Name an anime that has an English dub as good as its Japanese dub

Name an anime that has an English dub as good as its Japanese dub.

I'll start:

Hard mode: The English dub is better than the Japanese dub
inb4 all English dubs are shit/

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Other urls found in this thread:

black lagoon

QT's English voice automatically makes the dub worse.

all English dubs are shit/

Yu Yu Hakusho
Gurren lagann
just a few that come to mind that are as good if not better

>I'll start

Wow good job you did, or this shitty forum game thread would never have kicked off

Spice and Wolf dub was rather decent.

Chuunibyou. It just works with the autism

ghost stories


What's your point here, user?


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>dragon ball
Old woman goku is a sore on the ears.

I am a discord tranny

I agree. But besides the VAs for Goku, it's kind of even overall. Some characters are really good in English like Vegeta or Cell, while characters like Frieza sound great in the Japanese dub

Ocean Group best dub

Even being bait, is wrong regarding ; Dub Revy >> Sub Revy

Admiring the based Hibike poster

Theres no bait at all. Dubs are without exception all retarded garbage because the only people that accept anime roles in the west are talentless bums or people new to the job.

You mean a self-respecting actor wouldn't want to shout "It's not like I didn't want you to grope me or anything idiot!"

>tfw I unironically prefer dubs in most situations

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Pani Poni Dash

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Unless you speak Japanese, pretty much every show is better dubbed, I too used to be a faggot who watched everything subbed but then I went back to dubs and my enjoyment of Anime has increased a lot, much better just chucking on a show and watching it than trying to read while watching. Fight me Yea Forums

Imagine actually watching Haruhi without Sugita.

That's true, dubs are easier to consume

You're living in the 90's, pretty much every dub put out these days is pretty much comparable in quality with the Japanese original

I did and watched the dub and couldn't go back

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Kill yourself, they are as bad as ever.

FMA and Brotherhood. Vic is never NOT going to be the man who defined Ed Elric.

But that's why I made this thread. Many dubs are just as good if not better than the original. Not all of them though, just as many are still horseshit due to the lower demand in English VAs compared to Japanese VAs.

Literally prove it, what dubs have you seen recently?

Squid girl

This is true, depends who made the dub, usually stuff made by Funimation recently will be as good if not better than the original, honestly though what you loose in quality of voice acting you make up for in not having to read the subs

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There is not a single dub that doesn't sound like shit. I have honestly no idea how people can stomach watching them. Had I been American and my first introduction to anime been a dub, I would have detested the medium from the start.

If you weren't too busy reading the subs, you'd notice that the dialogue is stupid and cheesy no matter what language it is

jap dub is as shit as us but nobody notices that because anime's their only point of reference

A good enough actor can make even the cheesiest line sound good.

Cheesy dialogue with a good VA = soul
Cheesy dialogue with a bad VA = soulless

>pretty much every show is better dubbed

Because all dubfags have dyslexia.

But unfortunately, nobody in Japan is good enough, because japs can't act

The only "people" who prefer dubs are EOP amerifats who prefer their teenage girls to sound like 30 year old smokers.

The problem is with subs, is that no matter how good you are at reading, subs magnet your eyes to the bottom of the screen, and make it harder to appreciate the art of the anime. I suppose it doesn't matter with weekly anime though, because the art is generally dogshit anyway

Fuck off

>inb4 your own thread
Then you shouldn't have made it you fucking faggot because you already know the answer


If japs can't act then I don't even know what to call whatever the Americans are doing.

>he doesn't go fullscreen or use a tv to watch subs/raws
Shame on you.

Angel's Egg

>don't even know what to call whatever the Americans are doing

I agree with this, and this is why English dubs are superior

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Exactly this, this is what sub fags fail to realise when their shilling subs

It's supposed to be a variation of this image, retard

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>unironically admitting to being a brainlet
I remember when we used to make fun of people who are slow at reading.

I used to think that Bebop's english dub was superior...

That was, until I actually WATCHED the subbed version. Now, I think that BOTH versions are pretty damn great.

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You do realize there's a lot of overlap between dub VA's and western cartoon/videogame VA's, right?

Panty and Stocking's english dub was good enough that I rewatched the whole series with it. I missed the engrish swearing but I loved how they tried to make it the most vulgar thing they could.

