei being a clone of Yui actually ruins the entire story.
How, you absolute fucktard?

So is this just about semantics then?
Rei's genetic template was Yui, but she is not an exact clone.

>Rei isn't a human and has superhuman powers
>this somehow results from a human clone

Are you lierally retarded?

You apparently know nothing about Eva.
Rei has Lilith's soul, which is responsible for that.

3.0 saying she was made from Yui's remains salvaged from Eva 01 sticks out to me because that's the same way it was described in the theatrical program for End.

Because it creates a huge plothole. Yui Ikari in NGE was decidedly a human woman and gave birth to a human boy with a human man.
If you were to clone Yui, the result would ALWAYS be a human genetically. That's why it's a clone. It's a genetic copy. You can google this for more information.
The clone would have a normal human physiology, age normally and be as limited or empowered as a human being is.

Now, Rei is clearly not a human - she's a blend of angel and human. Lilith and Yui, as it were. Rei's ability to levitate, regenerate, project massive AT-fields, or age at an extremely fast rate, is the result of this blend.

This isn't a clone in any sense of the word. This is a new species effectively.

In other words, there was a good reason the original NEVER under ANY circumstance referred to Rei as a clone of Yui. You imagined something that never was there.

No, because EVA's has a human soul yet is capable of those things. It has no alien soul. You don't know shit about EVA.
This comes entirely from the physical. Hence why EVA's are attributed as copies of Lilith and Adam.

She is literally a clone. Thats the whole fucking point. They stuck Lilith's soul into a clone of Yui. That isn't 'head' or 'fan' canon. That is the actual stated intention by Anno. I can't tell if you're a desperate Rei-fag, or just an idiot.

You haven't paid attention at all the previous arguments I see.

It's not semantics, you're just fundamentally wrong about the whole character and setting.

Nope. 3.0 directly said she was a clone of Yui, which doesn't make much sense.

It says different things.

You have no argument at all. Grow up and go educate yourself. This is a +18 site and you have no excuse not to know things taught in high school.

Not him but that's bullshit, and has zero corroborating evidence in the original. It quite literally is your head and fan canon.
Not even wiki pages for Rei corroborate that she's a clone of Yui. Let it go.

The Angels are exact "genetic" matches to humans and Adam. It even says so in Episode 5. Rei has powers because she has Lilith's soul. Evas, Angels, and Adam have super powers because of exotic matter and/or plot needs.

second time on Yea Forums. second time seeing this thread

Never thought this crazy Reifag's delusion would get to the point where he even denies Rei's agreed upon and then clearly stated origin.

Everyone else that loves Rei knows this fact and still loves Rei, why can't you?

Rei has angel DNA, which is responsible for that.

Take the clones in the basement. No soul, yet they also have these non-human properties. Face it you're wrong.

Literal cope.

That's also bullshit. It never says they're exact genetic matches.
Rei has powers because she has angel dna, simple as.

>e-...everyon agrees!
>checks original series, nothing there
>checks supporting material interviews, nothing there
>sadamoto says rei is only 50% yui
>check the glossaries from the eoe film,, nothing there
>check the NGE2 games,, nothing there
>check fan wikis, nothing there

Yeah, I don't think so. It's just you.

Neon Genesis Evangelion, episode 5: Ritsuko: "Although they [the Angels] are composed of a different form of matter, their actual composition, in terms of the arrangement and spacing of the pattern, falls within a 99.89% match of human genes."


Holy shit the Asukafag delusion in this thread. Stop ruining EVA for everyone else you faggots.

Your shitty headcanon do nothing but ruin the whole plot and setting.

Then explain the EVA's that have normal souls but have literal superpowers and regeneration?
The clones in the tank are literally said to have no souls. Yet they are accelerated in age just as Rei and have otherwise every other physical property, sans a soul. Explain that.
you WHAT? HOW?

When will the Asukafag war on truth end?

So, tell me.

Is 99.89% the same as.... 100%?

Go on. Make my day.

ITT: Asukafags can't into basic math.

Look at him and laugh.

Watch the fucking show you underage newfags. Jesus fucking christ. The show is older than most of Yea Forums and has been picked apart by both the fandom and Anno himself.

