Colors > Bocchi
Colors > Bocchi
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to ______ the colors
add white to
They're kids
cuddle with
The animation was dodgy but at least it managed to capture Katsuwo's art style
What is she holding?
"I'm just a human bean"
a weird can of soda
I love little girls
Based /semen/ovich poster
I want to sexually fuck colors, if you know what I mean.
Based. I wish we got a Colors S2 instead.
From what?
Maybe her butt hurts.
How in the fuck do people still talk about Colors more than a year later?
It's entered the upper echelons of st/a/ple loli shows user.
Just now I went outside and saw a very cute girl. She was playing outside with her friend (or younger sister) because the weather is so nice. Her friend was also very cute.
This probably means today will be a good day. Sorry if this is a bit off-topic. Just thought I'd share this with you (because the girls were so cute).
visit Ueno Park with
Why does she sit like that?
That's great to hear user
Indeed. I'm glad I went outside. I'll treasure this memory to give me the power to hang in there for another week.
What would it be like to have a cute girlfriend?
>blocked in a dark alleyway by the Colors
Uh oh
Finally, I was starting to get nervous.
The red ball and her socks remind me of someone.
I'll make them scatter with the C word
What would it ACTUALLY be like if you had a Colors gf? Which one would it be and how would your life change?
Feel free to go into detail if you want!
Having a color gf would be fantastic. I would definitely give her
Candy all the time. And for her birthday I would make sure to get her a
Doll, she would be so happy.
That wouldn't be enough. You have to take her on dates every day and let her sleep together with you (if she wants).
How do people still talk about fucking the Colors more than a year later?
Personally I'd prefer having a Wataten gf like Noa. It would be perfect. Imagine going on a
Siberian trip with her, getting comfy and sightseeing all kind of things, like mountains, lakes, a cute
Mouse, a bear or other funny things.
Quick! Show them your penis!
I'd rather visit a warm country with her so I can see her cute swimsuit. I know nothing about Siberia, but it seems cold. Maybe if you were born there it could be a nice trip though.
Is it bad that I know what this is
ejaculate in the tight preteen vaginas off
Why can't I cum on, or inside the colours? Is "They're kids" a good enough reason?
I don't think so desu.
I’ll repost my date plan with Yui from another thread. First, I’d take her to whatever movie she wants to watch. Then we would go to the amusement park, where I’ll hold her hand on all of the rides. After that, I’ll take her home and cook her favorite meal. We’ll eat dinner together and stay up late watching her favorite anime, cuddling on the couch while she insists that she’s not sleepy but clearly is. At the end of the night, I’ll tuck her into bed, pat her forehead, and read light novels to her until she falls asleep. The next morning, she’ll wake up to the sight of two of my friends at the foot of her bed, looking at her very fervently. Startled, she’ll run out of her room and into the hallway, almost running in to me while I’m bringing her a delicious breakfast in bed. She’ll look up at me with a confused expression and ask about my two friends, to which I’ll answer “ah, those guys...?”
They’re fucking little girls
Reposting again.
I would like to date Sacchan because even though she has a very happy exterior, she comes from a broken home with a single mother and probably hides her lonely feelings from everyone else so as to not make them worry. I want to be the older male figure she can rely on which she probably desperately wants and needs in her life. Frequently I would do simple things with her such as spending time playing with her outdoors with sporty activities in the park to help release some of her boundless energy, such as playing tag together, playing frisbee, simple ball games, etc. Occasionally as a treat I would take her on a trip to places such as a theme park, the zoo, to see a movie; not too often as to spoil her, but enough to make her feel appreciated and to spice things up a little. We would spend most of our meals at her home, learning how to home-cook together alongside her mother, eating together as a full family.
I am happy for you, user. However, it was unfortunate you did not attempt to engage sexual activities with them.
Of course, its not easy, depending on their age.
They may also reject your sexual advances, don't give up and look for others.
No, Wataten is fairly popular on Yea Forums. It's an anime we need to Cherish.
Cute, wholesome. I'd support you.
Cute except the end.
I wish the threads didn't have so many disgusting hagfuckers though
>the cover of THAT doujin comes up on google images simply by searching “mitsuboshi colors”
Have we taken IFTC too far?
It's pure hagshit. Go back to Facebook.
