For me, it's Hassu!

For me, it's Hassu!

Attached: D3DsHi8VYAAlh85.jpg (1444x2048, 159K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why is hassu so self-conscious? Always wearing that mask and the scarf covering her body, and even in the beach episode with that white hoodie. Is she hiding something?

For me, it's Namiko.

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Attached: Object.png (1035x1500, 1.08M)

Jesus, is she thiccer than Rikka thigh wise?

Attached: thighssss.jpg (1559x1560, 274K)

She has nothing remarkable, a forgettable side character

True patrician taste

I have a tie fetish


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She is great

Attached: 74045530_p0.jpg (1000x1414, 409K)

>tie fetish
I may be confused because I don't really have any fetishes but this one genuinely confuses me. What the hell can you even do with a thigh?

More girls should wear surgical masks. Why isn't it more common outside of Japland?

what's the tag for it on pixiv and sadpanda?

Good taste.

unremarkable taste

Attached: 71918881_p0.jpg (1000x1414, 540K)

are her hands ok

Attached: DtKdk5QVsAA-qNl.jpg (567x709, 38K)

Hass is my favorite character, but I really liked the last audio drama that confirmed Akane was straight, that was definitely my favorite part of Gridman

Second part translation when?

>2nd part

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goddammit i just fapped

Such shame~

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Holy fuck her thighs.

For me, it's Samurai Calibur.

Attached: 72786972_p3.jpg (700x836, 158K)

It's a shame you're so literally retarded and obsessed with shitposting. The rest of us have to deal with your deranged nonsense.

The last voice drama (not audio drama, they are different things), didn't confirm anything of this sort. Which you know, but you just don't care because all you want to do is shitpost and "troll".

>rest of us
No, only you

No, "rest of us" is correct. Everyone would actually rather have good threads, discussion of the series, and new translated content. No one actually values your obsessives and autistic shitposting. People actually want to use this board what it was meant for. Shocking, right?

Yuta is so lucky

>gets mad and triggered as fuck because someone told him to stop shitposting
>is now desperate to post anything he can that he thinks will hurt and upset people
As always, your life is just such a joke.
How can you possibly not understand that when it's obvious you're trying to upset people, they're not going to get upset. The concept of rational thought is just totally lost on you.

Wrong because you are the only one who shits in these threads, especially about new content such as translations of voice drama and manga

Attached: x1 (1).png (840x1200, 460K)

So based from the last voice drama, she's still conflicted about her feelings right?

Attached: 74058483_p0.jpg (1920x1431, 573K)

No, it's pretty clear that she craves Yuta cock

>going out of your way to post twice in the same minute just because you're so desperate to look like more than one person
Again, your life is just so sad and pathetic.
>shits in
I can't help but laugh at your blatant ESL nonsense.

Sure is funny how you don't blame the "other person" who literally admitted "he" is trying to ruin threads on purpose. And the only time you'll accuse someone of trying to ruin threads is when it's "ack" (everyone) telling you to stop trying to shitpost with shipping cancer.

It should be, then maybe colds wouldn't get spread around so easily.

Nope, based on the last voice drama, she literally laughs at the idea of Yuta liking her.

Man even the Japs in my city have it all right
>Slav squat while waiting for the train
>Surgical masks to stop the spread of illness and also looks cute on all genders
>Fashionable as fuck
>Most of them like anime
>Even the awkward fucks have friends in the fellow japs
Compare it to everyone else maybe the west could learn a thing or two from them.

Female:Masked face

Good taste. Cute tomboy is cute.

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Imagine having to reply to your own posts and call them "based" because you know everyone hates you.

>Hass the harasser

It's time for Rikka to take her meds

Does it suck knowing you fail at everything in your life?

anyone have the pic of akane at the very end when the radiator disappeared?

Attached: 72228538_p1.jpg (729x1032, 114K)

Kinda yes but there's one thing i never fail to accomplish.
You more than anyone should know that.

Attached: sg091.jpg (599x296, 33K)

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True, you never fail at failing. Or fail at making yourself look retarded.

Attached: DvE9s63UUAAbnca.jpg (1460x2048, 307K)

>one thing
>names two things
see that's why you are outsmarted so easily

>you can't add more things i fail at or you're out smarted
Imagine being this retarded.
Sure is funny how the "image spammer" and the "troll" always show up at the same time.

okay i see you are kinda slow user so im going to give you a hint, it has to be with "replying".

