
Do you think Lola/Crowley will show up relatively soon again, or will she be out of the spot light for a bit?

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Other urls found in this thread:


1st for Accel

Attached: toaru sasuga number kakine accel.jpg (779x333, 65K)


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Calm the fuck down Kuroko

So is Abe a really bad fit for Touma's voice or was that shitposting?



Ofcourse it was shitposting. Literally no one has ever said that before as far back as I can remember and it came during a sudden wave of shitposting since some shitposting faggot woke up. The guy was trying to get a rise out of people

The guys related Abe to pineapples on pizza, what the fuck do you think?

Settle down Crowley

Does anybody have that official art of Kuroko with her hands on her cheeks/face and elbows on the table with bedroom eyes and smiling? Maybe she was with Mikoto. I need it.

We know Othinus.

>Crowley ends up taking over the big breast Onee-san demon that is technically a dorm manger for the Neccesarius girls
200 IQ plays

It was his true keikaku all along, the absolute madman

Not anymore

Calm the fuck down, Misaki, we know what you did with his missing arm.

Is this what you're looking for?

Attached: 1492937760570.jpg (1000x1300, 273K)

All according to keikaku

She literally said that she was going into the shadows for the time being
What do you think?

Attached: Meme Magick.jpg (1242x690, 92K)

Yes, thank you.

Kind of like how Touma was "dead" for half a volume and how Mikoto would become a bigger part in Touma's life/adventures back in NT2?

We still dont know the significance behind Touma's death

She did, she went from basically zero to something

Attached: mikotocute.jpg (1366x768, 259K)

She barely did anything for like a dozen novels after NT3.

We all know, Mikoto

>Fought a Saint
>Went to Tokyo
>High Priest

Can't really speak about Touma's "death" at all, but in universe she went from a nuisance in his life to someone he genuinely starts worrying about. Prior to the end of NT2 he never seemed to care. And then in NT13 he throws an almost uncharacteristic fit because she got talked down to.


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Misaka wants in on the missing arm action as well.

Attached: 1544192795076.png (1280x720, 946K)

You need to give him more than just towels, Itsuwa


Misaki already stoled her gimmic

God that episode was so lewd

You like Index?

I fucking hate her.

>MisaMisa sharing an arm
Hyper lewd

We all do

And well animated. One of the few episodes that were great for me this season.

Good, I'm glad.

Imagine them fingering their pussies with that arm's dead fingers.

>OT17 and 22 had the best animated episodes
I probably wouldn't have believed you if you told me that a year ago

Sasuga Aleister

>taking this long to garrote a slim girl of about 14
Frenchies can't do anything right.

>yfw they 3D print exact replica's of Touma's arm and sell it as a dildo
MisaMisa conglomerate soon

Holy shit, that's fitting.

It could also be like how Kazakiri said she wouldn't be able to manifest for "a while" and then proceeded to be gone for 22 volumes and counting.

That makes perfect sense though, it's only been one month.

More Mikoto when?

Now, now, you have to admit it to the person himself, Accelerator.

Cute Mikoto

>"Ah, Misaka-san! I'm coming, Misaka-san! it's like Kamijou-san really is inside me!"
>"Don't embarrass me any more like that, you cow in heat! I finally got this idiot inside of me too somehow, and I don't want anyone ruining it for me! Ah, I'm coming too!!!!"\
Then they kiss with tonguing, but only platonically, because they want to imagine it's Touma kissing them.

Cringey fanart

I agree. His shading style I disagree with as well as the way he draws them as if they are like melting or something, but his clouds are on point.

sasuga raildexfags

You really have to ask yourself. Is s3 really that bad or is it just nostalgia that makes you think s1/s2 were good?

So you're saying all of animated Index is bad?

Attached: just as planned.jpg (793x534, 162K)


Attached: 1554466596439.png (1200x675, 740K)

Jesus, the'd sell atleast 10k of those with the Misaka Sisters alone

Boner why

Attached: 1549635909590.jpg (712x710, 90K)

I'm saying s3 didn't feel much different than s1/s2 for me in terms of quality. They're all fine. Yet most people seem to hold s1/s2 in high regard and then s3 is where there's a multitude of issues.

Fresh OC
Felt like more of these were needed.

Attached: baitbreakout.png (938x713, 41K)

Rose tinted glasses basically, but 0930 still blows anything from s3 out of the water, but then again magic arcs have always been pretty weak IMO.

Magic sucks dick in the anime since there's no narrator connecting the dots of logic with it. Esper powers don't need exposition

Isn't this a HorribleSub-ism? It was saint destroyer in the book.

Thta's why it's bait


I still really dont see how a narrorator would magically make the magic side better in the anime. It's usually explained just fine. Its simply that magic is way more complicated and esper stuff is simple, so naturally anime viewer are going to gravitate towards esper stuff while novelfags, who are more inclined to dive into all the world building and systems and such, will enjoy magic for that very reason


This reads like IamVerySmart.

Like what? Are you trying to say I'm trying to be pseudo intellectual or something? Because I'm not. I'm just saying, I dont think it would change much. Esper stuff is easier to "get" so its going to be easier for an anime only to watch. Then if you really get into the series, magic starts getting cooler. Its been noted multiple times that a lot of sciencefags become magic/neutralfags after getting into the novels.

>Harder DADDY

Matsumoto (animator of later Index III episodes) drew Accel and Qliphah on his Private Twitter. What anime Qliphah would look like basically.

Attached: file.png (730x820, 337K)

Honestly though Touma probably would have given that speech for anyone. Say Himegami was on the bike getting led away, and HP shit talked her, he'd still get mad and say she's trying her best and how she keeps him grounded. He wouldn't just go "lol you've got a point man".

Place your bets on what the big announcement will be
>NT anime
>Other Kamachi works anime
>New spinoffs
>Railgun movie
>Another Index movie
>AB anime

Why does she always have to look like a smug teasing semen demon with accel ignoring her ass in every picture?

Is that the entirety of her character? wtf

Thats one flat semen demon

Wait when's the big announcement? also my bets on another Kamachi works anime

Given Kamachi account's particular wording:
>NT Anime
>Shift for the mediamix from "Old" to "New"
>Possibly Blood Sign but this is outside Toaru Project

>The franchise moves into a new testament
All we have is "after S3", so any time

Blood Sign is about to end so I doubt we'll get that

I'm not sure I really want an NT anime anymore. The way Index III was directed, it was practically opaque to anyone who hadn't read the books beforehand, much moreso than the previous two seasons.