Rei is a clone from the leftovers of Yui, this is fact. Episodes 21-24 actually say as much.

Utena is shit

>no argument
>no citations
>fuming with rage

Is this the hill you're going to die on? Why do you hate EVA so much?

I'm sure you're 100% identical to your parents, it would explain the low IQ.

That's a clone. You really aren't good at this are you?

"it is said by major characters in this episode"
Please kill yourself.

Attached: YOU.jpg (349x642, 40K)

You weren't smart enough to understand the insult, that is OK

How do people as stupid as you even exist? Is your brain so rotted by asuka fanfiction that you've come to despite the original EVA so much for not being what you wanted it to be?

The whole "rei is a clone of yui" deal was made literally impossible in the original. That's why they never, EVER said she was, but instead writers insisted she was at most only half Yui.

Dear god. More than twenty years now and you're still this far behind.
Try to keep up. I'm sure it must be hard being in grade 2.

That's not a citation, brainlet.

You weren't smart enough to understand the insult doesn't work.

So she is still an altered Yui and Shinji subconsciously recognizes Rei as a mother figure as a result.

>Is your brain so rotted by asuka fanfiction
Ah, just another Rei-fag mad about reality.

Attached: rei vs Asuka.jpg (462x698, 62K)

>"it is said by major characters in this episode"
Like he said, that's neither an argument nor a citation.

It's the Asukafags. I'm a misatofag and I am fucking tired of this bullshit.

Hes saying you're so inbred recombination isn't able to work. Don't worry, you will learn about it in school.

Also, do you know what a citation is?

I really, really wish Anno took Ikuhara's advice and made Rei blatantly used goods.

The only point I'm making and you're agreeing with is that Rei isn't a clone of Yui in any respect and that people who think so are retarded.

I kinda feel sorry for them

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LMAO Asukafags have no idea how this shit works. Absolutely pathetic.

Not an exact clone, but her human DNA still comes from Yui. Can you agree to that?

So, how does someone being 100% genetically related to their parents make them stupid?
Like that'd depend not on the genetical similarity, but whether or not the offsprings parents were stupid due to shitty genes.

Did you..... seriously think you were being clever? All you did was botch an easy inbreeding joke. God you Asukafags are as pathetic as Asuka herself.

I think that's what everyone except the one retarded Asukafag has been saying.

t. high school reifags

Reifags started with denying it was even partial.

There are 4(?) posters or one devoted shitposter arguing against her even being that.

That's precisely what everyone has been trying to explain to you. Rei got her human DNA from Yui, but the rest came from Lilith.
In other words, Rei becomes a new species altogether, half human and half angel. Like a Nephilim, in a way, which also endows her with what we'd consider superhuman characteristics.

That's also why NGE never shat itself and called something that obviously can't be a human clone, for a human clone. These Asukafags are part of the faction in EVA who is absolutely lost mentally and need to rewrite EVA so it's more welcoming of Asuka.

Attached: index.jpg (259x194, 9K)

This never happened. If it did, you could just show us where in this thread, right? But you can't. Take your loss like a man. This hill was never worth dying on.

This is an everyone vs deluded Asukafag situation. It's not exactly hard to check a wiki or so on to see if the Asukafag is wrong.

The only thing that happened here is:
- someone claims Rei was a clone of Yui in the series
- it's pointed out that the original series actually never said that
- asukafag loses his mind, since he needs this narrative to work out for his ship to seem more plausible
- a lot of asukafag butthurt ensues

At no point did anyone do what you said.

Also Rei is what remained of Yui. In episode 20 they try to 'salvage' Shinji, and Fyutski/Ritsuko talk about Yui's salvage failed because she wanted to stay in the Eva.

At this point, I assume most posters are speed watchers, or are reading wiki entries.

Asukafags getting BTFO all in this thread

She was just trying to motivate him one last time, get him out of his depressed stupor in EoE. She knew she was going to die at that point and the last thing she needed to do was motivate Shinji into helping asuka. Her last line was asking Kaji if she did the right thing in kissing Shinji in order to motivate him but I don't think she, at any point, wanted to fuck Shinji

Those posts literally say Rei is part Yui. Who are you to criticize people's comprehension when you have none yourself?

