Nomoto wins the Hitmibowl
Killing Bites
Some previews
A new brute I assume.
Is she related to bunny?
Is tazmanian devil dead?
boring design
since when did they show nipple in KB?
>porcupine already forgotten
So the tournament is already over and Pure won?
Sry, meant Hitomi's
It's cute but she looks almost exactly like Inaba
> Not leaving Hitomi to die like she did with him
Nomoto is too good for their world
The preliminaries are over. Pure qualified. Next comes the tournament.
The editorial prohibition against nipplage appearing in "Heroes" appears to have faded. We've seen Nodoka's and now Hitomi's.
After all this, he deserves it.
We don't know yet. We can draw what hope we can from Pure not being devastated by grief and instead acting normal.
I'm a shark
I'm a shark
Suck my dick
I'm a shark
The one who has the sharpest fangs... loses to a rabbit or dog. Every time. And gets BTFO in the process.
Hitomi must be feeling very comfy right now.
yeah yeah
how about some fucking scanlations soon?
RIP in pieces
Only 3 months left
Assuming only one or two more chapters in the current storyline, the manga will be published in August, July, maybe June. Then we'll get raw scans. But God knows who'll do the translating now, there's something about KB that seems to burn them out...
She tried to warn you.
dogs have short memory
Dropped ever since Taz died.
Seeing worst girls live while best girls suffer has a way of doing that
I like Honey badger.
That was pretty much the last page of the last translation, user.
And how will you know if she comes back if you're not following?
>failsafes in her robo-limbs causing them to detonate at a trigger phrase if she tries to snuff the rooster again
>t. Nomoto
Since no one else does at this point
Those feathers look so soft
See I still don't see them ending up together. The manga doesn't ultimately seem like a romance. And I still feel like she doesn't really have any feelings for Nomoto.
Nomoto is for Bun and Taz 3some
>And I still feel like she doesn't really have any feelings for Nomoto
She very obviously does, it's just complicated due to her overall nature and personality.
>you never feel Hitomi's soft tits against your feathers
Why even live?
She felt sad over having to kill him and maybe kinda sorta jealous over seeing him getting along with other KB competitors, that speaks more to abandonment issues than romantic attachment
I'd rather feel her heart and lungs in my talons
In anime they are one and the same
>you will never feel nomotos soft feathers
>5 chapters later she's looking for Nomoto so she can drag him back in and get praise from Shido-sama
Did you miss the part where I said it's complicated due to her nature and personality? Just admit you're a stupid fuck and move on instead of trying to save face by moving goalposts.
Hitomi trusts no one, and can get close to no one, except Shidou. Whose willingness to take a terrible beating to protect her, combined with his earlier attempts to befriend her, breached her defenses. That's the way it used to be. Then here comes this weak willed jerk, Nomoto, who she bullies but who ALSO starts to befriend her and builds trust with her. She kills him, as ordered, but he comes back strong, competent, and a Brute like her. He's angry that she killed him and ruined his life but not hostile and in fact the damned dog says he's in LOVE with her! It's almost the same path as with Shidou, and all this is really confusing to a simple honey badger. Especially coming as she's starting to see, there are cracks in the pedestal she's put Shidou on.
I need more bun
We all do.
Something about her design reminds me of some futa doujins. Specifically her hair and eyes.
Make Bun a Hun and put a Brat in the Hun Bun
>Provide explanation for statement
>"moving goalpost"
If you're going to disagree with my argument that's fine, but at least learn what a term means before bandying it about
Hitomi need the Dick...
I suspect Youko wants to feel Leo's blood all over her body, and hold his torn out heart in her hands, rather than be brushed by Nomoto's feathers.
What is Killing Bites?
Hitomi needs a dick
With this tech-level the theory of Taz clones doesn't sound that crazy now.
Now jump over it.
> A fucking shark
Is Pure getting a harem now?
New Season, New Friends
Kemono Enemies!