I hope its NT spinoffs and not an anime

index III was an unfortunate exception born of unfortunate circumstances. They've already apologized and I think we won't be sticking with the same staff given what's been said so I wouldn't worry.

So Nips role playing and probably samefagging like us, huh?

Attached: 415.jpg (363x218, 13K)

Once Railgun outsells both Index 3 and Accel, it will be a Railgun movie to capitalize on that

I am starting on Volume 8, but did Volume 9 feel like that?

It will be the same Staff as long as its the same studio that keeps taking a shitload of anime projects at once

It's still got at least 3 volumes left.

No, Railgun Editor said early on Railgun Movie is heavily unlikely.

Not really. Even if the studio is the same, the priorities and staffing can easily change which would help a ton. Again, don't ignore that they've recognized the problem and some nips already identified that said staff isn't initially what they wanted.

It would be very strange to move into "a new testament" and not get at least one season of NT to herald its arrival. I do want those spinoffs though

I hope it's anime over spin offs but both is ideal.

I think Dengeki called it the start of the climax at some point, not sure

Any source on that? Haven't visited raildex thread in a while so i need to catch up with some news

Oh yeah, I remember that.

I'll try and find it since it's from 2017, but context of it was that shortly after Index III's announcement, back in October 2017, he was answering fan questions on twitter and someone asked if a Railgun Movie is possible and he said it's difficult and unlikely, but Railgun III can happen if Index III sells well (and as we saw it was already planned happening, hence why Miki's comments about NT are very similar).

I doubt he can actually source it, unless it's on the wiki or he's a archive god. I've never seen anyone mention it before, but I could easily see why it couldn't be a thing, as kamahack actually tries to keep the timeline consistent, so there's not a lot of options that would make sense, for a Railgun movie anyways.

>want to edit video in vegas pro
>got to download another program just to edit the mkv file
thinking this is way to much work just to try and paste the old IB sound on ep 1

Attached: no u.jpg (189x251, 6K)

The real loss wasn't the IB SFX it was the reflection SFX.

Considering most are complaining about the IB SFX, it was that.

Nothing in life is easy user. Except for Saten.
Rise above

I believe in you user-kun

God dammit Aleister

Utter autism, bloody hell.

The 11 days of WW3 before Mikoto went to Russia or the time Touma was dead

You should see them on the MMO, they enjoy roleplaying like no other


Here found it

>"If Index III is hyped, Railgun 3 will happen, If Railgun 3 sells like crazy, then it's not impossible to say a Railgun Movie can happen."
Sadly the tweet is deleted, but it's not going to happen.

If this arc with Kimi is the last then I can see a Railgun movie as the ending so that it can move on to NT as well

I don't know where the fuck AnonRaildex found that OP, it's not on any official twitters or youtube channels.

It's up for pre-registration in China.

>ever taking place outside of AC
Only the SS volumes do that since Fuyukawa doesn't have to go traveling to get an idea of the locations. Therefore manga spinoffs are perpetually stuck in AC

What does sells like crazy means nowadays?
more than 6k?

Probably in the 10,000s. Zombieland easily outsold SAO and Index so that was a mega hit.

"like crazy" probably means "well beyond expectations" and since Index 3 got comments of "please keep showing your support" rather than "we are amazed and humbled by your support" it's probably at least a few k past 5

Anime original has to sell more, adaptations are expected to sell less, unless they include stuff like kusoge codes

Based user, you can do it.

Well also remember that Index 3 isn’t even done selling yet, gotta keep em buying first

>Index could have reached 10k if they released the mobage on Japan and put the codes
Well at least that can still happen on Accel/Railgun and with IF too

Kamige codes still won't ever reach the levels of GBF. They have to sell more but it still exponentially outsold SAO and Index, both of which have dropped 10,000+ since their last season.

Sometimes, I put my hand on top on images of Mikoto's hand and pretend like we're holding hands for real

To be honest not localizing it after the nips beg everytime Miki does something(even now on the IF page some aren’t really happy they got a card game instead of a action one) was a really dumb move because I guarantee they would’ve injected cash into both

Remember your priestess teachings, Himegami

I dont think including codes for your own little mobage is quite the same as including codes for an extremely popular mobage like granblue. You wont see the same boost.


Probably not Granblue boosts but you would still make more money since you’d get the BDs to be attractive to people who might not even watch the anime

IF is interesting but I've a feeling it's gonna be struggle battle 2.0


if you're gonna shitpost at least read it before making yourself look retarded

Wasnt struggle battle basically like bejeweled? This has a more interesting game tacked on, bedroom shenanigans and a story. It probably wont blow out of the water, but it'll outperform that at least

Miki doesn't control Square Enix's actions though. I've seen what you're talking about but it's pretty minor and they warmed up to it the more they see it (the few doubting it)

A-are you retarded user?

>Not even Index
>Specifically says it wont affect productions
>Kamachi only works on some of MA anyways
Literally who cares?

SB was by a complete small time developer and ultimately true kusoge. Square Enix definitely do better than that and this has a lot of interesting components if you bother to watch the live stream.

I don’t mean SE’s actions, since they game was already coming out and it makes no sense to make the same game twice, but rather let the higher ups know there’s some demand on it

Judging by searching names of Index vidya they decided to stop waiting on Kadokawa or whoever to localize the game and just mass play on the MMO

Struggle battle is not puzzdex

I want to taste her anus

Attached: 1533369107558.jpg (827x1169, 524K)

He's trying to spin it because he was Producer of Shin Kaku Gi kou, but as he said, he's not been involved for a while on much.

You ok there, champ?

Attached: 1259139241035.jpg (800x640, 365K)

Wasn't he on SKGK and IF as well? Hope they're unaffected like Million Arthur even if he didn't specifically mention them.

Miki can only do so much user. When you have a game developer who has rights to the IP, it's better to utilize them and they feel they can. SAOIF really isn't doing so well as a downsized MMO, as well. It's a difficult investment. Most people are happy this is more akin to the DanMachi mobage.

They've not had Iwano feature regarding that since the Dengeki stream back in October. The shuffle was probably done a while back.

SAOIF was made by developers who have no idea what a SAO game looks like though

I really hope they didn’t use that shitty SAO game as proof it doesn’t work, because that was probably the biggest case of someone having no idea on how to make a game based on a IP

I wouldn't be surprised to be honest. Same damn corporate after all.

