Revolver and Lightning sure are hyping up the last episodes of season 2.
Wednesday can't come soon enough!
Yu-gi-oh! Vrains
Other urls found in this thread:
Is he the most handsome Rival ever since Kaiba?
The thing I'm looking forward the most in these last episodes is Jin's past and the role he'll play in healing Lightning. Jin is love, Jin is life.
RIP Lightning
Episode 98: 一線を越えたAI – Issen o Koeta Ēai
(An AI That Has Crosses the Line)
Lightning uses Jin as a hostage to rattle Revolver. However, Bowman, who is very disappointed in Lightning’s actions, decides to step in. Now that his hostage-taking tactic has failed, Lightning reveals a shocking truth about Dr. Kogami to Revolver!
Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin
Storyboard: 髙田昌宏 || Takada Masahiro
Direction: 武藤公春 || Mutou Kimiharu
Animation Director(s): 川村裕哉, 荏原裕子 || Kawamura Yuya, Ebara Yuko
Episode 99: 新世界の扉 – Shinsekai no Tobira
(The Door to the New World)
Bearing the hopes and wishes of his allies, Playmaker faces off against Bowman. Meanwhile, something abnormal happens to the people who were trapped in LINK VRAINS, and they start to fall unconscious. Bowman then creates a powerful Data Storm and summons forth a terrifying monster.
Script: 広田光毅 || Hirota Mitsutaka
Storyboard: えらん|| Eran
Direction: 栗井重紀 || Kurii Shigenori
Animation Director(s): 片岡恵美子, 本田松希 || Kataoka Emiko, Honda Matsuki
Episode 100: ねじれた理想郷 – Nejireta Risōkyō
(A Twisted Utopia)
Bowman uses the consciousness of the people trapped in LINK VRAINS to create a Data Storm, and summons forth a powerful Hydradrive monster. Playmaker is completely helpless before Bowman. Seeing this, the three Knights of Hanoi decide to take action.
Script: 広田光毅 || Hirota Mitsutaka
Storyboard: 須永 司 || Sunaga Tsukasa
Direction: Park Sang-ho
Animation Director(s): Lee Sung-jin, Kang Hyeon-guk
Episode 101: 迷いなき本能 – Mayoinaki Honnō
(Faith in One’s Instinct)
Bowman set up something called a Neuron Link to use the consciousness of humans to create his Data Storm. The three Knights, Akira, and Ghost Girl put their lives on the line in an effort to destroy this Neuron Link. They succeeded, but Bowman then started repairing the Neuron Link right afterward, leaving Playmaker in despair...
Script: 広田光毅 || Hirota Mitsutaka
Storyboard: ルーチェー・ヤギ || Ruche Yagi
Direction: 三家本泰美 || Mikamoto Yasumi
Animation Director(s): 佐藤瑞樹, 長谷川一生 || Satou Mizuki , Hasegawa Issei
Is Dr. Kogami not dead? Are we going back on that too?
I wish Jin had debuted there and had always been in a secret room at the Cafénagi truck.
Kaiba >>>>> the dirt > Revolver > Reiji > Jack > Shark = Kaito > We do not sexualize the Chazz under any circumstances
>i was doc kogami all along
i can't think of a worse plot twist besides aoi being relevant
I can. Specter being raised by a tree.
Nah, that'd have felt forced
I hope we ever get to se what Kogami was like when he was younger.
Looking at the spoilers I guess Revolver and Lightning tied or Lightning won and because he was a dick Bohman absorbed him
Based Jinbros. Last threads were lacking Jin, let's make sure that's not the case again.
Why does Yusaku have miracle instincts?
Link sense I guess. Also they might sahe some of Aqua's abilities since she and Ai were close IIRC.
No all the other ignis activated their instincts by observing Ai.
I really miss her, bros. I wish se was a cheerleader instead of an active duelist girl because that way she would have been able to stay with Yusaku till the end. Now rhe only cheerleaders we have are Frog and Pigeon.
Why don´t we get good art anymore? Early ygo art was better than the crap we have now!!1
she's garbage and irrelevant
Not everything can be a repeat of DM and Zexal.
Oh, boy. How will nostalfags ever recover?
She's just as relevant as Soulburner the way this anime set things up.
Aki was literally a cheerleader in late 5ds' seasons.
>She's just as relevant as Soulburner
she's not even a lost child so she will always be irrelevant
To this day I keep on wondering what the correct answer should have been for this bitch not to get mad at Yuusaku. Seriously, he had done just what any person would have done and he stressed it out himself, yet she clearly got mad and turned away the conversation by asking for a hot dog and a coffee, just why?
Why do you keep asking this question?
Please get a trip so I can hide your posts. No one cares no matter how many times you repost this.
nobody cares about your shitty obsession with that garbage character
She wanted more attention, as easy as that. It seems you are forgetting she is a entertainer and loves to get all the eyes on her. Yusaku practically ignored her and that pissed her off.
He was too blunt and clearly didn't want to chat and, since she believes she's the center of the universe, that made her mad like the little bitch she is.
>she's not even a lost child so she will always be irrelevant
Go Onizuka is more relevant than 4/6 of the lost children.
