Why is Eren so based
Shingeki no Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
Eren a shit
>waifu thread vs glorious lord and savior Eren Yeager thread
Eren a best
>can't correctly copypaste a fucking link
Reiner's bf should let his hair down more often
Ereh will save the world
Nice gif but I recommend you get rid of the tumblr in your filename, kid.
maybe Eren isn't so bad after all.
What will Zeke's reaction be when he realizes that his brother has fooled him?
Best girls.
Eren is a facist edgelord
>Pieck cucked Mankasa from his mother role
I can't wait for Yelena's face when Zeke comes to help his little brother
How the fuck is eren fascist? That would be floch.
gabi is a brainwashed cuck
>eren is a fascist edgelord
Eren doesn't hate his own race, that makes him facist.
She's more redpilled than every Marleyan now.
>Erenfags are dumblrinas
>can't wait for Yelena's face when Zeke comes to help his little brother
Ahegao face
Literally everyone uses tumblr here,most are just too ashamed to admit. Where do you think all the artwork and gifs come from?
Pixiv and twitter.
>braving tumblr tags
>you now remember all the EM fags celebrating when they thought the Historia panel from the leaks confirmed farmer was father
>then the complete silence when the actual translation came out
I love our lolcows
i'd say reiner and zeke are pretty redpilled
Father confirmation NEVER EVER.
Isayama's post-timeskip girls are something else
Falco as well.
>Erenfags are dumblrinas AND newfags
So Yelena hasn't turned on Eren, to be clear.
Nice job projecting, Erenwhale.
Man you are obsessed
So why can't Armin partially shift? Bert could shift into a torso right? Can the CT not shift without setting off a largescale explosion?
>c-cheap tricks
Is it that Armin just sucks?
Actually he loves his people so he is way worse than fascist, he is literally Hitler
I know how dead and cold Eren is right now, but imagine him getting to Historia’s place at the exact same time when Hanji and Levi arrive there too. And if anything, anything at all shakes Eren so badly out of his mask that he forgets everything, it’s the sight of Levi bloodied and scarred, barely conscious.
And Eren fucking breaks. He shatters completely and in that moment, nothing matters to him - not Eldia, Marley, Zeke or any shit; to him it’s only Levi and when Historia lets them in, he takes Levi from Hanji and sets him on the bed, getting to work at once by accessing the memories of his father, a doctor, and patches Levi up. He breaks down into tears multiple times and has panic attacks because he has been supressing these emotions for so long he can’t handle them anymore and he only calms down when Levi suddenly coughs and opens his eyes.
>he loves his people
>literally wants everyone of them to die
pick one
>haven't even got the full chapter yet
>shipperfags and retards straight to baiting again
Probably a combo. Even a partial CT transformation would be enormous, and the CT drains so much stamina that Armin probably couldn't practice much.
She hasn't
The flowers in the background look like the flowers from the Historia's ending
Too easy,kek.
It's probably the massive scale of the colossal. Just it's hand is probably big enough for that cell, and I doubt Armong practiced partial shifting for that moment.
Eren's not on board with Zeke you fucking retard
Grior did literally nothing wrong. He is the only non-race traitor.
>Eren wanting his people to die
>what is reading comprehension
Facist, not fascist. He discriminates based on faces.
>Porco protected Pieck and Gabi from the debris.
>no one to protect the other soldiers.
Eren probably just killed a good portion of his men kek.
I know that this will offend the husks who post in SnK generals 24/7 greatly, but it was a yet another nothing happens : the chapter.
You could sum up all 45 of the pages in three simple sentences:
>Yelena killed a guy who revealed that Connie is a cuck / Nicolo and Sasha used to fuck.
>Pieck tricked Eren but not really.
>Reiner came back.
That's LITERALLY EVERYTHING that actually happened in the plot. No one fucking gives a shit about Yelena telling them what we already know, or about Armin crying, or about Mikasa and Jean discussing if Eren truly hates the Mikamutt.
>When you see a slave or cattle
We didn't see shit from he POV, so you have literally no proves he wants that.
>Character interactions don't count!!!
The husk thinks that posting this "meme picture" is an argument against me, but the truth is, that he's just posting what he looks like.
Maybe the wording will change but flattening the whole village isn't the scale of damage the Bert torso did until he divebombed Eren.
Mikasa is...
You're a brainlet because that wasn't even fucking reiner
>Wahhhh where's muh EH he can't keep getting away with ittt
>Muh train ceremony and improbable sex chapter
Eren's killer
You can say that for literally every chapter you absolute sperg
>hur dur the only important thing that even happened in chapter 1 was the colossal titan kicking the wall
>LITERALLY EVERYTHING that happened in the plot
>Eren's only backup is fucking Louise and a bunch of recruits.
Oh nonono
But this was a great chapter for Eren. He's hard as fuck, came within a foot of stealing Zeke's girl just cause he could.
Naked Zeke is coming
Eren's wife and mother of his children
Look how the desperate husk attempts to drag this down to his shipperfag level of argumentation - the only level he can interact at.
It's so nice of Eren to be the best man at Mikasa's wedding! I hope her bride/groom will be faithful to her.
*Jean's after this chapter
He looks like livestock
Needs a few more chapters lad
I'm an EHfag and I loved this chapter, you are fucking obsessed even when no one posts about EH.
I bet we're getting a timeskip after this battle.
haven't even looked at this series since i finished Season 2 of the anime. The plot sure seems like it gets more interesting, but do the characters get better? I actually found I liked Armin the most, maybe because he had his shit together more often than not. Mikasa with her brothercon thing was so fucking annoying, does she in particular get more interesting?
they even hinted that eren has different intentions in the latest chapter, you silly speedreading cuck
But all Jean did was tell her that Eren was probably lying
Mikasa is only now beginning to stop being a brocon, but now Eren has a biological half-brother who is even more of a brocon. Characters like Eren and Reiner are 10/10 now though. Don't bother watching season 3 - it's a shit adaptation of the weakest arc. From then on it's kino though and post-basement reveals are even more kino.
Armin got more sweatier and Eren utterly devastated Mikasa by calling her cattle so she should be getting some development soon enough. She isn't wearing the scarf anymore
What cute homosexuals they are.
>implying characters in snk never say what they don't mean
Kek, based.
>Nicolo and Sasha used to fuck
A boy becomes a man. That's all you need to know.
Are you trolling or genuinely mentally retarded?
>Reiner gets to cum in this hair
reiner will be reminded again
It'll be the opposite and you know it, erehfag.
>Detective Nile
>Detective Hanji
>Detective Porco
A-any chapter now.
Grior said that.
>how dare you criticize my 2nd most favorite manga!!
Eren reveals that he is BASED
You're obsessed, dude. Your mind has become so wrapped you can only view any kind of criticism or praise for a chapter through the prism of shipfaggotry. Sad.
Eren is free.
Free range cattle.
More like Eren will be.
Who is the groom?
>Armin crying
At this point I feel like he's faking it. Either that, or Bertholdt really is affecting him.
Reminder that Pieck is safe for now because she's tied to Gabo.
I'm calling you retarded because you said literally nothing happens, which if you read it you'd realize this chapter set up the marleyan counterattack. you're just stupid
Kek, based.
>At this point I feel like he's faking it.
I absolutely do not care if that worthless stu self insert is faking it or not.
>*She will die protecting Gabo
Yeah. the psycho little bitch is the self insert.
Next chapter Connie will be relevant just watch
>Kills Sasha
>Will kill Pieck and probably Porco indirectly
Why is Gabo so shit?
This panel reminds me a lot to this
idk but gabifags should be rounded up and gassed
Gabo will be the cause of Porco and Pieck's deaths? She is finally doing something useful.
you mean based
>Gabi will protect this smile.
>Gabi will eat Eren.
She's based.
Gabi has unironically done nothing wrong.
But farmer is the father, you don't need to be a EMfag to notice the delusion
I can't really keep up with this shit anymore
>kills Sasha
>implying that's a bad thing
armin eats pieck to become COLOSSAL CART TITAN
Never breaking her limiter because Jeanbo ruined her rage
she has had too much of the koolaid
So will Mikasa & Armin join Yaegerist now they know the plan is to cause extinction of Eldian race by preventing bebies?
So all major players are at the same place; Eren, Piku, Pork, Armin, Zeke soon and Annie somewhere nearby.
End Game right here right now?