>user's dick is THIS small

Attached: rensa.jpg (175x430, 29K)


I miss Rensa

To bad she’s absolutely irrelevant power level wise now.

I can see why she was removed though, she kind of steps on Accelerators toes and he was already barely in NT as is.

Everybody is.

There’s two characters in this entire series that aren’t irrelevant power level wise now. Kamachi is literally writing himself into a corner.

Not really as power level didn't matter in the first place.

I expect Rensa Gunha and Beetle/Kakine will be in an AC/esper focused arc soon enough in part 3. Possibly Kamisato through Claire if it leans on the gemstone angle

*Oh no, not again!!*
*dabbing intensifies*
*walks away*

Attached: Indexchads.png (861x530, 393K)

Gemstones definitely given the MG's mentioned them. I expect Rensa to be back as well to be honest and in the involvement of the rebuild of AC.

>power level didn’t matter

Kind of irrelevant to bring that up. Power level means everything in a series like this. Characters with power are able to be relevant. They’re able to help in fights. They’re able to be around more because they can actually make an impact on the current big bad of the month. At this point it’s to where nobody can do anything besides maybe one or two characters.

So found a decent clean IB sfx on S2 ep 8, if you know one better let me know

Attached: 1290293665923.jpg (146x147, 7K)

Pretty relevant when the only real power level that mattered was in AC and that was sectioned off nicely.
>They’re able to be around more because they can actually make an impact on the current big bad of the month
Oh never mind, I know who you are. Forget I bothered with someone who doesn't read.

>powerlevel means everything he says as hamazura continues to show up in over half the volumes

Thanks for the discussion anyways.

No dude, I'm really sure people like Shiage are still wandering around despite having zero power


>and the not very useful power of mental out in recent volumes
>more than 2 characters make an impact without their power too
Well then

MP is a shounenfag, kek

>Power level means everything in a series like this.

Attached: 1541830047520.jpg (225x349, 33K)


And I'm also pretty sure that I've heard Dragon Ball Z specifically during the Android Saga a similar IB-esque sound effect. Maybe the same Sound Designer? I've heard the sound, that's all I am saying.



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He can do about as much as Saten can.

You mean the chinks?

>Powerlevel means everything
>Othinus still manages to show up and generally help out despite (supposedly) having no powers

Not really. I’m not even much of an Index fan. I’m mostly here for Railgun. My most favorite types of series are usually shorter like Madoka, Magus Bride, Plastic Memories and such.

She defended Naruto in some thread and claimed that the writing wasnt bad because it was popular.

NT23 will be an Othikoto volume


Are you having a stroke?

MP you literally defend Naruto for hours. Shut the fuck up.

The character development and story in Naruto is actually all around better done than Index and the anime is a lot better to be honest. Every character gets plenty of time to shine and manages to stay relevant no matter how powerful the top tier characters get. It’s just an all around better done anime series.

Inuyasha too, which is pretty bottom of the barrel

I like the Idea of Index better but Naruto is just done better. The team working on Naruto is more talented than the Index team but the world building and general idea of the Index universe is more intriguing to me. Kamachi isn’t a very good writer and I’m not trying to trigger you. There’s a reason he hasn’t written anything else that made it big. It’s because he kind of got lucky with this idea and has been riding the coattails of the idea for years now.

>Power level means everything in a series like this.
Except it means everything?

Level 4s almost always beat level 3s
Level 5s always always ALWAYS beat Level 4s
So far no lower level 5 has beaten a higher ranked level 5. Mikoto wrecked by Accel, Mugino fails to stop Mikoto despite having help, Kakine mops the floor with Mugino twice, and then Kakine loses to Accel.

Only exception is that author adds in secret universal rule that level 5s must job to L0 protags.

Imagine, people actually try to reason with this creature

I’m just trying to have a friendly conversation. Why are you always so hostile? I’m not trying to kill you, user.

>Level 5s always always ALWAYS beat Level 4s
Oh no no no. Look at this dude.

Attached: 1503785551504.jpg (651x1151, 296K)

We survived Season 3.

Attached: 1345095744392.gif (500x281, 845K)

Imagine replying at all and wondering why he's still here for some reason.

>the anime is a lot better to be honest
If you went in Naruto threads they'd laugh at you.

Hamazura is a literal self insert
Thats why he gets handled suits out of nowhere and has two gods ready to bail him out of any trouble

God, I'd fuck every girl in this manga.

Attached: 1503786925694.jpg (651x1151, 308K)

Fool! It’s not over yet until we get the ACTUAL fun OVA episodes that will probably make the anime look like donkey ass in comparison.

Attached: DBF3019B-C146-42CF-8AF9-4768F6FE0E13.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

>that was a fight.
try harder tardo

God I cant wait for some kino raildex again

seethe harder

>make the anime look like donkey ass
The anime already looks like donkey ass.

I’m not saying the Naruto anime is good or anything. I’m saying that’s how bad the Index anime is. The team chosen to work on it is literally one of the most incompetent teams ever.

>Level 5s always always ALWAYS beat Level 4s

Attached: Too easy, level 5.jpg (1087x1600, 518K)

Rensa is gonna be Touma’s new sidekick

These have to be the stupidest opinions I've ever read.

>Level 5s always always ALWAYS beat Level 4s
Given proper circumstances a level 4 could beat a level 5.

>I’m an Index fan and despite having an actual argument I’m going to call names because deep down I know the person I’m arguing with is right

Welcome to MP cracked brain

Nah, the Japanese

Ayu is a level 3 though.

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Where are they anyway? I've seen a scene of index-tan taking the fight against Terra as base material, but that was all. Is it even up anywhere?

I don’t know. I’m still on episode 11.


Attached: 1488861773637.png (385x480, 256K)

Yeah ok character from the series.

I'd breed a small army out of this bird.

Attached: E2538FAD-8D04-430A-93E7-CB1718513227.jpg (800x450, 34K)

What a dumb gary stu

It’s basically Kamijou except with a personality.

Not even as swole as Acqua.

Except bowling dad kind of sucks and jobs without his Superman powers. Kurozuma bested powerful espers and full crowds of armed people without any.

And he’s got a moe gf. Something bowling dad has no clue about.

That’s true.

