>Luckily, she got pregnant
Wtf? what the hell?? If Eren is the father I will kill myself and my 30 cats. FUCK Eren and FUCK main male characters
Shingeki no Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
Porco (Human form) is in the chapter. In the panel of Pieck climbing the stairs, you see him in the crowd.
user, lets be real. the father has to be somebody important
Thanks Isyama, your Eldia-Japan parallels were still not clear enough.
Fuck bros if eren is the father i don't know ill do with my life... ahhhhh my brain hurts!
Dumb EHfat
>Turns white while talking about progress & development
What does Isayama mean by this?
She promised...
piku should look smug like sasha did
Being a nigger is a choice
>white onboyegapon
Boyega is a shifter
This is like the breaking bad of manga, awful overhyped trash
>Pii will die before Yeleretard and the nigger
Jeanbo a best.
>all the guys blushing at pieck probably died when he transformed
RIP nosefu
>Please she is SO overrated
Annie > Piku > Hanji > literally who nosefu
Prove me wrong.
Really? The others dont find suspicious Eren wants to use Zeke, the other person with royal blood?
Is it bad that these chapters have been boring me to tears even when shit starts happening?
It's like I just don't care anymore, I just want the ride to be over bros.
Till now, we got four panels of Historia and all those panels she is sitting with her hands on the belly. So, stop saying that she doesn't love the baby. Also, if she really hated the farmer that much, then why would she care about the baby?
how lewd will their fight be?
like this, source?
>nigger always sweating
>Yelena always doing bad things
They were interesting at first but they are so boring I hope they die during the next fight
Not lewd enough
Based YHbrother(to sister).
113-115 defo was cesspool of awkward pacing & awkward plot points. This chapter was kino
Thanks, user kun!
>Eren falling for Pieck's PAINFULLY obvious trap
>Yelena falling for Armong's PAINFULLY obvious fake sobbing
Why do villains in SNK always have to be so cartoonishly evil dumb?
Maybe because half of the characters are irrelevant
Cause Isayama is a brainlet at moving the story forward.
>Eren falling for Pieck's PAINFULLY obvious trap
He's fucking ready though
It makes everything so inconsistent, genius characters that deceived others are deceived with two words.
Hadn't he miraculously missed Porco's sudden attack it would be game over for him.
He didn't trust Pieck for a single second and he stated as much, besides, his endgame was to smoke out the inflitrators and...well. he got what he wanted.
>Luckily, she got pregnant
Eren took the risk knowing he could be walking into a trap, though. He was too cocky but not necessarily dumb to take the chance to sniff out the other invaders. Yelena is just fucking deluded and insane, so just like Zeke she'll be moved by anyone showing understanding and approving of their crazy plan. You could argue about them being dumb, but that doesn't have anything to do with being cartoonishly evil.
If Eren is the father then the whole manga is shit (I'm not a shipper I sw-swear)
Then what if Porco had shallow him without crushing his head? Porco would fucking explode since he was ready with a wound
>Eren falling for Pieck's PAINFULLY obvious trap
>literally told Yelena in the scene right before that he wasn't buying it
>was ready for Porco and already transformed
>Eren even before this scene wanted to meet up with the 3 infiltrators before they inititated
hmm, let's not pretend they are not going to be in his stomach by the end of this arc
>entire chapter is just people bullshitting each other
The horse knows
about this lewd
Gopnikslut pls.
He was talking about hurting AM
Stop seething LEpedo
I like Jobco, but I know Isayama is going to kill him without being eaten so, trough THE PATHS™, JT is going to make its way into Historia's womb, so in the end Ymir is going to taste Hisu's pussy indirectly.
>Jeanbo who was seemingly closer to Connie and Sasha gets Eren better than AM who were friends with him for a decade
EMA was really bound to implode at some point.
>if a woman is thin means she is a slut
Spotted the whale
He want talking AM (nor anyone in particular), but AM had their ego so big and believed Erens life is only about AM that they stopped knowing the real Eren.
Funny how it has to be fucking Jean the one who realizes that Eren is doing everything for a reason, not because he suddenly loves his big brother out of nowhere, which was always dumb to begin with
Anyone who's not a retard can see Eren being the father since 108. Yea Forums is full of fujos in denial.
Nicolo getting so mad that he was trying to reach through the bars to attack a guy with a gun kinda made me sad desu. He really loved her.
Meanwhile, Connie:
>P-please Nicolo dont be so hard on Gabi nor the guy calling Sasha a slut
isayama has no idea what to do with connie currently
Sorry if this question is weird to you guys but I don't read the series so I've no idea what the follow up was.
I remember a few years ago tumblr got into a frenzy because a girl in this was apparently confirmed a tranny when the author said he wanted the official english TL to use neither male nor female pronouns for her. I only bring this up because another thread reminded me of it.
How did that turn out? Were they right? I think she had glasses.
Hanji, nothing is confirmed but Isayama is drawing her more and more femenine.
>Irrelevant ship
Isayama is such a master of romance with pairing literal whos
Too bad Sasha the slut preferred the food he made. Bitch really deserved a bullet up her chest.
Anime makes it clear she's biologically a girl, manga has been drawing her more feminine, in both she still uses gender neutral personal pronouns.
Seems they were right but he doesn't treat it the way they want him to and is making her less androgynous.
yeah, hange. though in all the adaptations and spinoffs she's explicitly female for what it's worth.
Not confirmed yet but Isayama made her more femenine
>only one one path on the sky
Ymir is a pathlet confirmed
Is she retarded?
which is better?
Hans or Hanji?
In my opinion Hanjo was going to be a man but Isayama changed his mind just like with Pieck, who was a male character at first.
I think something like that happened with JoJo and HxH
>the two paths on the sky are Ymir's and Historia's, which unite at the end
that's just because isayama couldn't get away with including a scene of her stuffing her face with sausage while getting stuffed with sausage
still one more than any other shifter other than Godke himself
Eren very clearly didn't fall for it, tardo
Yelena is emotional and Armin is a known emotional manipulator. retard
I can't believe that it's a Jean chapter
that would make sense
Would that be considered rape if Niccolo hides his dick in Sasha's salad while she eats?
Yelena is the father. Leak user confirmed.
I personally wonder how sad you have to be to be a shipper.
Speaking of all EH/EMfags or whatever you nickname them. Just imagine talking about imaginary and non existent fictional couples EVERYDAY on an internet forum. And arguing about that they'll get together one day.
God, I swear all the shippers are just pathetic, fat and lonely people.
That being said, these garbage threads aren't even worth lurking. So ahead and let your anger out on this post, because it'll remain the truth.
>I think something like that happened with JoJo
Major love interest for female MC of part 6 was a girl in his first cameo appearance but a guy for everything after that. Went from having a slim build and C cups to being full twunk mode.
There's one or two lines from the MC that imply she might be bi and the manga changed magazines after so nips and tumblr alike have wondered for years if it was meant to be a /u/ romance that editors forcefully changed
With the way Sasha eats it sounds more like the fast track to a lot of bleeding and a very awkward explanation to the medics.