>when the redpill hits
So how big is Yelena's penis?
Imagine actually making that thing, as to show your retardation in its full potential. I don't think I can compete with that
I don't even remember who some characters are anymore. I'm just reading for the Eren/Zeke plot. And I wanna know who fucked Historia. Everything else is background noise.
Should I be sorry to Gabi at this point? After all shits she has done?
>About to be BTFO by based ReinerCHAD
>major player
Gabi literally has not done anything wrong.
No but this is going to be very major, the most eventful chapters since the attack on marley
that's right I'm better than you at being retarded too, just give up
She hasn't killed anyone remotely important, so
>and Annie somewhere nearby
isn't she in wall sina ?
Truth is we don't fucking know, that's the problem. There wouldn't be this much shitposting all across the fanbase if the identity of the father was "obvious" or a given, especially when the only information we have was delivered by drunk MPs who turned out to be wrong about more or less literally everything concerning the circumstances of the pregnancy.
Massive horse cock
She still is the holder of one of the Nine Titans.
>better than me at being retarded
Ok, you win the retardation game Floch
kill yourselves you fucking pieces of shit. You forget about sasha? was she meaningless to you?
Reminder that Falco and Gabo will betray the warriors
Fan theory here.
Zeke will come to the rescue by activating those who drank his spinal fluid. He’ll end up feeding himself to Eren, so that Eren can finally use the founding titan powers. Eren eats all the other titanshifters save for Armin. Uses the founding titan power to initiate the rumbling. He’ll then pull a dues ex machina by removing Ymir’s influence on Eldians. This would remove the fear of them becoming Titans ever again.
Literally who?
Falco is gonna be titan'ed by Zeke well before he can do anything significant.
Eating Zeke won't allow Eren to use the coordinate.
Falco wont get the chance since he'll be titanized. Gabi, maybe. Depends on whether she decides to just trust her comrades like Pieck.
Armin will be eaten too. So he can off himself and pass the power onto Hisu's baby.
>not knowing Isayama's love for aha gotcha moments
The scene is set for Annie's return
>erenfags are wojakposters
>tfw Eren is in another continent killing children and still hasn't returned, how dull
>I'm supposed to become that fat hairy titan? Yeah sure, I'm *totally* fine with that...
>this dumb farmer keeps trying to act cozy and asking if I want a shoulder massage, ugh
>the military thinks I'm a slut, whatever~
>I don't want to be mean or spread rumours buuuut Sasha was literally the dorm bike
>Mikasa comes over but she just cries staring at my belly and her scarf smells
>this rocking chair creaks way too much, my feet hurt
Eating a royal blood person does not allow you to use founding titan powers. Grisha ate a royal blood titan that had the founding titan and didn't do anything with it. Zeke has to be alive and simply come in contact with Eren
>Eren doesn't even care about the man Pieck killed in front of her.
>perfectly happy to ally with her afterwards
>neither does anyone else.
Hahahahaha! xD I can see that.
>can kill Eren right there
>doesn't do it
>b-based pieck !
>Zeke on the way
>Poisoned MPs
>Low flying blimps
>Tons of rubble
>WHT Eren
Any last words Reiner/Porco/Pieckfags? You all know how this is going to end.
Wishful thinking.
She couldn't, Eren had already cut himself and transferred his consciousness to his asshole.
should be
>my hips hurt
Is this your first fandom? Fanbase constructed shit has always been a thing, it doesn't mean that a theory is more likely just because the fanbase suffers from collective hallucinations
Honestly, it's cool to see Magath again
You again? Do we have a new user with this type of Tourette’s?
>Zeke will save Eren when he jobs.
>Eren will betray him afterwards.
Eren is a rat.
are you literally living under a rock? This is a common thing. also why should anyone give a shit about an extra dying?
Ok, who will die in this battle?
holy shit
Of course, that guy's a Yeagerist. Eren definitely doesn't give a shit what they do or what happens to them. If anything, I bet their nationalist ignorant mentality pisses him off a bit.
Porco and Pieck are doomed.
Pieck is 100% going to die this time around
Eren flops down onto the gigantic heart shaped bed, exhausted.
"I can't believe it! Look how big it is, Zeke!"
Zeke sets down their bags, seeing the sleeping clothes set out for them in the sizes they'd told the staff. Who'd prepared this room for them. Their prize from the surprise dinner lottery an overnight stay in the honeymoon suite of the Nine Titans' fanciest and priciest hotel. They'd been planning to drive back home tonight, but Zeke supposes this is a blessing in disguise. He's pretty beat and could use some rest. They have until tomorrow noon here. Eren already talking about the pool they'd past. Maybe they can have a dip tomorrow. Zeke interrupts Eren's scheming.
"Roll over so I can sit down will you?" Zeke says, Eren somehow taking up the whole bed. Reminding Zeke of a cat.
Eren rolling his eyes at him as he rolls over, startling Zeke when it looks like he's gone too far and rolled off the bed. Eren merely wanting to get closer to the cart the opposite side of the bed. Set on it are more of those chocolate covered strawberries, and even a bottle of chilled champagne in a bucket of ice. Popping the cork with far more ease than should be appropriate. Two glasses Eren pours. Zeke sighing as he accepts the glass Eren hands him. Eren drawing nearer.
He crouches down, to sit at Zeke's feet, peering anticipatory into the bag Zeke has open, "Well? My not-evening-but-actually-night-time present?"
Zeke chuckles, patting Eren's head, "I was just getting it," he'd been rummaging about his bag but can't seem to find it. His brow knits as he thinks, panicked as it's concluded... he'd not put it in the car when they'd visited it to drop off their game prizes. How could he not have noticed it wasn't with him this whole time?
"Sorry. Eren. I think I left it at home."
She will be.
Every non-named character. All of them. The Marleyans, the Jeagerists, Zeke's men. Falco and the others will be titanized. Colt will probably die. Louise will die. Yelena will be betrayed and killed afterwards. Reiner will sacrifice himself for Falco.
He knows exactly where. He must not have put it in the bag to begin with then.
After all his agonising over not giving it to Eren at the restaurant too. Zeke feels crummy, especially when Eren brushes it off. Obviously he'd looked forward to it. The best is saved for last, isn't that how it goes?
"Oh, don't worry about it," Eren says. He's downplaying his own reaction so Zeke won't feel bad. Eren shoves a strawberry into Zeke's mouth. Flashing him a smile as he rises up to set off and explore the rest of their vast hotel room (more like hotel quarters), returning past Zeke only to eat the rest of the strawberries. Zeke holds back a groan as he watches Eren lick at the remnant juice and chocolate along his fingers. Eren off again.
Eventually, Zeke can hear the water running so Eren must have found the bathroom.
"Even the tub is heart shaped!"
"Is it?" Zeke gets up to have a look himself, feeling his age as it hurts to get up. Leaving behind his glass of champagne. He'd had enough to drink at dinner, and figures Eren should have too. Eren's champagne glass near empty as Zeke joins him. The bathroom is as large as the bedroom. Mirrors everywhere.
"Let's add some of this," Eren is saying, empty glass down as he gets on his knees, pouring into the steaming hot water some pink powder. Fragrant of roses, it makes pink bubbles emerge.
But she later tells her that they might as well stick with Marley because muh nakama
If Eren eats Pieck and has her consciousness swarming around his head does that make him best girl?
"Nice!" Eren remarks, returning to the bedroom for a refill of champagne. Zeke frowns.
"Don't you think you've had enough? No more after that Eren," Zeke goes to see how much more is left. The bottle is almost empty, so Eren must have already drank more without his noticing.
"You worry too much. I'm fine. Besides, it feels good," Eren snatches the bottle from him and refills his glass again, holding it up to Zeke, "Have some. While it's still my birthday," Eren is coaxing, Zeke swallowing from how close Eren is. Eren smiling at him with his face finally flushed. Finally a little tipsy. His tolerance for an inexperienced and young drinker frightening.
"You need to feel good too! Zeke!"
Zeke downs the glass, the bubbles hurting his throat.
Least like this there's no more to drink.
He hears the faucets squeak off as Eren stops the water, the tub already beginning to overflow.
"Let's hurry up and get in while it's still hot!" Eren calls. Zeke immobile as he comprehends.
"Y-you want me to go in there with you?" he hasn't bathed with Eren since he was a small child and needed help.
Eren is already partially naked as he sticks his head out from the bathroom doorway. Obviously cross, and inebriated, "What else! Stupid big brother!"