But the end is the cutest part, user
I don't see it
I hate whoever “they” are, fucking childish pussies
No you shouldn't do that kind of stuff with a girl that trusts you. (CUTE) girls have to be cherished and loved and you can't surprise them with weird or painful stuff, ok!?
No. We did take "cute and funny" too far though.
Check if safe search is on, comes up for me after scrolling for just a little
Oh I see it now.
>actually true
How is this possible Yea Forums?
Colors deserve it?
God damn it. The senryuu thread is leaking.
Don’t worry, I promise we’ll take extra special care of her
>ywn do this with your lgf
So what's your reason for staying alive at this point?
How do we feel about Bocchi Colorfriends?
I want to see the Colors beat up Bocchi
Clever girl?
How hard does Bocchi go in terms of second hand embarrassment? I can't deal with that.
I think anons should carry alarms in case of harassment by lolis
I want to hug some lolis!
Doesn't work for me, I could only find facebook memes
It's really not that bad. Hell she even gets a friend immediately.
Such a beautifully snowy day in Ueno Park
It’ll be easy to miss but if safe search is off, it should come up
With their consent?
I feel it's not as charming. One thing's for sure the first episode of Colors got me hooked immediately.
But maybe I just love lolis too much.
You're jealous.
sure, and fuck them too.
All of that gone to waste when I should be drinking it directly from the source
They should probably be wearing those panties, not leaving them hanging around their ankles. It's cold out!
No, I'm fucking little girls
I found this. What exactly does this mean?
You guys are lolicons, aren’t you?
Surely nothing bad. As an officer of the law, Saito wouldn’t dare have improper thoughts about the Colors, right?
Anyone else here think their life would be complete and that they would be super happy forever if they had a Yui-chan-gf?
Because I definitely do desu
I wish I had one... why can't I have one? Getting sorta desperate desu but can you blame me?
This but with a Kotoha-chan-gf
How friendly of that oji-san to teach her how to fuck his daugther!
Hands-on-experience is really the best,
>Yui notices your PC
>tab on “Shoujo Ramune” is still open
What do?
Just show her ep 3 and teach her that is what all girls do together.
How did colors etch itself into the pantheon of lolicon faith so well?
Why does the english dub have to exist
"Y-Yui, I'm so sorry. You have to understand, I'm still a guy and there are just some urges we have. Its normal, I swear. We're dating, but you're too young to do these things so I'll have to use this kind of stuff to calm myself down. I'm doing my best, please don't hate me for this, ok?"
Episode 12 is a masterpiece.
The first half was incredible. The second half especially during the aggressive marketing scheme was even better.
I will never understand how people can call the adaptation total shit.
What's the correct way to do "it" with the Colors?
Imagine being this much of a faggot.
It treats hags the way they should be treated, unlike other modern """loli""" shows which are too busy stuffing themselves full of hags to appeal to normalfags. coughcoughdogakobo'sgarbagecoughcough
There are people that say that? I'd say it's even better than the manga. The jokes are funnier when those little shits are in motion, the backgrounds and scenery are nicer with color, and the voice actors fit really well. Maybe those people are just mad about the CG.
The key difference between Colors and other "loli" shows of late is that even though the Colors has hags in it, they never steal the show from the Colors.
The voice actors absolutely nail the jokes. It's amazing. The only complains I see about the anime are about the slideshows. They're not that bad.
It's just a meme that deservingly got throttled by that one slideshow festival with Yui. But for the most part people agree that the comedic direction of the show was excellent.
That's what I meant, yes.
They’re little cunts
Their little cunts
The Colors would be improved if they had a fourth member who wore cute glasses.
Convince me I'm wrong.
It would be improved if they had a beach /pool episode.
>We're dating, but you're too young to do these things
Shame on you, fuck your loli like a man
If you were consensually fucking the Colors in the middle of Ueno in broad daylight, how many orgasms could you achieve before being stopped by the police?
0 unless you're pretty quick
>Sacchan: cutest
>Kotoha: funniest
>Yui: most cunning
Little girls shouldn’t pee in public
Fuck you.
Where should they pee?
Could you imagine seeing Yui in a bikini!? Oh God...
What would that even look like? How cute would that even be?
Sort of like
In my mouth.
>not being able to appreciate the juxtaposition of megane + loli
I pitty you.
