Post dead Anime girls.
Post dead Anime girls
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Who is this handsome boi ??
The show tried to tell me they weren't dead, but they're totally dead.
me :3
Is she okay?
>still warm
Good enough.
>he doesn't know
user I...
It still hurts
One of those isn't a girl though user
just because Tae is a mindless zombie doesn't mean she isnt a girl
Don't do this to me
>Her last words were about wanting to start a family and continue her VA career
Aniki ;_;
Step the fuck up.
Post the manga pic you fag
Make an ad for Beats headphones outta that
Mooty-kun is alive and having gay sex
She gets to be a cute AI it's not that bad user
Here you go
I miss them both.
I haven't played Priconne yet, what happened?
My neck is still itchy.
Literally can't get anymore dead deadface than this
She's not dead, she's undead.
She's not technically dead though
>they don't know about the true ending
This is what happens when you only watch the shitty anime, go playthrough the S;G VN
user the anime covers the true ending and the 0 anime is better than the VN The original has a better VN than anime though
What a stupid thread. Anime girls shouldn't die. They should be happy for all eternity.
Some should die. Unfortunately the ones who should don't.
well, at least we can pretend theyre all still alive
>Should be the female protagonist.
>Lose all her fights.
>Dies two times before the ending.
The biggest jobber of the last years.
Cute jobber
You're saying that as if Ayumi did anything wrong.
What's the point of killing main characters?
Killing them means killing your merch sales
user I don't appreciate that
Didn't even realise Miyu voiced her.
Why did he die? It just doesn't make sense, that kind of random, pointless death just should not have happened.
This is a good thread I wish I was them
wtf I don't remember Reimu getting killed
welcome to reality, people die when you least expect it
too soon ;_;
shouldn't have violated NAP
they're unironically in heaven in the shimeji simulation
>tfw 8 min of ultimate despair
I played the game and know what was going to happend, but I wasn't ready for this. Way too cruel from what I imagined back then.
Still hurts, as much as a laughing stock DR3 was that was brutal.
Saved this a few months ago, not sure if its true
the classroom massacre was funny though
I that a rayquaza?
Only the best ?
Good thread
Cute girls dying is cute :-;
Can we conclude that she was a rape victim?
No, its a great thread. anime girls are incredibly cute when they die :3
I hope there not though..
I wish I was cute
I wish I was dead
Most likely but its her own fault for being so sexy
Heres one i guess ;3
god I wish that were me
I fuckin love seeing anime girls dead
What's with her hands here? I've noticed that some people with cerebral palsy hold their hands like this.
Same :3
Your mom didn't love you
rigor mortis
she has been there for at least 4 hours undiscovered
Good thing I'm an orphan then
Hmm but shes not actually dead
haha you're a bastard
I don't have webm of her dead body on this PC
FINND ITT (it looks like it would be cute)
Same thing. She classifies as dead. Undead are just dead beings being moved around by a soul/will/magic.
is she even dead?
Hmm doesnt really look the part xD
doesnt work that way, she should have her hands extended, rigor mortis only make your whole body stiff, doesnt flex your hands
Delete this
first post WORST post
She wasn't the only one to perish
Who else does then?
That's pretty hot
Я знаю что ты горишь.webm
More Ryona
yo what the fuck
John Mugencel?
Used to make dead/dying girl threads on /c/ about 10 years ago. Haven't seen one of his threads in years.
To draw in retarded edgefags
its cute for girls to die though.
на что она расчитывала против кадрового офицера
I rest my case.
Streaming dishonours her. Buy or download her anime.
But do girls die? thats the real question
> streaming spic
Why live ?
Perche la creature non puo distinguire tra l'italiano e la spagnola?
This isn't correct Italian
>expecting a self-hating amerimutt to distinguish anything other than Ebonics.
More drownings please
that's sick, shithead scum
Has an anime girl ever died of blunt force trauma leading to brain death? I'm sick of all these slices and bullets.
Begone dyke.
Southern Europeans are all basically spics.
She,s dead in the undead abomination sense and in the 774 will never return to draw lewds after going legit sense
Yeah. That's how ghosts work.
> that male ahegao
> the way she calls him boy
> the dog thing
It's too cute for me to masturbate to unless I'm very horny. Same with pic related. I hate this problem.
noooooooooooooo ;-;
its a fucking google image
How in the name of all holy fuck am I the first to post this?
> he doesn't have an image of Anna
That's an ever bigger dishonour.
Fuck you I'm going to delete my downloads and stream this show exclusively now.
because no one wanted to post that
fuck you, user
Well yeah, she did everything wrong. Especially in Book of Shadows and Blood Drive
Literally just Google image search
Only smiles now.