Attached: 1489474101952.png (1280x720, 809K)

Wow, I never thought about it, but Misaki got clowned both times. What is with Japanese authors where they make memes out of the busty girl who obviously could bag the MC if not for author fiat and make the pettanko tsundere the action heroine. This happened with Fate too and it needs to stop.

Wait, so Touma can remember Misaki now?

Attached: 1551792494531.jpg (446x768, 105K)

Uh what

>Better animated than 80% of Index 3
Railgunchads stand up

Attached: 1469821207879.webm (480x270, 2.83M)

Mikoto is a loser whose love interest doesn't even know she likes him after 40 something volumes, so it's not like she's faring well either.

Better team = better animation


Frenda's butt drives me nuts.

Attached: 122121213233.gif (640x360, 489K)



>this post again

Is there a single series under the sun where you aren't a stupid secondary

Misaiki always gets the short end of the stick.
Just like a certain someone.

Attached: too easy level 5.png (907x766, 253K)

>local level 5 not so tough after running into a high schooler


Attached: 1554570519027.jpg (1200x900, 232K)

Misaki a pile of shit

I'm glad S3 is finally over. I hope they'll never ruin NT too.

>Check it out! This person with no battle ability got caught off guard! Let's totally disregard her ability isn't for fighting and her value is manipulating shit behind the scenes.
Keep grasping nerds

Attached: toaru power levels.jpg (4552x2664, 2.85M)

>That thick mikoto

Attached: 1554482556071.jpg (472x709, 137K)

bro.....read your image.....

The "This is not a who beats who" part could be rainbow color, underlined 5 times and cover the entire chart but people will still ignore it.


Your point even without me getting into that image is still irrelevant because telepaths are usually the most broke of all psychics.

That better have originated from somewhere else and edited to fit for railgun, if not I truly have lost hope.

TBF Misaki only so lovable because she seems like a bitch, but actually has a compassionate and caring side she doesn't show others. This extends to helping out Touma while praying on an impossible miracle. Suffering watching herself get cucked from her OG heroine role by Index/Misaka who squander their positions by not confessing to Touma and being a useless drag respectively.

If you like Misaki then you want her to win the toumabowl, but to do that Touma has to get his memories back. But Misaki's moe-factor is largely due to her persistence and suffering from Touma's memory loss. If not she'd probably just be yet another busty girl who's too aggressive with Touma.

Its Yea Forums shit

user raildex uploaded it somewhere

wow birdway

Attached: 94D8BEF3-3A16-457E-9E91-DEB1AB3A5708.jpg (1125x1689, 170K)

He still took his time to edit it to fit for railgun

thanks, I hate it

Did you guys know that Awaki is Accelotators secret crush?

It is still autistic, but at least he didn't create it from scratch, that leaves hope that he's actually functional.

You’re welcome.

I like the eyes, but not the hair.

Why do you lie so much MP?

That future mother is cute as a button.

Attached: 1529731251072.png (301x297, 77K)

>NPC talking about personality
Grow one yourself.

They’re not lies. They’re fun secrets.

you love them both

You should do them with me. They’re not very hard to do.

Isn't Ayu could be argued to be OG heroine

They are lies. You have no proof for something but present it as fact.

>Generic blonde loli 4958
No better than the last or next blonde loli.

I have freedom of speech.

Evidence please. No feelings is not evidence.

Can't be the heroine if the hero never even saved her.

almost every single picture of birdway has her in the corset which makes it impossible to edit this is a travesty

Attached: uihardu.jpg (768x1024, 521K)

>freedom of speech

Attached: 1302094881938.jpg (758x480, 204K)

Tragic heroines are heroines the hero fails to save.

To be fair to MP
Naruto has more animation in a single OP than all of Index 3

no one cares preggotard

Get fucked preggo autist.

Like I said, user. Better team means better all around anime.

Stop enabling her

That has nothing to do with anything. You can say "I think that Accel has a crush on Awaki" just fine, even though people would still shit on you probably. But presenting it as fact, then defending it as "a secret", means you're fucking lying

MP was defending the writing of Naruto not the animation, dipshit. Stop being a fucking orbiter

Naruto vs Pain also has worse animation than all of Index 3. What are you talking about?

Too easy

Then again a good team doesn’t necessarily mean a good anime ALL the time though.


This is the exact opposite of Index. The team working on the anime was good. It failed because the story itself was very bland and boring. The only thing this and Index had in common was the boring MC. The same can be said about Violet Evergarden.

Can you do this one?

Attached: 1508688446671.png (650x460, 359K)

Obito vs Kakashi also has better animation than literally all of Raildex combined, what are you talking about?

>I was only pretending ecksdee

>non-artists swear it's bad animation after like 10 years still
I don't even like the damn series and I can tell you it was great animation

I suck at this like you wouldn't believe.

Attached: 1554583728087.jpg (1125x1689, 242K)


Arm's in the way.

Aaaand I've remembered how to actually use the colorize tool.

Attached: 1554583728087.jpg (1125x1689, 220K)

We don't know

>The only thing this and Index had in common was the boring MC.
Yeah, They should swap Index for Saten.

You did the outlines NGNL style. I forgot the specific word for it but it’s pretty stylish. I like it.

Attached: ACF1B5A4-03B4-483A-8AE1-2CE9F38DD3C2.gif (500x278, 1022K)

How can I block?

Can can block by standing in front of somebody who is running towards something.

Just use a filter.

Press L1, with good timing it parries.

A lot of shit could have been avoided if Kamachi had put Mikoto in the NT2 magic infodump

What? You’re really out here telling your own self to use a filter by answering a question you yourself asked? What’s going on? I’m so confused.

Railgunhaters are Yea Forumsditors confirmed

I'm afraid of getting the stuff that turns the frogs gay, yes.

Are you retarded?

Index is pretty hot isn’t she? I’m not MP but damn, that girl has got some LEGS on HER! Right boys?


MP is here, lets go to the other thread

Her current character arc is dependent on being oblivious to magic, with magical knowledge she wouldn't have to seek out someone who knows about the workings of the AAA as much as she does now.

I'm the one who asked the question

Attached: 293849593994930.png (848x641, 41K)

I mean it’s not hard to edit out the (you) but let’s get back on topic. I’m already over it and want to discuss the series.

You don't discuss the series, you just shitpost.

What do you want to talk about?

>There’s two characters in this entire series that aren’t irrelevant power level wise

Character interactions, narration and dialogue from the LNs.


