>Bones is unironically the best studio in the industry
Did they get better, or did everyone else got worse?

Attached: Logo-Bones.jpg (1000x205, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:


mob psyco looked bad

Bones isn't the best and I don't need to name the studio that is actually best for you to know.

They haven't done a decent original after ConRevo

Hisomaso was less than a year ago.


Hisomaso was also an Okada written pile of garbage which went into her usual melodramatic bullshit and has completely sabotaged itself

Ghibli doesn't count.

Anime films are anime.

Either you haven't watched it or you haven't watched anything by Okada. Hisomaso stayed a fun ride without big shifts in tone all the way through.

>Sunrise expats who made Bebop, Escaflowne and many other high budget shows during the 90s
>absolutely dominate the 00s with shows a la Eureka Seven and Xamd
>absolutely dominate the 10s with shows a la Star Driver
Nothing changed. They've always been the most competent studio. You simply stopped being a newfag.

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They've yet to make a single good anime.

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It's a bloody shame Enokido is not writing more mechas for some reason.

Ah yes enjoy that yuribait finale and Free Olympics 2020

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>JC staff
shit the bed
borderline shitting the bed
will never stop milking gatari or try creative/inventive things again, or finish szs

>Eureka Seven
The thing with Bones is, despite the great production values they ended fucking up more often than not. I think things improved when they stopped doing anime originals endings and less originals and sequels in general.

I didn't say that their shows are good. As far as I am concerned this is about animation. There isn't a single animation studio that sports high technical skill and competent people in the writing department at the same time. It's the same with KusoAnus. Although while their animation is worse, they somehow manage for their writing to be as well.

How come it was KyoAni that won awards in all 3 major anime markets last year?

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Madhouse won more.

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Madhouse blew themselves up and they're still on top.

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Go ahead and list them. I wanna look at the other recipients to laugh at them. Like the absolute meme that is the Ōfuji Noburō Award. Maybe you should read less Sakugablog and instead watch the stuff that receives awards to see how worthless many of them are. But I guess you're too busy parrotting the uneducated drivel spouted by the con-artist known as kVIN.

Polls aren't awards handed out by corporations that deal with japanese animation or just animation in general.

Soul Eater Brotherhood fucking when?

Attached: Soul-Eater-750x459.jpg (750x459, 54K)

A studio that never made a good anime can't be considered a good studio.

>list them
>b-but let me just start out by saying X award is a meme

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Maybe after they finish fire truck demons

what is this from?

So they are in fact meme awards, like 90% of Japanese awards a la Kobe Animation Award etc. Guess you should have thought of that beforehand. You don't really look much better by not posting them.

David Pro is doing that though

So this is the "forced animation" I keep hearing about.

Bones knows their target audience very well.

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Yeah but there is probably some sort of tie up regarding the author. There is no way he'd have two things running at once.

>they're all memes
>b-but I swear I won't immediately discard everything you list
>please waste time on me

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raki suta, the #1 anime from the #1 studio

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>nearly a decade old
>still more impressive than everything bones made
It's lonely at the top.

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Looks like CGI, what the fuck.

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You're right J.C Staff is the best right now

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>As far as I am concerned this is about animation
That's dumb, though. Scriptwriting, storyboarding, directing, these are all parts of the work of a studio. Only judging the output by its key animation is asinine.
And Bones had plenty of shows with good writing, so I don't understand the point of the whole argument.

lol nice bait


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Addressing everything makes it impossible to judge the work in a shit posting thread like this. How much do you weigh animation? Or how little? There's no point in arguing any of this on a board where people say that barely animated shows are the greatest anime of all time, since they clearly don't give a rats ass about visual presentation.

>Bones had plenty of shows with good writing

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He's right, though. Have you even seen all the anime that won the Ofuji Noburo? All the forgotten turds they awarded? Hell, you don't even need to look farther than 2017 to find a shitter. Lu won that year and it's the worst thing Yuasa ever directed. So how is this "award" guarantee of quality?


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>a board where people say that barely animated shows are the greatest anime of all time, since they clearly don't give a rats ass about visual presentation
Again, animation isn't all there is to visual presentation. For example, Utena doesn't have great animation, and yet it has stellar visual presentation and I would have no problems with someone calling it the best anime of all times.


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You really should try watching things other than BNHA.

Fuck off to your avant teen threads

Yeah, but that's why nobody takes people like you seriously.

Now that KyoAni has fallen so far from grace, the best studio currently is Doga Kobo.

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Octopus: Kyoani
Dog: low IQ anime fan

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>Dr. Who
Gee Billy, how come your mom lets you have two cancers?


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Bones' style of animation is weird.
It looks good but gets boring real quick and feels like visual fast food most of the time.

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>doga kobo

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Nice earthquake.

The only people that can't be taken seriously are the ones who thinks that visual presentation stops at the animation. Which is the same mentality as thinking that the work of a studio is limited to animating key frames that started the conversation, so I think the problem was less about what is appropriate for the thread and more of a generally misguided mindset in judging anime.

Funny because your other image calls Anno a hack. Kill urself, my man.