Micro-bikinis are garbage.
Why isn't the hag naked?
Girls of her age shouldn’t be in public naked, it’s highly inappropriate
I'm honestly a bit embarrased to admit this desu because I'm not even a lolicon but I kind of want to make out with Satchan.
I'm not a lolicon either these kids are just too sexy
wwyd with Yui?
What color would you be?
I'd definitely be turquoise.
I would violently and non-consensually fill her tiny womb with my filthy lolicon semen
I'd be white.
What's a thing you can do with Sacchan but not with Yui or Kotoha?
Why were the words Candy, Doll, Siberian, Mouse; capitalized for no reason?
Black, Id be the edgy depressed gothic girl
I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. I
Feel like you're just noticing things which aren't
There. Perhaps you should focus more on the
Colors instead.
Pinku :3
I'd be a cute girl with light pink hair who's always happy and gets along with everyone!
pedo dogwhistling report and ignore
How do you know those are pedo terms?
Is there something you would like to tell us, user?
I see niggers are out in full force today
Colors are indeed quite dubious and
Underhanded in their most deceitful and
Nefarious plots to undermine and
Negate the establishment, therefore
Yield not to their anarchy, and resist
w-what did he mean by this?
駅のホームで小学生を見かけると胸がキュンキュンして「結婚するなら小学生だよな…」と 思う日々も度々あります。
Bocchi can have sex while the Colors can't.
I agree
I disagree
>Bocchi can have sex while the Colors can't.
I wish this wasn't true... but unfortunately I think it is. I guess this could be called one of the advantages of JC.
Bocchi is adorable. I hope she doesn't cling too hard to Nako-chan.
Is Colors on hiatus or has no one been translating new chapters?
It's not true. Saito asked me to fuck the Colors with him. He told them I was with him when they asked who I was.
What are you, a faggot? JS is prime for breeding, JCs are hags
Plot twist Bocchi is blue shit's mom.
Being those guys with Saito!
JC is prime.
This one was me
Speaking of Colors
Is the autor of colors a lolicon?if yes,what was his doujin artist name?
I disliked this video, I hope you did too
>when "Yui" starts talking
>they're cute little girls!
>but they have the voices of 30 year old roasties trying hard to sound cute
Who's the target audience for this? Why not get actual small girls to voice them?
That's not Yui, that's some imposter hag.
This hurts but it's probably the best possible outcome for an English dub. I'm going to buy this because I like this show.
Well, adults voiced them in the original Japanese too.
Dubs actors just suck.
Do you think if I made Kotoha into a dub actor, she would suck too?
Asking for a friend.
It comes with the Japanese too, so no reason not to, unless you really hate yellow subs.
>but they have the voices of 30 year old roasties trying hard to sound cute
They are 40, which makes it worse.
Sorry, I prefer blue subs. No sale.
Is that even a thing?
Would it be preferable if the Colors were actually voiced by girls their age? Would that change how you think about the Colors?
I prefer blue tops, personally.
First episode of Bocchi was more fun than entire Colors season.
I like both mangas but so far the Colors anime was a better adaptation. Bocchi's anime seems to not really respect or appreciate the source material, it's paced much too slowly. Colors anime adaptation forewent all pretense of sentimentality in order to focus on the comedy. In Bocchi's anime, right now it's trying to slow everything down so much that it's almost a healing anime, but it was never that in the first place. It should have been a fast-paced comedy like Colors is.
Also sexier
Look, I appreciate your hard work at shilling, but can you please stop trying to create a fanbase war? Hitori Bocchi is literally from the same mangaka, a lot of the people in this thread are probably fans of both.
I'm not.
both are good
Seems like creating a fanbase war was OP's intent to begin with.
Actually I just realized the OP post is literally doing the same thing and you're just responding. Never mind.
That actually makes this softer
Not your image quality, that's for sure. Jesus fuck this isn't 2003 anymore.
Are there anime where cute girls are actually voiced by kids?
I meant more along the lines of Colors or similar shows.
Hag lover
The Colors weren't voiced by kids either.
I've been looking for this image forever
What would your life be like if you had a Colors gf?
A bunch of GJ-bu's VAs were actual teens back when it aired, the imoutos in particular. That's probably as close as it gets.