>less than 2k

oh no no no no no no

That power level chart needs a massive update.

I want to fuck Misuzu!

Attached: Misuzu.gif (480x270, 283K)

reddit.com/r/ *insert here what user likes*
oh no no no

Silver hair and purple eyes please.

>Ollerus is voiced by Eugeo
Who will voice our boy Thor?

Attached: thumb-350-752088.png (350x219, 109K)

Rina Satou

First try with sound editing. this shit took way to long but atleast I can try to do stuff in the future now as well

Its not perfect sadly

Attached: tryout.png (2036x1228, 805K)

autistic and based

My left ear enjoyed that

Nice sound balance

Maymay hair effects?

Attached: 1554582789725.jpg (472x709, 153K)

Liked it. Still need a perfection

>black background
Thanks GIMP.

Attached: 1554582789725.png (472x709, 164K)

>claim Railgun is reddit by posting its subreddit
>get a reply in which the Index subreddit is posted
>y-you can't do that! that isn't fair!

Attached: 1552164309289.png (457x469, 419K)

Eat a bag of dicks

Need a longer clean sfx from IB, this one I had to cut since right after it some unrelated noice. might try and work on it tomorrow again

Attached: 1540938638230s.jpg (98x125, 2K)

Holy shit, what a useless pig

Mikoto's dedicated subreddit has more subs than the index one so mikoto is reddit
I win

Nothing personal, fag.
reddit.com/r/Yea Forums

oink oink

Attached: 004.png (1080x1550, 1M)

Yeah no, I'm having pigkoto flashbacks

Now, anons. Start up your most retarded speculations:
>The reason Accelerator is so powerful even compared to other Levels 5s is because he comes from the future, his real name is Aihana Etsu. He doesn't know that because his memories were altered by his past self and Vector Control wasn't his original power. Remember, being turned into a loli isn't that big of a deal, so being turned into a shota must be easy too.
>Similar to Magic Gods that became Godly powerful by going through a death ritual and "surviving" it, the Secret Chiefs are beings who died but left their bodies behind to live past their own deaths as ghosts/spirits. The Secret Chiefs are the heartless and the Magic Gods are nobodies.
>Accelerator's opposite in the Magic Side is actually Index. Accelerator was made to continue Aleister's plan even if all of him died, meanwhile Index's existence was made to guarantee Coronzon's plan.
>Aogami Pierce is a completely normal highschool boy with absolutely nothing abnormal or special about him whatsoever, except the fact he is actually a normal highschool boy in a series where almost no one is completely normal.
>Kamisato's hand and Touma's hand are a trinity with another right hand that will appear in the next Raildex series. There is another legit Right-Hand user out there (Fiamma doesn't count, he is pseudo-right hand user).
>The Misaka Mikoto we know is actually Full Tuning, but the real Misaka Mikoto isn't dead. She is the core of Will-tan.
>Touma was one of Accelerator's friends when he first came to Academy City.
>Touma will marry Kuroko and then divorce. He will be marrying and divorcing a lot after the end of all this mess, until he finally marries a dorm-manager.

Mikoto more like mi-cute-o

Attached: 38db7298be1226bd467147421859919a.jpg (723x1023, 259K)

I think Janie is the sixth level five.

Draw gangster rap Yakuza Mikoto. Do it!

How did you stop greentexting in the middle of a line?

He was right, Mikoto fucks pigs

>Kamisato's hand and Touma's hand are a trinity with another right hand that will appear in the next Raildex series.
I'm intrigued about this one.

I can't draw

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Is this girl a babe?

Attached: 3BAFFAD0-BF1F-40E8-9CEF-DC45555E58BA.png (500x500, 232K)

>he cant stop greentext mid sentence

Attached: 1553416611990.png (480x650, 418K)

Fuck off with your garbage edits

Mikoto will die but her will will stay and possess the AAA and the world's technology, basically becoming skynet

The ritual

Attached: 65418EBD-11ED-465A-975E-EA894EC5A575.jpg (844x662, 73K)

>oh wait I fucked up

Fiamma is so adorable

Izzard isn't actually dead but is actually inside of Touma's arm.

I agree.

Attached: 944C3A45-886A-4117-8935-6B015BBABC71.jpg (1024x1597, 88K)

Surprised Kamachi hasn't decided to add timetravel bullshit to the story

That's endgame stuff, we're still just reaching the middle.

Anna joining the harem soon

*Oh no, not again!!*
*dabbing intensifies*
*walks away*

Attached: Indexchads.png (861x530, 393K)

Post the uiharu one


Is he going to help Touma not kill everyone?

Attached: +1.jpg (1920x1080, 162K)

Phone chads rise up

>Anna joining Hamazura's harem soon.
Fixed that for you.

Attached: 1539953738548943.png (354x346, 36K)

ffs one guy
Get you shit together, you're better than this

Well he does save him next time they meet

>Touma actually doesn't need sleep or food. Whatever is inside his arm can supply him with everything necessary to keep living.
He just won't get a rest.

Aiwass is the last secret chief

Kaori needs more love

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Nigga she has like ten doujins.

Why is Aiwass so weak? I think there is more to it than a lack of Avatar. The gods called him a failure and even Anna his true summoner complains about his specs being too low. Othinus herself theorized that he should be near magic god level if he lives up to his theoretical values. I thought it was just Avatar stuff but Anna complaining makes it sound like he should be better even without one.

Attached: aiwass.jpg (225x350, 26K)


accelerator looks and acts so fucking gay, especially with the aids "i weigh 100 pounds" frail look

Aleister Crowley claimed that Aiwass was an Ipsissimus. He also claimed that an Ipsissimus should conceal his nature among Magi.
So it's quite likely that he's stronger than Anna, but she doesn't know.


He's just a lazy retard

That one is supposed to be bad. Thanks.


Ohhhh shit guys!! Ohhh shit! Look at this!

Attached: 8033CF10-CAB7-413E-BD4B-01F1FC416EB3.jpg (868x1369, 101K)

Pretty sure she was complaining about his specs without an avatar since he's stubborn about not wanting one

That right there is a certified girl. Yep.

can you actually discuss the series instead of posting the same inane shit over and over

Please update your programming.

>Implying most of Raildex threads aren't just posting the same inane shit over and over

so you seething retards, is there going to be a budget season 4 or have they not even confirmed that?

