How do English dubs even make any sort of economic sense?

I know no-one who exclusively watches dubs. Outside of perpetually popular stuff like Dragon Ball and Pokemon I just don't see how there's enough market demand in the West to warrant dubs, but every now and then I learn that some relatively niche show got dubbed and immediately begin to wonder why.

Pic unrelated.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I know no-one who exclusively watches dubs.
Nigger, what the fuck kind of reasoning is this? Ever consider that there are people that you don't know?

Why the fuck are you discussing dubs on Yea Forums anyway?

Yank dubs cost nothing because the distributor locks a bunch of interns in the recording booth and pays them in meals.

No idea. Why would anyone be willing to pay extra for a dub of an ecchi show or a SoL show?

Not really.

Italian dubs >American English dubs

>Ever consider that there are people that you don't know?
I'm wondering who these people are, because I sure as hell have never encountered them in the wild. I've never heard of a show getting a surge in interest after receiving a dub and I've never seen any sort of "I'm glad that show got a dub" sentiments being expressed online.
>Why the fuck are you discussing dubs on Yea Forums anyway?
Because I want to know why companies even bother making them?

>I'm wondering who these people are
You can ask them yourself on r/Animedubs
Because I want to know why companies even bother making them?
Because there is a demand for them. VA's are popular, conventions are packed, tv stations only air dubs (toonami) and etc.

7% of normalfaggots watch dubs

Attached: leddit poll.png (1920x3400, 1.81M)

These days? Probably not much, you're right. But then again these days English dubs aren't really televised, back in the late 90's and early 2000's they had morning and afternoon blocks on all the basic cable channels with kids' programming except Nickelodeon. These days streaming is taking over and there's a lot more variety, so less of kids being forced to watch whatever cartoons are on, meaning less exposure to English dubs and therefore less of a potential market outside of pre-existing fans

>surge of interest after getting a dub
Pic related. This show is obscure and forgettable, and no-one in japan really knows or cares about it.

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Americans who are too lazy to read watch dubs

>dub haters
Go fucking back

Jap dubs > all other dubs
Except for these dubs

I am not a general fan of dubs. But why not? Hiring actors, translating, making all kinds of jobs in the entertainment industry. It makes sense.

RIP in peace beaner that an heroed over it

Basically everyone I know irl is a dubfag, albeit they all pirate their shit, but at the least it does prove there is a market for this

Letting in refugees doesn't make any economic sense

I watch dubs sometimes because I am too occupied shitposting to look at the screen.

Because the mass market is full of dribbling morons who refuse to watch anything subtitled.

This is why things like the american remake of oldboy exist.

Well if there must be a market for them if they keep getting made. Some can be entertaining in a cheesy, shitty way. Once in a blue moon you might even get good ones, sometimes. But we just don't see it much anymore since we don't get a lot of anime televised as much in western countries anymore, well english speaking ones at least.

>american remake of oldboy

>I know no-one who exclusively watches dubs
>Ever consider that there are people that you don't know?
Funniest exchange I've seen in a while

reminer that the only acceptable dub is Black Lagoon

I know what you're trying to do, OP.
Stop dub shitposting on Yea Forums

Literally nobody would admit to it, so you'd never know who is or is not a dub fag

I'm not trying to shitpost, I'm genuinely just curious. If I wanted to shitpost I'd use Dragon Maid or something as the OP image and say something about how it's hard to focus on the action while reading text.

>I know no-one who exclusively watches dubs.
You know me now OP, I pretty much prefer the dubs now before only watching it out of spite to annoy people.

TV Stations prefer to air dubs,

>Because I want to know why companies even bother making them?
Stuff like Ghost Stories I assume

Let me guess, those girls also tried to summon a demon lord and are now his "mana" slaves?

>tripnigger telling someone to go back

It costs almost nothing to license anime in america, and it costs almost nothing to dub anime. If ANYONE buys it, you turn a profit. There is a huge difference between stuff like the dub for Howl that is done by actual professionals, and shit for late night anime #1000 that is just people pulled of the street.

