Why would an adult buy a toy?

Why would an adult buy a toy?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Amazing Stranger - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.01_[2019.04.06_11.40.12].jpg (1280x720, 387K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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>Why would an adult watch cartoons
This is the question to answer

I dont know about figurines, since they just there, but action figures are useful to an extent

Collecting is exciting. Decorations help to relieve pain of existing.

doll fuck

Why would an adult start such a thread?

Also I'd buy this one to mod her into Curly Brace.

Collecting helps you forget how complicated reality is.

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To fuck them.

Wow, this is actually somewhat decent.

Nice. Do you post on buyfag threads? I don't think I've ever seen your stuff there.

after Houseki no Kuni & Kemurikusa I don't dare to drop shows for 3DCG anymore and I'm glad I don't
this is surprisingly good

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Where my FAGs at?

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in these threads for the next 12 weeks

Hell yeah motherfucker
Recap movie soon

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Imagine the doujins

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If shes's not organic, then why does she have such life a like texture? ;_;

She is so skinny...
I bet when you fuck her you can literally see the bulge of your dick pushing against the surface of her mound

Attached: belly.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

I don't post in that cesspool for perverts, only in

>male MC
Threads will be dead as fuck.

Oh she must be a newbie va-


> Birthday: Aug 5, 1983

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good for her

Why are robot girls so cute.

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>12 minutes
Into the trash it goes.

Robogirls are for headpats and cheek squishes

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Where it belong with all shorts in this season

Can't upload files because hiromoot, but anyway, been a while since I last watched a little robot girl show. I wonder if it's Busou Shinki S4 or Angelic Layer S5?

I hope you're implying on h doujins.


Please don't be mean.

So was the S2 confirmed as well? Last I heard was the recap movie.

This is what bothers me the most this season, the actually interesting-looking ones are shorts, I guess it'll be a light season with a bit of backlog.

It's not like FAGirl was any different, it was also 12 minute episodes except they were stitched together to fill a 30 min time slot.


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It's been heavily implied that there will be a s2. Announcement probably after the movie.

Someone post "that" FAG webm.

What happens if it's a ruse?

This one?

Attached: 1491847525849[1].webm (1280x720, 2M)

Then we #MilkySuicide

Who's all excited for this one?

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One thing is segment A/Segment B full episodes, another is just haft episode on segment A, it literally cuts the material to adapt/excitement in half.
We buy more FAG's as a protest of course.

Looks like my rate of masturbating to Roll is going to shoot up for an entire season.

To fill the emotional void that should be filled by a woman.

I'm so happy to see a thread full of fellow connoisseurs.
Truly, robots and toys are meant for eachother like this.

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>old hag slightly older than me
This is how it should be. Not some idiotic VA/idol hybrid marketing scheme.
I wonder why she took on voice acting so late, and why she had only minor roles for 10 years. Such a mystery.

This is not the same Oyster as the rape hentai author, right?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Amazing Stranger - 01 [720p].mkv - 0002.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

I miss Dimension W. I know a lot of people thought the plot was a clusterfuck and the pacing sucked but I loved it nontheless.

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>I wonder why she took on voice acting so late
Probably to avoid weirdos like you.

Damn, this glass looks so realistic.

But I'd totally lick her.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Amazing Stranger - 01 [720p].mkv - 0001.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

It was a pretty shit show, but Mira was cute so its ok.

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this, i like my gunpla but i know deep down that i only like them because i will never have sex.

The only redeeming factor was the robutt girl and it's a crying shame that such a top tier semen demon was wasted on such a forgettable show.

The only thing a woman could do is fulfilling your sexual desires, and even then it's not always the case. Women are a source of stress and in such conditions sex feels like shit.

>That walk
>Those spats
>That tail

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Please don't sexualize my robo daughter.

12 is perfect

Be strong, user
Surely there must still be a few decent women around

There are, and those are good to keep as friends.

A girl I know actually got into gunpla and I got her into tiny plastic robogirls too. She's a lesbian.


