ok i watched all shows of this season
what now?
also fuck short anime
ok i watched all shows of this season
what now?
also fuck short anime
>make children
Please be more explicit.
But not all first eps are out. We are missing Senko-san.
And the shorts have been the best part of the season so far.
all which come out already
i dont know what to watch now
Cute tummy.
AOTS so far.
Shorts are the best you stupid faggot.
Attack on Titan Shippuden?
she is right
yes how did you know?
>INCELS: The Animation!~
why do you retards watch this horseshit?
hmm, i like her style
half of the shows haven't even aired yet nigga
>roastie mentality
Into the trash she goes.
>extremely retarded buzzword
>calling someone a retard
fuck off back
what? roasties are the ones going on about "I only want to fuck guys I like"
He can't form a sentence without using a word contained in the urban dictionary, please understand.
She is wrong. The most important role of the wife is to give birth to children that will survive long enough to propagate your genes. If she doesn't like her man, then it's far more likely that the man will fuck off, reducing the survivability of her offspring.
There is honestly not a single series I could finish the first episode of so far. Most of the shit that looks interesting so far hasn't started yet.
The only one that might maybe be okay is Yaiba, which is one of the few I haven't tried watching yet.
>If she doesn't like her man, then it's far more likely that the man will fuck off, reducing the survivability of her offspring.
wrong. it only matters if a man likes his wife, not the oppisite
because i can relate to him
name good show then
t. serious anime connoisseur
That only applies to pre-modern societies.
But i'm not, you just know it's shit.
That said,
>it's far more likely that the man will fuck off
only nigger parents. a real man would find a mistress to unload his frustrated desires.
And the man is far more likely to like the wife if the wife likes him.
Absolutely incorrect. Single mothers cannot raise children as well as a healthy family can, which reducds the chance of mental illness and criminality. Your offspring cannot propagate your genes if they're serving a life sentence in jail for murder.
And you think that wouldn't create a toxic environment for the children?
Where do you live? This shit is common among all people. Even my shitty cousins did it and they're white - not sure if they are cousins, barely met them but they are but some family related shit.
>And you think that wouldn't create a toxic environment for the children?
I don't know what this buzzword means exactly but no. The intention is to keep the frustration away from his home, which would help to maintain the relationship with his wife and child as healthy as possible.
seriously, don't do it again.
>a real man
Real men don't cheat
Some of them don't, some of them do. The important thing is to
>keep females sexually satisfied
>propagate his genes
>raise his spawns in a healthy environment until they can provide for themselves
the rest is bullshit.
Why? If the goal is to propagate genes, then it's better to create cloning tech or other such tech to make the best specimen. Relying on another being to both help propagating genes and safeguarding the new genetic organism is a lot of work for not a guaranteed outcome.
but is cheaper and available
You got me there.
What show is this?
The ambition of Oda Nobuna
s2 :(
Toxic as in unhealthy, you dimwit.
>The intention is to keep the frustration away from his home, which would help to maintain the relationship with his wife and child as healthy as possible.
So the husband starts avoiding his wife and spend time with his lover instead of dedicating himself completely to the mother of his children. This is your solution?
He probably got set off by the word toxic. But yeah, seems like an unhealthy household irl desu. I don't know how that user grew up, or what his parents situation was. But I will always recommend a family where both parents love eachother above one where one of the parents is basically fucking around and never home/parents don't love eachother and fight.
It's cheaper in that case to not cheat and increase the chance of your wife helping you take care of your child
>THREE short anime already
Jesus I thought I was gonna only have two, At least this short has fat thighs and feet.
>So the husband starts avoiding his wife and spend time with his lover instead of dedicating himself completely to the mother of his children
the wife doesn't like him, don't forget the subject in discussion
People aren't mindless automatons, they can tell if someone doesn't like them.
Based and Abe-pilled.
readof course not. remember, you're living with someone who doesn't even like you. Living like that would be way riskier to the child
Why would you live with and breed with someone who doesn't even like you?
The modern concept of true love is overrated and mostly a fantasy. Back in the day people got with who was convenient to be with, you learned to love each other by being together and getting through life.
Where she comes from this wasn't much of a risk.
Based and tradpilled
All beside the point, because the historical Kichou was infertile.
Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma
Fuck off, dipshit
>And the man is far more likely to like the wife if the wife likes him.
wrong, all the girls that liked me I never felt anything towards
I suspect you weren't married to any of them?
fuck off abe
you killed off young marrage and make your people work less so they maybe have time for sex faggot
It's not just a Japanese problem though. Europe and America are headed down that track as well.
This looks like the kind of garbage Yea Forums baits me to watch every season. I'm going to resist the urge this time
>Your offspring cannot propagate your genes if they're serving a life sentence in jail for murder.
Yes they can. Nobody cares if their child becomes mentally ill or criminal.
Try it
That's a dude right? That's can't be a girl, right? There's no way getting a boner while looking at this makes me a straight man.
What's this anime called?
From first hand experience I can tell you this simply does not work. Your children will resent you for your actions which will instill in them a permanent sense of distrust of relationships. You may pass your genes on for a single generation but I can assure you that it will end there.
>having time to watch more than 4 episodes of one show 1 out of 4 seasons of the year
more like
>browsing Yea Forums sometimes and occasionally wanting to watch something but never actually watching anything since 2014
What would you have done in this guy's place?
>Nobody cares if their child becomes mentally ill or criminal.
Don't assume all parents are like yours.
Run away.
>Wait all week for a new episode
>Skip through it in 5 minutes
I just want to enjoy anime again bros
yeah, for the exact fucking reason he just listed