Do you have actual autism? Your bluff level is like fucking zero, so you can't actually believe that works.

>Rei Ayanami was the product of Gendo Ikari and Kozo Fuyutsuki attempt to retrieve Yui Ikari from EVA01 using her salvaged remains.
>Rei's body is a copy of Yui's original form, as in the original series- confirmed when Gendo sees Rei as Yui for a moment.

Saying you won an argument doesn't win you any arguements.

All I've learned from this thread is that Reifags are in denial on the basics of their own character.

Attached: 1553145959544.png (640x480, 388K)

Not him but god. Stop trying to save face.

A critical view on the xenohomophobic Japanese society, shows the struggles of one Japanese gay boy trying to fight against oppression in a fucked up world, each oppressive trait represented as an angel.

This describes a scene in Rebuild, which isn't NGE. Rei's "form" being a copy of Yui doesn't mean she's a clone when angels can literally change form and shapeshift as they please.

You've got nothing.

>reiposters a triple zero
I guess art really is a mirror held up to reality

The fact that they had arguments that worked, and you couldn't provide the citation you claimed existed, means they won the argument.
It's common knowledge that Rei isn't a clone of Yui.

the first one's from episode 21, 22, and 23

>It's common knowledge that Rei isn't a clone of Yui.

Trips of truth. There really is no low the asuka fan will stoop to.

You learned nothing then.
imagine arguing over something settled in 2001
reifriends got so destroyed by Rebuild they lost their mind

The first one isn't bringing anything new to the table.

Like I'm sure you're not blind, but there's nothing saying she's a clone in that post.

>asukafags desperately searching fanon and doujins to defend themselves

Just stop. This is like watching Asuka screaming ILL KILL you at the MP-EVA's before she gets gangraped.

it says:
>Rei is a clone, she is made of Shinji's mother and the second angel Lilith.



Asukafags literally turn into bumbling retards the moment they're faced with accepting that Rei is better than Asuka.

So much that they literally pretend combining two DNA sets still makes a "clone". A clone of who, Lilith or Yui?
Granted Rei is a clone because they used that DNA to make several Rei bodies, but not of Yui.

Here is an easy to understand image for our "special" Asuka friends.

Attached: human-clone-gmo-venn-diagram-chart-venndiagram-clones-charts-throughout-fresh-gmo-charts-and-graphs- (432x380, 23K)

>You learned nothing then.
well, he's an asukafag

You have a clone arrow pointing at the intersection of Duplicated DNA and Modified DNA.

So Rei is Yui's clone. Thanks.

Rei is a test tube baby born from two different DNA Donors. Assuming basic human development, Rei got an X chromosome from Yui and an X chromosome from Lillith.

Therefore, she is a clone of neither.

Attention asukacucks: Rei is only, ONLY a clone of Yui if AND ONLY IF she got both X chromosomes from Yui.
Now fuck off, you butthurt faggots

>Modified DNA.
From where?

You are a fucking retard.

>Asukafag can't read venn diagrams
Wow. I'm surprised. If you duplicate modified DNA, you get a clone of that modified DNA. Good thing you realize that Rei is a cloned GMO.

Reifags: Educating Asukafags since 1995.

Could I have a high power level if I've never watched shows like EVA and Cowboy Bebop?

You duplicate modified DNA, you get a clone.
Modified DNA != original DNA.

People who get EVA.

Reifags continue to be pedants, not realising that it makes no difference plot and theme-wise if Rei is fully a product of Yui's DNA or if it's mixed with Angel DNA.

If it made no difference, you wouldn't get so butthurt about your desperate fanwank being called out.
There's no saving face here, Asukafag.

So again this is just semantics.

Rei derives her human traits from Yui.
Her albinism is some side-effect from either the cloning process or the angel aspects, like with Kaworu.

Call Rei a Yui clone with angel DNA spliced in, or call Rei a daughter of Yui and Lilith, it doesn't really matter.

Rei's genetics matter to asukacucks because asukacucks are all butthurt Shinji shippers, even though Asuka would rather have Kaji's 30 year old man dick

>Rei derives her human traits from Yui.

