Kimetsu no Yaiba

>shit pacing
>conflict comes out of nowhere
>overdramatic script and voice acting
and people were saying that THIS is the greatest WSJ series. What a load of bullshit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

havent watched it yet, what am I in for

>conflict comes out of nowhere
Isn't that how every new story starts?

I don't know, but shounenfans are saying this is the greatest ever or something, but episode 1 isn't even better than Hinomaru Sumo.

It feels beyond rushed

>but episode 1 isn't even better than Hinomaru Sumo.
Now that's bullshit.

Just watch it.

why does the main character always look he's in despair?

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Is it me or that Tomioka guy looks kinda gay, and ugly

>and people were saying that THIS is the greatest WSJ series
no one said that tho

It's pretty jarring how they keep switching between 2D and CG models at certain points. I mean, are they so far behind schedule that they can't animate those scenes? They aren't particularly complicated shots as well.

>2D that looks like CGI
For literally what purpose.

You described Dragon Ball Z

Try harder next time

Many people said that because it's literally #1 in average ToC ranking for a long time.

so they can be lazy after ep3

He's actually very positive and hopeful
At least post a picture

That's not people saying but calculations

They were praised doing that in that Fate anime. Why should they change?

what did you expect from shounenshit

>THIS is the greatest WSJ series
>Many people
Like 2 or 3 here in TOC threads?

My only problem with the series is how little importance the sister is given despite her being kinda the catalyst. Maybe eventually they'll play her up.

I don't post in toc threads which are garbage, but KnY is pretty damn great.

it begins

>tfw OP is so desperate for attention he's trying way too hard samefagging and falseflagging just because others fags like something he doesn't
Imagine being this pathetic.

oh shit, that's dissapointing

It's not all bad. The other characters all make up for it. Series feels reminiscent of Bleach desu

What i was talking about is that in TOC threads is barely seen any Kimetsu fan posting there aside of the based, good and that kind of posts. OP is just a hatefag pulling shit out of nowhere. Just like Bc, Bnha have their own hatefags.

Ah. That much is true and better off ignored.

The manga is good, but I agree that it feels like they're trying to quickly get the intro out of the way. Gives them more time to focus on cooler things though like Zenitsu.

ToC threads always reach bump limit though. and for sure there are a lot of kimetsu fans

>These autists not knowing Yea Forums fanscan this so they make shit thread too.
Well, then- I guess. The dump will take place much later, after the average IQ normalize again.

even Zestiria's episode 1 was better than this

welp. I'll definitely miss the gookscan friday thread.

>no more comfy kimetsu threads thanks to anime only fags
Welp can't say I didn't see this shit coming when I saw the same thing happen to shield hero.

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Might as well try, is it just me or does the .ass file not work with the HS release?

>shield hero
Ew. I thought kimetsubros have taste not to read isekai.


>and people were saying that THIS is the greatest WSJ series.
Who even said that aside from obvious falseflaggers trying to start fanbase wars?
I haven't even started the series yet, but the Kimetsufags I've seen seem to think the series starts off a bit weak for the first 20 chapters or so.

works on my machine

Maybe it doesn't have mainstream appeal in the beginning, but it's consistently good from the start.

But it reach bump limit because of the Bnha vs Bc rivalfaggotry

The video and subs must have the same filename for it to work.

Maybe blame the anime for being lackluster after being hyped a lot + Ufotable?

anyway is this shit fujo friendly

Shit really?


Last I checked, Kimetsu has the smallest amount of fans. Quit attention whoring you contrarian fag. It doesn't make you cool.

Just watched it. What the fuck are you guys going about? It was way better than what I imagine you guys are spouting.

It's basically an all male cast so maybe?

>My only problem with the series is how little importance the sister is given despite her being kinda the catalyst. Maybe eventually they'll play her up.

Wait, so she's just plot device?

That's what I was afraid of when they put a mask on her. The first episode was better than I expected, but it did give off some WSJ vibes. Turns out that was correct and the ED makes it seem like it's going to be more about him learning superpowers than struggling to survive with their sibling bond. Fuck, I just want to hear her call him onii-chan from time to time, I could even deal with water dragons and teleports behind you if there were also a strong human connection element in there.


When do they have sex

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>the greatest WSJ series
its a 7. decent manga like bc and stone

I'm here just for the incest?

>all male
Not really. The one guy that gets gay porn drawings has three wives and there are whole bunch of female characters. Butterfly girls, demon doctor, two spider demons, nezuko, ball demon, two pillars, etc

but that they are siblings user

It has cute boys

The boys are cute.

DS is good civilization playthrough, but nothing more. BC has nothing going for it at all.

are the girls well written or are they bnha tier

post the cutest boy

>Black Clover on the same level as Dr. Stone and Kimetsu

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>and people were saying that THIS is the greatest WSJ series.
you listened to mangafags? when will you learn?

What's bnha tier?

>implying the first episode isn't often one of the worst things about battle shounen
Wait, it wasn't actually CGI? Then why would they direct it like that, that's fucking bizarre.

Most people who read Kimetsu don’t read that

>The one guy that gets gay porn drawings has three wives

How did all the fujos latched on Uzui? Kek.

>bnha tier

Anyways you can remove them from the story and nothing will change. One of the more popular ones just died recently and she didn't accomplish anything.

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one dimensional. they don't do anything of note within the series and mostly exist to push along a few dudes in their development

Black CLover is great for what it is.

He needs to throw shade at MHA in every shounen thread.
And that's not even true for MHA.
I read both.

animeonly reporting in
i liked the first episode , the premise seems interesting to me so im going to keep watching it

hanako was cute , RIP

You can tell they are written by a girl


No one liked him until the prostitute arc because he turned out to be a gigachad that forces shotas to crossdress as hookers.

>how little importance the sister is given despite her being kinda the catalyst

user, the current arc in the manga is basically everyone is shitting their pants over her and the main antagonist moving directly against the demon hunter headquarters because he wants to eat her to absorb her power to not die from the sun.

Even as a mangafag I don't have much hope.
The early 50 chapters are a drag. The anime is not going to cover that much so it will be a failure. No S2 even though I want to.
The water breath and lightning breath animation is fucking dope.