>Ocean rarely does anime anymore thanks for being in Canada

It's genuinely free because all the workers are former hobos, and this way the at least have a roof over them sometimes.

Because physical stores that carry anime like FYE and Best Buy won't stock the BD/DVD if it doesn't have an English audio track.

>Because I want to know why companies even bother making them?
It's for r*ddit fags.

Most of the actors in Howl and the rest of Miyazaki's movies aren't even voice actors.

>How do English dubs even make any sort of economic sense?
They are providing people with a product they want. There are a lot of casual viewers who will not watch anime unless they can watch it in English. If you operate a small studio with a small handful of cheap wannabe voice actors (low overhead) and just churn content out ad nauseam while being the only ones who are interested in providing that specific product regularly to the market, you will make bank.

Supply and demand. Use your fucking head, it's not that hard.

Because Disney respected Ghibli enough to pour the resources into the voice overs of their movies. The line between voice actor and actor is usually just the presence of a pretty face or some other castable feature. The best A-list actors will make the best voice actors. Your standard voice actor for some buttfuck nowhere dub studio is going to be doing that for a reason, because they are cheap, they don't get better opportunities and they happen to live near the dubbing studio.

Ghost Stories was popular because it was a complete rewrite, not just a dub. If they wanted another Ghost Stories, they wouldn't be making (relatively) faithful adaptations.

Yeah, it got 2 seasons, 2 movies and 2 games because it's really obscure and nobody heard of it.

>months later on twitter after super ended
>see hashtags for DBS
>dubfags losing their minds over trunk transformation
imagine the suffering of a dubster

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Elitist thread is elitist.
Yeah right.

Imagine being an entitled sub-elitist defending Goku's shit Japanese voice

Kill yourself subhuman.

Do not underestimate all of the normalfags out there

>imagine still not watching the original and not even have finished DBS


Both of my friends who are into anime exclusively watch dubs, even when they admit themselves that the voice acting is terrible.

"Because it's just easier than having to read subtitles and watch at the same time"

You really have no idea how fucking lazy people can be.

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You can also have a dub on while playing vidya or something. I haven't watched a dubbed anime since I was a kid (unless I was rewatching something I watched as a kid) and I used to do that all the time.

imagine liking american Shemale voice

People still buy media from physical stores?

I don't but other people do. It's fucking weird but it's true.

Feels like if you're not going to be paying attention it wouldn't really matter what language it was in, or what you were listening to at all, really.

I watch exclusively dubs whenever available, it's much easier than reading and not catching the details in the art. Plus there's good voice actors more often nowadays and they do a much better job than their japanese counterparts.

You know multitasking is a thing that's possible, right?

>The best A-list actors will make the best voice actors
If we are talking about popularity/income, fuck no. The best actors for dubbing have always been people who do radio dramas/radio work.

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Maybe it's just me then, I don't really care to have stuff playing in the background unless it's just music, seems like you always end up just tuning one thing out anyway, even if it's just partially.

I wish the American licencing industry would just fucking die already. Hopefully Funimation and a bunch of dragon ball VAs getting sued soon will hurry things along.

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>lying to yourself

You fool, the normie anime market is on the rise and only expanding. Better get used to those same 12 English VA's and submit because the dub dicking down has only just begun.

I know lots of people will refuse to watch something if it isn't dubbed

Okay, maybe A-list is the wrong term. But my point still stands, the best actors, traditional theater, film or otherwise will make the best voice actors because regardless of the format they are the best at delivering their lines.

Because normies have shit taste.

Retards like you watch dubs and you should kill yourself.
They also only pick the cheapest shitty voice actors they can find and underpay them.
Most of those English anime dub voice"actors" live off of selling autographs at disgusting anime cons to retards like you (who need to kill themselves).

Lurk more after killing yourself..

Almost all of the people defending dubs have problems with reading and can't keep up with subtitles.

When you're in that position, it's easier to rationalize all the ways dubs-are-just-fine-you-autists than it is to travel back in time and not flunk out of third grade.