Someone about to be GASHUNK-ED there
Hitomi gets satisfaction my Nomoto when?
Wonder if it's the type that acts innocent, but is actually a sadist.
Lies and slander.
>but is actually a sadist.
Please no, that's one of the shittiest tropes ever.
Oh definitely, she looks exactly the part.
pure a shit
Which part?
Nigga that's a boy.
Fuck you
what the fuck?! who calibrated this bitch?!
But it looks like a girl...
Fuck Hitomi, Pure or bun needs to get CROW'D instead
I thought this series was all fanservice but it seems like it actually has a plot from reading this thread.
But she looks like one and you are forgetting that this is the wrong series to be complaining about tropes.
Finally, Hitomi gets Nomoto's Dick.
I'd say the plot is actually one of it's stronger points.
Who is best Girl?
>tfw OtakuCloud is so dead even their website is gone.
Is that a Kabutomushi with light hair?
Have you forgiven her Yea Forums?
Dumb mutt
I was never angry at her.
We've seen Moe's too, after she was cut in half.
Banning nipples from a seinen manga is ridiculous anyway. Even Shonen Jump series like Yuragi-sou can have them in the tankobans.
Which JTK would you fug?
The one with the penis.
dumb /d/eviant.
Even better
So let me guess, she ends up fighting and defeating Slothzilla, but lost a leg and arm in the process. Pure ends up mopping up the rest the competition, winning Awoobites.
The shark dude seems to be a student at Pure’s school. Seeing how he doesn’t appear to be threatening maybe he’s revealing that he’s a Brute too. Brute acceptance? Or maybe he’s asking her out on a date.
Every single one of them.
Hitomi finds pleasure by Nomoto's Dick...
>It's all because you dove down from the sky in your brute form
>carrying Ratel, who was on the verge of dying.
>Nomoto saves Hitomi from dying
Figured as much
She seems pretty dead. Only an asspull could bring her back, not that I would mind this in this case, but KB was never hesitant when it comes to killing characters.
Taz and Hitomi will be saved by the Nomoto's Dick!
user I...
She got over Taz pretty quikc.
I really don't like this Holly's hairstyle.
Land whale when?
Nice one, Satan
>Next chapter, Pure is finally at home, and alone she is crying buckets because Taz is gone for good, and became her Nunupi
She is a dog after all.
Nomoto is still such a cuck, what would helping Hitomi give him?
What is his overall aim anyways?
Actually, we still don't know what his CAWkaku really is.
he wants to fuck her
>What is his overall aim anyways?
Fuck over Shido, I thought it was pretty clear
His plan is to Fuck Shido and Fuck Hitomi.
He is in Love with her.
He wants to have Sex with her...
So what if Nomoto's brute has some asspull ability to evolve into a legendary phoenix brute?
Pure will go Cerberus by the end of the manga.
>has some asspull ability to evolve into a legendary phoenix brute?
Knowing the author he will pull a ''hey did you know birds came from dinosaurs'' and will turn Nomoto into a dino
I miss Taz already bros
What took you so long? All the OtakuCloud dump threads were at least 33% Tazfag tears. I miss her too bro
Nomoto T-Rex transformation when?
>and will turn Nomoto into a dino
I would unironically like that
>sexhair pseudodrills
Nodoka was the last time, iirc.
So, family Uzaki has 3 main traits.
and moe(?)
>another Uzaki
When will Nomoto stop this man's sinful hand?
>she suffers more damage with future fights, needs even more implants
>eventually becomes so modified that her brain is pretty much the only living thing she has
>and even then, later on she needs to transfer her consciousness to a biological or cybernetic brain
>plot twist, all of her previous hybrid parts were conserved and reassembled, now which is the real Hitomi?
please don't be evil
please don't be evil
please don't be evil
Jealousy (not Sloth, surprisingly)
what if she gets breast implants
Is there really any other answer?