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>What's bnha tier?

Female characters not being involved in large scheme of things nor have decent character development on par with the guys

Shinobu a cute

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I hope they get far enough to show some good shit too. The start is indeed slow.

It's 26 episodes, they will probably adapt until the Train arc.

I'm going to say the U word.

i was roped in by the sibling bond aspect , but if this turns into generic shounen shit JUST HIT HIM HARDER WITH MORE SECRET TECHNIQUES LOL im out of here

U G L Y A N D G A Y!

Slow starting, but the story is good. But there's no need to explain this to a faggot like you.

The girls in bnha actually have a pressence enough for people like you to bring them up every chance they get. This is not the cast for Kimetsu sadly, the main heroine is a plot device, the love imterest does nothing and the rest are irrelevant.
That goes for most shounen.
>but if this turns into generic shounen shit JUST HIT HIM HARDER WITH MORE SECRET TECHNIQUES LOL im out of here
You're going to want to bail then since this is very much a traditional shounen.

I don't always like Ufo but holy shit their action in the OP is on point. Someone please make a webm of the water breathe.

Im sad the thread had to start with such a huge shitpost, but I do agree with this. I had hopes she would turn into an actual character after that kino Hantengu scene, but nope.

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alright picked up

That just sounds like a standard shounen, why even call it bnha tier over average shounen female?

this post more best girl

you can't be more wrong as the series progresses


well its not like ive got much better to watch on saturdays anyway , ill keep watching it for her even if she is not that relevant like that one user said

how hairy is nezuko?

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bait, the thread

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>love interest

I liked the spider family arc, and the Drum demon was fun if only because of Zenitsu and Inosuke. I'd say it picks up after the intro of Muzan and once the battle against the ball and arrow demons finishes

>why even call it bnha tier over average shounen female?
MHA is the only shounen manga he's read.

BnHA has a slow start in S1 too and it was pretty popular still.
I hope it's the same for KnY.

>how little importance the sister is given despite her being kinda the catalyst
This is a blatant lie for anyone wondering.

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because there's tons of shounen that properly develops chicks?
fma, ao no flag, the promised neverland, hxh, etc.
i wanted to say 'naruto' but i haven't touched that shit in a while

is that a demon fighting with circus balls in the opening? big kek

It's confirmed to be 26 episodes? I'm glad. They can't do shit if it was 12 or 13.

Nezuko is the main heroine, she's important but is more like a McGuffin.

Yeah that was about it. They just haven't fully expounded on it yet. She'll probably get her turn once the world and characters are further established. Honestly I don't mind. I'm fine with how it's currently going.

No other studio will do KnY justice. At least we are fortunate enough to have Ufo and not Pierrot.

Kinda. But Nezuko having no verbal interactions sucks. She does participate in fights at least.

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being an animeonly its really hard to trust what people like this guy is saying
then again you could be baiting me as well i hope your not
i am hoping shes important because shes the reason im watching this

2 to 1 , majority rule is saying shes important
well thats good then

Outside Izumi the core female cast aren't anymore developed than the male cast.
>the promised neverland
This is a joke right?

>i wanted to say 'naruto' but i haven't touched that shit in a while
good thing you didn't
You don't want to compare naruto female cast with any other shonen right now

She's literally the Orihime of KnY. The main villain (Aizen) wants her JUST BECAUSE. Her blood burns other demons for no reason.

BnHA is a capeshit and naruto's replacement
meanwhile this...

>the promised neverland


>She's literally the Orihime of KnY.
Come now, Orihime had a personality

A terrible show.

yes it was confirmed several times

She recently gained the ability to talk after swordsmith village, so I have high hopes for her after she wakes up

It's the next Bleach?
Nezuko = Orihime
Pillars = Captains
Muzan = Aizen


Really, nigger? This is how you start the thread?

Maybe I've just gone blind to anime taking a really long time to do things due to growing up with Goku vs Freeza and Vegeta charging his Final Flash because for me there was never a problem with pacing when reading the KnY manga.

she already woke up, and she talks but like a retard so she still doesnt get many good interactions. Plus the current arc has her out of the picture, for completely valid reasons, but still.

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More like LIDL Inuyasha

Not that user. I think Nezuko is much worse than Orihime but "Kurosaki-kun" is not that great either.

She is important as a plot device.

But why is everyone crying about a female characters lack of involvement? It's fucking "shonen." This isn't high literature. We're in it for the hot blood, special moves, and power levels.

he said the cutest not the gayest

it doesn't, it's just the anime has lured all these shitposters out of the woodwork.

thats a blatant lie, Muzan didn't even want her at all until recently. Initially he just wanted Tanjiro dead because he was a breath of the sun user, he only wanted Nezuko after Swordsmith village because she was able to be in the sun for some reason, but no one knows why yet

I can't speak of Ao no Flag but besides Neverland the females in the others are not that relevant, they're just side characters and not the ones driving the plot forward. Neverland only has a relevant female because of the MC and antagonists, and Emma's character development is non-existent. The series itself also has a problem with keeping side characters relevant in general.

Absolutely not, the fact that you even considered putting it in as an example of relevant shounen females proves you're full of shit.

Well. I wanted to post on the old thread but it's already bump limit, so why not make a new thread?
honest opinion from animeonly.

The first half before they met up with MJ is slow and the manga doesn't get interesting until teh Spider arc so that's a lot of chapters worth of set up before things start moving.

You won’t here her talk again these 26 episodes cause ya know demon and whatever. But she’s definitely important and is always around, and even more so if theres a season 2

Man, Yea Forums really doesn't lie about what happens to threads after an anime airs.

Reminder Nakime its his mother.

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seemed pretty ok to me

i dont mind if she just growls and barks or whatever
thats cute in its own way

Is this one of the new WSJ big three?
BnHA, KnY and TPN

>YRW you hear Nezuko growling
Why does something so simple get me so hard?

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I'd say it gets fun around the drum demon arc, but it doesn't get interesting until spider family, the early stuff is a bit slow, but its not bad

well fuck

Cute piglet

Her blood burns other demons because that is how her demonic art manifested itself. Are you a secondary? Did you ever actually read the manga?