Attached: amazing stranger nona breast lift.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

I like her eyes. Cute!

You'd almost have a case if every 12 minute anime wasn't a masterpiece.

New season of Monochrome when?

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>literally see the bulge of your dick pushing against the surface of her mound
She is literally the size of my dick, I think there would be a bit more than a bulge

For some stuff 24 minutes just doesn't work. Even most seasonal shit is already dragged out wih 24 minutes.


He's right you know...

Would you play pretend to protect a doll's smile?

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I'll protect her smile no matter what.

How do I make my dolls come alive?

If you haven't bled on them, you haven't built them right.
In each of them flows your blood, but more importantly, your soul.

Only if I can fuck her

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Get into robotics and AI.

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That just looks creepy though. It needs to have fluid movements.

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That's a figurine.

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>here's your BD

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Amazing Stranger - 01 [720p].mkv - 0004.jpg (1280x720, 205K)

That actually looks pretty cool. I think the Stargate SG-1 DVD's I have did something similar.

Very cute
I approve
Main robutt reminds me of this

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Please stop calling them FAGs! They are FA Girls!

More like FAG irl

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So lets actually talk about the anime instead of jacking off to robo girls.
Why is she the real deal instead of a toy? She seems to have all the memories from the anime and it stops right when the series ended. Did she get transferred over from an alternate reality or did some company make her? If so, why was this nerd chosen to look after her?

>living onahole anime
Fuck yes. She's cutesexy as hell too.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Amazing Stranger - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.03_[2019.04.06_20.12.23].jpg (1280x720, 187K)

Their loss if they didn't watch Busou Shinki too.

No, they're definitely FAGs.

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That's what happens to your figures when you have a lot of passion

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Why is Hamburger the only one who has a pair of breasts? Every other fag model is flat but Hrez has a massive pair.

At first I thought that the guy just bought her from the gray giant who lives on the outskirts of a normal human city (their planet isn't rally Earth, but humans live there). The gray man honestly confused Nona with a carving of her he made. But then they showed him buying her at a normal store.
However it's still possible that they're in an episode of her anime and Haruto is a part of the plot. So it's Inception.

Hres is a way higher-spec model than the others so her body's all custom and shit.
The dream sequence human forms of the Materias and especially Architect give her a run for her money though.

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>living onahole
This will never be not rude!

Make a figure get cherished through generations so it becomes a Tsukumogami.

>FA:G was 2 years ago

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>they promised a second season.
>it was a lie

>no CG nipples

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Is there any more info on this gif? Other than it being related to robotics and AI

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It's coming soon! After the movie!


Cute tiny boobs.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Amazing Stranger - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.13_[2019.04.06_20.07.55].jpg (1280x720, 71K)

Why shouldn't they?

And they're also very soft!

Do NOT lewd tiny robot girls

They are MADE to be hot glued.

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Thanks for the link user is there anymore you know about by chance, like a website?

his latest work seems to be an improvement from the gif
Oh god no, that png

What if their box says adults only?

I'd wash my rectum with a shower hose so she could crawl inside and massage my prostate,

I'm seriously considering rewatching it. This season seems pretty weak after all

Styko is for bully, not lewd

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I only know about that twitter because it was posted in the /d/ robot girl thread

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This series seems to understand minigirl love well.

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Cute screws

God Damn it why do people want to ram there dicks into everything, thanks anyway user

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the need to breed is strong

Megami Device anime when?

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>the need to feed

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Shouldn't you be somewhere shilling nippers, Kotobukiya?

>No doll joints

"Breed" you wouldn't even last, it going to like that one futurama episode were humanity almost died out becuase of some robotic puss puss

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This is the future, gramps. Fuck you doll joints.

It's okay, I'm deeply repulsed by pregnancy anyway. The fact that robot girls don't have that shit is one of their better traits.

>repulsed by pregnancy

>Fuck doll joints.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Koukaku no Pandora - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.36_[2016.02.06_15.34.16].jpg (1280x720, 75K)

But you have to clean them until tech is more advanced
Also this

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Do not show your figs anime. It will turn them into worthless NEETs.