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You know that retards like you making excuses in order to pretend that they aren't fucking useless is a thing, right?

What part of the OP implied I watch dubs?

The only dubs I watch are those of FMA & HxH (all the 4 versions) and YYH.

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I forget to mention that I do watch sub as well but in the end I prefer dub for the anime I mentioned above.

That's what the dubs sound like. Randomly chosen pedestrians could deliver a performance comparable to what "professional anime dubbers" do.

honky tonky kaka kuku hong kong language

still cringe

Keep seething

I don't know anyone outside of Yea Forums that watches anime subbed, all of my normalfag friends watch mostly dubbed. They don't even know I watch anime at all since I only talk about it here

I only watch dubs except for HnK and OPM. Caught up with jojo dub

Enjoy your deadly queen

I exclusively watch dubs

I am new to anime and watch dubs if they're available.
I only watch subs if I don't have a choice.

Why are your friends normalfags?

So do I user, so do I.

its coming soon i hope
the US market is not even in top 10 world wide

why american school dont teach how to read ?

>entitled sub-elitist
that is the most retarded thing i've ever heard. Sub is the only way to watch anime you braindead monkey

>Dubs aren't economically viable
The only people prepared to do them do it because they want to, or they can't get work anywhere else, depending on your point of view. But it still leads to the same thing, they'll accept the lowest wage it's possible to pay them

No but why watching sub while I can watch the dub version? What didn’t your local school teach you any English?

>Sub is the only way to watch anime you braindead monkey
No it isn’t you insolent subhuman trash.

Same, but I talk about it with them because I just don't understand it. It's not like they even just prefer dubs, but they actively dislike subs.

Dubs are a dying market, that is why it seems completely irrelevant. New anime fans, even normies, watch mostly subs or prefer subs. Dubs are a relic from when people got introduced to anime through TV where obviously nothing subbed really got aired. That said, there is probably a not insignificant number of people who autistically hate having subtitles on anything so they tend to consume dubs.

Because the voice actors suck ass and the sound quality is shit

they don't

soon they will stop being made

Thank you

nobody in the west knows or cares about it either

>getting sued soon
Retard. Stop letting yourself get farmed for clicks by people who are deliberately being as sensationalist as possible.

It was unironically the best comedy harem series I've seen, and yes I've watched a shitload of them. The humor was actually good and all the girls were great, especially Ikaros.

Attached: Ikaros a cute.gif (500x281, 405K)

Illiterate dubfag peasants are all brainlets. Can't read superior subs and enjoy anime in its pristine state.

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If all anime became available subbed and dubbed at the same time, most people would opt for the dub. Yea Forums doesn't want to swallow this pill, however.

You're no better than the dub watchers, dumb EOP.

>Dubs are a dying market, that is why it seems completely irrelevant.
I don't know what kind of delusion it takes to believe this. Dubs are getting made faster and in a greater number compared to a decade ago.

Millions of flies eat shit, how can they all be wrong???

>thread asks how dubs are viable
>it's because a lot of people consume them
>y-yeah well I don't like those people!
And? Who's supposed to care what you think?

Actually it's not.
Humans can work on multiple things, but they can only focus on one thing at a time. We just shift our attention from one thing to another and then back again and call that "multitasking."

That's the topic of the thread, not the topic of that conversation.

That's technically correct but functionally irrelevant. You can do two things and alternate between them fast enough that it's the same as doing them both at the same time. If you were 100% correct it'd be absolutely impossible to rub your head and pat your stomach at the same time, instead of just hard. I hate it when people spurt out trivia like this without understanding the actual meaning of it. HURR DURR MULTITASKING NOT REAL fuck off you fucking massive cocksucking faggot.

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This, but the exact opposite of everything you just said.

>multitasking is a thing that's possible
It is, but only about 2% of the population are competent multitaskers.
At the same time, most people think they can multitask, which leads to shit like texting while driving.

I watch dubs because I like them and because sub-humans are the worst kind of people in the world.

