Nobunaga-sensei no osanazuma

It's another short anime, and it's uncensored

Attached: D3C1P37U4AEm1BH.jpg (500x716, 107K)

Other urls found in this thread:织田信长合集2019.jpg

>and it's uncensored
On CR?

>blessed short anime airing back to back to back within two days

AT-X, probably.

>14 years old girl goes to the future with the sole purpose of MARRYING and REPRODUCING
Thanks Abe. Her dialect is delicious too.

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CR has the AT-X version.
Go to their site. Says uncensored
Isn't the first time they get uncensored releases
Okusama wa Setokaichou and Senran Kagura Shinovi Masters were also uncensored in there

I dont plan to watch this but why the fuck not for the first episode.Also subs out.

it's pretty shit.
and that blonde girl's boobs are so big

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.56_[2019.04.07_00.26.43].jpg (1280x720, 538K)

Seems like you're right. The AT-X version and the CR version have the same amount of censoring (go to 6 minutes 10 seconds on both; they both censor her hand covering her crotch).

Easy waifu from a broken teacup.

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The mc agrees.

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Landing strip forehead.

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Pretty dead thread.

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>You wouldn't your great great great great great great great great grandmother

Cant wait for the harem shenanigans to ruin (or improve) the series. Also the ED was pretty dope, I always like those energetic machinegun tier singing.

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I hope ancient japanese people already knew how to shave themself.

>it's uncensored
There goes the only selling point.

I don't trust any anime with Nobunaga in the title anymore

if it has a vagina, i would it

So, according to fapservice nipples come later
Seems it's just being too faithful to the source

Nobunaga no Shinobi was fun
Although next season's original looks like fujoshit

I really wish characters would not try to use common sense to reason with people who come from an era with different common sense. He's already accepted that she came from the past, maybe try explaining modern customs instead of assuming she has the same values as you.

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conquer japan

Show us the "uncensored" part and it will stand back.

Is there any other release or what?

That's for later episodes, given the manga

Nope. Guess differences will come in later episodes (that or the censored releases will be worse)

I'm ready to accept my short-anime overlords

Checked ATX and this was the result

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>another short

That's a no for me then.

how the subs? burger crap?

It's only 7 minutes. Check them out yourself

Man, ATX is not what is used to be.

Say that on thursday when their version of the Sensei show air.
Right now I blame the mangaka and Seven

>14 year old loli waifu dropped out of the sky

huge forehead


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.08_[2019.04.06_11.29.03].jpg (1280x720, 321K)

The better to cum on


this is the future. enjoy

Sengoku Rance is good

i can relate to him

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Because they're cheaper and the anime studios have been having rocky financial times.
Plus if I remember right the industry lost some supporting background studio which did work for basically every other studio, forget the details about it but their loss was apparently a major taihen onii-chan

i wish i lived in the past bros

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How is this mangaka's fault? Also ponos and vagoo must be censored due to their retarded law

You can still make children with 15 year olds, you just have to marry them first.

in what country?
as far as i know in europe you can only marry when she is 18 or 16 even?

how do you tell your parents you want t marry a 15 yo girl?

Uncensored vaginas are a no-no in DVDs and such.

this would be better as a full lenght anime

Not even going to watch it, MC is probably the usual faggot who blushes and turns away when some harem slut presents herself to him. Sick of this shit

The better question is: how do you tell her parents?

>how do you tell your parents you want t marry a 15 yo girl?
tell them you love her? seems simple

Go to fapservice. Manga didn't add nipples until later on

>in what country?
NY PEN Part 3 Title H Article $130.10 4. In any prosecution under this article in which the victim's lack of consent is based solely on his or her incapacity to consent because he or she was less than seventeen years old, mentally disabled, a client or patient and the actor is a health care provider, detained or otherwise in custody of law enforcement under the circumstances described in paragraph (j) of subdivision three of section 130.05 of this article, or committed to the care and custody or supervision of the state department of corrections and community supervision or a hospital and the actor is an employee, it shall be a defense that the defendant was married to the victim as defined in subdivision four of section 130.00 of this article.

Elope, then tell them the rice is already cooked? I haven't had to think this far yet.

She probably smells really badly.

i am really depressed now for being lonely
thx 14 yo loli who want to make babies white a 28 yo dude

the bigger problem is to find a girl what wants to marry at young age with a much older man i guess
also society

Technically 14. I guess back then they count 1 year at birth.

>the bigger problem is to find a girl what wants to marry at young age with a much older man i guess
they all do

Yeah, I hope the humor improves and doesn't solely consist of awkwardly delivered culture jokes and the cliched family.