Lillith is also human, moron. She turns back into her actual - human - form after the lance is removed from her body

What kind of stupid argument is it that you're making? One is blatantly wrong, the others is correct.

Rei isn't a clone of Yui. I don't get this obsession you have.



I mean Rei isn't a clone, the story makes that obvious. Her human vessel may be based on Shinji's mother but that's mass produced dime a dozen shit. The only unique thing about her is her soul. Which is Lilith's soul and really has nothing to do with Yui.

asukafags can't into nuance

fuck bros it really hurt when I learned the first Rei died

She didn't deserve it. Good thing Rei has extra lives.

I love how people think she was going to fuck him here. I guess it's no surprise they relate to Shinji. He's extremely immature and probably as Asperger's or something since he apparently can't read emotions AT ALL especially on women.

yeah, I didn't get that impression either. I always thought she just meant to talk things out with him or hug him, whatever. not ride his baloney pony

Sorry, but that's not the case. Misato says she wants to comfort Shinji in 'the only way she knows how'

Now, that may be nothing more than a hug while Shinji cries his eyes out, or it could have been Misato offering her vagina to a 14 year old boy. The fact is that Shinji, who knows Misato's reputation, believes it to be the latter.

Had Misato just sat beside him and hugged him, that scene would have played out better, and not have harmed Shinji even more.

I saw Hideaki Anno at a grocery store in Tokyo a while ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>The Angels are exact "genetic" matches to humans and Adam. It even says so in Episode 5. Rei has powers because she has Lilith's soul. Evas, Angels, and Adam have super powers because of exotic matter and/or plot needs.
>Neon Genesis Evangelion, episode 5: Ritsuko: "Although they [the Angels] are composed of a different form of matter, their actual composition, in terms of the arrangement and spacing of the pattern, falls within a 99.89% match of human genes."
Human beings share over 60% of their DNA with bananas. Small differences in genetic makeup can have great differences in genetic expression. The Angels beget from Adam "ate of the tree of life", giving them incredible strength and life, while the children of Lillith "ate of the tree of wisdom". When 01 ate the s2 engine it now had both Adam and Lillith's properties and ascended to godhood. I wouldn't say the Angels have powers for no reason, DNA is an acceptable explanation imo.

Always gets me.
fuck off reddit

okay I watched this anime when I was a teen and I liked it but I didn't get anything from the deep meanings it has,what order should I watch/read it?also is there any vid that explains it?

It was very clear she was going to fuck him from the VA work, Misato sounds embarrassed as hell when she apologies

I should’ve changed Milky Ways to Asuka Figures.
Wasted opportunity

Attached: A0B29A78-C877-4B0F-995A-C734FBF8FF73.jpg (832x1049, 115K)

Reminder that nobody in this thread just watched Eva.

Humans and Bonobos are 99% DNA compatible

There's always a next time.


Why is Asuka such a headstrong bitch at all moments EXCEPT when someone has their hands around her neck?

I refuse to believe there is more than one poster on this site who unironically believes Ritsuko is best girl.

Attached: BEGONE REIFAG.jpg (770x442, 20K)

>they still lose to them
>4 times

Attached: 3FFF37B4-12B5-4456-9192-514674AD84DB.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

What a meandering, tedious and discontinuous stream of consciousness. Is this the power of liberal arts autism?

You're a faggot for aiding the propagation of this garbage

>posting hags

Because that happens in Shinji's mind. It's not the real Asuka, but the Asuka in his head that he uses for escapism.

>It's not the real Asuka
Source? Why wouldn't it be the real one?

Attached: evangelion trash.png (517x437, 477K)

but I don't want Shinji to fuck Rei.... I'm not a shopping faggot that's all for me

Attached: my heart.jpg (253x199, 8K)

double retard

Attached: 4cd.jpg (270x203, 15K)

What about End of Evangelion where she gently caresses Shinji's cheek when she discovers he is choking the life out of her?

Look at how surreal the scene is. Imagine the strength needed to do that, and how unrealistic it is for a person not to fight back in that situation.

Asuka is just a doll with a voice track.