My mom exclusively watches dubs since she has bad eyes

If I want to read, I'll pick up a damn book. If I want to watch anime, I want to watch them, not watch and read them.

Subs are way less popular then dubs.

Do you know why? Nobody wants to hear a grandma talking, they want a voice that actually sounds like the character should

This is the future of dubbing though. Last year, 35% of all anime that came out (and 20% of that is those weird shorts that only air in japan) got dubbed. Basically most of the big shows. And most of them were simuldubs. That number is gonna keep rising. In 10 years, when people get into anime, they will have both sub and dub available in the same day. Thus it becomes much easier for people to accept dubs. Meanwhile those bitter oldfags who grew up in that era where dubbing wasn't that good and fansubbing was popular, will slowly die out and thus the community will get rid of that negative cancer.

this only applies to DBZ

>Subs are way less popular then dubs.
That is a very questionable statement. It is impossible to ask every single anime fan their preference (especially the ones that pirate either subs or dubs, but don't take part in the conversation). So it is impossible to say just how many people watch dubs vs how many watch subs.

Weirdest taste ever
OPM has a really great dub and it's probably better than a lot of the dubs you could've just watched in Japanese

You'll find Eng dub only watchers in youtube or in anime conventions.

>they want a voice that actually sounds like the character should
That's why subs are better than dubs, though. I swear to god every high school girl in a dub sounds like she's in her mid 20 at youngest. My dumbass friend recently brought over the Demi-chan wa Kataritai BD and we tried watching it and the succubus teacher sounds at least 10 years younger than the dullahan girl.

>Dubs are a dying market
Citation needed.

>Because the voice actors suck ass and the sound quality is shit
I feel the same way about japanese dubs.

Except rubbing your head and patting your stomach comes down to muscle memory, like walking and chewing gum. Once your body gets the hang of it you can do it without thought, but once you start really thinking about it that's when you mess up. Rubbing your head and patting your stomach isn't as complex as playing a video game and paying attention to the plot of a show or conversation.
No need to be rude.

Anime in general is bigger, and like I said there is an audience of people that listen to dubs, but actually relevance in the anime community? Absolute nadir. I don't say this as a hardcore subfag, I geniunly like quite a few dubs. The issue is that the online community is basically subs, even the "normies" on reddit people like to bitch about only have like 7% of people who watch dubs. Since most people are introduced to anime online now rather than TV, dubs will decline in popularity and relevance further.

I exclusively watch dub and never have sat down and watched DBZ.

>dubs will decline in popularity and relevance further.
That will never happen. If anything, the dub scene will change and get bigger. If it didn't work out, then it would have already died, but it just keeps getting bigger. And even if it slows down a bit, we will still have many simuldubs every season, dubbed home releases, netflix and toonami.


I prefer dubs when I have the option because I usually watch anime when I eat dinner, and they let me not miss important dialogue if I look at my plate or pour myself a drink for a couple of seconds.

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Hence why all dubs are pure shit.

toonami is old media, so it will be dead/irrelevant in a decade. Home releases are something that only oldfags with jobs or the hardcore buy, and the hardcore are generally not that big into dubs. I do concede Netflix though, that is probably the source of popular dubs in the future. If anime gets big through Netflix in the future then I could be wrong about dubs

You say that like it doesn't happen all the time in JP. Literally ever teenager Sugita has voiced in the past 15 years has sounded at least twice their age. And do I even need to mention Satomi Arai?

>Very questionable
No, it’s objective fact. There’s a reason no one outside of this autistic place complains about dubs. The majority of people DO NOT want to hear another language and read what they meant.

Only Autists do.

>two specific examples
>compared to literally every female in a dub

If you're going to argue in bad faith you need better bait than that.

If you're going to cherrypick you're going to need more than two examples.

So basically normies?

>The majority of people DO NOT want to hear another language and read what they meant.
What a retarded and anglocentric thing to say. I grew up watching shows and movies in English with subs in my native language and even though I didn't understand spoken English yet I still never chose dubs over subs because 9 times out of 10 the dubs were shit.