Yusaku's an awkward fuck still, that was the only point of the scene. Any other interpretation requires being a raging fan or hater.
For the last time,user. She got mad because she wanted to think she was special to Yusaku as the reason why he helped her out and instead she got a "Anyone would have done the same" Do you not understand her character? she wants to be special, she wants to be above others and she's an attention whore. are you as dense as the user who wondered why Aki got mad at Yusei when she saved him from those thugs who kidnapped him and why she got all huffy when Yusei was paying more attention to Bruno over her? It's not even an anime thing, women want attention from guys and especially from guys they like, through in Aoi's case she wants attention because she has a complex over everyone just talking to her for her brother.
Now that you understand please stop doing this or I'll tell Yuya you made yuzu sad
GO is fucking ded
I'm not obsessed with her but with that scene. It really makes me think why she reacted that way to Yusaku's treating her nicely. And what will happen next time they see each other. Maybe she'll be like that again I just wish I could jump to that ep and find out.
By the way, the only thing I am obsessed relating Aoi besides that scene is whether her chest is really that flat or not.
That's the afterlife. It's his hallucination after death.
Why do you care about her tits? It's a common animation thing that a girl's chest size varies by who draws her and you'll especially notice it in long running anime like Vrains, Aki and Asuka for example would sometimes have tits larger than their heads and other times look rather modest
wow it's nothing
she's shit and deserves to stay ded
also she will be replaced by miyu in s3
That girl is a plot device.
I care mostly because everyone would be blown if their tits ended up being large. It would be having trolled artists and Flatchest lovers big time.
Go is the greatest.
I guess that's the only answer. Still, it was very upsetting that they move into full Link vrains after giving us a taste of real life interaction for the first time in months. I hope they don´t do the same in s3 and give us one episode where they talk and a little speculation can be made then trash it to chaze the bad guys in link vrains again.
What's his win rate?
The easier explanation is that yusaku isn't good with girls.
He wasn´t trying to hit on her, he was just replying politely.
>No tomboy girl in Vrains
How long untill they introduce one?
Acting like her gratitude for his actions isn't important isn't really smooth.
perfect, just like Anzu's.
why can't takeru just stay dead ?
"You owe me one, haha" wouldn´t have sound much nicer coming from Yusaku specially.
It'd be a little better.
Will Revolver win or it's going to be another DRAW?
Either case RIP Lightning
The shocking secret about Dr. Kogami will lower his guard.
> Lightning reveals a shocking truth about Dr. Kogami to Revolver!
He's not mentioned at all in later eps, I predict a draw. Someone suggested he fainted but he's not worn out enough for that. He's getting absorbed one way or another.
I can't see him losing this duel desu, especially after seeing Lightning going mad over his secret reveal and showing his true colors
>i grabbed his data before his heart rate hit zero
>a bowman duel that's 3+ episodes long
I don't believe in this theory but technically Lightning had the entirety of post-LI to S1 time to grab a part of Kogami's data if he wanted.
No you misunderstand. I mean he grabbed it when kogami did the bullshit to make topologic gumblar dragon appear. He saved playmaker from the fall after specter remember.
>Magician and Zefra still are revelant
I-I am so happy
look at the bright side, we're finally in the final battle of this season
Revealing that he grabbed it then would be some prime wack bullshit, but at the same time if he summoned up some Kogami puppet complete with a matching Lightning team outfit I would absolutely laugh.
just how many boss monsters is Bohman going to get?
2 more so he can summon any single one with atlas.
The more the better. I like his boss monsters.
Noh drew BA with what looks like small tits due to her using a vest over her shirt. Aoi uses a coat over his vest over his shirt. Isn´t it somewhat plausible that they are just being hidden by her many layers of clothing?
No time for more draws. It's the final battle. One lives and one dies.
damn. I miss ble angel so fucking much.
Blue Angel*
My dude, just look at the damn character sheet and get over it.
No, he just refuses to believe that a girl can have anything less than a c cup.
Fuck his in-denial ass, fucker needs to stop asking the same stupid thing no one cares about.
It comes and goes. Just like any stupid post.
>windy didn't do anything wrong
>just how stupid is aqua
So on and so on.
Not when it's obviously by the same guy higher up in the thread who's also been spamming the same post. But whatever, I don't want to derail this into meta.
What is Cyberse Wich so mad about?
Why would anyone think Aqua is stupid? Is it Aoihaters saying that because she choose to fight alongside Aoi?
This is YGO, I also had trouble accepting it.
What's the connection between wicckid and synchros? Magician and Witch being related to rituals I get but that other one seems random.
Other than the colors of his outfit I find it hard to understand as well. It would have been easier had they trashed Go and used the saved time to actually create a story about how Yusaku got those cards in the first place. Similar to Judai getting the neospacians.
I almost forgot some anons asked me to take a better pic of the quickdrawings I made two weeks ago. Again, I wonder what the average vr/a/ins poster looks like.
When is the arcV manga finishing, again? I need to see a new adventure fro Vrains sas soon as posible.
Ment for this
>Why would anyone think Aqua is stupid?