It certainty more anticipated than Black Clover was.

It hurts getting negative opinion from non-fans, huh?

>only 5 posts here said they didn't like it aside OP

I'm hurt actually

I don't care if you're a fan or kot, but it's ridiculous to see people who have literally only watched one episode have an opinion about the entire series that they present aa fact. But yeh, blame it on being a fan.

Drum Demon is where it essentially got saved from cancellation due to Zenitsu's introduction, its an okay arc in itself but man was Inosuke and him annoying back then.

I just want new Shinobu art

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Manga went shit after best girl died.

>people don't like it

I don't give a shit, I like it. Shows have demographics, certain shows cater more to other people, this show caters to me. Not every fucking show on TV needs to appeal to every person on the planet.

Gaiden when

She literally just died. Like 7 chapters ago.

first impression is important

well KnY threads were fun

the insane amount of bait and retards in this thread is maddening

First episode was promising, unfortunately until we get to Drum/Spider arcs, the retards will be out in full force.

She is alive!!

and last chapter was insanely hype

It will take years before we can see this animated, won't it?

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More like it's annoying seeing all these people assert their wants and needs on a series that already has its story laid out for like a whole fucking 2-3 years. If you care so much just read the manga and drop it if you don't like it.

Hopefully tomorrow.

First impression isn't the be all end all. More to the point, how can you be a non-fan of something you've only ever seen once? It's not a movie, it's a television series based on an existing property, read the manga first, and if you don't like that then you won't like the anime either.

This is for potatosexual people

I hope the manga translation threads will still be fun at least, or viz dumps or something

They will go away after a few weeks.

>user from Yea Forums first impressions is important

terrible handjob technique

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Just watch it. As a mangafag, I feel like I'm blessed with this animation.

That wasn't even Zenitsu's hypest lightning breath.

assuming it keeps getting 2 cour adaptations it would be near the end of season 3 I'd think. Either way Zenitsu was based af that fight, the 2nd fighter to ever solo a Upper Demon Moon

I heard there's one gay guy but he's ugly

can anyone snip the credit bgm? It's way too fucking good like holy fuck.

I loved Sakurai performance, hands down Best boy got best seiyuu

Fuck, after reading the recent chapters, I can't believe Tomioka was so different in the early chapters.
He's a fucking potato now in the manga it's hilarious seeing him so uptight in ep 1.

Same, I also really liked Hanae's performance when Tomioka was going to kill Nezuko.

Never forget your dose of butter anons.

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The choreography was not as good as the spider forest arc but I think the emotional stake makes this scene much better.

It's the power of potato therapy.

Ufotable, don't ask.

He was just trying to be cool. Put a Tanjirou healing or Shinbou bullying next to him and he spills spaghetti.

Is it just me or Tanjirou sounds like Shinji from Fate?

Sakurai's good in everything
Hanae is a very good emotional actor. When he was announced as Tanjijuro's VA I knew that he would do a bang up job. Supposedly Tanjuro's way of speaking will change after the timeskip.

He probably said all that to have Tanjirou steel his heart for the future.

>Tanjirou does water in the OP
We won't see him do fire anytime soon, right?

How are the art and animation?


He's on a quest to make his sister back into a human, since she gets turned into a demon.

I felt like UFO's animation and adaptation of Fate was overrated and/or sorta bad but it's looking good here. Makes me kinda butthurt actually.

Is this the first time we see Tanjirou's dad not skinny and supposedly sick?

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Their animation in Fate is great but the fight choreography is messy as fuck. I have no idea why they fucked that up.

Is it confirmed that Tanjirou's dad is upper moon 1 or do they just look similar?

That's what I call having too much kids.

Don’t think he does any fire stuff until after he meets aniki

That was pretty good for a first episode.

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The adaptations vary between directors. UBW had a worse art style than F/Z but was more consistent and didn't collapse on itself halfway through. Kimetsu doesn't really have the best staff working on it, the guyt directing it is pretty much hated among ufofags, but the art director is among their best in the studio.

He does some Fire stuff against Spiderboy.

Tanjirou's papa is a CHAD

I'm not a huge fan of the flashy light fight scenes, but I thought their character animation was good especially in the latest HF movie.
I'd like to see them incorporate more of the kind of effects they use in their fight scenes.


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>the guyt directing it is pretty much hated among ufofags

what did he do?

>pumped out six kids with this dude and one more shortly before he died

Based art director saving the adaption provided the director doesn't do something stupid to screw it up somehow.

Tales of Zestria and Tales of Symphonia.

Isn't that a flashback from like multiple generations ago?

You're a few hundred years off there, user

The Tales Of series which got shat on due to being incredibly bland and having boring stroyboards,

If I recall right, it is. It's the fire guy who then taught Tanjirou's ancestors how to dance the fire dance.

The only thing I really didn't care for in this episode was the musical cues. The scene where Tsujiro finds his family should have been devastating and could have had more impact if there was no music. Instead, they have some dumbass dramatic sounding track.

>ut the art director is among their best in the studio.
I don't know what else he's done, but the art direction here looks top-tier. Art direction in general is really underrated imo, bad style or lack of visual cohesion can kill an anime for me.
Was his direction actually bad in those though? Seems like they were doomed from the start, being game adaptations.

Author is male

Tanjirou not Tsujiro*

It's not.

There is no romance

how dare you make shit up about wani?

I really liked this episode. Haven't heard about it before so I'm looking forward for more.

Yeah the music was very meh in this. Way too loud in some instances.
>Was his direction actually bad in those though?
Symphonia was pretty bad and rushed but Zesteria was just flat out boring though fans of the game say they did a better job with adapting the game's story and fixing its flaws but that's the equivalent of polishing a turd.

She's a cute crocodile.

that's bad news for me then, I hate the recent anime trend of slapping music every 5 seconds.

A lot of old anime knew when to keep ambience and when to incorporate music, but nowadays every scene needs to be associated with a track. I especially hate those tracks where it builds up, pauses for 1 second, then fucking goes buck wild and it plays whenever some dude does a speech or some shit you can notice it badly in Attack on Titan and OPM.