I think you typed "Bones" instead of "Kyoani" by mistake.

Hacks need not be failures all the time.

Winter Light and 2001: A Space Odyssey. What prize do I win?

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Nobody said it does. However, I am pretty sure that there isn't a single non-newfag walking this planet who will support your claim of a slide show being the best anime (animated work) of all time. It's quite frankly a laughable statement to utter. It's like saying that Dezakis budget saving slide-shows when they stopped being visually impressive during the second half of the 70s. Lack of animation is not an artistic choice, it's a budget constraint. Ikuhara did not choose for his characters to be barely expressive. He had to make it work due to the lack of funding, hence all the reused footage and looped sequences. Next you'll tell us how great LoGH is because it juzd workz.

Thank you very much.

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symbolism at it's finest.

>Nobody said it does
It's what you're doing from the start. Even here
>anime (animated work)
you're implying that the value of an anime is mainly determined by its animation.
>is not an artistic choice, it's a budget constraint
What isn't a constraint? Every single anime, and work of art, ever made was created under constraints, since there is no such thing as unlimited resources in life. So what is the bar for work created under such inevitable constraints to be acceptable, and how do you determine it? And how do you determine if such constrains allowed the work of art to achieve its artistic goal or not?

There is more to visual mediums than movement you shit eating moron.
You'd think nowadays people would've already realized how the most memorable, the most universally acclaimed and the most thought provoking productions ever made - as far as anime goes - had a relatively restricted budget but no, the monkeys are still rating stuff based on how pretty the colors are and how smooth fighting there is.

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>the most universally acclaimed and the most thought provoking productions ever made
Please list them. Because Utena isn't among them. No self respecting animation critic lists the show anywhere. It has won nothing noteworthy, ever. The single award it won is shared by Yuru Yuri. The most praised shows of all time are littered with revolutionary animation, like the combat sequences you can find in Evangelion or Gundam. So I am not sure whose acclaim you're referring to. But it definitely isn't that of critics, animators or directors.

>self respecting animation critic
Had a good laugh.
>But it definitely isn't that of critics, animators or directors.
It isn't a secret that Ikuhara's style in Utena had, and has to this day, a strong influence on a variety of creators responsable for many notheworthy works.

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA wow. He thinks, that a hack who stole his visual directing style from Dezaki and German and other European Expressionism cinema has AN INFLUENCE. He also thinks that INFLUENCE means that something is good, and not merely that someone else thought it was interesting or commercially successful. Lucky Star is the greatest ANIME EVER MADE, IT WAS INFLUENTIAL. SAO is another contender. So are K-ON! and Dunbine. INFLUENCE he says. Almost fell off my chair. That was a good one.

There are no so called self respecting animation critics. As far as critical thinking and organized analysis goes anime is as dry as a desert, it will take many years before anime starts taking itself seriously and fans start forming organizations built on trying to define respectable standards.

Yes, I can hear you right now, "but hollywood, the Oscars, etc are all jokes", that is correct but it wasn't always the case and once the current cancer infecting is finally purged the structure will remain ready to accept other organizations.

Holy shit son

Who made this?

>12 angery men
Top bait, would rage again

>a hack who stole his visual directing style from Dezaki and German and other European Expressionism cinema
Obviously Ikuhara was influenced by Dezaki, who himself took a lot from german expressionism, but thinking that was his only, or even his more relevant, source of inspiration means not knowing his work.
>He also thinks that INFLUENCE means that something is good
Your point was about Utena receveing no praise from anime creators, and I corrected you, by making you notice that many shaped their styles after it, which I think could be considered the highest form of praise. You should try reading your own posts.


Using someone elses ideas is not praise. It can very well maen that you think of them as incompetent and try to do a better job. Besides, MUH INFLUENCE isn't linear faggot. Just because Cuckuhara did something in 97, deosn't mean that people who directed shows afterwards suddenly were inspired by him. They were likely inspired by the people who knocked off. You know, your favourite director isn't the only one who watched anime or film. HOLY SHIT you people are worse than Madokafags. Unfuckingreal.

Do you even know what directors I'm talking about? Because judging from this nonsense you're writing, you don't.
My fault for even losing time with you, anyway.

And since you had the gall to badmouth Dezaki earlier, do you think that all the ones who imitated him like Anno, Shinbo, Imaishi etc. did so because they "thought of him as incompetent and tried to do a better job", rather than for genuine admiration?

They still haven't reached the peaks of Artland in the 80s, who created the most visually impressive anime ever made

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Macross sucks and Kawamori is a hack.

Name a single anime with better character animation and cinematography than this

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With their newest masterpiece, Bones has definintely cemented themselves as the MOST progressive anime studio and therefore, the best.

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Is that even a question?

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>it's another bones kiddies and kyotofags get BTFO episode

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Everyone knows Gainax will return any day now to reclaim their rightful place at the top.

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>and I don't need to name the studio that is actually best
You're right, you don't. We all already know the one you're talking about.

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Based nips don't give a shit about le saguga. They only care about story and directing. That's why Kemurikusa won their heart.

>They only care about story and directing

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yes, and fapbait.