Something about her not seeing through Lightning's facade. Even though Lightning would never have to directly lie about something he was never asked about, Aqua technically busted Lightning making judgement arrows, and Aqua predicted the cyberse turning on each other.
This. Aqua is so far the Ignis with less flaws. There's really no reason to hate her.
We know how he got those cards it was storm access.
Exactlly when?
Love it.
Will the Gravity Golems ever be released to the TCG?
Do you mean G Golem? Not in this decade. VRAINS hasn't even gotten it's wind archetype.
>3 months on the flower field just to lose
Good fucking job, accomplished less than blue maiden
He can win and then die anyway.
>thinking he will win
No reason to waste 3 episodes on a draw.
Are we SURE Lightning isn't the smartest Ignis? Because his backup plans have backup plans. Also Bohman being disapointed in Lightning. Lol.
They always called him smart. His defect that leads to destruction hasn't been explained.
Leave Bohman to me
Bigman is my favourite thing from recent Vrains
I'd rather the original decode to be the one beating Bohman.
Maybe it's because he's an asshat who tries to commit double genocide to cover up his own flaws.
>recursive fault
>in every simulation
That doesn't work.
Could Dr.Kogami still be alive somehow?
Or did he instruct Lightning to carry out this mad scheme back when he was still alive?
Under what circumstance would Dr. Kogami be ordering the ignis when he wanted to destroy them? Is it another experiment?
His personality is so bad he'd end up doing something similar in every simulation. Maybe a minor gaff would grow into something much bigger because he refuses to admit he made a mistake, maybe he'd drag all the Ignises into his own personal conflict, maybe he'd lash out because he feels humiliated that he's the only one with an Origin who never recovers. Maybe his fatal flaw is that he's just a shitty person.
Should I try making more of these? I kinda enjoyed the time spent working on it. Sorry for the quality
3 episodes he will lose
Yeah, that looks interesting.
>Rides a book
Not while using all those underhanded tactics.
Maybe he had his own agenda all along.
Dr.Kogami being alive somehow is the only 'shocking truth about Dr.Kogami' that makes sense. That or Lightning thinks that Kogami wants him to wipe out humanity.
Kogami being the final boss kind of makes sense since it was his actions that started the plot.
I wasn't talking about lightning, obviously he will win, jobvolver is honestly so pathetic
If they asspull him to live AND make him final boss I'll be genuinely mad.
His design is lame as hell, and reminds me back of S1 VRAINS full of recaps and boredom.
>Revolver vs Lightning is a 3-parter
Wew. And as expected Revolver wins and is left incapacitated or DRAWs.
I don't if he's the main bad guy but if he's still around Soulburner has a reason to fight hanoi.
Anybody remember Jack Atlas horribly losing to one of the Team Unicorn members?
Crow does not look flattering there.
If Kogami is alive, he'll probably get an updated design.
>Jack and Aki do next to nothing against the first guy
>Yusei summons an ugly Fusion monster that never gets mentioned again
Outside of Aki summoning Stardust Dragon, that duel was just aggravating.
>Post yfw Kogami turns into a buff duelist while SOL gets treated like a joke
Most of the kaiba corp executives were jokes so it's not impossible.
>>Yusei summons an ugly Fusion monster that never gets mentioned again
Hey man, fuck you. I liked that moment and Draco equiste. Still pissed off it never gets used or mentioned ever again.
I stll don't understand how in DM Noah could get his whole consciousness turned into data after his body had completely perished whereas in VRAINS the consciousness in the digital world exists only as long as the body and brain of that person is funcyioning.
They don't operate on the same rules. Pegasus was going to bring his wife back to life with VR and millennium magic in the DM anime.
This is my favorite filler arc. Everyone hates it and I completely understand why.
Who hates the virtual world arc? It was the perfect way to tie things up that were lacking in backstory due to not having pre dm stuff.
Some people just hate filler, and the timing of the arc was fucked and turned a lot of people off. I am a Kaibafag and seeing him lose a duel to save Mokuba from mind control and the flashbacks to their childhoods is good shit. Also EVERYONE duels and there is a robot monkey and Kaiba on a motorcycle. The whole thing is FUN.
>some people just hate filler
That was their fault for watching a long running series based off an ongoing manga.
I love Noah. He does remind me of Lain...
His redemption was so satisfying.
This whole arc made me love fucking Mokuba. The way he 100% always believes in his brother is adorable, and in return Mokuba is like Seto's own sassy little Jimmney Cricket. Mokuba really humanizes his brother from being irredeemable. Also given how Mokuba was raised I seriously think Seto would make a great dad.
He reminds me of kaiba.
>we will never see Armored Bohman again
Why even bother..
Because judgment dice will be fun to watch for three more episodes.
Be careful who you call ugly in middle school.
Bohman's third outfit doesn't look THAT awful
I didn't hate it, but even when I was a kid everybody could tell it was bullshit.
It makes him look fat, hopefully he gets a new form in his final duel
when does he ever
It was the natural progression, had to circle back around to his original form somehow.
Bohman's third design is very /fa/ in my oppinion at least. It looks great on both him and Haru. I'm specially happy that Haru didn't have to duel with his childish first outfit.