As you've been told many, many thousands of times before. You are not "making" anyone reply. Replying to tell off shitposters is the normal state of reality, it's not a result of your actions.
And of course, "replies" mean nothing, you're just obsessed because this is all you have in your life.

air conditioner*

I used to wear one while I was in Japan, and Koreans wear them all the time too, but I didn't see them as much in China. International students wear them in the U.S. sometimes.

Attached: 1554210091632.webm (678x1080, 2.65M)

that is one thicc babymaker

her cute tummy rolls. pretty selfish if u ask me desu

>Shitposter makes post
>X person sees post
>Replies to shitposter
> "me replying it's not a result from your actions!!1"
Do you like Trigger studio? because i love the triggered studio.

Imagine being so retarded you don't understand cause and effect. Imagine being and genuinely consumed with trying to make people mad as you are.

Considering that a number of anontachi like her she's everything but forgettable.

Trigger studio makes the best canon couples.

Attached: studio_trigger_logo_by_boopjupy-day815x-e1517312978234.png (1024x261, 12K)

Attached: 45737050_389763768232420_3430972406913049343_n.jpg (1014x1263, 90K)

I wanna see Hassu and Rikka scissoring.

i would

Hahah, look at how fucking desperate you are to try and "trigger" people.

It's what she's known for.

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God I love masks so much

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he sure is

>l- laughing at me means ur mad!
Hahahaha, you're life is just such a massive joke.
All you can do is try to delude yourself into thinking other people are upset.
It's the only way you can cope.

>his "durrr based xddd" post gets deleted
>he replies to him own "durrr yuta lucky lol" post again
>tries to pretend he's an "epic troll" that "triggers" everyone
I literally can't stop laughing at you.

Attached: 308fac8c59c7229c89bf62e8f743e327.jpg (965x724, 121K)

fuck off crossboarder scum

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Now, imagine that water bottle as Yuuta's dong.

Pic related.

Attached: 1551805252496.png (1280x449, 473K)

Not yet, not yet.

Attached: 1551531164757.png (1066x780, 760K)

I'm curious to see the canon OTP of Promare

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Attached: IMG_20181113_131112.jpg (600x400, 72K)

>Heart Pupils


didnt read lmao

I wish I were Yuta..

akane is the cutest

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Hass seems like the kind of girl who'd pay a shota with computer parts to play with his little wiener.

Attached: 1541333917985.jpg (1000x2120, 331K)

Just imagine how fucked up your life has to be to actually want to act this way. Austin spends hours and hours and years of his life trying to "troll" and he constantly fails at it. All he can do is delude himself into thinking that if someone replies they MUST be upset.

>tfw Utsumi is watching your streams

Attached: 72171552_p0.png (1240x697, 769K)

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dear lord in heaven

What did trigger mean by this?

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mods should just start deleting/autosaging gridman threads at this point, they already do it with gochiusa and these threads are far worse

Why? These threads are fun.

This anime is an average run to the mill Kaijū anime. But the girls are top tier

Attached: 1542152044328.jpg (750x1000, 452K)

What's the point? He'd just move to another series anyway.

What did Trigger mean by fan art that was drawn by an artist who didn't even finish the show? Trigger meant nothing by that.

You on the other hand are retarded enough to think changing the file name of the image you constantly spam will make it look like someone other than you posts it.

Or, you know, just ban Austin, the one person who's always responsible for threads being bad.

Why did you reply to those post a second time, Austin?
Everyone knows you're the problem. You literally admit you're trying to shit up threads.

Just imagine how fucked up your life has to be to actually want to act this way. Austin spends hours and hours and years of his life trying to "troll" and he constantly fails at it. All he can do is delude himself into thinking that if someone replies they MUST be upset.

Attached: RikkaBrushingHerHair.png (1280x1198, 1.37M)

Had a good sleep?

People have been telling you off the whole thread.
And it sure is funny how you never go "durrr have good sleep lol xddd" after your threads die off from no one at all bumping them because YOU fall asleep and are literally no longer able to bump them from page ten over and over.

Attached: 72462139_p0.jpg (950x1000, 587K)

>autistically just spamming images in a desperate attempt to keep your shit thread alive

isn't it curious that nobody has been "told off" for 4 hours straight?
By the way, that's not an healthy night of sleep, you're seriously overworking yourself.


Attached: cute couple.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

Does enjo kousai tipically implies sex, or just dating?

Attached: rikk.jpg (850x1308, 167K)

Speaking of which, /u/fags started their crackship thread on /u/ again even after being btfo'd by the last voice drama

Imagine making this many posts all for the sake of "trolling" and trying to "trigger" people.

Austin, you stay away for days at a time just to bump your own thread so you can pretend like you're more than one person. And the threads 99% of the time die before bump limit anyway because you fall asleep.