>Louise will die
I hope the nigger dies
Zeke reluctant, until he hears Eren's startled yelp. Rushing into the bathroom, Zeke sees Eren hobbling. His arms tilted about as he tries to keep his balance to get into the bath. Eren completely naked. Zeke's body hot enough without the steam about the room, he swallows again, his mouth full of saliva as he regards Eren's naked body. His wide hips and large bare ass. His sunkissed skin, and long pretty legs. Eren wobbly on them, having had too much to drink and each of those drinks catching up on him. Zeke hurries over to him worriedly. Afraid Eren will slip and fall, hurt himself. Eren looks relieved as Zeke places his hands on him, keeping him upright.
"You finally came big brother," Eren says far too affectionately, without any sarcasm so Zeke knows he's drunk for sure.
Zeke tries his best to not look (anymore than he has), already knowing what he's feeling beneath his hands, is way too much for him. Making him only want more. Eren's skin is smooth, he can feel the little bone in his hip, his hand moving from the curve of it, enjoying the dip of Eren's waist. He'd eaten a lot today yet remained too slim here. Zeke's face is red, as he knows where it all goes. Eren's plump ass. His thick thighs Zeke had felt on their picnic.
"Be careful. I'm going to check the water, it might be too hot," Zeke tells him. Eren's whole body is flushed like his face. He may like hot baths but between it and the alcohol it might be too much. Zeke can't help but give in, too weak of a man, letting his eyes rake over Eren's body as he carefully dips down to stick a hand into the water to check how hot it really is. Eren cutely clinging onto him as he goes down. Zeke sinks his arm into the water, letting it soak so he gets an accurate idea of the temperature. Unwilling to put Eren in the bath until he's certain it won't overheat him.
Zeke is surprised to find the water is not as overly hot as he'd expected it to be. Eren really had drawn the bath with Zeke in mind too.
"Let me help you, my princess," Zeke can't help but say, a nickname Eren would have pouted and scolded him over. Disliking when Zeke jokes around like that, so embarrassing! There's none of that. No scowls, no fists, as Eren lets Zeke pick him up gently. Demure and obedient as Zeke crouches down and carefully begins to set him into the bathwater. The bubbles brushing against their skin together, a few popping against Eren's nipples that barely manage to submerge beneath the soothing and fragrant water. Zeke moaning as he couldn't stop himself; having looked over Eren's body even now. Delightfully in his arms. Needing to watch carefully as he carefully places Eren into the bath. In case there's any catching signs of discomfort, Zeke relieved to find none. Eren is content. Clutching onto Zeke even as he's seated fully into the water without issue.
Rather, Eren has an issue. Looking up at Zeke worriedly, reminding Zeke of when Eren was younger and would cling to him about everything. Not wanting to do anything without him. Wanting to go everywhere with him. This causing Grisha to be jealous of Zeke at times, Zeke recalls with satisfied relish.
"You're going to come in too aren't you?"
Seeing how anxious Eren looks, Zeke can't leave him alone in the bath, even if that would be for the best. (Or maybe not, given how drunk he is. Zeke can't win tonight.)
"Of course," Zeke replies, stroking Eren's cheek, his fingers still a little wet. The water not dripping off fast enough. Eren doesn't resist him in the slightest, eager for his touch and his attention as he asks,
"I promise," Zeke really does, then wanting to make sure, "Are you comfortable Eren? How's the water? Not cold are you?"
No, only the holder of the best titan can claim the title of the best girl.
Eren shakes his head, Zeke wishing Eren wouldn't reply the way he does, "It feels good big brother. Hurry up and come in!"
Zeke pulls his arm out from the water with Eren safely seated, turning his back to undress. He'll have to be careful as he joins Eren. Not wanting Eren to watch him as he does. Drunk as Eren is there's no doubt he wouldn't not notice Zeke's erection if it was in plain naked sight. Zeke feels himself grow harder as he considers Eren's pretty green eyes worriedly regarding his cock, its length, its girth. While sober, Eren would most likely kick him out and call him a pervert, but with Eren like he is now...
It turns out Zeke had nothing to worry about. Eren turned starkly away, tense as Zeke had settled in beside him. Eren sinking lower in the bath as Zeke props his arms up along the rim of the floor set tub. The bubbles hiding enough Zeke thinks. Disappointed he can't see more of Eren, grateful that Eren can't see anymore of him.
They soak in the bath, unfamiliar uncomfortable silence distorting the relaxing comfort their bodies feel from the hot water, the hot steam. Eren breaking that silence eventually, as he keeps sneaking glances over at Zeke. Water briefly splashing about him as Eren moves closer, turning to face him momentarily to ask-
"C-can you wash my hair for me Zeke? Like you used to?"
Zeke wants to refuse, getting closer to Eren isn't the greatest idea but Eren's entire disposition is hopeful. His breath caught in waiting for Zeke's reply. Zeke would feel just as guilty if he said no, so he might as well say-
"Yes. Here in the bath alright?"
Eren nods, his smile too joyous, Zeke feels his cock grow harder. Harder even more as Eren says, "Thank you big brother!"
Reiner will destroy cuckren
>The commander literally ran away with a half dead guy that may not get healed in days
I'm finding it rather irritating, all this talk of Eren being battered, my guy can literally create anything he wants out of thin air, Porco is fucked.
Cart Titan ain't gonna do shit and Reiners armor is essentially useless at this point, all it'll take is one big ol' whip thing and he'll be a large pork crackling.
If Armin can buss' outta prison he can just nuke all the enemy soldiers too, this is a one sided battle.
On a more serious note, it's pretty obvious Eren will eat at least one of them, most likely suffer boi as it's been a long time coming.
What is Yelena's endgame? Is she in love with Eren? She won't kill herself when Eren betrays her and Zeke, will she?
Eren turning around, little ripples shattering the bubbles that don't float or scatter away. He sinks low in the bath and dips his head back enough to wet his hair. Zeke helping him, his hands at his shoulders, then the back of his head, cupping his face. Reverently. Eren closing his eyes as the water encroaches.
Emerging back up, all the locks darker and soaking, dripping. Slicked back. Zeke reaches over to the nearest pump of shampoo and slicks his hands with it. The shampoo the scent of roses of course. He lathers it into Eren's hair, having him dip to rinse. He repeats the concept with conditioner, massaging Eren's scalp this time. His rinsed hands cupping Eren's face or holding his head to make sure he goes down enough, not too far. Eren standing up enough in the bath to gently squeezing the excess water from his hair when the process is done. Vibrant, refreshed, so pleased Zeke has done this for him. Watching Eren's fingers curl around the locks he'd just been allowed to touch, Zeke feels blessed.
"Let me do something for you too," Eren says.
Zeke shaking his head, "I don't need you to wash my hair."
Eren pouting, "Not that."
"I'm supposed to be spoiling you, not the other way around," Zeke can't help but chuckle, Eren is too sweet.
Zeke wants to kiss his flushed cheeks and slim neck, he wants to place his palms against Eren's flat breasts and press his thumbs to flick at his pretty nipples. He wants to pick Eren up by his slim waist and place him at any edge of the bath and suck him off.
His time is tick tocking.
Jean will be a better leader anyway
>best girl
that's not annie, infidel
Reminder that Reiner WILL NOT die in the upcoming battle, but both Pieck and Pock will die in front of him and Gabo will be taken away from him yet again.
You’re incredibly unintelligent and you have no idea what you’re talking about.
It doesn’t matter if we already know zekes plan, certain characters don’t , and now that they do it will influence the actions they take.
No tile is wasted retelling what we already know.
Then afterwards, Eren can keep his legs spread open for him and let big brother come inside him. Zeke wants to thrust his cock inside Eren's hot and tight little hole. Eren will cling to him and all around him, so sweetly until his voice cracks. Unable to get him off him or out of him, because 'it feels so good big brother!' he would stutter to say. Too overcome by pleasure. Eren's hips would rapidly move, up and down to swallow him up. Zeke feels like his cock will burst as he considers it. Feeling like a hungered beast as Eren rises up further within the water, letting Zeke catch another lasting, painful glimpse of his bare body. Eren pushing at Zeke to let him behind him and knead at his back.
"I don't care. If it's my birthday then I can do what I want can't I? Let me make you feel good too, big brother!"