>the bigger problem is to find a girl what wants to marry at young age with a much older man
This isn't a problem at all

yeah but they come to you and say marry me
even if i walk on the street and stare at girls going home from school for more than 3 seconds i have the feeling someone will think i am a pedo, let alone talking to them
fuck society and fuck jews

find me a girl right fucking now

i need episode 2 right now
is there a manga?

this. first straight loli anime in years, and it's fucking shit


Can anyone tell me what the manga is called where a teacher teaches in an all girl school. In a really rough class. Where the girls bully him hard. He faces an idol first who tries to pin him with harassment.

>a cute young wife will never fall out of the sky for you
Why even live?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.21_[2019.04.06_15.26.58].jpg (1280x720, 103K)

The bitrate is noticeably low.
Feels like a lot of virtue signaling with the "gotta wait till they're 18" schtick.
The student was pretty cute. I hope she wins.

Are they also gyaru? I recall a series about a male teacher having to control his dick in a classroom full of gal sluts who grab him by the crotch.

fuck this dude, he already has a middle schooler who wants his dick

But fucking your greatx25 grandmother and destroying the causality of time isn't a problem apparently.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.20_[2019.04.06_20.30.20].jpg (1280x720, 141K)

>literally listen in on her saying "impregnate me"
>proceed to accuse him of harassment
Getting real tired of this shit. Hope Nobunaga will rise from the grave and kill his bitch sister.

It's only cause he's a pushover and they know it. Needs to channel his inner chuuni demon king and put them in their place.

Which country would it be the easiest to marry a JC in?

Probably an African one or a central Asian one where it's more about tribal customs than law. Or an East Asian country where the law depends on how much money you have.

The one where she undresses herself and threatens to yell rape!? wherein he responds by tearing his own clothes partially off and actually yells that he's being sexually assaulted?

If the characters actually acted like they were just teasing him it might be funny, but it's all played straight. Never underestimate the lack of depth in Japanese humor.

You need to increase your respect for the dead man, user.

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Japanese humor has plenty of depth, but this is primarily about the fan service, the comedy is just window dressing.

You go to africa if you want to fuck virgin JC without marrying them, user.
You stay in first or second world countries and bribe parents/officials if you want easy JC marriage.

Oh hey, another one of the 5 anons who watched nobunagun.

the one where they went through a bunch of teachers since they all get bullied out in like a week right?
will have to search through history I know I read a few chapters once

The JK was the only semi-likeable character and she only got like three lines.

I miss that show it was so much fun.

found it
The monster of 1st grade, class A

Between this and Senko-san this season I think I'm going to get dangerously close to killing myself.

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isnt in columbia c. prostitution a thing?

Did Senko-san air its first ep yet?

4 days yet.

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It was silly, but seemed sort of self aware of itself but not in a really obnoxious way. Also I think the seiyuu for the MC was new, I don't recall if she got anymore work, but I thought she did a great job playing a spergy otaku girl.

what the fuck am i reading?
this should be a oneshot porn
not anime

Best two shows so far (this and Senryuu) are shorts. It ain't fair, bros.

Source material for GODakobo's latest anime masterpiece.

>we automatically assumed you were about to have sex with her
>but we're not going to take of her that's your job!
What the fuck?

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Source plz.

That ED was pretty catchy.

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They had baths in Japan.

Her hand is obviously covering her vagoo, the BDs will clearly not have that censor.

That's one hella cute mom.

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>15 years old and has boobs
Pick one.

i want to give her another son

The bitrate makes me sad.

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Kind of meaningless when you can't get married under the age of 17 there anymore. Gotta protect those kids from the dangers of having a life partner.

s2 when

They define marriage such that it has to be recognized by law, but they don't explicitly state it has to be their law.
Loopholes abound.

You can get married under the age of 17 if you have parental approval. This is a common occurrence and significant problem with muslim immigrants to the US.

Sounds based. Where do I find these people?

I hear their attracted by large sums of money.

fuck you making me read this
wtf is this sick shit

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That doesn't narrow it down at all.

>fuck jews
What? Don't they marry young?

>Feels like a lot of virtue signaling
Maybe he doesn't want to lose his job

Don't you know? It's the Jews' fault that user is a creep.

>lewd and explicit loli fanservice
LRD on suicide watch.


>that blonde girl's boobs are so big
How is that a bad thing you fag?

Cowtits are hideous and belong in a slaughter house.

They better call the cops.

Cute body despite having a second head growing in her vagina.

Funny you mention that, usually Nobunaga shows are a guaranteed fun ride.

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There are just so many this season. It's great, I love it. If I end up dropping a few of the normal length anime I'm watching, half of the anime I'm watching will be short-form.
On the bright side, she can give blowjobs while kissing.


Those blonde tits.

This was abysmal.

Nice show

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How many more fucking shows will Abe make to brainwash those neets!


what was the point in censoring this?