When was the last time Bones made a successful show?

they're the most inconsistent

>They only care about story and directing.

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I don't think they'd keep making BNHA and BSD if they didn't make money.

Bones don't make money from those. The publishers do. They barely sell BD discs which is the main revenue stream for most studios.


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>Bones don't make money from those.
Yeah, it's charity work.

There's a reason why Bones was on the verge of bankruptcy. Shounenshit don't pay the bills.

Bones does make money by getting paid to constantly make anime adaptations of said shows. And license fees whenever a product associated with said series uses anime designs instead of original designs.

>Kekkai sensen
That's it. I don't think they did anything memorable after 2010.

>There's a reason why Bones was on the verge of bankruptcy

Not every day I find myself agreeing with the OP on Yea Forums

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Jesus Christ it's no wonder they accepted Netflix money.

BNHA and BSD started in 2016, so what's the point of that?

Most studios operate in the red, Bones was probably one of them until they sold their soul to Netflix.

>Space Dandy singlehandedly brings the studio back to life

You mean Noragami? Space dandy didn't even break 1k.

Toonami paid for it.

I heard that Bones are working on Supercrooks, funded by Netflix.
Is the comic even good?

I'm not even surprised at this point.

>I'm not even surprised at this point.
You wouldn't be at all, if you weren't so fucking new. Lurk more.

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>look! my favorite studio has been trying to ruin anime by bringing capeshit into it for years now!
you sure showed me.

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I could come up with a serious response to this thread but instead I made this
I can't be the first user to come up with this stupid joke but dammit that's not gonna stop me

Attached: boobs.png (1000x205, 53K)

>I'm not even aware of a show from 2010! I'm really such a cancerous newfag!
You sure showed me.

Was this any good

They sold their souls to Netflix and people overseas who are not Japanese

I don't really watch capeshit, so no, I'm not aware of shitty capeshit anime.

nips have no souls to sell in the first place

No kekkai senses did because fujos

Hopefully mob psycho 100 S2 sells

>I wasn't even here in 2010, I started posting in 2016

Kekkai sensen S1 sold like hot cakes in japan

It doesn't look good on the stalker threads. It probably won't even break 1.5k.

>if you don't like capeshit you are a newfag
This is the bonetranny mentality.

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Fuck. Japan has shit taste then.

But mob is popular in Korea so maybe that can help sell some DVDs

Please humor me, what is the basis of this "bonetranny" meme

lol they'll pirate it like all other gaijins

there's this poster who's obsessed with trannies and can't stop posting about them

It's a Yea Forums thing, lately they're obsessed with trannies. Don't try to comprehend it.

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I know that you started watching anime 2 years ago, but still that shouldn't be the first okama you see.

>bones is the first studio to have a character of questionable gender in an anime
epic oc though, upvoted

>homosexuality makes you display both male and female characteristics
Imagine being retarded.

>there have been similar ones before therefore it's not fucking garbage

What part of "sci-fi" twist you didn't understand? Do you have something to say about Ivankov and his crew in One Piece as well, dumbass newfag?

At least it's ugly and not like some tranny delusion. It's sweet how they gave it a dark skin and danger hair too, just so all of tumblr can relate.

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>I-It's a sci fi twist so it's fine!
it just keeps getting better and better. And imagine unironically admitting you read wan piss.

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It's ok user, some people like trannies.

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Bones adaptation of Jazz's book when?

Once it's posthumous.

3-4 years is too long of a wait.

ngl I'd love to watch Teratoma's bizarre adventures, though that's for Davidpro to adapt.

Unironically worst studio in the industry.
all they have left today is the fact that
Shinichiro watanabe wants to make an anime with them every 4 years.
Most bitchboy studio out there, gotta be a real fag to like em over everyone else.


The okama is a traditional japanese character found not only in anime, but in all kinds of media, especially variety shows. Why are you pretending to know about Japanese culture when you don't, and why are you consuming japanese media if you hate it's traditional archetypes?
So, no arguments? Do you think that One Piece is funded by Netflix and pushing an agenda by any chance?

I'm not pretending anything, I'm saying it's fucking garbage and I don't care which culture has it.

If you want to defend trannies see yourself out to and stay there.

>a real fag to like em over everyone else.
Have you seen mob threads? 90% of it is gays.

gay kids**


>It probably won't even break 1.5k.
Honestly I'll be happy if it breaks into the quadruple digits. Second seasons almost always sell worse than the first. Plus Mob mostly gets paid through merch.

*dishonest animation

1. KyoAni is unironically the best studio
2. yes everyone else gotten worse

Peak Manglobe >>> Peak Kyoani

there is no way that is from lucky star

Anything is possible

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Bones > Kyoani

>tfw anno is merely dealing the industry a mercy by holding his staff hostage with 4.0

>being so desperate for attention you necro your own thread

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>MHA over Space Dandy or Noragami
Yikes tbqh

It's alright for a kids show but most people just remember it for Stan Lee and the MC being a trap one time

so? this is clearly not a okama character you dumb fuck.

60fpsfags need to die

is this automated frame replication or something? it doesn't even look impressive

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