The virtual world arc was pretty great. I loved Noah's back story and the way he ended up saving everyone from Gozaburo.
He'll either get extra buff or extra handsome after absorbing Lightning.
I think the fact that it interrupted the arc is what peeved some people. And it somehow made Marik look like even less of a threat since he was held off by a damn door.
Yeah he almost looked normal.
I wonder how nips will react to this
Be honest, user, have you ever written a duel?
Once, but it was horrible
Kaiser vs Shun
I'm pretty sure an user's scripted duel would be better written than the majority of Hikokubo's scripts.
Who won?
Shun did, he was able to bait out infinities negate.
Yeah Judai and Edo Vs Bakura. It was pretty cool
That's what you think.
>Revolver loses to an Ignis
Wew i guess now we know the real power trio
two jobber and the main character
>Held by a door
At least he fucked up the entire security system.
they don't give a shit about jobvulva
>Someone actually downloaded the Pigeon Cosplayer
I didn't expect that.
I'll dump the other quick draws and ask for some more again in the next hours.
Playmaker, Ai, and uh Bohman?
Wtf. Who would ask for a Gagaga sister with big tits? She's already perfect the way she is.
He whacked her butt.
Maybe the same people who want Miyu to be well stacked.
I used to know a guy who wrote a YGO fanfic and I sometimes wrote the duels for him.
It was fun.
Fuck you, Wicckid is a pure boy!
She probably is angry at him because he didn't do his assigned chores and went practicing wicca instead.
Now I'm curious. Was it hard to keep track of cards? Did you have to make up new cards to fit the situation?
Fuck I'm finally free.
Am I the only one who thinks Catche eve lv2 is the cutest girl in Yusaku's deck?
She's cute. But I don't think she got much animation.
Nips just want YGO7 with a new writer. They have lost faith in their god Yoshida.
I love her voice. Too bad her effect isn't much useful compared to other Cyberse monsters. Was it really that hard to give her a Cyberse gadget tier effect?
I made up a notation to keep track, i.e.
>Xavier (5/35/8000)
>Activates Dragon Ravine (Xavier: 5 -> 4)
>Discards Dragunity Phalanx (Xavier: 4 -> 3) to activate the effect of Ravine, adding Dragunity Dux from his deck (Xavier: 35 -> 34) to his hand (Xavier: 3 -> 4).
and so on. I didn't make any cards up, but that mostly meant that people randomly ran Assault Armor or Damage Diet or whatever.
>3 months
has it really been three months?
With a name like that you'd think she might have another form. But I don't see what the point is really.
He landed there in episode 85.
>wicckid is pure
>witch and backup secretary exist
dunno bout that one chief
I love reading the trivia section of the cards.
Don´t forget about her!! Why does everyone forget my waifu also exists??
I was talking about the 3+ parter Bohman duel
i think you meant the people who play the card game
How come the game original salamangreats get animated but not her?
I would prefer it if Konami instead makes a Tag Force VR game were i can date the characters and get intimate if you know what i mean
>flower beds
What's the difference?
Little bottles of shampoo.
The technology is getting there at least so we just have to be patient Nat
>Pic related
fucking kek
>Konami giving us a VR game
Never, unless they figure a way to milk out all our shekels with microtransactions and exclusive content.
You're never getting another Tag Force game. Ever.
I wish I were a computer nerd to understand all the things Yusaku's cards reference.
both are hot desu just that operator isn't as useful
>anons want vr
>but don't even know how borreload's effect work
What do those two things have to do with each other?
you gotta know some basic rulings if you want to play vr yugioh user
No you don't. Jonouchi jumped right into that shit.
It'd be more fun to learn there. Also, don't the characters in the anime get surprised by many effect clauses mid game?
Most of them are just dumb puns on random terms that have nothing to do with their meaning. It's a little disappointing.
>No series of Link-3 monsters (and one Link-2) based off logic gates
>No Cyberse Synchro archetype that gets flexibility with level-changing effects based off bitwise operations
>No error-handling cards that have effects that activate when a card is negated
>No Xyz archetype that revolves around having material linked before building the Overlay network
>No orchestration archetype that summons the same monster again and again whenever it goes down
And that's why he never was a good duelist
but he does have P O T E N T I A L
>don't the characters in the anime get surprised by many effect clauses mid game?
that's because of horrible writing if the anime had competent writers who knew a bit about the card game then those wouldn't happen
Any you'd like to share with the class, user?
I think the anime assumes that most duelists haven't seen every goddamn card in the game. And for those that have, storm access exists.
not everything has to be known but you have to ask yourself if you look at back at arc v and gx they were schools that teach the card game so yuya and judai even though he never paid attention at class both should have a lot of card knowledge
Pretty interesting, thanks. I've always wondered how duel planning would work.
The carpdpool in the anime seems to be almost infinite so it's understandable that they don't understand most of them.
I understand some of them and I find them cute. I'm personally happy that they don't always do what they reference because that would mean the deck would be a mess of random effects duel terminal tier.
In a world where everything revolves around a card game the selection might be a lot wider. Especially since many anime cards don't get printed.
No need to fight they both can share Yusaku .