Aiwass is just a bitchboy when it comes to cute girls like Aleister, Kazakiri and Anna.

So NT season 1 in 10 years?


You can say that but he already plotting behind Anna's Back, for not telling her that Crowley is still alive.

2021 or 2022 or fall 2020

Going again through the NT illustrations, NT9 had the best by fucking kilometers.

Attached: NT_Index_v09_210-211.jpg (2227x1600, 1.07M)

>So far no lower level 5 has beaten a higher ranked level 5

Mikoto admitted that Gunha would beat her in an SS.

>So far no lower level 5 has beaten a higher ranked level 5.
You forgot Accelerator beating the true number one.

I really like Haimura's color illustrations, they look like they have so much soul put into them.

Attached: Index_v17_005-007.jpg (3031x1600, 935K)

22's choices of illsutrations are baffling

If the anime had put this it would have unironically saved it

I really liked this one, but the rest were kinda eh.

Attached: NT_Index_v22_395.jpg (1443x2048, 952K)

15 years and Haimura still can't draw knees

Haimura's illustrations are very aesthetic. I'd love to hang some as paintings on my walls if they were available as wall scrolls or as framed paintings.

Attached: NT_Index_v08_001.jpg (1120x1600, 487K)

Haimura's illustration choice have gotten weaker since NT18

>OT has inverted pentagram
>NT has normal pentagram
Whats gonna be for part 3?

a totally normal circle

It's amazing that we didn't see a single fucking hair angel.

Unicursal hexagram.

Based Mikoto and Misaki still making people seethe

I like them. Don't spoil too much and are a mix of fun and important. It's not just his choice though and you should stop pushing that narrative.

Yeah man saying it's baffling is a narrative I'm building

He could have drawn LPR instead

"narrative" is just the shitposters' buzzword for saying "i dont like it"

Not referring to you in that, just in general with people like

I wasn't here at the time, but I can imagine the reactions to NT9's and NT18's drawings.

NT19's last one was fun. I feel him, Kamachi and Miki chose that on purpose.

Gunha also admitted that Mikoto could beat him as well in the same SS.

NT9 thread:
NT10 thread:
NT18 thread:

Honestly I'd prefer more of MisaMisa riding the AAA than cuddling up in the middle of the street.

based mikoto shooting her coin into my asshole

The biggest shitstorm was this one

Attached: NT_Index_v10_366-367.jpg (2242x1600, 546K)

It's still probably the same fucking idiot who tried to prove that someone liking Mikoto illustrations is wrong because she has too many and tried to reference them all.

He was right though.

Nah you weren't. You can shit out as much numbers as you want, won't change what people like.

>that Code Geass ending post
That didn't age well.

Just saying, he was right.

Based Mikoto being humble
Based Mikoto being Saint tier

Just saying, you weren't.

Im not though, nice try though
For reference I think the Luca/Fran illustration was dumb as hell when an actual important moment happens a few lines after

>Im not though, nice try though
Yes, yes now you're going to backtrack back to the original post. Nice try.
>For reference I think the Luca/Fran illustration was dumb as hell when an actual important moment happens a few lines after
Good for you. Not what I was referring to though if you really aren't him.

too bad all the images are broken in the archive

I remember the first one. Railgun S Touma.

Imagine stimulating Misaki's pussy with a motorcycle haha wouldn't that be interesting

It would

If you go to archived.moe, you can still see the thumbnails.

Imagine stimulating Misaki's pussy with your dick.

whoa just imagine it!

And pushing off Mikoto because she sucks

Really like the NT22 ones too. A lot in the Coronzon Arc that I like.


You're so petty. Can't take one little beating about her

Im just saying that your post was cringy, and so is the post im replying right now

Yes yes Yea Forumseddit

What games are you playing?

What's the fourth series going to have?

Attached: Who.jpg (408x394, 45K)

OC do not steel pentagram.

Mikoto's face

Are you referring to this?

>“Well, I don’t think I lost in terms of guts, but I actually got beaten in terms of
momentum. Is that bespectacled woman the incarnate of a Hariti?”

Gunha is a retard, he wasn't talking about losing in traditional sense.

>Nagai is working on a movie
Should we worry for Railgun 3?

>Hārītī (Sanskrit), also known as Kishimojin (鬼子母神), is both a revered goddess and demon in some Buddhist traditions. In her positive aspect, she is regarded for the protection of children, easy delivery and happy child rearing while her negative aspects include the belief of her terror towards irresponsible parents and unruly children.
I fucking love Kamachi.

I don't particularly care about Railgun 3, but Nagai can't control JC's snowball of issues so yes.

1 your mom
2 deus ex and stellaris

If Nagai is gonna do filler, he should bring Okada in


Most boring and pointless thread all week

What you mother said about the night you were conceived, and yet here you are.

i bet the railgun girls would've loved to remove kebabs at christchurch
agree disagree?

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>Ur mom XD
Holy underage.
Not my fault you people keep making threads.

Don't even bother stooping as low as him. Just be there to make another and then another.

>the railgun girls

not my fault your mom keeps failing to get abortions
i think kuroko would've enjoyed shooting muzzies; bet mikoto would love to have zapped them all to increase the death toll


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All of these posts were made by a single person. Everyone knows you're a notorious shitposter who got permabanned and now autistically stalks Gridman threads.

This Ending is pretty fucking good
I hope he comes back for Railgun III, he's probably friends with Nagai now that he made a bunch of movies with him and Okada so it will probably happen

Don't you have a Madoka thread to ruin, !Akemi?

Beautiful. What's next, going to claim I faked it?

Attached: file.png (347x174, 13K)

is that who i think it is???

Not you. Get the fuck out of here.

Touma is a slut

Attached: D3e5jaGUEAYk1xh.jpg (1200x1092, 178K)

You first, ban evader.

Attached: 23.png (562x560, 285K)

Pathetic samefagging to make yourself look like more than one person.

>got cucked by a shitposting tripfag into ruining his own life and becoming a living automaton whose only purpose in life is to tell his boogeyman off


Can you explain what happened with this guy?

>heart eyes

Told you fags he lurks these threads

That'd be kino, he did Kimi no na wa character design


I'd literally take Silent Party over that whore's writing

Attached: 332629-anime-anime_girls-Misaka_Mikoto-Saten_Ruiko-To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Railgun-To_aru_Majutsu_no_Index- (748x421, 36K)

>he doesnt wants to see the threads burn
Its gonna be non canon filler anywayh

Could Measure Heart/Girl in the (Red) Dress be the 6th level 5? She fits the bill gender wise and has the same power archetype (mind related) as Mental Out.

