Chapter translations are out.
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
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trips bless best girl doing best girl stuff
Where do I find a gf like Ruka?
ruka in charge of being btfo
In fantasy.
Gyot damn Ruka, Killin it
Stupid old hag
She's so fucking annoying but so is the retarded MC.
Perfect timing!
why do I keep reading this. I've dropped this already once after the Christmas arc.
Because you didn't actually drop it ya dingus
Fuck you, granny is right.
You don't grab girls violently like that, at least not in front of your family.
Leave that for the bed.
Kazuya being an asshole as usual.
More news at 9
Because it's good.
Ruka is a good girl and has done nothing wrong.
Why is this writer such a hack?
It's shit and so do I
The plot is progressing very quickly, faster than Kaguya. Chizuru is about to quit and her grandma is dying, it's just a matter of time before they get together.
It's okay to ignore the annoying, scheming bitch.
Seriously its only been running for a year and a half. Hell the hook of the manga was always seeing how Kazuya's lies and Chizuru going along with them while growing an actual romantic relationship together was going to eventually blow up in their faces. Putting everything into a final arc where everything gets resolved cause everything was exposed.
If you arent reading for anything beyond this manga's very setup then you should never should have made it past the first few chapters and are just bullshiting yourself. I really dont understand how people complain so much over the very premise of the manga itself over and over without dropping unless they are lying to themselves.
Because Kazuya has shit dialogue. Characters talk and talk while he has inner monologue. The author forgets to make the MC speak aloud.
>like her the most out of all current romcoms
>destined to never win
it hurts
How can your taste be so shit
Except for the blackmail.
You misspelled patrician
The obvious aussie or aussie-larping translator was the best.
Haven't laughed at so-so romcom shit in a while.
Good taste.
Kazuya is usually a giant ass, I admit but right now Ruka doesn't even try to win his heart, but force place into his life by going on the good side of his family.
I don't hate her, but how can people still whitewash her actions?
what the fuck my eyes!?
They like whores
I keep reading this because I hope that MC will fuck things up, get disowned by his family and be forced to listen to Chizuru riding her boyfriend's dick in the next apartment every single night.
Sumi > Ruka > Chorizo >>> Mami
I think I'm more annoyed with MC now that this chapter was translated
But Chizuru is a virgin.
>call girls who wont take the D
Whats the fucking point?
Because you are an otter.
Ruka is at her wits' end. She knows she's fighting an uphill battle against a superior woman and Kazuya's terminal oneitis for her. Her breakdown will be massive.
To make you mad.
>no mami
I sleep.
You're getting lazy.
I get that and actually can respect this much of the writing.
I am just saying what Ruka does is nothing you should admire. I can understand WHY she does that, I just don't think you can defend her behavior as something innocent or cute.
She has the right to better her image in front of Kazuya parents after Kazuya told them that she is a liar.
But he didn't even want her to meet his parents in the first place.
This, actually
It's really frustrating how people confuse an unlikable character with a bad character.
>Oh no, such a terrible thing is happening to Kazuya this chapter. How will he ever get out of this completely awful predicament.
Is the author serious?
Fuck this shit. Who the hell enjoys this crap
Then he should tell her.
I normally detest NTR, but what you say makes a lot of sense and is in line with what i want to see
is this worse than hatsukoi zombie?
Much worse
No it doesn't. It's too unrealistic considering how 40% of Japanese in their twenties are virgins, with a major reason being their workaholism. Chizuru is the definition of a workaholic.
Different kind of poison.
Ebino > Mami > Ibusuki > Chizuru > Sumi > Ruka
Lots of people considering how the sales have actually been growing lately.
Well nips have a culture where rental girlfriends are a thing.
They even have rental women they can show their parents to prove they aren't pathetic losers.
Yeah, she fits this family perfectly
I guess he isn't content with whatever is happening here, but calling it hell is slightly overdoing it.
That's what happens when lying becomes your second nature.
but she likes it that way, at least it's what her app says
>goddess' voice
fuck off
fuck off even more
That's how it usually goes, all his internal monologue is translated and it becomes 10 times worse then only his actions.
How is keeping this status quo any good for him? He'll never grow the fuck up when he can just rent Chorizo whenever he wants to.
But the status quo isn't being kept. Chizuru is quitting soon.
since when she's so stacked wtf. Is she bigger than Chizuru?
I heard that one before. Even if she does I'm still waiting for that to have any influence on the story.
>since when she's so stacked
since her introduction?
Ruka's rukas were always big but Chorizo has biggers.
>Chorizo has biggers.
They're just the best.
Miyajima drew Nanako.
a reverse trap won't win here
winning in this is an equally shit fate
The MC's obsession with the main girl is on par with HZ MC's delusion.