Q&A for this month:
>What are Mikasa's pastimes?
>Sewing, exercising, hanging out with Armin and Sasha. She visits Historia sometimes.
unironically this
HAM soon?
Based. Fuck EH. Fuck EM. Fuck YH
>headcanon q&as
Does the EHfag even have a job? I see him talking about that shit 24/7 here. Whether it's midnight or morning for me. It's pretty sad, really.
I wonder if it is because the twists its obvious and different timezones exist.
Yes, just like her gullible god
>this is canon
where's armong?
Oh look, the YHfag being hypocrite again
Yeah funny how the yuri posts just appeared after complaining about EM and EH. /u/fags always do this shit
Sneed is on xis period. Forgive xim.
I'm an University student and because of special agreement also a full-time employee but I still shitpost here 24/7.
>Inb4 phoneposting
Stop being cringy. Clover literally offers the same shit. I'm not the EHfag though, I'm just saying you don't have to be a neet to shitpost here.
Reminder Sasha's last word is "niku", which can both mean meat or Nic.
That's the official Q&A, seething EHretard.
...Or split, depending how you look at it.
What makes you think im a Yurifag or a YHfag? Or do you think me solely posting against you means Im also a shipper?
In other words, you're paranoid. Not very healthy for a NEET.
So now shipping is ok?
>Barry replying to himself
He totally isn't, but it's ok I won't mock you when I'm inevitably proved right
There are more anons who believe Eren is the father and not everyone live in the same country.
Isayama never gave a fuck about Connie, and that's why he cucked him out of both of his storylines. Nicolo is genuinely a more developed character in just a bunch of chapters
Good morning Ymircuck
your shippingfaggotry was never okay and you should kill yourself
>there are many mentally ill people here
No shit.
>not everyone live in the same country
Do you have a brain? The midnight/morning statement represents the 12/24 hour cycle.
Yes, just like her boyfriend Zeke, it's something they share
armin is uh
He is but I don't want to trigger fujos and yuriwhales again.
>EHfats are this fucking desperate
Yelena only said that Historia has a hair. The farmer is still the father. It's only natural for the Cattle Queen to pick the Farmer King.
Historia picked her childhood love, deal with it EHfat.
>Too bad Sasha the slut preferred the food he made
After this chapter and the language Grior uses when referring to her, it's obvious NS were together for real. It's still retarded he couldn't say he loved her
>m-muh fujos
>m-muh yuriwhales
Barry, go back to /khg/.
Also, the farmer was personally approved by Yumiru. Quite possible that Yumiru possessed him via PATHS. As evident by this canon fact
But OP said he will himself if Eren is father
>mentally ill people
No side has been proven wrong though.
Why are you ignoring my question?
So you just admit you thinking im a "YH" is baseless and solely your paranoia. No, it's just your way of coping right?
Constantly calling me a YHfat doesn't prove your argument right, nor does it change the fact that you're a loser who believes in fictional couples more than his romantic life, it only helps you and only yourself feel good inside.
Grow a fucking spine and leave your house, fatty. Even now, you're talking about people correlated to your fictional couples.
Yaaas, slay the bigots YHbrotosis! YH is the only confirmed canon ship! The anime producer confirmed it.
The true hero of the story.
he was never an important character but he was always firmly slotted into thr goofball role. now he's supposed to be brittle and stewing over sasha, over working with zeke, ect, but it just manifests as occasionally making an angry comment and otherwise acting the same. kinda feels like isayama had an idea but no destination in mind for it
>this EH vs YH war edition is just Benmed falseflagging again
XV-kun dont you have somewhere to be?
>one piece
So you were the YHluffytard
YH wins yet again!
>no side has been proven wrong though
It seems you don't understand. There's a difference between shipping and believing Eren knocked up Historia. One is autism, other is a theory. For example, EH autism existed before Historia being pregnant even came to light.
I think that's just Isayama being a genuine autist.
I absolutely love the epic reaction faces from this YHbro. All of Reddit is on your side, we're sending you our soienergy!! Beat the Yea Forums bigots down with our Reddit spacing!
I'll hold your hand, don't worry. I'm nice and I love you
>the fujo from One Piece threads is here
Oh god
You're still ignoring my questions and calling me a YHfag. I have no interest in pairing yurishit.
You're just coping aren't you?
and also fuck all heterosexual couples, fuck white people & fuck Drumpf :-)
YH is canon!!!
And? imagine being so sensitive. Maybe I should post yuri so you can stop crying again.
>>the fujo from One Piece threads is here
He's useless. he might as well not exist. Idk where is Isayama going with him
Isayama did say over a year ago Reiner was the main character along with Eren, now we see that panel of Eren in black, Reiner in white and everything else in it.
If he doesn't go all in on Reiner saving the world what was the point?
>imagine being so sensitive
You're the one getting angry at me calling out fatties.
>EHwhales ruin yet another thread with their attention whoring and flamebaiting
When will snk threads be permanently banned already?
i don't think isayama knows either. probably nowhere
Nothing wrong with loving them. REfags post theirs and they do not cry as much as you YHfag
>Eren in black, Reiner in white and everything else in it.
The absolute Kino.
>Reiner is 99% Marley because of his heritage, so he's white
>Eren is the Eldian champion, so he has darker skin (all dark skinned characters in the manga are either Bogeya or Eldians) and Jewish features, so he is black
>call out all shippers
I don't understand these threads
That would be me. I'm not a fujo, but I posted this image a bunch of times when he was telling me to kill myself, and apparently it scarred him for life and he has a personal vendetta towards Luffy
Yeah and how much of a cartoon villain Eren looked like compared to Reiner being all heroic and confident, trying to save his family while still wearing his star.
SnKgens would be banned long ago if it weren't for you, you mentally ill Redditcucks
the guy with mod powers on Yea Forums is a fellow Redditor numale cuckold who jerks of to Yummycummies
that's why you get to spread your mental illness here 24/7, BenjamĂn JesĂşs Cruz aka BenChandler aka Muddkippz aka Pedofag aka Mrs Smith aka Urifag aka roastie
>Pieck asking Porco to take care of her in front of everyone on the stairs
Power couple of the year surely?
>Mentally ill cuck spic Benji calls out the "evil EH/EMfags"
>Doesn't mention himself, the ultimate shitposter itt thread
They'll be united forever inside of Eren's stomach.
>Best nose missing the action
At least Annie is still in the crystal
Annie making her comeback at the end of the next chapter to save them both.
I only didn't say it because YH is yurishit and automatically a non existent garbage ship.
But if it's your word you use to cope, go ahead.
Funny because EM barely exists but the Ymircuck use them to hide xirself
Allahfag pls
Which fight will be the most based?
Eren vs Reiner
Eren vs Armin
Eren vs Levi
You are fucking beyond help.
it's a certain mentally ill muslim who calls everyone trannies
>Eren vs Levi
Literally cringe and yawn
Drawfag here. Dubs gets their request.