I do stuff like this too, which is why it's common for me to have watched both the sub and dub of a show I like.

My two brothers and sister, however, will only watch dubs. My sister isn't really into anime (she doesn't care about a show's style--cartoon, live action, whatever--as long as a show is good), same with my youngest brother. My other brother is more into anime, but he has a reading disability so with newer anime I usually end up watching a show subbed as episodes air, then later rewatch it dubbed with him.

Subtitles are garbage.
Most are written on an episode by episode basis and are more worried about getting them done faster than competing subs. So you get inconsistent translations of the shows names and key words, and even glaring errors that give viewers the wrong idea about the shows backstory.

A dub has more steps in its production process and will handle the translation season by season, so those mistakes are less likely and the script is more solid.

I’d still prefer subs, but not everyone likes pausing and rereading shit cause they stopped using “soul slayer” and kept the name zanpakto every other episode

Yes, the vast majority.

>watching bleach
Kill yourself.

Gatekeeping when?

I mean I could talk about overall patterns like Tomokazu Sugita, Yu Kobayashi, and Satomi Arai generally sounding much older than their characters especially when they voice teens, or examples I remember off the top of my head like JP Mikoto Misaka sounding in her late 20s at best compared to her bratty teenager voice in English, or how I'm rewatching FMP because Invisible Victory just came out on home video and I noticed that both Kaname and Sousuke sound older in Japanese, but I'm not the one making the argument that LITERALLY every character in Jap sounds too old compared to English. It only takes one counterexample to show that a statement like
>compared to literally every female in a dub
is utter nonsense that's not worth taking seriously.

Yeah, it was always really jarring when subbers would translate a name or title strangely and then "correct" the mistake later, just causing more confusion and inconsistency.

and then you get some subs where they really overdo it with the cursing or leaving in random japanese words, etc. this is a really good video of what it's like:

I remember one time I switched manga site for BnH and the first new chapter I read, Mineta referred to "fap material". Really made it obvious that the sub team for this site were a bunch of 14 year olds.

English streaming also exists. And simuldubs are slowly reaching the pace of having the dubbed episode up in the same day as subbed. Even if toonami and home releases die out, streaming will replace them. It is already changing the industry. Japan is notoriously slow in the changes department. But even they are starting to notice that the "bd sales" are not the definitive way to make money back. Streaming already saved a show like Baki, that had terrible bd sales (something that would usually kill a series), but good streaming numbers, so they announced a sequel. So streaming is here to stay and if they manage to have a well kept catalogue of dubs that come out in the same day, then dubbing will stay around too.

normies don't watch anime

the majority of people don't watch anime. anime is very, very niche and most people who watch any anime watch subs. the only people who prefer dubs are usually guys who watched one piece or naruto on cartoon channels as kids and want to finish them off in dubs too because that's all they know. but they usually switch to subs if they branch off into other shows.

i actually have 1 or 2 normie friends who've watched a couple of the more mainstream anime. they watched DBZ as kids and rewatch it online dubbed, but when they watched Attack on Titan they watched it subbed.

I hope you're underaged, someone really shouldn't hold these opinions after growing up.

for people who are actually literate, reading is not something that takes effort or distracts you. it's only when you're some retard struggling with basic comprehension that it'd take any focus or detract from the show

Sub purists do not remember/weren't around for the awful fan sub years where shit like the infamous "All according to Keikaku" were so common.
I'll only watch a show subbed if I have to or the quality of voice acting is much better than the dub. Because I'm not a NEET, I don't always have time to give my undivided attention to a show I'm watching, so a dub is preferred.

unironically too low IQ to read subtitle?

>Why the fuck are you discussing dubs on Yea Forums anyway?
You tell me

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I keep up with a lot seasonally but when I go back to watch things I missed out on from seasons past I tend to check out their dubs. It’s fun to compare and contrast performances.

>Because I'm not a NEET, I don't always have time to give my undivided attention to a show I'm watching, so a dub is preferred.
You don't need to expend more attention to a subbed show than a dubbed one unless your IQ is below 100.

