It's a good show and the movie will be great!

It's a good show and the movie will be great!

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Momo-chan is the purest and has the best body.
She even knows her body is best body but never brags about it.

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They're tough, also.

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The novels didn't do well?

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Judging by the covers and the basic synopsis alone it feel entirely unnecessary and pointless, even though I love the idea of it as much as everyone else

>I love the idea of it as much as everyone else
Lots of fans, maybe not most but lot, aren't ok with their favorite magical lolis growing up.

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It's a whore, or a good kid?

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This is a Best Friend.

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16 is still in "cute and pure" territory though so I doubt thats the problem.
Considering things like Hadzuki having a canon "love interest" or Onpu's arcs occasionally being a bit cynical about idol-worship culture this show doesn't strike me as one that would lose its fanbase over the girls getting visibly older

Hazuki's puss is still pure in the novels, though?
Is her BF just happy holding hands and jerking it when he gets home?

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Thats kinda what I don't get aswell, she would've been the candidate that would cause the least uproar with otaku over having a bf since its always been part of her character. Maybeit makes up too much of her character


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I want [s4s] weirdos to leave.

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aikochi pls donde vore me. I'll just go fap in the corner i wont bother you ;__;

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All of them are good kids.

Fuck off.

It was smart to establish her relationship from the begining, so no one was shock.
Her BF is one lucky bastard...

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Wait, think about that one.

hadzuki wouldnt say that


>hadzuki wouldnt say that
I'm not roleplaying, you [s4s] weirdo fuck!

That's the one and only real panty shot we got, right? And they're big, cute, puffy panties.
You don't see what that implies?

That this show is a perfect 10 instead of a 9.5?

Something else: see Hana's shorts here?
Tight, tiny shorts.
You think there's room for puffy panties there?
No, Hana wears normal panties under the shorts, anything else wouldn't fit.
But with the uniform the panties also change.

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Do they grow dicks when they do this, or just become boys with vagina?

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I wanna have a Best Friend like her.

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These aren't used enough in the show.

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If Beth and Momoko finished high school together in NY, I wonder if they often smoked weed together in secret.
With the smoking hot latina, maybe.

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didn't this show address heavy shit like racism and family abuse?
jesus fuck

Yes, this show is for real men only.

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Which one is the most popular Ojamajo?

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God, the cuteness!
I love Momo-chan so much!

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That is a nicegirl

Momoko does all sorts of fun things.

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Why is this pic so sexy? It's not like they're naked or making out.

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I need to marry this kid.

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>It's not like they're naked or making out.
Yet / anymore

Nice. You mean they held hands?

Fuuuuucck I wish I could abuse doremi

Who is cuter Kotake or Yada?

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user, please don't.

Attached: Ojamajo.Doremi.50.[NDK][BB5C77D4].avi_snapshot_20.09_[2015.05.11_23.59.34].png (640x480, 509K)

masaru is just an emo faggot with gross mop hair. Kotake isnt any better looking but at least he isnt autistic

I only remember the shitty 4kids edition. You should be Eurofag or Mexican because they enjoyed uncut Doremi

onpu seems to be turned on when abuse/degradation is mentioned


Is this a serious question? Yada is cool and talented and gets his shota dick inside lovely Hazuki-chan.
The other guy is just a brat.

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She's just such a gullible idiot. She deserves to get smacked/spanked and force fed lax tablets until she shits herself

You're means and evil.

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>You're means
See! She can't even comprehend basic grammar. This is proof she deserves shit torture

>being mad at [s4s]
What is it like being 15?

I'm only mad at them for their dumb babyspeak shit. I get why they're doing it and it doesn't work

That's just one retard.
Well, two, but the other one killed themselves probably, or moved to /bant/
I kinda wish they would stop doing it since other than that they generally make good threads, just retarded posts come with them.


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Only the first installment had decent sales while the following installments sold poorly.

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Shit, that's probably what made them reconsider animating that. It's probably why they're creating a new continuity.

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>tfw this scene makes you realize why Doremi's name is what it is
pretty good
doremiposter is an autist
there's a difference between normal [s4s] fun vs long, entirely unironic paragraphs typed out like a toddler

I dunno I also mean the "Helo fren dis show very funy, much laughs lole" shit, its not funny or endearing when people try to write like that for an entire thread, but luckily those types don't show up here as much

that's literally what I'm talking about

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