You're completely missing the point retard, your eyes, no matter how fast you can read, will be anchored to the bottom of the screen, and even if that's not the case you will always be flicking your eyes up and down, which will ruin your enjoyment

>cartoon/videogame VAs wasting their talent on dubs
Damn, that's sad.

Imagine being so bad at reading subs that you actually think this.

Devilman OVA
Any and all hentai dubs
Ultimate Muscle
Cyber City Oedo
Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
The Stardust Crusaders OVA
The Speedy and Big Green dubs of the DBZ movies
The american dubs of the DBZ movies, but only the ones with licensed soundtracks.

Absolute fucking retard, I can read faster than most people

Almost all of them have said the only reason they do dubs and still do dubs is because they simply love anime. Hell, even big name ones like Troy Baker and Laura Bailey have returned to dubbing or expressed interest in doing so recently.

Yet you suck at reading subtitles.


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That's fuck up.

Yet reading requires focusing your eyes, making it more difficult to register the fine details the art may have. All I'm saying is that dubs are objectively superior in a purely visual sense, no matter what language you speak

Exactly this, if your eyes are flicking up and down, even for a second, that's still less time spent looking at the actual Anime, and since Anime is such a visual media that's what counts, seasonal shit is probably fine subbed but there's no way in hell I'd watch, for example, Akira subbed

welcome to the nhk's dub is better, especially sato and yamazaki

One Punch Man's is pretty great

And garbage voices don't ruin your enjoyment? Typical american brainlets.

Joke's on you, I'm Australian

The voices are absolutely fine retard, the voices in subs annoy me more than anything


see Though annoying, I'd rather listen to a 30yo smoker VA than a bunch of hentai squeals

Cromartie Highschool

Exactly this

How have we got this far in without the objective BEST DUB of all time

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Let that dub alone!

If they're doing what they love, why knock it?

If anything bad VA'ing enhances the enjoyment. That's what makes dubs so appealing, even when they're bad they're still entertaining, like watching a B-movie.

Mechazawa's voice is so soothing

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>even when they're bad they're still entertaining, like watching a B-movie
>encouraging bad dubs
Shit taste

So you just admit to having shit taste then, makes sense.

Oh please~

yeah, pretty much. Having low standards means you can enjoy more stuff

>Taking anime so seriously you can't enjoy riffing on shit
Your existence must be filled with monotony and misery.

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Even the most retarded dubfags would want a good dub of a series.

All dubs are shit, but Phil Hartman's Jiji in Kiki's delivery service is better then the original part. Not the whole dub; just his part is better.

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>I like dubs

What kind of redditor do you imagine to say this?

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And if the dub is good, then everything's cool, and even if it isn't, there's still some enjoyment to be had. Get it?

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This is bullshit. I don't even notice I'm reading subs. Reading doesn't require focus; I automatically read all text that passes in front of me.

Sometimes I get up to get a drink and get confused when I understand a show less when I can't see the screen anymore.

Soul eater

Imagine unironically thinking glancing for a millisecond at a short dialogue sub will deter you from appreciating the art

>And if the dub is good
This has literally never happened.

you're wrong about dandy but anyway here are the ones i can think of:
berserk, yuu yuu hakusho, bebop are all better. sometimes i wish i could watch dubs for stuff because i'd rather look at the visuals than be reading especially for shit like tatami galaxy where you have to read three sentences every second


>even if it isn't, there's still some enjoyment to be had
That's not how it works.

i actually disagree, i'd say most dubs these days are worse than in the 90s

>being this new

This. It's stupid that some people get mad that others enjoy something they don't. Dubs don't hurt the industry (except people like Monica Rial), if anything they help it.

I'm almost mad that the 2016 anime replaced the entire cast. The 2016 anime is shit, but at least having the '97 cast reprise their roles would've given it some redeeming quality. For that matter the fact that the Japanese cast also got replaced after the PS2 game is aggravating. Nobutoshi Canna and Marc Diraison will always be definitive voices of Guts to me.

is it actually good? been meaning to watch trigun for ages but i don't know if the sub or dub is meant to be better


Vic may or may not be guilty, but it doesn't change the fact that the entire fiasco reeks of a witch hunt

seems like its berserkfaggots, gabriel droppitors, yuyu hackshos, bepoptards and dragging ball niggers

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It's easily Johnny Yong Bosch's best role next to Nero, plus its Nightow, his works always sound better in english. you are retarded

cowboy bebop

>Gurren lagann
get the fuck out of here that was a travesty Dub. No real emotion No real acting. It was just terrible.

only because of nostalgia.