Fucking terrible

Autism girl is very clearly a love interest.

She is a plot device, not a character. She has nothing resembling an arc.

can ufotable just not do Fate stuff anymore

I thought I'd try reading some of the manga after watching the first episode. What it's got going for it is a unique art style and cool Japanese-y character designs. And cute demon imouto.

But it just kind of feels like it's going through the shonen battle motions without spending much time on the characters or developing the story in an interesting way.

It was weird how easily he found Kubutsuji after they hyped him up.

I say the shitposting is not that bad in this thread, i mean, just look at the Bokuben thread...

I love these two potatoes.

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I remember few weeks ago anons here being surprised too but he's guy

>That goes for most shounen.

It's still an awful standard

But of course the chunni boys and fujos are the ones paying for this

Barely any interactions and fact that manga is in final arc clearly proves that romance is important

it's a girl

>Spreading lies on the internet of all places

>attack on titan
disagree as its just doing it for humor

Post proof.

Are you mistaking this with Jujutsu?

>But it just kind of feels like it's going through the shonen battle motions without spending much time on the characters or developing the story in an interesting way.

in what interesting way are you hoping to see be developed in a shounen?

To be fair, this is a Jump manga and the first few chapters ranked low in ToC. Everyone thought this was getting canceled, fortunately it started ranking better when Muzan was introduced. Then Zenitsu and Inosuke introductions saved it for good.

Aren't bokuben threads always shit though?

wait this is ufotable? why isn't the art garbage?

the worst Ufotable anime I've seen thus far. this one is an instant drop for me. pure trash.

Bro, this the dumbest thing I've ever seen in a Kimetsu thread.

>He's in the OP
Absolutely based

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So your first anime I guess.

I think you're confusing Wani with Gege.

Uh. Dude...

the problem they are facing right now are the 5tobun posters

Based detective user

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Just watch Gridman, bro. That has more silence than music.

>OP try to shitpost
>People call him a faggot
Proud of you boys.

Anyway, it was a great first episode.
Still a little worried about how much they are gonna be able to cover but if this is the quality standard we get throughout, it's gonna be worth it regardless.

They better fucking not CG my potatoes shit up tho.


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>does it anyway


Your recollection is somewhat innacurate, the guy in the dream just housed and fed the OG Breath Of The Sun user for a couple days. But he is undoubtedly an ancestor of Tanjirou.


No that dude wasn't "supposedly" sick. Tanjirou's dad was goddamn dying. He looked like he had Full Blown AIDS in every panel showing him.

>that manga is in final arc
Stop this meme

I can't stop rewatching the OP. I'm so fucking excited for some of the fights if they're going to be this stylistic now.

Attached: kny.webm (852x480, 2.85M)

RIP my KnY comfy threads.

Same, I really like the OP. Hope they reveal the ED artist next week.

One of the recent best OP, visual-wise.

That was one of the worst first episodes I've ever watched. Not even joking.

To begin with, you already know his whole family is about to get killed, its obvious, and the way they introduce the mother and siblings only further shows how expendable they are and how dead they're gonna be by the end of the episode.

The lenghts the show goes to show that the MC is a very nice guy is silly. He has to please every single one of his siblings, of course. He then goes down a snowy mountain carrying a heavy bag only to then help people with everyday tasks they could've done themselves? And just to be sure they have one of the background characters call the MC a hard-working boy, just in case we didn't get that from the context. Even fate's Shirou would get annoyed at this guy.

The exposition about demons and demon hunters at the hut makes no sense. It's a world where demons are a real threat and common knowledge, why are you now asking people about that?

The whole scene with the demon hunter was really bizarre. The way the MC casually recollects small details that prove his sister's innocence while fending for his life. The demon hunter's inner monologue telling the MC exactly what to do and then him doing exactly that, as if the entire scene was choreographed. And the demon hunter having to spell out the obvious reason why the girl became a demon, as if we couldn't have figured it out. That's really bad writing.

I'm not usually one to just bash at a show like this, but I honestly couldn't find a single thing to like here. Not one natural character interaction, no interesting/new story elements, not even a good fight scene with nice visuals. It's all so generic! For a show to screw up that bad in its first episode is not a good sign. At least they set up a plot hook for the next episode, but let's see how that goes.

Did the fire guy not teach him how to do the dance?


You know his family is going to get murdered because the manga has been around for some time. But nice blogpost fella.

i really like the clothing designs

>common knowledge
No it isn't.

Tanjirou didn't even come close to fighting the Ball Demon, but this does look pretty damn awesome.

Just wait until you see the Red District arc, the clothes there are amazing.

Script is weak, yeah, it's a manga for children.
Pictures were pretty.

Nezuko is cute and you are a retard.

They never say anything leading to this. It can be inferred by someone looking to connect dots, but it's never stated one way or another. All BoS guy did was say a few cryptic things, and depress the shit out of Tanjirou's (presumed) ancestor.

Can't wait to see Inosuke's face. If they made Genya an ikemen, I can't imagine how Inosuke's face will look like

I mean, I'm not asking for much. Now that I'm thinking about it, was some character development. The main character progressed through his training and the final selection too easily. No internal conflict that he overcame or anything. It pretty much felt like nothing.

> Everyone thought this was getting canceled
Yup, that was me, too. I read the first few chapters when it originally came out. I'm still surprised that it's still around.

>press f

Man, you don't like the series, why keep reading it?

They will calm down after a few weeks, don't worry.

>The main character progressed through his training and the final selection too easily.
>honest to god actually wanted the story to stretch a training arc and an exam arc
>preceded by the previous complaint about a shounen being too shounen

what the fuck?

how exactly does an manga get an anime adapation? does the animation studio request it or something?

Gege is a girl again.

I'm going to chose to believe you, you'd better not be lying to me.

It depends, most of the time the publisher will contact a producer from the studio, but it can be the other way around.

From that Nakano (Jump's EiC) interview:
>We at Shueisha can't make anime ourselves, so there are a number of ways in which manga become anime. Sometimes, a manga is popular and we want to broaden its appeal by turning it into an anime, so we go around to various companies asking if they will adapt it as a way of promoting the series. Other times, other companies may reach out to us and ask if they can adapt the manga. Either way, if there is a desire for an anime, we at Shueisha will sponsor it.