>Imagine being a cuckrenfag from leddit
Good morning ErwLmod
AM tightly hugging each other!
the purest love
>imagine being a shitmirfag from dumblr
>Mikasa breaking her limiter
But now Jean ruined it by giving her hope
The most based fight already happened nigger
Farmer-kun's dick vs Historia's pussy
We just haven't seen it yet, probably in a flashback
Chadmin cumming on Mikasa's scarf
Armin and Mikasa playing with Gabi!
I still don't get how Isayama is going to resolve the colossal titan thing.
It seems obvious that Eren is going for all 9 powers but it's also obvious that Mikasa and Armin have a special meaning to Eren.
Annie in a dancing pose outside her crystal
Of course they appear just in time
canon besties
Mikasa vs Eren would be amazing
Very redpilled.
It's like you have to walk on eggshells and avoid explicitly saying Eren is the father here to not trigger these ''people''.
Eren raping Gabi
annie singing losing my grip by avril lavigne
Manlet fucking Hange in a cave
Eren breaking Zeke's heart
slutty pii
This is it. This is where Armin counterattack plan begins.
>sneed botfagging
Fuck off sneed.
i like how the ehfag absolutely shutted down when he realized the guy he's arguing against isn't a ymirfag and he can no longer spam it as a counter argument
I feel really sad for you, just stop. I'm a Mikasafag, I literally can't stand Historia and find her boring as fuck. You need your brain checked
Pieck it is then.
gothkasa sucking nerdmin's dick not an amfag i just want to btfo everyone else
Something with Nicolo and Sasha
Yeah, but I don't think Isayama will ever give it to me by the look of things. This time is Jeanbo's fault
>be pieck
>give up 50 years of your young life so your dad can have a few more
>go genocide your own people
>swooned over by waifufags
kek. pieck is a race traitor war criminal. she will be punished soon enough.
Don't respond to him. He's the psychotic XV-kun from Yea Forums and is literally fucking insane and unable to handle people having any sort of varying opinions from him. He falseflags nonstop because he's a massive attention whore. Never EVER give him (You)s.
she is for consensual sex only
A sex scene
To add to that, I will try to deliver next thread.
What, who
Why are telling me this?
top kek
underrated post
I hope they are ok
>mentiones EH and EMfags (when there are like zero of them)
>no mention of YHfags who are equally as spergy as EHfags
Really gets the noggin jogging desu desu
>"wow that was a good chapter, let's see if the other anons agree and what they are talking about the chapter"
>It's all shipperfaggotry
Soon, the next chapter is supposedly releasing a week sooner because of Japan's Golden Week.
Every fucking month too, why are we still on this shithole anyway
Women can't read
Welcome on Yea Forums buddy
Shippingfaggotry aside, will Armong really help Yelena out?
Welcome to /snk/. I wish I had the time machine to see how much worse the threads will be a few months from now whenever the father's identity is revealed.
It's actually Benmed but the shitposting format is the same
The chapter was shit though.
Probably shitting on Eren more the usual
hahahaha fuck me. based af
Of course not
Eren isn’t a villain though.
He is crying because, after learning what Zeke's real plan is, he is now sure that Eren isn't really helping Zeke, as that would go against everything Eren believes in. He now knows he's childhood friend is still on their side, he is crying tears of happiness
it really feels like Isayama is not comfortable with developing main characters, you can tell he feels more comfortable with new characters (see Pieck this chapter) to the point they feel more natural.
I guess Eren and Reiner are the exceptions, even if Isayama is going to develop Mikasa that shit is so slow that the manga will be over/almost over when that happens so what is the point. It also feels too childish compared to the actual conflict that is happening
Some of us actually have lives Benji, so we don't spend our time 24/7 cuckposting on SnK generals.
Quoting the same cuck a third time in the same post btw (2 devices)
Everyone who keeps namedropping imaginary/irrelevant people should be gassed. And saying Eren is el otousan is just basic reading comprehension, not shipping you brainlets.
See you in 3 weeks.
EHfags are mentally ill
Connie was never a main to be fair.
I think these threads are as bad as the HxH ones
You are included too dumbass
See you in a few hours
>basic reading comprehension
>no evidence
>unless you write convoluted theories with muh parallels
You guys have dissociated from reality at this point
Bullshit, this capter was awesome, everything make sense and there were a lot of hints (like porko hidden between the soldiers waiting piek segnal etc... You are only or a sppedreader or an idiot who just can't accept the evolution of this manga
When I said main characters I was talking about the old characters. Look at Connie, he got the village destroyed and Sasha got killed yet nothing came from that, a new character took the Sasha part.
AM have been "uuuh what is Eren doing??" for months.
All me
you only get real discussion as the chapter comes out
Reiner is gonna get slapped hard
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas SLAAAAAAAAAAAY! EH btfo
not anymore
I know that much but the chapter came out like 12 hours ago, the real discussion period is becoming shorter and shorter every month.
Yelena confirmed that farmerymir is the father. EHcucks btfo
so Yelena was man all along? I want my semen back
Most discussionfags left, so we are only left with shipperwhales talking about the pregnancy or other ships and shitposters like the Mudslime
His problem is that he doesn't develop them organically throughout the manga, they get tons of development in a certain arc of chapter then they either disappear or become completely irrelevant. He did the same with Sasha and Jean, and to Mikasa, Historia and others as well. Connie was never developed at all, and now it's even more glaring because Nicolo is there
>An armada of ships arrives over their enemies homeland
>full of troops ready to drop in and fight
>to avenge the destruction of a city
Oh boy it's Starship Troopers now
threads were kinda fast this month but that just makes them reach bump limit all the faster
Pitou is a man
Most shipperfaggots are
>implying Pieck isn’t a trap
Would be kino desu
Yo. Poster from Reddit (You).
I know that you are gonna keep shitposting about the thread quality no matter what, but here is the ultimate REDPILL that your soipowered brain can't handle:
>Imagine being a Sashafag
Next chapters music
Ultimate redpill post. All the normies and Redditors get triggered by this.
Godlike post.
I'm from Liberio and I say kill 'em all!
that's just having good taste
Peak redpill.
Epic takedown of SnKucks
SnK threads got DESTROYED in this post
The chadpill
Bugmen cannot handle this truth.
Epic word play too, bruh
YHfag on suicide watch
I also wanna be in the screen cap!
Unironically the quality of the manga went downhill in this last arc, the plots but also the art looks fucking awful
Thankfully Reiner is coming back to save the manga
Isayama should've killed off irrelevant whos like Sasha much earlier to make the progression feel natural. Doesn't help that he introduced so many characters at once so the oldest ones feel like background trash.
Isayama can't coordinate multiple characters at once for shit.
Eh, to be fair, this was always a braindead shonen with no depth. Isayacuck pulled the 6 gorrilion holocausted Eldians out of his ass after his editor made him drop the Mist ending.
This desu desu desu desu desu desu
>literally the editor's self-insert
Grior was /ourguy/
Mikasa was never properly developed because she had no real ambitions or desires of her own outside of Eren, which is understandable considering her personality as well as the ackerbond but still makes her dull and stagnant. If there's a chance for her to do that then it's now or never.