In his mouth, Zeke's tongue feels like cotton. With how indignant Eren is being, Zeke knows Eren won't let him say no. Zeke groaning, achingly. As Eren's hands, fingers, arms knead about his sore muscles, across his back, strained from that sudden pitching he'd done today. He'd been the best pitcher on his baseball team back in high school. But that was quite some time ago. Regardless Eren still looks up to him for it. Playing in the sport himself at his school. More likely to catch than pitch. Zeke won’t ever forget Eren's bright eyes on him when he'd come with Grisha to watch Zeke play his games in the field. Eren so small, often needing to sit on Grisha's lap in order to see him. His big brother Zeke, the team's number one star. Their ace. Eren his number one fan.
Isayama removed LH from the story so the others can do something
How badly are these guys gonna get fucked up by Porco?
Reiner is going to giddily jump inside titan Falco's mouth
Well you have yet to explain how theorizing about the father's identity would somehow be the result of a collective hallucination from people who for the most part didn't give a shit about EH nor considered it likely or possible prior to this pregnancy which, again, isn't clear in any way whatsoever.
Zeke has to force his hand away from his cock, wanting to beat off as he feels Eren's body lean to his, those adorable nipples he'd been fantasizing about, rubbing against his back as Eren struggles to massage Zeke's lower back with his hands. In the process, Eren struggling to stay upright since he's not too coordinated at the moment. Zeke can feel Eren's flat belly, his hot little pants to the back of his neck as Eren does his best. Zeke wants to fuck Eren here in the bath. The sensation of Eren's hot flesh to his far more than he can handle. And Eren as always, is always too cute.
"That's, that's enough Eren. The bath is getting cold. We should get out."
Zeke struggles to argue.
Zeke almost cums on hearing Eren's startled cry, at him turning around to pick him up bridal style. Plucking his princess out of the water, carrying him with him over to the shower area so they can spray off the bubbles and elsewise that'd been overlooked. Eren startled at how cold the water is, Zeke sorry but he needs it. Hoping that will sober Eren up enough. He's gentle with Eren as he dries him off, patting his hair he'd carefully washed. Treasuring Eren's trusting and blissful expression earlier as he'd run his fingers through his hair, the suds gathered along his fingers.
Both in bathrobes. Eren hobbling to walk with him. Zeke lifts Eren up for the small distance, and places him carefully on the bed. Eren's arms around him, clinging, until Zeke promises he'll be right back. Eren barely able to sit upright, only doing so with much coaxing from Zeke. So he can blow dry Eren's damp hair. Zeke running his fingers some more through the soft locks to make sure they're dry. Eren trying to hug him once he's done. Succeeding. Eren peppering his face with kisses as thanks, so happy with his clean hair. Too pretty, his Eren is- a shoulder of his bathrobe falling reminding Zeke they still need to get into their pjs.
Guys, what if while Historia is pregnant with Eren's kid it counts as touching a royal? Their DNA is in contact so PATHS means Eren currently has full control over the Founding power and has no need for Zeke at all! He's about to whoop some Marleyan ass.
I still don't know how to pronounce Pieck
>*insert manlet doing the Historia/Zeke crying face*
I'm getting a little worried about your retardation reaching its full potential.
I thought that missing bodyparts stops you from transforming.
I pronounce it Pii-ek due to the piifags
I think it's meant to be pronounced as Peek
>Zeke comes in
>Falco becomes a titan under his control
>eats a wounded reiner
>new armored titan
just wait and see
How irresistible Eren looks. Eren nodding to him obediently. Zeke feeling like he'll blank out, his dick is too hard. He wants to fuck Eren against this mattress; make sure he won't be able to walk tomorrow too. It'll be alright, big brother will carry him home. Anywhere his princess wants. Zeke's hand trembles as he reaches to stroke Eren's cheek, biting back a moan as Eren holds his hand to his. Eren's fingers stroking across his fingers.
"Can you help me put this on you?"
"Yes, big brother," Eren says, rising up to shrug off the rest of his robe. Zeke biting down onto his own bottom lip to resist biting down on Eren's neck. He wants to kiss his cheeks some more, then even, his sweet sweet lips. Plump and parted as Zeke draws the sleepwear top across Eren's bare shoulders and buttons it down. Once Eren stands up or sits up it'll fall across his thighs. His delicious thighs Zeke thinks, looking too at Eren's curled up cock resting between them. His belly button. His wide hips. Disappearing from sight as he lets the rest of the shirt fall. The robe pushed off the bed. Zeke is relieved he's managed all that he has and has done nothing else. Zeke sets to tuck Eren in. Eren suddenly angry with him. A tremulous storm.
Angry. Not for what he deserves.
"No! No you promised Zeke!"
Zeke had been trying to move away, set to sleep on the sofa nearby.
"It'll be more comfortable for you to have the bed to yourself," Zeke tries to convince Eren, knowing he did promise. He wouldn't leave.
Eren is shaking his head, "Sleep with me!"
His arms reaching around Zeke's shoulders, trying to pull him down to him.
"Please! Please please Zeke! I want you with me!"
The first injury you get after being fully healed lets you transform, so transforming now is fine, but he shouldn't be able to transform again during this fight until his leg heals again.
Me neither. I started out with "peak" but lately I've been reading it as "pi-yek"
Sasha was glad that she would finally eat. She opened her mouth to thank him but it widen even more as she saw him undoing the front of his pants.
"What are you doing?!"
Rivaille stopped on what he was doing with his pants and pulled the chair back allowing him to get in between the table and Sasha. He then went back to work on his pants.
"You said that you were hungry."
"I thought that you were going to feed me."
Pushing his pants down past his knees, Rivaille stood up straight and proceeded to stroke his length until it was fully erect.
"I am. You love taking that meat so much I figured that I would return the favor by giving you some of mine. This is what you will have for lunch."
It came to life in his hand and Sasha was in awe by its size. Sasha leaned forward in her seat where she was face to face with Rivaille's member. She gulped and contemplated whether or not she should give it a lick.
'It's just like that sausage I had yesterday."
THREE PAGES of your mental illness
I can't see Reiner dying yet. Pieck and Porco will be killed first.
>Zeke comes in
>Falco becomes a titan under his control
>eats Zeke
>Falcon titan
As everyone knew since Falco's first appearence.
>new chapter
>dead thread
What killed the hype?
Nope. Reiner transformed just fine back in RtS despite losing almost a whole forearm after Mikasa sliced him. It probably has more to do with stamina/level of exhaustion combined with the seriousness of your injuries.
>from people who for the most part didn't give a shit about EH
I hope you're joking, you can't possibly believe this
Lack of Annieposting
>stalking user-kun
EHfags are disgusting.
>You can say that for literally every chapter you absolute sperg
Yes, for every chapter of SnK.
Compare and contrast with good shonen.
Husk HOYP!
Somehow he'd managed.
It's the middle of the night.
Enough moonlight has dipped into the room that he can make out, barely, a familiar yet unfamiliar silhouette. What it really is, he doesn't comprehend until he's grabbed at his glasses and put them on-
Eren's form above him.
He'd woken up because he'd thought he'd heard his voice. Zeke considering he'd heard it again, Eren sweetly telling him he loves him- a happy recollection, in another dream of his. Zeke wanting to replay the phrase over and over... like Eren is ramming his ass down, over and over- onto his cock. What had truly woke Zeke up, a sensation too good to be even from his dreams.
Eren is naked.
Gasping and moaning as he drives his hips down, flexing sensually is his flat belly, being filled up by Zeke.
Eren taking him in to the hilt repeatedly.
His legs spread, his thick thighs rubbing against Zeke's hips with each throbbing thrust. Eren as hot and tight as he'd thought he would be- also, slick and sure, swallowing him up, frantically, enamored. Are Eren's eyes on him. Watching him as he takes his cock back inside his asshole, a cry for each time his tip hits up against his core. Eren's nipples perked in the night air rise up sharply with each heaving breath. Sweat glistening on and running down his flushed skin, his long dark hair swaying, back and forth with each movement of his body. His hardened cock slapped against his under belly. The tears Zeke had wiped away before they'd set to sleep are present, sliding down Eren's cheeks, dripping from his chin as he realises-
"A-are you awake, b-big brother?"
>Then Eren, angry, will have no choice that to visit Historia
>He sees Historia is sitting in her chair
>Turns out it was Hange with a wig waiting for him
when in doubt, just assume it is pronounced the german way.