Usually for WSJ, shueisha will find the fitting studio for a manga.

>If they made Genya an ikemen
He always was the hottest, fight me.

nigger there's literally no internal conflict involved in shit like training arcs and exam arcs, I'm actually glad the author decided to skip most of the training and exams because everyone knows how it always ends so mind as well just fucking get to the point.

What happened now?

Gege is a man, it's confirmed in the extras from volume 2.

You are absolutely right.

>That lightning breath animation.
10/10 OP.

>A man having the girls insulting eachother over their "pores" and not their boobs
So he's gay?


>Other times, other companies may reach out to us and ask if they can adapt the manga.

So this happened to kimetsu?

It's usually either to promote an ongoing series or to promote a series that's about to end. The manga publisher is trying to use the anime as a major advertisement.

>That potato Nezuko
20/10 OP.

Attached: 1535492708743.png (589x559, 267K)

But Inosuke was the prettiest

Niggers its time to post Best boy webms, post Tomioka webms

Why do you guys complain so much about everything like this? can't you find joy in anything?

Attached: 1547227811710.gif (320x240, 1.1M)

I don't think it will be BnHA tier popular. But will it be more popular than BC?

it's still trending on jp twitter

Jesus christ there's people out there that actually wants to watch the training arcs?

same, bad plot pacing
I just want to see the fights, the special effects looks decent to me, can't fuck that up right guys?
And the first episode doesn't need to be good either, it seems like ufotable just can't make slice of life vibes you got from the manga to create the shock of the family murder scene.
But that isn't a important element of KnY so it will get better soon I guess

Inosuke design is absolute top tier

Attached: 1529008521536.png (901x980, 801K)

What if they find joy in complaining about stuff? Just ignore them, they'll hopefully drop it, it's the usual 1st ep shitposting.

Seems like it was also trending worldwide.

I mean, I don't especially like it, but I don't hate it or anything. As I said, the designs and art seemed cool and demon imouto is cute. I was kind of hoping it might get better? Not sure if I'll stay with it.

>preceded by the previous complaint about a shounen being too shounen
That's not what I was complaining about. I like shounen. I'm complaining that it felt more like a cliffs notes of a shounen.

I mean if you're going to dedicate whole chapters to training arcs and a selection exam, at least play it out properly.

the post literally right above you is nothing but positivity and yet all you seem to look at is the negative posts

Best boy is that retard Inosuke. Then Uzui the God of festivities.

She doesn't have the mother's hairstyle

Yes it was at the number one spot for a few minutes and then moved to the third place after that

Attached: 1531723337838.png (406x356, 145K)

inb4 crunchy subbers can't help themselves and call it the Breath of the Wild

i wonder if the manga will get a big boost from this

This. Didn't even know it was manga based until this thread.

>ufotable studio war shitposting thread

Well waifu-faggots and fujos are going to ruin these once good threads. Shame.

Attached: 1553804147233.jpg (414x314, 55K)

Just finished the episode. And it's surprisingly good. Outside of a few bit of repeated dialogue, the pacing is really even and fits the dark atmosphere pretty well. The music enhances it even further, especially the moody chorals that make you tense whenever they start playing. Didn't really have any hope for the anime, but it might actually turn out okay!

Also I forgot Tanjirou had a ponytail in chapter 1. I hope he grows one out later again.

>there's literally no internal conflict involved in shit like training arcs and exam arcs

What a weird assertion to make.

> author decided to skip most of the training and exams
But he DIDN'T skip them. You don't have to stretch them out to make them interesting.

All volumes are already in the top 300 after the theater showing. It should get a bigger boost than Black Clover at the least.

It already got a boost yesterday even before the anime started airing, all volumes were in the daily Shoseki ranking. I'm more curious about the volume 1 sales, it'll be the first time they will be featured in Oricon, we'll finally know how much it really sold.

if you're talking about anime well yeah. BC anime got pretty bad start .

Did they?

Attached: 1534466656289.jpg (1000x1000, 976K)

>being mad cause 2-3 guys being miserable
j u s t i g n o r e i t b r o

>he music enhances it even further, especially the moody chorals that make you tense whenever they start playing.
It clashes too much because its way too long

Reminder Tomioka killed the whole Kamado family, don't believe his lies.

It's garbage, even early HxH before Yorkshin was better.

Anime studios could ask for it, but typically they are approached with projects that they then say yes to or decline. Not all studios are the same, some like Toei are partially owned by a TV network that has deep ties to a particular publisher so it's more of an automated pipeline where they don't get much say in things. But in the case of, say, Madhouse, it's more mercenary. You hire them to animate, they animate, and that's the extent of your relationship with them. You come to Madhouse with a job, you don't try to start a family with Madhouse.

He also killed Tanjirou's ponytail.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.05_[2019.04.06_13.16.28].jpg (1280x720, 440K)

As far as I know, yes.

Attached: zen.webm (852x480, 2.15M)

Nice pasta from MAL faggot

UFOtable is part of the production committee for this which is decently uncommon for anime, so yeh.

I loved this part, it was awesome

I think so. In the end of 2016 Nasu was prasing Kimetsu in an interview, maybe this helped a little since he seems to have ties with ufotable.

This is fun. Want something, kimetsubros?

Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 001.webm (1280x720, 971K)

can you imagine if they started working on Kimetsu since 2016?

Studios are always apart of the production committee but they're usually near the bottom in terms of contribution or revenue.

>The scene where Tsujiro finds his family should have been devastating and could have had more impact if there was no music
I didn't really notice that that was what bothered me about the scene, until you mentioned it.

based Zenitsu protecting his waifu

>proves that romance is important
Wait, so is there romance or not

should have done the red (You) but good pic otherwise

There's none so far, I mean there's some things you can call ship teasing and all but nothing serious.

i liked tanjirous hairbun

That was one of the most generic and boring 1st episodes I have ever watched. I would drop this normally but Ufotable and manga readers hyping it up have me conflicted.

Before dropping this shit someone tell me if there's incest (br) between mc and his crazed sister.