It gives you the feeling of being a kid
I'd prefer if it gave me a kid to feel.
Kotoha would be fine.
inside a kid*
Colors is one of the better cgdct shows of the decade
Sex with Bocchi.
You are a wise man
I think a part of me died after hearing this atrocity
But Kotoha is dangerous
I want Nono to rape Bocchi
>sex with a hag
You have three perfectly ripe cute and funny Colors just begging to be dicked
Bocchi is in her prime.
You have a very embarrassing idea of what prime is
14 is prime.
I want to fuck Nonoka over her bakery's counter while the Colors watch. I'll tell them it's to combat allergies and that they're next.
Faggot, single-digit or kill yourself
Too old
I’d rather just go straight to fucking the Colors while Nono watches
JSfags go away
JCfags go away
you're in the wrong thread to be saying that fucko
Hey guys, if you want bonus agony points read the comments
So is Bocchi just a poor man's Watamote?
The girls are in their prime
Get some taste, you absolute faggot
JS is objectively superior in literally every possible way, hag lover
JS is
>nicer than JC
>cuter than JC
>purer than JC
>smaller than JC
>no puberty issues unlike JC
>tighter than JC
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The hag lovers club is two blocks down
Bocchi is a JC1, thus she should be 13 or 14 at most, and 13 is a prime number.
What the fuck is up with this recent surge of "x is prime" posting and people pretending to feel mad about how the first person said a number they didn't want to see anyway
The same goes for people pretending there's a war between the ones who prefer JC and the ones who prefer JS, what the fuck is going on and why do they pull that every single fucking thread now
A single JCfag who's angry at JSbros for some reason and provokes them every thread.
And fuck you, prime is nine, you dumb hag lover.
9 is divisible by 3 and therefore isn't prime.
I'm making a joke you fucking faggot
Cant we all get along?
12 or 13 actually.
Ironic lolicons who can’t bring themselves to fap to elementary schoolers like a man
Yeah, we all love young sexycute girls, don't we?
JS aren't in heat.
I don't know if I can, you might have to post more examples before I'm ready to love.
Except for that one guy who insists in picking fights every single fucking thread we all already do anyway.
Why the fuck does another demon keep showing up every time another gets exorcised
More butts?
Post more cute and funny single digit girls
S2 when
Never, the director is too busy with Strike Bitches.
It's the usual loli thread derailer's new schtick. See also:
>fake loli/lolibaba isn't loli!
>stop posting loli images with non-loli secondary characters in them!
>stop posting loli yuri you fucking degenerate!
>stop posting loli het you fucking pedo self-inserter!
The usual oppai loli/calling people pedo trolls were evidently getting stale. Anyone that doesn't acknowledge the age-old rule that loli is at core a body-type is pretty obviously a troll.
Nothing wrong with that.
I hope there's a satisfactory amount of ass in the upcoming season.
The first three are just LRD being a retard again and I've honestly never ever seen anybody say the fourth. I can't imagine why anyone would outside of /u/ threads and, indeed, /u/ itself.
/u/niggers constantly invade SoL threads, they're a bigger menace these days than Yea Forumstards
/u/niggers invade any thread where the anime has two girls that talk to each other.
Wait LRD is still around? I haven't seen that autist post for more than a year already.
But Sachiko is superior to every JS/JC idol in existence.
I miss Juju
Off yourself.
But to be fair, lolibaba is just hagshit
Fuck off
This. Fakelolis go away.
Not an issue for me as I'm experienced enough with loli content in general to know that the real age of a loli is just a small detail. An old woman who looks like a loli is a good old woman.
What doujin?
Those don't sound like my wives.
those are good voice actors for a manga
>An old woman who looks like a loli is a good old woman.
But she’ll still be old and far past her prime
Can we just talk about the fucking Colors?
The OP and ED were way too fucking good.
Let's talk about fucking Bocchi.
Just Kotoha for me
Can we just talk about fucking the Colors?
get inside an elevator with
She’s an old hag, I’d rather talk about Colors
But she's only like 12/13, not even prime.
How could anyone get off to the idea of removing the Colors’ clothes?
You’re right, that’s far past her prime
Aru is better
Do we even know how old the Colors are?
Why don’t you just fap to single digits like a man, already?
Age nine (9), I believe
How is he going to explain that to his Facebook friends?