>ie is pronounced like letter E
>ei is prounounced like eye
>other fun german pronunciations
His words flinching, trembling. As his pretty body does. Because he's fucking himself on Zeke's cock.
"It's alright. G-go back to sleep. I'm almost done."
Eren tells him. Zeke is confused, feeling his large dick grow larger inside Eren- oh, Eren must feel that too. He's almost done because Zeke-
"O-once you cum w-we can forget all about this alright?"
"What do you mean Eren?" Zeke asks, trying not to let himself move, touch Eren. His voice guttural. Knowing if he touches Eren he won't be able to hold back. His initial confusion (had Eren mistaken him for another?), agony (for instance, that Levi), paving way to comprehension. Revelation and happiness, even while Eren looks like he is on the brink of despair. Zeke will save him.
"I-it's all your fault big brother," Eren is accusing him while still moving his hips, gyrating them back and forth to fuck Zeke's cock, how magnificent his Eren is. How welcoming and tender, he feels Eren flinch and hears him cry out as Zeke feels at his limit, his cock as big as it can get. If Eren didn't keep forcing his body to accept him to the hilt he'd probably be able to keep Eren's body risen up off the bed through his dick alone.
"My fault?" Zeke muses gently, wondering what Eren has to say.
Eren looking guilty regardless as he scolds him, "Y-yes! You didn't give me, m-my last birthday! P-present! So I'm! I'm! Having you as my- Oh! Oh! Ah! Ahn-! Aahh!" Zeke had started to roll up his hips to meet Eren's, interrupting what he was saying. Eren struggling as he sobs, Zeke's cock filling him up relentlessly.
"Your what, Eren?"
Just call her Piku or Pii
Nah. Will be Reiner, Zeke is the antagonist and will last longer, Reiner's time has come and it actually makes sense for him to go out that way since it's been foreshadowed in like a million possible ways
>referring to yourself in third person as "user-kun"
0 subtlety
I really and unironically believe she'll return within the next 3 chapters or so. After all these years Anniebro, it's coming ;_;
The manga isn't very good anymore
It'll be Zeke. Eren is the antagonist and final boss.
>"MASAKA! D-Detective Hange da..."
"S-stupid big brother!" Eren finally manages to sputter. Eren's naked body above his exquisite, Eren needing to bend forward to actually fit more of Zeke in. That there is something more. Eren is amazing, to find a way. His body extremely flexible, his nipples brushing up to Zeke's chest as he lies his body down against his. They rub against Zeke's hard muscles. Eren panting, moaning loudly as Zeke shoves his cock up inside him, back and forth, strongly. Violently. Eren's toes curl in as Zeke's large and long member strikes up frequently and easily to his prostate, causing him to forget everything, words, concerns- anything but this pleasure, he wants it, he doesn't want it to stop. His ass bouncing up and down, Eren crying out as Zeke reaches to fill his hands with the cheeks of Eren's spread ass. Squeezing it as his cock repeatedly fills it, hot and slick, tight and deep. Eren screaming.
"G-give it to me! My gift! I want it big brother! I want you! I want you t-to cum inside me! Please! Ah! Ah! Ahn-! C-cum!"
Like Zeke hasn't been able to all day, all night, all his life since he's met Eren. He can't refuse him. Finally Zeke cums. Feeling like his dick is exploding as his ejaculation bursts forth inside Eren's tight asshole, Zeke grunts, panting. Watching Eren's brow furrow as Zeke gives him what he wants. His cum sticking and filling up Eren's insides, his cock still lodged up in there rubbing to Eren's prostate as Eren moans. Saliva dripping from his gaping mouth as his moans turn into a high pitched cry. Zeke's hands reaching to stroke through Eren's hair, his fingers threading through the locks like he had when he'd been washing them. From the bottom of his feet, to the top of his head, he feels molten and heated, pleasured and overcome. Eren cumming. Startled and overwhelmed. His semen sticky across their skin, their overlapping sweat. His throat raw.
/snk/ died with Bert and Erwin whether fags here like it or not.
>I've been waiting for you, Eren Yeager...Or should I say...EREN REISS?
Hope is torment...
When the stars manage to clear away from his eyes, Eren nuzzles his face against Zeke's chest.
"Was that a good enough gift for you," Zeke is asking, caressing his fingers against Eren's cheek, "My princess?"
Even with his flaccid cock it feels wonderful to be inside Eren, for Eren to be his, to be unable to move from him. Eren gasping for breath, still high from his climax. Even though Zeke asks this question to Eren, Zeke knows for himself it's not enough. Now that he's experienced heaven once, he can't give it up. Even if Eren changes his mind, the alcohol only making him more likely to give in. Zeke wants to have him like this always. He wants to keep loving him like this.
Zeke is wiping at Eren's hot tears again, as Eren struggles to answer.
"I... want one more gift."
"Greedy," Zeke calls him, Eren feeling Zeke's chuckle to his core with him still inside him. Eren reluctantly struggles to tug his body up, and pull Zeke out from him. Shuddering as he feels every inch of his big brother's cock slide roughly out from his anus. Dripping copiously with cum, Zeke's cock slapping up, sticky and wet, against the back of Eren's thigh.
>Crying so much when there is barely any EH
yes yes im here don't worry
Based, redpilled and saved.
the first transformation in the manga was eren without arm bro
>"G-give it to me! My gift! I want it big brother! I want you! I want you t-to cum inside me! Please! Ah! Ah! Ahn-! C-cum!"
user, do you unironically believe that everyone who buys into the Eren = father theory is an EHfag? Even though it's like one of the most popular theories related to the pregnancy and EHfags themselves were and still are a completely insignificant minority in both Western and nip parts of the fandom? Come on, now.
It is but bear just a little longer user. Don't you feel it too?
>A-Annie?? no...you are too beautiful to be Annie...and her nose wasn't that beautiful
>Eren is the antagonist and final boss
After this chapter where Jeanbo spelled it out for everyone that Eren is just lelouching his way through, it should be obvious Eren as the antagonist is not happening
This is the "skerit club" spouter faggots
How was it back then user? Obviously better than now, but how?
>Still being this delusional
It already happened. Embrace your mass murderer.
That's not an excuse. We've had dead/slow threads for good chapters and active threads for bad ones before.
He's lying at best like zeke is lying to him
I'm sure not everyone but the majority, and you're in hard denial if you really believe that's not the case kek
>"We are chaining Gabi to you so can't transform without killing her!"
>He literally transformed twice when he was near Mikasa and Armin, not only not hurting them, but in order to protect them
>next day
The door bell rings.
"I'll get it," Eren says, laughing at Zeke as he picks his back pocket for his wallet, "You can sit and wait here. Big brother," Eren pushes at his chest, then tosses his baseball back to him. Zeke catching it as he sits down on Eren's bed. His erection too obvious for him to answer the door. His inconsiderate little brother so considerate.
Zeke figures after dinner they can make love. Or maybe it'd be better for them to eat afterwards?
He should tell Eren to double check the order, and starts to get up after rearranging his clothes, feeling a little... calmer. When to his displeasure he hears Eren call out on opening the door-
"Daddy! You're home!"
"Eren!" Zeke hears Grisha exclaim. Zeke scowling as he rounds out into the hallway leading up to the front door. Disliking it thoroughly, Grisha hugging Eren so tightly, twirling him about lightly. His back cracking. He sets Eren down, a hand to his back.
"Maybe I shouldn't overdo it," Grisha says, as Eren picks up his bags for him, heading to place them in Grisha’s room.
"Your gift is in the black bag!" Grisha calls, closing the front door. His face lights up on seeing Zeke, "Zeke! Come give me a hug too!"
"You're too old for that," Zeke says, point blank, pushing up his glasses and narrowly avoiding Grisha's extended arms. Eren has excitedly emerged from Grisha's room with his floral print wrapped gift at hand.
"Big brother! Be nice to our old man! He's had a long trip!"
Eren turns to Grisha, all smiles. Zeke is tempted to shove Grisha out the door, the pizza delivery person will just have to overlook their drama. Zeke is sure they've seen worse.
Eren jaeger, the guy who don't need to paint his hair of white to be badass.animeonlys don't expect what hw will became.
Not him but I personally couldn't stand Bertfags. They were everywhere and pushing their boy into every conversation, not to mention the fanart spam. Serumbowl did kill /snk/ but I won't be missing them.