Poltergeist was canon at least and decent

Weak motif. Someone had a better idea with machine control or personality rewrites.

apperently one guy = akemi

Don't bring that garbage onto here.

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Ack shitposting will kill the threads. Especially since you guys are heavy with TouMAN ships, just look the other way and don't respond. This isn't regular autism you'll be dealing with

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My name is ACK, i am a pathetic man who feels bad about himself and has harassed you all.
Please accept my apology for coming into your thread with my schizophrenia.

>Touma is a serial rapist
Fixed that for you.
You think he looks cute as he behaves like a meek shy boy, then the clock strikes 22.01 and it’s too late. There is no escape routes left.

Attached: 22.01.png (850x980, 298K)

Let's go back to discussing novel illustrations.

Attached: NT_Index_v06_383.png (1094x1600, 719K)

Weak contrast to absolutely no contrast with Misaki.
Every "backup plan" contrasts with the main plain in some way.
Accelerator can control Vector, ruling over destruction.
Kakine can create Dark Matter, ruling over creation.
Mikoto can control electromagnetism, but she is more versatile while Mugino is only focused on the power and how to use Meltdowner as a weapon.
Meanwhile, Misaki can do everything MH can do and more. If we go by that idea of main plans and backup plans then to be the Number Six an Esper will need more than a bootleg version of Misaki's power. It needs a power that directly contrasts with how Misaki's power operates while being somewhat less useful.
Something like being actually able to control machines or even manipulate the unconsciousness instead of the consciousness.

>ack pretending he's some bigshot
Lmao go back to sleep and SEETHING over gridman, nobody here is gonna bow down to you

It isn't rape if you wanted it and Accel has wanted it from the moment they crossed eyes

MH girl isn't level 5. Her power too weak and too specific in range to be even level 4.

Meduka Meguca was a mistake
t. Urobullshit

Urobutcher is a mistake in the first place.

Attached: 1549598379217.png (1505x2048, 3.12M)

Reminder that NT10 and 12 already confirmed #6 is a guy

Didn't mean to quote.
Everything is a mistake.

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Mugino also controls an impossible electron state which is impossible. #1, #3 and #5 rely on natural sciences to do their things, #2, #4 and presumably #6 will have powers that don't work on the basics of physics, paralleling their higher ranked counterpart in some form. This is why I cited machine control and human rewrite as possible #6 powers, cause they parallel Misaki's mindcontrol

How about time travel?


Attached: 124545665478.jpg (800x550, 255K)

>Meanwhile, Misaki can do everything MH can do and more. If we go by that idea of main plans and backup plans then to be the Number Six an Esper will need more than a bootleg version of Misaki's power. It needs a power that directly contrasts with how Misaki's power operates while being somewhat less useful.

Mugino isn't Mikoto's back up plan though. They're similar but they don't share anything past that power similarity like Accelerator and Kakine.

Have I ever talked about how I'm not gay, but Touma smiling is nice?
Pleased to meet you, I'm a normal mistake you could find anywhere.

Attached: NT_Index_v10_232.jpg (1108x1600, 899K)

How does that parallel mind control in any way, shape or form?

I remember when people speculated that Salome had time control powers just because she had something that looked like a watch.

Main properties of God:
Omnipotence: Accelerator (Main Plan), Kakine (Backup Plan)
Omnipresence: Railgun (Main Plan), Meltdowner (Backup Plan)
Omniscience: Mental Out (Main Plan), Number Six (Backup Plan)

Another properties of God:
Immanence: Gunha
Transcendence: Rikou

Friendly reminder that Touma killed six happy billion people that did nothing wrong.

wan gay

Transcendence being Rikou is literally the only one that makes sense.

There's absolutely nothing gay about want to fuck Touma

>Accels endurance = nonexistent
>Touma's endurance = can mind break a god, stay up for a week without food, water or sleep
It can become pretty brutal a day or two in.
>Clones SWATing the place to get the №1 mum out

Attached: 1552212108398.jpg (1920x1080, 163K)

Dark Matter and Vectors are as dissimilar as they come. They are parallels, powers which directly contrast and clearly differ from eachother.
To be honest, Dark Matter can do anything vectors can with its ability to eat matter.
He could directly interfere with particles down to the atomic level. He could replicate vectors by adding a pinch of subatomic dark matter if he chose to

>implying it isn't the clones joining
It's too late after 10pm

Tsk Tsk, Salvation was very close.

Attached: AreYouFuckingGay.png (736x1136, 422K)

This was supposed to be a Coronzon thread.

Attached: 1554490677129.png (1280x789, 1.05M)

>Dark Matter and Vectors are as dissimilar as they come. They are parallels, powers which directly contrast and clearly differ from eachother.
You're right, they are not even similar. I'm just accepting the notion because other parallels were drawn between Accelerator and Kakine whereas Mikoto and Mugino had none of any real importance besides their power foundation.

Go back to your Franxx thread already !Akemi

You're right in the regard to the set up parallel

Consider now how Kamachi purposefully went out of his way to make sure Mental Out didn't work through electricity.

Holy shit, was he actually here?
is his name and banlist word? I get ban everytime I write it

The autist spams reports I think

>Tsk Tsk, Salvation was very close.
Was it ever?

Attached: Fiamma's timeline. #PRANKED.jpg (1920x6690, 757K)

Mikoto is best railgun
i want to suck off the blood on her boobs and cuddle with her as i help her heal
god blood turns me on like nothing else

Attached: 1276882799229.jpg (680x720, 75K)


Aleister, Aiwass, or Othinus would've came to fuck his day up if Touma failed. Moreso, the MGs probably didn't like the idea of being controlled by a Christfag so they could've killed him too

piss off one guy, you're not fooling anybody

Attached: thumb-1920-813209.jpg (1920x1120, 189K)

I give it half an hour before he replies to himself pretending to be ACK.

Yeah, thought so

No dark matter really can't.

you dont have to pretend lmao

Crack? Check
Smartphone? Check
Proxies? Check!

Can we shitpost?
Yes we can!

Shitposting, spamming and trolling too!
Many !Akemis join the crew
ACK and his friends have so much fun
Working together
The threads can GET FUCKED!