Sucks it never finished covering the manga though then again the show is pretty much anime Freakazoid.

panty and stocking

>Reading is too hard

the panty and stocking dub really adds to the comedy, i recommend only watching the sub for the japanese va's attempts at english in certain scenes this, but it's best generally watched in dubbed:

That dub made me respect Yuri Lowenthal as an actor, no ways is it bad.


>one decent VA means a dub is good

This is correct. All the boys sound like a girl pretending to be a boy in thr Japanese version. Not to mention the dub has hype songs.

How has nobody mentioned Golden Boy yet?
Demi-chan wa Kataritai also has a really solid dub, you can watch either version.

Dont forget the german dub is top notch as well

This thread is pure, grade A, weaponized autism

FLCL is the only one in existence that is better, and i'll say that as someone who has seen it 32 times dubbed and an additional 2 times subbed.

That's not Wakamoto.

I’d agree if not for Freddie. Don’t know what they were thinking when they hired that VA.

Not to mention you can keep your full focus on the animation

>Yea Forums couldn't have comfy space dandy threads because they were too preoccupied with throwing an autistic fit over it being "wester"
I miss old Yea Forums

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Sub fags are the most pretentious fucking idiots. Some shows have bad dubs, but guess fucking what you smelly disgusting weeb? Some shows have bad subs as well.

>tfw I vastly prefer dubs and no amount of shitposting from fat neet slabs will ever change that

Sure feels good being a DubChad

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>I miss old Yea Forums
not sure what you're talking about mate

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This. Subfags are coping so hard right now. They just can't accept the fact that they're outdated views on animu make them look like pathetic virgin weebs

Spike is a completely different character in the dub and its vastly superior for that reason alone. I couldn't imagine Bebop without Blum

All shows that have dubs have bad dubs. And even if the subs happens to be bad it is still preferable to bad dubs since at least you don't have to mute the audio to get through the show.

also japanese and english just speak differently. Directly translating the japanese can lead to just really bizzare writing. I mean for fucks sake, I feel like half the changes are just making the name proclamation into a "huh? What? No! Stop!" or some other exclamation

>outdated views
Please. All dubfags are nostalgiafags. That's is why the same shows, that they watched when they first started watching anime, always gets posted in threads like these and rarely any new shows.

Imagine unironically defending that you prefer listening to high pitched Japanese girls shrieking "ONI CHANN SENPAI DESUUUU" than an actual English actors performance where you also don't have to fucking dart your eyes back and forth from the bottom of the screen? Subfags are degenerates and people laugh at you because you listen to Japanese voices on your cartoons over Chad English voices

dont ever bump your shit thread again, cumskin whitoid


>then he goes back to posting on 6 pinned loli threads
You guys are the most degenerate people on this website. Don't act like you're above ANYONE

Maka a cute and Soul is a cool

>tfw it's been 5 years since Space Dandy vanished to never say a word.
It hurts bros.

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That's just wrong

For me, its Konosuba

Were you trying to prove him right or something? Fuck off newshit.

>all shows have bad dubs
You aren't even remotely going to bait me into ever believing this. If anything you prove me right by how pretentious you sound. Get over yourself you Japanese cartoon watching faggot. You're bottom of the barrel in this world. No one outside of your weeb circles would ever tolerate listening to schlock so you come here to defend your own sad pathetic ideology. Keep replying with you're seething bullshit. I love it.

>I speak for everyone because my opinions are the most right

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>No Samurai Champloo
Well I guess the question was which Anime had an English dub that was as good as the Japanese voice acting, and Champloo was better.

Cromartie High School's dub was really good

the gorilla's VA was also dog shit

Cowboy Bebop
Dragon Ball Z
YuYu Hakusho

>Gurren lagann
The fuck?

Bobobo is the obvious choice

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like dub = newfag burger

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that just nostaliga, those dubs are fucking awfull

The voice of the narrator is god tier

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Whatever dub you watched before the original, because you're retarded.