In HZ the MC is a faggot, here he is a cuck,
choose your poison I guess.
Kazuya is not really a cuck.
Ruka doesn't do anything to get him to actually like her. She only forces herself into his life and wants to use his grandmother to pressure him. And people complain about Kazuya. If Ruka was the male MC you wouldn't give her a pass.
That's basically chapter one and she is no longer his girfriend, after that he fantasize about fucking the girls even the jailbait.
fuck off thot
>I'm just doing this to get through school
What do you want Ruka to do?
Ruka couldn't have possibly thought saying this would "lock" her in as his gf right? Her only real hope is taking advantage of when Mami btfo of everyone and while Kazuya is depressed she swoops in heals his broken heart.
wait when the fucker is out and go all out. Tell them he is a big fucking liar and that Chorizo is just a rental whore, show the website on her phone for proof.
>Status Quo
>She tells Grandma her rental name
Are you ok?
Granny want's grand grandchildren, if the truth that Chorizo is a rental whore ever comes out and there is a perfectly fine wife material that even likes Kazuya right there
You can't be serious now.
This is chapter 1.
Waifufags(especially Tomboyfags) have always been mentally ill.
I look forward to when Kazuya starts calling her Ichinose.
>Her breakdown will be massive.
Nothing compared to the tears of her fags.
and Why is she doing all this? Because the fucker told her that he is renting Chorizo ONLY because his grandma fell in love with her. She realized there is no use in getting to Kazuya and she is trying to steal Chorizo's place in grandma's heart now. If he actually came clean and said that he loves Chorizo and doesn't want to have anything to do with her, then that would be another thing, but he won't, especially when he did waver a couple of times and gave her false hopes.
Yes what she does is fucked up and stupid, but It's all on Kazuya.
No it's actually all Ruka's fault.
She knows she has no chance, she know Kazuya will never like her.
Also she blackmailed him into "dating" her.
I'm just waiting for the grandma to find out and she cuts him out of the will leaving him in massive debt.
>blackmailed him
He literally stalked her first.
Why would he be in debt?
After she looked up Chizuru in the internet.
Don't argue guys, everyone in the manga is a piece of shit. Except that girl that barely appears and talk.
What love triangle?
Kazuya doesn't give a shit about her.
Presumably student loans.
And? She is free to browse the internet, he should have let her go and none of this would have happened.
Why did Chizuru not show up anyway?
they're both faggots
Her grandma is in the hospital.
people were speculating that her Grandma died.
personały I would love for her to just end it right there and tell granny the truth
And Kazuya is also free to talk to her.
If anybody should let anything go it's Ruka and you know it.
Me too I want off this wild ride
I feel like I'm being cucked at the end of each and every chapter
You sure would Rukafag.
the only form of income he has is the grandma. right now instead of grandma paying for college she gave him all the money he would need in one go and that's what he has been using to live of off. every date he goes on is 100+ dollars, he pays tuition with that bulk, he pays rent with it. he has a cushy inheritance coming to him because of the grandma and the family business but once she finds out he's been lying and using the money to buy whores instead wew he's out.
Sunken cost, might as well continue since you're in too deep.
now this is headcanon and bad b8
Only one of them confessed his love to someone who at the time he thought to be a boy and had to convince people for half of the story that he isn't gay and at the end he gets with said boy(girl).
He is not free to follow her when she told him to stop.
How does wanting for any sort of change in the flow of the story make me a Rukafag?
I just want to be past the it's only for grandma excuse
>What do you want Ruka to do?
I think I was fairly clear. Stop blackmailing and manipulating his environment to keep the girlfriend pretense going. People give Kazuya shit for maintaning the fake relationship.
this fag does this every thread when anons attack worst girl. he would automatically think your a rukashipper when theres 2 other in this series.
was meant for
>Sumi with black hair
The thing is that Ruka wants him to like her and since he hasn't confessed to Chizuru she can try to get his heart, also they have a deal and most of the time he breaks it.
Faggot as in: unlikeable. They're both unlikeable MCs. HZ MC was okay for a few chapters in the beginning. Kazuya would be more likeable if his formulatic inner monolgues weren't used for filling up the chapters. Feels like he's always either flustered or lusting the majority of the time. Obviously he's going to stop being an insecure faggot and start being honest with himself when he gets Chorizo in the end.
There is no way that a girl like chiruzuru would have a relationship that WORKS with a low beta like Kazuya.
This is beyond fantasy and self insertion.
Chizuru will first have a relationship with her career, then she will fuck producers and coworkers alike.
If they started dating in RL their relationship wouldn't go beyond the third month.