Reminds me that Hitomi doesn't seem to like being replaced, both by Nomoto (when he gave Pure commands), or by Shidou (when she found about other Uzaki).
damn she got fucked up good
In everyone's hearts, but especially in Hitomi's after she scavenges her body.
lust when?
3 legs?
Can't wait for a new bun omake.
user I...
In b4 first arthropod in the series and the universes are actually shared.
I'm gonna go with wrath
Not actually an asspull. We've seen their medical technology is so advanced, even repairing Cobra, who'd also been torn in two, was not impossible. The trick to saving Taz would have been, getting her body to medical care before her brain cells died. Utmost speed would have been necessary. But there's Nomoto, who can fly, and Cheetah, who's incredibly fast. And I can see Cheets saving Taz so she can face her in the Tournament and beat her to death herself.
I also ship them.
And while KB DOES have a lot of deaths, there are some surprises. Cobra, for instance. And Gecko should have been dead in the first arc, but she survived and made it to the second. Not sure if she survived Haiji slamming her head first into a concrete wall, though.
From what little we've seen it took Ratel and Beagle's combined efforts to put down Megatherium. We don't know if Nodoko survived.
Let's face it, nearly all the deaths are from bad guy mooks who no-one really cares about. None of the mainline protagonists so far have died. I don't accept Taz's death, she's coming back as Shido's bitch.
I will track you down and knife you if this happens
Not smug enough.
if yes, which animal have massive strength and is cute at the eye?
This would appear to be the case, but in different ways.
He'll probably want to save Youko once he finds out about her. But I suspect Youko might be happy to kamikaze if she takes Leo with her, as long as she lives long enough to see him dead.
Tsundere girl done right.
I don't remember what exactly happened to Gecko but Cobra's survival was supported by animal facts. I don't know any animal fatcs which would help Taz now.
But user don't you realize that means it'll be possible to save her or she'll just be killed off again
Think about it
>already proved to be as strong as Hitomi
>Hitomi converts to Nomoto's side after being saved by him
>Shido needs insurance against Hitomi when she turns on him
>saves Taz and turns her on Nomoto's side
I'll eat my hat if this doesn't happen.
Why waste your cience in a jobber when you could just make a new Uzaki instead?
Nomoto has terrible taste in women.
How the tides have changed
He's a fucking crow, what did you expect?
The remaining options aren't precisely better
What the fuck
We can rebuild her and Tasuku. We have the technology.
Yes. You should be afraid.
What brute would Laius turn into?
It was her fault.
>sharks have 2 dicks
Keep posting
Nomoto gets Hitomi, finally.
It's a flash foward. It's Nomoto's and Hitomi's kid.
>tfw will finally be able to post my Kemono Bites images again
animefag here, is Nomoto any useful in fights?
He's sorta like a Pokemon trainer
Sasuga virgin Nomoto-kun.
>Hitomi doesn’t end up with cheetah
She ends up with me.
t. Cheetah, go pest your gay brother or something
Swan brute when?
I want to give Hitomi a hug
Boobs too big, cheetah is cute and slender.
Once you get Hitomi off her Shido craziness, she'll focus her craziness on other things, like in the bed. Nomoto is playing the long game.
Gecko went up against Tiger. She underestimated his speed and wound up with her chest ripped open. How she survived that, we don't know. She's got an impressive scar in the second story arc.
Cobra survived because the brain / heart circuit remained intact, and his reptile form's circulatory system prevented him from bleeding to death despite the loss of his lower half. Taz's bisection was between her brain and heart. That's why she'd have to be taken somewhere she could be put on a heart lung machine, within minutes of the event.
Before she was killed the narrator was talking about how Tasmanian Devils have a hyper-evolution ability, with the implication that Taz was using a super powered version of this to adapt to Hitomi even as she was fighting her. Whether that could in any way prevent her death, is unclear.
He turned into the smart guy over the fighter
She will be redeemed while Taz remains six feet under and there's nothing you can do about it