>Why is Asuka such a headstrong bitch at all moments EXCEPT when someone has their hands around her neck?

Because she's female

Asuka the pig whore likes to be choked she deserves to be degraded

Attached: kiss of death.png (640x480, 282K)

It's part of instrumentality (it is also anime so normal physics doesn't apply) but that doesn't mean that it isn't the real Asuka.

>my guy


>being this pretentious while typing like a redditor
just go back

what's with evangelion and making reifriends lose their mind?

I don't know. Since that's not what's happening in this thread, I'm afraid I can't answer you.

it's not entirely wrong though
Anno has stated many times he hates Shinij/himself/his fans

we are all one

Ever since Rebuild 2.0 handed them what they wanted with Rei and then 3.0 took it away, they've held a bitter view of the series.


I miss when we had good Eva threads.

Attached: 1383708560242.png (418x131, 5K)

Based gendoposter

Attached: bseball.png (935x721, 651K)

literally the only good part about shinji ikari raising project is based good dad gendo

based based gendoposter

Attached: 1534275796742.png (465x248, 42K)

It was good for its time so it got popular. Then it got resurrected/remastered/rebuild on a regular basis so it stuck as a "classic". As for the plot, there's nothing to explain, you've already got the gist of it.

Believe it. Don't get me wrong, the other girls were cute but some of us prefer mature women.

Attached: girl_20.jpg (1800x2442, 558K)

pump n dump

Attached: smugasuka2.png (499x564, 346K)

Imagine how many of these threads we're gonna get when EVA debuts on Netflix.

Attached: 1411327022409 (1).jpg (401x301, 122K)

Just shows that Gendo could be the best dad ever, as long as he has his Yui and no end-of-the-world conspiracy to deal with.

Attached: 0072-022.jpg (1131x1600, 421K)

> masturbate and strangle
Guess you're happy with that, eh?

No there are a lot of good parts, it knows what it is and isn’t pretentious like the original series is.

NGE is better than 99% of all anime irregardless of year.

Lmao, at least you had the decency to out yourself as a total philistine.

Attached: 70d9b5180ae502051887b2b6ac2487d60e053841.gif (457x663, 1023K)

Is that actually what Anno intended, or did he just fly by the seat of his pants?

Sure, there are obviously going to be people who've never seen it, and we encourage them to do so. But That doesn't mean that every time they do, they have to make a thread expressing the same precise consternation that has been expressed in similar threads dozens of times before.
The reason we tell people to lurk before posting is because when they don't you get this thread every fucking week.

Attached: evangelion is cute.jpg (1448x2048, 1.17M)

le 2 deep 4 u

When you listen to the actual arguments that you have been ignoring because you don’t like the Oedipus implications with Rei.

You’re the one whose trying to control the conversation.

please don't do this

The “Asukafag” is not wrong though, did YOU check a wiki, because it seems more like you are having a circlejerk here.

No America is the one that is xenohomophobic, Anime has had gay characters in it way before western shows did. Ever see Sailor Moon?

Projecting much?

Homophobic yes.
Xenophobic no.

Attached: Evangelion - Sailor NERV.jpg (1365x768, 160K)

>Asukafags unable to form their own opinions

Also, your leader is an actual IRL cuck

Attached: ikh5s2i4upx11.jpg (2400x2400, 987K)

No, you guys are just straw-manning.

>guess you're happy with that
guess I am

Attached: 68736-1476585733839.jpg (507x503, 38K)

Cigarettes are degenerate and you deserve the gas chamber.

Ascar a cute

Attached: 1554030579518.jpg (850x1055, 197K)

Why do people keep posting that shit? Nothing in there suggests moot was dating or wanted to be with her. She's ugly as shit, Moot has the chin of a god.

Attached: evangelion-asuka-01.jpg (669x507, 350K)

Can confirm.
Aside from forcing us to inhale their second-hand poison, some idiot nearly set the building I work at on fire the other day from a cigarette thrown into the brush.
And our building even has receptacles for cigarette butts right there, lazy asshole.

I dont know who this moot guy is but that guy looks like a faggot

Trump? KKK? White nationalists/supremacists? Americans in general?