He breaks it because he doesn't fucking like her that much. She hasn't done a single thing to endear herself to him either which certainly isn't helping(no, buttering up his family does not count).
Then the faggot should stop giving him hope.
This story is about Kazuya becoming more confident so that their relationship does work out.
I won't disagree with you there. Really just want Mami to do whatever stupid shit she is planning so she can get btfo by Chizuru and or Kazuya when she tries to get him back
>anons attack worst girl
But they're not attacking Ruka
But Ruka is free to stalk him all the time?
This is Rukafag logic in a nutshell.
Your girl is wrong. Deal with it.
>The thing is that Ruka wants him to like her
No she actually doesn't.
She's a selfish brat who thinks of Kazuya as an object not as a person. That's why she thinks it's more important to get goody-goody with his grandma then actually try to get him to like her.
>This is beyond fantasy and self insertion.
All manga is.
Now go back to
What I tried to say is that it was his fault.
He isn't giving her hope at all.
Ruka is the one who's deluding herself.
He was about to date her for real before Mami and Chizuru went to the karaoke, he told her he doesn't know if he loves her but he is glad that someone told him that she loves him during the typhoon chapter.
But it isn't.
It's Ruka's fault for Snooping As Usual.
>He was about to date her for real
>he told her he doesn't know if he loves her but he is glad that someone told him that she loves him during the typhoon chapter.
lmao yeah of course he's happy that any girl loves him
meanwhile he knows he loves Chizuru
It's true, he was ready to make her his girlfriend, that's why he pulled her into a room in the karaoke.
>he was ready to make her his girlfriend
Chizuru is shit, fuck this gay author.
Then what was he trying to tell her when he pulled her into the room?
>fuck this gay author.
Says the gay tomboyfag rukashitter.
Chizuru is a literal miracle.
tells you something doesn't it brainlet headcanon user
>rukafags accusing others of headcanon
wew right from reddit aren't you, lurk more or level up your shitposting skills before you post again.
>People give Kazuya shit for maintaning the fake relationship.
Of course they do. She can't "blackmail" him if he does what he's supposed to do and come clean to his grandma in the first place. Hell, you'll notice that in his entire internal hissy fit this chapter, he's not even freaking out about the notion that Ruka will tell grandma the truth about his relationship with Chizuru, so he's clearly not concerned about her doing that.
>Ruka newfags calling anyone a redditor
He doesn't have to come clean to anyone.
Ruka is a cancerous bitch who is putting her nose where it doesn't belong.
I hated this manga since way before, but at this point, i have com to accept this is a hate read, you need to be such a turbo autist to find the MC relatable or redeemable.
I like Kazuya but hate Chizuru.
Wow this is high res.
The only character who deserves hate is Ruka.
Ruka is shit.
chapter 86 raws when?
Ruka a cute.
such low quality b8 doesn't
deserve a (You)
Chizuru is the other side of the issue i have with this manga: She looks and acts so ... uninterested and even mildly annoyed to everything about the MC. Like, she would rather be anywhere else but with him, and the story suffers because of it, those 2 have no chemistry to sell the story, at least Ruka is as much of an autist as Kazuya, and shit enough that they deserve each other. She is literally begging him to slide his feminine i'm sure dick inside her, but all he thinks about is giving Chizuru more money he doesnt have, just to pretend some more. This is a fucking disaster of a relationship, almost like weaponized autism you only see on Patreon supporters of camwhores like Belle Delphine and such. I only read this to see how worse it gets.
a shit
No, Ruka doesn't deserve shit. Not even Kazuya deserves such a shit girl.
this, so much this. the fact that it took this long for the money thing to finally be off the table was bugging the shit out of me.
>She looks and acts so ... uninterested and even mildly annoyed to everything about the MC
But that's wrong.
More like Ruka deserves better.
She's doing it for us, user. The audience itself seems to typically feel annoyed by Kazuya's antics, and she's calling him an annoying fagit all for us. Plus it shows how she's able to drop her professional working guise around him; she bottles all her annoyances and aggravation towards the world and clientele up inside herself but Kazuya is becoming her stress relief ball, the only one she's starting to feel comfortable dropping the mask around. Not that she admits it either because she's an irritating fagit herself.
whatever few moments you cherrypick where it looks like she cares, will be forever tainted by the fact that he was paying money for it, user.
Ruka deserves to be gassed.
More like Kazuya wants to pay her to support her at this point, even though Chizuru was about to quit and give up on her dreams.
Chizuru never blackmailed him either.
At that time he wasn't paying her.
If this was NTR she would slobbering all over some rich fat old guys cock the whole time while stringing Kazuya along for kicks. I want this ending.