JSC were never really more than a supporting cast with limited relevance or impact on the overall story: once they got a little spotlight it was basically over, and Connie didn't even get that. Leaving the veterans aside since they weren't supposed to be dynamic characters but key characters all got proper focus and development when their time came, whether it be Eren, Reiner, Historia or even Armin whom I don't particularly affectionate but developed through the story (positively and negatively), and they're pretty much certain to play a role in the endgame alongside Zeke who's been set up as a major antagonist.
Frankly I find the idea of an Eldian that thinks offensive!
Yeah since when did Eren have some kid drawn onto his black cloak of darkness?
I, (Allahchad) haven't read a single chapter of SnK since the last time Reiner and Eren fought. I can tell what the plot of each shit chapter is just by scrolling through the pics and reading the spoiler/reactions.
Grior a shit
Threads have been shit for years, newfriend. The manga's quality has no bearing on the retardation of the fanbase.
Reiner is the only three dimensional character in this manga.
Everyone must be double crossing everyone for the Warriors and Marley to have timed their invasion to perfectly.
t. Numale cuck from Reddit
based reinerbros
I thought it was good until the Marley arc, it wasn't perfect but I enjoyed reading, whereas in this arc it feels like a chore especially with this awful pacing. Editor meddling always ruins shit, He should have stayed with the Mist ending
I am an Anniefag but i was actually more excited about a Reiner comeback than an Annie comeback
You forgot Armin.
These 2 are the most interesting to me. Eren to an extent as well.
N-No... T-That's not true! Liar!
But how can i be a Reinerfag if Annie is the best girl?
>Yea Forums talks about how they hate anime
>instead they come here to discuss this
how hypocritical
>You forgot Armin.
Doesn't really matter desu. Most Anniefags are by proxy BRAfags which are by proxy Marleyfags.
Hans (F)>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hans (M)
Early Mikasa was fine and well developed. She was someone who had to endure losing her family twice so she had conflict going on, and then Eren "died" and she had that cathartic moment. It was good, the problem is that since then she barely changed a bit, just learnt how to control her ackerinstincts and that's about it.
>JSC were never really more than a supporting cast with limited relevance or impact on the overall story
If you have characters you should use them, even if in a limited way, they should play some part
Zeke is ruined imo. ZY both look like complete retards, one falls for a nii-san andf the other for the mong crying. Their plan is so bad even Jeanbo was perplexed and tore it down with one argument. It's been well disappointing, because I absolutely loved Zeke during the Marley arc
See you all in 3 weeks
>He now knows his* childhood friend is still on their side
an esl or a phoneposter or both? you pick
What the fuck are you on about? Serumbowl destroyed /snk/ and the basement reveal was the last time discussing the plot with other anons for an extended period of time was actually possible and rewarding. Not to mention shipfaggotry has been a thing since long before that, only different shipperfags used to duke it out. /snk/ has become a walking corpse and will stay that way until the end of the series, regardless of whether individual chapters are worth or not.
I bet 50 bucks the next chapter will jump to somewhere else and not show the fight yet
It's a demon who is bloating his neck
Same, as a Zekefag I'm disappointed, at least he is still good for memes. If HBO took over snk to make a series I would change Zeke
I will gass/eradicate the shipperfags, trust me
>Serumbowl destroyed /snk/
This is actually the only true fact in this thread. /snk/ never truly recovered from that meltdown.
>Early Mikasa was fine and well developed
You just explained her background, user. That's decent characterisation but if there's no growth to follow up on it you can't talk about development. The problem is that her character didn't really go anywhere in 100+ chapters.
>It's time
This looks like Gacha shit
pleb taste
No it's not, newfag. It's just 2d army girls you fag
Why are the walldians so subhuman?
>Sashafags on suicide watch
Mikasa was always redpilled, the problem is the Ackermannonsense and that she can't be better than Armin. Mikasa knew survival was important
>If you fight, you live
I wish she called Armong delusional
Totally, make him the main antagonist since the beginning, him and Reiner could be merged into one character and don't write him as completely autistic. He had so much potential, it's a pithy we ended up with current Zeke
girls frontline
>Next chapter
>Eren and his baby, drawn by Sorachi H.
t. Boyega Blanco
It's time to eradicate you
>He transformed?
Actually it's the uprising arc which made discussion turn primarily into shipping / characterfagging since the pace slowed down for years with no answers to the mysteries at hand
I said well developed, as in she felt complete at the start. She had a good background, a good introduction, her conflict and relationships felt solid from a narrative standpoint it and made sense, so did the direction the character needed to move towards. The problem is that she never did, she stopped evolving, just barely in learning how to work in a group, which isn't enough. Her growth was stunted, and I'm guessing it's happening now but it's late
>super incel bros
>better than kamikaze reiner
I think Zeke and Reiner as separate characters work fine, I would just make Zeke infiltrating Paradis and being a spy since the beginning.
I blame more Isayama because he needs to make his characters retarded to advance the plot like, what if Zeke captured Eren in RtS? What would he do with Pieck? Or Yelena and Zeke deceiving everyone during years.
>dump it
>pro warrior
Maybe if you weren't such a newfag, you'd know Yea Forums has always been w/a/rriors dumb erentard.
Fuck off with making warriorfags and Erenfags fight, go back to Yea Forums
I also think that Isayama doesn't plan much in advance and it shows. Those things you mention are pretty big plotholes in Zeke's current storyline
>>Luckily, she got pregnant
I don't see this line in the translation?
>merging characters
people like you are why we get shit like this
Seriously Isayama, just reveal who the father is so at least people won't have to shitpost 24Ă—7 with their headcanons. Not to mention the shitstorm will come whether Eren is the father or not. Shipping aside, it makes sense for Eren to be the father. Does this mean there is romance involved, not necessarily. Rather him and Historia taking that decision based on situation rather than due to personal feelings especially romantic makes far more sense from what we have seen so far.
Warriors are not brainlets you know, I support Piku and I can see Eren being the father and backstabbing Zeke soon. Zeke and Yelena are brainlets.
Zeke fucked her
You don't have an argument, fag
Considering the golden week, what will come out sooner, next chapter or the anime?
Development involves evolution and change user. What you're talking about is characterisation, and like I said it went nowhere.
Why would Isayama do that?
Look how people lose their shit over it. It's good for the manga and it's popularity.
Anyone with a brain already knows it's Reiner. Shipperfags will keep posting their delusional shit even if Isayama tells them they're wrong.
>You forgot Armin
Glad i filtered this shit
This post is filled with delusional shit.
It doesn't really make much sense for him to be the father though, most of the theories are overanalysing and jumping to conclusions. I think it's far more likely that this child is farmer's. I've yet to read a convincing argument that it's Eren, the only thing that it's giving me pause is the last panel but that's pretty much it
Like I said, people won't stop shitposting their headcanon. It was fun at the beginning but now it's just pathetic.
This is how I imagine the next few chapters are going to play out.
>Eren ends up at a stalemate versus Porco and Reiner
>Zeke comes in and titanizes anyone who's nearby to give Eren the edge in battle
>Falco is nearby and gets titanized
>Reiner recognizes him and sacrifices himself by letting Falco eat him
>Falco is the new Armor
>I prefer my headcanon, so I'll write fanfiction instead of an adaption
Or that male in question actually wants to fuck Armin himself.
