
>hitori bocchi
So it's ok to have crippling autism if you're a cute girl?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Senryuu Shoujo - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.45_[2019.04.06_07.07.52].jpg (1280x720, 537K)

It's always been ok to have crippling autism as a cute girl.


As long as you're younger than 15.

It's ok to have crippling autism, period. I mean, we exist after all.

>So it's ok to have crippling autism if you're a cute girl?
Even a cripple is ok if you're a cute girl.

Yes women and female characters get away with far more. Are you ten?

Cute is justice.

If you are past a certain level of cuteness, your crippling autism will only enhance it!

It is like a dress
It is cutest on a girl
Trash when on a man

>So it's ok to... if you're a cute girl?
Name something that isn't OK if you're a cute girl.

yes its moe

Being used goods

You can always get away with everything if you're a cute girl.

Having a penis


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That's just a cute boy.

Being used goods is the result of women using their pussy to trade/demand for things.

I agree. That's better than OK

Being bald


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Don't forget

Being awkward is cute if you're a girl and creepy if you're a guy.

>So it's ok to have crippling autism if you're a cute girl?
yes. everything is fine if you are hot

chotto toire

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Senryuu Shoujo - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.15_[2019.04.06_09.48.25].jpg (1280x720, 299K)

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senryuu shoujo good
hitori bocchi bad

Bocchi does something to overcome it, unlike (You).

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 01 [1080p].mkv - 0017.jpg (1920x1080, 265K)

smallpox exists doesn't mean we shouldn't have wiped it out

2d autism = cute.
3d autism = disgusting.

You could've removed autism and nothing would've changed.


Literally everything is OK for cute girls. It's life on maximum easy mode. You could become a mass murderer and guys would pay your bail and the judge would sentence you to just a bit of community service for your crimes at most as long as you're a cute girl.

Did you know that male mass murdered have female fans, to the point they want to get impregnated by him? I believe there were some death-row marriages too. Females.

This is the most turn off thing.

Yes. Because nobody thinks it's autism if it's on a girl.

When does this show air? Also on Friday?

It's also OK to be creepy as long as you are handsome and rich.
More news at eleven.

>MC has no friends
>MC's VA has 0 previous named roles
>MC's VA sounds like shit
>MC's VA might never get a main role ever again
What did C2C mean by this?

Literally nothing

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people with serious mental issues attract each other so there is no surprise about that.