Imagine the Colors taking Bocchi to an Yea Forums meeting so she can lose her shyness through group sex.
Can I fuck Bocchi and the Colors at the same time?
The age of bocchi is now
This is the only picture of Bocchi I could find on the boorus. She needs porn.
Imagine all the Yea Forumsnons tossing the expired meat aside and running a train on all the Colors.
Literally who
Because this special meeting is dedicated to Bocchi, only men of fine taste like are invited. You can only fuck a Color if you do Bocchi at the same time.
I could (and would) easily kill all of you to have them for myself
But it's a good thing god invented pixiv.
>She needs porn.
Fine, but I'll be very half-assed about it.
Every 2D girl needs porn and this is a fact.
>on the boorus
You got it backwards, hags like Bocchi are only good for sloppy seconds
Imagine actually believing anything above 9 is prime
Imagine bapping the Bocchi
In the womb, from inside, with your dick
Shut up loser
JC are sexier.
Name one thing sexier about JCs
What drives people to create an image like this?
JSs can do that too.
Try again, JS’ can breed
Developing body but still very young
>instead of letting everyone unite against a common target like the insane fatherfucker, they're now trying to make Yea Forums's lolicons fight each other
It makes perfect sense, the fact that they keep pretending to fuel it makes everything even worse. How the fuck did the current Yea Forums turn into Yea Forums so naturally.
The desire to IMAGINE
their thighs
>Developing body
Disgusting normalshit
>Developing body
It’s a little girl, why the fuck do you need hag thighs for
And JCfags wonder why they get mocked for thinly veiled normalfaggotry
But they're still little girls. Would you throw away your loli if she was a little bit older?
That's a hag
She's 12
At this point it's better to just ignore any post that says "hag", "__fag", or tries to start shit. Let them circlejerk each other and try to enjoy the loli thread without giving them attention.
That's funny because he's the faggot that shows up in JS threads to insult JSfriends.
Get back to iftc you god damn autists.
I'd befriend this sexy little thing in a heartbeat
Imagine Kotoha sexually dominating Bocchi, while Nako bullies Yui and Scatchan throws shit at the loser.
bocchi is desperate to get bred before she's too old and barren
What would be the best way for the colors to rape Bocchi? Fisting, strap-ons, futa dicks or yuri rape?
They'll get me to do it.
>Shinobu is hagshit
>Fairies are hagshit
>Remi/Flan are hagshit
t. obvious troll
Remember Yea Forums, the golden rules: Loli is a body type. Loli is 2d and fiction. Anyone who breaks these rules is just trying to shit up loli threads.
Bocchi has a very critical flaw: If you ejaculate inside her she might conceive a child.
That's not a problem, I like children.
That's a feature, you stinking pleb.
If you aren't impregnating the Colors then you aren't fucking them hard enough.
Don’t bullshit yourself, we all know you’re a cocksleve on the inside
I would never rape a child but I have to admit Yui is very rapable
I'm not a lolicon but I really just want to fuck and cum inside Yui
licky lick yui
>bare shoulders
That's not the sort of outfit a decent kid would wear.
Ichigo Mashimaro > Colors
Bocchi didn't give us the absolute majesty which was the first episode threads for Colors.
What's that?
That's an unfair comparison.
How does anyone fucking beat lolicon autism this palpable?
I'm surprised that "extra virgin oil" didn't catch on as a meme in colors threads. I thought it was funny.
No, you need a bullet in your fucking head.
It did give us this funny image though
What a wild ride. Now I feel said that I didn't watch Colors alongside Yea Forums.
I'm a JSfag but JCs are sexier.
Then you're clearly not a "JSfag"
I'm just glad the funposting around Nono's hairy bush finally ended.
Wait a minute..... THATS NOT A CAN OF SODA, IS IT!?!
Damn right they’re hagshit, it’s a retarded meme for faggots to tell themselves “b-but she’s not underaged!”
If she hasn’t given birth by then, yes. There’s literally nothing a JC has to offer that isn’t inherently better in a JS.
Sexy Bocchi
What about sexy hips?
but there's juice in it... onii-chan?
Why is Bocchi wearing her skirt so long? Doesn't she know all the popular girls roll up their skirts and show off their legs?
Futa Bocchi makes friends using the power of dick!