Can ACK stop me?

Can we shitpost?
Yes we can!

Time to get busy such a lot to do
Spamming and baiting till the thread's not good
ACK and the gang make a really good sound
Shitposts all day
Till the sun goes down!

>Railsluts doing anything other than gushing over the TRUE NUMBER ONE
You can't just post lies like that, idiot.
It really can

Attached: 154332567446.jpg (285x253, 80K)

The real question is what esper ability-category are Vector Control and Dark Matter derived from?

We know Misaki's mental out is probably derived from telepathy but wtf is the source for shit like creating foreign matter that doesn't exist or manipulating vectors remotely without any source of energy or converting reaction?

Attached: __accelerator_and_kakine_teitoku_to_aru_majutsu_no_index_drawn_by_maki_mama_says__fb3631a5291c658138 (1500x715, 312K)

Love how the janitor refuses to clean up !Akemi's garbage when it's so obvious who he is. Only !Akemi believes in ACK and tries to label anyone who disagrees with him while ban evading and covering up his blatant shitposting.

Attached: mobileposteronperiod.jpg (303x373, 62K)

imagine being this delusional

The only other category is the divine category. At a higher level, both could theoretically become gods.

Attached: 1545882623620.png (800x640, 601K)

>Mobile-tan claims she can't visit Madoka threads anymore
>this happens
>Mobile-tan is nowhere to be seen
This is... curious.


Aleister explained thoroughly that Fiamma would have reached his exact position were he to think less restrictively. A bunny magic god would mean nothing to a theoretically complete LPSD HR.

Christianity will come back and save the world from heretics.

Attached: Index_v22_006-008.png (980x230, 272K)

The thing is, Misaka, Mugino, Mental Out and Gunha become trash when you nerf them down to level three calculation power, but Kakine remains king because of sheer usefulness, and Accel can probably still reflect bullets.

Imagine being a mentally ill tripfag who obsesses and harasses people for six straight years over a fictional boogeyman.


literally me

Attached: 421421.png (346x689, 212K)

>if Touma failed
I doubt there were any “ifs” left in there.
Aleister&Aiwass were in control of the situation and were more than capable of removing any possible outside threat with a finger click. They also knew Fiamma’s plan outline and IB’s role in it so they just waited until poor Christian Boy offed himself.
Touma is kind, so Aliester had to prank Fiamma's tight butthole up just in case.
Fiamma never had any chance at success because claiming IB was within his plan, and it is impossible; in short he was set up for failure.

Attached: Ow.jpg (1920x1080, 354K)

Isis > Osiris

Those divine mixtures were wild dude

>claimed in 2015 there wasn't an Yea Forums 10 years ago

Aleister wasn't the one in control. He wanted AC to retrieve Touma in OT20 because he didn't want anyone to discover IT. Aiwass on the other hand had it all work out perfectly

>once said "I don't generally feel anything for anyone" (same post), confirming he suffers from severe schizoid disorder if not outright psychopathy (among other illnesses)

>Aleister&Aiwass were in control of the situation and were more than capable of removing any possible outside threat with a finger click. They also knew Fiamma’s plan outline and IB’s role in it so they just waited until poor Christian Boy offed himself.

>Gets gg'ed by a LSS Misaka

What is this heresy? The heavens simply didn't intend for Fiamma to reach salvation that day.

Attached: 1553831528600.jpg (1200x675, 97K)

Nice samefagging, !Akemi (Austin).

>his exact position
But even forward thinking Aliester is sub magic god. He didn't even think he could be nerf niang Niang on his own realized she let him win.

That’s why I wrote.
If Aiwass is in control over both Aleister and the situation then in a way Aleister is in control while he thinks he is in control over Aiwass even when he has no idea what the Aylmao actually doing.

Attached: 1539953738548943.png (354x346, 36K)

did you calm down?

It doesn't really work. I think it only really works with the #1 and # 2.

Omnipotence: Accelerator.
Omnipresence: Kakine (Dark matter could exist everywhere and anywhere). The Whole Will of the Misaka Network is also something of an Omnipresence.
Omniscience: Accelerator

Immanence: Kakine
Transcendence: Accelerator

So, you have come across ACK.
Everything is going to be fine. Just follow these few simple steps and everything will be ok.

Do: Click the arrow next to his post number and then report the post.
This will alert a mod to the off topic poster. A mod may not be readily available to come deal with the issue, but just be patient.
There is no need to explain the reasoning behind the report, the mods are well aware of this infamous shitposter, and they will deal with him accordingly.

Don't: Respond.
ACK will attempt to lure you into a discussion, either by falsely accusing you of being someone you are not (!Akemi and rape spammer are the two most popular) or shouting out other false accusations. There is no need to defend yourself. ACK does not actually believe the things he is accusing you of, the whole purpose is to get you to respond so he can meta shit-post about how pairings which he personally doesn’t like are ruining the fandom.

If a moderator doesn’t show up in a timely fashion, ACK will continue to harass you (sometime double and triple posting, shouting out accusations). It’s ok, he will say anything he can to get a rise out of you. The important thing is to not fall for it. Just report his posts as they come in, and as soon as a mod is available they will deal with him.

>dont panACK

Attached: 1536506644347.jpg (248x277, 23K)

The power of a MG is both a blessing and curse, it's a mutant power built on coexistence and coordinated usage based pre-set rules. The only challenge of beating them is exploit that synchronization.

Holy Right parallels one of the most essential treasures in the entire verse and that is IB (including everything that resides in it). Never forget.

Attached: RightGod.jpg (3026x1600, 1.2M)

shit thread, try again next time

Is Aleister going to be okay in Coronzon's body?


HR is lower on the totem pole than IB and WR because it's restricted by the hopes and dreams of Christians and Catholics. That's why in NT he has to rely on his skill as a top tier magician. IB is sure to work against anything unnatural and WR is a loose cannon that can make all power levels go to shit at a dime

Yet Kakine is the forgotten and expandable man

You mean slut Aleister

Attached: 1550456526690.jpg (477x600, 41K)

Time for a stealth thread

>Holy Right parallels
Power itself is without any doubt of the highest order of mortal powers.
>including everything that resides in it
that shit is another class entirely.

Attached: 3563456.jpg (340x256, 12K)

Holy right is restricted to Christianity. It is strong but just like that healing spell couldn't fix touma's arm. HR won't work on the advance horus stuff or MG.