I don't like Eren all that much, so I'm just being objective. The Jeanbo scene dispelled any doubt that he's trying to save them
the tallest one ofcouse, they always get the better jobs
eren is fucked and cucked
Tbh there was way less anger for lack of better word. Not every disagreement ends in a
>kys retard
in response. Shipping is about the same though just different fags honestly. But I'm not that old of a fag though since I came around end 2015. Also way more drawfags and flockmod stuff which was pretty cool.
far too kino to happen
This manga is top tier
The majority being a dozen fuckers on an image board? That's nowhere near what I'd call a collective fanbase hallucation.
I agree with Eren all non Eldians must perish for the Eldian people to live in peace.
One, Eren is mad, two, there's no escape for the situation he put them, except death. The people of Liberio have a small hope, but only thanks to Will. Paradis is fucked no matter what happens.
A dozen fuckers having a collective hallucination then. Happy now?
This arc has been a contrived mess for the most part, but if Isayama delivers with the upcoming fight, with all the sides and important characters participating, it can be kino. Also Eren's PoV fucking when.
Reminder - Jean confirmed that Eren still loves Mikasa and Mikasa nows it, so she also still loves him. Yelena also confirmed that the Cattle Queen was impregnated by the Farmer King, just as planned.
You're being too defeatist, I'm sure some asspull will come up. And again with the Eren mad, Jeanbo's comments are all you needed to know. It's Isayama telling the reader that his intentions are to save Paradis
considering all the retarded/wrong opinions and theories being flung around all the time, why is Eren = father the one that you care about?
tell me user, why this one specifically?
Isayama: Inside Eren’s mind, there is something like an emotional complex. For instance, in contrast to Armin who dreams passionately about the natural world outside the wall or unknown legends, Eren holds nothing but indignation. So that attitude develops into a complex - and there is also an inner part of him wondering “Am I empty-headed?” - but then he learns that human beings can turn into Titans. As his existing beliefs are gradually getting destroyed, he makes “How about just conserving myself?” a new standard, and he makes decisions and acts based upon it.
The girl gasped and bolted up into a sitting position as soon as the water hit her. She spluttered and coughed up the liquid that had managed to make it up her nose. Blue eyes were wide with confusion and shock as she struggled to register where she was. When she met Hanji's intense brown eyes above her, she immediately slid a blank expression into place.
"Annie Leonhardt," sharp eyes stared down at her behind glasses gleaming in the dim light of the lamp, "or the Female titan. Whichever you prefer."
Nothing from the blonde on the ground.
Hanji felt her lips curl into a snarl of a smile at the defiance in the girl. "You'll have to forgive my rudeness, but shaking your hand would only be insulting at this point. After all I don't really plan on making friends here.
"My name is Hanji Zoë and, although I've heard a lot about you, I don't believe we've had the pleasure," She nearly spat the word, "of meeting before," Her tall stature screamed danger as she stood at her full height. The menacing aura filling the musty basement grew with each second that passed. Eventually the brunette knelt down to look directly into Annie's grey-blue eyes.
Man I'd take Bert being complex posts over any iteration of the current /snk/. At least back then it was pretty amusing and light hearted than this constant shit especially between YHfags and EHfags.
Interviewer: This is a complex that only Eren experiences. Do Mikasa and Armin have other ways of thinking?
Isayama: Yes, and this is related to the upcoming chapters. With different ways of thinking, the three characters will go into different directions. The result of that, as part of my conception, is that they will sort of oppose each other. The current chapters may foreshadow this kind of development.
Interviewer: Then, then……Eren and Mikasa may separate as well?!
Isayama: Mikasa’s growth probably involves separation from Eren. By separation, I mean she might be able to return to that ordinary girl that she used to be in childhood…… I read some interesting thoughts from readers on the internet. People would say male mangaka have a tendency to reject the notion of “fate.“ On the contrary, female mangaka draw works that approve “fate.” You meet your Mr./Ms. Right, you say “This is fate!”, and you accept that the trajectory of your life is already predestined. People who interfere with that and seem to affect your serene life are portrayed as villains. Of course, I am not speaking of all mangaka, but with my mentality as a male mangaka, I think it is pitiful if Mikasa’s life is only about staying together with Eren. However to Mikasa, it is a wonderful thing to be with Eren forever. Combining what I’ve said, if I were to draw the separation of Eren and Mikasa, I feel like my portrayal likely won’t be satisfactory for readers, because Mikasa would have to endure the strain of being stuck between Eren and Armin. Even though she can sympathize with Armin, who considers things from a “globalism” perspective, it’s possible that she can’t just let the more self-focused Eren go. [Note: Isayama uses the katakana of “Globalism” in Japanese to describe Armin. He probably means Armin embraces the world and is curious about everything in the universe, while Eren is rather “self-focused” compared to him.]
>are all you needed to know
Yes, that Eren is mad. Isayama has been telling the readers the whole manga this. And something will go terribly wrong, the ones Eren relies on are dumbasses including himself.
Because that's what we're discussing right now, paranoia-kun. I hate everyone indiscriminately when they're sprouting stupid shit, so just so you know I hate the most
It was a trap, he knew Gabi likes him and will betray Pieck.
i want yelena to shove her huge amazon feet down my throat
When the blonde looked away, Hanji grabbed her jaw tightly and yanked her back to facing her. The intensity in those light brown orbs made the blue flicker with the smallest hint of fear. She pulled her small head forward, so close that she could feel the steady breathing of the younger girl. Never once did she break eye contact, quietly absorbing whatever information she could gather.
She seems lucid enough to question, though with the look she has it'll be like pulling teeth.
The brunette allowed herself a sadistic smirk.
Maybe it will be pulling teeth.
She could feel no guilt. After all the Female titan had done, if all she had to worry about was Hanji pulling her teeth she was lucky.
Strawberry blonde hair and smiling amber eyes flashed through her mind. A brief memory of someone she had once loved was enough to fill the tall woman with the rage to fuel a whole army. The pain filled her heart. Wave after wave of agony came with each beat that it took. The brown eyes flashed with a silent promise of twice that pain to come for the blonde in front of her.
"Alright then, Miss Leonhardt," She drawled the formality with mock pleasantness, "I'm going to ask you a series of questions, and you," Hanji squeezed her jaw harder for a brief moment, "Are going to answer them with all the thoroughness of an autopsy."
She set a cheerful smile on her face before leaning back on her heels, allowing Annie a small amount of space. "First, are there anymore like you that I should know about?" She knew there were. Although, she didn't know who, she knew it was something that needed to be brought to everyone's attention.
The original point was that it caused heated discussion across the entire fanbase because nothing was certain, to which you replied that fanbases suffering from collective hallucinations was nothing new. Now you're switching the argument to just a few shipperfags being deluded?
The fact that it's been stated several times already that once Titans are no longer useful, Marley will simply kill every single eldian, means two things:
>Eren's plan isn't to "destroy the paths" or "making it so Eldians can turn into Titans anymore". That would be useless.
>the warriors, who are very aware of this, helping Marley in the current situation makes no sense.
Holy shit can Isayama go one chapter without doing a 180 on someones personally. Getting really tired of this "i was only pretending" bullshit. Instead of writing consistent characters he keeps making them do wild turns for the sake of plot twists. This manga went to absolute shit after the time skip
>t. Yelena
This pretty much confirms Eren will ever have a love interest, or at least not a healthy one.
YH wins, EH loses.
*hate you
Will Ymir die very very painfully and messy?
Or will she be erased painlessly, fading into light?
Or will she be symbolically eaten up and dissolved into the dustbin of history for good?
>characters were lying in previous chapters
>this is bad writing
sasuga user
>all the reaction image i posted these few threads gets reposted
Really makes you think
t. speedreader.
Interviewer: So is it also a test for Eren to overcome difficulties that result from others changing?
Isayama: My editor Bakku-san [Note: Shintaro Kawakubo on Twitter] used to ask me “Who is the rival of the protagonist?” To be honest, I didn’t think about that question very much until Bakku-san sought for an answer. In the movie “Star Wars,“ the protagonist Luke has an rival in antagonist Darth Vader, a counterpart of Luke’s self-image - and he must not turn into Darth Vader. After Luke overcomes many struggles, the story just ends there. In Shingeki no Kyojin, Eren also has something he needs to overcome. It used to be characters like Annie, or his own dark side as he keeps in mind to avoid. However, in the current storyline, there is no such obstacle for him to conquer. As the manga progresses, I want to draw the process in which Eren discovers the existence he needs to overcome.