>Zenitsu wants to find a wife
>Tanjiro is too pure
>Inosuke is too stupid
I'd say no.

fuck off

The breath visual effects are really something else.

Just drop it, nobody is going to want to hear you complaining that the anime isn't living up to the expectations you read.

Just drop it already. No need to force yourself to watch something you don't enjoy.

Great, nobody will miss you.

Wow. I was imagining what the water breath atacks would look like, that's a lot better than what I expected.

Maybe Inosuke chasing Zenitus around Tanjirou and Nezuko?

>are the girls well written or are they bnha tier
See, that's why the shitposting starts.

my oni imouto can't be this strong

There is

Attached: 1545021663855.jpg (965x900, 185K)

Is there incest?

"because I want to" vs "because that's what I'm paid for"

Attached: txac.png (1323x743, 890K)

that was rape, faggot

1st ep was meh, but the op/ed gives me hope it will improve.

Attached: 1549225494561.png (904x345, 325K)

>I begin to read thinking that I would see a beautiful and sad story about siblings
>It ends up being another copy of Bleach and the sister doesn't serve for anything besides power-ups.
Best Jump series they said.

Attached: 1554256675934.png (587x620, 73K)

Same, I like how colorful they are.

Kanrogi is only for snek

>anime only fags
The problem is literaly fags, i can already see 90% of posts in kimetsu threads being gayposting from touken ranbu fujos.

t. snek

Snek is only for getting cucked by Love.

is this the sekiro of anime

Attached: 1553672756192.jpg (1024x692, 62K)

Yes Jimbo

I'm really feeling bad because I honestly couldnt see anything special about the OP. It's not awful, but definitely far from memorable.

Where/when does this even take place? Why does feudal Japan have power lines?

I don't think Misturi is a carpetmuncher, snek.

Are you an idiot? Why would feodal Japan have powerlines or steam trains? It' set in Taishou era.

Taisho era, 1912-1926.

I don't think so. Douma looks like he's enjoying it, so he's definitely consenting.


>Studios are always apart of the production committee
This is factually WRONG. In most cases animation studios are just hired to do the animation work, and they don't finance the anime. 'MIX' and 'Bakumatsu Crisis' and are just examples from this season.

Meh Black Clover is better

I didn't see any signs of industrialization besides the power lines in the episode so I thought it was some wacky WSJ world like DB or Nardo with kung-fu based societies and laptops.


This one's nice. Anything else?

Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 003.webm (1280x720, 401K)

Don't reply.

>MIX' and 'Bakumatsu Crisis' and are just examples from this season.
The studios are part of the fucking committe dumbass

The atmosphere in this part did remind me of Hirata Estate

Attached: 0604214046.jpg (1819x1000, 172K)

Because it's ufotable.

Tanjirou, Inosuke, then Zenitsu getting spooked by the spiders in the OP.

The kind of western fashion apron Tanjirou's mom is wearing is already a sign of a post feodal Japan. Same goes for Tomioka's uniform. And, well, the story starts in the mountais away from cities where more modern technology could be noticed.

The spider arc bit, between that and what you've just posted you can tell they are having lots of fun with Zenitsu

Giyuu webms please senpai

You can literally look at the the credits and see that DEEN is part of the list for Bakumatsu Crisis. Stop pretending you know what you're talking about.

I had to skip the overly dramatic parts because they were all pretty cringe to be honest. I don't know if the author was expecting me to care about his family or connect with his pain but the protag has such a shitty moan-y voice that simply impedes me from doing so, it sounds exactly like that fag Deku from MHA.

Attached: 1379501903597.jpg (240x240, 45K)

The new king of shounen
fuck off Jimbo

2 years pass in the first 4 episodes.

Can you do a version where it cuts off when they leave the screen to the right so it loops and they just run around forever?

So this is poorman's Black Clover?

I told you guys people will complain about Tanjirou's voice. Fuck Natsuki Hanae

This first episode was pretty good, will start picking up the manga shortly. Are translations still ongoing or are they stuck in translator drama hell?

>KnY is now going to have shitty generals
anime can be such a blessing and a curse

Comparing this boring garbage with BC is an insult to Tabata.

>Fuck Natsuki Hanae

Absolutely shit taste.

No, it's pretty different from Black Clover: It's actually not shit.

Natsuki Hanae is great.

Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 004.webm (1280x720, 665K)

Yea Forums translates it. Also Viz but fuck them

>The new king of shounen
One Piece?

He makes Tanjirou sound like a whiny bitch and all other character he voices sound like whiny bitches too

stop samefagging idiot

I'm happy to see you enjoyed it Yea Forumsnon. As a mangafag I liked the music and I liked that Tanjirou's family wasn't censored. It seems pretty faithful so far.

Is this one of those series that has comedy that kills the tension at inappropriate times?

OP is old and busted

You're confusing leading the committee with being a part of it. Ufotable isn't leading the committee for Kimetsu that's Aniplex and they're probably not high up the list either.

Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 003b.webm (1280x720, 235K)

I liked it.

No, the comedy is usually reserved to the recovery arcs that happens between the main arcs.

Looks like I can still have faith in Yea Forums despite the shitposting. Just to be sure, the latest chapter translated was 152?

BC has masterpiece writing going by shounen standard while this is MHA tier bad.

nah the characters are serious when shit gets real



>BC has masterpiece
You should stop doing that before someone actually believe it.

>Clovercucks shitting up yet another shounen thread
holy shit this really has to be falseflagging, I refuse to believe any fanbase can be this retarded

Looks like I got everything then, thanks Yea Forumsnons

Don't reply to Jeremy.

Stop replying to the bait already.


Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 005.webm (1280x720, 374K)

>good series gets anime
>threads go to shit
Every time

Samefagging and falseflag. Just report.

Nice, hope they are introduced soon in the anime.

based and liarpilled

told you, when they announced anime

>Shinobu makes webms now.

She is too powerful.

Then why do you have this?

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-04-06-21h56m27s281.png (1920x1080, 1.53M)

Ugly and Gaypilled

Well, I liked it.

Every show, regardless of the source material, suffers the same fate. Just give it a few weeks until shitposters leave.

Shinobu, please stop this shitposting.

