What is Yea Forums's opinion on Soul Eater?
What is Yea Forums's opinion on Soul Eater?
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4/10 but unironically
Generic, boring, dropped after 5 episodes
Is it me, or have people slowly begun to dislike this series as the years went by?
literal bait
battle shounen.
There's not enough porn of that girl
Why was Black Star such an annyong little asshole? He ruined the whole show.
>le shounen
I love her stocking and lack of pantsu so much i swear to god
i've fapped to this
OP/ED were god tier.
Every character in this show was annoying and ruined it
Soul Eater Not is way better.
I hate the show but this is true
Tsubaki and Black Star were the best part. Good manga, BONES fucked it up with the original shit.
Tsubaki was fucking fine.
It's not way better?
The first half of the anime was decent. I don't know about the manga, never read it.
What is it about her people like? Generic moe
They completely botched it when it came to Baba Yaga arc.
Post more of her
Me on the left
Blair always made me diamonds.
Cute, supportive, soft-spoken, and is canonically the most lewd of the main cast
>most lewd
No she isnt
Holy shit I want to fuck maka so bad I want to suck on her nipples and clit and ass and armpits and shoulders and toes and bellybutton and cheeks and nose and lips and
Good taste
Fun series though the second half was weaker. Manga was better partly cause of the story and because Okubo’s art just kept getting better and better.
>watching the anime
>also not reading the manga
Mifune was cool
Manga was better, Boob Madness > Courage Punch
It was okay until it jumped the shark after arachnia or w/e her name was. I like his new series so far, the anime looks like it will be good.
Too bad Tsugumi's third harem member didn't show up in the anime
Mifune was cool.
Can't wait for her Onii-chan in the new anime.
>axe, spear and scythe part of halberd
>great style
>great op/ed
>great characters
>great animation/art
>shit ending
thats about it, if you disagree you are a contrarian
The ending was okay. The 20 something episodes before the ending was the shit.
google what one looks like dumbass
>implying it's not sex positions
Best part of Soul Eater. Fight me, faggots.
Him showing up in the book of Eibon was pretty funny.
Best Star Family Member coming through
Excalibur episodes were great, fantastic lewds, shitty ending
Soul Eater Not! was darker than the original. Where is your god now?
>Darker than the original
>you can see one of the tentacle clenching her nipple
I unironically enjoyed soul eater but when i watched it i was like 14-15, will rewatch it regardless. i liked the star boy and his character was original back then and the relationship with his weapon was funny. And i remember the villains to be ridculously powerful, i wouldnt say its a great show but i personally enjoyed it
I liked the Op
But everything about it basically just a rehashed version of D.Gray Man and that shit's like a 6 for me
unironic top 5, love it
Asura was just Naruto levels of retardo friend.
Twas a fun read. Black star is unironically my favorite.
Did they ever actually use him on anything meaningful?
Tsubaki was my first waifu. Both the anime and the manga were dissapoing desu.
Fire brigade of flames is better imo
muh yuri bait! truly superior!
It was not bait.
Mostly boring, with a couple of pretty neat fights.
Definition of mediocre. Both the anime and manga had shitty endings and the spin-offs were terrible.
Maka a cute
I absolutely hated the noses in this show. Looked like they cut them off.
how good is the manga compared to the anime?
meh. Back when i was in high school it seemed to have a following. I could never get into it.
Yes, it was.
I see a nipple
I enjoyed it's not the best or anything special. The only major thing I hate is that ending of with the power of "courage". I heard the manga was a bit better I've been meaning to read it hopefully it is.
Better. Final battle is better and the ending was okay.
Watched the anime then read the manga a year or two later. Really enjoyed the setting and tone of the series as a whole. solid 7 or 8 out of 10.
>Best girl
only reason I watched this
No matter what Crona is my dick is going inside of "it" one way or another.
>ctrl + f "I WANNA BE"
The fuck is wrong with you?
Medusa was best girl and the series went steeply donwhill when she was gone.
God I want to fuck Maka.
cant believe this was a kid's show
>Everybody's parents are divorced/single mom
>Edgy emo stuff
>2 cool 2 care MC
>villains are all scientists trying to change the world
The most 90's show i'v ever watched.
Can't say I wasn't entertained. 7/10.
I forgot
>duel wielding pistols like a gangsa
>tacky rap theme music
>child abuse
>apple ipods
>token black guy
I can't think of anything more 90's.
Black star could get a spin off series
i dont like the anime or the manga but i think the OP is cool
had a great beginning but became a pain to read after the baba yaga arc. had a bleh ending to it. it's a 6/10 for me
I like Tsubaki, thank you very much.
Boring generic shit for underaged retards.
It's the best shounen ever made. I have no idea why it isn't praised more often.
The first six episodes are legitimately awful and should be straight up skipped. From episdoe 7 it becomes completely different and basically ignores everything before then.
its like really fucking bad
>Tsubaki wants Black Star to fuck her senseless but he’s too busy becoming a god of war.
after a while yeah
This is the sorriest excuse for bait that I've ever seen. No (You) for you.
It's a fucking hook you idiots, for pulling people off their fucking horses
god that shit was bad
im gonna order a pizza, should i get meat or vegetal
post THAT webm
It peaked early on and had a mess of an ending but overall it was okay.
I'm going to be that guy and say the manga was better, only I actually feel validated in that opinion for once. Even then, the manga's ending was rushed as hell and there were multiple loose ends never addressed or given limp endings.
I..........Well.......I mean.......Huh.
yeah like we never got to see maka's mom