*is best girl of the decade*

*is best girl of the decade*

Attached: Sakurajima Mai.jpg (1000x1416, 400K)


Not even best girl in her own show. In fact she's the worst girl.

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who could even compete against her?

Attached: well.png (574x826, 453K)

Based and bunnypilled.

Attached: gh.png (712x1072, 874K)

>best girl of the decade
>generic tsundere and steals designs from Kirino and Yukino
>Mary Sue

bunnies are always best girls
you can't prove me wrong

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as good ol' darth would say: all too

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More like Ayase.

But that's not Zero Two.

Look at the hair clip and the fact she's a model.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Rokka no Yuusha - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.27_[2015.09.22_19.16.48].jpg (1280x720, 128K)

Yukino deserves better.

>same VA as Raphtalia and Mirage Farina Jenius


Every word of pseudoscience she spews like it's a hard fact makes me want to vomit.

>Kirino and Yukino
>not Mary Sues
Sorry, waifubait traits like being dependent on the self-insert aren't actual flaws.

Best girl in her series. Yes. But of the decade? That's a big stretch

Except Yukino's relationship with Hachiman has been shown to be toxic.

I see you in every fucking thread like this I swear

Nobody cares about your waifu bro. Move the fuck on already

>Best girl in her series
No. Kaede, Rio and Tomoe were much better than Mai.

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now theres a bunny girl, senpai

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Doesn't stop all the self-insertfags.

Yukino is anything but waifubait. Nice try though.

Hachiman is a lucky guy.

Attached: Yukino with her hair tied back.jpg (1134x2160, 375K)


More people self-insert into Hachiman for Iroha, though. So I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

I don't see what merchandise has to do with who Yukino is as a person or what she represents as a character.

Self-inserting into him at all is what matters.

Why do you care what people do?

It has everything to do with her. She's a waifubait, money is made off of her being a waifu for losers.

Im not a loser.

Wrong. Money is made because Watari is a sellout hack, but that has nothing to do with who Yukino is or was before Watari sold out.

>going into victim mode
Can't handle the truth?

The only truth here is that you are a retard.

Sure sure.
That's disingenuous. Money couldn't be made if she weren't waifubait.

Iroha is the waifubait shitter of the series and the reason why this series became sellout haremshit in the first place. If you have ani ssue, you shhould have an issue with her character, seeing as how since her introduction to the series, the series went in that direction.

Judging by your posts, you seem like one of those obsessed yurifags who hates any girl paired with a male character. I'm sure you would change your tune if Yukino was paired with Yuigahama.

No. Shoko is the true best girl.

Attached: shoko.jpg (640x452, 42K)

Unfortunately your hurt feelings aren't truth, pussy.

If you hate the series that much, why are you even in these threads? Shitposting isn't a right.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Are you mentally ill? Waifufags, folks.

But you're the faggot that's being defensive though

>implying she's not already forgotten

>Are you mentally ill?
I'm going to assume you're talking about yourself here, right?

This isn't even a Yahari thread, brainlet. You're shitting up a thread over your waifu.

>calls anyone else mentally ill when going into threads for a series your not interested in
sounds like you're projecting

I care and there will be more of her in the movie.

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Pretty sure you're desperately defending a waifubait, white knight.

and yet you're in those too.

>n-no you

>implying you're not the one doing that

your pathetic attempts at shitposting are embarrassing user

And? Are you here for any reason than to whiteknight Yukino?

Is there any other reason that you're shitposting?

Are you here for any other reason than to shitpost Yukino? No? Then fuck off.

Means little coming from underage Yaharifags with meme replies.

Waifutards deserve to be rounded up and gassed.

>meme replies
>buzzwords all around
I don't think you see the irony of your own posts.

>n-no you
So no. That's what I thought.
You got offended someone responded to your shitflinging in a series that has nothing to do to Yukino. How about you fuck off to your Yahari safe space?

You're the one throwing a temper tantrum though baka user. How about you fuck off to whatever shithole you crawled from? The thread would be a lot better.

Because there is none. Irony is the obsession of 13 year olds who lack self-awareness like the Yahari fanbase.

Can we get this cancerous faggot banned?