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Because she's the best. Normally I don't even like big boobs, but for some reason they work great at 1/6 scale.

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>tiny big boobs

They must feel great rubbing against your dick.

I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet.

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We didn't started flying at match 1 speed, user.

>Being repeatedly hotglued while pretending to be a doll because her self-defence function is broken

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What that green text? What of it?

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Watch out, she now has a knife!

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How can you not? Just look at this indecent body.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Amazing Stranger - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.55_[2019.04.07_10.05.43].jpg (1920x1080, 965K)

Those fucking vagina bones.

Simpler times

There's a reason /toy/ and /m/ go with each other to the Yea Forums prom.

>Why would an adult buy a toy?
In my country, they say "men are children. the only thing that changes is the price of toys".

>it's not a giantess/minigirl moe yuri

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Does Nona even have an actual toy or model kit though? I can't find one.

You give them a soul.

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I like building plastic robots because I'm autistic

you're not south american by any chance, are you?

No, slav.

god i wish that was me

Nona looks like Alia. I love her already.

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Imagine being the actual founder and owner of something like , the amount of money that would bring in

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why you keep posting that disgusting thing

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I would like to press really hard her tummy with my thumb to make her barf. Imagine how cute her blergh sound would be!

Never reply to me again.

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Because its the only thing i have related to robotics

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Why the fuck is her design so good?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Amazing Stranger - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.03_[2019.04.06_15.42.49].jpg (1280x720, 142K)

Feed them your seed

I think she looks more like Marty from the manga, but Alia’s cute too.

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formerly the sneed to fuck

>Simple long hair
>Simple mechanical arms, legs, and headphones
>Simple costume that emphasizes cute, sexiness, and retro-futuristic style
>Giant ahoge which objectively improves cute characters
>Completely innocent personality that's comparable to a moe Buzz Lightyear

I can't believe Cave Story got an anime.

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Is this a better Angelic Layer?

12 minutes is perfect for this kind of series, really.
She's more like a Megaman/Roll type of robot than a doll, though.

Angelic Layer is already bretty good

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She would fit in a Megaman game. Nostalgia, maybe?

Saved. Gotta trigger /u/fags with this.

>She's more like a Megaman/Roll type of robot than a doll, though.
Being a robot doesn't mean she shouldn't have joints. If anything it's the opposite.

Because candy just doesn't cut it nowadays as bait.

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/v pls, everyone is chill at the moment.

She didn't have joints to start with, she was a fixed pose figurine that came to life.

For now.

Now that you mention it, you really need to put attention to decouple your PoV from Nona's. I legit thought she was the exploration probe she was telling us she was until it was shown the otaku did buy her from a store.

Why do a probe have boobs

Someone started translating the manga 4 days ago

>That cover
Already in love with it

>no censoring on topless Nona

Bless their soul.

Attached: 683146.jpg (850x1214, 113K)

Oh boy, I'm assuming we'll get chapter 3 next episode. Can't wait for that cliffhanger.
>No point of articulation at the sternum or above the pelvis
Shit robot, send back to the manufacturer.

Reminder that there's some /jp/ bro trying the finish the damn thing

The most recent Precure has a character who looks a lot like her.

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Little girls shows have the most fuckable characters.

>robot with glasses

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never forget

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Oh yes

This is getting pretty close.

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>No real kigs of Stylet yet.

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>letting your waifu be corrupted by the mass media
MC is a shitty nonafag.

reality is pretty simple though, people are cunts and you'll die, fantastic adventures and alternate universes are more complicated

For what purpose

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Liking the manga so far but I think I'll enjoy the anime more if I stop reading for now.

They are going for two chapters per episode. It won't end in that cliffhanger, but in its resolution.

Maybe he can''t stop and to justify all the purchases he has made in his life he feels like he has to buy more

This really caught me off guard, Nona is cute and well animated while Haruto is based boomer otaku. Will keep watching

Holy shit, this is great. If it adapts it right it will be AOTS