Yeah, I'm thinking they're back.
Yeah, I'm thinking they're back
Black Gendou WHEN?
Look, I don't even give a fuck about the humans anymore, just tell me what dog will play Ein.
Retards will tell you something about a husky but they it wasn't revealed yet.
>inb4 it's a cgi corgi
is it weird that a pit nigger playing ein is what upsets me the most for casting?
May I have your attention for a brief moment.
What's most upsetting is retards like you consistently falling for the bait.
no quite, you are just a racist piece of shit
Who's the ugly cunt?
You have my attention Violet.
*they're black
Don't insult the dog just because its not a corgi.
Which one
don't remind me of that garbage show please
Well? I'm waiting Violet
>played by a black man
there are black people in Cowboy Bebop and Jet isn't one of them
I think Jet was confirmed to be played by a black actor awhile back.
It's pretty funny because his name is Jet Black.
Whoever is chosen for Faye is never going to be good. In fact, she'll be an awful kind of celebrity conventional attractive type or they'll go for ugly realism. The writing will be worse, because writing women to not be obnoxious and awful here in America seems to just be a thing of the past.
God damn it I don't want them to ruin Faye. I'm also concerned what their idea of an androgynous choice is for Ed.
I'm actually worried about Jet. Is the guy huge enough? I wanted Michael Jai White.
>John Cho as Spike
Why get an Asian guy to play a Jewish man?
I really doubt Ed is gonna be in the show. Frankly Im not sure how you'd do a character like that in live action without it being incredibly obnoxious
even worse why get a korean
>No Keanu
Being obnoxious is pretty much all we've got in our media this decade. Especially with female characters.
Jet is the blackest white person in anime. It's not exactly a leap.
Heck its even racist when you think about it
Spike's design was actually based on an Asian actor
>inb4 just because he's based on a race doesn't mean he is that race
Nobody gave a shit about race for the casting. If they did, Faye would be SEA
>Nobody gave a shit about race for the casting
where the fuck have you been?
There's people right now in this thread talking about it
I know you're shitposting, but I like Idris Elba enough I'd still give black Gendo a watch.
This gonna be shit like Death Note isn't it?