Shinobu, you're just mad because he didn't have sex with you.

>Hasn't even defeated the boss
>People still complain
Checks out.

Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 006.webm (1280x720, 947K)

That's also him, report like you said.

Ignore Shinobu, hide Shinobu posts, don't reply to Shinobu!

The ART, and MUSIC is fucking fantastic!

Dororo is sekiro.
This is Moonwalker of anime.

Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 007.webm (1280x720, 280K)

I don't know how to have text appear on the top of the screen at the same time, please have something like "sword: ugly and gay"

Attached: D3emFI4U8AI-3Ix.jpg (776x1158, 147K)


>look them up
>it's all fate/stay garbage

Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 008.webm (1280x720, 1.12M)

>it's another screaming protagonist
oh god, it's Black Clover all over again

Attached: 1551310010975.png (406x302, 120K)

I'll be laughing at you when Tomioka gets married to a qt girl, following his sister dream.

Sorry' I'd need different software for that.

Tanjirou's pretty calm usually. It's just the firts time he has lost his mother, four siblings, and his last sister is about to be killed in front of his eyes.

Upper Demon Moon meeting please webm-sama

thx to fujos

Fuck. That's like 1000% improvement over the original art.

Tanjiro is pretty chill, not really a screamer. Given the circumstances it was a given he would be pretty distraught this episode


Dare I say that this is the BnHA killer?

Is there any reason why people don't know and don't care that world is filled with super strong man-eating zombies who can easily multiply?

his voice makes it worse though

She won't speak again?

So I assume that scroll she holds in her mouth keeps her from turning into a demon?

>comfy kimetsu threads
What threads? Nobody even talked about this shit before the anime was announced.

Here you go.

I hate you with the power of a hundred potatoes.

Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 009.webm (1280x720, 835K)

They pretend to be human

Still better than Dr. Flop

Probably my favorite part of the OP.

I liked it

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.41_[2019.04.06_22.06.54].jpg (1920x1080, 187K)


Because it's the conceit of the story.

It's basically vampire fiction. Demons are manipulative.

>lost his family
>his sister turned in a demon
Anyway, it is not even close to BC.

Just ignore it, user.

Im only here for Ufo hoping it doesn't dissapoint.

dun dun dun dun dun dun

>So I assume that scroll she holds in her mouth keeps her from turning into a demon?
No, it's just a gag.

Sakurai was great as always.

And here are the pillars.

She will but it will take a while. And the bamboo is just a gag so she doesn't bite anyone in case of an accident.

We know you have only been baiting in the ToC threads and never went to chapter translation threads, but at least try and don't make it so obvious.

Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 010.webm (1280x720, 1007K)

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-04-06-22h16m59s186.png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

>Bokutard falseflagging

so imouto just really likes her chew-toy?

SAKURAI WAS GREAT, I almost came when he was he started talking

It's early Taisho era, user. It's visible on the chapter that Tanjirou goes to Tokio and you can see the station and fashion used by people.

Attached: 6304aba33fcbc6347a0201109797dd0a.jpg (410x577, 71K)

>She won't speak again?
She speak way way latter in the story.

>So I assume that scroll she holds in her mouth keeps her from turning into a demon?
Nope, is just there to help her control herself.

I wish they could have fit in Gyuutaro somewhere in a subtle way so that only people read the manga would recognize him

"filled with" is an overstatement, they're secretive and kill a relatively small amount of people per year, enough that they'd be limited to rumors and folklore, with most people assuming the deaths were due to a wild animal or a random murderer.

he just need to wait when Tanjirou goes to the city and find Muzan

I never even heard of this series man. Literal who manga.

I like the manga but the only thing the author got right in her art is the great choreography and the potato faces.

>her art is the great choreography

Hee Hee
Shamone Aooww
Who's bad?

I'm mad that the OP song is so generic because it looks great, I'd be watching on repeat if the song was decent.

Yeah. I used to like LiSA but every of her song after F/Z sounds the same.

>anons told me it will be good
>trusting any faggots on Yea Forums

I know that, I think you wanted to reply to a different user.

Good. I hope you keep it that way.

I will love the Muzan-Michael Jackson posting

Is it me or Tomioka seems really short? Almost stocky.

>tomioka replies to shinobait

Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 011.webm (1280x720, 1.69M)

Well, Yea Forums can't help you, if you have shitty taste, user.

Ugly, gay and manlet.

>the only thing the author got right in her art is the great choreography
First of all, the author gender is still a mistery. Second, the choreography (and the action overal) is the weakest part of Kimetsu no Yaiba.

If one episode covers 2-3 chapters, we will get to chapter 60+ right?

You can see Micheal Jackson driving a car in the city when he first shows up

Started reading this today

Why is the main antagonist Michael Jackson?

>people running randomly
The OP is 100% generic.

Do animeonlys have some kind of filter for anime without a manga? Or do threads just not count unless they're cancerous generals?
I see this almost everytime the anime of a manga that previously had weekly threads starts airing, someone comes along and claims the threads never existed.
They could have at least gotten Aimer. Aniplex shill her about as hard, but her songs sound much more distinct from eachother and would probably fit the visuals of the OP better.

That shit got really unfunny really fast

Just like in real life.

>Clovercuck jumping on MHA for no reason in a Kimetsu thread
Thanks for proving my point, talk about being an insecure faggot


Yes, I think they will reach the Train Arc since it's 26 episodes.

>Implying the reason he was half a day late to the mountains wasn't because he was busy fucking the butterfly

God, I wish that were me.

Because Muzan's pretty smooth. And he's a criminal. It just writes itself.

Tomioka has such fluffy hair.

I seriously hope they make it to Zenitsu and Inosuke fast because the manga only gets interesting from there.

Then stop reading it. Or at the very least don't talk about how much you dislike it in every thread as you continue reading and posting just to have something to talk to others about.

Did one of them just dunk a basketball?

welcome to the family son. just close your eyes and it'll be over never

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.07_[2019.02.09_18.12.37].jpg (1280x720, 63K)

Shonen is for little boys. Michael Jackson villain makes sense.

It's a Temari ball.

RIP Kaguya threads too.