Checking some forums normies are lost because the baby shit delayed some parts and made the narrative too cryptic too follow it monthly.
I think regardless of who the father is Isayama dedicated it too much to it.
>more likely that this child is farmer's
Why introduce a nameless character for a role that can be played by the protagonist who has a deep(not necessarily romantic) connection to Historia? Why would Historia fuck a complete nobody in a desperate situation over someone who accepted her for who she is and understands her?
If that was the case he would just jack off to porn of him getting raped by big fat faceless old man, no man would say that he likes Shitmin as a character.
user, you're a pain the arse
>Falco then gets rekt because he has 0 experience with titan shifting
Sounds like a bad idea.
I think this is likely, but Reiner has to do something "heroic" before dying, other than saving Falco I mean. He is (or at least was last year) Isayama's favorite character, he won't go just like that. I also think Eren and Reiner have to speak again.
What's an adaption, user?
That's why you can't refute any of it, I guess.
Like the hobo, Zeke pretending to fight and the "twitch" of the who titan?
Oh yeah, that's totally what happened to Mikas- Oh wait.
it would be a fitting end
What's Mikasa's endgame? Is it Jean?
The anime is an adaptation based on the manga
The movie is a fanfiction based on the anime.
Nosechads ASSEMBLE
>Why introduce a nameless character
Because the father isn't important, the pregnancy storyline is, especially now that it's been revealed ZY fully intended to use this baby for their plans. Farmer isn't a stranger to her either. This is just my opinion btw, I don't have to start an argument because it's pointless, just stating what I see
>>Reiner recognizes him and sacrifices himself by letting Falco eat him
Not even Isayama writes plots this retarded
Mikasa's endgame is getting free of the ackerslave impulse, and then decide if she wants to be with eren or not by her own choice.
go back to dumblr YHfat projecting dyke
Falco will eat both Pigner and Shitmong
What I really don't get, is why some people seem to hate Armin for some reason.
What did he even do to deserve that.
>doesn't read the whole sentence and ignores the or
Are you playing at being retarded or does it come naturally to you?
Anniefags ready to get snorted!
Something based on Hizuru. Otherwise what was the point of introducing it.
Annie'd look better if she got a nose surgery desu desu.
Probably a guy from Hizuru
>Reiner lands and starts to battle Eren, Porco and Pieck joins the battle
>Parachuters joins in and starts to kill the Jaegerists
>Eren starts to lose the battle
>Sudden multiple explosion happens with titans all over Shiganshina
>Titans rush at Eren's position to help him
>Zeke shows up on the top of the wall ripping pieces of it and throwing at the blimps and leveling the city with his pitches
Her nose is already perfect, to state otherwise is heresy
It's been hinted at from the start. Think about it logically.
And people said she was a lesbian.
If Reiner is the father Yea Forums will collapse
Reiner pls, you stopped being delusional a long time ago
Cope. Annie looked better in the manga when her nose wasn't prominent.
He is right though
>Early Mikasa was fine and well developed
Why would it be a random nobody and the story be told by clueless MPs?
Why would there be a cloaked™ figure watching her talk to the farmer, seeing how it went?
Why would Historia look at him depressed in both instances we've seen them together? Why would the chapters previous to the pregnancy reveal take the time to show Eren defend her 2 times and showing her reactions? Why does the final page have Eren with a kid saying he's free?
Why would it not be Eren since it completely mirrors Zeke's mentality and adds another layer to their conflict?
How is it more likely to be a farmer than the main character who shared a crucial character development moment with her that stands in complete opposition with Zeke and completely sets the theme for the next and final arcs?
How is it so hard to believe that in a manga where the relationships the characters have with their fathers (Eren,Zeke,Reiner,Erwin,Historia) have a massive focus the MC would end up having a child of his own and giving him the freedom and choice he didn't have?
Brainlets need to be purged.
user, irrespective of whether the father is important or not, why fuck a nobody when you have someone that actually understands you? Also it's very obvious by now that Eren is involved in her decision of getting pregnant, to what extent? That's what we don't know so far and Isayama hasn't given us Eren and Historia's POV to reach any conclusion.
Oh but remember, he isn't the normal Zeke anymore, but Zeke "literal chosen one of the Eldian goddess" Yeager.
Reminder that we will NOT get Historia's POV till the end of the manga.
Dude just ignore them, this is like when the grim reminder, you are wasting your time. Just tell them they are right until Isayama reveals the """epic""" twist
It makes even less sense for Historia to go fuck a random on Yelena's suggestion since it doesn't save actually save her nor her child nor her country nor her race (on top of the fact that Zeke already had a life insurance before coming to the island). Eren is against Zeke's plan so it wouldn't make sense either for him to tell her to get preg so that the Rumbling could maintained a little longer after everyone got sterilized.
Assuming Yelena was being sincere during her talk with AMJC, then the pregnancy is simply a lucky event for Paradis that in itself doesn't really impede nor help the overall euthanisia process in any way. Which means we're back to square 1 and have 0 idea on why this pregnancy happened at all, who's behind it and who's the father. All bets are off until we get Historia and/or Eren's pov.
Best nose time to SHINE
user, I...
he ships YH
I'm finding it rather irritating, all this talk of Eren being battered, my guy can literally create anything he wants out of thin air, Porco is fucked.
Cart Titan ain't gonna do shit and Reiners armor is essentially useless at this point, all it'll take is one big ol' whip thing and he'll be a large pork crackling.
If Armin can buss' outta prison he can just nuke all the enemy soldiers too, this is a one sided battle.
On a more serious note, it's pretty obvious Eren will eat at least one of them, most likely suffer boi as it's been a long time coming.
Reiner raping Eren WHEN
>Gesumin is back
>the pointy finger stolen by Pieck
>Gesumin will unveil everything
Seriously what is Hange's role at this point?
I actually hope we see zeke on top of the wall
Chosen Zeke is OP, no one except for manlet can stop him.
>Getting close to Zeke will lead to a massive plow and get bodied
>Getting far will lead to getting turn into conffeti by his pitch
>Running away could lead to his titans to pursuit and kill you
Naked, with his legs open so everyone can admire his dong
Eren doesn't know how a crossbow works so he can't make it... Tybur-Chan probably studided the mechanics of different weapons to use as the WHT while Eren can only do simple stuff like swords/bows/axes etc.
I have to say I'm laughing at the EHfags with this chapter so much.
Let it go guys, if Isayama will confirm it in half-assed way then it will be, there's no need to spam the SnK threads with the shits of your ship pairing so much anymore.
Break manlet's Ackerautism? Honestly she is the perfect character to do so and if you like symbolism and manlet really lost his right eye then manlet see everything through the bad eye and Hange through the good one
>Why do villains in SNK always have to be so cartoonishly evil dumb?
Because that's what his cartoonishly dumb audience wants. I mean, have you ever seen /snk/?
