Yea Forums

>Yea Forums
>p-pls don't lewd my cute and pure wife!
>also Yea Forums

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I don't fap to my waifu. I only fap to your waifu

>can't bring up my waifu without that meme doujin being referenced

It's almost like people on this board aren't a hivemind

Nice try me.

being a mugifag is suffering

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'no lewd' culture is fucking cancer.
Anime girls are made to be fapped to.

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t. Me


I only like tasteful lewds like sexy poses or outfits.
Maybe art where she's saying or doing something sexy and teasing.
But no sex doujins.


I think you'll find that your average waifufag is extremely horny and only a minority legit think they should have a "pure relationship".

mugi fucks niggers

>girl hates you
>still shows you her pantsu

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Well they are pretty fucking vocal because every single thread on this board comes with a horde of zealots screaming "NO LEWD MY WAIFU IS NOT FOR LEWD SHE IS FOR HUGS FUCK OFF"

Do you think anime girls like being fapped to?

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I can't decide if the maid or the nun made me harder.

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I don't thing 2d images like much of anything really.

They would be extremely grossed out but will also secretly take pride in it because it means they are desired.

Is this from the walking garbage anime?

That's mostly done for attention. If you watch them carefully you'll see that they're actually total pervs like everyone else on Yea Forums. You can tell when they're getting horny in a thread even when they aren't saying anything related to sex because the pictures will become more provocative over time. Their arousal makes the lewder pics in their collections stand out.

The idol droppthe cute act is DIAMONDS

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there's only a small handful of characters I don't like seeing lewded and not because they're muh waifu. Everyone else is fair game.

Let's see some names.

mashiro, nanako (p4), yotsuba, kanna

I fapped to my waifu once and it was awful. It's simply not something you do. Other whores are fine, but not your waifu.

I'm the opposite. Fapping to anything but the thought of consensual lovemaking with her feels like cheating on her.

It's how they get their power

I like the idea of them being overwhelmingly attracted to hopeless nerds who are bad with girls because that's who they were designed for.

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>implying I ever read a doujin with my waifu in it

>Yea Forums is one person

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>Yea Forums isn't one person

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"People" who lewd their waifu should be put to death

So basically children then. That's fair.

Do people really look at pictures of their waifus engaging in sexual activities?

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>Yea Forums isn't all me

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Yea Forums is everyone that posts in Yea Forums except for me

How this make you feel? Kanna was designed by a lolicon autor to be lewded.

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so user should be isekai'd into his waifu's world to get up close and personal with her? Fair enough