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tell me the last time they showed vagoo in anime, including discs

But her hand is covering the important bits, so it wouldn't even show the vagin

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To sell the BDs.

A big goofy graphic censor is code for "buy the BDs"

You know, that deadpan face cutout is probably cuter than what it covers.

Must breed with prime 14.

Damn I thought it was another season of this.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nobunaga no Shinobi - 07 [720p].mkv - 0011.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

I like how he's fine marrying and doing lewd things as long as she's legal even though she looks like a little girl. I wonder what message Japan is trying to say here.

That's how it works. Forcing the girl into a victim role is the only way to save her from being slut shamed like an adult. It's an act of kindness.

Because this season is so shit?

Uncle Abe should stop being this cryptic.

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I'm claiming the one in the dangerous blue cloth as my waifu.

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>seasonal waifufag
>doesn't even bother to learn the name of the woman he wants to marry
off yourself

Wait what? This show is about fucking a 14 year old? PICKED THE FUCK UP!

To be precise, the show is about NOT fucking her.

>Those cowtits on the blonde

Attached: dont like 10.jpg (390x456, 54K)

I'm looking forward to good shots of the blonde.

Gay as fuck

Medium bust or less.
Big tits are death

Attached: happy 7.jpg (568x652, 66K)

Medium is boring, flat chests and cowtits are the best.

She's unexpectedly hairy for a petite 15 years old girl.

How could this show work for that though, there's no Kichou appearing in mid air above me. Maybe Abe should work on that.

Technically 14. And this is anime, all cute girls are hairless as it should be.

Then again her lower head doesn't seem to have a mouth.

>Read comments on nyaa and HS
>retards with their fbi memes as usual
Do autists think it's clever or funny? It's like I'm watching some brainwashing cult spreading from how prevalent it is. It's even in sad panda.

Well, hand censorship (sans head censor) is better than nothing.

Oh, you're right, I didn't even notice. There's always the eye sockets or making your own hole, I guess.

Since life begins at conception, this makes a lot of sense. You're basically 10 months old at birth.

The season started well for the collection.

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>episode is only seven minutes long but the BUDGET is already tangible
Is the industry on the verge of crashing?


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.07_[2019.04.06_23.18.28].jpg (1280x720, 86K)

There's your answer.

harems NEVER improve anything

They improve the doujinability for well-cultured people who enjoy group sex scenes. In the rare occasions when they happen.


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Brazil. The age of consent is 14 over there, and they really mean it. A 14 year old can have sex with a 40 year old, if she's dtf.


But they eat monkeys

Is the girl with the blue yukata also from the past?

I have the slight suspicion that im being tricked into learning japanese history



>shit art style
>shit animation
>shit "humor"
Ok, it's dangerously close to pure shit. I guess I'll stick around for a bit because of age gap, but I bet it'd just continue beating the same dead horse of accusing MC of being a pervert despite him not even doing anything.

>no manga scans
Is the anime worth it? Also I know the art style from somewhere

Same author as Koe no Oshigoto

Oda Nobunaga织田信长合集2019.jpg

Attached: nobunaga.jpg (870x971, 72K)

>Where can I find Muslims in the US
Minnesota, hope you like Somalians user.

Reporting in.

The blonde one looks good.

>tits larger then your head

why is it always Nobunaga anyway? I thought the tokugawa guy is much more important

Abe-approved show.

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Apparently eccentric westaboo, tokugawa guy was one of his underlings too, so him being the big boss man would be the bigger man.

Nobunaga, Hideyoshi and Ieyasu were all important in uniting the land and ending the civil war state which lasted over a century.

You woulnd't your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandma, right?

Would you not?

I didn't know tawawa was an actual manga, I thought it was just a collection of single pages that more or less indirectly told a story


Face it. Washboards only good for cutting onions and nothing more.

nobunaga for japan is kind of like george washington for burgers

Good for you that she's not blood related.

I liked the first ep. Thanks for giving me something to watch in this abysmal season.

I would make our family tree form a loop

I'm so tired of Nabunagashit. Was this guy really this great? And in this show he's a complete faggot, he has nothing what made him great.
Will still watch for young wife.

>Was this guy really this great?
>And in this show he's a complete faggot
He's not even in this show, it about someone having the same name who may or may not be his descendant.

Then why did they name him like this? Couldn't they just have named him Oda Fuckface?

>I'm so tired of Nabunagashit.
I'm not and I'm fairly certain I've watched more anime with Nobunaga in it.

That's the joke

Yeah, big tits are gay as fuck.

Tokugawa was a boring cunt while Nobunaga has a mountain load of interesting anecdotes about him.


Why did having young wives become unacceptable?
Is it because divorce is acceptable now?

Anything further than a third or fourth cousin is fine.

When hags got enough power to make it so

Someone's agenda at play.