"I got you homie" Zeke soon
Next chapter. This time Eren will "sit"
>desperate gopnikslut is desperate
Are these niggers retarded. Oh yeah let’s fly in on airships and just hope that zeke doesn’t obliterate us out of the sky. As soon as eren completely mogs Reiner and skullfucks porco, this shit is as good as done
I work from home mostly. Forgive me father, for I am a sinner who practice phone posting.
I'm not a hardcore shipper, though. I prefer to discuss anything else than shipping because trying to prove canon ships and that stuff is a waste of time.
I'm not mad at you, I find your position completely reasonable.
Why do you keep calling her slut? Because she is thin?
I don't get it.
>back when the Monkey Trouble was still a total mystery and I used to be scared shitless of him
I love how the manga's evolved beyond its original premise but this is getting me nostalgic.
The point is, the farmer is NOT a nobody who appeared from nowhere, like Yelena, Boyega or Nicolo. He was in the manga, in Historia's flashbacks about her childhood. He is indebted to her. I don't know how to interpret this, but this is the crucial point.
Historia hated to USE him, this is obvious from the flashback with the cloaked figure, so the only question remains - to USE for that?
But we obviously should take into consideration how traumatic sex and pregnancy for women is, especially their first sex. To have it with a guy who was your childhood bully... it's an outright masochism.
No one did the same to the airship when they were in Marley. If anything blame Hackayama
>Farmer isn't a stranger to her either.
Yes, he was her childhood torturer. You are demolishing you own theory.
>how traumatic sex and pregnancy for women
It isn't
>cuckren self-inserter
Shouldn't the farmer know the kid would be used as a weapon? Seems like everyone knew Historia was pregnant
You guys know Isayama gave Eren the WHT power up right for this moment? Next chapter he will spam spikes all around shiganshina
When did Jean get so smart?
It definitely can be.
He isn't, he just don't think Eren's life depends on AM only.
>the ErwLroastie is here
>let’s fly in on airships and just hope that zeke doesn’t obliterate us out of the sky
I'm actually surprised with this, they actually bet that Zeke wasn't show up.
But I think Pieck and Porco got the info that Zeke was being held at the giant trees by manlet, so they thought that Zeke wouldn't show up, and so they contact Maggath somehow to go in by air.
Little did they knew Zeke played 4D chess with manlet's squad, got lucky with manlet's poor decicion of giving him a explosive AND he being Ymir's chosen.
They are fucked.
Nah you confuse fiction and reality because you have schizophrenia
It happens more often than you think, especially if it's a first time and with a person you don't really like.
Jean awakened his horse genes.
>Detective Hansi is confirmed
So, tell me which villain in this manga is cartonish:
Rod reiss was a man who got his innocence and brother destroyed by the curse of his family, which made him a sense of acceptation about their fate while he was still a coward guy who loves is family.
Reiner was a kids who just wanted became a hero to be accepted by his society and by his father, and than ended up being "the hero" of his nation after murdered part of an entire race who just wanted to live in peace.
Zeke jaeger is a man who have a shitty childhood because of his father wanted him became the hero of his race. His only father like figure was a suicidal man which agreed about his idea about not being born to suffer (which is also an interesting idea ),also ,after have discovered he have a brother and that brother have titan powers too, he decide to save him from the fate his father decided for both them.
AoT "villains" (good or bad in this serie is just a mere point of view) aren't cartonish evil guys, but people with ideas,morality,motivation and a past which explain why they act in that way.
No one else deserves to bring peace and justice to this thread but the best girl.
> Eren vs Levi
If this is going to be a challenge at all, it will be because Levi is currently severely crippled.
In all honesty I have literally no idea what's going on in this manga anymore.
The fact that I only ever think about it once a month when a new chapter comes out doesn't help.
Gonna need to reread all of this once its over to actually know what the fuck happened.
Can't beleive it took Jean of all people to make Armong and Mankasa to realize that Eren had an underlying reason for acting like a shit to them.
I think Isayama decided to make Jean and Connie mouthpieces of the audience in this chapter.
Nah, your interpretation is fine, I just wanted to say these threads are shit.
>Eren is so cute
>implying we didn't know that alread-
I know you are slow people, but, more like Yea Forums in general, /snk/ is basically troll trolling troll trolling troll + your classy spergs who just want to have fun.
Yet, I would never trade one day away with /snk/ for one of your cringy "check my elaborated theory and subscribe my patreon!" threads.
Most of the time we are right with our stuff,while you perpetuate cancer.
More like Nurse Hansi
Does Zeke realize that a royal baby can reverse his virginitazing changes in Eldian bodies if he/she will get a Coordinate in the future?
Maybe don't type like a redditor while trying to call someone else a edditor
>implying I'm ledditard
>confuse fiction and reality
Said the guy self inserting as cuckren.
Can you stop being triggered?
Somebody made a bingo before that chapter, is there some hits?
Eren a shit.
Detective Hans Zolmes and Manlet "Scarface" Watson is cute and canon.
1 Redditor 2 devices
Connie is tumblr confirmed
>Connie is tumblr confirmed
Connie liked and supported YH and blushed for Jeanbro so it was given.
The opposite, since dumblr loves Eren
EMA never really understood each other that well, and I feel this is especially true for AM regarding Eren: for Mikasa he was a kind and caring white knight who loved her and AJSC more than anyone else while Armin just saw the strong-willed and spirited childhood friend he shared his lifelong dream with, without paying attention to the hints of self-loathing he started displaying post-Uprising or his more destructive tendencies.
Jean's position towards him was always more neutral and he wasn't personally involved in their recent feud, so it makes sense he'd be able to look at the whole picture more clearly.
I don't think it was Eren the one who put all those rich resources. Paradis would become everyone's bitch, even their women would be raped because they are "devil".
At least Jean is not a brainlet
My God, threads nowadays have became cancer. There is no talking other than shipping. Isayama is the one who ruined everything. I don't care who the father is. But after the months of shit posting and torture by the shipperfags, if that farmer is the father I don't know what to do. May be bury Isayama alive.
>agreeing with connie
user, Connie is an idiot, he is literally Isayama's mouthpiece when he wants to present the stupid opinion. Its like when the characters needed to know some bad shit was about to happen but there was no logical way to know it he would use Sasha and her "instinct". When Isayama feels like
>hmmm, i want someone to say what the most retarded opinion possible in a situation could be
There comes Connie, and you are agreeing with him?
Dumblr hates Eren though because of Historia, lgbt whiteknights and moralsand niggers. The only reason he still ends up first in most of the places is because he is very popular.
you're right they are cringe. i only come here for fanart and interesting theories
Actually, Grigor was against Nikolo banging Sasha. Third Reich also has had rules about not engaging in sexual activites with women from non-Aryan races.
To be born in this world is the most beautiful thing.
It depends, if it is current Eren many are against him because "hating the dictator makes me a better person XDD". What is sad is that many are Erwinfags when Erwin killed a lot of people because of a selfish dream (he paid for it in the end). You don't have to be a genius to see Eren is not enjoying this and that he is trying to protect Paradis before he dies, plus Zeke was dying way sooner.
Dumblr loves Eren, because they are fujos and gush over his tranny look and numale beard
Why all characters in this series look like anne frank?