>Because I'm not a NEET, I don't always have time to give my undivided attention to a show I'm watching, so a dub is preferred.
if you arent even looking at the screen then why the fuck are you watching the show? I get that it's handy to be able to glance away for a second when you're watching dubs, but unless you're watching with other people you can just pause for a sec.

Plus, you probably have little to no free time.

I don't know what you're talking about. Dubs are much better.

I remember reading an article back in the VHS days that sales of dub-only tapes outpaced the sales of sub-only tapes by a 4-1 or 5-1 margin, even when the subbed tapes were the same price.
But then most of the distributors figured out that those who wanted the sub were willing to pay more, and then adjusted their prices accordingly.

Attached: 66756457362.jpg (790x1024, 171K)

Best dub.

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>normies don't watch anime
It's cute that you think that.

Because back then we were getting fansubbed tapes with 13+ episodes on it for the price of a blank tape so only the idiots who were willing to buy the officially subbed tapes at all would shell out even $20 for a single tape with 4 episodes on it.

Attached: 1549965805105.png (1108x878, 575K)

Shit taste.

>You don't need to expend more attention to a subbed show than a dubbed one unless your IQ is below 100.
Only a sub 100 IQ faggot would say this
I'm not looking at the screen all the time, and because anime has a ton of dialog scenes to save money, I'm not missing much

No offence man but that's a bit of silly argument for watching dubbed anime. To say that its better because theres too much dialogue scenes isn't exactly an argument against subs so much as that you don't want to bother watching it with your undivided attention. I mean its fine to watch anime that way but don't pretend that its anything other than a good reason for you personally.

completely different time. subs are way more popular on kissanime and crunchyroll

I tend to watch subs personally but you got to admit some of these bads dubs are hilarious.

>t. basement virgin who thinks he and his fat gamer friends are normies

They really aren't that expensive. A 12-epsiode show is only ~4hours of runtime without the OP and ED, so even with extra takes, that only comes up to a few hours of time for a voice director and VAs. Then a little more time for the editing of lip flaps and you're fine. You sell it bundled with the subs as a DVD or whatever, and because there's no variable cost on each unit, you only need to sell a few to get your money back.

that show was already retarded because of the faces anyway, so not as if the dub made it any worse

>implying I have friends

Dubs are a fairly cheap way of making it more accessible. More normies means more merch means more word of mouth means more money.

>muh comedy
Again, shit taste.

Real normies don't retard. Watching anime is one step above being a furry

>Normies don't watch anime
Crunchy roll has millions of subscribers.


A certain shitstorm that is going on right now taught me that there are a lot of dub watchers.

>bias sample gives wrong answer

You can bitch about VAs all you want but at least they don't do stupid shit like translating onee-chan to "sissy"

i think you might be underestimating how many people there are
if even 1 weird kid in every high school class watched anime you'd easily get those numbers - and that's pretty much exactly what the case is. i'd say somewhere around 5% watch anime(i mean as a hobby, watching naruto or dbz once as a kid doesn't count). vast majority of them are loners or weirdoes.

im sorta normie but i wouldn't be for long if i went around telling people i watch anime. it's better now than it was but most people would still think you were weird af for watching it even today.

it's biased you retard. learn what adjectives are before you open your mouth again you illierate fuck

Not him, but people here have a tendancy to conflate autists they don't like with normies so it clouds their judgement

Which shitstorm?

that's too. and you get /r9k/ fags who think anyone with a single friend is a normie, even if their friend is mega-aspie too.
a group of guys who watch anime together aren't normies watching anime. the fact that they're watching it in a group doesn't make other people think it's any less weird, or make them any less virgin

>I saw some funny troll tl notes in the funny image thread and now I am oldfag

>stupid shit like translating onee-chan to "sissy"
Low IQ take. It's a great way to adapt it because the way Kuroko uses "onee-sama" is supposed to come off as creepy and fetishistic unlike the way it's normally used. And I'm not about to listen to localization advice from the fanbase that thought "such misfortune" was a good translation.