Didn't she have a money hungry mother? Yusaku doesn't seem very wealthy.
Everyone is fucking dead
It's part of the natural cycle of ygo series.
Seems like a very comfy place.
>Seems like a very comfy place.
too bad yusaku is too much of an autist to let anyone live with him there
>We only came here to laugh at you
That looks run down.
Does it ever get old?
Where is she?
Too busy seething.
Will she be angry about the neuron link?
We don't even know what is a Neuron Link yet
Let's you create data storms from human consciousness apparently. So it's bad I would say. Not sure bohman will get out of this one alive actually.
Do you habe the one where Yusaku creates his character and just smashed the random button
Will Go show up to stop the neuron link?
Thank you
Anyone have a yugioh R manga download link?
If you think this is confusing. Try rewatching Yusaku and Akira meeting in episode 8.
Don't know why but this made me laugh.
I'm not sure how he was worth waiting the entire season.
[ Cyberse / Link / Effect ]
2+ "Hydradrive" monsters, including a Level 5 or higher Effect Monster
If this card is Special Summoned: You can roll a six-sided die, and this card becomes the Attribute that corresponds to the result.
● 1: EARTH ● 2: WATER ● 3: FIRE ● 4: WIND ● 5: LIGHT ● 6: DARK
During your Main Phase: You can roll a six-sided die, and Special Summon 1 "Hydradrive" Link Monster from your Extra Deck with the same Link Rating as the result to your zone this card points to. You can only use this effect of "Paradox Hydradrive Atlas" once per turn. Monsters this card points to become the same Attribute as this card. While another monster with the same Atribute as this card is on the field, this card is unaffected by your opponent's card effects, also it cannot be targeted for attacks.
It's needs link 5 and 6 so it's never a dead play. Hydradrives should be perfect.
He should have come back.
Even it looks confused.
At the same time next month, we should finally be getting our first S3 spoilers.
One month left, anons..
Maybe if we're lucky, they will reveal new characters in late-April
It's supposed to be an incomplete monster. The primitive version of bohman. The jump in development is ridiculous. A prototype shouldn't be that different. All the answers they've come up with so far aren't exactly great though. Ai makes everything work, lightning breaks everything. Very by the numbers.
I'm just miffed that, despite chronologically being the first Hydrive shown, its effect revolves around the luck Bohman made such a big deal about figuring out.
Best girl
is she the main antagonist?
I want to pin Aoi to a wall and make out with her non-stop
we need a revolver JUST pic
I want to see her duel so much
>yfw revolver is literally not allowed to accomplish anything
damn I thought he was yoshida's pet, am I wrong?
Of course not, dumbest ignis
Okay, here we go. Tell me stuff to quickdraw.
Rules: No genderbend. That is all
Lightning as a brainlet
Knights of Hanoi as Power Rangers
Bohman with the biggest shoulders you can imagine
Aoi's panties
Earth with a guitar made of rocks and gems.
Sorry! It iook me a while to finish breakfast. Here you have it.
Fucking kek. Not the requester but thanks based drawfriend.
ah, goddamnit
But Kiku at least looks feminine and not like a mtf boy
He will lose next episode so we should be getting some.
Kiku making out with Chad Onizuka
Maybe you just don't know what feminine is. There are plenty of girls with short hair.
>have a fusion monster that could do well against the anti-synchro bad guys
>use synchro anyway
Machine Emperors aren't even good at keeping synchros at bay. No need to get a whole new set of cards to fight them.
I miss the time when synchro was more used than fusion.
So was it written to be animated like this?
We might never know. Literally anything would have been better, IMO.
You don't get it. It's absolutely meta and based choice. Revolver was literally talking about human's will being bizarre. The spin scene is meant to symbolize it. His words, visually presented as something that's happening.
I'm impressed myself.
It might be true but it is also true that it made my eyes hurt. And that the focus point was Revolver's groin
It's a moving spin effect. I'm not very wowed.
It's transversal, it doesn't have that kind of focus point.
Genuinely can't tell if you're bullshitting or being serious. Either way, the framing sure did boggle my mind.
>he will lose next episode
It's a 3 parter though. You're thinking of the episode after the next one. Xcharge will probably win though.
Quickdrawfag here. Going out of a while. I'll scan the drawings as sson as I come back.
I feel this more and more with each passing minute of exposition.
Man, I can't wait to see the next episode. Btw, when are we getting a 2 episodes special?
>2 episode special
Yugioh get those? I don't ever remember something like that.
Not him but iirc the 100 and 101 of arcV came out as one special. Zezal also had one I think and the olympic special with Elon Musk's favourite scene..
This has already been done!
You can always go bigger. BIGGER
I guess that's it for now. I had a lot of fun drawing them!
Good shit, my man
Love these, thank you for your hard work user.
That is impressive. You got a blog?
Thanks for drawing it. Ai is a nice touch.
Why would Lightning spare Jin's life again? Isn't he really the one that's responsible for Lightning's dumbness?
Because he's dumb.
Nah. If he was really that dumb he wouldn't have been able to absorb 2 ignis.
It hurt specter when earth got hurt.