I'd like to propose a toast
Fuck demons
Fuck ugly and gay man
and most importantly, fuck Anime Only's

Attached: announcement.jpg (309x445, 83K)

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-04-06-22h34m06s336.png (1920x1080, 1.81M)

And he is bad too and can turn himself into a kid.

I didn't like the CGI mixed in all over the fucking place unnecessarily. I also didn't like the rediculous hamfisted dialogue and the way edgy ninja guy decided to explain everything that happened after it happened. Obviously if his axe was still in the air it would have mean that he had thrown it earlier. I guess shonenshit assumes the audience is made up of retarded boys but come on.

I like the demon girl, but I get the feeling she's going to be a non-character, more of a plot device than anything. Dropped.

at least the raw threads are usually decent, and hopefully now that the anime is over they'll get better

What's this ugly and gay meme?

>Fuck demons

It's just Shinobu shitposting, ignore her.

Because Giyuu is ugly and gay?

Tomioka's wife is trying to get his attention in the threads.

It's okay, It's okay.
it's not

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.11_[2019.03.24_09.52.39].jpg (1280x720, 71K)

Is the new chapter out yet? We already got BnHA and even Soma new chapter, right?

Would you? It's still not too late!

Attached: STILL WARM.jpg (1920x1080, 189K)

No, they're out in the sunday.

it's the truth

Giyuu is handsome and straight

People trying to be funny and failing miserably.

Eh, as much as I wish the animeonly fags to go away, Kaguya threads pre-anime has always been kind of shitty.

I really hope they include train arc.

Tomioka is THICC

Will the samuraifag fug the imouto?

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-04-06-22h32m19s004.png (1920x1080, 1.86M)

No, he has a deceased boyfriend.

Only if you are gay too

Muzan is retardedly handsome.

You can literally look at at the credits and see that DEEN is NOT part of the production committe you lying mutt.

Attached: where_is_deen.png (1366x768, 386K)

A little something for the degenerate ones among us.

Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 012.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

>he has a deceased boyfriend.
It's not going to be a homoshit, right?

Tomioka VA is kinda crap.

And that's his original body, too.

No. Everyone is straight in the manga. The homo shippers are retarded, pay them no mind.

I didn't know I had this fetish.

Don't talk shit about Sakurai.

You either have never played or watched a game of basketball confuse that throwing motion with anything relating to basketball

Are you deaf?

my sides lmao

>Sakurai is a bad VA
I get it if you don't like his voice for the character, but come on.

Goddam, the manga doesn't scale Nezuko right, this bitch big.

Nezuko changes sizes often, manga does it right.

>kajiura doing the same shit all over again

No, I mean she always seems normal sized, even in combat. Relative to Tanjirou and others, except Chibi Nezuko, in that scene there she looks fucking gigantic, far bigger than ahe ever has in the manga.

Attached: 1489827060518.gif (300x200, 55K)

Threads before Jag left were great
Then it all came tumbling down and never recovered

Based on the anime, we will at least get to the drum monster before the end of ep 12/13. But we won't see the spider forest until after that.

Why not? They show the spiders in the OP.

There's zero gayshit and no romance either.

Attached: 62209175_p25.jpg (1120x960, 244K)

>The studios are part of the fucking committe dumbass
No you retarded dumbass. The animation studio is ONLY part of the production committee, IF you can find it in the list of companies under 製作, or if you can find the name of the producers from the studio under プロデューサー in the credits. You don't need to thank me for this lesson.

Is MC going to fug his imouto?

What point? Pretty sure your lame ass joke wasn't a point.

>fuck Anime Only's
This must be remembered in trying times.
It's get better when the hype dies down and we're back to a few threads a week for chapter release, r-right?
>raw threads are usually decent,
Huh? Aren't the raw threads the ones with the shitflinging over untranslated panels that people take the wrong way?
I remember the scanlation wars being a dark period but I thought they were fine aside from that.

I agree that she looks way bigger in the anime, but that's not very surprising, Wani might not have been set on just how big she wanted her to grow at the time.

Attached: x23.png (498x425, 152K)

>Tanjirou will never encourage you

Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 013.webm (1280x720, 803K)

thats a cute pic of Zenitsu and his future wife

Zenitsu, please.

I think this moment was really well done.

Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 014.webm (1280x720, 1.77M)

>not a single crow in the OP
Clearly they do not understand the source material. Dropped.

Attached: crowknife.jpg (529x416, 60K)

Im surprised Zenitsu is so popular in Japan, I thought his type of character wasn't usually that popular, he's not a super pretty boy or edgy

Maybe they will appear in the ED.

>I have no idea what I'm talking about the post
> Even on productions where the studio owns the IP, they may not even be on the committee (see Manglobe and Samurai Flamenco).

That's not even the full list jackass

Don't people like that kind of characters who get super strong when he becomes serious in general?

You're right, that is a shame, could've done some cool visuals with the crows.

My g

Did you even read the latest chapters?

That was literally that one fight and he wasn't super strong because he was supr srs.

He's a dependable coward like Usopp

I was wording it wrong. But I think people like characters who usually just fuck around, but there are moment they can be cool.
The instant Zenitsu does lightning breath in blind mode in the forest is a fan favorite I think.

>the two posts say the anime studio is not always part of the committee
>the part you quoted says the same thing
So what's your point?

yeah and Usopp isn't that popular unfortunately, idk I guess Zenitsu was a perfect storm and mix of character traits that made him popular, any idea when we might get a 2nd popularity poll?


I'm just glad the anime gives more people the chance to meet the national treasure that is Tanjirou.
Best boy of the decade.

>actually good music for once
I can't remember the last series with an OST I actually liked.

That's not terribly uncommon if both are healthy. If anything, it's uncommon that the kids survived as long as they did.

>good music
You must be deaf

Nice argument j-pop fucker.

You do realize that the opening theme is J-Pop right?

What's even the theme of this show?

Family bonds/love.

His point is to show the world that he can't read for shit and has no fucking idea what he is babbling about. Forgive him for his stupidity.

>It's get better when the hype dies down and we're back to a few threads a week for chapter release, r-right?
who knows. I have bleak expectations unless the otterfags are annihilated in the christmas date chapter

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