Houkago no Pleiades rewatch marathon

It's time! Please join us today for the second yearly rewatch of this nice little show, the best car commercial ever made.
The stream starts 1 hour from this post, info will be in the thread.

Attached: [Hien] Houkago no Pleiades - Creditless OP [BD 1080p][C67A774F].mkv_snapshot_00_01_23.125.png (1920x1080, 2.92M)

Other urls found in this thread:


The stream is hosted on Cytube, join the channel "Pleiades"
For it to work you'll need their google drive support userscript: github.com/calzoneman/sync/wiki/Google-Drive-Userscript-Installation-Guide

The shorts on youtube were better than the actual show.
Better ED song too.

>The shorts on youtube were better than the actual show.
Mind elaborate on that?

Nice, I've been meaning to rewatch for years now.

[Kuromii] Houkago no Pleiades ONA [BD 1080p 10bit FLAC]
Subaru (or was it Gainax?) used to host them on their yt channel but have deleted them since then.
They predate the actual anime by at least 3-4 years.

Here's the ONA ED:

20 minutes

Attached: 16399466_p0.png (480x640, 74K)

Alright, time to get comfy. Starting in 5 minutes. I'll be running an unrelated video first so you can check if the userscript works for you.

5 minutes.

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Attached: Screenshot_4.png (1384x781, 2.36M)

Doesn't work for me no matter how many times I try to reinstall the script
I guess I'll do something else with my time, have fun

If you're using privacybadger or something along those lines the player doesn't work

Subaru is cute


Attached: 1523202994691.gif (480x270, 1.28M)

Attached: Pleiades - 02.png (1920x1080, 2.89M)

>Hikaru will never ride your drive shaft

Really want to watch
But laptop is dead again
Have fun in my stead

Sorry for the 5-7-5, my brain is stuck in senryuu mode. Subaru is super cute.

Sorry to hear that

Sorry to hear that
Hope you can get it fixed soon
Senryuu posts are fun

Damn, I wish I'd known this was going to happen again this year. It would have given me a nice goal for updating the subs. Oh well, maybe next year.

You wouldn't survive.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Houkago no Pleiades - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.58_[2015.06.03_15.04.25].jpg (1280x720, 92K)

That is unfortunate. I'd definitely like to host it again next year, would probably make sense to set a date in advance this time. Probably just gonna keep going with the 1st Saturday of April.

Attached: Soob mug.jpg (1280x720, 252K)


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>you aren't anything
>and you aren't trying to be anything

Attached: 1443672766522.jpg (722x690, 104K)

I have a sudden craving for strawberry milk

too real

Attached: [Hien] Houkago no Pleiades - 03 [BD 1080p][568EDF18].mkv_snapshot_00_08_18.330.png (1920x1080, 2.62M)

Best mahou shoujo series that i have seen yet.

Attached: [Hien] Houkago no Pleiades - 06 [BD 1080p][C7ED9EB4].mkv_snapshot_22.55_[2019.02.19_00.25.37].jpg (1920x1080, 971K)

banana milk > strawberry milk

Attached: 1443395111526.png (450x400, 69K)

Wonderful little show.

Attached: 1446110205846.png (2560x1440, 2.49M)

The feels train is just getting started

Attached: 5.png (1600x900, 1.23M)

Attached: 1434631387186.png (450x400, 69K)

Wholesome episode

You can only have to potential to be something when you aren’t anything yet.

Attached: Gaijin 4-koma - Houkago no Pleiades.jpg (1120x5556, 3.35M)

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Attached: Houkago-no-Pleiades-houkago-no-pleiades-38565806-1920-1080.png (3256x1080, 3.76M)

Attached: kyampu.png (1390x773, 2.57M)

Comfy clothes.

Hikaru looks so much better in a ponytail.

I haven't watched this show since it aired and I'm already in love with it again. Such a great mahou shoujo anime.

Fuck off, Phoenix Guildy.

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>Implying enough people watched Twintails to even get the reference


This is a Pleiades thread, I trust you guys to have good tastes and broad experiences.

Where do you think you are?

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Attached: MOOM.png (960x720, 875K)


Attached: kirin.png (160x160, 9K)

Don't bully pluto

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>rewatching trash

Attached: 1546113758692.gif (540x310, 463K)

>can't even gravitationally dominate its own satellite

I want you to gravitationally dominate me.

>the shafts changed shape?!

Attached: 1471630097049.png (224x455, 123K)

For reference

Attached: pleiades timeline.png (2020x1614, 212K)

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Pluto-chan is trying her best


Attached: 1433346793764.png (1300x1000, 212K)

Attached: [Hien] Houkago no Pleiades - 08 [BD 1080p][E412DD91].mkv_snapshot_00_20_19.426.png (1920x1080, 2.77M)

What the fuck are you doing Hikaru.

You now remember.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Planetarian - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.16_[2016.08.27_02.47.08].jpg (1280x720, 110K)

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Attached: Pleiades - 09.png (1920x1080, 2.82M)

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Attached: Pleiades - 10.png (1920x1080, 2.95M)

Attached: 1552193259982.jpg (572x760, 100K)


What a coincidence. I just watched the latter half of the series myself tonight. Wonderful show.

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Attached: 1523194924856.jpg (1280x2818, 646K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Houkago no Pleiades - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_23.38_[2015.06.25_18.57.21].jpg (1280x720, 129K)

Attached: 1435282471402.jpg (1214x640, 111K)

>tfw the comf is over

Reminder that you can't marry a Subaru.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Beatless - 15 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.00.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

And that was it, thank you for joining.
There will be another one next year, first Saturday of April. I hope you can be there again.

Attached: [Hien] Houkago no Pleiades - 12 [BD 1080p][9D4AF4A7].mkv_snapshot_00_23_31.993.png (1920x1080, 2.78M)

Thanks for the stream.


More importantly
Nanako and her brother

More importantly
Itsuki and her brother


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Thank you for the stream, it was fun.

Attached: 1435240445834.png (1920x2160, 3.29M)

Is anybody planning any other streams this year aside from Toradora?

There's a guy on 8/u/ who does streams every now and then, did Toji recently and did Wixoss a while ago.

We've already had Urusei Yatsura or was that last year?, Yosuga no Sora and Azumanga, and it's only April.

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Attached: smug godot.jpg (853x662, 147K)

Aw man, that was my tablet lockscreen for years before it finally bit the dust.

TV ED was moar cawaii.

Does anyone happen to have it sitting around on their hard drive in non-shit quality?

Nvm I have it, the one on youtube that user posted just cut off the intro