Quid faciam?
>I went to Scarborough Fair and all I got was this lousy broken heart.
pokemon manga is hardcore as fuck.
dead inside
>cucked into faggotry
She literally killed her sister by being a complete fucking idiot. It's been a while since I played Blood Drive and I don't feel like playing it again because it sucked and the first part of it was a snooze fest but if I remember correctly she was pretty much responsible for things almost getting fucked up to begin with due to the fact that, again, she's a fucking idiot.
Now I'm sad
huh huh waht uh mes
How come no one has posted Tayuya yet?
How do we know all these girls are dead if we didn't see them evacuate their bladders?
still, F
I wonder why it took so long for someone to post this
What a waist.
Man fuck Blood Drive and fuck the final chapter of Book of Shadows. Corpse Party was a dumb fun game and they had to ruin it with magical girls and nonsensical plot twists. Hopefully Corpse Party 2 will be fun when it fucking releases
I see what you did there!
She deserved a larger role ... in a better manga/anime.
She deserved better, if only she had actually looked for it.
fucking ace, lol'd hard
Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu
> dumb thot who goes around moralizing on Instagram about how daemons are people too
She absolutely deserved it.
you cruel demon
>moralizing on Instagram about how daemons are people too
>She absolutely deserved it.
No, if anyone deserved something like that, it's Yuasa for pulling that shit and ruining her character (among other things).
I can't believe Miyu is dead!
This Triggers the Grandpa.
Best robo waifu
Wasn't even alive in the first place.
Incest is best.
Incest is best V2
did they ever reveal what animal she was supposed to be?
Incest is best V3
Grandma dies of old age at 30.
That death is even more awful if you keep reading the LN.
Quality loli suffering: The Animation
Those eyebrows were too soft to live.
Season 2 never ever ;_;
Paging Dr. Gil to ER.
I always forget if they were both boys or if they were a boy and a girl with reversed clothes.
Please enlighten me user.
Yomi ;_;
You forgot the hottest imouto from a shitty anime.
>HEAD over to shop now
think I wouldn't notice?
top lel
meant for
Have dying Mine as an apology. Really not my day.
Her blood was already blue so she was over the 50% corruption threshold and yet didn't transform.
Later in the LN you learn that most top 100 or top 50 initiators are actually well over 50% corruption but didn't transform for some reason, it just happens at random if you're lucky: she killed herself for absolutely nothing, she wasn't going to transform into a gastrea anyway.
How about some classic dead loli.
Thanks for the reminder.
If you can't guess this I don't know what the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums you stupid nigger
He was too pure for this world.
What I Am Fighting For!
at least she got the live in the manga and taking the dragon dick every night
Is this the girl from Medoka Box? She truly RIP?
Thats a quality loop.
>Mine as an apology
She survived though. (Anime ending doesn't count.)
>and the 0 anime is better than the VN
Oh my god imagine being this much of a tasteless faggot.
user, no
And this is the thread for dead anime girls, not dead forever anime girls.
If anyone has the sauce for pic related please tell me
Ice that melted in the sun.
No idea, but it looks like a Visual Novel. Maybe you can find the character in if you search for the right traits (they don't have everything tagged properly though) Maybe start with "Subject of: Death".
stop it
Restart anime never
She lives in one of the endings of the game
Based fug
Stop user just stop.
Yup, delicious waist. Sad that the author was such a literal faggot that he killed all the best girls or turned them into fat slobs.
The moment I dropped that series, fuck that hack writer she does that shit ever fucking time. Always killing best girls. Never again.
I just wanted comfy loli fun. Why did it have to be this way...
i like this thread
Well, the only character in Dragonball that never died is Mr Satan.
I'm mad they didn't go through with it and ass pulled a happy ending. They should of went into the traitor route.
straight up one of the most brutal deadfaces I've seen even in edgier anime
Why is there a kid on the front lines?
The ship they've been trying to survive in finally got boarded by the guys they've been running away from the entire series, it's literally their last stand.
I believe only a single named character wasn't shown being killed, every other character is explicitly killed onscreen before the universe blows up
Why there aren't more kids in ours?
>Tfw animation from 14 years ago was better than FMP Invisible Victory completed just a year ago.
Shit mang, there were more deaths from drive-bys than actual giant mecha combat. Should've been called Mobile Suit Gundam: Chicago.
the entire scene was so fucking stupid. I'm still mad.
she is sooo fucking dead!
wtf is this?
How the fuck was she the only one that got knocked up anyways? Did hakuoro shoot blanks all the time or something?
didn't wet herself, can't fap
She is technically undead.