>xdd lol i said lol so that make me look liek some1 new!

You do realize that you changing between typing with capital letters and not typing with capital letters fools no one into thinking you're more than one person, right?

The only one who got blown the fuck out is you. Because you literally destroyed your own life in an attempt to "troll" on Yea Forums.

>he doesn't ship rikka with yuta

Attached: smugrikka.jpg (1200x675, 59K)

>he spends literally his whole life trying to "troll" on Yea Forums
>he has to delude himself into thinking he makes people mad

Attached: 73300781_p0.png (499x566, 204K)

>xdd lol holy shit im epic i reposted the same image over and over again!

>He ships anyone with Rikka



Trigger pulling the trigger, what else?


Attached: 1551782340655.png (600x847, 179K)

So cute! But where the fuck is Yuta on that picture?

here my friend, here.

Attached: 1551780092000.png (840x1200, 460K)


So cute! Thank you!

Attached: rikka.jpg (750x1061, 62K)

Just imagine how fucked up your life has to be to actually want to act this way. Austin spends hours and hours and years of his life trying to "troll" and he constantly fails at it. All he can do is delude himself into thinking that if someone replies they MUST be upset.

he's fucking the other girls off-screen

Attached: Dwqdw2OWoAE0tM4.jpg (1200x960, 166K)

I want Rikka to kill me with her thighs so I won't have to suffer through these threads.

I will save this thread with Rikka's thighs!

Attached: 1540915017153.jpg (850x1202, 127K)

Attached: rikka2.jpg (834x1236, 73K)


Thanks for the good content, user!

Maybe in raw diameter, but Rikka's waist is smaller and her hips are better formed so it looks better.

I love Akane

Why is she so SMUG?

nice donald trump hands

>kengo does not draw Namiko at all

Attached: __hassu_ssss_gridman_drawn_by_kengo__83ff6dcd1776948321250cbcb74df767.jpg (722x1024, 97K)


She saw yuta's cock

then why is Rikka so fond to him?

Attached: 3595_PcEWs9QL.png (600x600, 113K)

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>Replying to tell off shitposters is the normal state of reality

Cute and canon.

They make a good couple.

Attached: 1551807702948.jpg (972x1296, 137K)

I miss gridman. He was a true bro.

Always see it occasionally in greenwich

God i love canon couples so much

Would work as a warmup for Yuta and Utsumi.


Just imagine how fucked up your life has to be to actually want to act this way. Austin spends hours and hours and years of his life trying to "troll" and he constantly fails at it. All he can do is delude himself into thinking that if someone replies they MUST be upset.

Imagine being so obsessed and pathetic you just spam short one word replies to your own posts because you know literally no one at all likes you or will ever give you that positive attention that you want.

Attached: 1455908815595.webm (480x270, 326K)

Imagine being !Akemi and having your whole life revolve around and be obsessed with "ack" to the point you ruin yourself.

>thread watcher tells me I have an answer
>get excited
>It's just this shit


>xddd lol holy shit i epic troll i said kek
Nah, you're just a pathetic retard. And you're the only one actually bumping this garbage thread.

>who is definitely real and is one person

>replying to your own post
>thinking this "triggers" anyone
Why do you refuse to accept that you making yourself look (and be) retarded "triggers" no one?

>keeps going on and on about how he is "not triggered"

How to spot a triggered person.

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imagine getting crushed by these

Attached: 1549433140633.webm (578x1080, 1.15M)

Imagine having a threesome with them.

delicious rikka's thighs

Attached: 74019420_p0.png (1566x2253, 701K)

Just imagine how fucked up your life has to be to actually want to act this way. Austin spends hours and hours and years of his life trying to "troll" and he constantly fails at it. All he can do is delude himself into thinking that if someone replies they MUST be upset.

Imagine being so obsessed and pathetic you just spam short one word replies to your own posts because you know literally no one at all likes you or will ever give you that positive attention that you want.

Laughing my ass off

Attached: 1552393423670.png (1280x720, 723K)


Don't you feel pathetic for your whole life being based around you deluding yourself into thinking you're an "epic troll"?


Really, what went so wrong with your life that you had to become so consumed with "ack"? No, really, what?
You literally refuse to just post and act like a sane and rational person. No one else acts like you.

Attached: SSSS Gridman - 08 - Large 40.jpg (1280x720, 124K)


she slaps, she harasses

Attached: 1552393503992.gif (500x405, 182K)


Really, what went so wrong with your life that you had to become so consumed with "!Akemi"? No, really, what?
You literally refuse to just post and act like a sane and rational person. No one else acts like you.


