
You are discussing anime with those people.

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why do niggers look retarded?

But moot said Naruto shouldn't be banned

I'm also arguing with literal /pol/ preteens, who couldn't draw a proper graph to save their lives.


They seem nice.

>Not making thousands of dollars a month reacting to anime
Lmao @ your life people... on my 4chins?

videos of me masturbating wouldn't be allowed.

cold climate theory

Anime is already made by non-whites, why would I care about non-whites watching it?

omg like so literal?
like omg /pol/ like literally like preteend, omg
>sips so y

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say neither of these guys post on Yea Forums

>thousands of dollars

well you have to know how to read to type i think

Please check my 5

I really dislike shounenshit so hopefully that's not the case for me.

I'm sure most people who is an "internet personality" avoids Yea Forums like the plague in fear of being found out and labeled as altright nazis.

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Yeah, like retarded faggots who post youtube eceleb threads

I'd rather discuss anime with a cute indian girl

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>behold the master race of white people

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>white nigger
only jews are people

why is this thread still up? not that i mind shitting on niggers, but this thread is also shitting the board.

Black anime fans are infinitely less cringe than white anime fans.

FUCK racism and FUCK niggers