>post something pro-marley on leddit
>initially positive response
>suddenly get bombed with downvotes
why do i even bother venturing there
Ymir died thousand of years ago.
>I read some interesting thoughts from readers on the internet.
Isayama reads us EHchads
Dude, some old post from there are mine kek (I'm EHfag). I used to like that pic too.
I didn't switch, I was just humouring that user, that's why I said "happy now". Next time I'll write /s at the end like on leddit, just for you
Try again, a lot of those have different filenames.
>As the manga progresses, I want to draw the process in which Eren discovers the existence he needs to overcome.
Eren will overcome his obsession with obtaining freedom and become at peace with himself, thus becoming “truly free”. The last panel is Eren holding his symbolic self.
>his symbolic self.
Aka the baby he had with Historia
That's what you get for going into speedreader club for any manga.
Every plot twist since the timeskip so far has included "i was merely pretending" bullshit.
Back when /snk/ was dumb and fun
Then it wouldn’t be symbolic, fag.
>and become at peace with himself
On death.
what an honour
>The last panel is Eren holding his symbolic self.
I’m sure Reiner can relate.
Actually, he is reading my posts specifically. I predicted EVERY SINGLE PLOT TWIST that happened in the last 4 years.
But I like you a little bit better for spelling this like a true Brit
No, after all all of this is about breaking the bad cycle so he can't have a child of his own.
Or maybe his favour to his chidl will be he won't be there to "raise" it and thus breaking the insane parentage cycle.
I love Mikasa
I rabu Piku.
The endgame was set in stone the moment he lost his virginity from that Hisu cosplayer, now Araki can only hotglue his Mikasa figurine bitterly as his dreams are slowly shattered.
Fucking retard
Yeah, you did switch since you didn't even bother sticking to your argument that the father theory being this widespread was just the result of the fanbase hallucinating. You also didn't bother explaining in what way it was delusional.
We know, Eren.
Tell me the Next plot twist user.
Eren's dream is to play with dolls?
I knew he was a fag.
Terrorists and lovers
Isayama said that Eren's story is entirely selfish and focused on himself, so I doubt it.
Clearly obvious you're so invested because you're a retarded Ymirfag who can't look past that Eren being the father is a valid theory. Stop being so attached to fictional characters next time.
dear god
That's a thicc Armin cosplayer.
>Reiner, Pieck, and Porco facing Eren
>Eren: "You could not live with your own failure. What did that bring you? Back to me."
Just in time.
>replying to yourself
>I predicted EVERY SINGLE PLOT TWIST that happened in the last 4 years.
Yeah sure buddy
Ok then...
Doppio is actually the mafia boss, he will kill the leader of the assassination team with 5% of his power and with Narancia's help, and then he'll donut Abbacchio.
You do realize that selfishness includes prioritizing certain lives over the larger number of people as well because said lives have more meaning to you, right? Which is something he's been doing since serumbowl and seemingly is still doing.
Based Whofags
LM soon.
>He thinks I give a shit about jojo
Hahahahaha nice joke user
go back
It was still cancer but it was fun cancer. Anons now take everything too seriously.
>erentrannytumblrinaledditor12yearolds are capeshitters
>Obviously better than now
Not really.
I'm just shitposting EH memes and having a good time, dunno about you guys
They hacked the game files and according to the game code, Hanji's 3D model has the "male skeleton" property.
I want to punch Yelena's stupid face
You know what happens to half dead guys in this show? They get a syringe with titan cum, they probably have a shit ton of that shit by now.
Then the question is, who does manlet eat?
Annie next chapter for sure, right?
>fanbase hallucinating
Some people were collectively hallucinating that Nibiru was going to crash into earth in 2012 through the power of ayy lmaos. So to expand on this analogy, Eren as the father theory having gained traction means that the fanbase is large and varied enough to have multiple people believe all kinds of crazy shit
It's okay.
when the fuck is that game going to go on sale
there's no way in hell i'm paying $60 for it
Yes bro. For sure this time around.
I love EH but I refrain from really posting because the Ymirfag tried to derail the threads with a passion.
She promised...
How lewd would this series be if titans had genitalia?
I can't imagine anything worse than the father """""""""""discussion"""""""""""
If you say so, whofag
Imagine wasting your time and energy hating on anonymous posters for talking about a perfectly plausible theory just because you don't like it.
>who does manlet eat
Considering he's floating down a river to fuck knows where, I don't think he'll be eating anyone.
I want to kiss Yelena's beautiful face.
t. Zeke
Bros should I cosplay hobo Eren or manbun Eren?
Best nose survives another chapter.
I’ll let you guess who I’m talking about.
t. Yelena
Then you're a newfag. Nothing will ever top the Ms. Smith cancer.
Venom leonheart
A fallen father.....and also a smashed one after eren's party in liberio
My heart is big enough for it
Same just with the opposite ship and characterfag
What do you look like? It depends on that, but generally I'd say hobo Ereh is better for cosplay
Armor manlet would be pretty cool but I think he's getting the beast just to fuck everything up.
Again, when asked how the Eren=father theory is delusional you don't even bother answering.
Their dongs would be so huge they could use them to demolish buildings
what if the see ya later girl is Piek right before she kills eren
yes, i wonder who indeed
Leave it to a woman to literally understand how things are but still act irrationally because muh feelings
hobo Eren's more easily recognizable.
Hobo eren was the biggest chad manga MC ever known
Manbun eren a shit.
Pii, of course.
>tfw i'm already pretty much hobo eren incarnate
god i wish i could grow some decent facial hair
sisters i figured it out! christa is a lesbian, not historia! now yumicuri and erehisu are both canon!
Based Magath > Eren
Anyone who believes in objective morality and meaning is a flaming faggot. This is why Annie is best character - she isn't as guilty of doing this as the others are.
WOW! Those Erenledditors! Haha! I bet you found this via google and don't browse reddit 24/7 yourself.
Don't open this image.
>no u
You have to go back ledditor
The fact that you even think with terms like “good shounen” let’s the world know you’re a true pleb.
I have shitty facial hair but the parts that grow are exactly the same as hobo. I wish I could have something like Reiner's.
Eren leglocking Reiner.
Are you white? What are your features?
>who does manlet eat?
Based ubermensch
And based taste in best girl
Don't mind me, just staying calm and analyzing the situation perfectly, getting information out of the opposition as much as possible and seeing through Eren's actions
hey Attackonweeb
what's the symbology there?
You'll look like you tip the fedora either way.
>better than now
2 devices
eren is definitely in the wrong but god i want to see him win so bad
Manbun is hotter.
BASED Jean will save Paradis.
Because it's been debated plenty already, people were saying Eren was the father the moment she showed up pregnant, and there was no rhyme or reason back then either
You too, user. Assuming you feel the same as I do, how do you cope with these said opinions?
Jeanbo was based as fuck this chapter
Come one, you can't look that bad.
ironically still relevant
So fucking true. Annie a best indeed.
"Later, they found two corpses floating in the river"
aside from his first fight with annie, when has eren actually lost?
You’re extremely autistic, when transforming to protect someone you’re titan isn’t combat ready, it’s an inconvenience in battle.
Every instance of which the titan is a detriment to the user in any sense of functionality outside of protecting someone.
If pieke can make a titan to protect ga I that just makes piecke a sitting duck, either way she’s inconvincend while tied and useless in combat.
It also goes without saying gabi would be crushed by the flesh as the arms of a shifter are always attached to the titan.
Why do you think Eren is in the wrong? Are you a filthy moralfag?
brainlets will disagree with this
>defending bad writing from a bad writer and untalented artist - according to his own father
user, I don't know if you noticed, but Eren don't have a very good brain capacity.
This really makes me miss old /snk/. We don't do shit like this anymore.
>pointing out the obvious while doing nothing about it is Jean's greatest accomplishment
>implying eren wasnt going to eat pieck at the roof
>Marely trying to genocide Eldians for Paradis resources
>Eren definitely in the wrong
>no rhyme or reason
there's enough development between Eren and Historia to come to the conclusion they could be in love, even if it isn't the case, dismissing it outright is pretty stupid
The fukkatsu typeset is out:
Jean really wants his true love to be with the one he dislikes the most. What a selfless cuck.
Where exactly do we think the story is in regards to nearing the end?