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You are unironically a tasteless small child if you cannot bear to watch with subtitles.

I don't want to bring it up on Yea Forums. It revolves around the English anime dubbing industry, that's all I am going to say.

Same as me. I only care about FMA HXH & YYH. Dub & sub.

the question is: who is demanding them?

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fuck off you cryptic spastic

It's about some guy whose name is Vic Mignola or something and he got accused of sexual harassment.
So the people who hired him did an investigation on it, and they found out that they were true, so they fired him. Now some people are very angry about this and saying that it's not true, SJW, something, something whatever.

Until further developments occur the only people still making a big deal about it at this point are people who don't watch dubs and are only in this because they see it as an opportunity to stick it to the SJWs.


If you can't appreciate authenticity because you can't be bothered to literally glance at a small string of words for 0.5 seconds, then you're a retard American in my eyes

illiterate americans and contrarians.

It's shit taste to have a sense of humor? I don't know what planet you live on but it sounds fairly miserable.

Nothing about subtitles is authentic.

If you don't understand Japanese, it's not authentic.

>Something added on top of the original work is “authentic”
Kys subfag

It's the closest you're going to get to authenticity without resorting to literally learning the language, so yes it is.
This doesn't just apply to Japanese media. You're the same mouth breathing child if you can't watch any type of film in a foreign language without a dub.

People who aren’t autistic and would prefer the show have a language they can understand.

No, you are underage if you can't accept that there are people who don't do what you want them to do.
I see no point in having the show in some "chink chong nip nong" language, that I don't understand, don't value, am not gay enough to learn (and yes, anyone who goes to learn Japanese because they want to watch cartoons, is a homosexual loser) and that I basically ignore when focusing on the show anyway. It's just a waste of the audio track. Might as well have the show muted then, or in another language.

>without resorting to literally learning the language
Listening to a bunch of gibberish is exactly the opposite experience the creators intended so no, it's not.


why Ameritard have such shit taste?

the voice acting and lip-syncing is way better in the sub though.


no its only gay murican who like yelling like dogs

It's always Americans

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>56.8% read manga

This is definitely not a proper representation of the general population who watch anime.

the only money maker are manga retard and not the 100 people who watch anime and buy nothing

Nukes when?

>lip-syncing is way better in the sub though
Is this a joke? Japan is infamous for caring more about "appreciating the seiyuu's performance" than rigidly adhering to flaps. E.g. All Might's "OH MY GOODNESS" has one too few flaps for that line to fit perfectly, which is why it was changed in the dub. Or just watch any DBZ episode in Japanese where the lip-syncing sometimes reaches Kung Pow tier.


It's funny, I never ever see dubfags for other languages. It's always english

Have you considered that there is about 7 billion non-native English speakers in the world who are constantly exposed to English material yet never complain? Are those 7 billion people autistic?

> watches chinese cartoons
> can't stand the fact some people want to hear the dialogue in chinese

imagine being this weak and racist

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>No, you are underage if you can't accept that there are people who don't do what you want them to do.
Ironic considering the second half of your post.

What's so funny about it? This is an English-language board, and unless you both speak another language AND talk to people about anime in that language it's completely expected that you don't often hear talk about dubs in other languages.

Hey retard, this isn't the only site on the planet. Don't reply to me again.

My mistake. I'm clearly dealing with an ESL who thinks a comma means "ignore everything after this point".

Good. Thanks, for understanding.

> putting effort into acting is a bad thing while not acknowledging that animators are paid piss poor and works with what they got

please grow up

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>Liking superman Goku

You didn't refute his point.

>lip-syncing is better in Japanese
>no it's not and here's proof
>y-yeah well fuck you

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Americans are pros at bootlicking. Don't even bother

You need to learn Japanese. Once you do, you'll realize dubs and subs are both shit. In fact, they are so fucking shit that you should just listen to dubs and ignore reading shit. Oh, and the original dialog is normally pretty terrible already. At least you have a 50/50 chance of it getting better when transhitted.

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Does hentai still get dubbed these days? Or is it only ecchi?