No deflecting, user-kun. You're getting butthurt over your waifubait getting called out. How about you head back to your subreddit if you can't handle it?

this is clearly a yukino thread

Attached: retard.jpg (960x540, 131K)

It's most likely some Irohashitter trying to shit up a thread as always.

>n-no u
Stop being pathetic you worthless sack of shit

>ban posts that upset me!
Unfortunately this isn't reddit, kiddo.

are all irohafags as cancerous as this guy?

You’re not upsetting anyone, you’re just unnecessarily shitting up a thread with your autistic screeching.

yes, every single last one of them

>spouts "n-no u" after being called out on it
Ah, monkey learned a new trick.

Reality speaks for itself, Yaharifag. You made a whole thread about your anger over waifubait being called out.

Fitting filename.

Multiple people are calling you out on your cancer user.

I didn’t even make the thread you dumb mouthbreather

Reminder that only ironic waifufags participate in waifu wars.

he is calling you a retard, so yes it is fitting

All butthurt Yaharifags, literal reddit cancer killing a thread that isn't even Yahari related.

this isn't even a waifuwar, it's just some faggot being cancerous

Except he's calling Yukino a retard. Too retarded to know how filenaming works, redditor?

No he is saying that yukino is calling (You) a retard

>blatant falseflag thread
Disregard and post best girl Mai anyways.

Attached: 1539199794738.jpg (1915x2765, 614K)

All of Yukinofags, literally bring their baggage everywhere.

>Too retarded to know how filenaming works
oh the irony

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Nah, it's just cancerous faggots like you that like shitting up unrelated thrreads for no reason

Except Tomoe is best girl.

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She's not saying anything. He's retarded and so are you.

mai a shit, futaba a best

Oh the stupidity

She has a smug look on her face while she is looking at a retard, namely (You)

Your whiteknighting made the thread unrelated, redditbot.

once again, I assume you're talking about yourself

Fuck off retard. You have no right to call anyone else out for being stupid.

>There are now people on Yea Forums who not only didn't watch Kill la Kill when it was airing in '13, but who straight up have not watched it

Attached: idle.gif (400x224, 1.87M)

>implying that it's not your cancerous spamming that did it

That's not how it works. He's labeling Yukino a retard. Your interpretation exists in the mind of an autist.

she deserved to win

so now you're a mindreader? how retarded can you get?

Attached: yande.re 507687 animal_ears bunny_ears bunny_girl cleavage mizoguchi_keiji ntype pantyhose sakurajim (2128x3034, 1.03M)

>autist calls someone else an autist
Simply epic

futaba is better

Assume what you please. Assumptions from a retard will always be retarded.
Everyone has a right and a duty to call retards like you out.

That bunny outfit makes her mediocre chest seem bigger than it is

>calling anyone else an autist when you came into this thread trying to pick an argument for the sake of shitposting

Attached: 1554072046631.png (563x438, 178K)

>Assume what you please. Assumptions from a retard will always be retarded.
>Everyone has a right and a duty to call retards like you out.
Why is it that so many of your sentences directly apply more to you than anyone else?

Is she Yui's equivalent?

Trannies are still men, retard.
>no u autist
Ebin comebacks, redditbros.

>Yuckino shitter talking about flat chests
Oh, the irony.

Because you're upset and cope by deflecting.

so it is an irowhorecancerfaggot. of course it is.

But the only one upset here is you though

yui is ewwy

She's flat as a board and not a normalfag slut, so no

Attached: 1541018884074.jpg (1920x2487, 2.74M)

why are irohafags always so cancerous?

They are inbred autists

Attached: 051F6830-F7C9-4FE5-8227-01EB9D70ACA2.png (652x1885, 342K)

Probably mad that it's shitposting keep getting deleted for low quality posts. They can't help but talk like a retard.

What else?


>not a normalfag slut
Isn't she trying to be one to hide her country bumpkin past?

>false flagging Yukinobros and Maibros for the purpose of faux discord
I seriously hope people aren't falling for this.

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That's why she time-traveled to try and fix it

is there a scientific reason for every thread about this show have instances of Rio vs Mai one way or another?

I'm not. The resident false flagger in question has admitted more than once that he's just doing it for kicks and giggles before.

because mai is shit

no one is falling for it, it's just annoying

Mai is ugly

Mai is cute

Mai is mine

Mai a best.