What about manlet and Hanji? What about Annie? Where's Zeke? What about Historia? Nile and the Falco? etc
>based Eren making tumblrites so mad that they obsessively search reddit too for hot takes
True but you could say this about most chapters. At least we know for sure next chapter will be 90% action packed, those are usually the most fulfilling chapters.
He dislikes Mikasa the most?
Yeah, and you're stuck on the reaction of few shipperfags who had nothing to go off of at the time. It's been 10 months since then and there's been more than enough evidence about Eren's knowledge and likely involvement in the pregnancy (whether he be the father himself or not). It's on you if you don't wanna see this but there's nothing delusional about surmising that Eren could be the father based on what we've had so far.
I grow shitty facial hair but it conveniently is the same type of shitty facial hair as Hobo eren. The only problem is that I'm going to have to plan ahead for cons since I need time to grow it out beforehand + I have to do Eren the first day so I can shave for other characters on other days.
Well, I like that Marley has already initiated their attack, that speeds things up quite a bit. Though there's still a lot left to answer in the plot if Isayama plans to tie up all those strings before ending it. I predict 10 or 12 more chapters
>Reiner and pure titans rain from the sky
>Eren calmly commands them to "Stop"
>Every titan stops moving
>Eren reveals the severed finger of Zeke he had in his pocket
But that's my point, I disagree
I thought Ereh was a metalfag?
We just need more drawfags around. I would like to volunteer but I'm busy with study and I don't care about posting here that much.
>nothing changed in 5 years
Reminder Annie within 4 chapters
Fuck off gopnikslut
Manletto will finally rabu Hansi
He protected them by building a body that could shield them from cannon fire. The form itself wasn't complete nor could it be effectively used to fight.
>ywn listen to rock with eren
Is this the only fanbase pathetic enough to actually pretend to like these boring characters just for the sake of arguing over them? We all know the writing is shit, the story is dull as fuck despite Isayama trying to throw in as much edge and shyamalan shit in there. Anons constantly admit this manga is bad but will still pretend to take sides and engage in a war that doesn't exist.
Falco is going to get titanized in the next chapter or two and be saved by Reiner. The warriors will lose when Zeke arrives. Annie will either show up here, or be freed afterwards. Eren still has to betray Zeke so I think it's safe to say this will be the penultimate battle. 8-10 chapters left minimum I'm guessing. I'm expecting a lot to be explained near the very end through flashbacks if I'm honest.
What metal would Eren listen to?
Armong is too much of a beta bitch to shift properly without causing damage.
She's clearly clueless about the pregnancy's details. EHchads never stop winning baby.
>Eren eating Historia
Proof that Eren threatened to kill her orphans if she wouldn't let herself get raped by the farmer for Zeke/Yelena's plan.
>Eren barely beats the Marely soldiers and the 3 shifters
>suddenly Eren hears another Titan approaching
>it’s Annie
>Eren tries to beat her, but fails
>before she can finish him off, Zeke appears
>Annie has no idea that Zeke has betrayed Marely
>Zeke takes her head off and defeats her
>Eren touches Zeke
>first order of business, making Annie his new slave via mindwipe
Its pretty telling that the most discussed thing in these threads are ship wars. At this point, i just want this shit to end
>busy with study and I don't care about posting here that much
Yeah understandable and who would really? It's just the same old constant shitflinging and it's not even entertaining.
Also just dumping old shit I saved back then
but her face says something else
>This is what the Ymirfag wants
The Liberio Liberators translation makes it sound like the pregnancy was planned by Zeke/Yelena. This translation is probably bad, because it makes it sound like it was not part of the plan.
100% he would listen to Godflesh
same here like
>titan being humans and the wall people being a special race predisposed to turn into titans
>the outside world still being fine
>that shifters were just being used by some country/organization that treats the titan people >like 2nd class citizens
>armin and eren going full mass murder and killing kids
>zeke having his own end game
>a big huge political clusterfuck of betrayal
I also predict that annie crystalized herself as part of some long range plan and she may possibly do something related to berts memories inside armin. I also predict Piek will die a horrible death. Eventually Eren and Armin will destroy the whole world leaving it filled with titans except for their island from which they will rule over the survivors that are left.
>tfw the final plot twist is that Eren had no ultimate keikaku and he was actually on board with Zeke all along.
He is.
>"his song genre of choice at karaoke would be metal."
Im defending good writing and explaining why your assumption that piecke should be able to do what eren did despite their randomly different circumstances and objectives.
You’re compare two completely different things and claiming the writing is bad, ironically enough the only bad writing here is your own.
>Imagine being a Sashafag
I can't wait for her death to be animated.
>This translation is probably bad, because it makes it sound like it was not part of the plan.
Why? Maybe it is more correct?
Why are you here?
I really feel bad for her. RIP
What's actually wrong with you?
I want to comfort him, bros. He needs a drink. Do you think he'd like Siberian rock?
Please dump more
Nothing ever changes.
Just admit you don't understand it anymore and read Black Clover or something. I'm sure you'll be able to understand that.
He doesn't need to eat. He's part titan so Eren can probably use PATHS to heal him
Absolutely based. I wonder if Isayama listens to metal.
Not sure if falseflagging or genuine but the other typeset was a translation of a translation.
>shit scans
fuck off
That would go against all of Eren's ideals
No one is mocking at her relax
He wanted to believe.
>that image
The one Falco will eat is Armong
This manga literally tried EVERYTHING and still it's so bland and uninteresting.
>MC is now an antihero and the world is against him, character dEvolupment!1
>the world is actually not what we thought!!
>the main shonen trio is broken up but this time the main protag is the rebel
>memories and powers can be transferred, other magic shit
How the fuck do you try everything but still end up with boring unreadable garbage? At the very least you expect this to be a wild, but fun ride. It's not fun at all.
Are the Liberio Linguists scans better?
Go full hobo with me
Piece of shit
>beruanism spic
>Eren makes all humans titan compatible
>Mindwipes the existence of titans from everyone
>Baby yeagar lives happily ever after
yep they use the kr scans, look at this shit from mangadex
>Hisu confirmed to listen to power metal
It was always meant to be.
Eren is not having a happy ending.
Literally will break his Ackertautism
Because it isn’t boring unreadable garbag. It’s by far the most well written and consistent on going manga by a land slide. It’s even more remarkable that it’s monthly it’s honestly amazing what isayama is able to do.
>power metal
Where did Isayama confirm that?
it was still shippingshit but it didn't have the modern EH/Erenfag poster who angrily attacks every other poster in the thread
If I remember correctly Isayama said after Utgard she would listen to it
>pregnant Hisu will never ever give you a slow and uninterested, clumsy footjob
farmerbros hold me
>>Mindwipes the existence of titans from everyone
She literally thinks he's Jesus
I usually ignore celebrities but this one broke my heart
Got informed that her mother has cancer all of a sudden, the mother wants to spend the last two months with her only to be in the hospital and die the next few days. I really feel bad for her
>top panel
He posted it on his blog.
Yeah it was after those chapters.
>EH/Erenfag poster who angrily attacks every other poster in the thread
The only one attacking other posters is the Ymirfag. You may also consider "attacking" anyone who gives you any argument or post a fanart
me too :)
Remember the good old days when everyone made fun of slutty. Only time the whole thread was united. Still remember his period blood story
> :)
Fuck off LEpedo
>falseflagging this hard
Go back, EMfag.
oh man i really hope that she doesn't kill herself if EH is confirmed
ErwLmod really has no compassion.
Quick rundown as I haven't red snk since 2014 who of the original cast is still alive?
EHbro here, I know she trashtalks us every time but I dont care. F.
Not the EMfag, is the LEpsycho, she is so crazy she even reported her as pedophile just because she said LE was shit. She falseflags as EHfags and YHfags
no body cares reddit kys
Disgusting fujo piece of shit, one thing is shitposting and another thing is use that to blame the fags you hate. How low can you sink? I can see why even other fujos hate LEpedos
YHfag here but I have to agree with you this time :^)
Not Sasha
EHfags are disgusting.
>LEpedo is a psycho who takes ships so seriously she would laught at someone with cancer and blame other posters
Kill yourself
t. Allahfag
It's like you're only getting used to the pedos multiple personalities now
This, but then I want to fuck her raw while she's sobbing from the pain.
ehfags ate your mum
Last for Erehisu :)
>both raging retards
>both listen to metal
literally meant to be