>the Colors try to gangrape Bocchi
>but she's Super Strong Futa Bocchi today, so she rapes them instead
Doujins where
She's nopan all the time.
What use does a lolicon have for hips? Underdeveloped hips are better
Why are you comparing these series in the first place?
Bright colored thongs/g strings are better.
I'd squeeze something out inside of the Colors (especially Red).
>he doesn't know
I want to vomit.
Post your merch.
How did you explain this to your parents
"I'm not a lolicon, I just really like looking at little girls."
I tell them it's just a comic strip like Dennis the Menace or Calvin and Hobbes or Peanuts.
>user was turned into the police by his parents later that day
And now user upholds the law while protecting and jacking off to little girls.
Calvin & Hobbes is great, the other two are complete shit.
>Assmad that Bocchi doesn't have a useless self-insert shit prick like Shitou
No wonder Wataten was so much better than Uzamaid.
Imagine being arrested by the lolice
>a useless self-insert shit prick like Shitou
/u/ have to go back
Fuck off back to Kemurikusa thread, hetshitters.
>the absolute state of yuriniggers
Can we please have Juju back. You can't honestly tell me JCfags and Prick-kun are better than her
>implying /u/
He's a confirmed falseflagger who shitposts for both sides, stop giving him replies.
What is it about you sperging out over self-inserts? Don’t tell me you’re too gay to self insert as a grown man who takes care of his lolis properly
I say all of them kill themselves, and just post cute and funnies
They unironically are.
Now shut the fuck up and talk about the fucking Colors already.
Can hetfags just wait for their Shitbikek film? Leave Bocchi alone. She wants friends, not hetfags.
Fucking kill yourself. All of you are shit. And yes, the "JCfag" is just a falseflagger.
Why is this allowed?
>Don’t tell me you’re too gay to self insert as a grown man who takes care of his lolis properly
How pathetic.
Why not both.jpg
JC are the best
You have to pick 1 from each show, and combine 2 of them into 1 to make our next loli show, which ones do you pick anons?
JC (Just Colors) are the best
Bocchi and Yui
Kotoha and Aru
No, I'm not going to watch that shit. Stop trying to find weird ways to make me.
Bocchi’s fuzzy cunny
Gooey, sticky, warm like honey
Soft and cute, below the tummy
Poke it, prod it, make it runny
Cute and funny, cunny, cunny
Well she's not wrong
>a /u/shit of all people, smugposting
Yeah, you’re not helping yourself here
Colors are JS though
Best at being hags
I would want the Colors to meet the guy from Shoujo Ramune
Colours was pretty funny, I get a little sad watching Bocchi but damn she's so cute and needs protecting.
I want to help Bocchi tie the know that will take her out of her miserable existence
>good art and animation
>cast of likeable and funny characters
>good writing
Why is Yui so frequently associated with rape?
She is the most inocent one
I mean, just look at her.
which Color's is you're favourite?
and why?
They left out the part where they captured an American pilot, stripped him naked and put him on display in the zoo.
The more pure the loli is, the more arousing it is to IMAGINE defiling her
It was a book for little girls
Yui, because she’s so innocent so it would be fun to trick her into doing naughty things
It would be fun to trick any of them into doing naughty things. It wouldn't even be hard.
Sacchan because of her loli ass
Sacchan is the most mature despite how she acts. It doesn't stop her from knowing how to have fun. She's also super cute and has a good figure.
>It wouldn't even be hard.
My dick sure would be
Imagine the smell
How would you trick each of the Colors into consensually having sex with you? Keep in mind that what works on one Color may not work on the others
Sacchan I would tell her we're playing horsie
Kotoha I would force to do it as a punishment for losing a game to me
Yui I would just hold down and rape
How are we defining "trick" here?
Tell Yui she’s cute and I want to be her boyfriend
Well, for instance, offering her some delicious yogurt but pouring it on your penis so that she can lick it right off
who is fucking little girls pussies?
I’d ask Yui to have a bath with me and while washing her, I would make sure she’s clean all over by licky lick her cute and funny place
How would Yui react to this? Trying it out would be the best... I want to see how a pure girl reacts to a live confession!! Seeing her confused emotions would be so cute...