And you can't even blame readers for it, because Isayama are deliberately muddling the waters.
Look, since Ch.111 we thought Nile is going to visit Historia. He was shown saddling a horse for fuck's sake. But no, now he is under arrest, so no Historia's POV for you guys.
I feel that I'm missing something really important here. Zeke's master plan is for Eren to recover the Original Titan, then use their combined powers (in contact with an individual with royal blood) to make all the Eldians sterile. AND his minions are entirely on-board with this plan?
Did I miss something here? That sounds kind of retarded. What kind of plan has people gleefully complicit in their own extinction? How does this remotely benefit their race in any sense of the word?
I mean, let me put it this way. You're a member of a hated race, and the whole world fears and you keeps you in ghettos and concentration camps. You're about to find something that will - basically - nuke the entire world except for your people in your ethnic enclave. All of civilization will die, except for your dudes, who will inherit the Earth. But your plan is to use this power and make all of your guys sterile?
Shouldn't the argument be:
> Zeke: We should unleash the Rumbling and kill everyone. Our people will inherit the Earth.
> Eren: No, it's unconscionable to kill billions of people. We'll find a way to end the conflict without killing everyone else on Earth.
Please, please tell me I'm misreading something.
Eren doesn't give a shit about Yaegerists, his priority is to use Zeke, then Paradis can do whatever they want. Sasha was going to be everyone's slut once the world invaded, just like all those women and children become sexual slaves during a war because the excuse is "they are not human/they are inferior so is ok"
If it was for Connie the while world would make Paradis their slave. How is that any better than
>waaaah Eren hurt my feelings!
I thought they were soldiers, not children
Tumblr also love Ymir, Mikasa, Erwin and manlet.
That also but it's more controversial on dumblr than here or leddit for example.
literally who didn't notice this?
I stopped having sex with my wife for 5 months after seeing her gave birth. Shit was nasty and horrifying to be honest desu.
Dumblr and leddit love SnK. You may as well drop the series
Think of the sixtiolion..
Connie will realize how dumb he looks once Eren backstabs Zeke
>people like this in this fucking place
aren't you supposed fuck off from here? it's not place for retards like you, jesus
If the Queen wants to fuck you, are you going to ask so many fucking questions?
Seriously, I honestly hope he's the father so we don't have to deal with shipping. We don't have time to devote to the romance or whatever.
Fuck off YHfag, RE is based and you are too hypocrite.
Zeke is psychologically unstable and Yelena is a braindead zealot with giant charisma and will. They live in their own world and they see themselves as gods and apostles. See how easy it was for Armin to bamboozle Yelena.
>I honestly hope he's the father so we don't have to deal with shipping
>I hope Mikasafags, fujos and dykes get what they want
Based shipperfag
It will probably be revealed at the end when Eren holds the child in his arms to be honest. This fight will take some time now.
You don't ask many questions, you run as far away is possible, because for a peasant to meddle in the royals' business is a straight road to the gallows.
Detective Hange will save the threads.
Eren is going to be dead in a few years. He's clearly never wanted to fuck Mikasa. I'm perfectly happy if he fucks no-one.
The dyke is not just dead, but eaten. She's never coming back. I just want them to get on with the tighty-fightie.
>don't have to deal with shipping
Stopped reading right there, I hope Eren is the father because it will infinitely end up better for the threads EL, YH and EM will all dissipate.
>saving his home from inevitable destruction cartoonish
The guy in the last panel being Eren is too obvious I think. It could be a survivor of a rumbling apocalypse for all we know.
Do you imply that the farmer, if he is the father, genuinely believed Historia loves him or what? And that their child is a product of love?
I refuse to assume Isayama is able to create a character that stupid.
If this was the argument, you would be retarded for not just having Colossal Titans stomp everyone into the dirt.
Threads are doomed either way, EHwhale. Either you will shit up the threads or other shipperwhales
It could also be Manlet holding his son.
What does love have to do with it? She needed to get pregnant and fast. Fucking Eren would add a really uncomfortable dimension, like a fucking a coworker.
Never, ever shit where you eat. It just gets weird. How are you going to be able to view the coming apocalypse objectively if it involves the father of your child?
I've stopped being a neet but it is pretty hard to leave after all those years spent shitposting on this board.
Too many fingers
Historia is good at acting. She probably played happy couple at the beginning but now is just tired of it, since the deed is done
Still better than current status quo.
Kek, there is a conspiration and Historia is a traitor, stop insulting my nosebro
Why would he say Eren's catchprase, then?
And the child is free to live (not for long) in the post-apocalypric world or what?
> EH
> MJ
I'm okay with this.
No no. You are a normalfag. in my eyes, you are lying or just being a fucking shithead. This place is a pit and you are just a fucking lier if then
I bet it's Eren for sure, not only does the child fit perfectly with his words but the pov's of them will happen last so it's perfect way to close it out. The only twist will be Eren is already dead when holding it and everything in his mind or something.
>She probably played happy couple
She did not. Look at her face in the cloaked figure flashback.
Ymirfag hates Historia and Hange
fuck guys I just realized we've got three shifters and a falco that needs a shifter to eat. Here's my idea of how this goes down.
>Warriors gang banging Eren
>just when they finally think they've got em Zeke titanizes literally everyone. Gabi cries like a bitch because muh falco. Reiner lets falco eat him. Porco and pieck either have to retreat with gabi or falco or at least one of them dies in grim fashion.
>Eren radicalizes the remaining the child.
Oh, so fucking her childhood bully is much more comfortable than a person who genuinely cares for her and who they went through a hell with?
Sure Erenfag
>Didn't even bother marrying
>Good at acting
I wish
Does this game has any cute Armin costumes?
We don't see her face when she is actually talking to the farmer. Looking at his body language she doesn't act dead inside or look sad
Eren is going to win this fight, and super-hard. There's literally no way he can lose, he's surrounded by a potential army of titans that will absolutely shred the invaders.
Meanwhile, Porco hits like a little bitch, Pieck doesn't have her armor, and Reiner has a subconscious death wish. When Armin, Mikasa and the others suit up and get involved, it's not even tragic. (Seriously, the Colossal Titan could wipe out the entire fleet by itself.)
The fact that Isayama pulled a childhood bully from the past chapters instead of creating a random character with no past relationship between him and Historia is the key evidence.
I don't understand. LHfags have been spamming this thread with they're delusional since last month but none bats eye. But without even any EH posting, people blame them. Screw your bias. I'm a normal fag but I'll support EH from now onwards.
Not him but he is right, each time I read one of the threads there is an YHfag who insults Historia, of course Eren and Hongo as well.
Dude I saw you basically wishing for Historia hating the baby and the farmer, you get triggered everytime mention the detective meme when some already said they are talking about the obvious accomplice Historia is, you also insulted Pieckfags and Yelenafags and sometimes you insult EMfags just because.
For being so worried about muh female characters you sure don't like any, or just like Ymir and Mankasa.
This ain't a sekrit club anymore you fool, Jesus and, I'm just here for the chapter. After what /pol/ did, Yea Forums is mainstream now.