Imagine a school shooting slice of life anime, i'd watch it.
This still hurts because I always felt she was the most valuable member.
>watching the fucking danganronpa anime
I only played the game, but I know it has an anime. At least Sakura's story seems to be the same.
HAHAHA, its funny cause you thought it was a romantic comedy then everyone dies
Pixiv is a messed up place
She still managed to cuck all the other female characters.
Hopefully not right?
I don't know if I would say she cucked them, afterall everyone had sex with him. She was just the only one to pop out a baby.
So how many times did she die by the end of it all?
Before that she posted about being super excited her friends brought her a cake which she wasn't supposed to be eating but has some anyways.
Why couldn't it be me that was fed a cake that fucking killed me instead of someone who had a good life ahead of her
Nah she had a misdiagnosed rare disease that the shitty jap healthcare system was unprepared for even when they figured it out. I'm glad she had some cake with her friends one last time.
She'll be back in S2.
I feel like I understand these conspiracy theories surrounding David Geffen. It's like he's a more evil version of Suge Knight.
At least the bus sluts lived
Waith they were actually dead?
I wish i was cute so i could die.
Good thread
Didn't she start transforming though? or am I thinking of another monsterloli
Waith a minute, that art.
High school of the death? shame the creator died too.
what the fuck is this pic from?
god damn it user why did you have to remind me
Naruto gacha game exist?
Why you gotta pick on Tae like that
hot, I'd fuck 10/10
Brain-dead at least
The anime fucked up that last scene so bad with the float effect on that jump. The ambiguity is what happened after they ran away together, not whether they died right there or not. It's literally a 10 foot drop.
Here you go.
Mamiina, why?
Cinnamon bun, too pure.
Man I still remember the rage
>Did you fix that car yet?
her name is frenda ^^
Frenda. Obviously.
I don't get this meme. This guy is always posted on this site, who is he?
RIP in pieces, my late daughter
Fren/ /da
Why not post her actually dead? Not like she doesn't keep doing that. Coma actually improved her life expectancy.
thank you for the spoilers, fag
Muslim astronauts
I think I have to remind everyone, OP said cute
He didn't. Are you taking any drugs, user?
lol, keep playing
not dead
She's a zombie. Undead counts as dead.
>Doesn´t know the creator of the site or anything surroinding him
Literally get off the site, you don´t belong here newfags
Three days left
no one posted mitty?
she just wanted to get married
Shit, image limit
I'd call you retarded for falling for shit tierr bait but these days I don't even know what's a shitpost and what isn't anymore.
What show is catloli with gun. Does she shoot herself?
Based comrades.
HxH, no he/she was beaten to death by an enraged boy.
Tayuya was the best thing in Naruto. But I think she's lucky to have died. Who knows what Kishimoto would have done to her had she lived. I mean ... Anko, Tenten, Ino ... look at what fates they got.
Raynare from HDxD.
If he was smart enough to not kill her off, he would have been smart enough to know how to not to ruin her.
Since it's made by yyh creator, they just get genkai'd back, right?
[Spoiler]right? ;_;[/spoiler]
All the ifs, user, all the ifs.
I just wish she'd happened to come from another mangaka's mind. She had so much potential!
Yes, but it's tricky to think what she would have done after the timeskip if she lived, either remain loyal to Orochimaru and try to oppose Sasuke since he killed him or Naruto and friends since they killed her squad members, or she would joined Sasuke.
Likely not unfortunately, most villains that died in yyh [Ex: Toguro squad, Sensui] were not brought back, Pituo needed more chapters.
She obviously had some chemistry (or at least deep mutual respect) with Shikamaru. And Orochimaru was willing to kill her. Kimimaro even threatened to kill her. So I do think she could have easily been swayed to switch sides, just for some emotional reasons and connections formed. Her loyalty could have provided some interesting inner conflict: Therein lies a huge part of her potential. No matter where she ends up, a good author would have explored such things.
My problem is not even that she dies - many great characters die in other works I've read or seen - but her death wasn't in any way meaningful. It just wasted all the potential that she had.
Yes, that was unfortunate, she was later brought back in two filler episodes in the anime for more screentime with the other members to fight their former rivals via a vengeful amp.
RIP in pieces
not everyone has lived on this site for 10 years closetfag. Get over your feigning superiority complex and kys
>she was later brought back in two filler episodes
Yeah, I heard about that. But by that time, I had already dropped Naruto. I think it became too silly for me when it shamelessly copied HxH's nen test. It was around that time that I also realized that I didn't care for the characters the author was willing to explore and that the characters I found interesting (other than Tayuya) wouldn't get much attention from him.