He's not dumb, but instrumentality is pretty stupid to actually to pursue.
Windy killed/injured his partner and didn't seem much affected. Unless it was a lie to save face before Lightning.
>you're gonna feel really bad for kondo on p 114. :(
I hopee this is what happened to the windkid. We need new characters,lots of them.
So he can eat up a bunch of duels to show off his Sylphevenbetters?
Well someone has to show off the actual wind archetype of vrains. They didn't print stormriders.
This. We need a propwr wind achetype, also a new Light achetype.
>a new light archetype
Played by who? Lightning is almost defeated.
>a new Light achetype
Trickstars weren't enough?
New antagonist of mid level boss.
They almost didn't feel light.
>angelic idols named after religious stuff
>almost didn't feel light
I don't understand how you get that impression.
Don't mind me. I'm on my way to winning wcs 2019
Weren't they named after flowers?
I came here to laugh at you when you lose
They have religious and flower puns in their names at the same time.
I wish the extra deck monsters were better. It's like the main monsters are overpowered whereas the ED are underpowered.
Which is the lamest villain or villains group of Yugioh? To me the Dark Signers.
>Literal gods that consume souls can't bypass a fridge.
They're a joke
The term is "Benchwarmer"
So... you at least enjoy VRAINS? I admit that I am trying to watch it but is quite painfully to do endure it.
Great work user! Hopefully I can be he next time.
Well, there is Akaba Leo, and technically, Lightning is not really that much impressive.
I remember him, I think he is cool. The idea of using the Spirit Monsters to make him young and eternal again was both scary and well though. It's a little weird how he hired all those people for that achievement though
I'd rather have the main deck monsters be overpowered and the extra deck monsters be underpowered than the other way around.
Actually it represents Revolver spinning like a barrel, getting ready to shoot Lightning with the bullet that would shatter his confidence and temper
>The Gary stu taking up most of the screentime away from the other characters
I will never not be mad.
It'll be orcusts.
You have to be the first one that doesn't enjoy watching a bunch of episodes at once. I like vrains but it is a pain in the ass to have to wait a week to watch new episodes.
Mr. Heartland's bug group?
No no.
I have been here for the first 30 episodes I think only to drop them because the episodes were not improving and being predictable.
Then returned here more or less when Go duel against Soulburner and leave when Soulburner won aganist Blue Girl. I remember how Go and Aoi were promoted as the deuteragonist so those episodes felt like shit.
Since there will be VRAINS for another years I may as well see how this ends, but I actually really hate VRAINS. But I know that will not make it end sooner so may as well be here to know if at the very least there can be a few good episodes at the very least...
I really liked them
I guess it's a matter of taste. Just like the Hifumiposter who liked all the ygos but 5ds because it was "slow" and "boring".
I am still mad.
>He doesn't love Vrains
Where would that plotline even go?
What was the point of that??
Go Onizuka will get them eventually.
At the very least Go here has some charisma. They tried to pull a Hell Kaiser into him without a lot of development and now he ended as a big crybaby and a hateful character. So wasted
Well that's weird. But yeah I guess it's a matter of tastes...
Sorry that I can't love this type of season, that makes ZEXAL and Arc-V looks better.
So, 4 eps more until this season ends?
I'm personally glad we are finally far past those clowns, especially Yuya with his EGAO.
It's getting closer!
I personally miss them, specially Yuya (at least the first half, second one was ruined). They have more personality than Yusaku. Even Yusei have more personality if we go that far.
It's five episodes.
>They tried to pull a Hell Kaiser into him without a lot of development and now he ended as a big crybaby and a hateful character. So wasted
This never fails to trigger me. So retarded.
Man, I love 5ds but even I admit that Yusei had no personality. He was a walking kizuna no one could ever self insert as him because he's way too much of a Gary stu.
I personally find his persona about the bonds quite good. It's true that he is too gary stu. But the same goes for Yusaku and there are people who love him, despite being boring and a cunt a lot of times. His past wasn't really well developed Not to mention how all the current setting feels different that the ones Konami presented when they announced VRAINS
Think Kusanagi still spies on coma patients?
I feel Yusaku is actually backed by a good reason for his being the way he is and that's the thing that got me hooked in the first place. I want to watch Yusaku discover every single piece of information that there is to know about the project and see all the lost incident children overcome their traumas and be happy.
He's currently in a coma, so no.
Being forced to play card games 24/7 is a fate worse than death
Considering all the "development" and stuff with the duels, outcomes and stuff, it is surprising to see how people actually like Yusaku.
It's fine when he's talking about revenge.
This also triggers me
I know, but I still believe that they did a very poor job on him. I feel they did a better job with Edo Phoenix and Misty despite their burden not being as big as him
I like that he's socially awkward as fuck, makes him fun to watch in real life. Which is a shame since he spends all his time online.
I hope they at least let them play against Guardragons. It's important growing children get plenty of time to sleep.
>dr. kogami comes back
Here we go again.
Still waiting for that guy to get any lines at all. It's like he's not a character yet.
He already said "Run!" and " save me, save me please".
