Glorious Bilingual

>anons arguing over subs vs dubs
It doesn't matter. As long as you can't understand Japanese you will always be missing out.

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>Not being a quadrilingual
You're so cute,cachorro.

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yfw you can speak three languages... but not japanese

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>literally sleeping on 80% of all anime at all times
I'm cuter


I have a fear that if I were to ever become fluent in Japanese, I would become unable to listen to Japanese music.

But there is no argument. Dubfags are subhumans, and that's a universal fact.

and i have a fear that if I were to ever become fluent in Japanese, i'd never leave my room anymore.

>>anons arguing over subs vs dubs
This never happens, no-one likes dubs

What are the secrets to learning Japanese?

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Some sort of electric hat.

Say that outside of Yea Forums and watch all hell break loose.

Same as any other language: practice.

Do EOPs actually understand how much nuance they're missing out on? Reading translations of a language as different to your own as Japanese is basically just reading someone else's loose interpretation of the original. Check out two different translation of the same material and see how radically different they'll be, that should give you an idea how big the jump from Jap to Eng really is.

>anons arguing over subs vs dubs
What's there to argue? Subs are superior 99.99% of the time

Well, it depends on how important it is for a particular person to see the nuances of this particular media product and potentially its whole group. I doubt you'd bother to learn both Russian and French just to read War and Peace in its original form.

I found it easyer to associate each Japanese word with a mental image of that object or action, instead of its English word equivalent.
For a basic example, imagining (pic related) when you hear the word neko.
I've also found this word/image associating technique comes in handy for later learning kanji.

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>Being this much of a weeb

If you were born an anglophone, you're retarded.

Inaccurate subs are very annoying, especially in official translations (I give most fansubs a pass since they're usually not getting paid for it and fans should be supporting the official releases). It's best to just learn Japanese.

Learning another language can be very beneficial and open up new opportunities. Whether Japanese or something else, it's always good to learn a new skill.

I'd usually recommend something more useful, but anything is better than nothing I guess
Everyone who's browsing this thread should go pick up another language right now, whatever it may be, the benefits are innumerable, all it takes is barely a few minutes to half an hour a day, and over time, you'll be amazed at how far you can go, and that feeling of progress is irreplaceable
the best free software, you can test proficient using just duolingo alone
otherwise, I'd still reccomend something more useful, but which one it is doesn't matter, just go pick one and start learning

Attached: duolingo_bird_is_a_sociopath_640_high_05.jpg (700x823, 37K)

This is how you're supposed to learn literally any language. It's not unique to japanese or any asian language for that matter.

>putting the one show even japs like better in english
>missing out