What would be easier for her? To order that guy (who is indebted to her and literally serves under her) to play the role of her boyfriend or to have sex with him?
Answer honestly, please.
That's just you fingerpointing
LH is like PP or AA, no one fucking cares. But EH has the whole YAAAAASSSS army behind
I really don't understand why people are so unwilling to entertain the idea. It's not implausible.
>Reiner lets falco eat him.
Why are so many retardittors on board with this?
Key evidence to what?
Isayama pulled a random cook for Sasha. It's not unbelievable.
What idea? That Historia became a masochist just of a sudden? It would be difficult to swallow even if it was shown outright, not told through the drunk MPs conversation.
Because Gabi is really, really unlikable. I mean, I can't help but long for her death.
Meanwhile, Falco seems like a basically good kid.
I like LH but I don't think it will happen and I think the father is Eren, but can't discuss much about that here don't know about the others LHbros.
Porco is literally the second best offensive titan, being able to trivialize hardening, reiner is about to dive bomb and both of them have air support. Pieck can't shift because she's chained to gabi so she's going to be out of the fight at least in the beginning. Eren is a badass but he's not getting out of this through grit, it's gonna be through the warriors bumble fucking up their advantage, just like in marley
It's been violently foreshadowed and with falco on his way to becoming a mindless titan it's all but confirmed he's either eating Eren and getting possessed or eating Reiner to protect his gabbo.
I only like Historia and Ymir from the girls. Pieck is fine too
Her "parther" had to be someone she knew. Otherwise a lot more people other than Rogue would have suspected her of the conspiracy.
So you gonna just throw the "sekrit club" card huh. Just realize that this place reeks of shithole, the banner says it as well. If it's all you had to say you could've just admit it or say something else. Nope. You just had to be this leddit nigger. You are part of this shithole. Sadly, ignorant fuck
Did you even read my post? The farmer IS NOT a random, this is the point! He and Historia know each other, and he did some bad things to her in their childhood.
That he isn't the father, because having sex with him specifically would traumatize Historia even more than with some totally random guy.
>not liking Annie
You have to go back
The YHfag only get triggered with the Detective Hange meme.
Or, if she was really down to fuck with a stranger, she could've choose some officer or a noble guy and officially marry him.
Oh shit, I feel like a speedreader for not noticing this
His outfits are pretty soi but that's my opinion and there are good ones.
>That he isn't the father, because having sex with him specifically would traumatize Historia even more than with some totally random guy.
The only reason I think this might be a key evidence is if Historia knew farmer would help her pretend as the father but I don't know, I'm open to all ideas for now since there isn't anything strong to point to one or another.
If Historia stopped playing a loving wife, the farmer isn't very good at that too. When he saw Historia being annoyed, he didn't ask 'what's wrong' or anything, he just told her go back in the house. He is obviously aware of what's going on.
I didn't kill your family. Believe me.
>That sounds kind of retarded
Because it is
Forgot about her, she is fine too.
>Historia knew farmer would help her pretend as the father
Isn't what obvious? He feels guilty, so much he was okay with helping in the orphanage for years. If Historia offered him an atonement in exchange for playing the role, he jumped at this chance obviously.
Eren vs Porco, Pieck, and Reiner, with Zeke showing up halfway through and saving Eren.
>Disliking Hanjo when she was doing all she could to protect Historia
I thought dykes liked "strong" women
Eren vs zeke with reiner trying to get where they are
I wouldn't say it's obvious but yes it's possible but without more details around the story It's hard to gauge. We will in 2020 since the battle between RE is just starting.
Why is this game just another dumb bandai anime action title...
It should've been a dating sim game(
based and redpilled
Ok, kid?
Hongo died for the dyke the moment of that page checking Eren looking at Historia
When was that the carriage scene with Rod?
After Pieck
Based retardittor using his preferences.
Why can't Falco eat Zeke or Armong?
Damn straight
Annie a shit
Chapter 107
Is this Annie?
She looks pretty great too.
I don't know, she just isn't my type personality and character design wise. It's the crazy scientist moments that ruined it for me
Oh I thought they started to hate her earlier and wasn't sure the moment kek
Damn boy, nigga got destroyed!!
>Blond hair in a bun
>11/10 bod
>11/10 booty
>Literally says "Leonhart" on the back of her biker outfit
>Is this Annie?
I want mikasa as my breeding slave. Then her sons get castrated and her daughters get grommed to be the ultimate sex slaves.
>No timeskip Eren
>Dating sim game
No thanks
Shit taste but I forgive you. In my case I liked Ymir before. Plus Hange is more than the crazy scientist.
Maybe he just forgot her last name since she stopped being a relevant character many many years ago?
Fuck off Historia, it's time for you to shit out this fucking baby already.
Fuck your shitty meme
This style is before reddit
It's called MLA
I'm and EHchad and I like Hanji. Other EHchads said it was going to be Nile but I always believed Hanji would reveal Eren fucked Historia over and over with love.
Well, would be boring if everyone had the same taste
This. What's the point if you can't even romance Hoboren as an OC nurse from the asylum or Manbunren as an aspiring Jeagerist officer?
I hate Annie and I hope she kicks the bucket before she goes out to piss every single Anniefag over.
Bruh, she's looking at him like walking garbage and she couldn't even be arsed to marry him despite being supposedly "in love" and preggo with his kid. How would she justify that choice in your opinion?
Eren is not a manwhore like Grisha though. He is a expecting father.
Historia doesn't hate farmer, she is just bored. Farmer supports EH. Seriously is not that hard to see
On the bright side, she's unlikely to be freed. We know that the Jaw Titan's claws and teeth are the only thing that can break the crystal, and Porco is going mano-a-mano with Eren. He'll either die (and get devoured), retreat or be devoured by Armin.
None of them have any interest in freeing Annie, because they're going to have to eat her.
>Butthurt Anniefag
Annie deserves assrape, then death.
Zeke has to live long enough to get power fucked by eren and Armin has to live long enough to sperg over annie.
It's not rape if you concent to it, user.
Historia and Hange are a lot better than Ymir
And Reiner has to live long enough to resist the Yeager assault. Falco might not even eat anybody at all.
>Dumblr loves Eren
Highly debatable. He's a very controversial character on there, even moreso now that he's killed civvies and been mean to AM, not to mention the whole Historia business that could possibly destroy muh LGBT representation. I guess being paired up with Manlet who's unconditionally worshipped and his overall popularity as the MC save him a bit.
>And Reiner has to live long enough to resist the Yeager assault.
but he's not there for that. he's there to save falco and gabi. one of which is gonna be a mindless titan.
Bros, is it just me or the panels with Reiner and Eren are the most kino panels in the manga?
I just don't understand why he's being mean to them. It seems to serve no tactical purpose whatsoever. One way or another, it would make far more sense to have them on his side.
I mean, he's known them forever. Armin and Eren, working together, can take on a small country and win. Mikasa is a whirlwind of death. There's no sane reason to alienate them.
you're reaching. you're going to disappoint yourself.
Getting old now, hope this is the last one.