Is it even posible that the new ygo game have voices for all characters? Would they go and get the VAs for old characters like Anna or Amelda or Dartz? Didn't the guy who tried voice acting for Yuri/Yuto (not sure about which) retire afterwards? What are they gonna fo for such cases?
If they can't get an old voice actor they'll just replace them. Though in cases like Yubel they may never have to use the character again anyway.
>The shoehorned bird taking up most of the screentime away from the other characters
Man, design philosophy has taken a strange turn over the years. It would be better if crow was holding a card in some way here.
We need Anna tier levels of fanservise in vrains NOW.
I don't think we're getting zexal tier levels of fanservice. We get zexal tier jokes though.
AI has some sick breakdancing skills.
All the ignis do.
Earth doesn't.
He can float like the rest of them. He just prefers the ground because he's Earth.
>Since there will be VRAINS for another years
I don't see Vrains lasting more than one year. YuGiOh! 7 will debut in 2020 or early 2021, at least.
Quickdraw here. I'm glad you guys liked the drawings I made. I don't really have much time to do these things appart from weekends so you shoud expect me to show up then. See you next weekend!
Not yet I guess. I don't feel my drawings are much professional yet. I want to improve a little more especially with color and hands to set up one and maybe make some comissions. If I ever get to make some money I could even leave my menial service work and get on art full time. I'm especially interested on lewd ygo manga since the nips won't scan anything but yaoi and DMG. Vrains also heavily lacks hetero action
That's a typo. Everyone knows this series doesn't even have enough plot to fill three years at this rate.
There will be a lot of plot to fill in after the plow twists of the last s2 eps are revealed. I'm even fearful we won't get our comfy s3 at this rate.
I try to be here then!
I definetly love that idea!
VRAINS is supposed to be dramatic. Brave Max is our only reprieve.
This. I'd totally love a S3 to be plotless or little plot and 4 to be plot full again.
Incoming tournament arc
Under what pretense?
Not him hut come on. 5ds had tournament arcS why would vrains not have one?
Secrecy and espionage? Doing public stuff isn't yusaku's style.
Still waiting for his presence in this arc and series to be justified.
>I won't allow your sacrifice to be wasted
the absolute state of jobvulva
don't worry he will be avenged soon
Five weeks is not soon. Also I thought Playmaker was only out to avenge his team, which really isn't specter.
Lightning is still cool. They won't tell us what his flaw is anyway.
Just by seeing this you can tell he won't defeat Revolver
I just want real life interactions, minimum being Aoi finding out PM and SB identities. They do not need to start being friendly right away, but no rl interactions makes their bond really shallow.
I was really hopeful when SB got introduced because I thought we would get more chill out episodes, but nothing.
That being said, we really need a soft episode with de MCs, the best we got were the BRAVE MAX ones, but he is not relevant.
Who cares this current battle is filler anyway. Only Yuskau gets to be any kind of hero.
but revulva is losing?
I miss them.
>I just want real life interactions, minimum being Aoi finding out PM and SB identities. They do not need to start being friendly right away, but no rl interactions makes their bond really shallow
Is that how that works? I thought they were supposed to be bound by their conflicts.
>I was really hopeful when SB got introduced because I thought we would get more chill out episodes,
He's meant to fill time with more plot. They gave him so many duels yet his role is constrained for this season.
Why do you say that? because he isn't dueling Bohman?
Bohman himself said he's going to duel PM after SB, his Lightning duel could either end with him winning or a DRAW, but I can't see Lightning winning, he just raised too many death flags with his outrage this episode
read the latest previews?
>I was really hopeful when SB got introduced because I thought we would get more chill out episodes
I think you're expecting too much for entire episodes, considering Vrains' serious tone. But we did get more RL moments though, which is already an improvement.
>Is that how that works? I thought they were supposed to be bound by their conflicts.
And that's the problem, it's a cheap bond. Plus they only really interact in VR, so no "true" connection.
In yu-gi-oh (and most anime), being in a team while having secrets is not a good thing.
>He's meant to fill time with more plot. They gave him so many duels yet his role is constrained for this season.
It was just my expectation because how carefree he was irl.
Him out this season is just because only PM is allowed to beat the villain.
I'd definitely commission you if you took them. Your stuff has a cleverness to it.
>And that's the problem, it's a cheap bond. Plus they only really interact in VR, so no "true" connection.
This is subjective imo. I don't see a problem with how it is now. They're on the same side all fighting towards the same goal, that's already good enough.
Also personally, I've connected better with people over the internet over shared interests than people irl who I only happen to share a space with.
>I thought they were supposed to be bound by their conflicts.
That's not much of a bond. Playmaker just fucks off after the fighting is done and contacts them when he needs to.
Imagine how much easier all of this would have been if he just gave people an email address or something. Ironically, Playmaker is terrible at networking.
>And that's the problem, it's a cheap bond. Plus they only really interact in VR, so no "true" connection.
Not the way vrains goes about the things. VR is just as real as real life to them.
>It was just my expectation because how carefree he was irl.
His personality seems to swing wildly.
>That's not much of a bond. Playmaker just fucks off after the fighting is done and contacts them when he needs to.
You can do that. Just look at the end of 5Ds and GX.