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> acting like voice actors have any control over the lip flaps

man oh man

Is this some sort of meme or are you guys serious? Who hasn't heard of this series and watched anime for longer than 3 years? That shit was super popular.

they don't make sense nowdays
back in the day when there was no internet on the other they were very important to market anime overseas

>implying implications
It's not their job to make sure the flaps match their lines, that is entirely up to the animators and voice director who don't give a shit and just want to rush out the episode to meet the deadline.

What proof? Japanese has a natural advantage when the script is originally written in Japanese. Even if it's postrecording, the timings aren't random and English having to alter dialogue to make it fit isn't a merit. They will have to make more of those considerations than the Japanese side.

Who said that? The argument was that lip-syncing is better in Japanese, and I provided examples to the contrary. Whose fault it is is immaterial.

>Or just watch any DBZ episode in Japanese where the lip-syncing sometimes reaches Kung Pow tier.
implying it's not a million times worse in the dub. or in every show's dub for that matter

Find me a single line in the dub with timing this bad.

here come the e-celeb videos

you linked me a half hour long video you spastic

Last episode of the second season of Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan.

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You're either a phoneposter or just retarded, and I'm not even sure if timestamps don't work on mobile so I'm inclined to believe the latter.

Kys subfaggot

So do i


What are real normies and what do they watch? Also why don’t “real nornies” watch anime? What is a normie to you anyway?

Why are you a sorta normie?

Thank God I can watch and enjoy watching my favorite anime in sub & dub. I love them both for mohammed’s sake. No one can take that away from me.


I imagine most people are sorta normie. I mean how many people honestly are super basic or completely unconventional? Your basically talking about a pretty small subsection of the population.

Oh shit I forget; for Christ sake!

Not exactly. Dreamworks, for instance, is infamous for always using celebrities and cream of the crop actors, but the VA'in in their films are usually sub-par at best. And your statement of anime dubbing actors not getting better opportunities is blatantly false. Troy fucking Baker started out as a Funimation voice actor and has certainly grown far far huger than that. Same with Laura Bailey, Steve Blum, Travis Willingham, etc. Truth is that most voice actors start out dubbing anime precisely because it leads to better opportunities and more frequent and diverse voice work.

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Goku hasn't been dubbed as a generic Superman clone for ages. Funiball has been a lot more faithful which is why there's less of a reason to listen to granny goku.

Check out this badass.

I exclusively watch dubs when I can.

Because I can empathize with it more, even if it's a mildly sloppy dub 1000x, than some japanese gobbly gook that I can't pick up the subtleties of.

I'll watch subs only if there aren't dubs.

Teenagers watch dubs. Children watch dubs. Those two groups are where the money is in terms of advertising and disc sales.

The Germans dub everything not in German to german

“You see, most people are faggots and retards. Don’t you forget that.”

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Wait there are adults that can read and write but find they have to put in effort to read subtitles? I find it hard NOT to read words that are on the screen because I automatically process anything in my vision.
I thought that was just a way to make fun of dubfags to make them sound like literal toddlers.

>Because I can empathize with it more, even if it's a mildly sloppy dub 1000x, than some japanese gobbly gook that I can't pick up the subtleties of.
I unironically used to say this exact shit when I first got into anime when I was 12-15. Here's the thing: you get more used to picking up the subtleties the more you watch subbed, even if you don't understand 90% of the words, and the vast majority of dubs are so bad (either voice acting, translation or both) that those subtleties are butchered anyway.
Also, even """good""" dubs have at least one voice so awful its distracting.

for all dub haters
why even care?????????

>Also, even """good""" dubs have at least one voice so awful its distracting.
I find this to be the case far more often in Japanese, because when they go in on a vocal archetype they go in HARD.
>Nene in New Game
>Kuroko in Raildex
>Yuno in Future Diary
>Daru in Steins;Gate
>Asta in Black Clover
>every male in Goku's bloodline
>every "pure" waifubait character who gets infantilized to the point where her voice sounds like an 8 year old on helium
>every "cute" talking animal mascot