Man, remember when you, !Akemi, used to spend dozens of hours a day trying to shitpost that this change in the ED somehow meant something important because it says "so beautiful" when Yuta looked at Rikka?

Just imagine how much less shit your life could be if you were sane.

You're just so fucking insane and want your shit thread to be alive so badly.

No one is obsessed with you, !Akemi. Everyone wants you dead and gone. That's the exact opposite of being obsessed with you.
Telling a shitposter to stop ruining threads is not insane or irrational. You aren't just owed or obligated your safe space.


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What would Yuuta think about his girlfriend exposing her panties like this?

I want her to sit on my face.

Attached: 1550356360270.jpg (1280x1280, 249K)

That Rikka has nice thighs and that ACK needs to be euthanized like a rabid pet.

He's fine with it. As long as he gets his share along Jamal

That escalated quickly.

Attached: 1551740243594.jpg (1280x720, 118K)



all me

Do you think rikka swallows?

didn't you say mods dont ban him anymore?

Tourist here
What's up with the angry fujo mass quoting people?

He's a yuritard.

Cute panties!

>deny claims by showing fanart

Attached: 1550837292169.jpg (1920x1080, 56K)

>xd lol if i use some Yea Forums shitposting meme that will make me look like som1 new!
>xddd lol look every1 think ur mad lol!!!!
Nah. Still obvious who you are. You are the only person who tries to lie over the internet like this.

Just imagine how fucked up your life has to be to actually want to act this way. Austin spends hours and hours and years of his life trying to "troll" and he constantly fails at it. All he can do is delude himself into thinking that if someone replies they MUST be upset.


Yes, everyone knows you're obsessively consumed with just trying to have the last word.

hold on let me-

Attached: 1551735650264.jpg (900x600, 277K)

cute and canon


>All he can do is delude himself into thinking that if someone replies they MUST be upset.

Attached: 1554115878329.gif (647x363, 650K)

this thread is literally all me

all me

Attached: 1551913322151.jpg (776x1024, 138K)

all me
this post was also made by me

Attached: 1545076120318.png (1920x1080, 2.81M)

all me

literally me

Attached: 1437127804372.jpg (960x800, 224K)

I like this

What they should actually do is add post filters for "!Akemi" "Troid" and even "ACK" so that you automatically get an 1 day off-topic ban when you try to post it.

I like these too but YuutaxRikka is also good.

oh la la la, mais oui !

Being a cute tomboy is suffering.

Attached: 1540074220967.jpg (577x800, 66K)

This pairing was literally made for 3Ps with me.

How sad, your mental faculties have degenerated to the point where your mind can barely be considered human.

It must be quite a struggle going senile in your 30's.

Is this canon? wow

he has the face of a man that has been drained every single day by a semen demon

pretty much yup
shes always loved her; thats why madoka gets so mad at her letting her die

i cant have friends because then they'd get in contact with my sister
shes all mine

why would anybody believe that this is a yuri show?

Gridman is not nor has it ever been a yuri show

A sequel with anti when

I'm gonna be honest, the reveal that everyone is a compoid designed to love Akane no matter what kind of fucked with me hard I was waiting the entire show for it to be revealed that lolikaiju was wrong somehow but it was played totally straight and I found it really hard not to see the other characters as lesser to Akane.

Attached: akane.jpg (2110x5280, 1.65M)

I dont get what people like about this anime that they keep making threads about it.

The only good thing Trigger has ever made is the beginning of KlK before it became a failed TTGL wannabe. Why is this studio so beloved? When they shit out low quality halfassed shit like Inferno Cop, duuuude its ironically good dont you get it? And when they shit out some shit anime every single time it spawns a terrible community, just look at this thread. Ohhh well, would still be bearable because there is plenty of bad anime thats popular on Yea Forums. What bothers me particularly is the yurishittery. Trigger never made and never will make a yuri anime. But no, every single fucking time there is a new Trigger anime, some geniuses pretend it is. Yea Forums has lost its spark many years ago but they even post this shit on /u/. Franxx was particularly bad.

I hope with all my heart that Trigger runs out of the money sad losers gave them for LWA and ceases to exist. They cause nothing but trouble.

only the sexual kind

Attached: 1551814563474.png (1020x1324, 185K)

redpill tastes

Cute and canon

Dangerously thicc.


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chotto matte

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Can jannies ban shipfaggotry from Gridman threads? This shit is insane.

Akane is such a cutie. Every still of her is great.

She's more sexy than cute