There's a difference between "going different ways after being together for years" and "teaming up with two people you beat, sweeping the people who beat them, then disappearing".
They will show up really soon. Relax
Why would Yusaku even want to be on these?
Miss me yet?
Ygo gx is filled with garbage villains.
Sounds like someone's mad.
Mr T was such an awful name. I'm glad thet almost never actually used it.
Mr truth was a killer name though.
What deck does he play?
What? Wasn't he already a monster card?
What anime boss monster will be made a catd next?
I didn't say every villain/antagonist is shit, but most of them are.
The seven stars were really cool and no way you are refering Martin with his zombie duelists and Yubel as bad villains.
I'm referring to non-main antagonists like the pharaoh spirit and the admiral guy (forgot their names), jinzo and the doll girl.
It's been a couple of months, I'd say it works out the same. Zexal had a small time scale too. If they're truly desperate for interaction. There's always time skips.
>Mamoru Miyano
his ep was great
What form of extra link is a neuron link? Is it the circle plus all four corners?
Madolche. Moot wishes to be the little girl.
I thought one would play yubel if they wanted to be a girl. Madolche is just for people who like sweet things.
Moot likes sweet things. I don't know about his stands relating trannies though.
Will VRAINS ever get a monster better looking than this one?
>if you get angry you lose
What the hell is up with Soulburner then?
I weel so underpowered by looking at him.
I feel so small when watching at him
Okay but that doesn't really explain why he didn't lose when he lost his composure against Windy or Go.
Onizuka and Windy lost their composures more than Soulburner.
Onizuka didn't lose his composure as nearly as much as Soulburner did in that duel. Windy is sort of a toss up.
Yeah but not as frecuently.
Go Onizuka didn't really lose his shit until he installed the AI in his brain and then consequently beat earth afterwards.
tfw no friends
Ai would be his friend, If he wasn't trying to murder everyone.
She deserved better.
I think cathy is the one who deserved better. She intentionally threw the duel on that one.
Did she? Dog had activated that cars wich returned every monster on play's atracks to normal by destroying her equip spell and then beat Cathy with battle damage.
It's finally happening, VRos. The nip fans have grown so tired of Konami's nostalgia pandering that they are creating DIY firures for their favourite ygo characters.
I'm pretty sure it was implied in the conversation after the duel. Not a very uncommon thing in yugioh really.
I don't see what Cathy could have done to avoid losing the game that turn. I'd watch the episode right now but I'm tied up with homework.
I hope they get tired at Duel Links and create their own Tag Force too.
Cathy was pulling an act to raise her confidence for like half the duel, she could have let the dog girl surrender multiple times.
More pics. This is actually pretty great.
Peopler really wanted the dumb belt and knee pad wearing dude to be the final villain?
It isn't dumb. It reminds me of Johan's actually.
A Zorc classic style.
Yeah but a possessed dude really isn't what I think of when I think of final villains.
When will we get a arcV secuel that features the characters as teenagers? (16-18 yo)
>still no good dog archetypes
>undoing fusion
Maybe the ignis will be lucky enough. But those ones are gone.
His personality could sell him. But no, they had to go for deviantart!Yuya instead
>giant demon
>satanic darkness man
>mechanical time jesus
>numeron super man
I don't know if it really fits.
Still the best ship of the franchise.
Sho X Black Magician girl, Ruka X Rua Honda X Shizuka, Tetsuo X Rio, Durbe X Rio, Droite X Gauche, Hayami X Akira, and Ghost Girl X Blood Shepherd are all better.
Firewall Dragon
who ?
He took the forbidden train and never came back.
and that's a good thing
Is that the train that 5Ds ending is talking about? The Last Train?
Well then
Wow. Can't tell if that's depressing or hilarious
As long as the opening bands are still around it's just a funny coincidence.
>Writing Life band gone
wtf NO
Is it time for Goukis to come back?
But it had Jinzo as one of its villains.
Man,Yuri sure is a lucky guy.
I love how GX consistently incorporates the game lore into the show
I don't know, she isn't really unique. Could be easy to get her confused.
Not really. Their hairs are different.
What does this means?
Men, I remember this. Everyone was losing their shit with Sho
It's easy to confuse girls regardless of the hair.
You mean actual people or just characters?
Every band that makes an ED for vrains disbands in about two months.
A few friends I think were extremelly jelly. I understood why, she was really pretty and in that time, I though I would feel the same with Ishizu
B-but why? It doesn't have anything to do with VRAINS right? That would be impossible.
Weird, it's just a girl in a card.
Maybe the songs are just cheaper to license, since the band will be gone after that anyway. Disbanding isn't a split second decision, it had to be planned.
Nothing at all. It's just a trend that the fans noticed and now call a "curse".
What if a Neuron Link is the evolved form of Link Summoning? Will we finally surpass Link 4?
Not particularly.
Link 5 hydradrive Uranus.
I liked Hugo.
Is Jin strong?
That's been my fantasy for the past year.
and not only that, the squeeze on Windy's eye was so strong it left a mark, he's most likely the most /fit/ between the LI victims
You sure that's not specter? A lot of this is virtual reality too.