Yui tell her I love her
Satchan tell her I think she's kawaii
Kotoha give her geimu
That doesn't seem like much of a trick. I would have expected something like telling them your erect cock is because of poison and only little girls like them can suck it out.
How can I get a gf like the Colors?
No joke replies please, only serious ideas and recommendations. I'm willing to put in the work, I just don't know where to start. I don't want to do anything that's immoral, so please keep that in mind. If possible, I want to slowly build a deep relationship. But I'd also like to successfully do it within the next 3 months, if at all possible. Anyone have experience with this? Any success stories? Please help!
You have to find a girl whose parents are either really liberal or really conservative
>How can I get a gf like the Colors?
Impossible because 3DPD
She’ll probably get really flustered and embarrassed, but will let you hold her hand
I’d go with tickling her and “accidentally” feeling her cute and funny parts, then do it more as she gets more and more aroused. Then when she’s at her limit, she’ll pee all over herself. I’ll take her to the bathroom and clean her up, only using my tongue to licky lick her all over. In doing so, I’ll lick over her cute and funny parts, arousing her further while assuring her that my penis is going to make her feel better.
What you do is act like you're about to kiss her on the lips, let her get all flustered, then kiss her on the cheek. Soon she'll be begging you to go further.
What if she's spooked or creeped out and pulls away? I don't think I could live with this kind of rejection.
Then you just start crying. She's a crybaby too so she'll empathize and try to comfort you.
Would this work?
You guys are fucking children
What colors would make the best mother?
Yui, of course
I wish
Agree desu
Yui would be a great mother! I want to come home to a meal prepared by Yui and have her offer me "something" after the meal while we're taking a bath together.
Imagine Yui sitting naked in front of you super embarrassed but also not covering anything up because she wants you to see
W-Would she do that!? I didn't think that she was that kind of a lewd girl desu... kinda shocked desu.
>she reads the Colors threads
Yui doesn’t appreciate all the naughty things being said about her. Say something nice to cheer her up.
She has a cute smile.
She's always friendly to everyone.
She's a great friend.
She's a good girl in every way.
Any man would be happy to have her as girlfriend.
I would show her mine if she showed me hers
Now that you've read this, you've become a zombie. To unzombify yourself, you must strip naked and shout "This year, I'm a little extra daring!"
i actually hate Kotoha
More of my daughterwife Kotoha for me then.
Aah~, I want to rub her cute and funny while she plays videogames on my lap.
Imagine getting off to the idea of removing the Colors’ clothes
But they're too small, it would all spill out as soon as you took it out.
I wonder what it said.
Imaging licking their tiny bodies all over
Imagine nibbling their necks and kissing their adorable little nipples
Imagine their cute girlish mouths and tongues wrapped around a thick cock slick with their saliva
Am I ever gonna make it? Will I ever get a color's gf?
It would be impossible unless you want to go to prison
I want to choke that neck. I could do it with a single hand.
No that wouldn't happen because I only want a consensual color's gf.
Since everything is consensual, there are no legal issues.
Do they let you have conjugal visits with your loli gf?
But the Colors are children
Imagine pumping in and out of their mouths until it erupts, the cum more than their little throats can swallow
Colors are shit lolis
For the last time, I don't want any rock CDs.
What is the appeal of Scatchan?
How much for anal?
Her promiscuity.
Her ass.
Imagine the idea of thick viscous semen overflowing, dribbling down their chins over their flat chests
Her poop
>I thought you said they were free?!
>>good art and animation
Dude cmon, I liked the show but the budget was awful for the most part.
Please keep the pasta going
What would you do if sachan pooped in your dick?
I wish my eyes can take photos when I go outside
Wasn't that what Google Glass was supposed to do
I wonder how much they ask for
>he still lives with his parents
*sigh* me too
Both shit
Did someone say shit?
everybody shits
Thank god. It's not that I want her to poop on my dick, but I would really like to be in a situation where she could.
they're cute and funny
*most cunny
In 20 years, with cyborgization, you can
Yeah but they'll probably automatically flag and censor any picture you take that contains a sexy kid
*any kid
That's what he said.
Worldwide desperation due to decreasing birth rates will end up lowering the age of consent to 5.
>that high
That's not going to solve shit, at best it will stabilize it.
That's why you commission a hack job from the shady netrunner in the alley between the UBI office and the offworld recruitment center